El Diablo Heavy Metal "Scooped" tone.

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • This is a demonstration of a heavy metal "Scooped" tone using the Hot channel of a Genz Benz El Diablo 100.

Комментарии • 100

  • @4Saykin
    @4Saykin 15 лет назад +3

    I own this amp, and it kicks ass, I don't care what everyone thinks, the amp has active EQ controls, you can't just sit there for 5 to 10 minutes playing around with it and say it sounds like shit, little adjustments go a long way.....its the most versatile amp out there.... Idiots

  • @rmxrider20032000
    @rmxrider20032000 11 лет назад +3

    Got an El Diablo 100 head used last year and have been loving the sounds I get with it. Once I can get my hands on a G-flex cab for it I think I will be pissing myself. 6L6's is the way to go for sure.

  • @BrandonBames
    @BrandonBames 2 года назад +1

    "Heavy metal scooped tone" from 2006...yep, sounds about as good as I thought it would

  • @mykee123321
    @mykee123321 15 лет назад +2

    I buy the genz-benz el diablo 100 , today .... Kickass amp , and I play metal !!!

  • @newamerikangospel
    @newamerikangospel 15 лет назад

    Well, its a matter of personal taste, but in my mixed, the kick drum has the 65-80hz range for its low end, the bass has 80-200hz for its "place", and the snare starts its dominant frequency at about 1.3khz. That leaves 200hz-1.3 hz.

  • @bbccrriicchh
    @bbccrriicchh 15 лет назад +1

    to fizzy
    the mid really brings that amp "to life"

  • @FastRedPonyCar
    @FastRedPonyCar 18 лет назад +1

    Our rythem player in our band has this amp and the metal tone it gets when the midrange knob is up to around 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock sounds SO much better. At zero mids, the amp's tone is neutered.

  • @shimongangte2418
    @shimongangte2418 3 года назад +1

    Hey, that's the guy from FATES WARNING !!

  • @WarmothGuitarist
    @WarmothGuitarist 13 лет назад

    Most of you have no idea what scooped mids are...
    Scooped mids are when your mids are "scooped" below your treble and bass. Not turned down like most of you seem to think.
    If my treble and bass are at 7, and my mids are at 5....that's scooped mids. It doesn't mean the mids are dropped out completely like the guy has 'em set in the video. By setting your mids at 5-6 and your bass and treble up a tad higher, you can still achieve that "scooped" sound, and be able to show up in the mix.

  • @Firequacker
    @Firequacker 15 лет назад +1

    Yeah, not only is it completely scooped to hell, he's just sliding around in Dropped D...

  • @Zaspor
    @Zaspor 13 лет назад

    @WarmothGuitarist I thank you for your comment, I'm glad you at least have an opinion of me. Good luck with all your musical endeavors aswell.

  • @newamerikangospel
    @newamerikangospel 15 лет назад

    *continued for space
    The bass controls on most amps adjust at around 100hz, so if you have that dimed, alot of it will be highpassed. The treble knobs adjust at 4khz, which is above where most producers start to roll off the high end. A fully scooped tone steps on the bass frequencies and the snare/high-hat/ride/bottom end of cymals.
    But its all personal taste. As I do recording, I see alot of the problems with scooping the mids out, as it makes my life harder in the mix.

  • @newamerikangospel
    @newamerikangospel 15 лет назад

    Listen to most modern "metal" records, and they will high pass the lows, and low pass the highs......if you scoop the mids, you have just become muted. Mids add the growl that most people think they hear when they scoop them. Of course, some amps sound very squishy with their placement of mids, so scooping is a very subjective term. But dont set down at an amp, put the highs on 10 and mids at 0 and think that is the best tone you will get.

  • @petiethepitt
    @petiethepitt 14 лет назад

    Agree,I will take the Blackstar series 1/100 or 1/200 anyday.they are hands down the most versatile and great sounding amps I've ever played in my life.I sold my Marshall JCM 2000,and triple recto to get the 200 and have no regrets.Absolutely amazing amps.

