Breaking the Stalemate to Find Peace: The Russia-Ukraine War - A Geneva Security Debate

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • 05 December 2023
    Breaking the Stalemate to Find Peace: The Russia-Ukraine War - A Geneva Security Debate
    This event is hybrid. It will take place at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and virtually.
    The war in Ukraine is fast approaching a frozen conflict with no real clarity when the fighting will end. The war has created global insecurity and is destabilizing global order. The war has created structural shifts in the political and economic realm by challenging free trade and disrupting the global economy. The war between Israel-Hamas has hastened the creation of macro-blocs which are weighing and leveraging their interests amongst the great powers. The war in the Middle East has intensified the debate on how to prevent Russia from increasingly riding the wave of global disruption and finding a way to bring back a more stable global order. What can be done before the winter sets in to leverage the current stalemate and what steps can be taken to create greater stability and lasting peace?
    Opening remarks
    Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Executive Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
    Dr Graeme P. Herd, Research and Policy Analysis Department, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (GCMC)
    Ambassador Oleksandr Chalyi, Associate Fellow, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
    Dr Zachary Paikin, Senior Researcher, International Security Dialogue Department, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
    Dr Christina Schori Liang, Head of Counterterrorism and PVE, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
    #gcsp #debate #security #peace

Комментарии • 119

  • @insidiousmischka
    @insidiousmischka 8 месяцев назад +9

    Why is this not everywhere and being discussed everywhere in all the media?!?!?!

    • @spate609
      @spate609 2 месяца назад

      Cause it would undermine this notion we are doing it for the greater good . All of these last 2 fronts are planned out . But funny part we are stuck with Biden when it was Hillary prophecy. Example a paper by the Rand Institute called extending Russia , competition for advantages grounds . Look at the first geopolitical measure , give leathal aid to Ukraine , javelins . Now look at how trump was impeached for not sending javelins . Then he sent them anywho . From nuland , McCain , Graham , both Biden’s in there getting their pockets filled . And we wonder why they won’t investigate the Biden’s in Ukraine, they even called it a Russian hoax . And here we are the question why things like this aren’t in the media . Well it would undermine this notion we are the morale champs of this globe . Here’s let me go further into what’s happening in Israel and how all responses by Israel and us were intentional . The Brookings , which path to Persia . A new American strategy towards Iran . We sadly are on chapter five . Leave it to bibi , allowing or encouraging a strike from Israel . Bibi is Benjamin Netanyahu. And this ain’t leaving it to beaver or west wing . But sadly this is what we do . My apologies for the rant .

  • @sch4891
    @sch4891 8 месяцев назад +17

    29:32 "Putin really wanted to reach some peaceful settlement with Ukraine it's very important to remember."
    - Ambassador Oleksandr Chalyi

    • @gunnarkaestle
      @gunnarkaestle 6 месяцев назад +1

      This is a very nice quote.

    • @inzhener2007
      @inzhener2007 4 месяца назад

      The ambassador is wrong. If putin wanted peace, he would not even plan and wage this war. Putin has been waging this war to subjugate Ukraine, that's all the reason. By the way, at 29:00 Ambassador says that Putin started his aggression in Feb 2022, which is false, because Putin begun his aggression early morning 20 Feb 2014, beginning from Crimea and then expanded to other regions of Ukraine.

  • @hawkeye-007
    @hawkeye-007 8 месяцев назад +31

    Ambassador Chalyi, so what exactly happened last year in Turkey? Why Ukraine’s delegation refused to sign peace with Russia if it suited them? Maybe someone whispered a few promises into their ears? And, of course, now we know the answer who this person was and what he promised to Ukraine.

    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад +5

      i’m sorry, who exactly started full scale invasion on 24 february of that year?😂

    • @hawkeye-007
      @hawkeye-007 8 месяцев назад +9

      @@danilodyachok8009 I guess you’re sorry for your irrelevant question. It’s ok. 😂

    • @sguploads9601
      @sguploads9601 8 месяцев назад +18

      @@danilodyachok8009 it does not matter who started - it matters who did not stop fighting when there was perfect opportunity for it in beggining.

    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад

      @@hawkeye-007my question is directly relevant to your question, seems like you r just too dumb to connect the dots😂

    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@sguploads9601because on one side u had a state that started this war and was looking for a ramp off to better prepare for next round of hostility. questions?

