Should go by KJV "after his kind" if the chinese translation is retranslate from English not from the original Hebrew text.NIV version has too many purposeful incorrect changes, deviation and deletions compared with KJV
I'm glad that you have thought deeply about this and shared your thoughts with me! We can continue to discuss here and keep gaining new inspiration and insights. Based on what I currently understand, although some Chinese Bible versions refer to English translations (such as KJV or NIV), most Chinese Bible translations are based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts rather than being directly translated from English. The choice of NIV is usually based on the needs and language of modern readers, as its language is more contemporary, and its translation principle emphasizes dynamic equivalence, so that the message can be clearly conveyed to today's readers. In contrast, while the KJV is unmatched in literary value and historical influence, its language and translation methods may be more difficult for some readers to understand. The archaic English vocabulary may feel distant to some modern readers. Each version of the Bible has its unique value and purpose, and the final choice of which version to use depends on the reader's needs and focus on understanding the Bible.Based on the above considerations, while we focus on studying the NIV version, we will also make parallel comparisons with different versions of the Bible to broaden our understanding. Please feel free to continue sharing your different perspectives, as they are extremely valuable to us.
感謝主的恩典!🙏 祂透過我們的每一個需要,引導我們的心靈轉向祂,讓我們經歷祂的供應與信實。感謝主讓您有這樣的看見,願我們在祂的光中不斷成長,見證祂的榮耀!🌿
祝您及您的家人.聖诞快樂! 🎉❤
🙏 感謝神的同在☁️,祂帶領我們走過每一段路🌿,如晨光灑向大地🌅,指引我們奔向祂的榮耀。感謝支持!
thank you the lord!
感謝主帶領我們走向更多的恩典與真理!📖✨ 「我們行事為人是憑著信心,不是憑著眼見。」(哥林多後書5:7)期待下一次属灵的交流!😄🙏愛你們!💖
聖誕快樂!✨ 主賜福你的假期充滿笑聲和溫暖 💖,一切順順利利!🙏🌟
神的恩典, 谢谢姐妹,请问用的是吗 ?, 另外,想知道您所在的教会是什么派别?求主赐福祂的百姓!
非常感謝姐妹的提問!我所使用的中文聖經是 新標點和合本。我所在的國際教會是屬於基督教新教的一個教派,具體來說,它是衛理公會(Methodist Church)的一個分支。該教會致力於通過傳揚福音、靈性成長、跨文化交流和社會服務來實現神的使命。願你在神的同在中得著喜樂,祂的喜樂成為你生命中的力量,幫助你面對一切挑戰。🙏😊💪
all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. (NLT)
謝謝分享!🌟願主引導我們更深進入祂的話語!📖✨ 🙏
@@mengxuehuayuan 太好了,謝謝。
@@chiweber9140 也謝謝你的問題,讓我了解到你們的需要。🙏
after his kind 各从其类
@@爱莉张 謝謝分享!👍🙏💗 比較各種版本的翻譯,也可以透露出很多值得思考的點。
Should go by KJV "after his kind" if the chinese translation is retranslate from English not from the original Hebrew text.NIV version has too many purposeful incorrect changes, deviation and deletions compared with KJV
I'm glad that you have thought deeply about this and shared your thoughts with me! We can continue to discuss here and keep gaining new inspiration and insights. Based on what I currently understand, although some Chinese Bible versions refer to English translations (such as KJV or NIV), most Chinese Bible translations are based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts rather than being directly translated from English. The choice of NIV is usually based on the needs and language of modern readers, as its language is more contemporary, and its translation principle emphasizes dynamic equivalence, so that the message can be clearly conveyed to today's readers. In contrast, while the KJV is unmatched in literary value and historical influence, its language and translation methods may be more difficult for some readers to understand. The archaic English vocabulary may feel distant to some modern readers. Each version of the Bible has its unique value and purpose, and the final choice of which version to use depends on the reader's needs and focus on understanding the Bible.Based on the above considerations, while we focus on studying the NIV version, we will also make parallel comparisons with different versions of the Bible to broaden our understanding. Please feel free to continue sharing your different perspectives, as they are extremely valuable to us.
聖誕快樂!🌟 願耶穌基督的愛💖成為你的力量,帶給你喜樂與盼望!🙏✨