Hola, queria agradecerte por el video, yo tambien tenia el error HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope, estoy con la versión 1.8.5 y la solución al error fue cambiar la version del USB HOST Shield Library a una más antigua (mediante el gestor de librarias del mismo arduino) y el programa funcionó correctamente.
hola bro , acabo de solucionarla despues de 5 horas de informacion xd pero aprovecho y me atrevo a pregntar si sabes como enviar todo los digitos como un solo "caracter" y no como lo hace actualmentes el programas byte x byte(resumen quiero k dispare todo junto y no 1 x 1)
Eso no lo se, porque solamente pude hacer que el usb funcione, de hecho aparece los datos mediante el key dentro de las intrucciones usb y solo lo maneja "dato por dato" porque creo que es como si estuviese conectado un taclado: muestra en pantalla letra por letra que se va escribiendo. Tendrías que buscar una forma de convertir los datos que quieres después de la lectura.
Hola . Estoy con un proyecto parecido .. si doy ok en la compra por 1 dólar me larga el código que usaste ?? Quería agregarle un módulo relee con 8 relee ..
Hi. I'm currently working on it and the revised code worked. But I have 1 big problem. When I plug the barcode scanner it doesnt seem to work. But when I plug it in a pc, it worked fine without a driver. The LCD displays "Ready" as stated on the program. But my barcode scanner doesnt seem to establish a connection with the host. Please help.
I always find error in . I have searched the library directory but i have not found hid.h. I have searched the comments field but there are no answers that can help. Please help me, how can i solve this...
i have a project like that but, with all that i need to transfert that barcode to RFID MF RC522 to write that code in the tag, so i want to transport that code to the RFID to make the writing not to the LCD so is it possible ?
Hello, Sorry to keep spamming with questions. But I need help quite urgently. I went ahead and picked up the same USB shield, in the hope that this would solve all problems. As it appears, it doesnt quite. The code uploads fine and when I open the serial monitor i see the word "start". When I scan my barcode, i get the customary beeping sound from the scanner, but there is nothing printed on my screen. I just picked up the shield today and plugged it in immediately for use. Am i required to do any specific configuration? The device intf. class and subclasss all match, so I realy dont know what I'm doing wrong. I'm using your exact code as well. Please please help! Thank you
I have my barcode scanner tied to the circuit that cuts the power to the scanner when the label maker prints the label. Once the label is removed the power is back on and the barcode scanner and key board will turn on. My challenge is that the Barcode scanner doesn’t come back instantly after you remove the label and takes 11secs to turn back on. Do you know a setting or a device that can help me eliminate this delay!
en este video que hiciste el código aparece en la pantalla derecha? Necesito exportar esta bares código en el Arduino para leer cualquier tipo de archivo. Para hacer un sistema de medición de producto que el código de barras.
why i uploaded USB_DEC library into arduino with Barcode scanner but when turn on serial monitor there is no output file of the barcode reader like you?
hola!! tengo una duda solo se puede utilizar el codigo de barras mostrado en el video?? o se puede utilizar cualquiera? si se puede utilizar otro aparte del mencionado en el video tiene que tener algunas especificaciones o datos?
Te refieres al scanner?, en general funciona con varias referencias, pero tienes que tener en cuenta que al verificar los codigos de Class, Subclass y protocol sean como se indican en el video.
hola, tengo un scanner Symbol LS2208, al conectarlo y ejecutar el USBdesc no me muestra los datos que te aparecen a ti en el monitor serial, solo puros simbolos como garabatos, me podrias ayudar?
Hello.. i am using a datalogic qw2100 scanner. it is configured to a autosense scan.. when i plug my scanner to the usb host.. the scanner just light on(green led).. whats the problem? can you help me please??
Could you also use the shield as an USB host for your own USB device? I'm planning on making a gamecontroller, so can I wire the USB cable to the Arduino and have it communicate to any device that my controller is plugged in?
+Electroingenio i supplied an external power supply.. the scanner led indicator just keep blinking.. i did not connect a lcd display to my project.. any help please?
+Electroingenio i would like to use an arduino with barcode scanner.. when i scan a barcode the output will display to the serial monitor.. can you help me? please?
Amigo buenas noches, tengo un problema, conecto mi lector codigo de barras (x-718 wired laser barcode scanner) cargo un codigo pero no me energiza la pistola, como puedo validar primero si la salida me esta alimentando la pistola o unicamente se energiza con el codigo correcto?
Hi I'm a high school student and I have graduation project, so I want to ask you if we want to convert the code that the scanner reads into number like dates, how can we do that?
+GDVIP a barcode is an identifier that is associated with a database. For example, when a barcode in a supermarket you read, this code is searched in a database of products it sold that supermarket . Although a bar code of a product is as unique code assigned to the producer look this link: www.elfring.com/retail-barcode.htm without thier you can create your internal codes if you plan to use personally .
tengo Intf. Subclass "0" .. en circuits@home, dice que tiene que ser "1", pero si en caso es 0 si se puede solo que es un poco mas dificil, pero no encuentro donde explica eso, podras ayudarme con eso si en caso sabes ?
Hola, quisiera saber si me podrias ayudar con un problema, el programa compila y lo puedo pasar al arduino, pero cuando conecto el lector de barras, el lector prende pero no sale la linea que scanea el codigo? sabras porque pasa esto ?
I got the library. USB desc still didn't work. But I still got the barcode scanner to work. Now, all I need is for the servos and steppers to move once I scan something... But nothing I put inside the void loop works
Moises Beato what happens is that apparently changed some things in the original library and not working well, so I attached the download link with the library that I used
Hola. Mi pregunta es muy concreta: estos lectores de códigos de barras, ¿pueden leer en la oscuridad? Porque lo estoy pensando para un domo astronómico, donde el sistema debe saber constantemente en qué posición está el domo.
Hola que tal; cuando compilo el código me sale un error relacionado con la variable Keyboard, me dice que anteriormente ya ha sido declarada, específicamente me da este error: sketch_may03b:21: error: conflicting declaration 'HIDBoot Keyboard' C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/USBAPI.h:136: error: 'Keyboard' has a previous declaration as 'Keyboard_ Keyboard'
Hi, I have been having troubles using my barcode scanner with my arduino mega. The code complies fine, but it keeps stating the that the OSC does not start. Can you please help me with this? I am using a different (sparkfun usb shield) to what you're using. The barcode scanner satisfies the same communication protocol, int. class, subclass , so I don't think this is the issue. Will you please be able to help? Thanks Much appreciated!
i see this person has a simliar issue : forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=86612.15 he claims that "Olegs's library does NOT work with the Mega ADK,I have tried it again with the new 1.0 IDE and his updated USB library for that IDE. It compiles OK but it will NOT work on the Mega ADK." any help would be greatly appreciated!
sir i have a barcode scanner which states Interface Type: USB,RS232,KB. can it work with the same code? please help as soon as possible its really urgent.
