승우 스트레스 해소법
- Опубликовано: 10 ноя 2024
- 2020.08.26 승우의 스트레스 해소법.
최근 코로나 바이러스로 레슨장을 갈 수 없게 되고
촬영도 연기되고, 삼성라이온즈는 자주 경기에서 지고
이래저래 조금씩 쌓인 승우의 스트레스 해소법!!
Thank you for visit Seung-Woo Studio for baseball.
He is only for five years old, American age.
Seung-Woo overcame his bitter memories by baseball.
Reason for why he take effort to play and concentrate the baseball.
Recently, reason for COVID-19 VIRUS he can't going to go baseball lesson.
And delayed other schedules and Samsung Lions defeat the several games.
So, he got the stress little bit.
How to solve this stress? you can find the way how to solve himself.