I love seeing all the process of the costume fitting and the music because it shows how much you work on the programs and many of us don't realize how exhausting that process is. It's great what you guys do and I'm glad we get to see glimpses of it, keep working hard and good luck on your next competition.
These two deserve MORE subscribers! 39K? No. My heart flutters when I see the two of you. I ship you two...ok..Oh my God I'm being weird. Love you both!
I'm so excited to see your new programs, the music sounds great and those costumes are beautiful. I really appreciate this vlogs! i love seeing little snippets of your lives and it's inspiring to watch how you guys prepare for the olympics. I hope you have an amazing season!
Seeing part of the design process is so interesting. Your costumes are cohesive and gorgeous, and they are always really tasteful. Definitely the best ice dance costumes this season! There is something effortless about it. I also adore your Short Dance costumes, they really pop and match the programme perfectly! Shout out to your designer!
The quality of the video is amazing! Bravo, Alex. Thank you for showing us the behind the scenes of your figure skating life. Maya in a new dress looks like a rosebud. ♥__♥ Thank you for the new vlog and see you at the Cup of Russia soon ♥
monitoring sessions? Olympic Day? I feel like an insider learning all these information! 5:23 If Alex ever loses his credit cards, at least we'd know why
Wow! Love the vlog, as always! I've specially enjoyed seeing the making process of the costume 😄 it looks like you both are gonna be stunning on the ice 🤗 And the music sounds epic 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Can't waaaaait!
Thank you for sharing with us a part of your life. I always am amazed that you're able vlog on top of all the training and meetings/traveling that you have to do. Best of luck to you guys! And I agree with other commenters here, you definitely should have more subscribers!
Thank you for the vlog~ So happy to see you smile! These costumes though... They already look so amazing on both of you! I think I will cry happy tears when I see you skating and wearing them :D P. S. Good luck and have a good day!
I'm so excited! Seems like an amazing time throughout the vlog but also the Olympic day hype! 😄 Keep staying strong through your journey and keep on with the hard work. 🤗
Another top notch quality vlog thanks very much for the update videos they are very entertaining and it’s really nice to see the behind the scene work that you guys go through!!!!
ShibSibs I’m going to miss these days !!! The days where you guys are still able to reply to most of the comments that we do coz I’m sure you guys are gonna be sooo big soon and everyone is gonna know who the shibsibs are !!!
I was gonna riot if you guys didn't put clipart sunglasses over Alex's real ones and then you did and I'd like to thank you for blessing us with the content we all deserve
again, i am super astonished at the amount of work you guys put in for 1 performance!! its such a long process and yet its always so worth it in the end ❤ thank you for motivating me in the same way in life! cant wait to see the end result!! 🙆
Lovely to see all the hard work and progress going into your programmes~! Have to wonder though, how did you avoid getting poked while getting in and out of costume fittings? o_o"
just asking the first thought that came to mind: How do you clean the skating costumes after the competitions? I can see the sweat fly off skaters' brows after a performance, and I know it definitely seeps into the costume as well, but what I don't know is how you clean the costume without knocking off decorations.
Maia, your dress is so pretty! Alex, have you ever considered wearing short sleeves or are you more comfortable in long sleeves? Thank you for uploading as always!
I really love the footage and the quality of the video! What camera did you use here? It seemed steady and everything looks so crisp! I love the explanations on the video. This is a really well-done vlog video. More power to both of you and you're family
Your program music sounds so good! I'm really, really excited to see your programs!! ❤️ PS: friends in the comments section, please tell me that I'm not the only one who spent an embarrassing amount of time trying out the card flipping trick...😅
I also love how Maia's costume's skirt is always long and flowy
I actually love the modern touch on her costumes
I love seeing all the process of the costume fitting and the music because it shows how much you work on the programs and many of us don't realize how exhausting that process is. It's great what you guys do and I'm glad we get to see glimpses of it, keep working hard and good luck on your next competition.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the video! 👍
This is the songs and outfits from their olympic free dance!! It was amazing!!!
Wow, you both look so gorgeous with your new costumes, especially Maia, OMG. I am so excited for the new season.
Thank you! So are we! 🙂
Alex and Maia pls do a video on how to stay happy and relaxes on tyring schedules and flights
Good idea!
pls do!
so they did all that in 70 hours? wow.
i just realized how unproductive i am 😂😂
You guys having been working super hard, I’m extremely excited to see your new programs. Can’t wait!
So cool to see where all this planning landed you. Congrats on the bronze!!!
These two deserve MORE subscribers! 39K? No.
My heart flutters when I see the two of you. I ship you two...ok..Oh my God I'm being weird. Love you both!
Haha really appreciate the support! Spread the word! #ShibSibs #ShibSquad
these are so well edited. I love how you provide all information (places, songs etc), it is very satisfying. Good job guys
Thanks! Appreciate the comment! - A
I'm so excited to see your new programs, the music sounds great and those costumes are beautiful.
