to balance Romans all they have to do is make them historically accurate and have your units randomly rebel and fight for a new emperor which was a common occurrence in the empire.
Don't forget the konnik: winnable fights against counters, high damage output, available from every krepost you build which is half stone for castle...
Numbers wise looks like a bad unit, just turns out to be poor in practice. It is bad against ranged units and doesnt actually beat knights all that well. For cavalry UU to be good they really need amazing stats for cost like the centurion, leitis or keshik. Stuff like konnik and boyar are not really worth it.
Hi Hera, Could you make a video where you give every civ a second unique unit that would be best fit to cover for the civ's weakness/gap in their tech tree. And/or in the same/different video, give another unique unit that would synchronize well with the civ's bonuses. Both unique units obviously picked from the existing ones.
Kamayuks are especially great given pathing issues. In large numbers, you just patrol and kill everything. And with the UT are not even that bad agains range units
Centurion, guessed it. Most aoe2 players avoid going for the unique unit because castles are scarce and can't be spammed to make more units, and you need castle for researches and trebuchets, but if there is a roman player, that roman player instantly wants a castle and wants to spam centurions, the unit is just nuts.
The Romans right now are near the Cuman level of brokenness when DE first came out. Best infantry,best UU,best scorpions,top 3 navy. They need big nerfs
@@johnxina5126 Their navy got a big nerf, and their Galleons lack Bracer so I feel like on that front they're more balanced. When they first came out, they were just better than even Saracens Galleons in every way, it was ridiculous. Now their Scorpion spam with 60% less gold cost makes losing a mass of them not as big a deal and you can keep pushing them late game with Halbs if gold is running out. Then their Castle Age Centurions are just a joke, I mean the Elite version is pretty balanced but their Castle Age Centurion just bulldozes everything. The Legionaries are strong and supposed to be a center point of the civ, but all these other things are just so much stronger that they all overshadow the main point of the civ which is supposed to be Legionary spam with Centurions aura to buff them. Everytime I go for militia line units, it's because I went Feudal MAA with Skirmishers and then Castle Age I go Centurions and siege. I feel like the natural flow of their game makes me have to force Legionaries to get to play them.
To kinda defend Centurion, its one of the slowest to produce unit in the game. So even though its expensive and it needs a castle it also produce something like 20 sec per unit. Its like you produce knight from 1 stable. Romans Eco is great but in late game when you have 100 vils. When you are at early castle age that 5% isnt that big for 40-50 vils you have
@@konradpyszniak976 Centurion gets trained slowly, that's true. The 5% bonus however, means a lot. Think of it like this: Slavs have 10% farming bonus, and Romans have 5%. Celts have 15% lumberjack bonus, and romans have 5%. Every bonus all gathered up in one ball, it's a great eco bonus.
IMO organ guns are pretty insane right now. Obviously they aren't as potent for arena castle drops as they used to be since they aren't that good against buildings and mangonels anymore, but against most units they are much stronger. Elite ones pretty much only die to siege onager, bombards, or units with 7+ pierce armour.
I think Obuch should be mentioned aswell, they're amazing (and really cheap) when you combine them with some archers in 1v1 or cannoners in team games.
@@youcanthandlethetruth5433 do they really? i guess i take your word for it. I guess i'm just used to kamayuks destroying anything melee that's not explicit anti-kamayuk.
@@nemossangeomatrix6841 Try it in the editor 30 VS 30. Obuch win. Granted I didn't do super mass units like 100 VS 100 where kamayuk might to better with stacking
Just won a normal match 2v1 they had both Romans me Britons. Admitedly I saw their profile and they had few ranked games. It was clear they would be serious Low elo. In my praise, is like my 10th online game, and my 20th overall game including AI. So even in ranked I have still just played about 7 games (mostly didnt go well). Their centurions, trebouches and infrantry melted against 50 elite longbowmen and 50 hallberdier (technically the first major fight was in castle with me having 60 army total, and forgetting about the castle age bow upgrades, still was too much for them hehe).
