OP's Golden Child Brother Made a Post Falsely Claiming OP Was Abusing Both Him and Their Parents....

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 97

    @STAYATINYARMYSIN 3 месяца назад +68

    I believe the sister she brought facts and didn’t paint herself as a saint , she admitted to her faults and added in info HE left out 😒 typical lying pos

    • @nicksuazo4377
      @nicksuazo4377 3 месяца назад +8

      Brother probably wrote that post to win his girlfriend back. What a loser. If only OPs extended family commented on his post. Maybe even take screenshots and add their own experiences

  • @bobsanders8682
    @bobsanders8682 3 месяца назад +46

    Gay dude here. Story 2. Lgbtq friends don't decide when someone comes out. And will simply wait until the person decides on their own. Additionally, not everyone that is "Afraid to come out" is internalized homophobia, not everything is about your sexual intrests. Please stop making sexuality our to be an entire personality, it's not cute.

  • @ReformingRegent
    @ReformingRegent 3 месяца назад +8

    Story 2: this is why I distance myself from people who are woke. They are easily the most exhausting people to deal with. Why is you’re sexuality anybody’s business. All they ever want to talk about is social justice. That surprise party in the update would piss me off.

    • @sweeety969
      @sweeety969 3 месяца назад

      Your. And just say you're a closeted gay.

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +3

      That's not true at all, just people without stuff to do tries to shove their head into other people life

    • @tyrant1384
      @tyrant1384 12 часов назад

      That's the problem with being "woke". Don't have the time to stop and rest

  • @MacerXGP
    @MacerXGP 3 месяца назад +52

    2nd story is really about good people being a bit misguided and overzealous. Sometimes people turn off their brains when they think they're doing the right thing and don't really think about what they're actually doing. Thankfully these *were* good people and were able to swallow their pride (lol) and realize what supporting their friend actually looks like in this situation.

  • @joannewoodward3480
    @joannewoodward3480 3 месяца назад +91

    2nd story Friends do not decide you are gay and try to force you to come out. Friends listen to what you say and do not gaslight you. Friends do not make you think you have to change who you are or how you present yourself to the world to contradict their wants, wishes and whims.

    • @Zanzetihunter
      @Zanzetihunter 3 месяца назад +5

      Agreed. The only one that can decide if your gay, trans, bisexual, straight, WHATEVER, is you. And nobody else can contradict YOU. Even if you realize later, YOU are the one to make that decision. Nobody else. I hate people headcanoning sexuality of real people. One of the more famous ones is Taylor Swift. She had said she's straight, but Gaylor Swift prevails because people can't accept that people DON'T HAVE TO BE SOMETHING JUST BECAUSE THEY CHECK THE BOXES.

    • @stevenrusnak8961
      @stevenrusnak8961 3 месяца назад +2

      Don't worry we will get an update 2 months from now on this where op's friends try to get her to come out again.

    • @nicksuazo4377
      @nicksuazo4377 3 месяца назад +1

      This reminds of a story me where OP and hubby were "experimenting in the bedroom", they were texting each other about it, but then OPs sis took her phone, read through her messages and immediately accused OP of being in an abusive relationship. OPs sister went to her family and friends to "rally support" for OP, and NO ONE believed OPs side. This resulted in hubby getting slandered and beaten up by cops (who were the family friends), and he ended up blaming OP and divorced her. And all the while, dear sister was preaching about "You can do it. Run away from your absuer. We can help you. " OP is now NC with her entire family and has since moved away.
      Saviors gotta save

  • @catsncrows
    @catsncrows 3 месяца назад +31

    S1 I also wonder if the brother is now The Problem since op is no longer there to fill that role but I don't have enough information. It's just hazarding a guess based on how crap families work

  • @HubiKoshi
    @HubiKoshi 3 месяца назад +15

    Story 2: For a group that probably says that stereotypes are bad they sure are basing their assumptions on a lot of stereotypes. They just can't let a person be themselves and try to force them into boxes. Like how you don't really hear about tomboys nowadays because "They Are All Obvious Trans.". Come on, let people live how they want without shoving them into stereotypes.