Hola! podrías ayudarme? tengo un usb host shield y un arduino uno, al principio funcionaba y luego obtuve el mensaje de "OSC did not start" y no obtengo ningún tipo de lectura del puerto usb..y no encuentro el problema, agradecería tu ayuda si sabes como repararlo?
hi, i got problem when clicking USB_desc of USB_Host_Shield_2.0-master. when compiling it, it appears error : usb.ino: 3:17: fatal error: usb.h: No such file or directory. I use arduino version 1.6.5. How to solve it?
hello, I recommend you that erase the underlines and middle lines from folder USB host shield library and join all words of the file name.close the arduino and open again.
hola, me pregunto si puedo conseguir el código y enviarlo a un sistema de supervisión, o exportar el Arduino en serie, por ejemplo, archivos de texto, que ya hizo algo por el estilo?
Hi, i follow this video steps by steps but it appears error: ‘HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD’ was not declared in this scope, why? ?i use arduino mega, software version 1.6.6 and host usb version 1.1.1
Estimado tengo un problema, resulta que pude leer todo sin problemas. El tema es que quiero a ese código asignarle un precio y bueno no se donde realizar el codigo, intente ponerlo en el loop, pero no me toma el codigo... ademas el codigo esta solo en una variable, o sea (char)key cambia 13 veces de valor, pero todos esos numeros me gustaria tomarlos y asignarle un precio.
By using arduino 1.6.5, I got problem of compiling USB_desc of USBHostShield20master, prog_char does not name a type, after that, compiling the coding, unit8_t has not been declared.
Hola, muy buen video de demostración!Tengo una duda, estoy haciendo un proyecto de clase en el que automatizo la verificación de calidad de un paquete, a través de un código de barras conozco los datos de peso, dimensiones, receptor, etcMe han proporcionado el lector CS1504, serviría también para este lector la biblioteca que has utilizado?
+Javier Andrés García no te sabria decir con exactitud, debes verificar que sea plug and play y no requiera la instalacion de un software para su reconocimiento.
hola es que ice todos los pasos como lo muestra y cuando cague la segunda codificación me sale un error `USB`does not name a type y no lo puedo corregir
hi, ive exactly followed the same steps as you have shown. The code uploads successfully, LCD shows the 'ready' message and the serial monitor shows start. But nothing is displayed on LCD when I scan any barcode. My barcode scanner works properly as it shows the scanned barcode when i open notepad. Need help plz.
hey! can I ask, so when you connect your barcode scanner into the usb shield and once you have uploaded the code, it prints the barcode into a notepad?
oye tengo una duda si compro una pistola scanner que no tenga ni la class ,ni subclass ,ni protocolo igual que el del video no se puede editar eso de alguna manera o como saber cual pistola scanner comprar?
Hi, I am unable to access the code from the circuits @ home webpage. I think the website is down now. Can you please please please help share the codes with me? Would really appreciate it. Need it quite urgently :/ Thanks a ton in advance!
i have the same project, and i did all the same thing, but i have an error ""fatal error: hid.h: No such file or directory #include "" . i don't know what to do to correct this ... any help pls and thx
You need to organize the directory that contains this file. This is in the library. This error comes up when you have located the files in a wrong way into the arduino libraries directory
Hola que tal nuevamente, me surgió un inconveniente al querer realizar una aplicación con el código que leo, El problema es que el arduino constantemente esta leyendo el puerto usb y no puedo realizar nada en el loop. Principalmente me idea es comparar el codigo de barras con una tabla interna y realizar una salida. Me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de detener el usb cuando se termino de pasar todo el dato serie y habilitarlo nuevamente cuando finalice la tarea con el codigo que capture. Estoy usando el if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_RUNNING ) pero todavia no logro entender bien su funcionamiento Gracias y saludos
En el mismo loop, despues que termine de revisar el puerto USB, programas una funcion o puedes intentar introducir tus lineas de codigo despues de la linea 89.
Sallybertha Salamandra debes capturar cada numero del codigo que llega a la variable "Key" y acumularlo en otra variable, intenta con variable tipo string. No lo he hecho pero creería que puede ser de esa manera.
al compilar USB_desc me salen los siguientes errores: alguien sabe como corregirlos. C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp: In member function 'float PS3BT::getAngle(AngleEnum)': C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp:107: error: 'atan2f' was not declared in this scope C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp:109: error: 'atan2f' was not declared in this scope
Does anyone know how to introduce the read code by the scanner into a variable? I have tested many ways and it didn't work. I would like to receive some help, please.
hello I have problem uploading any program on my arduino when host shield is connected to it. I first mounted host shield on my arduino mega and uploaded USB_desc program. the program was getting compiled but was not getting uploaded. Please can you help me in solving this problem
Sanjita Nadkarni ma'am there r some changes which u have to do on the board , I've faced the same problem when i was working on the board....but now my usb host is working properly and the barcode too
Hello yash tandon , thanks for ur reply.. Can you please tell me what r the changes i have to make on my board. As i m still not able to deal with this problem..
Sanjita Nadkarni hello, sry for the late reply ....i can send u the pic of the board , as u have too do some soldering on it ,pls tell your email id. i will msg u the details of it
I really enjoy your code, I don't fully understand what it does , but maybe you can help me with my problem. I need to read from the barcode scanner and place the value into a variable that I can use for a switch/case statement.
Moises Beato in the file code, you need to verify when the scanner finish to send data. In line 86, on file code, the arduino print each number from scanner, you need to collect all number in a string variable.
Mono Tet Verify the interface that is configured because this scanner have 3 interface options, verify that you have configured USB interface. Read the instruccions manual.
