@Zoomer Stasi he was awarded second-degree Stalin prize twice: in 1941 for the Koroğlu opera, and in 1946 for "Arshin Mal Alan" movie soundtrack. So, Stalin awarded him himself. I am not sure about Mao(read about that long time ago), but he was a huge movie fan. Perhaps, he saw "Arshin mal Alan which was popular in the Soviet Union" then.
@overthinker Yes! I found an old photo of Chinese actors performing the play in China, what year I do not remember but very old, so I do believe that could be somewhat of an idea of Mao's fondness of his work.
I am Armenian German and respect Azerbaijan, I wish we could finally begin to respect each other as neighbours instead of hating us. I like your culture. Red Salute! :-)
Sorry about my countries part in that, America is great at destroying democracys and socialist States while supplying fascists, hell the C.I.A did it in Ukraine just a few year's ago.
@@allengreene9954 Azerbaijan not a facist. Many nations live in Azerbaijan. lezgi , tat , talish , malakan(They banished Russia) Kurds Armenian, Jews. And we never fight them. We are Azerbaijan together.
I think at 1:02 she doesn't say "our motherland is wounded", she says "yurtlarını eyle viran" which means "make their land ruined". ( I am a native Anatolian Turkish speaker.)
@@wastyr_sn74 Yes, but it still specifically says "eyle"(I do not have the closed Azeri e, my apologies), that is best translated as "make". In all cases, this uses active voice here, the subject is supposed to do something. And "viran eylemek" is also used in Turkish, it means "to reduce to rubble", basically. "Our motherland in wounded", in all cases, is translated wrong.
@@metinfurkanamarat583 usually, the translations are based off the main meaning plus what it would sound like best in english, ik it dosent direct to "our motherland is wounded", but still azeri is different from turkish
Йосиф Ткхашвили Виссарионович Сталин Hayır sen sosyal medyada onun ismini kullanan pancar tarlalarında calistirdigimiz bir kölesin ve pancar yorumunu sil çünkü burada görebilir :)
When listening to songs in Turkic languages, I find it more satisfying to not look at the subtitles, as that way I can better appreciate the beauty of the language and not the orthography not aligning with my knowledge of how the Latin alphabet works in IE and Uralic languages.
Despite me not understanding a word they say (that is, without the translation), the song still has a powerful feel to it. It makes you want to defend the Soviet motherland till death.
The triumph of socialism in the USSR made the world a better place , even capitalist countries had to change into welfare states to stop the March of Communism , the soviet collapse was a tragedy , the country needed freedom and democracy besides socialism and not allout capitalism.
@@Anonymous.90027wuw salam harvaxtiz xeyir. Qardas man bu cur komonizm mahnilardan xosum gelir ama ardabilliyam(iran) çox tanimiram. Bir neçasinin adin diya bilarsan?
В 80х я был ребенком, и побывал в Туркменистане, Баку, Таджикистане, и везде меня взрослые пытались чем то угостить и звали в гости, я русский, а сейчас кругом ненависть по религиозной, национальной розни. После того как в 90х развалился СССР везде начались войны, Кавказ, Средняя Азия, Африка, Ближний Восток, везде ненависть и кровь рекой. Общество больно. Ненависть и война захлестнула все.
Cynothonic - UTFT I know its Azerbaijani, I was saying I'd like to see more songs or marches from Turkic countries. Think before you comment, it even says Azerbaijani in the title and the country of Azerbaijan belongs to the Turkic group and they speak a Turkic language.
Hiper Comrade I am from Turkey and 2 years ago I began searching about azerbaijani language and turkish language Word by word, phrase by phrase... And I can really say that there is a huge similarity about these two languages :)
Awesome march but I gotta make a few corrections on the translations. =) 0:37 Our bravemen and courageous won't let our motherland be trampled 1:03 Ruin their lands, go brother, happy journey! 1:29 Know your might. May not a single alien bullet touch you 1:41 People need you, o righteous voice of the motherland 2:47 Hold your chest up high on the advance like a steel trench 2:59 Make the enemy scatter in their homes 3:13 it would be few even if you kill a thousand fascists on the advance
I find it interesting how you can pick up similarities between different languages if the linguistic regions border each other. For example the Azerbaijani word for enemy and the Russian word is very similar. Another example would be how the Spanish word for Grenade is very similar to a lot of other Western languages.
It’s more fascinating if u can pick up similarities with other Turkic languages like Turkish, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kazakh, Uzbek, Uyghur and Tatar (Crimean and Volga). Since Azerbaijani and Turkish (along with Turkmen) are Oghuz Turkic languages, they’re super close to each other that even they could understand each other very well. Try hear Turkish and Azerbaijani songs, u’d be super surprised how close they are.
