Tucker Carlson vs Ben Shapiro on Free Markets and Capitalism | Doug Wilson

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Doug Wilson unpacks the differences between Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro on the issue of Free Markets and Capitalism

Комментарии • 65

  • @justinhebert5155
    @justinhebert5155 2 года назад +6

    I'm a graduate student in an Economics program and I'm always impressed with Doug's understanding of the topic.

  • @objectivistathlete
    @objectivistathlete 5 лет назад +23

    Free market capitalism is the force that gave us the sexual revolution, modern art, and other moral degeneracy. We need to rethink the system if we want to protect Christian morality.
    The great irony is that the USSR, despite being profoundly morally evil and not being able to produce satisfactory material wealth, was more morally conservative in terms of abortion, sodomy, etc. than modern capitalist economies. It's why much of Eastern Europe today is behind the curve, so to speak, when it comes to the sexual revolution. Food for thought.

    • @jacobdodson8394
      @jacobdodson8394 5 лет назад

      Slavwave yep!

    • @kampfpilot4751
      @kampfpilot4751 4 года назад

      hebraic capitalism

    • @SerpMolot
      @SerpMolot 4 года назад +1

      @@mosesking2923 Talking to Americans about governmental systems is quite the task to be honest. But I'll try. "Big government" is not a concept. It's just the size of any type of government, whether it'll be socialist or capitalist. Big government in a capitalist state often times means cooperation between the capitalists and the state itselft. When the ties are so close, it is hard to distinguish the two, that is when you get fascism (like in Italy and Germany). Most left-wing anti-liberals would argue that in a fascist economy, the state become the puppet of the capitalist. "Big government" is just a paranoia of many Americans and does not equate to the economic system in place. That's why hearing Americans call Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton "communists" sounds utterly stupid to everybody else in the world.
      The propagation of sexual revolution, pederasty and modern "art" seem to have happened (and is happening) only in capitalist countries. The Soviet Union was ardently against all this moral degeneracy. Russia's "sexual revolution" happened only in the criminal 90's after the fall of the Soviet Union and even then only partially. Pederasty was a punishable offence since the early-30s up until 1993 after capitalism came to Russia.

    • @donh1572
      @donh1572 7 месяцев назад +1

      No, sin gave us those things. Capitalism holds up Gods laws by respecting property rights

    • @Cristofah
      @Cristofah 4 месяца назад

      @@donh1572capitalism enables sin

  • @ryantandy307
    @ryantandy307 5 лет назад +19

    God got it right in His Mosaic & Levitical prescriptions for ownership: perpetual familial ownership, with insurance being patrilineal or hierarchal succession, with 50-year redemption plans broken into 7-year increments for those fallen on bad times as a sort of poverty counter-weight, mandatory fallowing, provision to sojourners, etc. It's just amazing how the sacred quality of property is in a state of disrepair. But look at our economy!

    • @ineternitypast
      @ineternitypast 4 года назад

      Veiled Heat
      Ah good ol’ churchianity where sin is defined as disobeying Gods Law and commandments but the only ones that apply are the great commission and the greatest commandment.
      This is why modern “Christianity” is such a joke.

    • @karcharias811
      @karcharias811 4 года назад +5

      @@ineternitypast I think your engaged in a Straw Man fallacy here. He did not say that none of God's law applies anymore. Christians merely claim, along with the New Testament, that the civil law of Israel, the dietary and sanitation laws, the ritual law, and the worship law are contextual. They were applicable within a context. This is evidenced by the fact that Temple law is impossible to obey today, and has been since the Temple was destroyed in AD 70. However Christians affirm, as does the New Testament, that the moral law of God is UNIVERSAL. Contextual things do not apply outside of their context but universal things are contextualess. So Christians do not reject and affirm God's law arbitrarily, there is actual a logic to it and you should not engage in a straw man fallacy, but rather if you disagree with Christians at least disagree with our actual claims.

    • @ineternitypast
      @ineternitypast 4 года назад +1

      Is homosexuality and fornication as sin contextual too?
      I don’t even think modern Christians understand what fornication is and how it was normalized in the 50’s and 60’s and is not only tolerated in churches today, but embraced.
      Homosexuality is just the next fall that’s being debated.

