Faith Hill on Family, Fears and Fame


Комментарии • 288

  • @novalanktree2342
    @novalanktree2342 11 лет назад +10

    Faith Hill's Christmas concert is the the most beautiful Christmas music I have hears since Nat Kind Cole's Christmas video. Everyone has to sign loud and show how wide their ranges are. I got teats in my eyes at the end of every song she sang. Such a purity of voice. She looked so elegant and beautiful - just breathtaking. The setting, the orchestra, the choir ----- total perfection. I have listened to it every time it comes on the encore broadcasts and tell everyone I know to listen to it. I became paralyzed five years ago and I work very hard to be positive about my new life. I am 667 years old, so it is hard to lose so much of myself at this age,. However, I have challenged myself to never give up. I have kept working; I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for 32 people. I volunteer at the rehab center to help patients who had just begun dealing with this state of being u-able to walk. Even though I am proud of all the fighting I have done and how many victories I have achieved, I have not felt a real sense of joy until I ran into Faith's concert. Her lesson about what love is all about and the pure beauty of her voice and presence, has just brought joy to my heart during this holiday season. I have not felt it in a long time and I thank Faith and everyone who helped her make such a beautiful holiday special for the world to hear. I just had to say thanks you. I cannot get "Baby Changes Everything" out of my heard and how she sang the song from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The world has not seen such beauty in a long time and I thank you all for such a special gift. It is in my heart forever.....
    Love, Nova Lanktree

  • @KellyK387
    @KellyK387 5 лет назад +11

    They’re such a power couple. Soulmates , twin flames, country music icons.

  • @lisamacie2011
    @lisamacie2011 Год назад +2

    Their relationship is a true martiage and love, as far as the fans, family and faith. They are great role modles for people of all ages. Their strengths give the everyday people the want to be better and strive for better things for everyone in the world. Continue your journey and groeing and learning sharing all your milestones!! Your all an insperation!!❤

  • @cieper4735
    @cieper4735 2 года назад +5

    She's Such A Beautiful Queen.

  • @zeebee9356
    @zeebee9356 5 лет назад +38

    She's so classy and inspiring. Her daughters are truly blessed to have for a Mom.

  • @niciheart1598
    @niciheart1598 5 лет назад +7

    She is not at all what I had imagined...I'm so glad I watched these videos...she's so wonderful, so loving, so beautiful...just an awesome human being ♥♥♥

  • @jgarcia6751
    @jgarcia6751 5 лет назад +4

    Before my husband and I got married, he was in mad love with Faith Hill and I was sooo jealous of her because I knew how beautiful and amazing she was and I could never live up to a woman like her!! 20+ yrs later, she hasn't changed! She's still amazing! We both love her!!! Lol

  • @yashimamom
    @yashimamom 6 лет назад +10

    Faith Hill is a Wonderful Woman, a Great Mother and Wife! God Bless her and her family!

  • @carmensmith1453
    @carmensmith1453 5 лет назад +3

    She looks amazing greetings from Tennessee

  • @michaelsegovia4042
    @michaelsegovia4042 5 лет назад +3

    I love her music and her husband's and both together are amazing

  • @g.jeffreypowell270
    @g.jeffreypowell270 Год назад +1

    Have always loved Faith Hill, she is a true Blessings to Country Music

  • @marieclark4609
    @marieclark4609 5 лет назад +6

    Just love Faith Hill she's beautiful inside and out I love her music

  • @MartinHCollection
    @MartinHCollection 9 лет назад +54

    She is a star for me forever... She´s got it all still! She is smart, funny, gorgeous, wonderful vocalist and musician... everything. I just love to be Faith Hill´s fan no. 1 :)

  • @malindajohnson1367
    @malindajohnson1367 5 лет назад +10

    She’s Amazing Beautiful and I love her and Tim!!!!!

  • @valeriecloud7386
    @valeriecloud7386 10 лет назад +15

    She Amazing country singer Amen To Her music nd Many blessings to her Music Keep on Singing...