@1mpossible ! Neler çektiklerini bilmiyoruz her şeyin fazlası zarar.Ne liberalizm, ne de kominizm. Biri seni kapitalist yapar, biri diktatör. Birinde seni zenginler ezer,birinde devlet .
@@voixerr şu an çok iyilermiş gibi konuşmayın. Diktatörlük diz boyu... Sovyetler Birliğinde eğitim refah ve özgürlük daha baskındı. İnsanların geçim derdi ve iş aş sıkıntısı olmazdı. Bunu en çok yaşlı Azerbaycanlı gaziler ve sovyet vatandaşları bilir
@@perseus4089 kardeş ben kotülemedim ama kökten bağlı olunca adamlar seni ezse bile gene pesine gidersin ondan diyorum .Ayrica stalin döneminde trocki komplosu olaylarinda yapilan büyük temizligi biliyoruz nvkd subaylarinin aklanması bakanlarin ve muhaliflerin temizlenmesi sol muhalefetin susturulmasi hepsini biliyoruz tarih yaziyor bunlari bir gücünün egosunu tatmin edecek diye binlerce insan sibiryaya sürüldü soğukta terk edildi
@@voixerr bunu tarih yazmıyor. Bu Amerikalıların atiflari. Ayrıca stalin bu hareket ile çokta iyi etmiştir. Bölücüler yok olmuştur. Sol muhalif yayınlar değil troçkist yayınlar kapandi. Çünkü trockizm ile ülke bölünüyordu. Ayrıca troçkist olup sonra tekrar stalinin tarafına geçen onlarca insan var hiçbir şey yapılmamış
Azerbaijanian songs are really catchy for me somehow.When is this song from?From the lyrics I guess it was from World War II,Did any Azerbaijani soldiers fight during the war?
Your Average Commie Productions well yeah, it was part of the USSR after all, if I am not mistaken German soldiers did hold a small part of Northwestern Azerbaijan for a while.
There are some mistakes in the translation. "Yurdalarım əylə viran" - this sentence is incomprehensible. It says "Yurdlarını eylə viran" which is translated "destroy/ruin their homes/motherland". Patriotic song would not complain about its own situation, but call to defeat the enemy :)
Please before write such an idiot comment, think first. Azerbaijani HAD no has a Cyrillic script from 1939 until 1991 in what century do you live, man!!
@@cbicbraylov832 diskussiyya səviyyənə əsasən kimin buna layiq olması daha aydın şəkildə özünü göstərməkdədir. Bir materialist olaraq bu sözlərinin kapitalist dövlət tərəfindən iqtisadi bölgü baş verərkən bütün nəslin və yaxınların üçün baş verdiyini anlayaraq, buna rəğmən ortaya belə bir mövqe qoyduğun üçün adına sadəcə üzülürəm. Tarixi biliklərini və məntiqini inkişaf etdir, gənc.
ask your self a question... all the Azeris who hate USSR. would there be an Independent Azerbaijan today? if not the Russians or USSR? i know you will say bad things... but just think with your mind. in any History book it says that all the land of Azerbaijan was part of Iran. you would be just like the Kurds wishing to be independent
yeah,we were part of iran because Turks established the iran,not persians.But now its under persian control,and our 40 million brothers are persian control,they cant have classes in their language.Also why did russia helped armenia in Karabakh war?
Last 1000 year İran contrllled by Turks hi from Tabriz we are 30 million here.Commiea deatroyed our everything they stealed our oil and killed our people.
@@alvinx8999 dünyadan xeberin yoxdur qaqaşım nağıllara inanma ingiltərə neftivin 80 faizini sömürüb daşıyır BP şirketi 3O ildi 50 illik müqavilə imzalandı yenidən yəni bir 50 ildə daşıyacaqlar qalan 20 faizini isə bilirsən kimlər haralara daşıyıb yeyir
Anatolian Shah The reasons why azeri's are called azeri rather turkish is because the people who lived in thoose days before the lands were turkified spoke an iranian language called azari.There are still a few thousand people who speak an dialect of azari.Azeri turkic still has some azari words and an accent which resembles more farsi than turkish.
Anatolian Shah you’re wrong in this case ! Azerbaijanis speak Azerbaijani or Azerbaijani turkic language ! Turkish is the term only related Turkey ! Try to differ them ! What’s turkic and turkish ! Btw nowadays our language is Azerbaijani 🇦🇿
Yes, it was written in 1942. The original lyrics supposedly said "Stalin" rather than "the Party". I found an older recording, but it's an instrumental.
