Lindo buquê de flores Elizabeth ! Além do buquê ele está te entregando o seu coração ❤️ a você. Pelo visto com muito carinho. Só que o JACKQUINHO foi anjo, mediador que entregou o anel de noivado. Estão todos de parabéns, gostei foi legal.Felicidades
They make a great couple on TV and if their personalities are anything like the characters they portray I don't know how they avoided falling in love in real life.
Love them together! If they had the wedding was going to be wonderful ❤ That was sad how things turned out. The way Lucas talks to her no one is going to replace that.
We need a season 10 to watch Lucas and Elizabeth get married and to c Rosemary be pregnant and deliver and a season 11 so Elizabeth and Lucas can add to their family with a baby also!!!!! A few good writers would have too. This year wasn't as good as the years before. No Jack returning either!!!!!
Can’t get enough of these videos for Elizabeth and Lucas can’t wait to see wedding episode season 10 let’s go
Infelizmente separaram eles!
Lindo buquê de flores Elizabeth ! Além do buquê ele está te entregando o seu coração ❤️ a você. Pelo visto com muito carinho. Só que o JACKQUINHO foi anjo, mediador que entregou o anel de noivado. Estão todos de parabéns, gostei foi legal.Felicidades
Can't get enough of our #LucaBeth!! 💙💜#WCTH ❤❤ #Hearties💞💕 #allinforseason10❣❣ #Hallmark🖤🖤
It is beautiful song for them 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
LINDO casal TOP dos TOP
Merci pour cette vidéo et cette chanson. J adore Elizabeth et Lucas. J espere voir une saison 10.💞
What a couple! They should be like that in real life.
Lindos ❤️
Es una pareja perfecta..nos tiene enamoradas..
Love this goes beautifully in your video for our loving couple! Thanks 👏👏👏
Lucas Dinâmico LINDO
They make a great couple on TV and if their personalities are anything like the characters they portray I don't know how they avoided falling in love in real life.
Love them together! If they had the wedding was going to be wonderful ❤ That was sad how things turned out. The way Lucas talks to her no one is going to replace that.
Lindos demais os dois juntinhos...
Amazing lucabeth video and nothing with you by John k fits them for a video
We need a season 10 to watch Lucas and Elizabeth get married and to c Rosemary be pregnant and deliver and a season 11 so Elizabeth and Lucas can add to their family with a baby also!!!!! A few good writers would have too. This year wasn't as good as the years before. No Jack returning either!!!!!
Ki lindos
😢😢😢 love ♥️ these two 💔💔💔💔
Ôí voltou a série na Record fico feliz,Más gostaria de saber se vái até ô final?
o Amor dela, era da boca pra fora
essa ai caiu fora na hora H
achei muito chato