@@tomassmith2088 Oops lol. I guess that did sound negative. Insightful list. I'd be curious on Mr. Yo's perspective, as he utilizes UUs in different ways than most players
I think Centurions should get nerfed in their training time (Like 50/60 seconds), just to really define them not as a unit that should be massed to be a deathball but that mostly acts as a support that's not simple to snipe
Huskarl wrong in my book, says carry the civ but it would be nothing without a chain of add-ons, namely tech to get it into barrack and then tech to build them very fast. Would almost say it the civ that carry the unit. Think the rest of the list also make some sense in castle age and with normal economy, while Huskarl get to be perhaps this #3 spot it been given first in Imperial with good economy behind it. Seems also fair point since #1 was given its spot based on Castle age while admitting it not too crazy in Imperial.
Good video! Beside Monks, here a list of units that should win vs or go even with FU centurions in castle age, although not all of them might be practical in a real game: Konnik Leitis Teutonic knight Bojar Camel rider (Gujaras, Saracen, Hindustanis) Battle- and War elephants Mameluke Camels, Samurai and Kamayuks are somewhat cost effective When massed at range you can go for: Genbows, Jannis, Conquistadors.. To a lesser degree all kinds of mobile ranged options
Organ Gun is super overpowered in some situations right now. I would have mentioned Chakram Throwers too despite the Gurjara nerfs. They’re so fun to micro. :)
They are decent but need more upgrades for both mounted and dismounted version while they have bad eco. However, FU castle age Konniks completely wreck Centurion while being cheaper and easier to produce
I love genoese crossbowmen, they are somewhat similar to the huskarle in that you often think that cavalry counters archers. But tbh they are not a good opening.
The buff the Centurion gives to the militia line cannot be overstated. 33% attack speed and 15% movement speed essentially means that they inherit the civ bonuses from both the Japanese and the Celts. If you manage to grab the Comitatenses tech in post-imperial, they get even scarier. I think that the Romans are one of the few civs who can stand against Goths in post-Imperial.
You guessed it right, Hera! It's exactly a league of legends champion. You may not be aware but the trademark of new champs in League is that they are unreasonably overstated and/or overpowered at release.
In the HM I would put camel archers and arambai. Once you have a decent amount of them (like 15-20), they're insane. And the camel archer counters civs by its own, like magyars, mongols or tatars.
Agree on your rating ! I think Centurion will be nerf after enough people buy the DLC. They always make DLC civs OP in the beginning and nerf them. I just a bit disagree about Huskarls, I don’t think they are at that good. I would replace them by Mayan’s plumes. The only archers you cannot easy counter with Eagles / Ghulams (when massed) coz they are running super fast. Also I would add Berbers UU in the honorable mention.
Damn dude, the quality of your videos has gone up so hard lately. I used to like your content for the high level but the diversity, editing and commentary have really gone up. This combined with streaming and competition, you’re killing it.
Kamayuk cost was adjusted when the food discount was introduced, they cost the same. Kamayuks have always been amazing, people just slept on them because they're a castle unit (that also requires mass) and Incas as a whole were lackluster because no eco bonus or power unit (bring couriers back and apply to slingers and kamayuks). Acknowledgements to castle age centurion, but the Mangudai is still the best unit in the game.
@@hansoskar1911 You might want to check your math there. Base has increased from 60 to 65. In castle they're 52 (-8 compared to 60), in imp 46 (-14, basically free supplies, which is pretty underwhelming for an imp eco). Edit: haha I mean technically you're right, they don't cost exactly the same, but functionally they cost the same.
@@hansoskar1911 Oh its 25% in castle? My mistake. Haha and yes it is, name me a unit that would be fundamentally changed with -10 food. That discount has been applied to most elephant units, samurai, +10 applied to Malay trash swords,-15 to militia line with supplies (which is greatly outshone by gambesons), and probably other things I don't know of. None of it has been significantly impactful, in fact it's been mostly insignificant.
It seems the devs always fail when they to create unique units with a specific gimic, like the centurion and the huasite wagon. The devs intend then to be mixed in here and there so that players use their special advantages. Then the players just bail on that for a comp of just straight hussite wagons and its broken.
I like the idea of a very powerful Centurion, but i think that their concept is more of a expensive and low numbers powerful unit empowering infantery , IMO it could cost 80 F and 100 G.
I can't remember what set it was, but one of the matches in the latest Masters of Arena had the Incas vs Scicilians. Both plays went UU and the sergants totally wiped the floor with the Kamayuks. Maybe sergants are just the perfect counter but the Kamayuks just failed miserably.