  • @PuffinAV9472
    @PuffinAV9472 3 месяца назад +58

    2nd story, OP has gross, toxic friends.

    • @dumbidea1007
      @dumbidea1007 3 месяца назад +6

      Probably is as pathetic as them
      The way she all them lovely peoples

    • @Arkryal
      @Arkryal 3 месяца назад +4

      Their hearts were in the right place, but their heads were up their asses, lol.
      I actually found this one interesting. As a straight guy, I've never really understood the concept of being "confused" about one's sexuality. In my experience, that would seem an impossibility, there's a divining rod in my pants that only points one way, leaving no room for doubt, lol. To my mind, it seems like this should be a very simple thing... what turns you on? The answer to that is your sexuality. It requires about a half a nano-second of thought.
      But intellectually I know that is not everyone's experience. But it's so far outside my own experience, it's difficult to get my head around in any empathetic way. It's just not relatable for me.
      But this seems to be the inverse situation here. These people assume confusion and ambiguity are the norm, as if everyone struggles to find those answers in the same way they did, because that's all they know. So they're just projecting their own experience onto others, even if it's not really applicable. Just as it's difficult for me to understand how others could be confused, they can't understand just how simple and obvious it is to most people.
      It's interesting to see it from the other side. And I'm sure somewhere out there are straight people who struggled to figure it out, and I'm sure there are gay people who have always known they were gay. There are exceptions to every rule. But people just frame things in the context of their own experience, and it's often difficult to see things any other way.
      While the friends were wrong and definitely over-stepped, to their credit, they did back down admit they were wrong, take accountability and apologize. People can't always be expected to get things right, but they should be expected to take accountability when they get things wrong, and they did.
      I just hope none of them are feigning understanding and secretly thinking "She's just not ready yet, so I'll go along with it until she is". If any are thinking that, they're the ones who need to go. But there's no evidence of that in the story, so it's moot, if and until someone revisits the issue.

    • @CyberweaverVT
      @CyberweaverVT 3 месяца назад

      I feel like that one was fake

  • @icalotdonthide2646
    @icalotdonthide2646 3 месяца назад +5

    When ever someone says ' they live in their own little world ' that's a person who tried to break in and failed miserably 😂😂😂😂

  • @Yllamse
    @Yllamse 3 месяца назад +23

    S2: OP, no one can tell you who you are but yourself. I have mannerisms that have confused others to my orientation. The way I see it? That is their problem, not mine. They can ask if they want and I can clarify if I feel comfortable doing so. Do not change yourself for others, change yourself for you.

  • @gtc9966
    @gtc9966 3 месяца назад +2

    Story 2. You keep referring to these people as your friends.
    Why? They’re clearly not.

  • @atynz5656
    @atynz5656 3 месяца назад +5

    story 2 no ''wonderfull person'' tries to force people into something they don't want.if op want to sugercoat what is happening to her she can never be at peace.she has to cut contact with them or at least distance herself and make boundries.

  • @honeydroptheunicorn6557
    @honeydroptheunicorn6557 3 месяца назад +13

    Story 2: i would have ghosted them after the first time i said, "im strait, not into the same sex." And kept telling me that i am and that im useing my boyfrirnd as a cover.

  • @kaybee29
    @kaybee29 3 месяца назад +9

    The 2nd story breaks my heart. It reminds me of a character in "But I'm A Cheerleader" who's sent to a gay conversion camp but isn't actually a lesbian. When she tries to tell the counselor this (ironically played by RuPaul) he says, "Of course you are. Just look at you." Awful.

    • @sweeety969
      @sweeety969 3 месяца назад

      She WAS gay did you even watch the movie? Lmao And this is a completely different thing. Her friends wanted to support OP because they believed she wasn't being her genuine self. In the movie her parents sent her to a fucking conversion camp to force her to be straight because they caught on to her being in the closet. It couldn't be more opposite than that.

  • @xiledshadechocolate8681
    @xiledshadechocolate8681 3 месяца назад +17

    1ST STORY It was the background but not the strood up part on post there is so much information is missed

  • @kytheres379
    @kytheres379 3 месяца назад +7

    Tomboys cant be tomboys anymore???

