Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2017
  • If it's true that the Bible contains scientific facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them, the implications are staggering. These facts would be evidence that the Bible is the word of God, and its promise of Heaven and threat of Hell are therefore not to be mocked or ignored.
    "Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible" is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical truths-the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more.
    This is a powerful resource to encourage Christians, and to challenge the most hardened skeptic to take the claims of the gospel seriously.
    "Excellent! This video will captivate you." -Jeff Seto, Aerospace Engineer & author.
    This video is a part of the Living Waters "Lightning Productions" resource line. This line is focused on creating simple yet powerful videos that can be used as effective evangelistic tools to reach the lost. The simplified nature of these new productions (in contrast to our higher budget and graphics-intensive movies) will enable us to produce more videos, and in a shorter amount of time.
    Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at www.LivingWaters.com

Комментарии • 12 тыс.

  • @LivingWaters
    @LivingWaters  3 месяца назад +9

    Did you know we release a new podcast twice a week? Experience the lively discussions and theological insights of The Living Waters team. livingwaters.com/podcast/

    • @steve4073
      @steve4073 2 месяца назад

      Universe means ONe-Verse it also means to turn like turning soil over with a plow like tilling your soul and in cntext orginal langauge did not have spaces full stops semicolons and the like it was one longe line of symbols or letters so one verse can mean the whole of Gods word . specificaly genesis 1 and john 1
      and yes the word used to describe the earth is a word used to describe a sphere likie object not a circle.
      i loved finding out who behemoth was and leviathan who the chinese worship the dragon who breaths fire , not too far fetched when there are creatures that spit acid that burns anything it touches as a defense .
      and the bible contains more knowledge than one man can comprehend . yes i wash hands no need for alcohol wipes , also through covid as all deseases are sent by God and not long since i had a word with God through a difficult situation he asked what should be done i told him they should also all be running for their lives just as i was afried locked in their houses when i had a breakdown cuase of the world friends proving to be demons i also said dont punish just specific punish them all as all are sinners and to punish one would be wrong so bring them all to an account and under the fear of God almighty and cause them to repent.
      can i ask do you know of anything where people whre locked in their houses afriad to go out ??? i can
      it says in Gods word he would sacrifice a nation for just one of his own and i have seen it he would bring a whole world to account for one of his precious children .
      the earth will be gone in 20 years we are in the last generation the genration that will not see death before the coming of our Lord he has said in scripture the generation tha sees the fig tree blossom wil not pas away before all things are completed 6 thousand years are 6 days in heaven for it will be a short work we are coming to the 7th day the day of rest for our Lord from hiswork and the sons of God shall rain in his stead.

    • @steve4073
      @steve4073 2 месяца назад

      and the titile of your channel means TRUTH
      Joh_14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
      Joh_16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
      living water is to believe the bible as its written no adding and no taking away it is what it is and it says what is says deviate from it and it is no longeer living water but opinion which every one has and not one persons opinions is correct. there is no private interpretation.

  • @Kael7777
    @Kael7777 4 года назад +4935

    As a scientist. I am amazed at the Lord's creation! It is amazing what God has created. From the atom, and its inner workings (quantum physics nd string theory) to the trillions of galaxies. For the smalest microbes to the largest organisms. The Lord is amazing! Praise God.

    • @fernandomescalito5307
      @fernandomescalito5307 4 года назад +38

      Its sarcasm

    • @CrimeCastInc.
      @CrimeCastInc. 4 года назад +41

      @@fernandomescalito5307 I hope

    • @jillianh7565
      @jillianh7565 4 года назад +275

      It is also interesting how many scientific facts are in the Bible. One of my favorites was that information was in the blood. This is an interesting statement not only for the reasons stated in the video but because recently we have found that each cell in the body has a set of chromosomes and genetic information in DNA.

    • @Robert-hr6sh
      @Robert-hr6sh 4 года назад +65

      Well said. Thank you! Blessings to you and yours.

    • @bigbandz4036
      @bigbandz4036 4 года назад +213

      @poisons everything. The evidence is everywhere. Do u honestly believe nothing created everything ? What about morality? How do we know what is right and wrong where does that moral compass come from ? What about emotions like love and empathy? These are immaterial things that cant evolve biologically or chemically.

  • @songforyou308
    @songforyou308 Год назад +275

    When I was searching for scientific facts that are true in the Bible, I bumped into this video and my faith in God increased. Thank you.

    • @DovesSweetSonnet
      @DovesSweetSonnet 6 месяцев назад +1


    • @joeluciano
      @joeluciano 6 месяцев назад +2

      This video is full of lies and ignorance. Is that what feeds your faith?

    • @songforyou308
      @songforyou308 6 месяцев назад

      I don't see any lies, you just don't want to accept their explanation.@@joeluciano

    • @gooberpeas535
      @gooberpeas535 4 месяца назад

      @@joeluciano I think you're full of lies and ignorance. Why do you care what videos a Christian watches? Go watch some Walking Dead.

    • @emmanueld5766
      @emmanueld5766 4 месяца назад +3

      Explain the lies

  • @An_American_Man
    @An_American_Man 2 года назад +684

    "The problem is not intellectual, it's moral. The reason we don't like the bible is because it accuses us of being morally irresponsible"... WOW ❤️ Pride keeps people from the most valuable of lessons

    • @Coram_D30
      @Coram_D30 Год назад +17

      @@TruthSeeker.John8.32 none are morally righteous, the points out our lack of moral righteous, making us look to Christ and justification through him.

    • @Ex_christian
      @Ex_christian Год назад +2

      You think religion is moral? Not a chance. The Bible is myth, nothing more.

    • @Ex_christian
      @Ex_christian Год назад +1

      The Bible has zero morality or ethics anyway. If people really believe it, then they believe in a god that loves genocide and killing. That is in the Bible that Christian’s completely ignore.

    • @johnking6624
      @johnking6624 Год назад

      Trump keeps holding the Bible up and all his idiot followers forget he is a liar, a blasphemer and an adulterer. American Christians seem to think that adultery is OK, if its with a pornographic actress.

    • @work90
      @work90 Год назад +1

      @@TruthSeeker.John8.32 where did she say she was morally Righteous? Typical

  • @charlottewilson3031
    @charlottewilson3031 Год назад +272

    The more that I study science and observe nature around me, the more I say, "What a Creator we have!" He planned everything down to the very smallest detail

    • @beauuuuu5874
      @beauuuuu5874 Год назад +9

      It’s amazing to think about every circumstance that had to happen for our world to be the way it is today. Our lord has truly blessed us

    • @aue82a
      @aue82a Год назад +2

      "He planned everything down to the very smallest detail " like cancer for example.

    • @78David
      @78David Год назад +16

      ​@@aue82a cancer and other illness was not a part of original creation. If you will argue against something you may try to learn about it before trying to take up an uninformed decision.
      Sin caused the world to become cursed with disease and death, that is man's fault.

    • @aue82a
      @aue82a Год назад

      @@78David so some woman stole an apple and the rest of us are still to blame? Maybe we should give that grumpy dictator a whole bag of apples, that should fix it. And BTW, you may wish to aquaint yourself withe reality of evolution. Then we can discuss why earthquakes, tsunamis, fires and other modes of multiple deaths do not seem to differentiate between christians and non.

    • @aue82a
      @aue82a Год назад +4

      @@78David I rather suspect that you do not know what cancer (in it's multiple forms) is.

  • @irenezin7427
    @irenezin7427 4 года назад +811

    The more you read the Bible, I see that everything is real. But so many times, it open my mind more clearly. But we need to open our hearts to God to understand what he will show us. I believe in God truely.

    • @monouramone3832
      @monouramone3832 3 года назад

      IreneZin@In the bible, it has been said, the earth has Pillars. References- 1 bk of Samuel chapter 2 verse 8, bk of Job chapter 9 verse 6, bk of Psalm chapter 75 verse 3.
      International Standard Version
      While the earth and all its inhabitants melt away, it is I who keep its pillars firm." Interlude

    • @viscious4656
      @viscious4656 3 года назад

      @@monouramone3832 he saying that he holds the earth 🗿 taking it kinda outa context but 🤷🏿‍♂️ eh

    • @monouramone3832
      @monouramone3832 3 года назад +1

      @@viscious4656 if he says that he is holding the earth that is also a contradiction itself. By the way.....Christian’s theology is totally out of context.....Jesus said something Christian understood something else. Jesus said he is son of God by metaphorically Christian said that he is God’s begotten son....Jesus said, I am son of man, Christian said that he is incarnate god.....Even if it’s true.....how does a incarnate god die......God I’d immortal.....! If though god has divided himself into three ( father+son+holy spirit ) still all this three must have immortality otherwise they can’t be the part of God......so who died on the cross? Jesus just left his human suit ( body ) .....no one died......Jesus just retrieved his human suit after three days.....no one was resurrected....!

    • @workemail7862
      @workemail7862 3 года назад +9

      ​@@monouramone3832 Hi! Firstly, GOD is a Being that created our reality. I would like you to think about that first. Honestly, if we could understand how GOD exists the way HE does, then is HE really GOD?
      Ie do you honestly think a 2D character would understand how a 3D character exists and operates? Nope.
      Talk more of the One who created the physical realm. Therefore, stop trying to define a limitless GOD with your very limited knowledge that is still discovering new things HE hasn't revealed to you and is so influenced by your opinions and biases.
      Secondly, GOD is 1, but HE revealed three manifestations of HIMSELF. That is why from the very beginning, HE said "Let us...". Blows my mind as well. GOD created everything including the Garden of Eden, but we got tempted and sin set in, especially pride cus we desired to be gods of our lives. GOD knew we fell into sin (which means separation from GOD) and earned the debt of death. That is why unsaved people are spiritually dead and blind and that's why we physically die. GOD in His Infinite Unconditional Love came, full deity in the weakness of flesh, to pay that debt.
      Thirdly, the flesh suit of JESUS died on the cross (fulfilling the debt because HIS Flesh was sinless - no inherited original sin/sin of Adam because HE was born of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and HE lived a sinless life) but JESUS our GOD was still working within the 3 days of physical death cus HE went to Hades to take the keys of hell, minister to the fallen angels in bondage, take the sinners who loved GOD while on earth with HIM to Heaven, et al.
      Fourthly, HE resurrected cus death cannot hold HIM. HE laid His Life down to die for those who lived before, at that time, and after, and after the debt got paid, HE resurrected HIMSELF. HIS Spirit never died, just the flesh suit. But it never disqualified the death because The Bible says there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood, so HE shed HIS for our sake - yours, mine, the poor, the rich, the proud, the brokenhearted, everyone including Hitler.
      Fifthly, HE has reconciled us spiritually to HIMSELF and we get spiritually reborn when we get truly saved. However, HE has Promised to return to completely do away with physical death, evil, satan, sons of disobedience, fallen angels, et al - all thrown into the lake of fire that burns for all eternity.
      Please please humble yourself, forsake ALL sin, and trust only in JESUS CHRIST. Cling to HIM like your life depends on it cus it does. HE has nothing but unconditional LOVE for you. People willingly go to Hell. HE created hell for the devil and the fallen angels but hell expanded itself for the sons of disobedience who proudly and self-righteously hate HIM. Please don't reject HIM. HE and us desire you to be in Heaven with us by HIS Divine Grace.
      GOD Bless!
      James 4:8
      "Draw nigh to GOD and HE will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts ye double-minded."