  • @dgm4738
    @dgm4738 10 лет назад +31

    Kind, sweet, and beautiful on the inside and out - and that divine voice !!!

  • @WintermunkieVR
    @WintermunkieVR 8 лет назад +19

    Will always love faith hill

    • @ms.joanneadomaviciajr3188
      @ms.joanneadomaviciajr3188 5 лет назад

      Valerie Feathers my faith will alwaus be WITH her grandma joanne mariehinman adomavicia jr is true Amen

  • @annmercado4810
    @annmercado4810 4 года назад +2

    She is so much more than just her music.

  • @myrarobinson42
    @myrarobinson42 12 лет назад +10

    Her day in the sun is not over yet. and she is not done.there are so many people who love her and cannot wait for her new music. she does have millions of fans,whether you want to believe it or not.

  • @bekkabramlett5335
    @bekkabramlett5335 6 лет назад +9

    Yes! Everybody-... Faith - really IS that Kind and Beautiful In Person!
    And Lord! Can She Sing LIVE - even Better than on record!
    She’s a true Wonder!⭐️🙏🏼

  • @thenatster4383
    @thenatster4383 4 года назад +11

    I miss seeing Faith performing at the award shows. She has always been one of my favorites!

  • @MadisonZacharias
    @MadisonZacharias 6 месяцев назад +1

    Every time I hear Faith’s voice I just get swept away by her singing. She’s got an awesome voice ❤.

  • @wendygillen539
    @wendygillen539 7 лет назад +6

    Faith you are so amazing, I just love you and Tim.

  • @feeling23again73
    @feeling23again73 4 года назад +3

    She is so good. Love listening to her sing. Love her and Tim singing together.

  • @evamartinez-garza1926
    @evamartinez-garza1926 4 года назад +3

    #FaithHill you will be always be the most beautiful woman of all time in the country music history..I love your songs!!

  • @melindalarsonbopp375
    @melindalarsonbopp375 5 лет назад +2

    Love you Faith and Tim, wishing you both the best

  • @sss151616
    @sss151616 6 лет назад +26

    She's the real deal. Such a sweetheart.

    • @MadisonZacharias
      @MadisonZacharias 4 месяца назад

      I agree. She really is such a sweetheart.

  • @johnbrewer4150
    @johnbrewer4150 4 года назад +9

    She is testament that putting something into marriage and hanging in there when things get tough is what love is really about.

  • @pattidiane
    @pattidiane 8 лет назад +16

    You Go Girl!!! Love you and Tim!!

  • @vitalyziggy1982
    @vitalyziggy1982 12 лет назад +7

    Faith is amazing, been her fan since Breathe, can't wait for her new album to be released

  • @walkingtrails7776
    @walkingtrails7776 5 лет назад +4

    Her Christmas album is AMAZING!

  • @softailspringer9915
    @softailspringer9915 8 лет назад +95

    Beautiful woman, inside and out

  • @Musicgroupie99
    @Musicgroupie99 10 лет назад +13

    The finest looking lady in music. A goodness that comes through in seeing her interviewed or perform.

  • @reneakennedy6575
    @reneakennedy6575 5 лет назад +3

    LOVE me some Faith Hill ❤️❤️❤️

  • @rnstudent1972
    @rnstudent1972 10 лет назад +16

    Faith is beautiful!! Has always and always will be.. My favorite country singer. No one will replace her

    • @VincentLaCross-z2s
      @VincentLaCross-z2s Год назад


  • @gracesangdaan363
    @gracesangdaan363 8 лет назад +2

    The ever inspiring hits of Her, I love most

  • @FO5yr
    @FO5yr Год назад

    I love Faith Hill!!!!! She hss nothing to worry about. Those younger women got nothing on her....never will.....she is a natural and classic beauty.

  • @ms.joanneadomaviciajr3188
    @ms.joanneadomaviciajr3188 5 лет назад +3

    She is my star And strength to go on Amen !!!

  • @lynnetteshaw5265
    @lynnetteshaw5265 9 лет назад +7

    Can't wait to hear this album its been to long and I am so happy she's coming back!