I really appreciate this vlogs! i love seeing little snippets of your lives and it's inspiring to watch how you guys prepare for the olympics. I hope you have an amazing season!
Thanks for the support, and thanks for watching the video!
Seeing part of the design process is so interesting. Your costumes are cohesive and gorgeous, and they are always really tasteful. Definitely the best ice dance costumes this season! There is something effortless about it. I also adore your Short Dance costumes, they really pop and match the programme perfectly! Shout out to your designer!
The red dress is beautiful 😍😍 can't wait for your new program, good luck to you guys for the new season!
Thank you!!!
The costume is so beautiful ahhhh I can't wait to see it in action 😍 and oh my god the music THE MUSIC 😭 **sobs into the sunset**
Omg your new costumes! And the new music! So excited!
The quality of the video is amazing! Bravo, Alex. Thank you for showing us the behind the scenes of your figure skating life. Maya in a new dress looks like a rosebud. ♥__♥ Thank you for the new vlog and see you at the Cup of Russia soon ♥
See you soon! 😀👍
monitoring sessions? Olympic Day? I feel like an insider learning all these information!
5:23 If Alex ever loses his credit cards, at least we'd know why
Wow! Love the vlog, as always! I've specially enjoyed seeing the making process of the costume 😄 it looks like you both are gonna be stunning on the ice 🤗 And the music sounds epic 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Can't waaaaait!
I am so excited for the new season cant wait to see your new programs and more vlogs from you guys.
Thanks for the support! 🙂
the build up with vlogs is so exciting! can't wait for the season to start!!! thanks for taking time out to edit & share
You're welcome! Glad you're enjoying the videos!
Wow that was a lot of traveling. How do you guys deal with jet lag? Especially when you had to skate right after that flight...
I can’t wait to see you skate this year!!! The costumes look great and and the music sounds amazing! You guys are gonna kill it at nationals❤️❤️❤️
such amazing content despite your busy schedules!!! i applaud y'all for that!!! y'all truly are the definition of hard working :))
Thank you for sharing with us a part of your life. I always am amazed that you're able vlog on top of all the training and meetings/traveling that you have to do. Best of luck to you guys! And I agree with other commenters here, you definitely should have more subscribers!
Thanks for the support! We appreciate it!!
can't wait to see your programs! good luck this season!
Thank you!!
Alex 😂😂 Double sunglasses = double swag lol
Lmao the cards and Sanatra & Jay Z ( my fav mash and routine ) and your costumes look gr8
Thank you! We love them!
I can't wait to see the new programs!
I hope you're taking care of yourselves and getting lots of rest!!! 💗💗
lovely shibs!!!!!♡♡
maia sooooooooooo cute!!!!! I love your smile!😀
and I really expect to see your new programs in Rostelecom cup!!
Thank you! 🙂
The costumes look so pretty 😭😭😭 you guys look like such fun people to hang out with xD
OMG this made me so excited to see your programs! cant wait for this season to start 🙌🙌
loved the peep of last year's short dance music 😂😂
keep it up! cheering for you
Glad you caught that! 🤣
Thank you for the vlog~ So happy to see you smile! These costumes though... They already look so amazing on both of you! I think I will cry happy tears when I see you skating and wearing them :D P. S. Good luck and have a good day!
Thank you! 😁
I'm so excited! Seems like an amazing time throughout the vlog but also the Olympic day hype! 😄 Keep staying strong through your journey and keep on with the hard work. 🤗
Maia's dress is stunning!!!!
I need more of you guys 😭
Thanks for the support!
Ah I’m really excited to see you guys perform your programs, the hype is reallllll!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm a new fan I love You ShibSibs! Your tandem is very epic. I like it.
YESS new vlog! Love you guys so much so excited for olympic season!
YES! We are too!
Can't wait to see your new programs
Can't wait to perform them!
Just discovered your channel and I'm loving it!!! Amazing job xx
Thanks for watching! 👍
looking forward your programs, esp FD, COldplay forever, yaaay!!
5:38 😂 i am pleased to find ur RUclips channel ♥️
I love your editing, Alex.
Thanks! 👍 - A
Love the 'thats life' ref 😂😂😂
I'm getting really pumped for the next performance now, GOOD LUCK!!! ^_^
New video yay!!!!!!! Came from the instagram live hehe ♡
Thanks for tuning in and leaving a comment!
Alex with the sunglasses flipping the card! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
Glad you liked that part!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! You replied!!!!!
Another top notch quality vlog thanks very much for the update videos they are very entertaining and it’s really nice to see the behind the scene work that you guys go through!!!!
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
ShibSibs I’m going to miss these days !!! The days where you guys are still able to reply to most of the comments that we do coz I’m sure you guys are gonna be sooo big soon and everyone is gonna know who the shibsibs are !!!
I can't wait for your music!