    • @katjapeterson
      @katjapeterson 3 года назад +2

      Boz Scaggs probably because you are reading the NIV 🤦‍♀️

  • @nshutimagara2259
    @nshutimagara2259 4 года назад +2116

    I am 15 years old I have decided to follow Jesus. Because Jesus is a relationship not region

    • @coreyr1971
      @coreyr1971 4 года назад +124

      Such a good choice. Don't listen to anyone saying Jesus is exclusive for the Jews. In fact most Jews rejected him. Paul the Apostle preached in Jerusalem but very much to frustration. He then realized that the message was for all the earth. Just as Jesus Said.

    • @jack-1955
      @jack-1955 4 года назад +24

      @@angelgrimble4350 You're wrong. Read John 3:16.

    • @coreyr1971
      @coreyr1971 4 года назад +81

      @@angelgrimble4350 Jesus was Middle Eastern Jewish.. not black African. Don't make a God of your own design thats a sin in Gods eyes. He doesn't need to have your skin tone to have died on the cross for you.

    • @antonymacharia5700
      @antonymacharia5700 4 года назад +4

      Proof your statement if not a meer assumption and vague opinion. Proof everything you say and I will proof everything I say in response from the Bible.

    • @antonymacharia5700
      @antonymacharia5700 4 года назад +9

      @@angelgrimble4350 There's someone who was speaking about Christ only meant for Jews and Israelites and not for us all. For you, keep up with the faith in Christ and God bless you.

  • @tw750
    @tw750 3 года назад +552

    I have watched dozens of the "Living Waters" videos, and each and every time, I feel I have learned something new and become a better person. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say THANK YOU to the "Living Waters" group for all they do.

    • @tw750
      @tw750 3 года назад +8

      @@darkeen42 I did, and I found them to be fact. The main reason we don't want to accept the facts is it is not easy and inconvenient. As well as. it forces us to take a truthful look at ourselves.

    • @NiznerYT
      @NiznerYT 2 года назад +4

      Jesus is so perfect!

    • @tw750
      @tw750 2 года назад +4

      @@darkeen42 God gave people "free will". You seem to be blaming God for people's sins????

    • @tw750
      @tw750 2 года назад +1

      @@darkeen42 So, you're an atheist? You believe "everything came from nothing". That's a scientific impossibility. Or, you're an Agnostic? You just don't know?

    • @tw750
      @tw750 2 года назад +7

      @@darkeen42 Santa was based on fantasy. God (the creator) is based on logic and universal order. Your correlation is faulty. You are consistently moving the goal post. BUT, you are right....you don't know.

  • @VideoBible
    @VideoBible 2 года назад +412

    I love how often we hear "scientist used to think that this was untrue (something found in the bible), now new evidence has shown that it is true." That just never gets old! - Being reminded of the awesome purposefulness of God! Thanks Father for always being right and true. And thank you for being steadfast with us! Amen!!!

    • @mjuigoku5310
      @mjuigoku5310 2 года назад

      @Chaz Daz what do you mean lol try watch it lol

    • @mjuigoku5310
      @mjuigoku5310 2 года назад +1

      @Chaz Daz sometimes lightning comes first before the thunder and sometimes thunder comes first before lightning but it was mentioned that lightning can speak it was not referring to a literal lightning lol be like GOD he just spoilts the end of the world but didn't spoils the humanity achievements because he knows human minds is dangerous and for simplicity he just referred does things as what in that era sees caused he doesn't want them to get bombarded with too much knowledge .... it will end up badly

    • @mjuigoku5310
      @mjuigoku5310 2 года назад

      @Chaz Daz idk men its actually base on my observation sometimes that thing happened a loud thunder and then lightning strikes

    • @mjuigoku5310
      @mjuigoku5310 2 года назад

      @Chaz Daz or its just both at least it still speaks lol

    • @Skyfoogle
      @Skyfoogle 2 года назад +5

      there are genuinely 0 examples of this

  • @joanrucker1568
    @joanrucker1568 6 лет назад +1813

    I love how you speak without insulting anyone! Never change that for it is rare and fiercely needed!!

    • @asianhippy
      @asianhippy 6 лет назад +18

      You are wrong. He has insulted my intelligence. Your god would also be insulted by the way he twists the words of you sacred book to say what he wants you to think it says.

    • @joanrucker1568
      @joanrucker1568 6 лет назад +149

      @@asianhippy their is no way for you to know what "my God" would or would not be insulted by. The problem is people who are so easily offended by silly things!

    • @asianhippy
      @asianhippy 6 лет назад +9

      You are absolutely correct. There is no way I or anybody else to know what an imaginary being would think. Also I am not offended but will stick by my words that he has twisted the words of your sacred book to mean what he want it to say.

    • @joanrucker1568
      @joanrucker1568 6 лет назад +79

      @@asianhippy besides this video is harmless in my opinion their was bound to be something pertaining to science in the Bible. My worry for this world is the normalization of things like men saying they are women or women saying they are men then allowing small children to do the same that sir is offensive to me on a big way!!

    • @asianhippy
      @asianhippy 6 лет назад +32

      I have nothing against people who suffer from disphoria, that is a medical condition. But people who are 'transtrender' and have several gender expressions for their feeling makes my blood boil too. And then enforcing this onto children is the lowest of the low.

  • @filixamparo8418
    @filixamparo8418 4 года назад +1236

    All of these BLEW my mind. Praise the LORD Jesus Christ.

    • @zandillo6596
      @zandillo6596 3 года назад +20


    • @laneyperkins840
      @laneyperkins840 3 года назад +13

      Amen 🙏

    • @joshuadobbins8286
      @joshuadobbins8286 3 года назад +5

      All of these BLEW jesus. Praise the lord: my mind.

    • @CynicalDude
      @CynicalDude 3 года назад +15

      300th Like 👍 Jesus Christ is Lord!!!! Turn to Jesus Christ today!!!!

    • @CynicalDude
      @CynicalDude 3 года назад +7

      @The Orange •2001 Seek God, and you will find God! 100%! I promise you! I will pray for you!

  • @BMoneyYTB
    @BMoneyYTB Год назад +45

    Everyday my faith grows stronger because of this channel. Thank you! It’s sad that people dismiss the Bible as being filled with outdated knowledge when in reality people could’ve really learned a thing or two from it to avoid many catastrophic events like the plague and learning about sanitation and quarantining.

    • @vampirehunter533
      @vampirehunter533 Год назад

      Yeah forget what individuals like Aron Ra, Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens might try to put out there.

    • @BMoneyYTB
      @BMoneyYTB Год назад +3

      @@vampirehunter533 I’ve listened to them and they have some of the worst arguments I’ve heard. They lack biblical knowledge but pretend to know so much about it.

    • @vampirehunter533
      @vampirehunter533 Год назад

      Yeah, and Ray Comfort might not be perfect just like all the rest of us, but he does seem, to me at least, to point out things from the Bible that seem to fit rather uncanny with things we've discovered about nature, Earth, and Universe in much later times and things we've developed.
      Too me it seems like the problem is not that we Christians are supposedly a bunch of dishonest science denying primitives but that individuals like Aron Ra, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens have simply allowed themselves to become desensitized to the leadership and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

  • @love2bloved
    @love2bloved 3 года назад +18

    Guy: "my daughter is growing a Christian"
    Ray: "well you're talking to me today because of her prayers"
    OH my heart- that was everything

  • @poterlim5991
    @poterlim5991 4 года назад +1124

    Time stamps cuz i didnt see anyone else do it
    0:21 Earth float in space Job 26:7
    1:13 Good hygiene Lev. 15:13
    2:50 Info/life in blood Lev. 17:11
    4:29 Earth is circle isaish 40:22
    5:57 oceanography. Psalm 8:8
    7:12 Light & radio waves Job 38:35
    8:24 1st law thermodyn. Gen. 2:1
    9:51 Ideal ship dimenison Gen. 6:15
    11:00 Quarantine Lev. 13:46
    12:12 Dinosaurs. Job 40: 15-24
    And here's a bonus one for you not from the video regarding 2 verses.
    Now you'll have to follow my train of thought here. 1 john 5:7 mentions God as "the trinity" ; although there is only 1 God, He is 3 distinct persons in 1. Then Romans 1:19-20 says "God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen...from what has been made." So I think God revealed himself in nature by leaving a signature of #3 in the atom: 3 subatomic particles: proton, neutron, and electron in everything in nature.

    • @jimadams8272
      @jimadams8272 4 года назад +5

      Poter Lim,
      It wasn't necessary....if one watches the video ....
      they will know.

    • @poterlim5991
      @poterlim5991 4 года назад +73

      @@jimadams8272 yes that's true, but for people searching for the truth, theres no time to waste as theres A LOT of info to sift through. So a quick concise summary saves much time.

    • @jovayezell7469
      @jovayezell7469 4 года назад +18

      I was looking for this, thanks!

    • @Jessasvessel
      @Jessasvessel 3 года назад +14

      I want to like this but it has 111 likes and I don’t want to mess that up 😅😂🥰

    • @poterlim5991
      @poterlim5991 3 года назад +18

      @@Jessasvessel you can like it now. Its ruined 😂

  • @trev6243
    @trev6243 4 года назад +543

    Everything in the Bible will be fulfilled. We are just too in love with the world that we go blind to all these things. May God bless us.