  • @brothertruth627
    @brothertruth627 9 лет назад +21

    Faith even has a beautiful speaking voice.

  • @ruthiomagzz260
    @ruthiomagzz260 11 лет назад +7

    True, THEY are my inspiration

  • @sherrytrenner9452
    @sherrytrenner9452 4 года назад

    Faith and Tim are meant for each other ! They are both so beautiful and so very much in love with each other !!! I love the both of them !!!!

  • @kellieslingland9927
    @kellieslingland9927 10 лет назад +29

    I will be one of the first to buy her new cd. She is amazing I have all her other albums , I've missed her!! She needs to know she has some die hard fans out here still...I love Carrie and Miranda too...but Radio needs Faith back !!!

    • @1besieged
      @1besieged 8 лет назад +3

      Faith is the best. I love her music.

    • @candylee8253
      @candylee8253 5 лет назад +1

      That's how marriage should be

  • @amberpedraza1457
    @amberpedraza1457 9 лет назад +8

    My favorite female country artist

  • @raisa_cherry35
    @raisa_cherry35 6 лет назад +8

    The only Hollywood couple being open and honest about their relationship.Wonderful longevity,hope it stays like that for years and years 💗💗💗💗 my late sister was her huge fan.

  • @annacalilan7592
    @annacalilan7592 10 лет назад +6


  • @hannah090109
    @hannah090109 7 лет назад +10

    God I love their home and I love how much they love it. It’s their own paradise, but it all still feels like home, instead of the cold feeling you get from all the excess in other celebrity homes. Goals.

    • @christinec2718
      @christinec2718 5 лет назад

      Hannah Waldrop exactly all other celebrities have a house, faith and Tim have a home.

  • @MamasChaney
    @MamasChaney 10 лет назад +28

    Very admirable lady indeed!

  • @helenbaker3331
    @helenbaker3331 4 года назад +2

    You can't just pick one of them they're so good they must be 😁 so proud of them

  • @cherylhardy8519
    @cherylhardy8519 6 лет назад +5

    I love you Faith Hill happy 44 birthday to you. 😄

  • @rore73
    @rore73 12 лет назад +2

    Faith Hill is so totally awesome, beautiful, talented, down to earth, and a primer flower of the south that women will attempt to imitate for many years. She must be an angel prototype that fell from Heaven.

  • @crazymnewberry
    @crazymnewberry 12 лет назад +1

    Over 40 and still beautiful both inside and out 2013 will be a great year for you

  • @janicebradford9780
    @janicebradford9780 5 лет назад +2

    She is such a beautiful person with a beautiful soul. I love to hear her and hubby sing. I’ve gotten older and it’s gotten scary to catch concerts. Hopefully I will get to make it to another one. OR maybe we could talk you into only allowing people over 65. Who knows, it may happen. God bless the McGraw family

  • @Chick1970s
    @Chick1970s 11 лет назад +7

    What a lovely person.

  • @BrinaDoc
    @BrinaDoc 6 лет назад +11

    Love ❤️ Faith Hill & Tim McGraw 💕💗💕💗

  • @dimitrin.atmorejo394
    @dimitrin.atmorejo394 7 лет назад

    so lovely woman n family , I love u Faith Hill, u are one of my favorite singer.since I was 14 years old.

  • @jwc2374
    @jwc2374 11 лет назад +20

    i love her, being from tenn. myself i don't think people realize how kind, and friendly she really is

  • @katyjomcguire4293
    @katyjomcguire4293 7 лет назад +1

    I sang There You'll Be for my high school senior solo performance gosh 7 WHOLW YEARS AGO.