@@hader8544 Az bir az tarix oxusaydin anlardin ki, Kommunistler sizi pox tualetinden xilas edib. Indi yaxshi yaxshi oxu yazdiglarimi. 20 ci esrin baslarinda Feteli xan xoyski irevani daşnaklara satdi. Ve deyib ki " biz o torpagi guzeşte getdiy olnlara" ikinci musavat dovrunde Behmenli Qember ve Sari Elekberin etdiyi qetliyamarin hesabini ver mene. Bakidan genceye kimi dar agaclari qoyub insanlarin evlerini yandirmasinin hesabini ver. Şadilli kendinde neçe neçe insanlari qetl etdiler eks ingilab netciseinde. Molla xanalarda beyinleri yuyulmush gencler yetisdirdiler. Memmem emin-in Ingilis generalina tebii haqqlarimizi satmaginin haqqini ver. Sonrada faşist alman radiosunda deyib ki ey xalqim hitler terefe keciniz. Geley faşistliye. Gor o geder zavallisan ki olari terifleyirsen. Olar arian irqinden basqa butun irqileri mehv etmek planinda idiler. Ona gorede miliyonlarin canina qesd etdiler. Kiciy qoca qadin. Ve sovet arşivi yaxin zamanda acildi Stalinin etdiyleri hec 100mini kecmeyib. Buda subut olundu. Represiya qurbanlarinin sayini şişirdib burda mene bosh mustegillik nagillari danisma. Gorduy sovet yixilanda neler oldu. Ermeni geldi aldi getdi. Içh savash yarandi. Milletin indiki durumuni hele demirem. Her an ingilab yarana biler. Ish yox tehsil yox millet avam cahil qalib. Ama sovetin cox yox filmlerine senetkarlarina bax gor nece insanlar yetisdirib. O dovur insanlara fehlelere ishcilere boyuk deyer verilib. Kapitalizm isteyirdiz alin buda size yeni iqtidar 25 ildi somurulursuz. Qorxaq kimi bir sheyde ede bilmirsiz. Ama o dovurde neçe neçe ingilabcilar ve qehremanlar yetisdi. 20 yanavara gelince ise Qarbachov ograsdi ve hec bir Kommunist onu destklemir. O satqin bir suka idi. Ermenide hemise ermenidi. Usag qatili mundarlardi.
@@hader8544 he turkistan quracagdi senide onun basina kecireceydi.. aa tupoy men Kommunizmden danisiramsa demey ki inancim yoxdu. Inanc sadece varli sinifin sizin kimi zeif sinife verdiyi bir heddiyedi.. ibadet edin dovlete qarsi cixmayin.. soxum ele dovletede hitlerede. O dovurde azerbaycan deyilen bir yer yox idi sen ne danisirsan ? Azerbaycani hec kes tanimirdi taa ki sovet qurulana geder. Hitlerin bakidaki planlarini oyren ay savadsiz . Sovetden evvel molla xanalarda pedofil savadsiz mollalardan tehsil alib, beylerin ayaqini yuyurduzda. Sovet geldi adam olduz. Kendli qelem tutmagi oyrendi ish gordu. Torpag verildi. Ele eceb edib torpaglarinida aliblar. Sorush gor o torpaglari kim ve nece verib olara. Sen burjua bir dindarsan. Burda beynivi yandirma ozuve yazigin gelsin
The music is written by our Üzeyir Hacıbəyov , one of the greatest composers of the XX century. Stalin, Mao Zedong were fond of his creations
@@haberer4510 thanks.
@Zoomer Stasi he was awarded second-degree Stalin prize twice: in 1941 for the Koroğlu opera, and in 1946 for "Arshin Mal Alan" movie soundtrack.
So, Stalin awarded him himself.
I am not sure about Mao(read about that long time ago), but he was a huge movie fan. Perhaps, he saw "Arshin mal Alan which was popular in the Soviet Union" then.
@Zoomer Stasi and again:
@overthinker Yes! I found an old photo of Chinese actors performing the play in China, what year I do not remember but very old, so I do believe that could be somewhat of an idea of Mao's fondness of his work.
@@valikov2899 here is the Chinese Arshin mal alan performance ruclips.net/user/shortsxOLU5tFotMw?feature=share4
I am Armenian German and respect Azerbaijan, I wish we could finally begin to respect each other as neighbours instead of hating us. I like your culture. Red Salute! :-)
First step Your need to give back karabakh -_-
is it normal Armenian mood flattering
ne isin var lan burda faşist
Sorry about my countries part in that, America is great at destroying democracys and socialist States while supplying fascists, hell the C.I.A did it in Ukraine just a few year's ago.