    • @nicolegamolo1601
      @nicolegamolo1601 4 года назад +3


    • @JfaJosephR9
      @JfaJosephR9 4 года назад

      Soviet Ninja that’s the earliest copied that we’re available. The original ones would have been copied and passed down. Those are the ones that were found. So that’s a pretty dead argument. Nobody waited that long to write them.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 4 года назад +5

      Soviet Ninja Those copies were put together but not written then.
      The accounts that were written were eyewitness accounts. The writings began immediately after Jesus death.
      Paul, who wrote most of the NT, actually encountered the risen Jesus 1-3 years after He was crucified. This guy used to kill Christians because his hatred of them ran so deep! Yet, his life changed. Why?
      It takes legends and myths more than 2 generations to form yet, nowhere in history has a “legend” developed so fast. It’s because the Bible isn’t a legend.
      Even atheists admit that Jesus was a real, historical person based on all of the evidence but their problem is pride, not evidence. They don’t want to give up control to believe IN Him.
      2 of these men are Bart Ehrman and Garrett Leudemann (sp?)
      Eyewitness accounts aren’t misinterpreted if they all add up perfectly, which they do in the NT.
      I would advise not telling Christians who actually study scripture that their accounts are wrong.
      You have extremely limited historical knowledge, clearly. I don’t know where you got it from, maybe “something you heard” which is where most atheist arguments come from. You’ve not done any fact checking yourself, this is evident. Christianity is the ONLY faith that invites investigation because there is nothing to hide.
      It’s so easy to look for evidence but most won’t. Instead they tell others to “wake up” thinking that if they say that God doesn’t exist, that somehow solidifies their argument.
      Atheists have come up with nothing new. Their arguments and scoffing are all the same and totally meaningless.
      It’s like telling a doctor who has studied for 12 years that he is wrong in his profession just because you say so and don’t believe in medical technology. No one would ever do this yet atheists do this to Christians all the time.
      Stop wasting your time on scoffing and put your time to work looking for actual proof.
      God promises that those who seek Him WILL find Him. Unfortunately, this is the reason atheists don’t go looking. They don’t want to actually find anything. This is pride and the common denominator of all atheists.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 4 года назад

      Dennis Orvis It wasn’t an opinion, it’s factual evidence in the Bible. Every single one of the Bible’s prophesies have come to fruition according to events and the timing of them. More than 700 years before the birth of Christ, it was prophesied in many OT books and every word literally happened exactly as those books said it would. (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel just to name a few)
      Those prophetic words from the NT are still coming true today. You can literally compare all of our current events to it and you will find no difference in the two.
      But if you are so offended and want to be “spared”, then it’s your responsibility to stay away. You’re the one who came on this channel, no one forced you. Use some common sense in this line of thinking next time.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 4 года назад +1

      Dennis Orvis Go troll somewhere else.

  • @JerusalemRemembered28
    @JerusalemRemembered28 2 года назад +83

    A missionary friend of mine was stationed abroad back in the early 70’s and was endeavoring to share the salvation message to a remote tribal village in Africa, who had never heard any aspect of the Gospel. After quite some time, he was finally able to communicate with them, and learned that there was one man, living in the outskirts of their village who had come to believe in a Supreme Being, as a Creator-God, somehow all by himself. Although this man had been ostracized & shunned by his tribe, he would not back down from this belief.
    Stunned, my minister friend wanted to talk to this man & find out just exactly how this came to be (& if it were even true). The tribe had many pagan beliefs & practices, but paramount was the idea of no Creator or Supreme Being & that they basically just ceased to exist when they died (sound familiar?) After meeting this man, my friend asked him, how he came to believe in a Supreme-Being as God and believe that this Being was his Creator?
    He told my missionary friend,
    “You know, I looked at all the witch-doctors told us. And how they were so sure that we came from nothing, no one, but were merely bits of the other “things” that were here, like grass, trees and soil. We were just part of all that “stuff” and life had no real meaning or significance….”
    “But one day, while looking into a pool of water, I began staring at my own reflection. And I pondered all that the medicine-men had told me. And looking intently into that watery-mirror, I said out loud,
    “I am a ‘who.’ And if I am a ‘who’ only another ‘who’ can make a ‘who.’ An ‘it’ cannot make a ‘who.’ And that’s when I knew….there had to be a ‘Who’ that Created me. And I’ve been seeking to find Him & know Him ever since. “
    My ministry friend, gasped at his insight. He said,
    “Wow. If only you could come to America and lecture all the Atheists at their prestigious universities.”
    Here was an uncivilized, uneducated aborigine who realized the existence of a Creator God-from a pool of water-and the reasoning-thinking-being made in the “image” of that God, staring back at him (self).
    **Story is retold about missionary/ minister Malcolm Smith, founder of “Unconditional Love Ministries” (now located in Bandera Texas.)
    ▪️“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.”
    (Romans 1:22, 25)
    ▪️”But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”
    (1 Cor 1:27)
    ▪️”At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”
    (Matt 11:25)

    • @mymindseyesees2002
      @mymindseyesees2002 2 года назад +6

      Wow , amazing the insight this aborigine had. I believe God gave him that insight. Very interesting thank you for sharing.

    • @jc98103
      @jc98103 Год назад

      That's great praise God

    • @endangerspecies2450
      @endangerspecies2450 Год назад

      Jesus is not God!

    • @jc98103
      @jc98103 Год назад +1

      @@endangerspecies2450 endangered indeed.

    • @endangerspecies2450
      @endangerspecies2450 Год назад

      @@jc98103 What?

  • @dpuravet
    @dpuravet Год назад +12

    I like the way he talks to each person personally with gentleness & kindness.

  • @curiousatheist
    @curiousatheist 4 года назад +519

    -My 10 year old girl being raised as a Christian.
    -so you're talking with me because of her prayers.

    • @Sticks-of-TNT-tf1tn
      @Sticks-of-TNT-tf1tn 4 года назад +11

      @FindingChrist-Epic! 🧨

    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 4 года назад +15

      Yeah that was pretty powerful.

    • @plastickmoney5410
      @plastickmoney5410 4 года назад +5


    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 4 года назад +8

      james Kay, I do think that is a fair question. When you look at the religions out there it can be a little weird because many of them take the Bible then put a particular twist on it to make their own “Religion”. Which is confusing and not good but that is a reality we have to deal with.
      This is the main point you want to receive from this. Jesus came to earth as fully God and fully man. He came to show us what God’s love is for us by living the perfect life and then died on the cross to pay for our sins, that whoever believes in him shall be with him in Heaven forever. You have already heard the opposite about hell.
      As far as believing Jesus was actually God it takes more than a brush of a few key strokes or reading my comment to fully understand the “why” of why you should believe that he is God or that there is a God at all. I would be happy to talk more about that with you. If all you do is read this or a few other comments I will give you a great link to the church we attend here in the Dallas, Texas area Fellowshipchurch.com. Ed Young is the pastor and is a great communicator, he is creative which makes the truth of the Bible easier to understand.
      I want you to know James your not here by mistake. The Lord is drawing you in for you to see the evidence is here for you to see but you have to seek to find. Let me know what your thoughts are. Ray Comfort and Living Water is an incredible resource as well.

    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 4 года назад +1

      Going back to read and looks like James Kay deleted his post.

  • @kensuke018
    @kensuke018 5 лет назад +465

    27:40 "My daughter is growing up a christian."
    27:53 "You're talking to me today because of her prayers."
    Dude...I can only hold a tear for so long.

    • @jerrydurantiii3360
      @jerrydurantiii3360 5 лет назад +28

      At first I was like what is this dude talking about in your post. Then when your time stamped segments hit in the video, I shed a tear as well. Because we are made unto his likeness. The likeness of our creator, God himself. Its our own free will to accept Christ into our hearts and as our lord and savior so I felt this. Thanks for posting up so I could comment.

    • @putteslaintxtbks5166
      @putteslaintxtbks5166 5 лет назад +36

      That was the best. I think that came straight from Gods spirit- "You're talking to me today because of her prayers." I hope her prayers for her dad are answered, he has free will, God knocked on his door, I have a feeling he opened the door. Amen.

    • @tino8778
      @tino8778 5 лет назад +20

      That one hit me like a bus!

    • @GeDilaw
      @GeDilaw 5 лет назад +17

      Jerry Durant III i thought the same thing! God is so good to us! Be blessed in the name of Jesus!

    • @headbusta6670
      @headbusta6670 5 лет назад +13

      I feel like that just jumped out of his mouth without him even saying it! God is amazing! Just know that the very next breathe you take in is full of love and peace sent straight from God himself and given to you and every breathe beyond that and before that is just the same, i can't believe I've been awarded this beauty, I've never done anything right and now i have a chance to redeem myself for righteousness it's just unbelievable we really are loved by the Lord

  • @csidelmonte6892
    @csidelmonte6892 Год назад +41

    A few minutes ago before getting bump on this video, I found myself crying asking God what happened to the Joy of my Faith and then I was reminded of his faithfulness, I cried in awe realizing how undeserved I have always been for all the grace, mercy and blessings He shower me upon everyday.

    • @vernonleewarren280
      @vernonleewarren280 Год назад

      I feel this way almost everyday so I can definitely relate

  • @magicpearl3060
    @magicpearl3060 4 года назад +799

    Please pray for me so I can believe in Christ 🥰

    • @kathymoya1318
      @kathymoya1318 4 года назад +65

      Praying for YOU in UNCONDITIONAL FAITH🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪💞

    • @DontUSeeMee
      @DontUSeeMee 4 года назад +48

      Bluebutterfly keep seeking and you will find, he will coming running to you!

    • @Heroicman
      @Heroicman 4 года назад +31

      Hey if you would like I would be willing to pray with you over any sort of video calling software anytime. If you would rather not it’s simple all you have to do is talk to the Lord and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.(we all have plenty we just don’t like to admit it) and to come In to your life. Theres no special formula needed just sincerity.

    • @khadijaking711
      @khadijaking711 4 года назад +25

      Just say a simple prayer; Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart for I make you my Lord and savior. I believe that you died for me on the cross. Thank you Jesus.

    • @paoarteaga7483
      @paoarteaga7483 4 года назад +13

      Just you need to say yes to him. Recognize that you're a sinner, that you can't make it alone. That you need Him, (Jesus) and believe him, read his word so you can hear him trough scripture. But everything needs to be by heart. A truly repentance. He will comp to you. You will know that He has forgiven you and make you his child.

  • @maryaubreyjanefowler9398
    @maryaubreyjanefowler9398 5 лет назад +967

    " Jesus said unto them, I am the way the truth, and the life.
    No man can come unto the father except through me."