  • @katyjomcguire4293
    @katyjomcguire4293 7 лет назад

    Faith, you always have been and always will be my favorite country singer. After all, where would my Momma and I have l learned how to sang so dang well if we weren't from lil ol Jellico, Tennessee 😊 Well, I'm from the city of Cincinnati but I'm comin' on home to my roots soon enough

  • @tracifoster614
    @tracifoster614 6 лет назад +1

    So happy for her. i live in a small town el cajon, CA. in 2006 I was injured on a bus, had to go through 6 back surgeries to walk again but left me disabled and with the cost of living being so high here and me ontw disability, I just dont have money to go see her in concerl. Too. I miss cmt and watching these videosm i can only pray things will get better in 2019
    You still look beautiful

  • @skinnerspond1949
    @skinnerspond1949 9 лет назад +8

    you are awesome and the best love your music thank you great interview

  • @yvonnecovert9886
    @yvonnecovert9886 7 лет назад +1

    faith you are the best so bring us some new cuz we love u

  • @machindmarsh5301
    @machindmarsh5301 4 года назад +1

    awesoe her alot

  • @MarkovianMan
    @MarkovianMan 2 года назад +6

    She was also excellent in the Yellowstone prequel, 1883. Don't know if that was her first acting gig, but she was impressive, and the fact that she was willing to do it with the rule that no make-up would be allowed (to be legit to that historical period) speaks volumes as well.

  • @hydaralmaliki7784
    @hydaralmaliki7784 11 лет назад +4

    Best female country artist of all time.

  • @matrixleader
    @matrixleader 8 лет назад +81

    she's the perfect southern belle 😁

  • @funkyblanket15
    @funkyblanket15 12 лет назад +43

    Faith Hill seems like a real down to earth person.

    • @davidroberts2404
      @davidroberts2404 5 лет назад +6

      She is in person trust me. I used to do their landscaping and lawn care. We would drink with Tim when we were done and faith would come chill as well.

    • @patricemarie2960
      @patricemarie2960 4 года назад +2

      Nice .... real nice story! .... A married couple, 3 kids? ..... happy to date each other, in show biz??? Beautiful! Rare?

  • @tammyburgess6641
    @tammyburgess6641 4 года назад +2

    Tim and Faith make the best pair love them both

  • @AndrewsOpinion15
    @AndrewsOpinion15 12 лет назад +5

    I LOVE FAITH HILL !!!!!!!!

  • @snowwhite4545
    @snowwhite4545 3 года назад

    She is incredibly beautiful and her hair is amazing

  • @human_qubit
    @human_qubit 11 лет назад +22

    they are the reason i can still believe there something called LOVE out there....and that its real...i swear to god if they ever broke up or got divorced....i'd loose my faith in love...i just pray to god it never happens to them...

    • @dlambethful
      @dlambethful 5 лет назад +1

      For most it's inevitable. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. There are a few where a lifelong love will last, but it's rare.

  • @kygkyg8971
    @kygkyg8971 3 года назад +2

    she has such a beautiful face and a passionate voice... like wow😳. If she didn't do country she sure wouldn't have a problem being accepted as a modle, no question.

  • @MisterRiuz69
    @MisterRiuz69 11 лет назад +4

    i love her so much

  • @amysaylors1316
    @amysaylors1316 5 лет назад +4

    Love her.

  • @astacy62
    @astacy62 5 лет назад +3

    Love her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @diamondjewel1117
    @diamondjewel1117 5 лет назад +3

    Fierce, you go girl! Love your attitude

  • @MadisonZacharias
    @MadisonZacharias 5 месяцев назад

    She’s such a sweetheart. Amen to that ❤

  • @Shukween062005
    @Shukween062005 7 лет назад +4

    Love her !

  • @babyphatpenut
    @babyphatpenut 11 лет назад +10

    i love her and i love she still got the older sound

    @GOLDENFLYWARRIOR 7 лет назад +2

    I'll tell you what. Tim McGraw is one of the luckiest men on this bloody planet to have Faith Hill in his life. She's a goddess! Beauty with a voice to match yet always grounded, class, personality, a heart of gold and a HUGE sense of humor What a woman! And I don't care so much for country yet she & Shania Twain help change country music.