i downloaded USB_host_shield_2.0_master at arduino.cc . But USB_desc's program had many errors. Can you take me true program of USB_host_shield_2.0_master? Please reply me, Thank you
Hola tengo un problema al compilar, alguna idea de que este mal: Arduino: 1.5.6-r2 (Windows 7), Placa:"Arduino Uno" In file included from USB_desc.ino:3: pgmstrings.h:10: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:11: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:12: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:13: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:14: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:15: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:16: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:17: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:18: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:19: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:20: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:21: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:22: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:23: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:24: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:25: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:26: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:27: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:28: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:29: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:30: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:31: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:32: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:33: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:34: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:35: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:36: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:37: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:38: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:39: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:40: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:41: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:42: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:43: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:44: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:45: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:46: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:47: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:48: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:49: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' pgmstrings.h:50: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM' USB_desc:12: error: variable or field 'PrintAllAddresses' declared void USB_desc:12: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:12: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:16: error: variable or field 'PrintAllDescriptors' declared void USB_desc:16: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:16: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:11: error: 'USB' does not name a type USB_desc:22: error: variable or field 'PrintAllAddresses' declared void USB_desc:22: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:22: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintAddress(uint8_t)': USB_desc:39: error: 'UsbDeviceAddress' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:39: error: expected `;' before 'adr' USB_desc:40: error: 'adr' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void setup()': USB_desc:59: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)': USB_desc:77: error: 'Gen_Error_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:87: error: 'Gen_Error_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: At global scope: USB_desc:94: error: variable or field 'PrintAllDescriptors' declared void USB_desc:94: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:94: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void loop()': USB_desc:104: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:106: error: 'USB_STATE_RUNNING' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:110: error: 'PrintAllDescriptors' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:111: error: 'PrintAllAddresses' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)': USB_desc:120: error: 'USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:120: error: expected `;' before 'buf' USB_desc:122: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:122: error: 'buf' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:126: error: 'Dev_Header_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:127: error: 'Dev_Length_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:129: error: 'Dev_Type_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:131: error: 'Dev_Version_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:133: error: 'Dev_Class_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:135: error: 'Dev_Subclass_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:137: error: 'Dev_Protocol_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:139: error: 'Dev_Pktsize_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:141: error: 'Dev_Vendor_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:143: error: 'Dev_Product_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:145: error: 'Dev_Revision_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:147: error: 'Dev_Mfg_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:149: error: 'Dev_Prod_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:151: error: 'Dev_Serial_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:153: error: 'Dev_Nconf_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printhubdescr(uint8_t*, uint8_t)': USB_desc:161: error: 'HubDescriptor' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:161: error: 'pHub' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:161: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token USB_desc:161: error: expected `;' before 'descrptr' USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getconfdescr(byte, byte)': USB_desc:213: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:217: error: 'Conf_Trunc_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:225: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:228: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:231: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printconfdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc:270: error: 'USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:270: error: 'conf_ptr' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:270: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token USB_desc:270: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr' USB_desc:271: error: 'Conf_Header_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:272: error: 'Conf_Totlen_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:274: error: 'Conf_Nint_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:276: error: 'Conf_Value_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:278: error: 'Conf_String_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:280: error: 'Conf_Attr_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:282: error: 'Conf_Pwr_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printintfdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc:289: error: 'USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:289: error: 'intf_ptr' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:289: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token USB_desc:289: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr' USB_desc:290: error: 'Int_Header_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:291: error: 'Int_Number_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:293: error: 'Int_Alt_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:295: error: 'Int_Endpoints_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:297: error: 'Int_Class_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:299: error: 'Int_Subclass_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:301: error: 'Int_Protocol_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:303: error: 'Int_String_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printepdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc:310: error: 'USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:310: error: 'ep_ptr' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:310: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token USB_desc:310: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr' USB_desc:311: error: 'End_Header_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:312: error: 'End_Address_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:314: error: 'End_Attr_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:316: error: 'End_Pktsize_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:318: error: 'End_Interval_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printunkdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc:328: error: 'Unk_Header_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:329: error: 'Unk_Length_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:331: error: 'Unk_Type_str' was not declared in this scope USB_desc:333: error: 'Unk_Contents_str' was not declared in this scope This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" enabled in File > Preferences.
Solucionado: no leía el código de barras, lo que hice fue modificar la línea 31 del archivo "Leitor.h", le cambié el "19" por "13". Así quedó: if(key == 13){
I downloaded the USB shield library (mega.co.nz/#!bABVUTyA!JfhEvVZ4wfcG1MzS3ccBL7SY5uiai1kUy-h4bYBbKJI), but everytime I try to use the USB_desc examples i get errors about undefined variables. Any ideas? Arduino: 1.6.3 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno" Using library USBHostShield20 in folder: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20 (legacy) Arduino: 1.6.3 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno" USB_desc.ino:23:25: error: 'prog_char' does not name a type USB_desc.ino:23:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'str' with no type [-fpermissive] USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)': USB_desc.ino:73:33: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:83:37: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)': USB_desc.ino:122:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:123:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:125:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:127:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:129:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:131:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:133:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:135:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:137:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:139:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:141:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:143:27: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:145:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:147:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:149:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printhubdescr(uint8_t*, uint8_t)': USB_desc.ino:160:53: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:161:42: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:164:44: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:167:40: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:170:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:173:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:176:51: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:179:42: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:182:50: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:185:39: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:188:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:191:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getconfdescr(byte, byte)': USB_desc.ino:213:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printconfdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc.ino:267:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:268:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:270:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:272:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:274:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:276:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:278:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printintfdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc.ino:286:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:287:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:289:27: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:291:33: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:293:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:295:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:297:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:299:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printepdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc.ino:307:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:308:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:310:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:312:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:314:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printunkdescr(uint8_t*)': USB_desc.ino:324:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:325:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:327:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino:329:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)' USB_desc.ino: At global scope: USB_desc.ino:339:25: error: 'prog_char' does not name a type USB_desc.ino:339:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'str' with no type [-fpermissive] Error compiling. This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" enabled in File > Preferences.
buenas tardes , muchas gracias por el video , tengo un error al compilar me dice que no se encuentra la libreria HIDboot.h no he podido bajarla , helpp
me da este error sketch_aug29a:31: error: 'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb); ^ sketch_aug29a:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb); ^ sketch_aug29a:31: error: invalid type in declaration before '(' token HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb); ^ C:\Users\pc2\Documents\Arduino\sketch_aug29a\sketch_aug29a.ino:31:45: warning: invalid conversion from 'USB*' to 'int' [-fpermissive] HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb); ^ exit status 1 'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope
Hola cuando ejecuto el ejemplo de la libreria me sale el siguiente error USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)': USB_desc:76: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:76: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:86: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:86: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)': USB_desc:125: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:125: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:126: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:126: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:128: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:128: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:130: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:130: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:132: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:132: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:134: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:134: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:136: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:136: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:138: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:138: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:140: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' USB_desc:140: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' USB_desc:142: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*' ............................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................... y asi hasta USB_desc:332: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)' Cual sera el motivo de mi error gracias
Electroingenio Gracias por el aporte probe con la 1.6.0 y con la 1.0.5 r2 y 1.0.4 en todas sale el mismo error. Puede ser tmb algun problema con la libreria yo la agregue desde importar libreria y me la agrego bien la usbhostshield alguna mas necesito aparte muchas gracias
Xavier Reppucci yo tengo instalada la version 1.6.0 y me aparecen los mismos errores que mencionas y compilo con la version 1.0.4 e inmediatamente funciona, en la verson 1.0.4 tengo las siguientes librerias: EEPROM, Esplora, Ethernet, Firmdata, GSM, LiquidCrystal, SD, Servo, SoftwareSerial, SPI, Stepper, USBHostShield20, WiFi, Wire. Revisa tus librerias a ver si te falta alguna.