  • @WarmothGuitarist
    @WarmothGuitarist 13 лет назад +1

    @Zaspor Drop C isn't too bad. I use that tuning every now and then when I get in the Bad Horsie (Steve Vai) mood. But I usually stick to Standard, Drop D, Db,or D...depending on what I'm playing.
    Finding anything good for a lefty sucks. I'm lefty with some things, but luckily, I'm a right handed guitar player.

  • @yprimerib
    @yprimerib 17 лет назад

    Wow, Frank Aresti from Fates Warning. Haven't chatted since the Dragonspoon days. And you were working on a strat scale Les Paul. HOpe all is well. Nice Diablo. Sounds good.

  • @TimatorA
    @TimatorA 18 лет назад

    fuck thats a nice tone

  • @turkypoo
    @turkypoo 16 лет назад

    i like this amp
    i have a peavey jsx and i managed to get the same tone this guy has not 100% the same naturally but close enough for the other ppl in the room to be unable to tell the difference when doing a blind switch

  • @lonelysunnysoul
    @lonelysunnysoul 14 лет назад

    I like the "Genz Benz El Diablo 100" Sound . Sometimes I play progressive Blues with this Amp .
    Best regards from Germany

  • @Zaspor
    @Zaspor 13 лет назад +1

    Thank God my demo of this amp doesn't sound or suck this bad, he obviously didn't know wtf to do with the active EQ or vintage/modern tube sweep control :/

  • @oi_mate613
    @oi_mate613 11 лет назад +2

    why do people hate the scooped tone so much? it sounds fucking sick and it's the main setting i play on

    • @metalEric69
      @metalEric69 2 года назад

      I just discovered with the mids turned down it's just crap. You've got to have mids if you're a decent player. Otherwise it's just chug chug chug

  • @nmc9x23
    @nmc9x23 14 лет назад

    Owning the GB El D 100 head and the 60/30 combo, I can fully attest that El D is capable of some SEARING metal tones. If you notice the EQ/tube settings and the volume level, you can see why this clip doesn't do El D any justice @ all. The Mids are completely cut, that's -15db, the attack is engaged, the tube is turned all the way to the right... the volume is low on the channel as well. Opening El D up and not dropping the mids so much = \m/ JOY \m/

  • @clayton5150
    @clayton5150 15 лет назад

    OK here is my take on scooping. from my expirence with music performance. scoops realy do sound good but not with to much D. however the only way to get alot of volume is threw using mids so the best scoop is a mild scoop L=8 M=5 H=8.

  • @Daracon75
    @Daracon75 16 лет назад

    I find for live performances, rather than cut mids, boosting 3K to 6K is great as a lot of the highs can be lost (higher frequencies are absorbed easier).

  • @crazeyjoe
    @crazeyjoe 5 лет назад

    I could be wrong, however, this seems to be THE Frank Aresti (Fates Warning)! Those Diablo's that Mr. Genzler designed seemed to pretty great amps for a great price!

  • @NAThan9871
    @NAThan9871 15 лет назад

    I don't totally agree:
    in a studio mix you have to equalize with more middle frequencies because it' the place of the guitar, if you dont you get a very closed sound, with no roar, like the guitar was in another room compared to other instrument.
    ask if you desire more precision

  • @JimijaymesProductions
    @JimijaymesProductions 13 лет назад

    @MrSoggypancakez 90s maybe most of the 80s metal tones I know are full of mids like Dokken, Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue. In the 90s heaps of bands had scooped metal tones

  • @nbcviper
    @nbcviper 13 лет назад

    @Wildchild880 One of my guitars is a Jackson RR5FR. It comes with Seymour Duncan JB SH4 Humbucking Pickup in the Bridge. I have trouble getting a good tone with it. When mixed with Marshalls its got a "Wow" effect.