@@nocode3899 duz dedin
Russia had Chaikovski, Germany had Beethoven, Austria had Mozart, and Azerbaijan had Hajibayov. Remember this!
thx for information, from korea
This brings a tear to my eye every time, why did you fall motherland :(
Gözəl şairdən gözəl ifa.Türkiyəyə burdan salamlar❤❤❤
Türkiyə nə aidiyyatı var?
@@Aytan_Mammadova Türkiye'ye ait değil. Azerbaycan'a ait zaten. Türkiye'den sana da selam olsun kardeşim.
3:12: “And Crush No Less Than A Thousand Fascists"💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
Now Azerbaijanis side with fascists in turkey that want to complete the Armenian Genocide.😔 smh they were fraternal peoples in USSR.
@@David-bh5le Yes it’s very sad and mind boggling 😢😢😢😢🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
@@David-bh5le Armenians started the conflict right after USSR fell in 1991
@@David-bh5le are u kidding me?
@@allengreene9954 Azerbaijan not a facist. Many nations live in Azerbaijan. lezgi , tat , talish , malakan(They banished Russia) Kurds Armenian, Jews. And we never fight them. We are Azerbaijan together.
I think at 1:02 she doesn't say "our motherland is wounded", she says "yurtlarını eyle viran" which means "make their land ruined". ( I am a native Anatolian Turkish speaker.)
Düzdür you are right
That one got my attention too
it's azeri, not turkish. typically, words from turkish that have a t sound are typically changed to d. atların-> adlarən
@@wastyr_sn74 Yes, but it still specifically says "eyle"(I do not have the closed Azeri e, my apologies), that is best translated as "make". In all cases, this uses active voice here, the subject is supposed to do something. And "viran eylemek" is also used in Turkish, it means "to reduce to rubble", basically. "Our motherland in wounded", in all cases, is translated wrong.
@@metinfurkanamarat583 usually, the translations are based off the main meaning plus what it would sound like best in english, ik it dosent direct to "our motherland is wounded", but still azeri is different from turkish
Azerbaycan'lı kardeşlerimize bin selam.
March of my Azerbaijanian brothers.
Baba Merhaba Aynen :)
Йосиф Ткхашвили Виссарионович Сталин Pancar tarlasina dön molan bitti.
Йосиф Ткхашвили Виссарионович Сталин Hayır sen sosyal medyada onun ismini kullanan pancar tarlalarında calistirdigimiz bir kölesin ve pancar yorumunu sil çünkü burada görebilir :)
Йосиф Ткхашвили Виссарионович Сталин :(
Qardaş mən bu marşnan döyüşə gedəcıyimə allah canımı alsın görmüyüm o günləri
Best regardes from tabriz ❤❤❤
When listening to songs in Turkic languages, I find it more satisfying to not look at the subtitles, as that way I can better appreciate the beauty of the language and not the orthography not aligning with my knowledge of how the Latin alphabet works in IE and Uralic languages.
Nice Video GETchan!
your job is good too ;)
Such a beautiful song, thanks for the upload :)
Kavkaz countries are all brothers, conflict between us is manafactured, hope one day we will be together once more
Long Live Yaxşı Yol!
Tuğrul Gençoğlu ...
Dimi knk çok yaşa görüşürüz
Despite me not understanding a word they say (that is, without the translation), the song still has a powerful feel to it. It makes you want to defend the Soviet motherland till death.
мяёCняоиїC918 ooohhhhhhh my comrade
мяёCняоиїC918 Long live the Motherland ❤️❤️❤️💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
The triumph of socialism in the USSR made the world a better place , even capitalist countries had to change into welfare states to stop the March of Communism , the soviet collapse was a tragedy , the country needed freedom and democracy besides socialism and not allout capitalism.
I don't understand what you like about the Soviet Union? They killed our poets, journalists and our people
It is the strongest piece I have heard in Azeri language
I live in Azerbaijan and know many Azerbaijani songs, but I heard it for the first time. By the way, the song is nice.
FaridCG, mən də heç vaxt eşitməmişəm bu marşı. Çox ehtimal ki, 40-ci illərdən sonra unudulub
Komünizmle ilgili şarkınız oldumu azeri kardeşlerim
@@perseus4089 сox var
@@Anonymous.90027wuw salam harvaxtiz xeyir. Qardas man bu cur komonizm mahnilardan xosum gelir ama ardabilliyam(iran) çox tanimiram. Bir neçasinin adin diya bilarsan?
@@salartaghizadeh8983 coxdu bele mahnilarimiz
This is a masterpiece, I first heard it from a music mod to HOI4.
Mod link?
@@Blozan8787 steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1773564974
@@ThreezeNiNja thanks
Me too!