    • @TahirKhan-wp2gz
      @TahirKhan-wp2gz 5 лет назад +10

      Jesus said I am human. I am not God. Not said worship me say worship t oh almighty God

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +3

      @@Rican856 Dingbat Daniel, he also denied being God. So much for the contradictory bible.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +2

      @@Rican856//// DIngbat Daniel Dopehead, look at Mark 15 .34
      There are no originals of any part of the bible, so we cannot tell if the bible is accurate and authentic. I know a lot more than you do.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      @@Rican856 //// We can dispense with the name calling. Nice try with the explanation. Do you not realize that God is a perfect being, all powerful, everywhere present, and fully capable of handling His own creation? He never needed a son, a trinity, a holy ghost, crucifiction, or any other concocted devices to run His own creation. Only the religion of Christianity has come up with this concocted story of the fall of man, Satan, demons, original sin, etc. Best advice in the bible is Micah 6.8. GOD IS.... all the rest is superfluous.

    • @martyrdoomed
      @martyrdoomed 5 лет назад +25

      Tahir Khan So you’re implying that Jesus was only a mere prophet? Okay, So when did Jesus say “I am only a prophet, don’t worship me”? Simple, He didn’t. And he also never denied being God in the flesh, In fact; in John 20:28, Thomas Referred to Jesus as “My Lord and My God!”. And what about when he forgave the sins of people? It was written that only God was to forgive sin, no one else. Not to mention that when Jesus was baptized, God opened up the heavens to proclaim that Jesus was his beloved son.

  • @krist444
    @krist444 2 года назад +6

    I am a true believer in Christ and I don't need any scientific documentation or anything other than the word of the Bible to believe in the Almighty Lord God Jesus Christ.

  • @megbustamante99
    @megbustamante99 2 года назад +11

    Evidence are all over the place. The very air you breath is an evidence that God exist, the fact that you are alive today watching this RUclips is Evidence that God exist and in control of everything.

    • @ToThePointCT
      @ToThePointCT Месяц назад +1

      I agree. Even scientists simply cannot explain the universe. The big bang is but a "theory" (and a very bad one at that) I always thought it a cop-out. Evolution is a theory (the theory of evolution)
      How can anyone watch a majestic sunset or gaze up at the stars and say "this is all an accident"?

  • @hugs4kindness278
    @hugs4kindness278 4 года назад +596

    God has turned my angry, wreckless life early on and changed it so i can feel his love and allows me to give love

    • @savagecabbage138
      @savagecabbage138 4 года назад +13

      No that's all you. You turned your life around give yourself more credit

    • @savagecabbage138
      @savagecabbage138 4 года назад +2

      @@4dilara Im sorry you interpreted my comment of support as an argue against someone else's beliefs.

    • @braydynniewiadomski5454
      @braydynniewiadomski5454 4 года назад +12

      @@savagecabbage138 Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
      Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    • @savagecabbage138
      @savagecabbage138 4 года назад +3

      @@braydynniewiadomski5454 other extreme bible versus include:
      "See, the day of the Lord is coming - a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." (Isaiah 13:9-16 NIV)
      Leviticus 11:9-10 You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is detestable to you.”
      “Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18)
      "O daughter Babylon, you devastator! Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us! Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!"(Psalm 137:8-9 NRSV
      "And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat." (Leviticus 26:27-29 King James Version)

    • @cmonroe5496
      @cmonroe5496 4 года назад +5

      I read some of comments people leave and I like to ask questions Do you serve the true GOD? Why people always find verses of scriptures that they being thought about and not do the own research? Why you guys still worship on Sunday and not Saturday which is the LORD'S day?

  • @shanghunter7697
    @shanghunter7697 4 года назад +265

    Jesus said : Blessed are those who have seen me and believe, truly blessed are those who have NOT seen me yet believe ! Those are very DEEP words, yet millions deny him.

    • @believer431
      @believer431 3 года назад

      @Disc Golf What did you smoke?

    • @Thomasshellby11
      @Thomasshellby11 3 года назад

      @Disc Golf I'm the same is it wrong?

    • @eniszita7353
      @eniszita7353 3 года назад +1

      Buddha said similar things and yet people deny him as well.

    • @shanmugapriyam4617
      @shanmugapriyam4617 3 года назад

      This verse from John 20:29 ... Litery making me to feel blessed

    • @brooklyn7722
      @brooklyn7722 3 года назад +1

      People deny him because he was just a prophet. Nothing more

  • @joeJoe-pb3su
    @joeJoe-pb3su 2 года назад +9

    Many times I didn't believe in the bible when I was a kid and as a young man. Now I am a true believer. I pray for everyone to seek Jesus 🙏 . The truth will set you free.

  • @pencilhead5278
    @pencilhead5278 2 года назад +58

    I loved the expression of the last man after being told that Ray was speaking to him because of his daughter's prayers. Each day I am falling more in love with God and this video only reminded of his power and love. I thank God for courageous Ray.

  • @charlizecheahyun7674
    @charlizecheahyun7674 4 года назад +56

    I am ten years old. I was seven years old when I leaned and trusted God. Your video has helped me trust God further, I can make my relationship with God closer. My teacher posted your videos for us to watch. I'm grateful God helped me to trust Him and His Word.

    • @xdman347
      @xdman347 3 года назад +10

      You sound very mature and smart for a 10 year old. I know you’ll go far in life, may you be blessed as you grow in this world!

    • @elijah_oofoof8891
      @elijah_oofoof8891 3 года назад +4

      Mature child. Be blessed.

    • @endangerspecies2450
      @endangerspecies2450 Год назад

      He is not God!

  • @albertayitey-adjin1289
    @albertayitey-adjin1289 4 года назад +426

    Pray for me so that I can strengthen my faith during these pandemic times😭🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @knight8675
      @knight8675 3 года назад +3

      Ok bro

    • @Martin-id1ri
      @Martin-id1ri 3 года назад +10

      Pray and ask God to lead you and let the holy spirit guide you!

    • @Subash_Ghimire7
      @Subash_Ghimire7 3 года назад +3

      Pray heavenly father and mother.

    • @pokemonhunter8418
      @pokemonhunter8418 3 года назад +2

      Vaccine has been discovered

    • @workemail7862
      @workemail7862 3 года назад +3

      @@pokemonhunter8418 True, but it doesn't change the fact that the worst virus killing not just mankind but everything we physically interact with is sin. And JESUS CHRIST provided HIMSELF as the cure.
      All you simply need to do is repent from all sin, trust only in HIM, and let HIM transform you from the inside out. But you need to be humble before HIM as HE resists the proud and gives HIS Divine Grace to the humble.
      GOD Bless you and I pray you have a blessed week ❤️
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
      Matthew 9:13
      But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
      Matthew 4:17
      From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
      James 4:8
      Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
      Joel 2:13
      Rend your heart
      and not your garments.
      Return to the Lord your God,
      for he is gracious and compassionate,
      slow to anger and abounding in love,
      and he relents from sending calamity.

  • @peety6323
    @peety6323 2 года назад +9

    Bless these non believers for sticking around to listen.🙏❤️🙏
    They are so honest.

    • @MagnusSigurd8165
      @MagnusSigurd8165 2 года назад

      @peety 63 can i be honest because i am a non believer? This has nothing to do with the video but can i just say that you are absolutely:
      1) ravishing
      2) attractive
      3) stunning
      4) exquisite
      5) smashing
      6) irresistible
      7) divine
      8) drop dead gorgeous and if i may add
      Kinda hot ngl.

  • @Christ-Is-King_
    @Christ-Is-King_ Год назад +6

    "You're talking to me today because of her prayers." I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THIS WAY! Blew my mind and helps me understand that when I ask God to show His Light to my family, He WILL deliver. :')

  • @hensonpedroleon7787
    @hensonpedroleon7787 4 года назад +397

    This entire video is soooo relaxing; it's actually therapeutic for me and Ray Comfort's voice is like a warm pillow/blanket!

    • @rickelleantomez1204
      @rickelleantomez1204 3 года назад +6

      Oh is that what it is cause I’m so sleepy right now all of a sudden!

    • @Titan-ks1xd
      @Titan-ks1xd 3 года назад +2

      It’s creepy for me 🤣🤣 the music 😳

    • @claytonb6717
      @claytonb6717 3 года назад +3

      Lmao Ray Comfort is a conman.

    • @mastercraft495
      @mastercraft495 3 года назад +1

      ​@@claytonb6717 why I don't think he earns any money apart from these videos and why would he want to make people believe something that is not true because the definition of a conman is making people believe something that is not true AND YOU KNOWING ITS TRUE and he does believe in it because well he's preaching about it isn't he

    • @mastercraft495
      @mastercraft495 3 года назад

      @@darkeen42 well ues he does earn money but he listens to the Bible and the Bible says dont love money so it sounds like he doesnt do it for the money

  • @saphieuniverse7519
    @saphieuniverse7519 4 года назад +550

    Makes me wonder how much other facts we're looking over in the bible...

    • @dhenderson319
      @dhenderson319 4 года назад +14


    • @kycool8684
      @kycool8684 4 года назад +2

      Ambika Vijay both are found to be sinful in the Bible, what is your point?

    • @1m2o3n4i5c6a7
      @1m2o3n4i5c6a7 4 года назад +23

      There are so many lies of this world that have been exposed to me in God's Word of truth and i know im only just scratching the surface... thank you Jesus❤

    • @johnalexander6509
      @johnalexander6509 4 года назад +5

      Read Genesis 2:22 God had established his relational order as man is blessed to carry out the mandate of being"" fruitful and multiplying. Genesis 2:22 describes man brought together in a sexual union. 2×22=44 think about that"" we all are composed of 44 identical autosomes 22 from our father and 22 from our mother. And finally 2 sex genes each from either parent a total of 46 human chromosomes found right there in Genesis 2 the number of multiples.

    • @bvshenoy7259
      @bvshenoy7259 4 года назад

      @@adamji4390 *“The words of God(BIBLE) for me is Nothing more than expression and product of Human Weakness, the BIBLE is collection of primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish to me, For me Christianity is incarnation of the most childish Superstitions”* - Albert Einstein

  • @SiaD777
    @SiaD777 Год назад +10

    The Bible is the source of all Truth. God is not a liar and does not make mistakes, how awesome and comforting is that, hallelujah!

  • @Anonymous-fv1qk
    @Anonymous-fv1qk 2 года назад +11

    Bible is the word of living God✝️❤️

  • @hoseaswei7168
    @hoseaswei7168 5 лет назад +695

    Science cant show God to man. But science can show God's work to man.
    God is almighty he knows what we need before even we find out we need it. So he gave instructions to the Hebrews to be a nation different from all nation, to teach us correct life.

    • @asianhippy
      @asianhippy 5 лет назад +15

      Science doesn't care about god. There is no evidence for god, so that makes god irrelevent therefore science has no need for any god.