Electroingenio Muchas gracias ahora voy a probar nuevamente y probar si me compila el Usb_desc. Por otro lado estoy usando una Placa Mega Adk es lo mismo en funcionamiento? Saludos
Xavier Reppucci Si, basicamente son lo mismo pero la ADK esta modificada para permitir su uso con la Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) de Google por lo que dispone de un puerto USB Host incorporado.
Hola, queria agradecerte por el video, yo tambien tenia el error HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope, estoy con la versión 1.8.5 y la solución al error fue cambiar la version del USB HOST Shield Library a una más antigua (mediante el gestor de librarias del mismo arduino) y el programa funcionó correctamente.
hola me podrias ayudar con una consulta urgente?
Cual es la duda?
hola bro , acabo de solucionarla despues de 5 horas de informacion xd pero aprovecho y me atrevo a pregntar si sabes como enviar todo los digitos como un solo "caracter" y no como lo hace actualmentes el programas byte x byte(resumen quiero k dispare todo junto y no 1 x 1)
Eso no lo se, porque solamente pude hacer que el usb funcione, de hecho aparece los datos mediante el key dentro de las intrucciones usb y solo lo maneja "dato por dato" porque creo que es como si estuviese conectado un taclado: muestra en pantalla letra por letra que se va escribiendo. Tendrías que buscar una forma de convertir los datos que quieres después de la lectura.
ya lo consegui... ahora el trabajo es como enviarlo por xbee
una pregunta sirve con los codigos de barras de los documentos de identidad?
Hola . Estoy con un proyecto parecido .. si doy ok en la compra por 1 dólar me larga el código que usaste ?? Quería agregarle un módulo relee con 8 relee ..
I wanted to buy this code but there is no payment method.
Is there any other option to get the code?
Code A0 -----------> DATA + USB ?
Hi. I'm currently working on it and the revised code worked. But I have 1 big problem. When I plug the barcode scanner it doesnt seem to work. But when I plug it in a pc, it worked fine without a driver. The LCD displays "Ready" as stated on the program. But my barcode scanner doesnt seem to establish a connection with the host. Please help.
Hola, intenté comprar el código pero no hay forma de pago para México, Ademas el apartado de contacto de la pagina no funciona
Hi, can this be used to operate a motor only if this barcode info matches with a stored info ?
I always find error in . I have searched the library directory but i have not found hid.h. I have searched the comments field but there are no answers that can help. Please help me, how can i solve this...
hola buenas tardes serias tan amable de decirme que lector de barras utilizaste
where you buy the barcode scanner
Are you using arduino uno?
i have a project like that but, with all that i need to transfert that barcode to RFID MF RC522 to write that code in the tag, so i want to transport that code to the RFID to make the writing not to the LCD
so is it possible ?
Sorry to keep spamming with questions. But I need help quite urgently. I went ahead and picked up the same USB shield, in the hope that this would solve all problems. As it appears, it doesnt quite.
The code uploads fine and when I open the serial monitor i see the word "start". When I scan my barcode, i get the customary beeping sound from the scanner, but there is nothing printed on my screen.
I just picked up the shield today and plugged it in immediately for use. Am i required to do any specific configuration?
The device intf. class and subclasss all match, so I realy dont know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm using your exact code as well.
Please please help!
Thank you
hello, see this video ruclips.net/video/U4eFLdpyRDQ/видео.html , and download app from www.electroingenio.com/download/ to test other way.
hello, can the barcode device be converted into an RFID module? if so how to do it? thanks
I have my barcode scanner tied to the circuit that cuts the power to the scanner when the label maker prints the label. Once the label is removed the power is back on and the barcode scanner and key board will turn on. My challenge is that the Barcode scanner doesn’t come back instantly after you remove the label and takes 11secs to turn back on. Do you know a setting or a device that can help me eliminate this delay!
en este video que hiciste el código aparece en la pantalla derecha? Necesito exportar esta bares código en el Arduino para leer cualquier tipo de archivo. Para hacer un sistema de medición de producto que el código de barras.
es el que aparece a mano izquierda
Agrego el programa para validar os tres codigos que indica la pistola lectora, pero veo que ni me energiza la pistola, qe debo hacer en este caso
why i uploaded USB_DEC library into arduino with Barcode scanner but when turn on serial monitor there is no output file of the barcode reader like you?
You can not use the same serial port to communicate at the same time to serial monitor and the bar code.
So what should i do? Can you tell me. Thank you
I did exactly the same as the video instruction but there is no output file in the serial monitor. Just a "start" line that was all
hola!! tengo una duda solo se puede utilizar el codigo de barras mostrado en el video?? o se puede utilizar cualquiera? si se puede utilizar otro aparte del mencionado en el video tiene que tener algunas especificaciones o datos?
Te refieres al scanner?, en general funciona con varias referencias, pero tienes que tener en cuenta que al verificar los codigos de Class, Subclass y protocol sean como se indican en el video.
hola, tengo un scanner Symbol LS2208, al conectarlo y ejecutar el USBdesc no me muestra los datos que te aparecen a ti en el monitor serial, solo puros simbolos como garabatos, me podrias ayudar?
Is it compatible to a Nucleo Board?
shall i need to cut SS jumper? Pin 0,1,2,3,5,6 is used for lcd .
Hi, i'm looking for Hid.h library, Where can i find it?
Hello.. i am using a datalogic qw2100 scanner. it is configured to a autosense scan..
when i plug my scanner to the usb host.. the scanner just light on(green led)..
whats the problem? can you help me please??
can u help me? why my usb-desc didnt show their a same like yours
Could you also use the shield as an USB host for your own USB device? I'm planning on making a gamecontroller, so can I wire the USB cable to the Arduino and have it communicate to any device that my controller is plugged in?
Yes, is posible, the next video use an PS3 control:
USB Shield Arduino + Servo Control PS3
hello.. what power supply did you use? how much volts and amperes needed to run both the arduino and barcode scanner?
+Loven De Los Santos you need a 5v external power supply with min 1amp
+Electroingenio i supplied an external power supply.. the scanner led indicator just keep blinking.. i did not connect a lcd display to my project.. any help please?
+Loven De Los Santos what do you need exactly?
+Electroingenio i would like to use an arduino with barcode scanner.. when i scan a barcode the output will display to the serial monitor.. can you help me? please?
+Electroingenio i tried to upload your code.. but it gives me an error.. sketch to big.. can you help me please.. i badly need it..
