自家製·沙薑雞腳 DIY Chicken Feet with Ginger Powder

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • 自家製·沙薑雞腳 DIY Chicken Feet with Ginger Powder
    (2) 香料:
    a. 香葉及桂皮各兩塊、八角一粒,洗淨備用;
    b. 清水一碗,加入三湯匙沙薑粉,再加兩茶匙沙糖攪勻備用;
    c. 凍水1.5公升,加入鹽三湯匙,再放入香葉、桂皮、八角,煲10分鐘,水滾後將步驟b加入。
    (3) 汆水:
    (4) 將碗中沙薑粉雞腳汁倒入香料煲內,開蓋細火煲20分鐘,煲滾後熄火,雞腳在煲內浸多20分鐘待入味,再扚起全雞腳剪甲,之後在室溫放置30分鐘。
    (5) 沙薑汁:適量沙薑粉,另加入半茶匙鹽、一湯匙麻油三湯匙熟油攪勻,隨意將沙薑汁淋在雞腳上即可食用。
    Ingredients and Method
    (1) Prepare Chicken Feet:
    First, soak the chicken feet in salted water for 30 minutes to remove any frozen taste, then set aside for later use.
    (2) Spices:
    a. Clean and prepare 2 pieces of bay leaves and cinnamon, and 1 star anise;
    b. In a bowl of clean water, mix 3 tablespoons of sand ginger powder with 2 teaspoons of sugar and set aside;
    c. In 1.5 liters of cold water, add 3 tablespoons of salt, then add the bay leaves, cinnamon, and star anise. Boil for 10 minutes, then add the mixture from step b.
    (3) Blanching:
    Place the chicken feet in the cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove and let them sit in a colander for 3 minutes.
    (4) Cooking:
    Pour the sand ginger powder mixture from the bowl into the pot with the spices. Don’t cover and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. Once boiling, turn off the heat and let the chicken feet soak in the pot for an additional 20 minutes to absorb the flavor. Then, remove the chicken feet and trim the nails. Let them sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
    (5) Sand Ginger Sauce:
    Mix an appropriate amount of sand ginger powder with half a teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of sesame oil, and three tablespoons of cooked oil. Drizzle over the chicken feet before serving.
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