Indonesian Reaction to India Army Hell March 2024 Republic Day Parade 🇮🇳

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • #viral #india #indianarmy #indianmilitary #republicdayparade #militaryparade
    Original video:
    • Indian Army Hell March...

Комментарии • 197

  • @Noklamalam01Alam-nh2wn
    @Noklamalam01Alam-nh2wn 3 месяца назад +52

    India is superpower country 🇮🇳♥️♥️

    • @Indian_Knight_07
      @Indian_Knight_07 3 месяца назад +7

      Rising superpower

    • @kevnjanc
      @kevnjanc 3 месяца назад

      InDiA SuPaPawAr Saar

    • @Indian_Knight_07
      @Indian_Knight_07 3 месяца назад +5

      @@kevnjanc bot 🤡🤡

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

    • @Kakashi8228
      @Kakashi8228 2 месяца назад +1

      Kis chij me superpower dikh raha bhai tujhe

  • @ishan_jumnake_
    @ishan_jumnake_ 2 месяца назад +4

    India is a whole world in itself 🇮🇳😄
    With rich culture, tradition and unity...
    Proud to be a india 🇮🇳🙏

  • @Omnitaku7
    @Omnitaku7 3 месяца назад +21

    Yes interms of skin colour and face structure there is a huge diversity in India they have white, black, yellow and every shade of brown you can think of. Also in India there is a very big diversity in terms of religion like hindu, Islam, christianity, sikh, jain, zorastrian, jews.

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

    • @Omnitaku7
      @Omnitaku7 2 месяца назад

      @@MilesDoyleSalt man that was a long one

    • @Omnitaku7
      @Omnitaku7 2 месяца назад

      By the way I respect Jesus very much

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      Zoroastrian ? jews ? 😂

    • @Omnitaku7
      @Omnitaku7 Месяц назад +2

      @@sarajaved1120 why the hell are you laughing? Is it a joke? FYI India is one of those countries where jews were never persecuted. Homi Baba(father of India's nuclear program), Sam Manekshaw(field marshal), Tata's(huge conglomerates and owners of TATA group of companies) are from the Parsi community.

  • @Sk001j36
    @Sk001j36 3 месяца назад +54

    India is a very beautiful country with different cultures with different religions proud to be Indian muslim 😊☝️May Allah bless India and give it prosperity 🤲

    • @Kukhyaati
      @Kukhyaati 3 месяца назад

      Nobody asked about your religion. You ccreep

    • @Chicchicksaku
      @Chicchicksaku 2 месяца назад

      Don't say indian Muslim OK 🤡

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

    • @sritharsiva4976
      @sritharsiva4976 2 месяца назад +1

      Love you alla hukum

    • @Chicchicksaku
      @Chicchicksaku 2 месяца назад

      @@Sk001j36 why are you mentioned you are indian Muslim
      India is hindustan this is this is land of hindu okie shut the fvck of 🤡🤡🤡

  • @scienceandtechnology-w4f
    @scienceandtechnology-w4f 3 месяца назад +5

    You should not think at all that the dress of all soldiers in India is the same, rather their military dress is different according to every religion and different regiment. ❤

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

  • @shubhamsivasiya6775
    @shubhamsivasiya6775 2 месяца назад +1

    India is diverse in geography and culture, language and culture change after 100 km here.

  • @yellowishyoutubechannel3900
    @yellowishyoutubechannel3900 2 месяца назад +2

    All types of landscapes found in India
    Cold Desert, Hot desert, Beaches, Plain, plateau, Taiga, Tundra, Wetland, Mountain, Mountain range, Coast, Littoral zone, Glacier, snow, Shrubland, Forest, Rainforest, Woodland, Jungle, Moors, Steppe, Valley, Islands, Volcano also in Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India.
    It is also land of spirituality, peace. And last but not the least it has unity in diversity. 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
    I am 20 and I as Indian went to every State of India but still every city to city and village to village are different region, wonderful cultures and Architecture you will get to see, Even in Languages and food also.
    You have to spent many years to explore whole India.

  • @Omnitaku7
    @Omnitaku7 3 месяца назад +14

    FYI India is more like a subcontinent it has desert, snowy mountains, mangroves, rainforest, volcano, coral reefs, beaches, Salt desert, rocky hills, islands and many more. In terms of animals there two kinds of camel, elephants , tigers, lions, rhinos, peacocks and many more.