The Kamayuks weakness is high melee armor, because Kamayuks have very low base damage for an infantry unit. The Serjeants 7 armor means that they survive more than double the attacks in that fight.
Aramboys seem to be really misunderstood and underrated by a lot of players. If you have at least 20 aramboys, you have mobile and tanky siege onager that crush EVERYTHING, even aramboy natural counters like skirms.
How the turntables huh. A week ago monks needed an urgent crushing nerf. Now they are the only ones who can save us from the new evil guys. Good video as usual. Wish you the best.
I feel like he's covered all the big name units. It would have to be warwago, Mamlukes, organs, something like that. I actually have no idea, but I kinda expected to see Mamlukes, so we'll go with that
People can forget how obscenely strong kamayuks are against any that aren't ranged. A few unique units can barely hold the line with them, your only bet is siege in most cases.
"The number 1 is Leitis, wait, no? Oh ok is the coustilier for sure. Of course i forgot the op Janissary, it has to be him". I guess wrong 3 times on the same order of the HM 11
It bugs me a bit that Romans can have an army of Centurions. With the buff for Legionnaires it makes sense but for a massed Roman cavalry unit I‘d have preferred „Equites“. And Legionnaires should probably have a charged Pilum throw as a specialty, not getting buffed by the unique unit.
Before watching off the top of my head: Camel archer, mangudai, conq, chukonu, perhaps plums or huskarls? And I guess unique upgrades such as winged hussar houfnice or imp camel could count!
I'd rather they make centurions either somewhat slower/squishy and able to be micro'd with archers or just absurdly expensive to encourage more legionary-play and reliance on scorpions to deal with massed archers. Similar to the cataphract, but with a bit higher attack and the militia line aura instead of trample damage/anti-bonus armour.
I thought you might say houfnice (I don't know if that is technically a unique unit for this video), organ guns, the coustillier... or based solely on your history in Red Bull tournaments against them: turtle ships (kidding kidding). I didn't see centurion coming at all but I don't have the DLC yet and haven't seen very many recs with them yet.
I think konniks are pretty good too, the fact that you can spam them from kreposts pretty easy and they're pretty hard to counter cause of the infantry thing
#1 Used to be jani but it got nerfed. Camel archers are good but worse than mangudai. Chakram throwers and SRs are both great. War wagons are very good too, maybe the war wagon?
What about Bulgarian Konnik? I dont know why i always considered them to be decent because of the ability to become infantry when defeated, plus you could spam them with those smaller castles that are half the price of a normal castle
Im â relatively new player so this opinion might be a bad take, but I really like Shotel Warriors. Getting 30 is trivial, grab arson and walk under any town center and watch it vanish! But then again, I’m not the best. So most higher ranked players could probably easily take that out 😂
That is actually a strategy that you can sometimes also see in pro games. The issue is that if the game reached a point where can afford to spam them constantly, their impact is not as big anymore compared to the power units like Mangudai or Leitis (or the units on the list), that can completely destroy the enemy army. Shotels are a good unit, but I think they are too expensive for their low hp and armor to be among the very best.
I'm surprised organ guns weren't on the list. In my own games and in pro videos, it seems like if you get to any OG mass, you basically win. Even as you were introducing #1 I was sure it was them. Lol
to balance Romans all they have to do is make them historically accurate and have your units randomly rebel and fight for a new emperor which was a common occurrence in the empire.
Lol yeah
5. Teutonic Knight
4. Teutonic Knight
3. Teutonic Knight
2. Teutonic Knight
1. Flaming Camel
is funny that teutonic knight whoops huskarls
Camel archers are definitely worth a mention brother! Mobility plus passive healing is not half bad!
also, the best archer attack in castle age, 7 base damage vs 6 from mangudai/cav archers
Don't forget they take alot less bonus damage because they are camels, not cav
It was close for them! They were prolly next up
69 likes for the comment! Nice!
They are top 5 in my heart purely because they completely rekt mangudai
Kamayuk wins style points too. They are the spiritual successors of the hoplite phalanx formation, and damn do they look good doing it!
It sounds nice too
Don't forget the konnik: winnable fights against counters, high damage output, available from every krepost you build which is half stone for castle...
Numbers wise looks like a bad unit, just turns out to be poor in practice.