  • @ISlappedCleopatrasAss
    @ISlappedCleopatrasAss 8 месяцев назад +19

    The British guy who lives in Germany pretending to be a Russia expert is imo completely out of touch. One reason for this is the fact that he uses the same jargon as many western politicians and news outlets.

    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад +1

      what made u an expert on russia?

    • @ISlappedCleopatrasAss
      @ISlappedCleopatrasAss 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@danilodyachok8009 I’m not

    • @berndborner4364
      @berndborner4364 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@danilodyachok8009 zu Deiner Frage: "Was macht uns schlauer?"
      Unsere eigene Recherche lernt uns, die Dinge besser zu verstehen - im Austausch mit redlichen Mitmenschen, die dies auch versuchen und dabei (wieder neu) lernen, zwischen redlichen und unredlichen Akteuren zu unterscheiden.
      Dies ist oft sehr aufwendig, wozu die meisten Menschen leider keine Zeit investieren und so zu wenig verstehen.
      Wer dies nicht erkennt, bleibt sehr manupulierbar und fällt auf Lügen rein.
      Zuletzt unübersehbar:
      Viele ließen sich (schon wieder) einreden, dass es eine gefährliche Pandemie gäbe und sie unbedingt Spritzen brauchen (eben sogar Spritzen, die erst kurz entwickelt worden sein sollen und so gar nicht sorgsam geprüft sein konnten).
      Inzwischen sind viele Menschen dadurch geschädigt.
      Die Warnungen ihrer (meist ja) redlichen Mitmenschen haben sie nicht ernst genommen. Sie haben lieber Akteuren aus korrupten Strukturen vertraut).
      Und nun nochmal zur Ukraine:
      Schau mal, was ich eben auf einen Kommentar antwortete, der meinte, dass Russland Verbrechen begehen würde:
      ​@danilodyachok8009 ist Dir wirklich noch nicht bekannt, warum Russland von einer militärischen Sonderoperation zur Beseitigung von Nazis spricht?
      Jahrelang gab es Informationen zu den Strukturen der Nazis in der Ukraine (sogar an der Regierung wurden diese beteiligt - nach dem vom Westen geförderten Umsturz: Maidan).
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass russisches Militär (gemeinsam mit redlichem ukrainischem Militär) diese (zur Verhinderung zivilen Leids) gezielten Sonderoperation unternommen hat?
      Hast Du nicht vernommen, wir oft die Meldungen der Massenmedien zur Situation in der Ukraine (und zu anderen Kriegen der USA-Führer) gelogen haben?
      (Recherchiere: Udo Ulfkotte)
      Hast Du die UN-Information zu den Biolaboren in der Ukraine nicht vernommen.
      Dort sollen durch die viele Pharma-Konzerne Biowaffen an Ukrainern getestet worden sein, um diese wirksamer gegen die russische Bevölkerung einsetzen zu können.
      Hast Du nichts von den jahrelang bekannten Babyfabriken und Organhandel gehört?
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass Slenskij zu den vielen korrupten Akteuren gehört, die auf den Panamapapers stehen?
      Erinnerst Du Dich, dass US-Akteure zu Begründungen für Kriege gelogen hatten (Brutkastenlüge, Giftgaslüge..).
      All diese (von den "Führern" des Westens geplanten) Verbrechen wurden (fast fertig) in der Ukraine (und vielen anderen Ländern*) nun beendet.
      *z.B. Myanmar (und viele Länder mehr):
      Dort hat das Militär die (vom Westen unterstützte) Regierung beseitigt und die ehemalige Präsidentin wegen Menschenhandel verurteilt.
      Und diese Punkte sind nur ein Teil der Informationen, die wir ALLE selbst recherchieren konnten - seit langer Zeit.
      Suche auf Google nach:
      Russian “special flight squadron” lands in DC - Ukraine war over; Russia sets terms of surrender
      by: Frink - December 24, 2023

    • @michaelfaraday8391
      @michaelfaraday8391 8 месяцев назад +1

      Their arrogance is overwhelming

    • @michaelfaraday8391
      @michaelfaraday8391 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@danilodyachok8009has he said so?