    • @hoseaswei7168
      @hoseaswei7168 5 лет назад +39

      @@asianhippy alright then, where did we come from? Where or what are the evidence based in science? If we did evolve from a singular cell into what we are now then were did that cell come from? The big bang? Where did that come from? Was it time+matter+chance that we came to be? If that is the case what is that chance? Can science prove it or better yet explain it? As how i have said science can only prove the workings of God to a limited point. For its by God that he allowed even such knowledge to be open to us.

    • @asianhippy
      @asianhippy 5 лет назад +13

      @@hoseaswei7168 Do not equate cosmic evolution with biological evolution, they are not the same.
      That is a link to a general infomation piece on abiogenisis.
      Just because we do not yet have all the answers to the origin of the first living cells (but with research, we are getting closer), I am not going to say god did it unless you can prove there is a god.

    • @emilfraser1606
      @emilfraser1606 5 лет назад +3

      Love this

    • @emilfraser1606
      @emilfraser1606 5 лет назад +4

      Now I can witness to others

  • @thomas7571
    @thomas7571 4 года назад +404

    I like how atheists come in here acting like they know everything about the Bible yet they don’t even read it or get their information from people who don’t actually study it.

    • @joannamaria9955
      @joannamaria9955 3 года назад +18

      Every atheist is an unresolved equation.
      You need to individually solve their unbelief..

    • @TheBibleSkeptic
      @TheBibleSkeptic 3 года назад +6

      I invite you to my channel, Thomas.

    • @psilocybinx8596
      @psilocybinx8596 3 года назад +26

      It doesn't sound like you've known many atheists. If you did, you would know that a very large number have read the Bible inside and out. What's more, atheists are more likely to have read scriptures from other religions. How do you know that the Bible is THE truth, but not the Koran, the Vedas, the Book of Mormon, or any other book? Not to mention the many thousands of texts that "mysteriously" failed to make their way into the Bible.

    • @quintonhardess3101
      @quintonhardess3101 3 года назад +23

      @@psilocybinx8596 I was raised catholic, I'm an atheist BECAUSE Of my bible reading. Fundamentalists who accuse atheists or agnostics of not reading the bible seem to be the ones who need to read more books.

    • @quintonhardess3101
      @quintonhardess3101 3 года назад +3

      @@joannamaria9955 thanks, but no thanks.

  • @sustiyah7130
    @sustiyah7130 Год назад +9

    I been save by Jesus for 8 year now, before i was muslim not really. But God Save my life and i love my life since. Thank u so much for your teaching. God bless you

    • @sqxe
      @sqxe Год назад

      But did you really understand the concept of Islam? I don't want to confront you but think deeply. Do you know that judaism, christianity and islam are in case one and the same religion?

    • @bricksburger5409
      @bricksburger5409 Год назад +2

      @@sqxe just because they share the view of a monotheistic religion does not mean they are the same. Christianity is the one true religion. Trust in the Lord with all your heart

  • @talitakeller889
    @talitakeller889 10 месяцев назад +10

    I will never stop praying for my children’s salvation is Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that God will send people onto their path that will be willing to share the Gospel to them in love and courage. I wish I worked harder in my life to teach my children more about God. May God bestow mercy upon us.

    • @Aikunle78
      @Aikunle78 4 месяца назад


    • @jinimurray4090
      @jinimurray4090 Месяц назад

      May I join you- my children are so lost as well😞😔
      Father, You know all. please forgive me us for not being more diligent to obey Your word in Deuteronomy to diligently teach our children as we walk by the way…(EVERY OPPORTUNITY) LORD, our children are/always have been YOURS as a gift for us for a season. You have given us all free will. Please LORD HOLD OUR CHILDRENS EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE TO YOUR OBEDIENCE UNTIL IT COMES UNDER FULL SUBMISSION.(2Cor.10)
      Please filter all their relationships and remove all who will lead our kids astray and replace with strong good GODLY RELATIONSHIPS of those who
      Will draw them ever closer to Yourself!
      Change their desires to be YOURS!
      We release them BACK into YOUR CAPABLE HANDS, as no matter how strong our love is for our children, that love has come from YOU; &’YOUR LOVE IS IMEASURABLY HIGHEF THAN OURS!! There’s nothing You want more for our children than them to break of their own desires &
      Will and come broken repented to YOU in humble submission to receive the magnificent gift YOU gave freely for them & all of us who Believe
      If there is anything hindering please bring it to light & get rid of it.
      Lord let us thank you in advance for the souls of our children. There is no greater gift. 🎁 I praise thanksgiving worship you in advance in Jesus name amen 🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @davidlingaard860
    @davidlingaard860 4 года назад +445

    why 2000 years ago God haters try to destroy the bible ,killed God believers and yet at this moment the bible is the most printing book in the world, there has to be some reason why.

    • @lazylightning1197
      @lazylightning1197 4 года назад +23

      Well they do say a sucker is born every minute.

    • @youandmeforeva7141
      @youandmeforeva7141 4 года назад +22

      God's word must accomplish what it's sent for ..Amen IJN. man is nothing!!!

    • @jjbasilis3280
      @jjbasilis3280 4 года назад +9

      there's a reason why there's still so many people who follow hitler and stalin, bec people believed what they say and wrote are true!

    • @jjbasilis3280
      @jjbasilis3280 4 года назад +1

      @@lazylightning1197 amen to that!

    • @eddiewalker9114
      @eddiewalker9114 4 года назад +10

      Because of suckers like you but there’s treatment for schizophrenia it’s called visiting your local psychiatric hospital

  • @simpletruth5927
    @simpletruth5927 3 года назад +52

    "You're talking to me today because of her prayers." Oh, my, goodness. I... I'm speechless. Lord Jesus is so good.

    • @altinokz
      @altinokz 3 года назад

      No he isn't! The G-d who created the Universe, separated the waters, fixed the earth in its space, made the cats and dogs, and birds, and all kinds of creatures visible and not visible to our eyes, millions of vegetables/trees/flowers, weeds, funghi, the stars, the clouds, the mountains, your neurological systems, your brain, blew air into your nostrils! Yet you shamelessly follow a man who died because of the hostile forces called Romans who occupied the holy land, murdered millions of Jews along and gave you a fake religion to follow! You are nothing but an idol worshipper, and you should know that

    • @simpletruth5927
      @simpletruth5927 3 года назад +5

      @@altinokz The God who created everything is the same God who died for us on the cross. The one and only true God is the 3-in-1 trinity. Jesus is much moee than just a religious leader/teacher. The Bible is the proof. Abide in Him and you too will receive eternal life! Do not let the devil hold you back from the truth!!!

    • @altinokz
      @altinokz 3 года назад

      @@simpletruth5927 If that's what you want to hear and accept I have nothing to say to you. But the only people who would say that are the people who hasn't read nor comprehend the Tanakh (aka Old Testament). Because if you did you would know for sure that you are worshipping an idol. Good luck and G-d bless you.

    • @simpletruth5927
      @simpletruth5927 3 года назад

      @@altinokz the old testament prophesied the savior in various places as early as the verse in Genesis 1, where God cursed satan to be bruised in the head by a seed while the seed gets bruised in the heel. This was to show that satan will be defeated, and Jesus was the one defeated satan in the thousands of years to come by sacrificing his own life for our sins and resurrected, meaning the defeat of satan, where there will be no more sin and evil in eternal life.

    • @altinokz
      @altinokz 3 года назад

      @@simpletruth5927 Nice story but you have no truth behind it. I killed a spider a few minutes ago and threw it in to the toilett, does that mean a messiah will come in the future and kill all spiders and there will be no more spider bites? Please, lets get real. You are not reading the Bible correctly. You must first take your Christological glasses off. G-d cursed Adam, Eve, and the Snake. In Hebrew Snake is not Satan so I know you are making up stories. But that's ok, it is a standard modus operandi for Fristians. Second, sacrificing a life is not a Jewish concept, it is not Judaic and it is absolutely not Biblical. Here is a proof: Deutoronomy 30:19 " call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life-if you and your offspring would live" You see CHOOSE LIFE and Jesus knew that. He would never go up to the Romans and say "Crucify me because I must die for the sins of all mortals". I mean really Simple Truth? Can this truth be any simpler than that? I am sorry but I know you have not read the Tanakh, nor you understand Hebrew, and you were probably given a KJV or NIV or similar version where the text is modified to suit Christian theory.
      What I would do if I were you start that barbecue fire and throw your Bible in there.. Then go to Amazon and buy yourself a Chumash The Gutnick Edition and start reading like you never read before. 4 hours a day for 3 years. You will come to understanding that you have been lied to all your life. I am sorry.

  • @jodienye1137
    @jodienye1137 8 месяцев назад +4

    Just when I feel I am stumbling, I stumble across this......God is amazing

  • @Kat-qm2qf
    @Kat-qm2qf 2 года назад +4

    "you're talking to me today because of her prayers" I love that

  • @OurOnlyHope
    @OurOnlyHope 4 года назад +824

    Great video. And there are even more than these ten in Scripture.

  • @purplepod
    @purplepod 5 лет назад +323

    Thank you Jesus for using this faithful man to do your will!!!!

    • @Heikos006
      @Heikos006 4 года назад +6

      Lying and spreading unscietific nonsense is Jesus will?

    • @brieflyflesh4917
      @brieflyflesh4917 4 года назад +2

      Highco Said how is it unscientific it’s simple and apparent it’s put into simple terms and is on the same terms of knowledge

    • @Heikos006
      @Heikos006 4 года назад +4

      It's unscientific by spreading lies and nonsense wich has nothing to do with actual science. Every educated person on this planet laughes about this proclaimed "science".

    • @daylenmulder545
      @daylenmulder545 4 года назад +1

      Highco Said so washing your hands doesn’t get rid of germs??

    • @iWh15tl3
      @iWh15tl3 4 года назад +5

      @@daylenmulder545 don't mind him he is trying to hide from the fact that he will be held accountable before God...so being a troll is a possibility.

  • @jennifermazzeo1666
    @jennifermazzeo1666 3 года назад +15

    I love his style of witnessing to people about salvation in Jesus

  • @victorm1559
    @victorm1559 Год назад +5

    The God of the Bible is real. He created everything we see and what we don’t see.
    Praise God.

  • @donhinojosa9044
    @donhinojosa9044 4 года назад +128

    This is a man driven by the love of God.. No religion just a relationship .. I'm building my Faith and yes he is there to answer my questions ..

    • @TheOne-Aslan
      @TheOne-Aslan 4 года назад +3

      Again, you boys with the insults. Don keep going, don't let these boys shake your faith.