  • @SaniSarkar-ec9hc
    @SaniSarkar-ec9hc 3 месяца назад +6

    India' 4th strongest army in Tha world And 2nd largest force over 1.4 Milion active Personal And 2.1 Million Reserve personal Others 2.5 Military Pera military

  • @ankitkumarsingh8713
    @ankitkumarsingh8713 3 месяца назад +5

    Fun fact- The first guest in the republic day was the then president of Indonesia

  • @SandhyaEve-ii5im
    @SandhyaEve-ii5im 3 месяца назад +5

    1:01 He's the Prime Minister(not president) of India, Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi
    1:11 The lady riding in the carriage with French President Emmanuel Macron is Indian President, Draupadi Murmu

  • @Pulikaeshi
    @Pulikaeshi 3 месяца назад +9

    Every year a foreign dignotory guest is invited for the Republic day held every year on 26th of January, this looks like from 2023,

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

  • @KrishnaBehera-wt2mn
    @KrishnaBehera-wt2mn 3 месяца назад +7

    In past your country was also part of Bharat

  • @Joel.Gonsalves
    @Joel.Gonsalves 2 месяца назад +1

    The french president is the Guest of honour. A lot of countries do this. Even the french have invited our Indian PM for their parade festival.

  • @johnkonde1975
    @johnkonde1975 3 месяца назад +3

    Yes there are millions of Indians who look like you lol, that East Asian look. Yet they're as Indian as a darker skinned Indian like myself. Here in India, we celebrate our diversity and we're united by our love for India!

  • @RajuSingh-kt4bh
    @RajuSingh-kt4bh 2 месяца назад +2

    India ❤🎉

  • @AshirbadBEHERA-cp2zy
    @AshirbadBEHERA-cp2zy 2 месяца назад +2

    🇮🇳 🇫🇷 iron brothers 💪

  • @shivamchauhan4622
    @shivamchauhan4622 2 месяца назад +1

    I am from India and mearmy 🇮🇳

  • @SDN117
    @SDN117 2 месяца назад +1

    On 26 January 1950, Indonesian President Sukarno was the first Chief guest on the very first Republic Day parade of India.
    There is a very very close relationship between India and Indonesia, it's because of our similar ancient culture(Hinduism) . Before becoming an Islamic country Indonesia was a predominantly Hindu-Buddhist country 😊
    By the way I'm from Odisha a coastal state of India and we've an ancient festival called BALI jatra , and Sukarno was our 1st CM's best friend 😁

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      south indian Chola emipre and buddist emipre use to trade with Indonesian peoples and with that trade some belief also came to some part of Indonesia i said belief not culture you will find very different culture in Indonesia which Indonesian peoples created just go to Bali or other places they are totally different culture from india Bali people call themselves Balinese not hindunese because it's totally different culture same like south indians, Arabs also trade with Indonesians and Indonesian peoples love their manners, honestly, and ideology only few arabs arrive at Indonesia through boats and with trade and philosophy spread to Indonesia people start to accept Almighty God.

  • @politicalview24
    @politicalview24 2 месяца назад +2

    Indian ia a 4th powerful army in the world

  • @ShivanshuRaj-iy5qi
    @ShivanshuRaj-iy5qi 2 месяца назад +1

    proud of our indian army and proud to be indian

  • @yashwardhantubid2581
    @yashwardhantubid2581 Месяц назад

    India and France had a great relationship when India became got independence from U.K both countries shared common interest towards development,trade and defence export

  • @DineshSingh-rt4nz
    @DineshSingh-rt4nz 2 месяца назад +1

    I proud to be indian nunmuslim ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @anchipedia
    @anchipedia 3 месяца назад +9

    Your Country name is based on India.