  • @Zaspor
    @Zaspor 13 лет назад

    @WarmothGuitarist Haha its all good, that video needs to be re-shot anyways because that was when I was a webcam mic user *shudders* now I have a legit set up so I can get decent recordings. I know all too well, I would but I don't have the extra cash, also I play with a left handed guitarist and finding a lefty bari is a challenge- not gonna lie haha. Also I dunno if I would want to go all the way down to A, I play drop C and that's the lowest I'll go on a 6string 24 1/2 scale lol.

  • @ferna182
    @ferna182 15 лет назад

    quick!! call to the factory! they forgot to add the electronics needed for something called "definition"

  • @SlapphePikkur
    @SlapphePikkur 14 лет назад

    It's good in the studio too.

  • @WarmothGuitarist
    @WarmothGuitarist 13 лет назад

    @Zaspor Actually... I re-assesed your video. It's not as bad to me now as it was earlier. Maybe my ears were a little plugged. However, if you are going to tune down so low, you should check out a barritone with some heavy strings. You'll find that it tightens up the tone in all the right places, without losing the desirable muddy feeling.
    I'm not against drop tunings, it's the way things are going. There's just only so low you can go on a standard scale, before the tone begins to suffer.

  • @mikevmpr3
    @mikevmpr3 14 лет назад

    Mud mud and more mud, i usually kill alot of highs in my eq, more than halfway with the mids, and a ton of bottom end

  • @dewycatt2112
    @dewycatt2112 12 лет назад

    one of the best metal tones I"ve heard. Most other amp manufacture demos all sound Too harsh and raspy/thin! Genz Benz ha?....sounds good to me!

  • @robertstothart27
    @robertstothart27 17 лет назад

    yea i agree Peavey should be atleast third cuz soo many ppl use them for Metalcore/hardcore metal Ect

  • @nbcviper
    @nbcviper 13 лет назад

    @Wildchild880 My Mesa Boogie Mark V says different. Although the Mesa is a high Mid range amp to begin with. I find to get a "Captain KRUNCH" sound I need my EQ on in the Smiley or V position. And if I do have any mid's its VERY little. I tried out a Triple XXX from Peavy and found when I scooped the mids in that it sounded like garbage, no balls. All amps are different I guess. Marshalls I find need some Mid range to open up. By the way these tests were all done with EMG 81 pick ups.

  • @Daracon75
    @Daracon75 16 лет назад

    Thats right. The sweet spot for electric guitar is 1K to 4K. Scooped tones are fizzy and weak.

  • @mwstakyle
    @mwstakyle 17 лет назад

    ive got 28 year old heritage amp, its older than me, and i still cant find one tahtll beat its tone, ive looked ever where, engle, marshall, mesa, but everyone (incl. peavey) have gotta so expensive now :(:(:(

  • @Mahavishnu80
    @Mahavishnu80 15 лет назад

    i hear what you are saying but the guitar sits much easier in the mix with more mids about 2k. I thought this was an amazing sound 2 years ago then i realised its way too bass heavy, saturated distortion. I think a lot of guitarists dont realise that on recordings the whole sound is made up in the production with lots of bass guitar and kick not just guitar bass frequencies.

  • @AlexGullichsen
    @AlexGullichsen 16 лет назад +1

    i love mids :P

  • @Sightless111
    @Sightless111 17 лет назад

    insane tone!.. i want this amp but there is no Genz Benz sellers in fucking Russia... (( closest dealer in Poland only

  • @guitaristguy20
    @guitaristguy20 16 лет назад +1

    Mids are one of the most important aspects to a "live" sound. Cut the mids and you get lost in the mix.

  • @mrboverbro
    @mrboverbro 14 лет назад

    i do live show all the time with scooped mids and i dont get lost

  • @turkypoo
    @turkypoo 16 лет назад

    id have to agree there also arch enemy are very cool too :)

  • @licensedinkaos
    @licensedinkaos 17 лет назад

    Mesas aren't $3000 and aren't boutique amps. Comparing the El Diablo to a Mesa F-30 or F-50 (Which are in the same price range as the Genz Benz) you might not think the quality will completely beat the Genz. Sure, a Mark IV might, but that's a $2200 amp...