  • @stellioskontis514
    @stellioskontis514 8 месяцев назад +22

    US academics, veteran politicians and other experts predicted this war based on West's behavior and policies. If the war was predictable, it is fair to say that it was avoidable. France and Germany voiced their concerns regarding NATO's expansion to Ukraine. What happened to these concerns? They vanished like a fart in the wind. Even Angela Merkel said that NATO expansion to Ukraine will be construed by Russia as a declaration of war. That one fell on deaf ears too. This pretty much makes it clear that NATO is not so much a group of members as it is the US and vassals. So the war starts in February 2022. In March 2022, negotiations are brokered by Turkey and Israel in Istanbul, but the Ukrainians are convinced by the US and the UK to walk away. Ukraine was promised support in their fight against Russia. The actual support was largely defensive, nothing even close to assist Ukraine on the path to victory. From the beginning of the conflict Ukraine asked for tanks and aircraft. Let us start with the tanks. Poland wanted to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, but Germany blocked Poland from doing so! Why? Wasn't the West supposed to help. Now for the aircraft, specifically F-16s. The conflict is closing its second year and the F-16s are nowhere to be seen. Recently, Ukraine finally started its counteroffensive. Unfortunately, the West's vacillation regarding the provision of the support required, allowed Russia to consolidate and fortify defensive positions. The result is the present stalemate. The question is, what now? Henry Kissinger once said, that if you are an enemy of the US it is dangerous, but if you are an ally of the US it is fatal. Kissinger was right; it is dangerous for Russia the enemy and fatal for Ukraine the ally. I hope the situation improves for Ukraine. While I sit comfortably in my home listening to the many pontifications from many experts regarding the conflict, Ukrainians are dying.

    • @berndborner4364
      @berndborner4364 8 месяцев назад

      Schau mal, was ich eben auf einen Kommentar antwortete, der meinte, dass Russland Verbrechen begehen würde:
      ​@danilodyachok8009 ist Dir wirklich noch nicht bekannt, warum Russland von einer militärischen Sonderoperation zur Beseitigung von Nazis spricht?
      Jahrelang gab es Informationen zu den Strukturen der Nazis in der Ukraine (sogar an der Regierung wurden diese beteiligt - nach dem vom Westen geförderten Umsturz: Maidan).
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass russisches Militär (gemeinsam mit redlichem ukrainischem Militär) diese (zur Verhinderung zivilen Leids) gezielten Sonderoperation unternommen hat?
      Hast Du nicht vernommen, wir oft die Meldungen der Massenmedien zur Situation in der Ukraine (und zu anderen Kriegen der USA-Führer) gelogen haben?
      (Recherchiere: Udo Ulfkotte)
      Hast Du die UN-Information zu den Biolaboren in der Ukraine nicht vernommen.
      Dort sollen durch die viele Pharma-Konzerne Biowaffen an Ukrainern getestet worden sein, um diese wirksamer gegen die russische Bevölkerung einsetzen zu können.
      Hast Du nichts von den jahrelang bekannten Babyfabriken und Organhandel gehört?
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass Slenskij zu den vielen korrupten Akteuren gehört, die auf den Panamapapers stehen?
      Erinnerst Du Dich, dass US-Akteure zu Begründungen für Kriege gelogen hatten (Brutkastenlüge, Giftgaslüge..).
      All diese (von den "Führern" des Westens geplanten) Verbrechen wurden (fast fertig) in der Ukraine (und vielen anderen Ländern*) nun beendet.
      *z.B. Myanmar (und viele Länder mehr):
      Dort hat das Militär die (vom Westen unterstützte) Regierung beseitigt und die ehemalige Präsidentin wegen Menschenhandel verurteilt.
      Und diese Punkte sind nur ein Teil der Informationen, die wir ALLE selbst recherchieren konnten - seit langer Zeit.
      Suche auf Google nach:
      Russian “special flight squadron” lands in DC - Ukraine war over; Russia sets terms of surrender
      by: Frink - December 24, 2023

    • @michaelfaraday8391
      @michaelfaraday8391 8 месяцев назад +4

      Ukraine fortified Bakhmut for 8years yet the Russians took it. Russia had over 6 months to fortify the current frontline yet some of you talk as if Russia had 6years to prepare the defenses. The only way Ukraine takes land from Russia is when they outnumbered the Russians during the Kharkiv offensive. This was shared by the former Germany defense chief and he was forced to resign for “underestimating “ the Ukrainians army but he seems to have been vindicated. Since the Russians did partial mobilisation has Ukraine won anything from the Russians?