Amigo buenas noches, tengo un problema, conecto mi lector codigo de barras (x-718 wired laser barcode scanner) cargo un codigo pero no me energiza la pistola, como puedo validar primero si la salida me esta alimentando la pistola o unicamente se energiza con el codigo correcto?
Hi I'm a high school student and I have graduation project, so I want to ask you if we want to convert the code that the scanner reads into number like dates, how can we do that?
+GDVIP a barcode is an identifier that is associated with a database. For example, when a barcode in a supermarket you read, this code is searched in a database of products it sold that supermarket . Although a bar code of a product is as unique code assigned to the producer look this link: www.elfring.com/retail-barcode.htm without thier you can create your internal codes if you plan to use personally .
tengo Intf. Subclass "0" .. en circuits@home, dice que tiene que ser "1", pero si en caso es 0 si se puede solo que es un poco mas dificil, pero no encuentro donde explica eso, podras ayudarme con eso si en caso sabes ?
Hola, quisiera saber si me podrias ayudar con un problema, el programa compila y lo puedo pasar al arduino, pero cuando conecto el lector de barras, el lector prende pero no sale la linea que scanea el codigo? sabras porque pasa esto ?
I want to design a tool to make a qr code scanner, please help me.
I downloaded the USB shield library, but everytime I try to use the USB_desc examples i get errors about undefined variables. Any ideas?
Moises Beato download this library file and replace yours: mega.co.nz/#!bABVUTyA!JfhEvVZ4wfcG1MzS3ccBL7SY5uiai1kUy-h4bYBbKJI
I got the library. USB desc still didn't work. But I still got the barcode scanner to work. Now, all I need is for the servos and steppers to move once I scan something... But nothing I put inside the void loop works
Moises Beato what happens is that apparently changed some things in the original library and not working well, so I attached the download link with the library that I used
Hola. Mi pregunta es muy concreta: estos lectores de códigos de barras, ¿pueden leer en la oscuridad? Porque lo estoy pensando para un domo astronómico, donde el sistema debe saber constantemente en qué posición está el domo.
Hola Javier, no lo he probado en la oscuridad pero debería funcionar.
Hola que tal; cuando compilo el código me sale un error relacionado con la variable Keyboard, me dice que anteriormente ya ha sido declarada, específicamente me da este error:
sketch_may03b:21: error: conflicting declaration 'HIDBoot Keyboard'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/USBAPI.h:136: error: 'Keyboard' has a previous declaration as 'Keyboard_ Keyboard'
I cant visit the website, it says "Error establishing a connection to the database"
I have been having troubles using my barcode scanner with my arduino mega. The code complies fine, but it keeps stating the that the OSC does not start. Can you please help me with this? I am using a different (sparkfun usb shield) to what you're using. The barcode scanner satisfies the same communication protocol, int. class, subclass , so I don't think this is the issue. Will you please be able to help?
Much appreciated!
i see this person has a simliar issue : forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=86612.15
he claims that "Olegs's library does NOT work with the Mega ADK,I have tried it again with the new 1.0 IDE
and his updated USB library for that IDE.
It compiles OK but it will NOT work on the Mega ADK."
any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have using Mega 2560, I dont`t know if work with mega ADK.
Hi, yes I use the same.
Do you think the difference in our shields might be the reason it is not working for me?>
sir i have a barcode scanner which states Interface Type: USB,RS232,KB.
can it work with the same code?
please help as soon as possible its really urgent.
descargue el codigo y me da un error
#include //Add to Oleg Mazurov code to Bar Code Scanner
como me puedes ayudar urgente
Ya agregaste la librería a arduino?
@@jucam de donde se puede descargar esa librería?
existe algun lector infrerrojo de codigo qr? como los lector de codigo de barras pero para imagenes completas
hasta ahora no los conozco, no sabría decirte si existen. Lo que se es que el código QR esta diseñado para ser reconocido por una cámara.
+Electroingenio Recien buscando encontre unos en alibaba como QR code infrared reader, espero que sean lo que creo.
+Julio Nuñez excelente, me cuentas
Can you please tell me what kind of scanner your using?
+Electroingenio thank you
+louiegary Is this the only compatible bar-code scanner that I can use with the Arduino?
+louiegary no, others works, verify that not requiere driver
+Electroingenio so any usb barcode scanner that does not require any drivers, correct?
how to read value and compare with fix code, and judge it OK (same) or NG(diffirent)?
what's scaner machine?
Hola! podrías ayudarme? tengo un usb host shield y un arduino uno, al principio funcionaba y luego obtuve el mensaje de "OSC did not start" y no obtengo ningún tipo de lectura del puerto usb..y no encuentro el problema, agradecería tu ayuda si sabes como repararlo?
Hola, posiblemente el oscilador del arduino tiene problemas. Tu lo puedes cambiar, no es complicado, solo asegúrate de poner el mismo valor.
For code qr?
Buena tarde amigo disculpa porque aparece el siguiente error USB_HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD was not declared in this scope
te hace falta instalar la librería USB host shield
tengo el mismo problema y no me funciona y ya tengo la libreria
Buscala en los comentarios amigo es un archivo de mega usa ese, no el que esta en la descripcion eso me soluciono el problema a mi
hi, i got problem when clicking USB_desc of USB_Host_Shield_2.0-master. when compiling it, it appears error : usb.ino: 3:17: fatal error: usb.h: No such file or directory. I use arduino version 1.6.5. How to solve it?
hello, I recommend you that erase the underlines and middle lines from folder USB host shield library and join all words of the file name.close the arduino and open again.
points too
May I also ask what external power supply you are using here?
yes, I used 9V power supply to Arduino
@@Electroingenio 9 volt ???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, i'm looking for Hid.h library. I have HID.h but it doesn't work. Where can i find it? Cheers.
Fabio Di Nicolantonio | Ortona if you want I could send you the library, tell me your email
Fabio Di Nicolantonio | Ortona f.dinicolantonio@cnos-fap.it Cheers!
can you send me the complete? brunovcm99@hotmail.com
Buenas noches, podrias enviarme por favor la libreria a martin-castellan@hotmail.com?
I need the library too, can you send me in my email? mbaretek1@gmail.com
hola, me pregunto si puedo conseguir el código y enviarlo a un sistema de supervisión, o exportar el Arduino en serie, por ejemplo, archivos de texto, que ya hizo algo por el estilo?
no te he entendido bn la pregunta, que necesitas exactamente?
I had problems compiling, but I deleted the line HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb); and it worked
Do you also delete the line Keyboard.SetReportParser(0, (HIDReportParser*)&Prs); ?