    • @jimadams8272
      @jimadams8272 4 года назад


    • @jimadams8272
      @jimadams8272 4 года назад

      @ReligionPoisons Everything
      I won't watch anything from you, seeing that you are just a childish little boy looking for attention.

    • @misterwakeupcall
      @misterwakeupcall 3 года назад

      I quess you don't realize that in the Bible, "Blessed" means cursed.

  • @farcry6114
    @farcry6114 5 лет назад +641

    No matter how hard i try i can never believe in evolution. Look at the sea creatures, look at the beautiful birds, look at the beautiful land animals, the stars, sun, moon, furits, vegetables, the talents God has given us humans. All this is EVIDENCE of Gods creation. Look at the human body. Only an artist could have made it like this. Look at the human brain. Its a very complex design.
    None of these things happened by chance. Its pure creation.
    God is Good!

    • @messianicjewforever2637
      @messianicjewforever2637 5 лет назад +38

      far cry there is only one definition of evolution that is true it's called microevolution it is a fact it is where many different kinds come from one species for example all dogs originated from a gray wolf but they're still all dogs you don't see a non dog come from a dog therefore all five other definitions of evolution are false God created everything

    • @houselightkell
      @houselightkell 5 лет назад +17


    • @aniketdixit8633
      @aniketdixit8633 5 лет назад +27

      The beauty of nature cannot be explained so ignorantly. Discovery is the only method to finding the truth about the universe. Evolution is the only possible way to explain the beauty of our world.

    • @nsuhoreidemmichael2517
      @nsuhoreidemmichael2517 5 лет назад +31

      U wanna ask them was the computer was made by chance or did it just evolve.God created everything.like we in his image produce a car and other things.he gave us d power.gave us wood for furniture.

    • @aniketdixit8633
      @aniketdixit8633 5 лет назад +10

      Nsuhoreidem Michael No. All the things in nature came from cells and those cells are created from atoms which came from the Big Bang

  • @JesusChristisKing94
    @JesusChristisKing94 Год назад +5

    “You’re talking to me today because of her prayers” this is beautifully true

  • @timothyglen6733
    @timothyglen6733 4 месяца назад +3

    For those that believe no explanation is necessary.
    For those that do not believe no explanation is possible.

  • @johnrogers2253
    @johnrogers2253 3 года назад +22

    I have a clockmaker. Friend who is 78 his name is Geoff he is an atheist.. I have just sent him this video, please pray for him to watch it right through.. he gets so angry. Just done it now..

    • @donniev8181
      @donniev8181 3 года назад +1

      Send him Alien Intrusion, it's made by researchers and scientist that are all Christian and shows the deception in the modern day big bang pushers and the deception that comes from it. God bless

    • @hlozano6231
      @hlozano6231 3 года назад +1

      @@donniev8181 could you plz guide me to find this? I looked up alien intrusion and get a lot of different Sci fi lookin stuff.

    • @donniev8181
      @donniev8181 3 года назад +1

      @@hlozano6231 ALIEN INTRUSION: Unmasking A Deception.....if you type that in it should bring it up. It will be within the first couple of videos. Let me know if you find it. God bless

    • @donniev8181
      @donniev8181 3 года назад +1

      @@hlozano6231 Conspiracy Mysteries UFO documentaries youtube channel. The documentary is 1:49 long. Let me know if you find it.

    • @hlozano6231
      @hlozano6231 3 года назад

      @@donniev8181 yes sir i found the movie trailer and it reminds me a lot of the channel here in YT "End of times productions" video called "the ultimate guide to ufos and aerial phenomenon" i highly recommend you watch that too. I'll look for the full movie of alien intrusion

  • @leacastori1138
    @leacastori1138 3 года назад +35

    Absolutely spot on. Which just came into my spirit was that the Lord had his purposes for making them extinct. Look how he provided us with oil for fuel and heat and warmth for our homes! If you study the leaves and trees and herbs especially in the rain forests you see all the medicinal and edibles there for us to sustain ourselves. He gave us everything in nature!!

    • @isakayyik966
      @isakayyik966 Год назад +2

      This is the Truth: Jesus is The Lord of Lords and King of Kings! He died for us and was ressurected by Gods power because He is The Lord God in human form! Trust in Him and we will forgive you of all evil because only He is perfect! Amen in Jesus Name!

  • @kingsleyanimatorartist
    @kingsleyanimatorartist 3 года назад +55

    This video is truly great, I'm glad you got it out to RUclips because this can truly help change so many people's lives. I'll make sure to share this video with people who may be struggling with faith in God🙂

  • @Katherine_02
    @Katherine_02 Год назад +1

    🔥🔥 "You're talking to me today because of her prayers."🔥🔥 That right there brought tears to my eyes. God bless you brother Ray!

  • @Crtnmn
    @Crtnmn 6 лет назад +220

    I have undoubtedly changed...a new man is upon me! I have never appreciated this teacher as much as I do now! I have been healed by Truth, through the gate of Reason! Thank you!

    • @rsar61
      @rsar61 6 лет назад +5

      Mike Marks amen brother

    • @Crtnmn
      @Crtnmn 6 лет назад +4

      Ryan A thank you my love.

    • @Crtnmn
      @Crtnmn 6 лет назад +4

      Ryan A Ryan look around, not one other seeks to edify but you! Robert? You are true fellow lover of Truth our Door, Christ Jesus. Love you, what I have I freely give unto thee of my Father. God bless your eyes and ears! Today you see and hear, share your mouth is already a bubbling brook of the living God, Salvation!

    • @minisight2000
      @minisight2000 5 лет назад +2

      Awesome testimony thanks for sharing :)

    • @sistercharlotte8988
      @sistercharlotte8988 5 лет назад

      Mike so beautiful. just BEAUTIFUL...how you described the "NEW BIRTH"! I have tried to find the words that describes the ENCOUNTER with the LIVING YESHUA/JESUS...I will be using your description if you don't mind.."HEALED BY TRUTH, through the gate of reason" I LOVE THAT...BLESS YOU. Hope you have engrossed yourself in the WORD, especially the PROPHETS such as the Prophet Zechariah, written 2500 yrs ago. The Jews returned, (or as I see it, they were DRIVEN back, after the Holocaust) to the land, after 2000 yrs, and became a nation on May 14, 1948, fulfilling Ez 36 & 37 , Isaiah 11 also speaks of G-D regathering HIS people! These are the "LAST DAYS" !! Israel is G-D'S PROPHETIC time clock. In my lifetime, the greatest PROPHETIC event occurred on June 7, 1967, when, after nearly 2500 yrs, Jerusalem was in the hands of the Jews, are you ready? in the "SIX DAY WAR" ( Lil' humor there in my opinion) In Luke 21: 24 "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." In 70 AD the Jews fell by the edge of the sword, and were scattered to all the nations and the land was virtually barren, UNTIL.. There are many other prophesies about the land, weitten 2500 yrs ago but is finding its way into our daily headline news, Zechariah 12:3 "On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves." 🙏✝❤✝
      WOW, just received an alert, hundreds of rockets flying into Israel from Gaza...Didn't mean to write you a book..any BLESSINGS tell the world,
      You fight Israel, you fight the very G-D, YHWH of all CREATION... READ the prophets!!!! ❤🙏✝🙏❤❤❤

  • @ishanhans9683
    @ishanhans9683 5 лет назад +519

    Really The Bible is an ocean. The deeper we go n precious we find. Amazing God full of wisdom and secrets

    • @classicrocklover5615
      @classicrocklover5615 5 лет назад +12

      Yes, Scripture is Alive!

    • @superraegun2649
      @superraegun2649 5 лет назад +5

      Like what, name one ‘treasure’ you’ve discovered by reading the Bible.

    • @Omega1st
      @Omega1st 5 лет назад +2

      Sushma Hans
      God is full of nonsense.

    • @dimitris_zaha
      @dimitris_zaha 5 лет назад +7

      @@Omega1st prove it

    • @andypalencia9054
      @andypalencia9054 5 лет назад +2

      Super Raegun yo what is the point of commenting

  • @grimeydog714
    @grimeydog714 2 года назад +1

    I love you Ray and everyone at living waters. I struggle with opiate addiction and I tend to backslide...10+ rehabs over 2 years never kept me sober as long as I was w my dad , a recovered pastor, waking up at 6am everyday starting with proverbs pslams and Ephesians putting on spiritual armor, church Monday, wed, every other Thursday Sunday I was sober for 4 months

  • @yungjohnson76
    @yungjohnson76 9 месяцев назад +2

    These are not new discoveries but yet learned from history older than we can imagine

  • @gemi1164
    @gemi1164 4 года назад +247

    Wash hands under running water and quarantine, this is what we are going through now.

    • @knight8675
      @knight8675 3 года назад +5

      So truuuueee

    • @knight8675
      @knight8675 3 года назад +4

      Oh my god Jesus is real

    • @hipeople5667
      @hipeople5667 3 года назад +11

      Blitz Wolfer plz don’t say oh my G don’t take God’s name in vain plz 💜💕❤️

    • @futtermanfarms6791
      @futtermanfarms6791 3 года назад +1

      @@lilith_soph Well, yes and no. The Levite priests were to examine and then quarantine the unclean. also note that they then had to cleans themselves too. So there was the concern for spreading by contact. Point well taken though that we are carrying the thing way to far and way out of proportion. Agreed

    • @joannamaria9955
      @joannamaria9955 3 года назад

      Ys you are right..

  • @robertchance7797
    @robertchance7797 5 лет назад +180

    You missed one.
    Job 28:25 (KJV)
    25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.
    Long before man discovered that air has weight (14.7 Lbs per square inch at sea level) the Bible said so.

    • @superraegun2649
      @superraegun2649 5 лет назад +2

      Humans knew that the winds were a fluid, simply by the fact that they can feel the impact on them. That one would’ve been impressive, and actually very convincing, if your god had specified the weight of the air before humans measured it.

    • @artemischen4086
      @artemischen4086 5 лет назад +24

      @@superraegun2649 Measuring units weren't invented back then. No one would understand what 14.7Lbs per square inch means so why would God say that in the Bible?

    • @superraegun2649
      @superraegun2649 5 лет назад +5

      @@artemischen4086 They did have measurements though, just not the ones we are used to today.

    • @superraegun2649
      @superraegun2649 5 лет назад +4

      @@justsomevids4541 yes I’m sure people have managed to retrospectively look through the Bible and found things that seem like they were hidden messages, but if that’s true, then why did no one pick up on them before they were discovered by science.
      Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists were looking for evidence to confirm the Bible, but they couldn’t find any. If there were so many hidden codes, why didn’t any scientists suss them out at the time and start looking for them.