    • @berndborner4364
      @berndborner4364 8 месяцев назад

      ​​@@michaelfaraday8391 google mal:
      Russian “special flight squadron” lands in DC - Ukraine war over; Russia sets terms of surrender
      by: Frink - December 24, 2023
      Russisches „Sonderfluggeschwader“ landet in DC - Ukraine-Krieg zu Ende; Russland legt Kapitulationsbedingungen fest
      von: Frink - 24.12.2023

    • @stellioskontis514
      @stellioskontis514 8 месяцев назад

      @@michaelfaraday8391 Like any other army the Russians did what they decided needed to be done and succeeded. Whatever time they had, they did not waste.

    • @bekanav
      @bekanav 8 месяцев назад

      What on earth makes you think if war is predicable it is avoidable? Putin is a dictator and dictators start wars because they need wars. It is a tool for domestic politics for them, the strongest and the most valuable tool.
      This is third war Putin has started (and 4th war Russian army has fought) and there is no reason to think he will not start more wars if he needs to, if he sees it is necessary to keep in power.
      Nato expansion has been an excellent opportunity and straw man for putin and he has beat it with great pleasure. It is like a dream come true for him: best possible "enemy" coming closer.
      Now Russia has moved in military or war time economy and it is building more troops. If putin prevails in Ukraine why would he stop there? If Trump is elected and if he undermines Nato why wouldn't putin attack Baltics? Why wouldn't he do it, taking more land and at the same time challenging Nato and possibly finishing it off?

  • @inzhener2007
    @inzhener2007 4 месяца назад +7

    So for 300 days now we know that in April 2022, there were 3 basic reasons why Ukraine refused to sign the "peace deal", but first let's remind yourselves that it was not a peace deal, it was titled, "Treaty on Ukraine’s Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees". They were drafting it and not even finalised then:
    1) Russia wanted Ukraine to disarm itself:
    - to reduce their armed troops down to 89k
    - leave just small number of tanks
    - no long-range artillery and missiles
    - no western weapons supplies
    - all supplied western weapons to return back to the Western countries.
    2) Russia, on the other hand, gave no material guarantees. And even if she did, no one would ever trust her words because Moscow had already breached a dozen of international and bilateral treaties, such as the 2003 Ukr-Russia Border Treaty, etc.
    3) Bo Jo came April 2022 to Kyiv to personally inform Zelensky that no Western country would ever become a guarantor on such a deal - that Ukraine would be all on her own.
    So Kyiv correctly judged that Putin wanted Ukraine to remain completely defenceless so he could take her over soon easily. That's all what happened. Nothing else.

    • @FundedinaWeek
      @FundedinaWeek Месяц назад

      One more thing happened, that you, somehow manage to ignore completely - a total destruction of Ukraine, lost of more than 20% of it's territory and 40% of it's economy and millions of it's people dead and wounded and emigrated forever.
      I guess, for you, that is a fair price to pay for not wanting to "believe" that the diplomacy and the negotiations are only way out of this conflict.

    • @exilles3309
      @exilles3309 23 дня назад

      @@FundedinaWeek Well nearly the same for russia soon :D What does russia has from this invasion? ;)

  • @louislussier6133
    @louislussier6133 8 месяцев назад +11

    How to discuss without having the Russian point of view? Is this a truly constructive approach?

  • @mikeutube7888
    @mikeutube7888 8 месяцев назад +17

    There isn't a stalemate. Because it is entirely possible for Ukraine to lose in a big way, still. If Ukraine loses in a big way so do all the curators.

    • @maria.and2265
      @maria.and2265 8 месяцев назад +1

      Russia is shown to be the worst military in the world which means that Ukraine has already won. 🤣

    • @mikeutube7888
      @mikeutube7888 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@maria.and2265 were it true I’d agree with you.

    • @maria.and2265
      @maria.and2265 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@mikeutube7888 Truth, how else to explain a three day operation is going into third year and Ukraine's people still there, Ukraine gov't still there, Ukraine flag still flying, Sea Baby hit Russian warships (Black Sea doesn't belong to Russia, anymore), FPV's hit tanks, drones, the war has changed, and Russia lost after one week. So all had left is destroy anything they could as much as they could, and that's what a Losers do.