Hi, i follow this video steps by steps but it appears error: ‘HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD’ was not declared in this scope, why? ?i use arduino mega, software version 1.6.6 and host usb version 1.1.1
+Irene Kong You need to use USBHostShield20master library and compile with arduino 1.0.5 r2
Estimado tengo un problema, resulta que pude leer todo sin problemas. El tema es que quiero a ese código asignarle un precio y bueno no se donde realizar el codigo, intente ponerlo en el loop, pero no me toma el codigo... ademas el codigo esta solo en una variable, o sea (char)key cambia 13 veces de valor, pero todos esos numeros me gustaria tomarlos y asignarle un precio.
Hi what distance does this scanner read barcode
I am not sure, maybe 30cm
Can scan qr code?
i am exactly using the same type of arduino usb shield and barcode
same program
bt its showing hid_protocol_ keyboard not declared in this scope
Sujith Kumar you need to check your library
I did every thing in this vedio but no reading from barcode its just turn on but no number in lcd can any one help me?
By using arduino 1.6.5, I got problem of compiling USB_desc of USBHostShield20master, prog_char does not name a type, after that, compiling the coding, unit8_t has not been declared.
tell me your Skype user
+Electroingenio Ring Kong or u give me ur skype user?
my friend can i convert the code to number (price) in Arduino ?
and do total for all price of product ?
Hola, muy buen video de demostración!Tengo una duda, estoy haciendo un proyecto de clase en el que automatizo la verificación de calidad de un paquete, a través de un código de barras conozco los datos de peso, dimensiones, receptor, etcMe han proporcionado el lector CS1504, serviría también para este lector la biblioteca que has utilizado?
+Javier Andrés García no te sabria decir con exactitud, debes verificar que sea plug and play y no requiera la instalacion de un software para su reconocimiento.
hola es que ice todos los pasos como lo muestra y cuando cague la segunda codificación me sale un error `USB`does not name a type y no lo puedo corregir
i am using the same scanner.. any configuration with the barcode scanner?
+Loven De Los Santos no, only verify the Intf.
Class: 03
Intf. Subclass: 01
Intf. Protocol: 01
+Electroingenio yes i verified the Intf.. but the scanner just keep on blinking... the green led.. whats wrong?
+Loven De Los Santos you need external power supply 5v 1amper
+Electroingenio here's my output..
Device descriptor:
Descriptor Length: 12
Descriptor type: 01
USB version: 0200
Device class: 00
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Max.packet size: 40
Vendor ID: 05F9
Product ID: 221C
Revision ID: 0907
Mfg.string index: 01
Prod.string index: 02
Serial number index: 03
Number of conf.: 01
Configuration descriptor:
Total length: 0022
Num.intf: 01
Conf.value: 01
Conf.string: 04
Attr.: 80
Max.pwr: 8C
Interface descriptor:
Intf.number: 00
Alt.: 00
Endpoints: 01
Intf. Class: 03
Intf. Subclass: 01
Intf. Protocol: 01
Intf.string: 05
Unknown descriptor:
Length: 09
Type: 21
Contents: 11010001223F000705
Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address: 82
Attr.: 03
Max.pkt size: 0040
Polling interval: 01
+Electroingenio sir in your project.. does the barcode scanner required a separate supply of 5 volts?
hi, ive exactly followed the same steps as you have shown. The code uploads successfully, LCD shows the 'ready' message and the serial monitor shows start. But nothing is displayed on LCD when I scan any barcode.
My barcode scanner works properly as it shows the scanned barcode when i open notepad.
Need help plz.
Review that the serial speed is 115200 in the serial monitor
hey! can I ask, so when you connect your barcode scanner into the usb shield and once you have uploaded the code, it prints the barcode into a notepad?
no ..i am assuming either the usb shield is malfunctioning or there is something missing in code.
oh you mean it only prints in the notepad when its connected directly to the computer and not via the shield?
yes absolutely...i am about to give another try and let u know if anything works...hopefully!!
HOLA, puedo usar un BARCODE inalambrico???
Luis Anthony Fuertes Amaya este proyecto está desarrollando para trabajar con un módulo USB, no tengo la información de cómo sería con el inalámbrico
hi, have same problem, I use arduino UNO 1.6.11, the problem is "'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope" how to fix this, any idea?
try compiling with 1.0.5 version
thanks. but i can find the old vertion arduino 1.0.5 r2. may be i think this is about librarry. can u send me the real library for usb host shield
al fauzi sure, give me your email
even i've got same issue please help!!!!!!!!!
where can i get the source code. i really need that
oye tengo una duda si compro una pistola scanner que no tenga ni la class ,ni subclass ,ni protocolo igual que el del video no se puede editar eso de alguna manera o como saber cual pistola scanner comprar?
Esos datos no son editables, vienen de fabrica y todos los dispositivos USB tienen esos datos.
Electroingenio Entonces como saber cual pistola comprar? para no hacer un doble gasto. y tener que comprar otra.
Erik Barajas debes buscar un escáner que no requiera instalación de driver, que sea plug and play
Hola buen dia me surgio un problema
'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope
podrias decirme como resolverlo
te lo agradeceria
+saul aguilar no tienes instalada la librería en el directorio correcto, por lo tanto el software no la encuentra
muchas gracias que tengas excelente dia
Hi, I am unable to access the code from the circuits @ home webpage. I think the website is down now. Can you please please please help share the codes with me? Would really appreciate it. Need it quite urgently :/ Thanks a ton in advance!
same situation thank you so much
+Anisha Mathew you can download from my web, free
i have the same project, and i did all the same thing, but i have an error ""fatal error: hid.h: No such file or directory #include "" . i don't know what to do to correct this ... any help pls and thx
You need to organize the directory that contains this file. This is in the library. This error comes up when you have located the files in a wrong way into the arduino libraries directory
Hola que tal nuevamente, me surgió un inconveniente al querer realizar una aplicación con el código que leo, El problema es que el arduino constantemente esta leyendo el puerto usb y no puedo realizar nada en el loop.
Principalmente me idea es comparar el codigo de barras con una tabla interna y realizar una salida. Me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de detener el usb cuando se termino de pasar todo el dato serie y habilitarlo nuevamente cuando finalice la tarea con el codigo que capture.
Estoy usando el if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_RUNNING ) pero todavia no logro entender bien su funcionamiento
Gracias y saludos
En el mismo loop, despues que termine de revisar el puerto USB, programas una funcion o puedes intentar introducir tus lineas de codigo despues de la linea 89.
funciona con cualquier bar code scanner ?
Lo he probado con 2 clases de Scanners y me ha funcionado.
Si corro el ejemplo y no me aparece nada en monitor serial, solo aparece start y OSC did not start, que puede ser o necesito instalar otra cosa?
+Rosalinda Gonzalez Gomez verifica las librerias
hola, tengo una duda como puedo almacenar en una variable el dato arrojado por le lector???
Sallybertha Salamandra debes capturar cada numero del codigo que llega a la variable "Key" y acumularlo en otra variable, intenta con variable tipo string. No lo he hecho pero creería que puede ser de esa manera.
