Explain why? Parturition is achieved by a positive cycle

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • @NEETPG, @MBBS, ‪@Dr.WaqasKhan‬@Physiology
    Once labor is started, the uterine contractions dilate the cervix, and this dilation in turn sets up signals in afferent nerves that increase oxytocin secretion. The plasma oxytocin level rises and more oxytocin becomes available to act on the uterus. Thus, a positive feedback loop is established that aids delivery and terminates on expulsion of the products of conception. Oxytocin increases uterine contractions in two ways: (1) It acts directly on uterine smooth muscle cells to make them contract and (2) it stimulates the formation of prostaglandins in the decidua. The prostaglandins enhance the oxytocin-induced contractions. Ganong 26th Edition pp 407

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