    @AXESLINGER2112 11 лет назад +2

    it kills me how ppl will hear "don't scoop your mid" dude, if you are playing in a room by yourself SCOOP THEM it sounds better. mids are for when you play live and you need to cut thru. you crank mids up playing by yourself your tone will sound brittle and edgy. you bring the clarity up with your presence and treble. (which needed a little here).

  • @newamerikangospel
    @newamerikangospel 15 лет назад

    That sound like this amp?
    Carvin V3 sounds close, the B-52 at100, or peavey valveking.

  • @ThrashMetalTrivum
    @ThrashMetalTrivum 12 лет назад

    I say its okay to scoop it a little bit (say like 10 or 11 o' clock), but dont put it at like 7 or 8 o'clock IMO.

  • @lastwinj
    @lastwinj 17 лет назад

    frank aresti? isnt he the guy from fates warning?

  • @snapascrew
    @snapascrew 17 лет назад

    needs a tad bit more treble and a sonic maximizer

  • @turkypoo
    @turkypoo 16 лет назад

    opinions gotta love em
    shes the only female vocals ive ever liked and i do mean ever :)

  • @estradafoo
    @estradafoo 13 лет назад

    @dusted04 Lol yeah it depends on which amp though :P

  • @4Saykin
    @4Saykin 15 лет назад

    Like I said I dont care what everyone thinks.......... I own one, and I kow what this amp is capable of....... thanx for your opinion though.....

  • @robertstothart27
    @robertstothart27 16 лет назад

    ya it does look like a hamer

  • @snapascrew
    @snapascrew 17 лет назад

    this guy sounds just like the pastor at my church, exactly !!

  • @dusted04
    @dusted04 13 лет назад

    @MrSoggypancakez ahh yes that would be me scooped mids on the mark v sound unreal
    and cut through in a band mix just fine !!!!
    keeping in mind it is allready a mid heavy amp

  • @375apt1b
    @375apt1b 13 лет назад

    'scooped chug'- what does it mean? anybody?

  • @GenzBenz2012
    @GenzBenz2012 12 лет назад

    Take our the stock el34 power tubes, throw some 6l6 grove tubes in this bitch, have a decent cabinet and guitar and i dont care what channel you use on this things its fucking amazing

  • @xGuitarSolo
    @xGuitarSolo 13 лет назад

    @375apt1b mids at 0 and palm mute?

  • @estradafoo
    @estradafoo 13 лет назад

    scooped mids is for people stuck in the 80's .-.

  • @clasher23
    @clasher23 14 лет назад

    Yea, doesn't seem to have the tone for the price. Their cabs are actualy pretty good IMO.

  • @doowookie
    @doowookie 17 лет назад

    ....ever heard of Diezel, Framus, VHT, Orange, Rivera, or ENGL

  • @WayvilleMusic
    @WayvilleMusic 14 лет назад

    I got the combo 30/60 version of this amp and i don't know what this guy has done to it but it sounds really shit on this video.
    It's a really versatile amp you can get a whole range of different tones from it.
    Its probably one of the loudest amps I've ever played with. I hardly ever get to turn the master volume past 2

  • @nashvillain2010
    @nashvillain2010 11 лет назад

    I have this head and a B-52 cab aswell and my bottom is does fine? what model is yours

  • @snapascrew
    @snapascrew 16 лет назад +1

    from this demo if its more then 400 dont buy it

    • @metalEric69
      @metalEric69 2 года назад

      It produces unbelievable sounds. This video does it zero Justice. I really enjoy mine

  • @Mxyaguitar5150
    @Mxyaguitar5150 13 лет назад

    @Superapeaholic Deicide scoop their mids and they cut thru live

  • @canman87
    @canman87 16 лет назад

    That's exactly the opposite of what you want to do.

