Numbers on the LNER trains: 1. Class 801 train: 222 (Same on the back of the train 1:26) 2. Class 800 train: 202 (Same on the back of the train 1:46) 3. Numbers on the class 82 DVT train: 211 4. Class: 801 train: 204 (Same on the back of the train 4:09) 5. Class 800 train: 103 (Same on the back of the train 7:37) 6. Class 800 train: 107 (Same on the back of the train 7:56) 7. 2 class 801 train: 106 + 109 (same on the back of the train 8:21) 8. Class 91 + 2nd 82 train: 107 + 222 (Same on the back of the train 9:35) 9. Class 800 train: 201 (Same on the back of the train 10:31)
Numbers on the East Midlands railway trains: 1. Class 170 train: 417 (Same on the back of the train 2:03) 2. Class 156 train: 411 (Same on the back of the train)
Surprisingly some crossings did had faulty alarms for a while I thought they got a new one here ages ago like moflash or something but still screamy flat I like moflash alarms so I do but someone told me they go faulty much quicker if I'm right
Nice video and crossing! Another bad alarm here, lol.
The one wigwag also looks a bit beat-up.
Thanks! It does.
Nice! Also there is a train mentioned for the video with no time stamp and wow alarm. Wow the wigwag
Numbers on the LNER trains: 1. Class 801 train: 222 (Same on the back of the train 1:26) 2. Class 800 train: 202 (Same on the back of the train 1:46) 3. Numbers on the class 82 DVT train: 211 4. Class: 801 train: 204 (Same on the back of the train 4:09) 5. Class 800 train: 103 (Same on the back of the train 7:37) 6. Class 800 train: 107 (Same on the back of the train 7:56) 7. 2 class 801 train: 106 + 109 (same on the back of the train 8:21) 8. Class 91 + 2nd 82 train: 107 + 222 (Same on the back of the train 9:35) 9. Class 800 train: 201 (Same on the back of the train 10:31)
Numbers on the East Midlands railway trains: 1. Class 170 train: 417 (Same on the back of the train 2:03) 2. Class 156 train: 411 (Same on the back of the train)
Numbers on the class 802 train: 302 (Same on the back of the train 4:51) [Hull trains ‘Paragon’]
Numbers on the class 803 train: 003 (same on the back of the train 5:58) [Lumo train]
Excellent Videos and a nice Crossing!👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you very much!
Excellent video and Crossing 👍
Thanks very much!
Surprisingly some crossings did had faulty alarms for a while I thought they got a new one here ages ago like moflash or something but still screamy flat I like moflash alarms so I do but someone told me they go faulty much quicker if I'm right