You deserve more subs Alex and Maia! I love you both
Spread the word! Thanks for watching! 😅
love the edits! ❤️
Thank you! - A
Honestly how are your vlogs so aesthetic?
Really love these videos!!!!^^
Ahhh what a busy few days. Hope you both had the time to rest and recuperate and eat and sleep
Rest is just as important. We try to keep a healthy balance.
Yes, another video! The editing is amazing by the way 👌
Thank you! - A
ShibSibs No problem! :D
I love seeing how the dresses are made😍
Paradise?! That's my favorite song! You guys are gonna own this entire season. :D Michigan loves you two *in case you didn't already know* Lol!
very polished videos
I was gonna riot if you guys didn't put clipart sunglasses over Alex's real ones and then you did and I'd like to thank you for blessing us with the content we all deserve
Glad you didn't have to riot. - A
Omg David choi. Also I didn't know y'all worked with ryanimay! That's cool
LOVE your music! ❤
Thank you! We love it too! Both programs have taken a lot of work, but we're really proud of them!
Yessss more Coldplay!!!
Eunice Oh Are they going to skate to Cold play again? Which track will they use this time?
Μαρία Στρατάκη sounds like paradise at 4:30!
again, i am super astonished at the amount of work you guys put in for 1 performance!! its such a long process and yet its always so worth it in the end ❤ thank you for motivating me in the same way in life! cant wait to see the end result!! 🙆
Thank you for leaving such a nice comment! Really appreciate it!
Yay for Maryland! 😍
Vlog perfection.
but got to admit, the program music sounds 👌
New subscriber here from PH didn't know you were vlogging. Keep it up!
Lovely to see all the hard work and progress going into your programmes~! Have to wonder though, how did you avoid getting poked while getting in and out of costume fittings? o_o"
Our costume designers/tailors are really careful.
They really must be with all those pins! XD
Hiii maia and alex, I loved your vlogs, can you give some tips to stay fit and happy? Ilysm all my support for you ❤️❤️❤️
Being fit is about discipline and balance. Being happy is a mindset. If you want to be happy, be happy!
ShibSibs thanks for the advices, and be my role models ❤️ I love you so much 🌹🌹
i love the shibsibs and how confident they seem on the ice. (and btw, wasn't David choi in one of Ryan higa's videos?)
David's in town!
just asking the first thought that came to mind: How do you clean the skating costumes after the competitions? I can see the sweat fly off skaters' brows after a performance, and I know it definitely seeps into the costume as well, but what I don't know is how you clean the costume without knocking off decorations.
good question. Dry cleaning, perhaps?
dry clean 👌
Kyoya Seo so easy, they have lots of back up costumes
i heard yuzu handwashes his, so maybe they handwash? Or just dry cleaning is faster
Generally you handwash them (from my experience)
Good luck at Rostelecom Cup guys!
Thank you! 😁
Ahhh I love Coldplay!
We do too! 🙂
Maia, your dress is so pretty! Alex, have you ever considered wearing short sleeves or are you more comfortable in long sleeves? Thank you for uploading as always!
It depends on the program. We've never had a program where short sleeves made sense.
How do you guys deal with schedules like this 😨 makes me respect skaters even more
Our schedule is always busy. We want to make the most of every single day!
love u guys
Omg, I love your vlog
I really love the footage and the quality of the video! What camera did you use here? It seemed steady and everything looks so crisp! I love the explanations on the video. This is a really well-done vlog video. More power to both of you and you're family
Thanks! Glad you like the video! We use a bunch of different cameras. Sometimes we use our phones, and sometimes we use a Sony RX100
GOOD LUCK !!!! 👍👍👍👍
Thank you! 👍
i really love this videos 😍
Thanks for watching!
You should like totally come to Chicago
I really really reEally love that frank sinatra and jay z remix! pleaseee upload them somewhere!
When are shibsibs going to compete? I think almost everyone has competed by now.
Soon! Rostelecom Cup!
Looking forward, best of luck to you both!
AHHH I WAS AT THE GARDENS THAT SAME DAY but they made everyone leave bc secrets ☹️ Good luck with this year’s competitions!!!
Thank you! 🙂
When do we get to see your new programs?
i love that they used their SD music for the card flipping. lol
Your program music sounds so good! I'm really, really excited to see your programs!! ❤️
PS: friends in the comments section, please tell me that I'm not the only one who spent an embarrassing amount of time trying out the card flipping trick...😅
shadowsinwinter Lol, I tried the trick after seeing your comment.
Thanks! We can't wait to perform them!
Where can I find their remix in their program? 😭
I love that's life your last season program.:) I'm so excited for your new program . Is your first competition cup of Russia?
Yes! 🙂
That's life was so great! It had a very different feeling, and it was very fresh and interesting :)
Next time! 😀
Keep it💯😘 guys
Always 💯
I love the process of the costume 💙💙💙😄
I'm totally late, but I totally came from the live on insta a few days back
That's awesome. Thanks for watching!