  • @rainorld2493
    @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +1

    Gonna have to comment this, the second story is based on stereotypes and bias that was shoved to us through movies, series and family. Just because the friends fell for it, it don't mean that woke or lgbt people are like that. I am a trans guy myself and I don't force any of my friends to be woke or lgbt.
    Now you all can stop with these comments of "oh this is why i stay away from these type of people!", you are just making stereotypes yourself you hipocrite

  • @deelask3024
    @deelask3024 3 месяца назад +10

    My family has abandoned me the abandoned me a long time ago I was 15 when they forced me to marry a man that abused me I've been through a lot and if I can do it anybody can although I am kind of nuts and guys this is in Michigan USA

    • @catsncrows
      @catsncrows 3 месяца назад +1

      I so get the I can do it although I'm kind of nuts. I'm so sorry you got abandoned. I would repeatedly get kicked out in middle school then the the five drunk rabid squirrels in my mother's brain would calm down and she'd realize she just kicked out her maid, childcare and random thing she complained about men to and she'd demand I come home. I hope both of us can glue ourselves back together a little at a time

  • @lozzipop4025
    @lozzipop4025 3 месяца назад +2

    My family first years kept trying to get me to accept I was a lesbian because I had no interest in dating men, and I had to co tenuously explain that I was aroace.
    They finally stopped after I finally lost it at them and told them they were going to stop assuming shit about me. No ultimatum or anything, I just told them they were going to stop, and they did. Apparently, I'm scary when angry 😅

  • @leahunfeigned5955
    @leahunfeigned5955 2 месяца назад

    Story 2: So being a Tomboy doesn't exist anymore apparently 😒. How annoying and hypocritical of that "group".

  • @deelask3024
    @deelask3024 3 месяца назад +21

    Brothers are supposed to protect their sisters what's wrong with this dude he seems like a narcissist himself..plz love yourself and don't let your family destroy you story 1

  • @CyberweaverVT
    @CyberweaverVT 3 месяца назад +1

    I think the second story is probably fake

  • @kurieita7607
    @kurieita7607 3 месяца назад +1

    Even if it’s fake it’s definitely happened to someone irl and the second story makes me want to cry myself as a queer dude, I don’t really know what labels I have for myself, I’m just a trans man, who like whatever and if people wanna assume I’m bi or gay or straight or whatever else is under the bi umbrella go ahead. But if someone says “I’m straight/gay/lesbian/bi/cis/trans” then accept it; I’ll say myself I’ve had friend I’ve thought “am I sure they’re cis/straight/bi?” but despite that, unless they come to me about questioning stuff I’m not gonna voice it or drop stuff like “I’ll be here for you when you’re ready” or anything like that. You can’t headcanon real people together, that also means you can’t headcanon peoples sexuality; this is like people taking their headcanons about fictional characters as canon, but they’re doing it to a REAL person. This is so frustrating and disgusting. Even if you suspect someone to be gay, straight, trans or whatever, that’s for THEM to figure out and decide, don’t try and gaslight them. God it’s so frustrating.

  • @goldhunter1494
    @goldhunter1494 3 месяца назад

    Why is there no background audio? If its a choice thats *fine* but as someone listening in a silent house with just your voice it do be weirding me out a little lol

  • @matthewbrowatzke6024
    @matthewbrowatzke6024 3 месяца назад +33

    Op in the first post should turn his back on those who betrayed him

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +9

      You talking about the junkie golden brother?

    • @smsff7
      @smsff7 3 месяца назад +2


    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 3 месяца назад +4

      But he wasn’t betrayed

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад

      @@nicksuazo4377 where?

    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 3 месяца назад

      @@nicksuazo4377where was he betrayed?

  • @josephthomas5165
    @josephthomas5165 3 месяца назад +3

    People made passes on me in gay clubs.....

  • @chandag
    @chandag 3 месяца назад +1

    So is it a brother or a sister? Either way, they all weird.