  • @JordanKVW
    @JordanKVW 14 лет назад

    Is that a Hamer?

  • @Zaspor
    @Zaspor 15 лет назад

    Wow, if my El Diablo 60 ever made this bad of a tone I would be mad for getting it for $400- I dunno what they did but that sounds horrid, my tone could blow that away and I'm running it through a Peavey Windsor cab xD

  • @yprimerib
    @yprimerib 16 лет назад

    eh? that is Frank Aresti from Fates Warning, Dragonspoon, etc.. A well respected musician, unlike you Kalesworth

  • @BrandonRayhaun
    @BrandonRayhaun 16 лет назад +1

    eh,, i think metal should have alot of mids, it sounds better...

  • @dethstormpx4
    @dethstormpx4 15 лет назад

    should have used a red box not a mic!!

  • @turkypoo
    @turkypoo 16 лет назад

    so much arguing ... its all opinion guys
    may aswell start arguing about what band is the best and which toothpaste tastes better

  • @metallicarocks66
    @metallicarocks66 15 лет назад

    i agree with 4saykin... and check my demo

  • @imgooley
    @imgooley 16 лет назад

    It's called scooped mid range tone. That's why it sounds like ass.

  • @slappywag
    @slappywag 15 лет назад

    I personally think that sounds horrible. But a lot of it has to do with the player. Tone is all in the fingers.

  • @Sabellbu
    @Sabellbu 15 лет назад

    listen to it. Does it sound good? If it does then use it.
    Mid scooped distortions that sound like fuzz are shit and noone uses em. U gotto have balls in the distortion. For example with 6505 u can scoop the mids and still having lot of the balls aka mids.

  • @DragoonGXGX
    @DragoonGXGX 15 лет назад

    people are stupid...music is music..and its all about what the individual likes...i bet half of you folks only know how to play nothing but power chords and maybe a 7 or a b5...but...those who do play and make miracles with even a 10 watt Marshall are the ones who can brag!!!

  • @noodleplugerine
    @noodleplugerine 16 лет назад

    Megadeath have Terrible tone.
    People don't just use good amps because they look good and because people use them. They use good amps because they're good amps.
    And even in Megadeath's example - How much do you think Mustaine's Line 6 costs? At least 10 times more than a Spider.

  • @apguitarguy401
    @apguitarguy401 15 лет назад

    nevermind, sorry

  • @mrboverbro
    @mrboverbro 14 лет назад

    im not death metal

  • @conroy91
    @conroy91 16 лет назад

    haha "Hamer" its a kramer

  • @noodleplugerine
    @noodleplugerine 16 лет назад

    You are so wrong, it's not even funny.
    Go crank a Savage and a Mark IV, and compare them to a Spider 3.

  • @blaysk
    @blaysk 16 лет назад +1

    scooped sounds are useless!!! guitar = mids !

  • @noodleplugerine
    @noodleplugerine 16 лет назад

    You're clearly about 12, and you've clearly never played any amp better than a Crate.
    Take it from Someone who actually knows what they're talking about Spiders aren't good. Do you know what the red and green lead channels on the Spiders are based on? Mesa Rectifiers. Spiders are just cheap copies of real amps. This is the same across the board of low end Line 6s. I admit, the HD147 is a good amp - It's not nearly as good as any equivalently priced Framus of Engl for example.

  • @ZurcBlackstarr
    @ZurcBlackstarr 14 лет назад

    sounded like poop

  • @ex5098
    @ex5098 13 лет назад

    i hate scooped tones, only shitty bands like BFMV and slipknot use them, just look at metal greats like iron maiden and black sabbath, they didnt take all the oomph out of their sound by dropping there mids

  • @guitaristguy20
    @guitaristguy20 15 лет назад

    Crap tone compared to whats out there.

  • @ryanyager7
    @ryanyager7 4 года назад

    save your money.. crate amps are like 20$.. same tone and everything