It is bad against ranged units and doesnt actually beat knights all that well. For cavalry UU to be good they really need amazing stats for cost like the centurion, leitis or keshik. Stuff like konnik and boyar are not really worth it.
Hi Hera,
Could you make a video where you give every civ a second unique unit that would be best fit to cover for the civ's weakness/gap in their tech tree.
And/or in the same/different video, give another unique unit that would synchronize well with the civ's bonuses.
Both unique units obviously picked from the existing ones.
Kamayuks are especially great given pathing issues. In large numbers, you just patrol and kill everything. And with the UT are not even that bad agains range units
Centurion, guessed it. Most aoe2 players avoid going for the unique unit because castles are scarce and can't be spammed to make more units, and you need castle for researches and trebuchets, but if there is a roman player, that roman player instantly wants a castle and wants to spam centurions, the unit is just nuts.
The Romans right now are near the Cuman level of brokenness when DE first came out. Best infantry,best UU,best scorpions,top 3 navy. They need big nerfs
@@johnxina5126 Their navy got a big nerf, and their Galleons lack Bracer so I feel like on that front they're more balanced. When they first came out, they were just better than even Saracens Galleons in every way, it was ridiculous. Now their Scorpion spam with 60% less gold cost makes losing a mass of them not as big a deal and you can keep pushing them late game with Halbs if gold is running out. Then their Castle Age Centurions are just a joke, I mean the Elite version is pretty balanced but their Castle Age Centurion just bulldozes everything. The Legionaries are strong and supposed to be a center point of the civ, but all these other things are just so much stronger that they all overshadow the main point of the civ which is supposed to be Legionary spam with Centurions aura to buff them. Everytime I go for militia line units, it's because I went Feudal MAA with Skirmishers and then Castle Age I go Centurions and siege. I feel like the natural flow of their game makes me have to force Legionaries to get to play them.
@@johnxina5126 Also, they have one of the best eco bonuses too.
To kinda defend Centurion, its one of the slowest to produce unit in the game. So even though its expensive and it needs a castle it also produce something like 20 sec per unit. Its like you produce knight from 1 stable.
Romans Eco is great but in late game when you have 100 vils. When you are at early castle age that 5% isnt that big for 40-50 vils you have
@@konradpyszniak976 Centurion gets trained slowly, that's true. The 5% bonus however, means a lot. Think of it like this: Slavs have 10% farming bonus, and Romans have 5%. Celts have 15% lumberjack bonus, and romans have 5%. Every bonus all gathered up in one ball, it's a great eco bonus.
IMO organ guns are pretty insane right now. Obviously they aren't as potent for arena castle drops as they used to be since they aren't that good against buildings and mangonels anymore, but against most units they are much stronger. Elite ones pretty much only die to siege onager, bombards, or units with 7+ pierce armour.
I think Obuch should be mentioned aswell, they're amazing (and really cheap) when you combine them with some archers in 1v1 or cannoners in team games.
Ouch beats kamayuk too
@@youcanthandlethetruth5433 do they really? i guess i take your word for it. I guess i'm just used to kamayuks destroying anything melee that's not explicit anti-kamayuk.
@@nemossangeomatrix6841 Try it in the editor 30 VS 30. Obuch win. Granted I didn't do super mass units like 100 VS 100 where kamayuk might to better with stacking
No surprise on Centurion, seen some crazy games on your gameplay channel with them recently!
Was totally expecting Hera to troll us by putting the urumi on this list 😂
Just won a normal match 2v1 they had both Romans me Britons. Admitedly I saw their profile and they had few ranked games. It was clear they would be serious Low elo. In my praise, is like my 10th online game, and my 20th overall game including AI. So even in ranked I have still just played about 7 games (mostly didnt go well).
Their centurions, trebouches and infrantry melted against 50 elite longbowmen and 50 hallberdier (technically the first major fight was in castle with me having 60 army total, and forgetting about the castle age bow upgrades, still was too much for them hehe).