+Electroingenio como puedo hacer eso y que me funcione? Si podrías poner un pequeño ejemplo por favor y que funcione. Gracias por tu atención.
Eduardo Javier Jimenez Suero por medio de un ciclo FOR
al compilar USB_desc me salen los siguientes errores: alguien sabe como corregirlos.
C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp: In member function 'float PS3BT::getAngle(AngleEnum)':
C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp:107: error: 'atan2f' was not declared in this scope
C:\Users\Patty\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20master\PS3BT.cpp:109: error: 'atan2f' was not declared in this scope
Hi guy! I run into problem. It notify that "fatal error: hid.h: No such file or directory". Does anyone fix it?
Tùng Vũ you need to check your library directory
Does anyone know how to introduce the read code by the scanner into a variable?
I have tested many ways and it didn't work. I would like to receive some help, please.
+Eduardo Javier Jimenez Suero you need to send each character to string variable as vector.
hello I have problem uploading any program on my arduino when host shield is connected to it. I first mounted host shield on my arduino mega and uploaded USB_desc program. the program was getting compiled but was not getting uploaded. Please can you help me in solving this problem
Sanjita Nadkarni ma'am there r some changes which u have to do on the board , I've faced the same problem when i was working on the board....but now my usb host is working properly and the barcode too
Hello yash tandon , thanks for ur reply..
Can you please tell me what r the changes i have to make on my board. As i m still not able to deal with this problem..
Sanjita Nadkarni hello, sry for the late reply ....i can send u the pic of the board , as u have too do some soldering on it ,pls tell your email id. i will msg u the details of it
please send me as early as possible.. its very urgent.. i need to do complete my work
I really enjoy your code, I don't fully understand what it does , but maybe you can help me with my problem. I need to read from the barcode scanner and place the value into a variable that I can use for a switch/case statement.
Moises Beato in the file code, you need to verify when the scanner finish to send data. In line 86, on file code, the arduino print each number from scanner, you need to collect all number in a string variable.
Thank you
Hi, how i can collect all number that i have scan into a string variable from line 86??
use "key" variable, I not do it, but try
+Electroingenio I don't understand what you exactly meant with that. Could you please give us a little example that you have tested and works?
#include : fatal error: hid.h: No such file or directory
Hola que tal, que pasa si pago 1 dólar? Me mandas el sketch o que es lo que contiene la compra
can it use with the code that have alphabet like BC-S180BU ?
+Mono Tet I don't know it, tell me the reference of bar code scanner that you use
+Electroingenio my is birch CD-108e barcode scanner
Mono Tet Verify the interface that is configured because this scanner have 3 interface options, verify that you have configured USB interface. Read the instruccions manual.
+Electroingenio the interface has 1. keyboard 2.RS232mode 3.usb mode. what mode do I need to take? I have try all mode but notting change.
Mono Tet what interface are you talking about?, the scanner or arduino board?
i downloaded USB_host_shield_2.0_master at arduino.cc . But USB_desc's program had many errors. Can you take me true program of USB_host_shield_2.0_master?
Please reply me, Thank you
tamiraa111 download this library and replace it: mega.co.nz/#!bABVUTyA!JfhEvVZ4wfcG1MzS3ccBL7SY5uiai1kUy-h4bYBbKJI
Mauricio Hidalgo Thank you
n now i tray to develop more.....
the problem is, key is char data , so when i tray to compare its not work properly
Adquiri o codigo mas não esta compilando, da um erro:
#include //Add to Oleg Mazurov code to Bar Code Scanner
como resolver??
ya lo resolviste?
what is the name of scaner machine?
Quoc Huynh quikscan
Hola tengo un problema al compilar, alguna idea de que este mal:
Arduino: 1.5.6-r2 (Windows 7), Placa:"Arduino Uno"
In file included from USB_desc.ino:3:
pgmstrings.h:10: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:11: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:12: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:13: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:14: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:15: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:16: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:17: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:18: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:19: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:20: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:21: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:22: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:23: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:24: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:25: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:26: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:27: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:28: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:29: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:30: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:31: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:32: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:33: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:34: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:35: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:36: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:37: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:38: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:39: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:40: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:41: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:42: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:43: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:44: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:45: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:46: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:47: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:48: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:49: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
pgmstrings.h:50: error: expected initializer before 'PROGMEM'
USB_desc:12: error: variable or field 'PrintAllAddresses' declared void
USB_desc:12: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:12: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:16: error: variable or field 'PrintAllDescriptors' declared void
USB_desc:16: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:16: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:11: error: 'USB' does not name a type
USB_desc:22: error: variable or field 'PrintAllAddresses' declared void
USB_desc:22: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:22: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintAddress(uint8_t)':
USB_desc:39: error: 'UsbDeviceAddress' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:39: error: expected `;' before 'adr'
USB_desc:40: error: 'adr' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void setup()':
USB_desc:59: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)':
USB_desc:77: error: 'Gen_Error_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:87: error: 'Gen_Error_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: At global scope:
USB_desc:94: error: variable or field 'PrintAllDescriptors' declared void
USB_desc:94: error: 'UsbDevice' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:94: error: 'pdev' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void loop()':
USB_desc:104: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:106: error: 'USB_STATE_RUNNING' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:110: error: 'PrintAllDescriptors' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:111: error: 'PrintAllAddresses' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)':
USB_desc:120: error: 'USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:120: error: expected `;' before 'buf'
USB_desc:122: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:122: error: 'buf' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:126: error: 'Dev_Header_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:127: error: 'Dev_Length_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:129: error: 'Dev_Type_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:131: error: 'Dev_Version_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:133: error: 'Dev_Class_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:135: error: 'Dev_Subclass_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:137: error: 'Dev_Protocol_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:139: error: 'Dev_Pktsize_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:141: error: 'Dev_Vendor_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:143: error: 'Dev_Product_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:145: error: 'Dev_Revision_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:147: error: 'Dev_Mfg_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:149: error: 'Dev_Prod_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:151: error: 'Dev_Serial_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:153: error: 'Dev_Nconf_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printhubdescr(uint8_t*, uint8_t)':
USB_desc:161: error: 'HubDescriptor' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:161: error: 'pHub' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:161: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
USB_desc:161: error: expected `;' before 'descrptr'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getconfdescr(byte, byte)':
USB_desc:213: error: 'Usb' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:217: error: 'Conf_Trunc_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:225: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:228: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:231: error: 'USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printconfdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc:270: error: 'USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:270: error: 'conf_ptr' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:270: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
USB_desc:270: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr'
USB_desc:271: error: 'Conf_Header_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:272: error: 'Conf_Totlen_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:274: error: 'Conf_Nint_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:276: error: 'Conf_Value_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:278: error: 'Conf_String_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:280: error: 'Conf_Attr_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:282: error: 'Conf_Pwr_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printintfdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc:289: error: 'USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:289: error: 'intf_ptr' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:289: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
USB_desc:289: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr'
USB_desc:290: error: 'Int_Header_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:291: error: 'Int_Number_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:293: error: 'Int_Alt_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:295: error: 'Int_Endpoints_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:297: error: 'Int_Class_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:299: error: 'Int_Subclass_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:301: error: 'Int_Protocol_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:303: error: 'Int_String_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printepdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc:310: error: 'USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:310: error: 'ep_ptr' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:310: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
USB_desc:310: error: expected `;' before 'descr_ptr'
USB_desc:311: error: 'End_Header_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:312: error: 'End_Address_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:314: error: 'End_Attr_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:316: error: 'End_Pktsize_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:318: error: 'End_Interval_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printunkdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc:328: error: 'Unk_Header_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:329: error: 'Unk_Length_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:331: error: 'Unk_Type_str' was not declared in this scope
USB_desc:333: error: 'Unk_Contents_str' was not declared in this scope
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.