    • @onlybestmusic4185
      @onlybestmusic4185 8 месяцев назад

      @@maria.and2265 and how did you recognize that ? Thanks God Russia didnt use yet heavy aviation bombing and demolishing cities while they have absolute domination in the air ... they didnt use tactical or even worse strategical nuclear power....
      if war could be called "soft", it is really soft and it looks to me and thanks to God they are trying to not devastate more than required, and trying to not kill more that it happens ...
      with real aliens and enemies that would be absolutely different war ...
      nevertheless they hope for the fast and no bloody occupation and failed ... they wouldnt need that occupation if Ukrainian government would behave more polite with neighbors and wont genocide for 8 years own population of Donbass region where lives russians and Zelensky would start negotiations with Donbass as he promised on elections to stop war in Ukraine ... instead he forced Russia to invade, bringing even harder and devastating war in Ukraine ...
      and i dont see how Russia lost this war in any way ...
      - Russian economy is under 14,000 sanctions for 8 years now and still #11 in the world in GDP and #6 in PPP...
      - current GDP in 2023 is higher than it was in 2014 when they occupied Crimea and got all those sanctions ...
      - for the 8 years since western companies quite Russia, they are localized industry and production for different goods and now even if those companies want return back and Russia let them in, they would have to compete on the Russian market and even more on the world market, but before Russia didnt have those production and was fully dependent on the import ...and it's just starting to gain momentum
      - Ukrainian territory ruined, economy not even ruined but absent at all, population partially died in war, partially left the country in Europe and not willing to return back, partially moved to Russia (from occupied regions)
      so who lost more in this war ? Russia really lost anything in this war ? (we are talking not about the died people tradegy but about the Russia as a state in general )

  • @joem0088
    @joem0088 8 месяцев назад +16

    The war is not over. Russia still has to take Odessa ... otherwise there will be constant sea attack on Crimea. War will not end until Russia reach the Dnipro River, and has taken Odessa.

    • @andre8860
      @andre8860 8 месяцев назад +7

      Agreed and in addition Poland and Baltic countries all must be neutral

    • @bigoodis
      @bigoodis 8 месяцев назад

      Wrong. Ukraine will be divided into two parts: the western Ukraine (6-7 western regions with Banderism as an ideology), the Ukrainian Ukraine (including Odessa).
      The western one will be under total control of the Ukrainian Ukraine (with freedom of nations and languages) and Russia.
      In 10 years the Ukrainian Ukraine will make an alliance with Russia and Belarus, with total population of 180-200 million people, industrial complex, endless resources, access to the seas, zero nazis.
      Screenshot it.

    • @Edwardrom
      @Edwardrom 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@andre8860They'll be but only with different governments. The current ones are stupid as f*ck, not understanding sh*t.