  • @kunalkumar8872
    @kunalkumar8872 2 месяца назад +1

    India has world's oldest mosque

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      i know that and it's in Kerala 😀

  • @happysunda9695
    @happysunda9695 3 месяца назад +2

    I love beautiful country Indonesia ❤ 🇮🇳

  • @BabulRoy-h3g
    @BabulRoy-h3g 3 месяца назад +10

    North East Indian people different other indian look like

    • @ASartsy
      @ASartsy 3 месяца назад +13

      South Indian people also defferent from other Indians
      Ohh sorry kashmiri or Ladakhi people also defferent from other Indians
      Let me clear
      Actually we have 28 State and each state have own culture, language, dress , food , geography location,

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

  • @M-UltraInstinct
    @M-UltraInstinct 2 месяца назад +1

    Assalaam alaikum sister. Talking to Indian Hindus and Muslims here in UAE and Saudi, I realised that all of them despise only Pakistani Muslims predominantly due to their secessionist and terrør activities especially in India's Kashmir. And I agree with them.
    They also dislike the fact that Pakistan gave bases to Americans to wage war against Muslims in Afghanistan.
    Lastly, I'm also astounded by the fact that Indonesia was once a Hindu + Buddhist dominated country historically. The oldest religion Hinduism is truly fascinating. I'm deeply saddened by the fact that Islamic rulers destroyed Hindu and Buddhist Holy sites instead of being friends with them. I don't understand why we are so eager to make enemies out of thin air.

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      here your hindutva propaganda didn't works brother some area of Indonesia had south indian chola emipre influence because of trades Indonesia had their own culture kingdom you can call them south indian culture influence or Buddhist influence and they were south indian + buddist culture influence kingdom not like their peoples were influence by south indian + buddist culture and same like south indian trades Arab traders also trade in Indonesia and only few arab traders boat arrive in Indonesia and Indonesian peoples love their morality, philosophy, after that everyone accepted islam as it was more advance from their animalistic believe and everyone accepted Almighty God and his messangers. your Anti islam propaganda didn't gonna work in Indonesia. and free kashmir give kashmiri people their rights pakistan support kashmiri people independence and you calling them terrorist if fighting back is terrorism then yes kashmiri and pakistani are terrorist

  • @Pulikaeshi
    @Pulikaeshi 2 месяца назад

    India has deserts, forests, River valley, oceans, seas, mountain ranges, temperate forests, ever gressn forests, islands, arid regions etc, tgats why its called a sub continent, and on every january 26th Indian republic day parade is held and every year a Foreign dignitary is invited as a guest and one unit of their countries army marches in the beginning, this time it was french chancellor, the first marching unit was from the french foreign legionaries.

  • @PrashantKumar-nc8hi
    @PrashantKumar-nc8hi 2 месяца назад +1

    Prime minister of india

  • @ptshortshighlights5005
    @ptshortshighlights5005 3 месяца назад +10

    In india everything is available ❤ which you can't expect 😅😂

    • @MilesDoyleSalt
      @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
      “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
      Let him deliver him,(S)
      since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
      Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
      Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
      More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
      16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

  • @ylssbi
    @ylssbi 2 месяца назад +1

    France is a trusted military partner of India

  • @RameshvaddadiVaddadi
    @RameshvaddadiVaddadi 2 месяца назад

    In every republic day we invite other countries leaders.its our culture

  • @ptshortshighlights5005
    @ptshortshighlights5005 3 месяца назад +3

    India upcoming biggest superpower in the world now also strong india is one and only diverse country north east peope are 🤍 white, south india are 🖤 black, north india look brown 🤎 india is the only country where all religions have equal respect ❤

    • @kevnjanc
      @kevnjanc 3 месяца назад


    • @ptshortshighlights5005
      @ptshortshighlights5005 3 месяца назад

      @@kevnjanc lol it's not a 1% joke 🤣😂 india is 5th largest economy in the world now🌍. in upcoming 2 year(2026 already confirmed) india jump into 3rd position do you know about it . Usa,china, India,Japan,Germany. Top 5 largest economy 💪 💀

    • @kevnjanc
      @kevnjanc 2 месяца назад

      @@ptshortshighlights5005 Being the most populous country in the world with vast territory.. Massive GDP figures aren't that impressive.. it's something that is expected.. Not really extraordinary at all. GDP per capita matters more.. And India isn't even in Top 100 per capita wise.
      iNdiA SuPapAwR is a joke.. doesn't really mean much unless the average village dweller's quality of life improves drastically.

    • @The_Red_G
      @The_Red_G 2 месяца назад

      ​@kevnjanc I'm not indian but whatever the dude said it's true . India is an influential country right now in the world. China hates it because due to tough competition india is giving it. Probably will overcome china in the upcoming years and climbed up to 3rd positions after usa and Russia.