    • @thewaytruthlifeeternal9023
      @thewaytruthlifeeternal9023 5 лет назад +3

      @Sean S. Says you. Not Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ to you?

  • @sethwilley9858
    @sethwilley9858 3 года назад +8

    It's so important to temper our approach with salt when we share the gospel with an unbeliever. Humility and respect towards that person may lend them an open ear.

  • @katrinaaubrey392
    @katrinaaubrey392 Год назад +12

    I really enjoyed this. Alot of self evaluation happened even though I am a Christian and have been for many years. Thank you Jesus for dying on the Cross. Thank you Holy Spirit for your constant communication. I pray for all that watch this, their hearts soften and their ears are open to your truth.

    • @garywilson7992
      @garywilson7992 Год назад

      Something you did is very rare, and why I think it’s next to impossible to know the most important truth’s, honest self introspection, probably because it’s usually not pleasant to do.

  • @anthonyramos3583
    @anthonyramos3583 4 года назад +357


    • @cuteishy1
      @cuteishy1 4 года назад +5


    • @okitasougo8265
      @okitasougo8265 4 года назад +23


    • @SweetestTabu23
      @SweetestTabu23 4 года назад +7

      I would say basic and best...if we keep to God's word. It's simply (basic) and the best 😀 everyone wins

    • @AntonioGarcia-lf2gw
      @AntonioGarcia-lf2gw 4 года назад +9

      Biblical Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

      @ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад +6

      Keep this one going! B.I.B.L.E. Battleground Instructions Before Leaving Earth ... Banqueting Instructions Before Leaving Earth, Brilliant Instruction... Beautiful Instruction, Becoming, Baptism, Battalion, Battlefield, Blood-washing, Born-Again, Bread-breaking, Believers, Binary, Blood bought, business, bye-bye 🕊🤗

  • @marita3761
    @marita3761 5 лет назад +165

    You are a great man of God for doing his work may Lord Jesus bless you trillion times more . 👍🏻

  • @autumnvalerio1231
    @autumnvalerio1231 2 года назад +20

    At 27:55 brought me to tears and chills through my whole body! God bless you and your ministry and what you do for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!! I’m praying to be more bold for Christ and point the cross in my walk to evangelize as we are commanded too!

  • @maryavornyo5066
    @maryavornyo5066 2 года назад +15

    Thank you for this! The Lord will reward you greatly for bringing souls to his kingdom! I was just trilled to find out all these truths. I’m a Christian, but I have a different perspective of the Bible now through this video. And as of now, I revere God even more than I used to. Thank You!🥺🙏

  • @sicNtwstdF
    @sicNtwstdF 4 года назад +494

    You can't force them to believe. They have to find God, themselves.

    • @ejc6772
      @ejc6772 4 года назад +16


    • @matildamathew4638
      @matildamathew4638 4 года назад +14

      Now thats the truth

    • @philipgreen1440
      @philipgreen1440 4 года назад +51

      I seriously searched for JESUS!
      BUT "HE" FOUND ME.

    • @connor2754
      @connor2754 4 года назад +11

      how do you find him

    • @philipgreen1440
      @philipgreen1440 4 года назад +21

      @@connor2754 you have to listen to what JESUS says in the Bible- Jeremiah 29 : 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . Google- 22 versus on SEEKING in the Bible. Lol ,green

  • @20130110dj
    @20130110dj 3 года назад +130

    This ministry was done so beautifully with loving kindness. ❤

    • @pajac6809
      @pajac6809 11 месяцев назад

      Go visit a history class, especially the history of religion, you might learn why the bible is not a reliable source.

    • @TehZach1993
      @TehZach1993 10 месяцев назад

      @@pajac6809 We've seen how degenerate and how rotten western civilization has become now that they've abandoned Christianity. Atheists constantly whinge that "You don't need a book to be a good person!" yet at every turn they prove otherwise with their immorality and moral relativism.

    • @AlftraZignTriOxide
      @AlftraZignTriOxide 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@pajac6809 perhaps you'll favor us with an example?

    • @pajac6809
      @pajac6809 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@AlftraZignTriOxide In the middle ages the bible was being changed and translated a lot and a lot of the original meaning was bent to justify for the wrongdoings of the ruler, for example the bible n ever said burning people who might or might not be witches was fine.

  • @bluesmurf6142
    @bluesmurf6142 3 года назад +10

    We open our minds
    We open the bible and find a lot of amazing knowledge
    Is just awesome
    God bless

  • @krantzfigaro6009
    @krantzfigaro6009 Год назад +17

    The more submerged one is in modern society the tougher it is to understand videos like this and other truths that have been lost in culture. Thank you Ray

  • @jonastrex05
    @jonastrex05 3 года назад +50

    The question i always get from all my friends: How can you believe something you cannot prove is real?
    Let me just believe man, it’s in the word BELIEVE

    • @altinokz
      @altinokz 3 года назад +8

      It's very easy. Ask them to point their intelligence. After they point it (😀) ask them the location of their intuition. See if they can describe intuition. Then finally ask them to point out Love. See if they can prove it's real.

    • @misterwakeupcall
      @misterwakeupcall 3 года назад +4

      I suppose you've never noticed that the word believe contains the word "lie", right in the middle of it.

    • @altinokz
      @altinokz 3 года назад +9

      @@misterwakeupcall And the point is?

    • @sirtango1
      @sirtango1 3 года назад +5

      @@misterwakeupcall And the name Eve is at the end. So what’s your point or are you just wanting to play scrabble. If you’re looking for more points on scrabble at least make it a little challenging. Look up the word believe in as many languages as you can and see how many words / points you can find and get back to us. Or were you just making a feeble attempt to use believe and lie in the same sentence and maybe try to infer something? Ever notice that Mis is the first three letters of your username? MIStaken, MISsing, MISspoken, MISleading, there are four words for you to score on scrabble from your own username. Just in case you want to play word games.

    • @misterwakeupcall
      @misterwakeupcall 3 года назад +2

      @@sirtango1 Yes, let us play word games; for example some 260 words in the Bible that represent hieroglyphic symbols that have a completely separate meaning than the literal sense of the word.
      I one attempts to read the Bible in absence of knowing the meanings of said words, one is literally reading according to one's own imagination.
      I would say you fall within the category of believers that are unlearned, illogical, irrational, which purport an ironic and erroneous ideology, one based entirely upon a delusional hope, wishful thinking, preconceived notions, popular misconceptions, misinterpretation of the Bible, presumptions of a benevolent God derived therefrom, an opinion which is utterly unsubstantiated, a "Faith" (belief requiring no proof or tangible evidence) that has no foundation in reality whatever.
      Is that about right?

  • @dougbardsley1960
    @dougbardsley1960 5 лет назад +69

    Thank you to those who are open minded. If you choose to trust God He will change your life.

  • @solofourohsixgaming
    @solofourohsixgaming Год назад +5

    Romans 1:21 to 32 explains what is happening with today's age.

  • @naeinhisimage
    @naeinhisimage Год назад +4

    The one about the washing hands gave me chills! God is so amazing!! and intelligent, I love Him!!

  • @tomnkathiedoran3471
    @tomnkathiedoran3471 3 года назад +14

    I want to thank you for a pearl of wisdom here: God went with the note! Can not God preserve his word? If you send a note, it could be changed, but if you GO WITH THE NOTE, you can explain it, preserve it's original meaning. The Spirit of God moved men to speak, to write, and the Spirit of God goes with the word to interpret it for the pure heart seeking God's truth.

  • @stephensaddique512
    @stephensaddique512 4 года назад +16

    Sir you are a brilliant Evangelist by the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for the amazing video. God bless you.

  • @jonathanbarron8311
    @jonathanbarron8311 2 года назад +17

    Wow when Ray mentioned the bible verse for the life of the flesh is in the blood that really moved me, this shows how rubbish i am at understanding the bible, but through listening to others my eyes are really opening, I try and read my bible as often as i can and do my own bible studying, I always feel so warm and cosy when studying i love it so much .

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 2 года назад +1

      It just means they knew people could bleed to death.

  • @shadowspector3611
    @shadowspector3611 5 месяцев назад +2

    We humans think we’re so smart when we didn’t even know ocean currents existed until 5000 years into Earth’s existence.

  • @thomasphansavanh
    @thomasphansavanh 5 лет назад +31

    Do not offend God the Father who blessed us with the mind to know Him and His creation

  • @lisamariem1446
    @lisamariem1446 3 года назад +51

    Wow his daughter 10 yrs old and Christian and this man started speaking to her dad! God is amazing!!

  • @Leah-cc4ef
    @Leah-cc4ef 2 года назад +7

    Wish these captions were in German for my German friends who don’t understand English . Great stuff. God bless the work of your hands. You do amazing things out there and I appreciate you. The way you open peoples eyes. May the Lord bless you

    • @youtubegarbage7876
      @youtubegarbage7876 Год назад

      They have the Luther bible... I wonder if the translations can be read the same way as in the video? Mal schauen, ist bestimmt auch ein Haufen Mist.

  • @leopardlurks5398
    @leopardlurks5398 2 года назад +3

    Thank you Ray and Team for what you do. This episode is mind blowing. I love watching your interviews, but this episode with interviews was incredible. I have heard about Semelweiss, I actually taught an English lesson about him to Vietnamese learners. The scientific facts here were very impressive. Truly amazing 🙏🙏🙏
    Bless you and thank you 😊

  • @zonadelcali
    @zonadelcali 6 лет назад +508

    I love Jesus!!😍

    • @lizcutajar9352
      @lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад

      Ashrith Athmaram why shouldn't you ? What is your reason ?

    • @lizcutajar9352
      @lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад +2

      Ashrith Athmaram Everyone is given a free will to believe what their heart wants to believe but without intent of offense I find it very arrogant and foolish for anyone to say God does not exist when the evidence is so clear.
      I am not looking for a debate no, I am not interested in debates. But you say you were a Christian....you mean you were born again ? because that is the only kind of Christianity unlike what most of the world believes.
      I don't know what kind of reality you mean but if you are referring to the so called scientific knowledge which tries to disprove God's existence than that is simply not science. True science belongs to God, it is his idea :) not man's , other than that , without faith we cannot please God but he still gives enough proof of his existence so no one is without excuse.