    • @karcharias811
      @karcharias811 4 года назад +8

      @@ineternitypast Since the NT re-affirms it as a moral issue then no it is not. The command for sexual morality and all that entails is a universal moral decree. To say otherwise would mean it is somehow part of the civil, ritual, dietary/sanitary laws. It's very nature testifies that it is as much a part of the sexual moral law as the forbidding of adultery. Would you ask me if adultery were merely contextual? I don't think you would. Sexual moral behavior is universal precisely because it is tied to the creation itself. It deals with all of mankind not just one people, one nation in one time and context. It is tied to the the fact that God created mankind male and female. Paul makes this pretty clear, and if the morality or immorality of something is tied to God's creative act from the beginning it IS universal by definition.
      So I would say that I agree with you that much is being tolerated in many churches that should not be tolerated.

    • @michaelclark2458
      @michaelclark2458 2 года назад

      Correct. Capitalism is good but it’s not a religion to worship either. In a sense God endorses it, but he favors it with some upper and lower limits and time limits.

  • @austinmengarelli7269
    @austinmengarelli7269 2 года назад +6

    In other words, he agrees with Ben Shapiro. Capitalism done right is when free markets are truly free. Once politicians start stepping in saying: "let's make capitalism work for us" then the government has crossed its mandate to maintain free markets

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor9100 Год назад +1

    The problem with the "thoughtful conservatives" was that they were just having a kneejerk reaction; they oppose tariffs without any consideration or context. But the corporatism you describe is not capitalism at all, its fascism. Its big corporations working with government to set economic policy.

  • @smt0202
    @smt0202 Год назад +1

    Good to hear Doug mention the book "How Capitalism Saved America", author is Thomas DiLorenzo

  • @bradenadsett9040
    @bradenadsett9040 2 года назад +2

    Great video and I agree with where this man stands on free market capitalism. Political machinery is used too often by monopolies these days for profits.

  • @drewm3807
    @drewm3807 2 года назад +1

    His analogy at the beginning is flawed. It's not the free market that causes one party to end up with all the wealth. It's usury that does that. There's a reason that Christianity and Islam both banned usury for most of their histories.

  • @jacobdodson8394
    @jacobdodson8394 5 лет назад +13

    The foundations of classical liberalism and capitalism being individualism and selfishness (marginal utility), it should be no wonder to find Christians and the capitalists at odds.
    Until the dissent Christian thinkers can unshackle themselves from libertarianism, the thought categories necessary to understand and address the modern situation will not be recognized.
    That being said, I love y’alls content, Thank you for faithfulness.

    • @DanielTanios
      @DanielTanios 5 лет назад +3

      Marginal utility has nothing to do with selfishness per se. This unfortunate half-education is something of a disaster and is difficult to correct.

    • @vc8749
      @vc8749 4 года назад +1

      Individualism is 100% a biblical concept. Why else did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden? Why else does salvation only apply to individuals and not to the collective?
      Selfishness isn't necessarily a problem either, the problem is when it gets in the way of loving your neighbor, that is to say, love your neighbor _as_ _you_ _love_ _yourself._

  • @jollysalad5484
    @jollysalad5484 4 года назад +21

    Tucker Carlson got older and husky and Ben Shapiro became bald?

  • @thesheep6248
    @thesheep6248 Год назад

    I love this channel! Thanks for your wisdom, Doug

  • @muffinlordghoti1
    @muffinlordghoti1 2 года назад

    I think at 5:11 the explanation is a bit on the confusing side.
    Basically the question is: "You make markets sound 0-sum, why is that a good thing?"
    And my take is: markets aren't 0-sum, in a broader sense it's the bell curve of human decision making & financial allocative choices/productivity & work ethic that's 0-sum, someone's going to be at the low end of it whether you have free markets or tyranny.
    In a market system which is generative of more pie in total, those on the higher end of that bell curve have resources flow to them for allocation, and those on the lower end of that bell curve have resources flow away.
    It's a market spanking.
    Say there's two siblings who get lunch money from mom and dad, the little girl always buys lunch at school, the little boy figured out he can get a ton of gumballs from the machine with his cash. That little boy will soon figure out he's getting pretty hungry by only chewing gum, the little girl doesn't have that problem, and when they get home, guess which one gets ice cream and which one gets liver and onions.

  • @markchristian787
    @markchristian787 4 года назад +3

    Dr. Thomas Woods (who should debate Doug over Catholicism since hes a Latin mass guy) wrote "How Capitalism Saved America."