I want to see Yo's list. No player makes UU play in castle age on open maps work quite like Mr Yo
In other words:
"Nice, very nice.....let's see Mr.Yo's top 5 UU list"
@@tomassmith2088 Oops lol. I guess that did sound negative. Insightful list. I'd be curious on Mr. Yo's perspective, as he utilizes UUs in different ways than most players
@@mikel839 its a reference to a meme from American Psycho movie
@mikel839 no I'm making a movie reference lol. Hera had this same reference in a short
I think Centurions should get nerfed in their training time (Like 50/60 seconds), just to really define them not as a unit that should be massed to be a deathball but that mostly acts as a support that's not simple to snipe
Huskarl wrong in my book, says carry the civ but it would be nothing without a chain of add-ons, namely tech to get it into barrack and then tech to build them very fast. Would almost say it the civ that carry the unit. Think the rest of the list also make some sense in castle age and with normal economy, while Huskarl get to be perhaps this #3 spot it been given first in Imperial with good economy behind it. Seems also fair point since #1 was given its spot based on Castle age while admitting it not too crazy in Imperial.
Good video! Beside Monks, here a list of units that should win vs or go even with FU centurions in castle age, although not all of them might be practical in a real game:
Teutonic knight
Camel rider (Gujaras, Saracen, Hindustanis)
Battle- and War elephants
Camels, Samurai and Kamayuks are somewhat cost effective
When massed at range you can go for:
Genbows, Jannis, Conquistadors..
To a lesser degree all kinds of mobile ranged options
You forgot the shrivamsha, not a castle unit but still a UU from the stable, and the fastest unit in the game, very OP
For me unique unit is the one from the castle unless specified otherwise
It just gets melted by anything melee
Well yeah it has the "unique unit" armor, so it should qualify IMO. It's still strong but the last nerf was really big.
Wait, the Mangudai not the Hussar is Hera's favorite unit? Hera must have really been changed ever since becoming a League of Legends player! :D
Organ Gun is super overpowered in some situations right now.
I would have mentioned Chakram Throwers too despite the Gurjara nerfs. They’re so fun to micro. :)
I know there’s other big streamers within the AOE2 scene releasing content…
But I swear, Hera is actually out here doing God’s work. 😂🙏
Centurion is like teutonic knight on horse, and horses HP included to total.
That's the boyar
It's basically just a cavalier... in castle age.
Upset I didn't see cataphracts. They are pricy but when backed by a solid economy they can carry any player, good or bad!
You forgot some to me,
As the obuch and cataphracts
No cataphract? I was hoping at least honorable mention.
That was one of the first things I thought when I saw the Centurions, they just have such insane stats, especially in Castle Age.
I‘d be fun if every unique unit had a passive that boosts other unit. It could be similar to the skill Arkantos had in AoM.
Hey Hera. Loving your output on educational videos latly! :D
Keep it up mate. Thanks
I thought the recently buffed Koniks are gonna make an appearance...unit kills everything in meele.
Pierce armor and attack speed for it is terrible
They are decent but need more upgrades for both mounted and dismounted version while they have bad eco. However, FU castle age Konniks completely wreck Centurion while being cheaper and easier to produce
Do teutonic knights counter centurions?
I love genoese crossbowmen, they are somewhat similar to the huskarle in that you often think that cavalry counters archers. But tbh they are not a good opening.
The buff the Centurion gives to the militia line cannot be overstated. 33% attack speed and 15% movement speed essentially means that they inherit the civ bonuses from both the Japanese and the Celts. If you manage to grab the Comitatenses tech in post-imperial, they get even scarier.
I think that the Romans are one of the few civs who can stand against Goths in post-Imperial.
Well against goth they also have the best scorpions in the game haha .
A lot of civs beat Goth post imp.. most good infantry civs beat goth champs..
4:33 Mr. Yo won't ever live this down.. 11
Always love your 'top' / 'worst' lists! You could do one on 'Versatile Civs' like Malians and Incas; I'd be interested in watching that!
Malians, Incas, Mongols, Chinese, Byzantines
You guessed it right, Hera! It's exactly a league of legends champion. You may not be aware but the trademark of new champs in League is that they are unreasonably overstated and/or overpowered at release.
In the HM I would put camel archers and arambai. Once you have a decent amount of them (like 15-20), they're insane.
And the camel archer counters civs by its own, like magyars, mongols or tatars.
"like another decent one, like the husseit wagon" 😂
"There's one hundred, two thousand and seventeen trees on this map" - T90
#1 is actually spam Longbowmen with harcore AI hit&run micro
2:30 « a decent one like the Hussite wagon ». Lmao Hera secretly loves Hussite wagon we all know it ! 11
Balista elephants r insane.
