Twende Pamoja

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • In July 2025, we will embark on MLI’s second annual, once in a lifetime opportunity to experience Africa as few have seen it. We will step off on a 7-day charity walk in Kenya, traversing some of the most pristine geography in the world, tent camping among God’s creation with camels walking alongside to carry our gear, and sharing an adventure with like-minded people who have the heart for MLI’s transformational work. It will also offer a chance to see in action MLI’s powerful work to nurture secure families and safe birth. We will introduce you to our program partners in Kenya and you will hear first-hand from many whose lives have been transformed from your support. The process of walking continuously for 7 days has great significance. We walk in solidarity with all those children who walk miles to fetch water and find sticks for firewood for their families each day. We walk in solidarity with those pregnant mothers who struggle for hours to reach a safe facility to give birth. We walk in solidarity with those fathers who must awake before sunrise to find work that will supply their family with a sustainable wage. May the steady rhythm of our steps mirror the steady rhythm of the heartbeats of all those families in Africa who are healthier, more secure and more prosperous because of our walking. We are looking for 10 of our most adventurous supporters to join us on this trek, people who have the time and resources to make the journey, and the passion to help us fundraise for this mighty cause. Our goal is to raise $50,000 through our communal efforts, so that MLI can take our programs to new locales where marriage, birth and family suffer from the hardships of extreme poverty.

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