  • @christinachadwick5833
    @christinachadwick5833 Год назад

    I feel the same way about Jeff Parks Smith after 22 years so I can relate Faith Hill you and Tim McGraw have a beautiful marriage

  • @AmyCCloverlanez
    @AmyCCloverlanez 8 лет назад +1

    we NEED them back!!!! I love Faith Hill and Tim McGraw . I miss their sound. Today's music just sucks and we NEED them badly! Hell, let's just bring all the good ones back! lol

  • @annemariehatch3231
    @annemariehatch3231 8 лет назад +2

    Family is ever thing with Faith in God!

  • @kimberlystanley2965
    @kimberlystanley2965 6 лет назад +9

    He is 'supa fine'! They are both gorgeous!

  • @dainails
    @dainails 12 лет назад +2

    nice to see her brought back down to earth...I lost alot of respect for her a few years back with her outburst at the music awards ceremony.

  • @kimperidore6930
    @kimperidore6930 5 лет назад +1

    Hey Faith You are still so very BEAUTIFUL inside and out!!!!! Please don't get any face work done!!!! You are Beautiful without it!!!! I have Loved you and Tim and your three girls for years. I want to come see you and Tim in concert so bad!!!! I lived in Nashville and now Im in a Beautiful place called Mountain Home Arkansas. Lots of Beautiful mountains Lakes White river camping and lots of BIG HOMEs and BIG BOATS AND LOTS OF BIG HOMES AND NEW CABINS BEING BUILT!!!! Yall got to come!!!!! We are 2 hours from Branson MO!!!!!I would Love to be your tour guide!!!!Im also a Southern Bell Proud of it!!!!!! I whish you and your family Good Heath, Lots a LOVE and Happiness!!!!!! Yall are the BEST!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! God Bless!!!!

  • @sutownsend-kasmiskie3091
    @sutownsend-kasmiskie3091 6 лет назад +2

    I love you two!

  • @mjade1673
    @mjade1673 3 года назад +1

    She is 👏. Really

  • @johnnybush8764
    @johnnybush8764 5 лет назад +1

    ANYBODY comparing Faith Hill with other female artists isn't fair? There's One Faith, One Hope and One Love. Thanks Tug! (James 1:17-18)

  • @cindyjustice5181
    @cindyjustice5181 10 лет назад +6

    I think u are amazing Person love u and your music I also write Songs but never done anything with my singing

  • @beverlysuekwityn7147
    @beverlysuekwityn7147 7 лет назад +5

    Great voice for women.

  • @rjjohn9020
    @rjjohn9020 7 лет назад +2

    Faith Hill And Tim McGraw are my favourite celebrity couple. They look so much in love with each other and very real. I wish them continued love and happiness and blessings to their family. I hope they set the standard for more celebrity couples because so many don't seem truly invested in the work involved in marriage. I think not living their life in the spotlight continuously and keeping their life simple contributes to their successful marriage. Perhaps they value a successful marriage and family life more than fighting to always be in the spotlight fighting to keep a successful career.

  • @jamesiezzi2334
    @jamesiezzi2334 5 лет назад +2

    Faith Hill and Tim McGraw love them both

  • @1glopz
    @1glopz 6 лет назад

    This couple radiates good happiness confidence respect character and humility do you know of anyone else much less a couple that can come close ? Mississippi Girl kick ass anytime anyplace

  • @johnhall341
    @johnhall341 8 лет назад +1

    beautiful conversation

  • @flashes2012
    @flashes2012 11 лет назад +11

    I love Faith Hill

  • @DThompson1145
    @DThompson1145 12 лет назад +2

    I wish Faith Hill would do a Gospel CD.

  • @loj3268
    @loj3268 11 лет назад +6

    Doesn't matter how long she was away she will always have her friends! 6 years seems like 6 min!

  • @DarkSkies72
    @DarkSkies72 5 лет назад +14

    I ❤️ Faith Hill. I have all her albums. 90’s country was great! I loved when she went after that girl on stage that grabbed Tim’s package. She’s a lion, a real woman!

  • @michaelbonhomme3219
    @michaelbonhomme3219 3 года назад +4

    Grew up hearing her, Whitney, Mariah, Britney, Christina, and Madonna. There’s some great new talent, but it’s hard when you put the hits head to head. The queens are undefeated