My first days of Keto

  • Опубликовано: 25 фев 2024
  • Hi Everyone,
    I haven’t managed an update in a couple days so I’ll concentrate on that today. It was a rough weekend in a number of ways, including a trip to the emergency room (No, I wasn’t the one with the issue) and a couple rounds with my old friend depression. On top of that, I was dealing with the move from my normal diet to a keto friendly diet, which is a challenge.
    I guess I’ll start with the trip to the emergency room. One of my children spent a little too long in the sun on Saturday. The temperature here in Tucson was over 80, even though it’s still February, and it was a little too much for them. They fainted, and when they did, they fell straight onto the sidewalk and bashed their head a bit. The paramedics had to be called, but at least we didn’t need an ambulance, we just had to drive them to the emergency room and let the doctors run some tests. All the tests came back pretty close to normal, but my kid hates needles and they ended up getting stuck with several of them since the nurses couldn’t seem to find a vein. Suffice to say not a fun day for my kid or for the rest of the family. I didn’t hit my numbers or even come close that day.
    Depression has been a factor as well. I can’t describe what depression feels like for other people but for me it feels like I’ve slightly detached from the world. There’s a cloud over my brain and I have a hard time doing everyday activities, such as making these videos. My drive to do things just collapses. It’s been coming on for a while, so I’m not going to blame the change on keto, but that probably didn’t help.
    As for the first few days of Keto, it’s been ok but about as fun as you’d think cutting out most of your foods would be. I’ve kept it up, but I’ve also had trouble hitting what I think are reasonable calories counts. They’ve been a bit low. It isn’t that I’m starving myself so much as trying to shovel a lot of fat into my mouth is not super pleasurable. I do like meat, and don’t mind eating it, but I’ve got a 16 ounce limit on my proteins so I can’t fill up on meat. That leaves fat: heavy cream, cream cheese, sour cream, ranch dressing, butter, and such. I can also eat vegetables, and I have been, but the kind of vegetables I’m allowed don’t exactly drive up the calorie count. I had celery this morning, three stalks, and that equals a total of 17 calories. A cup of lettuce is 5 calories. Six mini cucumbers is 67 calories. Two cups of raw spinach is 25 calories. I can’t count on non-starchy vegetables for more than a few calories. Fat has to make up the rest. I can literally have as much fat as I want, but I don’t really want that much.
    I did make an executive decision to go back to my no-sugar added peanut butter, even though it isn’t on their approved list. It only adds 4 grams of carbs for every 200 calories, and I have yet to go over my 30 gram limit of carbs in a day, so I’d rather be eating something I like.
    That’s where I’m at today. Let’s take a look at the numbers. For the past three days, my calories consumed were 2092, 1504, and 1884. All three of those days involved eating out. I’m pretty sure if I had just stayed home the calories would have been even lower.
    On Friday I walked 11,638 steps and burned 1044 active calories. That was pretty good.
    On Saturday I walked 4280 steps and burned 504 active calories. That was the day of the trip to the emergency room. Even when I got home, I just didn’t feel like do anything.
    On Sunday I walked 10,421 steps for 996 active calories. I fell just a bit close of my 1000 calorie goal, but it was pretty close so I won’t sweat it.
    My weight this morning was 300.4 pounds. I’m getting very close to dropping out of the 300 hundred club into the 200 club, but not quite yet. Fingers crossed I can do it by the end of the month. It’s a good thing there’s an extra day.
    One of the new things I’m tracking is keystones. These are the markers that indicate I’m in Ketogenesis, which means I’m burning fat instead of sugar as my primary fuel source. My high so far has been .4 keytones, which puts me in the “moderate” category. Ideally I need to be between .5 and 3, but I’m new so it may take another few days to get to that level.
    My blood sugar counts the past three days were 131, 115, and 111. None of them are terrible numbers but none of them are great either. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this in the coming days. The hope is that not eating carbs will reduce these numbers.
    That’s it for today. I’ll leave you with my Sir Terry Pratchett quote of the day. This one is from Moving Pictures.
    “The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.”
    That’s it for today, please like, please subscribe, please comment. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Комментарии • 5

  • @user-ft5yn4cb6l
    @user-ft5yn4cb6l 3 месяца назад +2

    Dang, that's a rough weekend. I'm glad child is ok.

  • @The0Patt
    @The0Patt 3 месяца назад +1

    oh my gosh! I'm soory about your rough weekend. Hope child is ok. I find when I go on a limited diet I go through almost a mourning period for a couple days. I miss the super palatable foods. It does get better over time for me

    • @JohnHewittpoewar
      @JohnHewittpoewar  3 месяца назад

      Thanks. Child seems fine. We've given them instructions for next time so they hopefully don't take as bad a spill if it happens again.