1:31 "mrrrow" 🐈
you guys have the cutest most affectionate cats!! UwU
00:35 Hera really likes this UU that he has been giving it so much attention 11
That was a liver punch dedicated to the devs, gg Hera
Boyar? Cataphract?
Agree on your rating ! I think Centurion will be nerf after enough people buy the DLC. They always make DLC civs OP in the beginning and nerf them.
I just a bit disagree about Huskarls, I don’t think they are at that good. I would replace them by Mayan’s plumes. The only archers you cannot easy counter with Eagles / Ghulams (when massed) coz they are running super fast.
Also I would add Berbers UU in the honorable mention.
Yeah, I saw #1 coming. These guys _define_ death ball. The only things that keeps them in check is how expensive they are and requiring Castles.
Damn dude, the quality of your videos has gone up so hard lately. I used to like your content for the high level but the diversity, editing and commentary have really gone up. This combined with streaming and competition, you’re killing it.
Kamayuk cost was adjusted when the food discount was introduced, they cost the same. Kamayuks have always been amazing, people just slept on them because they're a castle unit (that also requires mass) and Incas as a whole were lackluster because no eco bonus or power unit (bring couriers back and apply to slingers and kamayuks).
Acknowledgements to castle age centurion, but the Mangudai is still the best unit in the game.
kamayuk went from 60 food to 49 food in castle (46 in imp).
@@hansoskar1911 You might want to check your math there. Base has increased from 60 to 65. In castle they're 52 (-8 compared to 60), in imp 46 (-14, basically free supplies, which is pretty underwhelming for an imp eco).
Edit: haha I mean technically you're right, they don't cost exactly the same, but functionally they cost the same.
@@misteral9045 bro, do you even math? 65*0.75 =~49. and no. 10 food less isnt "functionally the same"
@@hansoskar1911 Oh its 25% in castle? My mistake. Haha and yes it is, name me a unit that would be fundamentally changed with -10 food. That discount has been applied to most elephant units, samurai, +10 applied to Malay trash swords,-15 to militia line with supplies (which is greatly outshone by gambesons), and probably other things I don't know of. None of it has been significantly impactful, in fact it's been mostly insignificant.
It seems the devs always fail when they to create unique units with a specific gimic, like the centurion and the huasite wagon. The devs intend then to be mixed in here and there so that players use their special advantages. Then the players just bail on that for a comp of just straight hussite wagons and its broken.
Great video.
Hera can you make civ tier list for Empire wars 2v2?
They may be not that strong, but the little boy in me wants to hear Teuton Knights, Cataphracts and Samurais
I like the idea of a very powerful Centurion, but i think that their concept is more of a expensive and low numbers powerful unit empowering infantery , IMO it could cost 80 F and 100 G.
No boyar?
Do you think the buffed berserkers are still too weak?
Talks about the best UUs, starts with a Samurai at the start
My guess for number one is the coustilier.
Edit: forgot that civ existed
Incoming The Viper reaction video with Urumi Swordsmen at #1 😂
I can't remember what set it was, but one of the matches in the latest Masters of Arena had the Incas vs Scicilians.
Both plays went UU and the sergants totally wiped the floor with the Kamayuks.
Maybe sergants are just the perfect counter but the Kamayuks just failed miserably.
The Kamayuks weakness is high melee armor, because Kamayuks have very low base damage for an infantry unit. The Serjeants 7 armor means that they survive more than double the attacks in that fight.
Aramboys seem to be really misunderstood and underrated by a lot of players. If you have at least 20 aramboys, you have mobile and tanky siege onager that crush EVERYTHING, even aramboy natural counters like skirms.
magyar huszár i feel is also at least an honorable mention
anti-siege bonus
quickly produced
How the turntables huh. A week ago monks needed an urgent crushing nerf. Now they are the only ones who can save us from the new evil guys. Good video as usual. Wish you the best.
I mean that kinda speaks on how broken Monks truly are
I swear the cav monk somehow Got me smiling😂
I feel like he's covered all the big name units. It would have to be warwago, Mamlukes, organs, something like that. I actually have no idea, but I kinda expected to see Mamlukes, so we'll go with that
Or maybe Organs
Lol, I did even think of Romans
Good list, really no major gripes. Tell you what though I have been eating Roman players alive with well-timed halb spam
People can forget how obscenely strong kamayuks are against any that aren't ranged. A few unique units can barely hold the line with them, your only bet is siege in most cases.