    • @kevnjanc
      @kevnjanc 2 месяца назад

      @@The_Red_G I'm Indian.. Wasn't born in India but I do currently reside in Bharat.. I do not disagree with your statement.. In terms of geopolitical influence since the start of this decade.. Yes.. India is being taken fairly seriously in the global gambit arena.. As it rightly deserves.. (Cont.)..

  • @MuhammedAslam-ks3xr
    @MuhammedAslam-ks3xr 2 месяца назад +1

    I a Indian muslim thanks your react Indian military 🎉

  • @veer4720
    @veer4720 3 месяца назад +1

    The Mighty Indian Army 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘

  • @bobbym1586
    @bobbym1586 2 месяца назад

    every year there is foreign country head ( President or PM ) as a Indian state guest - for this parade..from Saudi/egypt /Russia/America/France..many more before

  • @tichoopro2765
    @tichoopro2765 2 месяца назад +1

    India is a fastest developing county,but westren media and islamic countries media show india very slums poor areas,india is a fastest growing major economy,fastest growing major stock marke,and fastest growing statup ecosystem,fastest growing growing infrastracture,

  • @maheburali7960
    @maheburali7960 3 месяца назад +3

    I love india ❤❤❤

  • @Instantreply1
    @Instantreply1 3 месяца назад +2

    We Indian love/Trust FRANCE/Russia because when all world condemned India after nuclear explosion France Recognized India A nuclear power state
    And funny facts: Ukraine condemned India in an special session
    Now Ukraine condemned us because our PM meets PD Of Russia 😂
    How Double standard Ukrainian

  • @birchandrareangbirchandrar1879
    @birchandrareangbirchandrar1879 2 месяца назад

    India have a brave mongol army u don't know.. indian army is different religions, cultures, and hight .. if become war only with gun on plain area, hight area and jungle area any country cannot compete with india in this earth exept eternal god..

  • @abhimanyupandit2224
    @abhimanyupandit2224 3 месяца назад +2

    Bharat Mata ki Jai

  • @sunnymitra6372
    @sunnymitra6372 2 месяца назад

    India has Hot Thar Desert and Cold Desert Ladakh where Camels are found.....the one found in Ladakh are very different from the ones found in Rajasthan where Thar Desert is

  • @amritanshsingh7838
    @amritanshsingh7838 2 месяца назад

    India has nearly all land forms
    Even deserts in Rajasthan

  • @prasenjitdas6920
    @prasenjitdas6920 3 месяца назад

    In 1950 26 January Indias first republic day special guest was then indonatian prez ahmed sukarno I belive

  • @SuvakantaSubham
    @SuvakantaSubham 2 месяца назад

    France is welcomeed by india in republic day of india

  • @sumanthkris777
    @sumanthkris777 2 месяца назад

    India and France are good friends

  • @Falanatv
    @Falanatv 3 месяца назад

    In north india people look like central asian or arab people and have light skin tone . In north east india people look like asian or chinese , Indonesian people. In central and south india most people are brown and dark .

  • @martin96991
    @martin96991 3 месяца назад +1

    You can watch geography now videos on these countries.

  • @sivaram1210
    @sivaram1210 3 месяца назад

    Recently india bought bulk amount of rafale jet from France government so they invited the French president as a chief guest...

  • @trom.4491
    @trom.4491 2 месяца назад +1

    React on india in 14 min

  • @sureshkumar.K-u2j
    @sureshkumar.K-u2j 3 месяца назад +1

    Nice reaction 🎉🎉🎉

  • @ambarlimitless5370
    @ambarlimitless5370 3 месяца назад +1

    You try to react more on indian content such as their culture, geopolitics, army, movies etc...
    Today's most of the reaction channels especially in Pakistan reacts india for content. Belive me you would never find such a diversity than ours ❤❤

  • @epic.explorer-
    @epic.explorer- 2 месяца назад

    India have most kind of terrains so there are camels in India....

  • @akaashak7770
    @akaashak7770 3 месяца назад

    you are looking class a are the symbol of beauty

  • @kkrkkr3531
    @kkrkkr3531 2 месяца назад

    A suggestion.. stay away from controversial videos❤

  • @PrinceMaddeshiya-j8x
    @PrinceMaddeshiya-j8x 3 месяца назад

    Thanku so much our Indian Army to rihashai you so

  • @alokrawat9544
    @alokrawat9544 Месяц назад

    Jai Shri Ram🙏

  • @vishwakishu3606
    @vishwakishu3606 3 месяца назад

    Indian gods fround in Indonesia......