    • @karcharias811
      @karcharias811 4 года назад +2

      Point of fact it was written by Thomas DiLorenzo, not Woods. Woods has written many books, just not that one.

  • @jessynation8293
    @jessynation8293 2 года назад

    Would Companies like black rock be considered monopolies?

  • @theetilesmith
    @theetilesmith 4 года назад +1

    It doesnt matter what the economy is doing in a country where the people are not free. The reason for a free market is not so that we all have the best economic outcome. Its so that we have the best economic opportunities. Freedom is the way to the the best economic opportunities.

  • @elijahmatthew6168
    @elijahmatthew6168 5 лет назад

    Well it would have to be a voluntary unanimous sighn up in order for Chestertononian distribution to work, if you force any unwanted government structure on any amount of people it’s not really going to work very well. You would have to combine Chestertonian distributism (as described in the tales of the long bow) with Chestertonian anarchy(man

  • @danmannz
    @danmannz 3 года назад +2

    Neither, both aren't Austrians.

  • @boliusabol822
    @boliusabol822 2 года назад

    Halfway through and i've no idea waht the difference between ben shapiro and tucker is.. other than from the opening question that maybe tucker is more ok with distributing wealth whereas ben not so much.

  • @Spillers72
    @Spillers72 2 года назад

    Distributism is almost identical to mutualism.

  • @kendevries3212
    @kendevries3212 3 года назад +2

    Crony Capitalism = Crapitalism!!! Love it!

  • @davidleesteel
    @davidleesteel 2 года назад

    You have your community(country) first and then the free market works inside your community. Free market wouldn't work across border

  • @giddyupagoo5956
    @giddyupagoo5956 5 лет назад +11

    Crapitalism. I love it.

    • @ratatat12356
      @ratatat12356 5 лет назад +1


    • @cyberpunkspike
      @cyberpunkspike 4 года назад

      @Veiled Heat IF you continue to think just as you do now, socialism becomes inevitable. This was the discovery that Marx realized, and thus socialists developed the strategy of pursuing 'anarcho-capitalism' and riding popular discontent into power.
      Only by recognizing the primacy of nation can the existence of markets acquire the legitimacy necessary for their political survival.

  • @owlblocksdavid4955
    @owlblocksdavid4955 5 лет назад +7

    Free markets > government control.

    • @wts-cp4js
      @wts-cp4js 5 лет назад

      What do you mean by "free markets" and what do you mean by "government control"?

    • @cyberpunkspike
      @cyberpunkspike 4 года назад +1

      @@mordenkainen5674 Monarchs are better historically than globalist conglomerates, because Monarchs are literally glued to the nation and its citizenry. This is why the left hates the British Monarchy, look no further than their wise choice to not jump in to stop Brexit.
      That's what you get when you ruin a society, the return of monarchy. Fix this mess now, so we can maintain a republic. Not sure how? Listen to Tucker Carlson.

    • @cyberpunkspike
      @cyberpunkspike 4 года назад

      @@mordenkainen5674 You are a crypto Marxist, that's why you're in the globalist coalition. Fertilizing the ground for a new socialist totalitarian society. You're promoting a more radical version of conservative-fusionism, trying to bring back the globalist cretins in total power on the right. There is nothing conservative about radical libertarianism and dogmatic adherence, there never was, progressives preferring you as their opposition should have been a large enough hint.
      If you didn't get the hint then, you should be repulsed by the outcomes you helped usher in our society. The state larger than ever, and completely rogue from the citizenry, socialism back from the dead and in style. That was what you created, when your thought lead the opposition.
      Any jackass could see why your utopian project can't work, and how it just gets dominated by socialists, because we're living in it now. You must use the state to represent the nation, otherwise socialists will seize power, it's really quite simple. Note I said represent, as in a representative republic.

  • @thecannabisinstitute4294
    @thecannabisinstitute4294 5 лет назад +2

    Who is this guy?

