Cyberpunk 2077 gamerip mix 2.1

  • Опубликовано: 2 июл 2024
  • R.I.P. REDengine 💔
    custom Rite of Passage 0:00
    Voodoo 5:26
    Dark Mix1 7:10
    Dark Mix2 11:19
    City Mix1 13:55
    Rooftop. 15:22
    Dark Mix3 16:19
    Dark Mix4 16:51
    dumm dumm dumm (can't remember) 21:14
    Gutters 24:41
    "Heartbeat" 27:06
    Claire 34:21
    Takemura 37:00
    Panam 39:45
    Rogue 55:18
    Clouds 56:50
    Judy 1:00:46
    Mikoshi 1:06:35
    Blackwall 1:07:50
    Johnny. Relic. 1:11:09
    S-Tier Ending theme 1:17:12
    Johnny. V. 1:19:31
    Phantom Liberty 1:27:12
    Songbird 1:40:48
    why you're probably here 1:45:41
    Think this is it. 1:55:41
    Finally new mix with low budget screenshots and low budget production, who knows maybe you can meditate to this or go walk in the city in the middle of the night to let the music blend with images of concrete-dim-light aesthetic. Or maybe find a job in this dystopian world.
    If you're wondering where's Joshua and Evelyn theme - one of the files was broken, other was lost, consider this as CDPR approach to working process... heh..
    Some of the tracks were brutally cut like Rite of Passage (never liked that loud part), some of them were mixed 'cause da vibes and stuff so not always there is logic behind them or their order.
    Old version of Songbird mix - • Cyberpunk 2077 Songbir...
    1.0 version of mix (can't say i like this version) - • Cyberpunk 2077 Ambient...
    And see ya in the next decade, yeah...

Комментарии • 17

  • @Sam-Lino
    @Sam-Lino 2 месяца назад +4

    Genuinely the best Cyberpunk mix ever. So much of the in-game music was never released, or if it was, it was an alternate/cleaned-up version. Maybe I'm crazy but there seem to be several variants of many of the songs to fit the gameplay and timing.
    Thanks for making this. Maybe it's the photos or the order of the songs, but something about it is really special.

  • @NotThatGuy-07
    @NotThatGuy-07 3 месяца назад +2

    Regardless of the day or time, Jackie's death them will always crash my serotonin

  • @enyaratna
    @enyaratna Месяц назад +1

    Rest in peace, Jackie, friend.

  • @quntface1518
    @quntface1518 Месяц назад +1

    56:00 This has to be one of the most upbeat songs in the whole game 🥺

  • @samosborne
    @samosborne 2 месяца назад +2

    best mix out there, love the dark ambiance this creates

  • @Hjemdg
    @Hjemdg 3 месяца назад +3

    the Johnny. V. part is so good 🙏 amazing mix!

  • @marijanracki6722
    @marijanracki6722 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for making and sharing this mix! Love the extra effort you put into images, especially for the 'rooftop' part, it's funny how they amplify the music so much.

  • @baptistelonqueu9177
    @baptistelonqueu9177 3 месяца назад +2

    Thanks Choom this is perfect

  • @silvellmoon7801
    @silvellmoon7801 3 месяца назад +1

    This was so good

  • @guillermonieves6237
    @guillermonieves6237 Месяц назад

    The final mix of this video always hits me like a fucking truck. Just thinking of all the tragedy of V and Johnny´s lives, all that they have been through in that cursed world... Nah man, once you play Cyberpunk it really never lefts you. Night City always wins, chooms.

  • @samfisher3368
    @samfisher3368 5 месяцев назад +1

    This is so cool, its like you combined you best ideas from previous 3 mixes with how you mix tracks and how you choose screenshots and used all your skills to create this

    • @ambifan
      @ambifan  5 месяцев назад +5

      Yeah, kinda... First one was chaotic but still vibe-oriented, second was more polished (patched :P) with rearranged tracks to make it sound somehow idk... Probably because i didn't know the context of 90% tracks i could easily pick the right vibe for them
      I think gamedesign is badly aligned with OST somehow, you start appreciating soundtrack only after hearing it in the ending, that's why when i tried to mix it a lot of tracks were like "what da hell is this? well lets try to guess the vibe here". After such experience replayed 2.1 story + DLC with music volume at 100 while other volumes at 70-80 (still can't say i now remember where all tracks are playing)
      For this new version had to try to step up, kill all birds with one stone - tried to keep "logical" order of tracks while still keeping the smoothness of transitions to different ones. Like loud sections only after loud/noisy sections of the same theme. Something like that. With two conflicting ideas making it more flow-like (much & much longer ambient sections for meditative reasons) and making it OST-like (cut more and more so someone can easily listen to it and not get tired of it). Dunno, time will tell whether it was worth it, can't say anything about it coz tired af listening to same tracks over and over again...
      In technical details, switching from Sony Vegas to FL Studio was really good idea. Fading tools there are just a bless with good export that keeps the quality of original game WAVs.
      And now tried to keep volume as consistent as possible, not only in terms of Db but like "how much that track hurts ears if i add more volume", but some tracks if you listen closely kinda wheeze sometimes.. Yeah.
      Ну тип того... Первый был такой более вайбориентированный, пока второй отполирован (пропатчен :р) за счет передвинутых местами треков чтобы звучало какнить хз... Наверн из-за того что не знал 90% контекста треков мог легко выбрать нужный вайб
      Наверн связано с геймдизайном кп который какт стремно складывается с саундтреком, ценить его начинаешь только уже во время концовки, поэтому когда мешал первые версии такой "да откуда эт блё. лан пох подберем вайб". После такого в 2.1 с длц играл уже с громкостью музыки 100 пока другие были на 70-80 (но не скажу что прям помню все и вся и в каком моменте играют треки)
      Для этой версии попробовал выйти в высшую лигу, убить всех зайцев одним выстрелом - попытаться как удержать логическую структуру треков так и плавность переходов к другим. Типа громкие куски только после громких/шумных кусков в рамках одной темы. В башке бились две идеи сделать то более поточно (ну знаете поток... более долгие эмбиентные медленные треки для медитативности прослушивания) то более ОСТово (вырезать как можно больше "ненужного" чтобы слушатель не уставал). Время покажет правильно чтот вышло или нет, сейчас оценить не могу, все-таки до дыр слушал одно и то же...
      Технически перключение с Вегаса на ФЛку было оуенно. Фейды которые можно делать в новых версиях... Ультра кайф. А еще экспорт который сохраняет качество игровых вавок....
      Плюс сейчас постарался удержать громкость выше чем в прошлых версиях и на одном уровне как можно сильнее, не просто там децибелики чтоб ровные были ,а еще чтоб по ушам не долбило нормально так, хотя все равно некоторые треки если прислушаться хрипят пердят свистят, мало но есть такое.
      TLDR Я так чувствую (с)

    • @ambifan
      @ambifan  5 месяцев назад +1

      первый и последний лонгрид работягам

  • @bravosixactual3000
    @bravosixactual3000 2 месяца назад

    I wish Phantom Liberty would play right at the end of the Songbird part, I downloaded the songbird one and hearing Phantom Liberty crossfades after that ending Piano is just.... something else for me

  • @bravosixactual3000
    @bravosixactual3000 Месяц назад

    also can you add Phantom Liberty at the end of the PL part? the song would fit perfectly

    • @ambifan
      @ambifan  26 дней назад

      nah id probably just get copyrighted striked and banned for this

  • @onlything7222
    @onlything7222 Месяц назад

    Мужик, это ахуенно