    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад

      stop smoking crack, thai boi😂

    • @berndborner4364
      @berndborner4364 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@bigoodis zu Deiner Prognose:
      Schau mal, was ich unter diversen Kommentaren platziert habe:
      ​@danilodyachok8009 zu Deiner Frage: "Was macht uns schlauer?"
      Unsere eigene Recherche lernt uns, die Dinge besser zu verstehen - im Austausch mit redlichen Mitmenschen, die dies auch versuchen und dabei (wieder neu) lernen, zwischen redlichen und unredlichen Akteuren zu unterscheiden.
      Dies ist oft sehr aufwendig, wozu die meisten Menschen leider keine Zeit investieren und so zu wenig verstehen.
      Wer dies nicht erkennt, bleibt sehr manupulierbar und fällt auf Lügen rein.
      Zuletzt unübersehbar:
      Viele ließen sich (schon wieder) einreden, dass es eine gefährliche Pandemie gäbe und sie unbedingt Spritzen brauchen (eben sogar Spritzen, die erst kurz entwickelt worden sein sollen und so gar nicht sorgsam geprüft sein konnten).
      Inzwischen sind viele Menschen dadurch geschädigt.
      Die Warnungen ihrer (meist ja) redlichen Mitmenschen haben sie nicht ernst genommen. Sie haben lieber Akteuren aus korrupten Strukturen vertraut).
      Und nun nochmal zur Ukraine:
      Schau mal, was ich eben auf einen Kommentar antwortete, der meinte, dass Russland Verbrechen begehen würde:
      ​@danilodyachok8009 ist Dir wirklich noch nicht bekannt, warum Russland von einer militärischen Sonderoperation zur Beseitigung von Nazis spricht?
      Jahrelang gab es Informationen zu den Strukturen der Nazis in der Ukraine (sogar an der Regierung wurden diese beteiligt - nach dem vom Westen geförderten Umsturz: Maidan).
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass russisches Militär (gemeinsam mit redlichem ukrainischem Militär) diese (zur Verhinderung zivilen Leids) gezielten Sonderoperation unternommen hat?
      Hast Du nicht vernommen, wir oft die Meldungen der Massenmedien zur Situation in der Ukraine (und zu anderen Kriegen der USA-Führer) gelogen haben?
      (Recherchiere: Udo Ulfkotte)
      Hast Du die UN-Information zu den Biolaboren in der Ukraine nicht vernommen.
      Dort sollen durch die viele Pharma-Konzerne Biowaffen an Ukrainern getestet worden sein, um diese wirksamer gegen die russische Bevölkerung einsetzen zu können.
      Hast Du nichts von den jahrelang bekannten Babyfabriken und Organhandel gehört?
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass Slenskij zu den vielen korrupten Akteuren gehört, die auf den Panamapapers stehen?
      Erinnerst Du Dich, dass US-Akteure zu Begründungen für Kriege gelogen hatten (Brutkastenlüge, Giftgaslüge..).
      All diese (von den "Führern" des Westens geplanten) Verbrechen wurden (fast fertig) in der Ukraine (und vielen anderen Ländern*) nun beendet.
      *z.B. Myanmar (und viele Länder mehr):
      Dort hat das Militär die (vom Westen unterstützte) Regierung beseitigt und die ehemalige Präsidentin wegen Menschenhandel verurteilt.
      Und diese Punkte sind nur ein Teil der Informationen, die wir ALLE selbst recherchieren konnten - seit langer Zeit.
      Suche auf Google nach:
      Russian “special flight squadron” lands in DC - Ukraine war over; Russia sets terms of surrender
      by: Frink - December 24, 2023

  • @ISlappedCleopatrasAss
    @ISlappedCleopatrasAss 8 месяцев назад +12

    The Ukrainian ambassador made some intelligent points. But his take on Ukrainian direct democracy - oh boy 😂

    • @mikeutube7888
      @mikeutube7888 8 месяцев назад +1

      Democracy aka country for sale

  • @fernandogarcia3163
    @fernandogarcia3163 8 месяцев назад +5

    We can stop this war without losing anything right now against a superior enemy that invaded us a few days ago. We better fight and defeat them.
    Brilliant logic.

  • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
    @KatyYoder-cq1kc 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is incredibly eye opening... $23 trillion dollars being put toward rectifying violence, suicides, terrorism, and supporting the military complex. Thank you for your books, resources and tools. I will study and continue to equip myself in forging onward despite the many obstacles of those who would prefer that I fail at being a voice for the people. I appreciate all that your organization is doing, it has been life saving and validating for me in this last week. 😊

  • @danieltochinskiy391
    @danieltochinskiy391 7 месяцев назад +2

    How constructive is this dialogue without having someone represent Russian position on the conflict ?

    • @inzhener2007
      @inzhener2007 4 месяца назад

      Russia does not want and does need any dialogue. Who told you that Moscow wants any dialogue? Who told you that RUssia want peace? Russian air forces are constantly bombing Ukraine and continues waging war because they don't want any dialogue. They want to subjugate Ukraine, that's all they want. Putin has never ever came up saying, "here is the full list of our conditions and what we will do". In dictoships like RUssia only the dictators can come out and make such an offer. For 781 days now Putin has never made any such offer. Instead, he officially annexed the occupied territories.

  • @stuartwray6175
    @stuartwray6175 7 месяцев назад +1

    Oleksandr wants to promote dialogue with Russia, especially between Russia and the USA, yet he believes that the best option for Ukraine is NATO membership as soon as possible - the key issue for Russia in 2008 and Istanbul 2022.
    He wants more weapons and more effective sanctions in order to negotiate a ceasefire from a position of strength. That's simply returning to a failed policy. What a ridiculous state of affairs.

    • @inzhener2007
      @inzhener2007 4 месяца назад

      Russia does not wage war with USA. It wages three wars now: with Ukraine, Georgia (still occupies 20% of Georgia) and in Syria. Russia does not want and does need any dialogue, that's why Russian air forces are constantly bombing Ukraine and continues waging war. Putin has never ever came up saying, "here is the full list of our conditions and what we will do". In dictoships like RUssia only the dictators can come out and make such an offer. Who told you that RUssia want peace? For 781 days now Putin has never made any such offer. Instead, he officially annexed the occupied territories.