Azərbaycan ürəyimdi🇦🇿❤
В 80х я был ребенком, и побывал в Туркменистане, Баку, Таджикистане, и везде меня взрослые пытались чем то угостить и звали в гости, я русский, а сейчас кругом ненависть по религиозной, национальной розни. После того как в 90х развалился СССР везде начались войны, Кавказ, Средняя Азия, Африка, Ближний Восток, везде ненависть и кровь рекой. Общество больно. Ненависть и война захлестнула все.
More Turkic songs and marches please :)
Cynothonic - UTFT You seem to the idiot seeing as Azerbaijanis are Turkic and speak a Turkic Language.
Cynothonic - UTFT Turkic isn't a language, it's a language family.
how can you say that its almost same ?
Cynothonic - UTFT I know its Azerbaijani, I was saying I'd like to see more songs or marches from Turkic countries. Think before you comment, it even says Azerbaijani in the title and the country of Azerbaijan belongs to the Turkic group and they speak a Turkic language.
Hiper Comrade I am from Turkey and 2 years ago I began searching about azerbaijani language and turkish language
Word by word, phrase by phrase...
And I can really say that there is a huge similarity about these two languages :)
I’m Armenian Russian I live this song and respect Azeris that respect Armenians beautiful culture. Wish we could get a long.
Thanks from Azerbaijan;)
4 brothers = Russian SFSR, Azeri SSR, Armenian SSR and Georgian SSR.
Ne thanks Ermenistanın medeniyyetine hörmet edirem deyir
@@zulthyr1852 Kafkaz forever
I am hearing this for the first time here in your channel, probably it was forgotten after 1950's.
True! I am Azeri and never heard this
Musiqi dərsindən gəlib dinləyirəm, çox gözəldir.❤
bəli əsl vətənpərvərlik nümunəsidir
Awesome march but I gotta make a few corrections on the translations. =)
0:37 Our bravemen and courageous won't let our motherland be trampled
1:03 Ruin their lands, go brother, happy journey!
1:29 Know your might. May not a single alien bullet touch you
1:41 People need you, o righteous voice of the motherland
2:47 Hold your chest up high on the advance like a steel trench
2:59 Make the enemy scatter in their homes
3:13 it would be few even if you kill a thousand fascists on the advance
How is this liked so few? Thank you for providing correct translations.
I find it interesting how you can pick up similarities between different languages if the linguistic regions border each other. For example the Azerbaijani word for enemy and the Russian word is very similar. Another example would be how the Spanish word for Grenade is very similar to a lot of other Western languages.
Most countries that was under ottoman rule also uses dushman i think azerbaijanis got it earlier than russians along with turkmens and turks
russian word is враг /vrag/ but azeri word is düşmən or yağı.
It’s more fascinating if u can pick up similarities with other Turkic languages like Turkish, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kazakh, Uzbek, Uyghur and Tatar (Crimean and Volga). Since Azerbaijani and Turkish (along with Turkmen) are Oghuz Turkic languages, they’re super close to each other that even they could understand each other very well. Try hear Turkish and Azerbaijani songs, u’d be super surprised how close they are.
Јаша, јаша, Азәрбајҹан, бөјүк совет өлкәсиндә!
@@yusufdemirag15 azerbaijani cyrillic
Yaşa yaşa azerbaycan böyük sovet ölkesinde ! ☭☭☭☭
Салам )))0))
No transition to socialism
Ç hərfini kiril əlifbası ilə necə yazdın
Яшэ Яшэ Азербаижан !! Бөйөкэ
Yashe!! Yashe!! Azerbaijani!!!
Bweeyeke !!!
Hooray !!! Hooray!! Great Azerbayzan!!!!😏😏👍👍🙌🙌👏
great song
i will finish my song Pesma teritiorijalne obrane this weekend and send lyrics to getchan
Beautiful song ! Very inspiring !
Yaşasın Azad Azərbaycan ❤️🇦🇿❤️
@@turkicwolfs7788 👏👏👏
Düşməndələra vermə aman, get qardaşım - yaxşı yol!
They made mistake, it is Düşmənlərə*
Düşmənlərə means To the enemies:
Düşmən - Enemy
Düşmənlər - enemies
Düşmənlərə - to the enemies
Love this song from india
Azerbaycanlı Türk kardeşlerimize selamlar
Əleyküm salam(sovetə qanamayın komunizmə qanmayın!)
@1mpossible ! Neler çektiklerini bilmiyoruz her şeyin fazlası zarar.Ne liberalizm, ne de kominizm. Biri seni kapitalist yapar, biri diktatör. Birinde seni zenginler ezer,birinde devlet .