  • @josephsego1095
    @josephsego1095 2 месяца назад

    It's a tragic thing that wokeology sometimes gets conflated with anticapitalism. Wokeology is actually narcissistic abuse, and capitalism, in some of their darkest forms. *I mean they/thems darkest form*.
    I've never heard a valid argument in favor of capitalism. Proponents of capitalism only ever try to implement gaslighting and/or logical fallacies. Really. Try to have a sane, civil, honest conversation with any proponent of capitalism, and they'll prove my point.
    But if you like all manner of products within the capitalist matrix, if you own a business, and have employees. and you still want a much more sane and harmonious economic system, You're Not A Fucking Hypocrite.
    If you discuss capitalism honestly, don't let them silence you with that weak argument .
    It would be just as ridiculous to argue that one is a hypocrite for drinking city tap water, when they had no other options , and therefore one shouldn't be able to consider better sources of water.
    Narcissistic personality disorder is an epidemic.
    And when they project "well the problem is nobody wants to work. " Ask them what landlords even fucking do . Ask them what the CEO of Starbucks actually does . Etc.
    No shade at seasons of nondoership. But shade @ projection.
    "so much depression, anxiety, stress & suicidality is caused by capitalism. we really really need to talk about how not being able to meet our basic needs and how giving away 80% of our days to jobs that drain & exploit us leads to serious mental health issues for a lot of people" - Alexis Isabel
    #yin #yang
    #unity #unitywithin
    But not so much #wokeology #medicalgaslighting
    And Indeed it's ridiculous for right-wingers to ✅✔️rightfully ✅☑️✔️✅ speak out against wokeology, but then turn a blind eye to circumcision.. indeed it's the exact same thing: mutiliation, medical gaslighting, completely unscientific but not in a spiritual way or anything like that. And indeed it's misandry. #intactivism

  • @johnq.public8593
    @johnq.public8593 2 года назад

    This Doug guy is literally admitting that Capitalism is the problem while trying so hard to defend it lol

    • @MrAntiOrdinary
      @MrAntiOrdinary 2 года назад

      I’m pretty sure he carefully distinguished between free markets without government interference and capitalism where government and others tamper with the markets (“crapitalism”). There is no way to have perfect equality because while all humans have equal value before God, everyone’s efforts/skills/etc are not equal, so why would there be equal outcomes? Plus, Jesus said that we would always have the poor with us, so…

    • @arminius504
      @arminius504 2 года назад


    • @smt0202
      @smt0202 Год назад

      No he's not - he's clarifying that government involvement and control is the problem

  • @Tevyn843
    @Tevyn843 5 лет назад +2

    “I believe in free markets, but if some people get too displaced we have to level the playing field and manipulate the free market so it can be more free” lolol This Tucker view of free markets and capitalism is BS. People can’t start at the same place and will never start at the same place in a free society. The only way to achieve that is to implement socialist policies on their parents, which I’m sure Tucker would claim to be against. Tucker has openly said he would be in favor of making laws against truck automation in order to save trucker jobs. That’s not a free market and that’s not capitalism. If your job disappears or ceases to be of value that sucks but you have to find new work and adapt to the changing world. Without innovation in automation we wouldn’t have a lot of the shit we have now. These people pick and choose when and how they want the free market to work. They’re no different than people on the left asking for handouts and government intervention to get things they want

    • @cyberpunkspike
      @cyberpunkspike 4 года назад +2

      There is nothing I've read or watched, that indicates Tucker Carlson has a social-democracy or socialist view of governance. If you want to maintain markets, you must ensure that its foundation is legitimate, otherwise you will get socialism. You do this by asserting the primacy of the nation, not the primacy of the state like a socialist.
      First there is no such thing as a market free from politics, the laws on which it operates are written and enforced by men. The entire project depends on the existence of the state. You must make sure that the citizenry as a nation is writing the rules, and not globalist conglomerates. The alternative is bribing them like socialists. If you cannot see the difference, then you are either an idiot or a deceptive socialist.
      Listen very carefully to what I'm telling you....You will listen to wise nationalists like Tucker Carlson, who will guide us through a horrible moment in our history safely. OR you will get AOC, who will make sure there are no markets, and has no interests in seeing any new innovation because it would threaten their power. NOTHING else is even politically stable.
      You seem to get it at the end though, yes... we are no different, except we actually don't want to restrict innovation and liberty. We simply want to make sure America survives in the process, so that innovation and liberty can continue in the future. If you see this as restrictions on your rapacious will, then so be it, learn to accept your chains as necessary. The rest of us will gladly accept the minor cost of maintaining western civilization, which compared to both socialists and what we have now... is practically no cost at all.

  • @LL-ub9tz
    @LL-ub9tz 5 лет назад

    Protestantism is esoteric capitalism, ie, materialism.

  • @Tevyn843
    @Tevyn843 5 лет назад

    It’s so hard to take him seriously because of how poorly and irrationally he defends his faith