  • @ismartgamer3373
    @ismartgamer3373 2 месяца назад +1

    Urfi Javed is that you??????????

  • @sritharsiva4976
    @sritharsiva4976 2 месяца назад

    Always welcome to all countries in South India, you will get lessons just like all countries????

  • @aksharsharma8431
    @aksharsharma8431 2 месяца назад

    Jai Shree Ram ji

  • @ayushbose599
    @ayushbose599 2 месяца назад


  • @sachithkn6512
    @sachithkn6512 3 месяца назад

    You must notice one thing.woman leading the parade.
    I don't know indonesian women have equal freedom in Indonesia.

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      you should watch their parade to know that

  • @amit9023
    @amit9023 3 месяца назад +1

    Do only Indian reaction.. U will get more views

  • @QUEENLEESHA-uh5wd
    @QUEENLEESHA-uh5wd 3 месяца назад +1

    Please react more Indian army videos continue 😢 🥺

  • @mrhks0574
    @mrhks0574 3 месяца назад

    Abibas more noises than Addidas 😂

  • @Ranjay.vishal01
    @Ranjay.vishal01 2 месяца назад

    15 August 2024

  • @ajakunjun420
    @ajakunjun420 3 месяца назад

    France is best friend in India in historically

  • @SURE542
    @SURE542 2 месяца назад

    Hello.. My question... Indonesia meaning.. Plz

  • @jukebox4125
    @jukebox4125 Месяц назад

    India have dessert in Rajasthan

  • @Dilli_da_Djinn
    @Dilli_da_Djinn 2 месяца назад

    You failed to notice or just decided to ignore how many WOMEN were leading the contingents ! Is it because Indonesian Army has no Women Leaders ?? 😉😉

    • @ZarakuRaku
      @ZarakuRaku  2 месяца назад

      Watch my videoвидео.htmlsi=Od3gHDr3AYOXkRCy

  • @jaspreetsingh4331
    @jaspreetsingh4331 2 месяца назад +1

    indonesia was under many indian kings so u guys have touch of our culture there like hinduism and u guys converted to islam recently

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      people use to trade with each others same south indians use to trade with Indonesia peoples some were Buddhist and some were Dravidian culture and with trade their belief also comes and some part of Indonesia adopted their mixed belief of Buddhism and Dravidian same Arabs use to trade with Indonesians and Indonesian peoples love their manners, honestly, morality and as i said with trades beliefs philosophy also cames and Indonesian peoples started to accept Almighty God as they see previous ideology more primitive. at starting only few arabs arrive at Indonesia with boats to trade with them and people love their philosophy and within few years whole Indonesia accept Almighty God. not like what you said that indian king use to rule Indonesia bro never say this to any Indonesia they will laugh at you after hearing your statement

    • @jaspreetsingh4331
      @jaspreetsingh4331 Месяц назад

      @@sarajaved1120 haha and now u r insecure abt it.coz its ur religion who killed people and force them to convert all over the world and now m laughing at u trying to pretend ur thing without knowing it.they hv lot kings from india and their kingdom was big in countries like indonesia ,thailand and all. u r chicken protecting mcdonalds if u knw u knw.

  • @babagz
    @babagz 2 месяца назад

    Change your thoughts process Madam?

  • @nayaksavannayak340
    @nayaksavannayak340 3 месяца назад

    Before your forefathers converted ☪️, you all Indonesia maylesia all are 🕉️☸️🚩

  • @politicalview24
    @politicalview24 2 месяца назад

    She don’t have enough knowledge;

  • @earthaph5977
    @earthaph5977 2 месяца назад

    Bgm of video is badly choosen😢😢😢

  • @Xonowalboy22
    @Xonowalboy22 3 месяца назад


  • @amrutkhodanpur4300
    @amrutkhodanpur4300 2 месяца назад

    6:52 can any one tell me the nake of this bgm

  • @surajkumar-fi2tf
    @surajkumar-fi2tf 3 месяца назад +1

    I recommend u to go to " exmuslim sahil official " RUclips stream and " learn about islam from the scriptures" then make a decision on to support Palestine or not.
    Don't think Just because they are exmuslims they will oppose islam, they won't talk with out showing you the reference from hadis, quran and other islamic scriptures.