@@voixerr şu an çok iyilermiş gibi konuşmayın. Diktatörlük diz boyu... Sovyetler Birliğinde eğitim refah ve özgürlük daha baskındı. İnsanların geçim derdi ve iş aş sıkıntısı olmazdı. Bunu en çok yaşlı Azerbaycanlı gaziler ve sovyet vatandaşları bilir
@@perseus4089 kardeş ben kotülemedim ama kökten bağlı olunca adamlar seni ezse bile gene pesine gidersin ondan diyorum .Ayrica stalin döneminde trocki komplosu olaylarinda yapilan büyük temizligi biliyoruz nvkd subaylarinin aklanması bakanlarin ve muhaliflerin temizlenmesi sol muhalefetin susturulmasi hepsini biliyoruz tarih yaziyor bunlari bir gücünün egosunu tatmin edecek diye binlerce insan sibiryaya sürüldü soğukta terk edildi
@@voixerr bunu tarih yazmıyor. Bu Amerikalıların atiflari. Ayrıca stalin bu hareket ile çokta iyi etmiştir. Bölücüler yok olmuştur. Sol muhalif yayınlar değil troçkist yayınlar kapandi. Çünkü trockizm ile ülke bölünüyordu. Ayrıca troçkist olup sonra tekrar stalinin tarafına geçen onlarca insan var hiçbir şey yapılmamış
10/10 Translation 👍
yurdlarını eyle viran değil mi
@@yunusderki evet öyle
God bless Azerbaijan
Çox gözəl
Azerbaijanian songs are really catchy for me somehow.When is this song from?From the lyrics I guess it was from World War II,Did any Azerbaijani soldiers fight during the war?
Your Average Commie Productions well yeah, it was part of the USSR after all, if I am not mistaken German soldiers did hold a small part of Northwestern Azerbaijan for a while.
Your Average Commie Productions 600.000 citizens of Azer. SSR was fought in Red Army during the war.
Yes, it was written in 1942.
Nurauzhan .Kushkinbayev But a lot of the soldiers on the eastern front were georgian (over 700,000)
One of my relatives died in the war
Jаша jаша Азəрбайчан ! бөjүк совет өлкəсиндее!
Efsane biraderim eyw
Azerbaycanmı meskenin
Azeri yoldaşlarıma bin selam
good song
turkic song heh i would like to see more turkish marches/songs
its azerbaijani not turkic you idiot
Cynothonic - UTFT Azerbaijanis are Turkic
Azerbaijanis are Turkic :)
Turkic=language family
Turkish=From Turkey
i understnad now , ty!
Az'rbaycanlilara salamlar/
Alekum salam ❤️
Aleyküm Salam
@@closeminsungismylife7566 profildəki sənsən?
@@panteraleo4540 Yox, şekildeki qız Koreyalı bir RUclips'çu.
Canım Azərbaycan
Great song.
Kurulacak CCCP
@@alvinx8999 fuck off capitalist pig
As Azerbaijany i am hearing this song first time thanks
Напомнило фильм ,,Аршин мал-алан".
There are some mistakes in the translation.
"Yurdalarım əylə viran" - this sentence is incomprehensible.
It says "Yurdlarını eylə viran" which is translated "destroy/ruin their homes/motherland".
Patriotic song would not complain about its own situation, but call to defeat the enemy :)
GETchan your videos are awesome
ne güzel bir şarkı , acaba azerbaycanlılar SSCB dönemini nasıl hatırlıyor ?
Göreceli kavaram ama fena deyil di
1991'den sonrası felaket amma ondan önceki dönem bolluk bereket dönemi
ooo umut nasılsın
Sağ ol yoldaşlar, 2019 yılında bu şarkıyı dinleyen
1990.01.20 We will not forget the red terror
Good lesson to the bourgeois , it taught them never to exploit the poor and working classes.
Azerbaijani has a Cyrillic script too
Please before write such an idiot comment, think first. Azerbaijani HAD no has a Cyrillic script from 1939 until 1991 in what century do you live, man!!
Long live soviet Azerbaijani
Sana noluyor olum ?
Yaşa yaşa çox yasa, ey şanlı Azərbaycan! Yaşasın müstəqil Azərbaycan Respublikası!
Matt Garnett cəmi 23 ay yaşadı bu sözləri deyən adamın ölkəsi. 😃
Davay indi terk ele burani
@@agalarqribov9575 dur sikdir burdan
@@cbicbraylov832 diskussiyya səviyyənə əsasən kimin buna layiq olması daha aydın şəkildə özünü göstərməkdədir. Bir materialist olaraq bu sözlərinin kapitalist dövlət tərəfindən iqtisadi bölgü baş verərkən bütün nəslin və yaxınların üçün baş verdiyini anlayaraq, buna rəğmən ortaya belə bir mövqe qoyduğun üçün adına sadəcə üzülürəm. Tarixi biliklərini və məntiqini inkişaf etdir, gənc.