  • @MomentaryInfinity
    @MomentaryInfinity 3 месяца назад +2

    I like the other intro music better.... xD

  • @Nerdbookworm
    @Nerdbookworm 3 месяца назад +2

    19:46 men

  • @Thaddius0
    @Thaddius0 3 месяца назад

    seems pretty clear cut. shes difficult to be around and he decided to sling mud without accepting any responsibility for his shitty behavior. 2 bad parents raised 2 bad kids. She can cut ties and choose to grow up. He will stay immature and hate her forever.

  • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
    @develyntwocentshenderson5739 3 месяца назад +8

    #2, excluding the alphabet community part, this sounds like what used to live in the trailer park my ex and I used to run.

  • @M.W.2
    @M.W.2 3 месяца назад +1

    Story 1 was all over the place

  • @gabinathan5499
    @gabinathan5499 3 месяца назад +1

    ELSE . I AM

  • @cameron765
    @cameron765 3 месяца назад +13

    Story 2 is a good example of why most ppl dislike progressive people

    • @HeoBaby24
      @HeoBaby24 3 месяца назад +1


    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 3 месяца назад +5

      I'm sorry you can't read

    • @HeoBaby24
      @HeoBaby24 3 месяца назад +3

      @@cameron765 i can read but what are you talking about? what does this have to do with the story?

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 3 месяца назад +6

      I don't know if you didn't actually listen to the story or not but her progressive / woke friend kept trying to pressure her into being something she wasn't AKA this is what annoying progressive people do

    • @AarushK007
      @AarushK007 3 месяца назад +5

      @@cameron765 this is one single anecdote. Most progressive people aren't like this.

  • @leroysgamesandmore2226
    @leroysgamesandmore2226 3 месяца назад +4

    Story 1: Jesus since we got two different stories I’m just going to say everyone sucks

    • @HeoBaby24
      @HeoBaby24 3 месяца назад +1

      why everyone sucks?

    • @leroysgamesandmore2226
      @leroysgamesandmore2226 3 месяца назад

      @@HeoBaby24 since we got two stories from two siblings that obviously hate each other we don’t know who’s really telling the truth then again it’s Reddit

    • @HeoBaby24
      @HeoBaby24 3 месяца назад +8

      @@leroysgamesandmore2226 that doesn't mean both sucks. i believe the second op since she brought more facts

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +5

      @@leroysgamesandmore2226 the sister brings way more information than the junkie brother, she don't rub herself was a saint too, if she makes mistakes, she points out herself

  • @ignacioaguirre8137
    @ignacioaguirre8137 3 месяца назад

    The fact that y’all can’t tell the 2nd story is fake asf 😂😂😂😂

  • @daviddinh8454
    @daviddinh8454 3 месяца назад +1

    Boring story

  • @seanbean6893
    @seanbean6893 3 месяца назад

    Story 1
    I have no idea who the liar is. Both of the OPs are just terrible people. Like the sister brings toxic abusive people, which is the only thing both of them agree on, and the brother is a possible drug addict.

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +10

      What you mean she brings abusive toxic people? Her new bf is not abusive or toxic

    • @HarryVibes36
      @HarryVibes36 3 месяца назад +7

      Are you slow?

    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 3 месяца назад +5

      No only one OP is a terrible person, I’ll leave you to guess which one, she doesn’t bring toxic abusive people, bro does, and bro isn’t a possible drug addict, he is a drug addict.

  • @radish6740
    @radish6740 3 месяца назад +4

    OP & her junkie boyfriend aren’t the sympathetic characters she wants ppl to believe they are.

    • @joannewoodward3480
      @joannewoodward3480 3 месяца назад +25

      The brother who wrote the original post was the junkie.

    • @rainorld2493
      @rainorld2493 3 месяца назад +19

      Did you really read/heard op's side? She said in some parts that she was wrong, this dont make the parents and the REAL JUNKIE brother innocents, they nascisistic and abusive towards her a victim of abuse.

    • @blueorangeade712
      @blueorangeade712 3 месяца назад

      You’re brain dead op doesn’t even do drugs and isn’t the one who was addicted to crack lol

    • @Only1199
      @Only1199 3 месяца назад +6

      Nah the brother is the junkie.

    • @HarryVibes36
      @HarryVibes36 3 месяца назад +6

      You ride a short bus, didn’t you?