"The number 1 is Leitis, wait, no? Oh ok is the coustilier for sure. Of course i forgot the op Janissary, it has to be him". I guess wrong 3 times on the same order of the HM 11
It bugs me a bit that Romans can have an army of Centurions. With the buff for Legionnaires it makes sense but for a massed Roman cavalry unit I‘d have preferred „Equites“.
And Legionnaires should probably have a charged Pilum throw as a specialty, not getting buffed by the unique unit.
ngl the vietnamese imperial skirmishes should be in the honorable mentions. they are cheap and extremely effective
10 Years ago the Plumer Archer would have been Number 1
That unit got powercreeped so hard its sad
#1 gotta be either Konnik or Coustillier.
Now we can watch Hera in 1440p i love it !!!
I leave a comment because doesn't cost much and it helps a lot. Love Hera! ❤
4:33 Or if you're Mr. Yo!
Hah! I'd call that salty, but after what I saw, it's just the truth!
Before watching off the top of my head:
Camel archer, mangudai, conq, chukonu, perhaps plums or huskarls?
And I guess unique upgrades such as winged hussar houfnice or imp camel could count!
Hey what's the story of your nickname, Hera? is a case like Maluma?
I'd rather they make centurions either somewhat slower/squishy and able to be micro'd with archers or just absurdly expensive to encourage more legionary-play and reliance on scorpions to deal with massed archers. Similar to the cataphract, but with a bit higher attack and the militia line aura instead of trample damage/anti-bonus armour.
@hera TEUTONIC Knights beats the centurion 😂
The dollar sign in the Romans construction site 😁
I thought you might say houfnice (I don't know if that is technically a unique unit for this video), organ guns, the coustillier... or based solely on your history in Red Bull tournaments against them: turtle ships (kidding kidding). I didn't see centurion coming at all but I don't have the DLC yet and haven't seen very many recs with them yet.
No plum archer?
why do you keep teasing us with the samurai snippet?
and those mfers didnt even made the list lol. got I with they were
Number in is teutonic knight right?
1:36 If Mangudai had Ring Archer Armour, would they be better?
Number 1 should be Longbow because they can literally destroy anything, even Huskarls and Siege Rams in a small amount of shots, this unit is OP
I think konniks are pretty good too, the fact that you can spam them from kreposts pretty easy and they're pretty hard to counter cause of the infantry thing
whats the hot key for select all kreposts?
Centurion is like an elephant but without the mobility penalty
#1 Used to be jani but it got nerfed. Camel archers are good but worse than mangudai. Chakram throwers and SRs are both great. War wagons are very good too, maybe the war wagon?
(I also love Conquistadors, I won some games with Spanish by just them, I destroyed a Castle with them once...)
I almost thought you were going to put Chukonu as #1 lol
My guess before seeing honourable mentions is thheeeeeeee
Plumed Archer.
Wait till japanese converting centurion and buff their infanty attack speed like crazy
Hussite Wagon actually turned into a meme! LOL! 🤣🤣🤣
🤣 that unit makes me laugh just by existing
What about Bulgarian Konnik? I dont know why i always considered them to be decent because of the ability to become infantry when defeated, plus you could spam them with those smaller castles that are half the price of a normal castle
Im â relatively new player so this opinion might be a bad take, but I really like Shotel Warriors. Getting 30 is trivial, grab arson and walk under any town center and watch it vanish! But then again, I’m not the best. So most higher ranked players could probably easily take that out 😂
That is actually a strategy that you can sometimes also see in pro games. The issue is that if the game reached a point where can afford to spam them constantly, their impact is not as big anymore compared to the power units like Mangudai or Leitis (or the units on the list), that can completely destroy the enemy army. Shotels are a good unit, but I think they are too expensive for their low hp and armor to be among the very best.
I'm surprised organ guns weren't on the list. In my own games and in pro videos, it seems like if you get to any OG mass, you basically win. Even as you were introducing #1 I was sure it was them. Lol
love playing as romans rn
Conquistadors single handledly made me give up on the hard montezuma campaign lol