@@agalarqribov9575 sikdir dedim də okey
best played at 1.5 speed
this is Soviet , Azeri or Armenian or Kazakh no matter
Ops... Sorry for being late :(
That's quite alright, thanks for offering!
GETchan :D
I cant laugh not now
Qoymaz tapdansin vətəni Qoçağ'ımız Mərd'imiz :)
Song literally calls my name!
Instrumental versión please
GETchan nice video
ask your self a question... all the Azeris who hate USSR. would there be an Independent Azerbaijan today? if not the Russians or USSR? i know you will say bad things... but just think with your mind. in any History book it says that all the land of Azerbaijan was part of Iran. you would be just like the Kurds wishing to be independent
i'm not Russian. but I know the history.
yeah,we were part of iran because Turks established the iran,not persians.But now its under persian control,and our 40 million brothers are persian control,they cant have classes in their language.Also why did russia helped armenia in Karabakh war?
Last 1000 year İran contrllled by Turks hi from Tabriz we are 30 million here.Commiea deatroyed our everything they stealed our oil and killed our people.
Nargis Gulieva Cuz they are sons of bitchs
@@alvinx8999 hey,im from azerbaijan🤗♥️🇦🇿
Ona görə götümüzü sikdilər dostu düşmən düşmənidə dost göstərdilər
SpaXeTime Rebel , elə Sovet ittifaqının yeqanə üstünlüyü mədəniyyətində idi
ขอบคุณครับ นี่แหละครับที่ผมรอคอย ผมหาไม่เจอตั้ง1สัปดาห์ ขอบคุณครับ
Why is Azerbaijani writing in a Cyrillic script
During the USSR Azerbaijani language was written in a Cyrillic, now it's latin.
Kommunizm güzel bir rüyaydı
Altay Cavuş Binlerce insanimiz açliktan ve İdamdan öldü Güzel değildi
ne mutlu türküm diyene
Turan ☝️
Kommunizm güzel bir rüyaydı . Yaşadık Bitti !
Asiya Polad heç nə gözəl deyildi Taladilsr bizi indi də taliyirlar
@@alvinx8999 seni İngiltere yalıyor 30 oldu nefrin üzümü görmürsünüz bildiyiniz odur ki neft qara rengdedi.
@@alvinx8999 dünyadan xeberin yoxdur qaqaşım nağıllara inanma ingiltərə neftivin 80 faizini sömürüb daşıyır BP şirketi 3O ildi 50 illik müqavilə imzalandı yenidən yəni bir 50 ildə daşıyacaqlar qalan 20 faizini isə bilirsən kimlər haralara daşıyıb yeyir
Tenno Heika Banzai
Rəylərin çoxu nə üçün ingiliscədir
Kanal xaricilərindi
What is that flute?
Azerbajians are Turk.They speak Turkish just Azerbajian Turkish is more close old Turkish than Turkey Turkish
Mr Seboss you should read his comment again. He never said that azerbaijanian turkish is the clearest turkish language.
Turk hepsi
Anatolian Shah The reasons why azeri's are called azeri rather turkish is because the people who lived in thoose days before the lands were turkified spoke an iranian language called azari.There are still a few thousand people who speak an dialect of azari.Azeri turkic still has some azari words and an accent which resembles more farsi than turkish.
Azerbaijan dont turk.
Anatolian Shah you’re wrong in this case ! Azerbaijanis speak Azerbaijani or Azerbaijani turkic language ! Turkish is the term only related Turkey !
Try to differ them !
What’s turkic and turkish !
Btw nowadays our language is Azerbaijani 🇦🇿
bad translate
Yaltax, satqın olma AZƏRBAYCANÇI OL!!!🇦🇿👍
@@namiqatamalyev21 gijdıllaq sənsən ki şovinustlık edirsən peysər. Ağzıvın danışığını bildin ala götverən
@@namiqatamalyev21 HEy götüş sen ne olursan ol Azerbaycan kanustitusiyasında türk terimini yoxdur Azerbaycan Dili yazılıb faşist gexbesi bunu unutma
@@emineliyev3562 Senin sıkı yeyir bu gexbe bölücü osturançı faşist
Sounds Albanian
Is it a WW2 song? And if yes does a Stalin version exist?
Yes, it was written in 1942. The original lyrics supposedly said "Stalin" rather than "the Party". I found an older recording, but it's an instrumental.
I would be very curious to hear the instrumental
RedEyeSam Replace party for Aliyev and you would get de-Leninised version.