  • @stuartwray6175
    @stuartwray6175 7 месяцев назад +1

    Circa 18:30, those contrasting policies lack context. Yes, Russia abstained on the Libyan vote, but then the west rode roughshod over the UN mandate for humanitarian intervention which led to a failed state, brutality and a refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. The civil war (proxy war) had been ongoing for several years before Russia intervened in Syria. ISIS, which had been unleashed due to the illegal invasion of Iraq had spread throughout the region.
    The US is still in Syria and illegally occupying its oil rich region.

  • @krisztiankalman5805
    @krisztiankalman5805 2 месяца назад

    28:43 "For some reasons it was... (sigh) postponed" - what were these reasons?

  • @vincenttayelrand
    @vincenttayelrand 8 месяцев назад +4

    Switzerland isn't exactly neutral these days - or so it seems watching this.
    Facts are few and far between here, but opinions are abound. Which happens far too often in geopolitical discussion.

  • @marc3258
    @marc3258 8 месяцев назад +3

    Folge der Spur des Geldes 😉

  • @joannagomulka8906
    @joannagomulka8906 6 месяцев назад

    Great talk

  • @donsheehan5144
    @donsheehan5144 8 месяцев назад

    One of the best debates i have heard

  • @stuartwray6175
    @stuartwray6175 7 месяцев назад

    Dr Graeme P. Herd's assessment that there's a "third way" seems extremely misguided.

  • @blja
    @blja 8 месяцев назад

    What time frame he speaks on Putin and peace negotiations

    • @sch4891
      @sch4891 8 месяцев назад +1

      29:32 "Putin really wanted to reach some peaceful settlement with Ukraine it's very important to remember."
      - Ambassador Oleksandr Chalyi

    • @blja
      @blja 8 месяцев назад

      @@sch4891 thank you

  • @planje4740
    @planje4740 Месяц назад

    Returned error
    - цивилизацијски шљам се упетљао

  • @Gorboduc
    @Gorboduc 8 месяцев назад +3

    Before talking so optimistically about a cease fire, you might want to check out the Truman Library's several clips of Harry Truman discussing the Russians' refusal to keep a single agreement they made at Potsdam and Yalta...
    Also thanks to Zachary for pointing out that Trump *did not* have a pro-Russian foreign policy in any respect. It would be nutty for important decisions like these to be informed by this sort of electoral mythmaking.

    • @Internetbutthurt
      @Internetbutthurt 8 месяцев назад +8

      You believe Truman? The US reneged on German reparations to the USSR and the agreement not to reindustrialize Germany. The US was duplicitous and the Soviets figured that out pretty quick.

  • @joshuapaul2022
    @joshuapaul2022 8 месяцев назад +8

    Russians rejected any freeze of the conflict. At this point unconditional surrender is the only practical solution for Ukraine. Hitler's Germany also refused to admit defeat until Hitler killed himself, then Keitel signed unconditional surrender.

    • @lawrencemartel5878
      @lawrencemartel5878 8 месяцев назад


    • @danilodyachok8009
      @danilodyachok8009 8 месяцев назад +2

      boris, there is no vodka here. you can go back home with your rt propaganda😂

    • @PG19871230
      @PG19871230 8 месяцев назад

      Why should? Freezing the conflict won't resolve the conflict and the last time it was attempt, it was used against them. And it did not freeze the conflict.

  • @Goldbar401
    @Goldbar401 8 месяцев назад +12

    There is no stalemate.Russia is kickin ass big time.

    • @maria.and2265
      @maria.and2265 8 месяцев назад +5

      Stealing toilets, bath tubs and food is not doing that big time.

    • @Eugenio-wo3wk
      @Eugenio-wo3wk 8 месяцев назад

      U​@@maria.and2265u steal my toilet once again

    • @sarafisioannis2097
      @sarafisioannis2097 7 месяцев назад

      @@maria.and2265 knowing sh@t speaking bst

  • @stuartwray6175
    @stuartwray6175 7 месяцев назад +1

    28:20 istanbul.