+Jorge Ignacio Arzave Vazquez tienes un problema con la ruta de las librerias USB, adicionalmente te recomiendo compilarlo en la version 1.6.0
Can you make a barcode based attendance system pls its code?
Thank you so much for helping me!!!
a mi me da este error OSCOKIRQ failed to assert con el ejemplo adk_barcode
Hi can you give me a detailed diagram of this?
kindly add code in description.
hy ...
so thanks full ...
its so great projetc...
its work properly..
Solucionado: no leía el código de barras, lo que hice fue modificar la línea 31 del archivo "Leitor.h", le cambié el "19" por "13".
Así quedó: if(key == 13){
Hi Sir! I have a question. How can i put an after message like "thank you" after scanning ? Thanks.
I downloaded the USB shield library (mega.co.nz/#!bABVUTyA!JfhEvVZ4wfcG1MzS3ccBL7SY5uiai1kUy-h4bYBbKJI), but everytime I try to use the USB_desc examples i get errors about undefined variables. Any ideas?
Arduino: 1.6.3 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"
Using library USBHostShield20 in folder: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\USBHostShield20 (legacy)
Arduino: 1.6.3 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"
USB_desc.ino:23:25: error: 'prog_char' does not name a type
USB_desc.ino:23:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'str' with no type [-fpermissive]
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)':
USB_desc.ino:73:33: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:83:37: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)':
USB_desc.ino:122:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:123:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:125:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:127:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:129:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:131:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:133:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:135:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:137:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:139:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:141:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:143:27: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:145:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:147:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:149:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printhubdescr(uint8_t*, uint8_t)':
USB_desc.ino:160:53: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:161:42: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:164:44: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:167:40: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:170:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:173:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:176:51: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:179:42: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:182:50: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:185:39: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:188:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:191:45: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getconfdescr(byte, byte)':
USB_desc.ino:213:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printconfdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc.ino:267:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:268:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:270:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:272:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:274:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:276:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:278:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printintfdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc.ino:286:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:287:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:289:27: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:291:33: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:293:29: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:295:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:297:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:299:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printepdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc.ino:307:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:308:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:310:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:312:31: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:314:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void printunkdescr(uint8_t*)':
USB_desc.ino:324:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:325:30: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:327:28: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino:329:32: error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'const int*' for argument '1' to 'void printProgStr(const int*)'
USB_desc.ino: At global scope:
USB_desc.ino:339:25: error: 'prog_char' does not name a type
USB_desc.ino:339:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'str' with no type [-fpermissive]
Error compiling.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.
buenas tardes , muchas gracias por el video , tengo un error al compilar me dice que no se encuentra la libreria HIDboot.h no he podido bajarla , helpp
debes descargar toda la libreria usbhostshield master
hi, can you upload a ready code its better than changing it with this step which might not all of us can do it.
and inform me when you upload it ..
+alhaithem khalfan you can download from www.electroingenio.com in download seccion
+Electroingenio can you send me the direct link which by it i can only open the link and download the codes?
+alhaithem khalfan www.electroingenio.com/download , you need to pay with Paypal to download.
+Electroingenio why i should paypal to download it ?? why its not free ?
me da este error
sketch_aug29a:31: error: 'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope
HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb);
sketch_aug29a:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid
HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb);
sketch_aug29a:31: error: invalid type in declaration before '(' token
HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb);
C:\Users\pc2\Documents\Arduino\sketch_aug29a\sketch_aug29a.ino:31:45: warning: invalid conversion from 'USB*' to 'int' [-fpermissive]
HIDBoot Keyboard(&Usb);
exit status 1
'HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD' was not declared in this scope
A mi tambien
Hola cuando ejecuto el ejemplo de la libreria me sale el siguiente error
USB_desc.ino: In function 'void PrintDescriptors(uint8_t)':
USB_desc:76: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:76: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:86: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:86: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc.ino: In function 'byte getdevdescr(byte, byte&)':
USB_desc:125: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:125: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:126: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:126: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:128: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:128: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:130: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:130: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:132: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:132: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:134: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:134: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:136: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:136: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:138: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:138: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:140: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
USB_desc:140: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
USB_desc:142: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'prog_char*'
y asi hasta
USB_desc:332: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void printProgStr(prog_char*)'
Cual sera el motivo de mi error gracias
Xavier, al parecer esta presentando problemas en la versión 1.6.0 de Arduino, pero con la versión 1.0.4 funciona bien, prueba con esa versión.
Electroingenio Gracias por el aporte probe con la 1.6.0 y con la 1.0.5 r2 y 1.0.4 en todas sale el mismo error. Puede ser tmb algun problema con la libreria yo la agregue desde importar libreria y me la agrego bien la usbhostshield alguna mas necesito aparte muchas gracias
Xavier Reppucci yo tengo instalada la version 1.6.0 y me aparecen los mismos errores que mencionas y compilo con la version 1.0.4 e inmediatamente funciona, en la verson 1.0.4 tengo las siguientes librerias: EEPROM, Esplora, Ethernet, Firmdata, GSM, LiquidCrystal, SD, Servo, SoftwareSerial, SPI, Stepper, USBHostShield20, WiFi, Wire.
Revisa tus librerias a ver si te falta alguna.
Electroingenio Muchas gracias ahora voy a probar nuevamente y probar si me compila el Usb_desc. Por otro lado estoy usando una Placa Mega Adk es lo mismo en funcionamiento? Saludos
Xavier Reppucci Si, basicamente son lo mismo pero la ADK esta modificada para permitir su uso con la Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) de Google por lo que dispone de un puerto USB Host incorporado.