A good laugh on a very serious subject. Many things slotted together for our victory in WWII but there was a time in 1940 where the Germans could have landed and caused major bother. That opportunity slipped by for reasons we don't and may never know. Whatever and however you you see and look at it those days in 1940 were very dark indeed. And as my Dad said many years ago (he fought in that war btw) it was a darned close thing...
@masgtai I love the part when Mainwaring and Wilson share their love of country. "We shall spare that last round of ammunition for ourselves. By the way, how many rounds do we have? One round, sir."
"We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations." ROFL! AND, I imagine that the people of the UK needed something to feel good about at this point, when victory seemed far off or even unlikely.
You can stick to your paranoia and I'll keep singing 'God Save the Queen' like someone who definitely is not a liberal. In any case, your trolling is wearing thin. I think you ought to move on to someone else because I won't reply to your next comment.
I'm a conservative Tory actually. But anyway, if you're so ignorantly xenophobic, what are you doing here? Go watch Fox rather than commenting on videos of traditional British TV shows.
"Better make that two dozen" That hits you hard.
Magic. Frazer looks upward at the sound of the air raid siren, and wryly says "better make that two dozen".......
I love it when Captain Mainwaring said I shouldn't like to be on the recieving end of that lot,and he ended up on the recieving end of that lot
"uncle arthur must be a very light sleeper mum, when i came down this morning for the milk, his bed hardly looked slept in!"
There's a blast from my past! Better make that 2 dozen!
A good laugh on a very serious subject. Many things slotted together for our victory in WWII but there was a time in 1940 where the Germans could have landed and caused major bother. That opportunity slipped by for reasons we don't and may never know. Whatever and however you you see and look at it those days in 1940 were very dark indeed. And as my Dad said many years ago (he fought in that war btw) it was a darned close thing...
I had no idea that Arthur and Mavis lived in sin. Gracious goodness!
I love the part when Mainwaring and Wilson share their love of country.
"We shall spare that last round of ammunition for ourselves. By the way, how many rounds do we have? One round, sir."
It's worth watching the full 8 minutes just for the final minute and half from 6:30
"We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations." ROFL!
AND, I imagine that the people of the UK needed something to feel good about at this point, when victory seemed far off or even unlikely.
they wanted action, they got it, it's a case of do or die
The sound of jet engines in the background.What youd normaly expect to hear in 1939
Not normally, no. Although it did exist in 1939...
and considering that replaced janet davies with liz frazer she only had 2 scenes in the whole film
Arthur has been digging for England
Mag ik ook 'es wa' zegg'n?
It's not nearly as bad here as the US media thinks it is. It's mostly exaggeration.
You can stick to your paranoia and I'll keep singing 'God Save the Queen' like someone who definitely is not a liberal. In any case, your trolling is wearing thin. I think you ought to move on to someone else because I won't reply to your next comment.
I'm a conservative Tory actually. But anyway, if you're so ignorantly xenophobic, what are you doing here? Go watch Fox rather than commenting on videos of traditional British TV shows.