  • @planje4740
    @planje4740 Месяц назад

    - гле ово
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  • @felipe-vibor
    @felipe-vibor 8 месяцев назад

    Opinions about Russia without Russia. Completely irrelevant

  • @funnstarbloggest7124
    @funnstarbloggest7124 8 месяцев назад +4

    Propaganda and lies

  • @GlobalResistanceCoalition
    @GlobalResistanceCoalition 7 месяцев назад

    WTF is Dr Paikin smokimg?

  • @Internetbutthurt
    @Internetbutthurt 8 месяцев назад +2

    Stalemate? LMFAO.

  • @vitalidius
    @vitalidius 8 месяцев назад +4

    In 1995 russia signed Budapest memorandun, in 1997 russia signed Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty, in 2014 russia signed Minsk agreement (there is only ONE Minsk agreement, so called "Minsk II" does not exist). All these agreements were broken by russia. You should be too naive to believe russia would adhered agreement from Istambul.

    • @Dariusjunevicius
      @Dariusjunevicius 8 месяцев назад +1

      None of Minsk agreements was done by Kiev. There is so much info about this that Minsk agreements was just to buy time to arm Ukraine. Just look from where all war against Russia started? From west. Belorussia Ukraine was a buffer state for Russia against West. They did everything in they interest to block direct border's with West. And here we are. It's not started in 2014 it's started few centuries ago.

    • @grigorijgreg906
      @grigorijgreg906 8 месяцев назад +1

      1) The Minsk agreements were violated by the Ukrainian side, this was confirmed long ago by everyone, even your favorite Western diplomats, like the former Chancellor of Germany and the former President of France.
      2) The 1997 agreement was violated due to Ukraine’s aggressive policy towards the Russian-speaking population and shelling of these citizens.
      3) How could Russia violate the “Memorandum of Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” when Ukraine and Russia did not even distribute nuclear weapons?
      P.S. Come out of your cave or wherever you are and study history, you fool.

    • @berndborner4364
      @berndborner4364 8 месяцев назад

      Schau mal, was ich eben auf einen Kommentar antwortete, der meinte, dass Russland Verbrechen begehen würde:
      ​@danilodyachok8009 ist Dir wirklich noch nicht bekannt, warum Russland von einer militärischen Sonderoperation zur Beseitigung von Nazis spricht?
      Jahrelang gab es Informationen zu den Strukturen der Nazis in der Ukraine (sogar an der Regierung wurden diese beteiligt - nach dem vom Westen geförderten Umsturz: Maidan).
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass russisches Militär (gemeinsam mit redlichem ukrainischem Militär) diese (zur Verhinderung zivilen Leids) gezielten Sonderoperation unternommen hat?
      Hast Du nicht vernommen, wir oft die Meldungen der Massenmedien zur Situation in der Ukraine (und zu anderen Kriegen der USA-Führer) gelogen haben?
      (Recherchiere: Udo Ulfkotte)
      Hast Du die UN-Information zu den Biolaboren in der Ukraine nicht vernommen.
      Dort sollen durch die viele Pharma-Konzerne Biowaffen an Ukrainern getestet worden sein, um diese wirksamer gegen die russische Bevölkerung einsetzen zu können.
      Hast Du nichts von den jahrelang bekannten Babyfabriken und Organhandel gehört?
      Ist Dir nicht bekannt, dass Slenskij zu den vielen korrupten Akteuren gehört, die auf den Panamapapers stehen?
      Erinnerst Du Dich, dass US-Akteure zu Begründungen für Kriege gelogen hatten (Brutkastenlüge, Giftgaslüge..).
      All diese (von den "Führern" des Westens geplanten) Verbrechen wurden (fast fertig) in der Ukraine (und vielen anderen Ländern*) nun beendet.
      *z.B. Myanmar (und viele Länder mehr):
      Dort hat das Militär die (vom Westen unterstützte) Regierung beseitigt und die ehemalige Präsidentin wegen Menschenhandel verurteilt.
      Und diese Punkte sind nur ein Teil der Informationen, die wir ALLE selbst recherchieren konnten - seit langer Zeit.
      Suche auf Google nach:
      Russian “special flight squadron” lands in DC - Ukraine war over; Russia sets terms of surrender
      by: Frink - December 24, 2023

  • @cultugarvealgarve7380
    @cultugarvealgarve7380 8 месяцев назад

    You ment capitulation, russian agressive peace, called Mir🤣🤣🤣🤣 first call putin