Can You Make Raging Inferno (Both Version) From X-Men Vs Street Fighter And Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter:The stage possess a unique feature: after one character is knocked out, the stage flashes white as the plant explodes, changing its appearance entirely. The blown version features a raging fire (hence its name) over all the destroyed machinery and pipes, and a lone helicopter flying over the disaster.
Yes, I remember Oldgamer making both versions. The transitions would be fairly easy to code, but it's a whole other system! Lemme think of a template for that kind of stuff and I'll report back.
Hey, looking real good. Can’t wait to try this out.
Thanks! Release is coming soon enough. Today was very productive!
Seems working fine, no issues
Here's hoping the final version goes just as well.
Amazing! Similar to the Fatal Fury games.
That's exactly what I went for. :) As usual, this is universal, will work with any char, out of the box.
Can You Make Raging Inferno (Both Version) From X-Men Vs Street Fighter And Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter:The stage possess a unique feature: after one character is knocked out, the stage flashes white as the plant explodes, changing its appearance entirely. The blown version features a raging fire (hence its name) over all the destroyed machinery and pipes, and a lone helicopter flying over the disaster.
Yes, I remember Oldgamer making both versions. The transitions would be fairly easy to code, but it's a whole other system! Lemme think of a template for that kind of stuff and I'll report back.