    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад

      you don't even the know that Holy Quran is the Only Holy book of our religion not other scriptures what other scriptures you talking about ? P@jeeet ?

  • @moropant
    @moropant 2 месяца назад

    Western border have desert. Camels .

  • @aravindandhanabal
    @aravindandhanabal 2 месяца назад


  • @ram.ram.saryane8121
    @ram.ram.saryane8121 3 месяца назад

    react on live a life less ordinary indian army video
    france and india signed the deal for aircrafts that's why

  • @infoTools09
    @infoTools09 3 месяца назад

    We dnt need any shit frm PPL like uh

  • @TLOZ1986
    @TLOZ1986 3 месяца назад +1

    Pls turkish soldiers from baku

  • @MilesDoyleSalt
    @MilesDoyleSalt 2 месяца назад

    Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
    “let the Lord rescue him.(R)
    Let him deliver him,(S)
    since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤
    Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself.
    Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs.
    More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
    16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️

  • @mr-markhor5504
    @mr-markhor5504 3 месяца назад +1


  • @Athiesm1234
    @Athiesm1234 2 месяца назад

    Are you sitting to use the toilet? Why are you wearing a hijab? Do you know where hijab came from in Islam? Adam Sikar gives a great knowledge of Islam in Urdu and English

  • @entertainmentsite4769
    @entertainmentsite4769 2 месяца назад

    Why she looks urfi javed

  • @AjayBEEEEeeArjun
    @AjayBEEEEeeArjun 3 месяца назад +1

    India Union County like Soviet Union

    • @vidhansahu
      @vidhansahu 3 месяца назад +1

      No it's not India is a union of states not soviet republics

  • @TLOZ1986
    @TLOZ1986 3 месяца назад +1

    Not this Cow prayers

    • @rakhibiswas5182
      @rakhibiswas5182 3 месяца назад +8

      Cry harder 😂😂😂

    • @rakeshk7121
      @rakeshk7121 3 месяца назад +5

      Nice frustration cry harder kid😂😂😂😂

    • @abhiram-h9p
      @abhiram-h9p 3 месяца назад +4

      Better than worshipping a pdf file

    • @rishabjain8975
      @rishabjain8975 2 месяца назад

      😂😂cry more

  • @TinkuMirdha-iw4ow
    @TinkuMirdha-iw4ow 2 месяца назад


  • @davidkoks2400
    @davidkoks2400 3 месяца назад

    Можешь сделать реакцию на Русский парад

    • @ZarakuRaku
      @ZarakuRaku  2 месяца назад


    • @davidkoks2400
      @davidkoks2400 2 месяца назад

      @@ZarakuRakuVostok 2018 Hell March

    • @davidkoks2400
      @davidkoks2400 2 месяца назад

      @@ZarakuRaku or Russian Army Hell March Russia Military Power 2020

  • @ilhangencturk5636
    @ilhangencturk5636 3 месяца назад +2

    İnekler eksik törende

    • @mr-markhor5504
      @mr-markhor5504 3 месяца назад


    • @SandhyaEve-ii5im
      @SandhyaEve-ii5im 3 месяца назад +2

      Evet, tıpkı Türk geçit töreninde insan bombalarının eksik olması gibi🤣🤣
      Neden aptal mizahını başka bir yere götürmüyorsun Joker 🤡

    • @rishabjain8975
      @rishabjain8975 2 месяца назад +1


    • @sarajaved1120
      @sarajaved1120 Месяц назад


  • @sachleen7658
    @sachleen7658 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for reaction

  • @ReasearchAnnalistWing
    @ReasearchAnnalistWing 3 месяца назад

    Are you Converted?

  • @GreatIndonesia-i4p
    @GreatIndonesia-i4p 3 месяца назад

    Wkwkwk pinter nyari viewer

  • @ChandanMaji-ik3gx
    @ChandanMaji-ik3gx 3 месяца назад

    Ex Muslim debet Adam

  • @ChandanMaji-ik3gx
    @ChandanMaji-ik3gx 3 месяца назад

    Ex Muslim debet

  • @deepaksugara7835
    @deepaksugara7835 2 месяца назад

    India and france patner weapons trade