Qarabağ Azərbaycandır
Satqın olma
qudbay sssr
1937 nin cavabını verin sonra danışarıq kamunizmden
Şərəfsiz olma ☭
türkçü olma
Azərbaycançı ol
Azərbaycanda Türkdür.
@@Anonymous.90027wuw Azərbaycan sadəcə məmləkətimizin adıdır
@@bozqurdturkoglu2126 Azərbaycan Azərbaycandır
@@Anonymous.90027wuw o sənin şəxsi fikrindi əvvəlcə Azərbaycan sözünü öz Türkcəndə yazmağı öyrən sonra danış
Kommunist musiqi 😆 olsa da gözəl mahnı!
Kommunist musiqi olanda ne olur?
@@hader8544 Heyvan özunsen. Ozum ele Kommunistem. Basqa?
@@hader8544 ))) zarafat eledinse gulmelidi, yox eyer ciddisense dahada gulmelisen))
@@hader8544 Az bir az tarix oxusaydin anlardin ki, Kommunistler sizi pox tualetinden xilas edib. Indi yaxshi yaxshi oxu yazdiglarimi. 20 ci esrin baslarinda Feteli xan xoyski irevani daşnaklara satdi. Ve deyib ki " biz o torpagi guzeşte getdiy olnlara" ikinci musavat dovrunde Behmenli Qember ve Sari Elekberin etdiyi qetliyamarin hesabini ver mene. Bakidan genceye kimi dar agaclari qoyub insanlarin evlerini yandirmasinin hesabini ver. Şadilli kendinde neçe neçe insanlari qetl etdiler eks ingilab netciseinde. Molla xanalarda beyinleri yuyulmush gencler yetisdirdiler. Memmem emin-in Ingilis generalina tebii haqqlarimizi satmaginin haqqini ver. Sonrada faşist alman radiosunda deyib ki ey xalqim hitler terefe keciniz. Geley faşistliye. Gor o geder zavallisan ki olari terifleyirsen. Olar arian irqinden basqa butun irqileri mehv etmek planinda idiler. Ona gorede miliyonlarin canina qesd etdiler. Kiciy qoca qadin. Ve sovet arşivi yaxin zamanda acildi Stalinin etdiyleri hec 100mini kecmeyib. Buda subut olundu. Represiya qurbanlarinin sayini şişirdib burda mene bosh mustegillik nagillari danisma. Gorduy sovet yixilanda neler oldu. Ermeni geldi aldi getdi. Içh savash yarandi. Milletin indiki durumuni hele demirem. Her an ingilab yarana biler. Ish yox tehsil yox millet avam cahil qalib. Ama sovetin cox yox filmlerine senetkarlarina bax gor nece insanlar yetisdirib. O dovur insanlara fehlelere ishcilere boyuk deyer verilib. Kapitalizm isteyirdiz alin buda size yeni iqtidar 25 ildi somurulursuz. Qorxaq kimi bir sheyde ede bilmirsiz. Ama o dovurde neçe neçe ingilabcilar ve qehremanlar yetisdi. 20 yanavara gelince ise Qarbachov ograsdi ve hec bir Kommunist onu destklemir. O satqin bir suka idi. Ermenide hemise ermenidi. Usag qatili mundarlardi.
@@hader8544 he turkistan quracagdi senide onun basina kecireceydi.. aa tupoy men Kommunizmden danisiramsa demey ki inancim yoxdu. Inanc sadece varli sinifin sizin kimi zeif sinife verdiyi bir heddiyedi.. ibadet edin dovlete qarsi cixmayin.. soxum ele dovletede hitlerede. O dovurde azerbaycan deyilen bir yer yox idi sen ne danisirsan ? Azerbaycani hec kes tanimirdi taa ki sovet qurulana geder. Hitlerin bakidaki planlarini oyren ay savadsiz . Sovetden evvel molla xanalarda pedofil savadsiz mollalardan tehsil alib, beylerin ayaqini yuyurduzda. Sovet geldi adam olduz. Kendli qelem tutmagi oyrendi ish gordu. Torpag verildi. Ele eceb edib torpaglarinida aliblar. Sorush gor o torpaglari kim ve nece verib olara. Sen burjua bir dindarsan. Burda beynivi yandirma ozuve yazigin gelsin
Yashasin iran 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
Nə əlaqə?? AZƏRBAYCAN🇦🇿🇦🇿
İran Azərbaycanlısısan?
Yashsin iran yashsin azarbayjan
@@alirezaazhdari2032 Sən farssan yoxsa İran Azərbaycanlısı?
It is sad how this song was used for soviet propaganda
GETchan nice video