    • @lizcutajar9352
      @lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад

      @@ashrithathmaram7631 The greatest proof of God 's love is that he took man's place and died a horrible death. God is just and righteous and sin must be punished but he took all our sins upon himself and took the the debt that he did not owe. Can you find such love anywhere else?
      Everytime we breath , that is a proof of God's existence, try holding your breath, we don't have to be an astronout to know what will happen. Death is a realty that no man can defeat....maybe momentarily but eventually it comes to all .
      Everytime I look at a newborn baby....how can we not believe in God? Are we so foolish to believe that anything even something insignificant has a designer and a baby including all creation itself has no designer?
      For every design there is a designer...things don't just happen. That is not reality.
      I could go on but I do hope you will seek......truth .

    • @lizcutajar9352
      @lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад

      @@ashrithathmaram7631 I also want to add that unless a man is born again he cannot see or enter the kingdom of heaven. Being brought up in a Christian home is good and Christians are to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord which is good groundwork but being born again...that is something we have to personally experience..

    • @lizcutajar9352
      @lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад +1

      @@ashrithathmaram7631 Unless you really open your heart, nothing will convince you because God is the one who opens our understanding.
      No miracle or prophecy or the story re: the nation of Israel can ever convince you and yet it is astounding to get to so many facts. On the other hand if /when you open your heart you will be able to understand . I myself have experienced miracles of healing and protection after I was born again (spiritually speaking ok)
      I wasn't expecting any proof whatsoever before I made any decision because I always believed in a Creator...nobody had to prove anything to me because His creation is evident....but I didn't know God at the time, I only had religion but God knew that I would believe in the truth when it was presented to me. It wasn't easy leaving my religion because that's what I knew all my life but I was ready for God's truth whatever it was.
      No person on earth can tell you where God came from, all I know that he is omniscient, omnipresent & omnipotent . The Bible has proven itself to me over & over again but until we humans remain in the flesh we cannot know everything. The Bibe says that now we know in part , later (after this life) we will know everything.
      Have you ever considered that evolution is another kind of religion? because that is what it is...you still need faith to believe what they say . Science is based on facts not stop on a theory. A theory unproven remains a theory not science. The big bang is simply a bad joke. Anyhow, big bangs always destroy they never create.
      I will not pretend to know anything about science ok but I once heard a knowledgeable person who is both a Christian and a scientist referring to the second law of thermodynamics which apparently goes contrary to evolution itself.
      God 's judgement came the first time universally through the world wide flood and there will be a second judgement but this time it will be through fire. (it is prophesied)
      God is being very patient and longsuffering for all the evil going on in this world but through man's own disobedience and rebellion man will bring judgement upon his own head.
      We are still in time to believe and be saved but when that day comes, it will be too late.

  • @jansoriano3889
    @jansoriano3889 4 года назад +298


    • @decodesecure441
      @decodesecure441 4 года назад

      Also, read this material provided on this link.

    • @User-hy6ur
      @User-hy6ur 4 года назад +6

      @ReligionPoisons Everything Wow okay. Cool guess you cracked the code then aren't you smart.

    • @User-hy6ur
      @User-hy6ur 4 года назад +1

      Dennis Orvis 😬👌

    • @anthonyciantar6015
      @anthonyciantar6015 4 года назад +5

      Theoretical science proves the existence of Satan.

    • @User-hy6ur
      @User-hy6ur 4 года назад

      Anthony Ciantar Explains

  • @paulhayes5684
    @paulhayes5684 2 года назад +2

    Has anyone noticed that during recorded arguments or debates, most Christians are calm and collected while any opposer is shouting and frothing at the mouth for no reason. I've seen a few live discussions and it shows.

  • @teannathomas3261
    @teannathomas3261 Год назад +23

    Oh Ray, please do more videos like this. Maybe a series going into detail for each fact with the archeological and geological evidences. I find it so very interesting and eye opening for all ❤️ thank you

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk 5 лет назад +208

    The bible's full of wisdom and prophecies for today.......

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 4 года назад +3

      Mark///// The bible has wisdom but it is not consistent. It is also full of contradiction, discrepancy and error (Bart Ehrman) It is a quagmire of truth and fiction and as itself says, must be 'rightly divided'.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 4 года назад +3

      @markus //// Denial is such a wonderful thing. Deny it exists, then by-pass it. But,,,, the contradictions are still there. See Bart Ehrman's "Jesus Interrupted" for 300 pages of explanations and expose of many of the contradictions, discrepancies and errors in the bible.

    • @iWh15tl3
      @iWh15tl3 4 года назад +8

      @@k0smon name a few sir...remember you are still a sinner and separated from God today...you are also taken a foolish stance against God to mislead others and to accuse the Creator as liar. Name your contradictions please.

    • @Rick-zh4ir
      @Rick-zh4ir 4 года назад +5

      My grandmother always told me read Proverbs, she was right. Lost of wisdom there.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 4 года назад

      @@Rick-zh4ir "Lost" or "Lots"

  • @blessingprayers5881
    @blessingprayers5881 4 года назад +113

    I love the word of God..very powerful..

    • @misterwakeupcall
      @misterwakeupcall 3 года назад

      "The Word of God" does not refer to what is written in the scriptures.
      You love some Thing you know little to nothing about.
      You are making the ultimate mistake worshiping It/God.

    • @kee7678
      @kee7678 2 года назад +8

      @@misterwakeupcall LOL. wow. Literally everything you wrote is wrong...but the question is, why are YOU, and HERE, saying THIS, to strangers. Why are you so threatened? What else do you preach against? What other RUclips channels and topics..or is it just this one?

    • @imprator6216
      @imprator6216 2 года назад

      The size of the stars is like blocks.
      Do you believe in science or your book?
      “and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.”
      ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭6:13-14‬ ‭‬‬

    • @strugle003
      @strugle003 2 года назад


    • @gabrielle-d1b
      @gabrielle-d1b 2 года назад +4

      @@kee7678 good question. He's here bc he's curious. If you're an atheist why are you looking for videos about God? Lol they are secretly looking for God, they just don't realize it. His name is written on all of our souls. We are all searching for Him in some form. God bless you brethren 🙏🏽

  • @Luxuryspac_design
    @Luxuryspac_design 2 года назад +22

    Great job Sir. Really great video. I particular connect with the point where you said that there is no mistakes in the Bible, it's just about our understanding of it. May God bless His Words. Amen

    • @imprator6216
      @imprator6216 2 года назад

      The size of the stars is like blocks.
      Do you believe in science or your book?
      “and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.”
      ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭6:13-14‬ ‭‬‬

    • @endangerspecies2450
      @endangerspecies2450 Год назад

      Bible is mixed book by peoples

  • @ScornedRemnant3935
    @ScornedRemnant3935 10 месяцев назад +6

    This video strengthens my faith even more. Thank you.

  • @bog11gie
    @bog11gie 5 лет назад +475

    People believe everything came from nothing. How smart is that ? God forgive us.

    • @rparso9017
      @rparso9017 5 лет назад +39

      Nothing is the only thing that comes from nothing... It's a riddle! Made up to deny the existence of God the creator

    • @pettyhuman7827
      @pettyhuman7827 5 лет назад +8

      Atheists don’t say everything came from nothing, to say that they do is completely ignorant and ill-informed. Also, they do not all “love the darkness” lol

    • @dldeanlong77
      @dldeanlong77 5 лет назад +3

      who is this god you speak of?

    • @pettyhuman7827
      @pettyhuman7827 5 лет назад +8

      @B4JesusChrist - Atheists don’t believe in the existence of any god. It has nothing to do with ‘loving the darkness’ . The ‘evidence’ for God is not convincing to an atheist, that doesn’t in any way make them a lukewarm Christian, that’s absurd

    • @pettyhuman7827
      @pettyhuman7827 5 лет назад +2

      @Patstar777 - and which scientific theory is that?

  • @valerierago3615
    @valerierago3615 5 лет назад +181

    I Believe 100% ..in the word of God.

      @ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад +3

      Valerie Love Jesus Amen and I also believe that tampering and bias in translation is possible or else the LORD wouldn’t have warned against it in the scriptures themselves. Thankfully the promise is that the Holy Spirit will guide us into *all* truth. John 16:12-14

    • @iseeyouyouseeme5386
      @iseeyouyouseeme5386 4 года назад +2

      But you keep the law. Satan believe to

    • @swordthrower2035
      @swordthrower2035 4 года назад +2

      Iseeyou Youseeme satan believes everything the bible teaches what makes us different from him is that he will never accept jesus as his personal Lord and Savior

    • @iseeyouyouseeme5386
      @iseeyouyouseeme5386 4 года назад

      @@vikasjangid9762 you now

      @ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад

      Adam Ji They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Titus 1:16 Sadly, tragically, most “church” members never receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. But when someone does receive the Holy Ghost, it transforms their entire life. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, Peace

  • @prettypleasevideo
    @prettypleasevideo 2 года назад +4

    I believe God's Word talks about our DNA also.
    At conception: your scientific DNA knows you.
    “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    GOD created us in His image.

  • @iamxgia
    @iamxgia 3 года назад +15

    the last part got me in tears, thank You for fulfilling your purpose that God gave you may you touch more lives 🤍

  • @firelesscomander5336
    @firelesscomander5336 5 лет назад +39

    Atheists can't disprove this !
    GOD bless you.

    • @Omega1st
      @Omega1st 5 лет назад +1

      FIRELESs comander
      I can disprove this by showing that God is not the source of the information on this site.

    • @shadowlancer45
      @shadowlancer45 5 лет назад +6

      Please don't start with this. As former atheist, you only aggravate their confusions more. You may hurt man's pride and this made them to refuse to listen more. There are others ways but not this. Let them face it in their real life not this internet argument-provoking words. Peace bro.

    • @Omega1st
      @Omega1st 5 лет назад +1

      @@shadowlancer45 Why would you want some people to say all what they want to say but should not tell what I know? I believe in telling the truth, so that is what I will do.

    • @shadowlancer45
      @shadowlancer45 5 лет назад

      @@Omega1st sori bro I was only replying to fireless commander's post. I didn't even seen yours perhaps it was lagging that time.
      About your question, I believe I don't need to answer that for you already answered it yourself.

    • @rorytennes8576
      @rorytennes8576 5 лет назад

      FIRELESs comander Yes we can. And have.
      Look it up yourself if you care about the truth.

  • @tomfromeriej4611
    @tomfromeriej4611 7 лет назад +20

    Thank you Lord God for your Word that will never come back void, Amen.

  • @gregattanasio3185
    @gregattanasio3185 2 года назад +3

    Amen,Amen,Amen,,,, THERE 8S NONE LIKE OUR GOD.....

  • @buckguide
    @buckguide Год назад +17

    I love watching your videos , I study daily and I cannot retain the word like you do, you truely are well studied,I appreciate you , God bless