I was born in Puerto Rico. I know my ancestors are from Spain, but this documentary has proven to me that we have a rich islamic past. As those that migrated to Puerto Rico came from Andalusian communities. I am a revert myself. Did my shahada in Morocco. This before I found out my DNA results. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Hello sister, actually many Puerto Ricans 🇵🇷 descend from Canarians 🇮🇨 who are a mix of native North Africans (imazighen/berbers) or mostly known as Guanches ⵣ (in the Canary Islands) and Iberian Spaniards🇪🇸. I, myself, am Moroccan 🇲🇦 of amazigh descent with half of my family having an amazigh culture and the rest being arabized with an Andalusian Moroccan fesi heritage and an amazigh arabized from the rif region (Mostly know as the tsoul region). The Guanches are the only aboriginal people of North Africa who were not Islamized. You can even go to the Canary Islands to learn more about its history. In these times, more and more Canarians reject their political/ethnic European identity to further reconnect with their native African side. It is a beautiful way to commemorate their elders and their lost culture/language. There’s also many cities, islands and volcanos that have tamazight (native language) original names, such as the island “Gomera” which is a well known amazigh tribe (Ghomara) that we can even find in northern Morocco. I truly hope you can learn more about your roots, it is truly a fascinating road. We surely have much more in common than what we think, hopefully we can meet in another life :) Have a blessed day❤ Que Dios/Allah te bendiga!
I'm watching after learning my Father is of Sephardic origin and recently my Mother is of Morisco's Origin. I've always dealt with comments from people saying "You look middle eastern like your dad" along with ignorant ones that I don't really feel comfortable mentioning. I'm close to 19 minutes in and I decided to pause the video. I wanted to search to see if my last name came up in the baptism records and they did. Raposo did come up on page 208, Maria Raposo(Andalla), which makes sense after reading one of the surnames the Moriscos in Castile adopted was Raposo. I've dealt with a huge identity crisis all my life because I never really felt like I fit in anywhere and I never knew where I came from or what my roots were. Finding this out has brought tears to my eyes because it's validation that I was right and all the people who met me with ignorance were wrong. I never thought I would find this answer let alone find out what my last name really was but this was so gratifying to watch. Thank you endlessly for the happiness you brought me.
@@ramshafatima7178 Freedom from Arabization and Arabic desert customs is a gain not a loss. I am sure many North African indigenous people would love to have that possibility
I'm Indonesian. Most Indonesians are Muslim. some Indonesians, including me, study Arabic. In studying Arabic grammar, we use a phenomenal guidebook called "Alfiyah ibn Al Malik". This book was written by Muhammad Jamaluddin bin Malik in the 13th century. He was a Muslim who came from Andalusia, Spain. As Muslim students, we are very familiar with Muslim scholars who come from Spain. and we are proud of them.
@@WARLORDDOM because they are moslims no want converted to cristianity and want remove theirs history To take all their Islamic property and knowledge and attribute them to Christianity They translated all Arabic books into other languages, including the world's progress in all fields
i m moroccan from the city of chefchaouen, my ancestors are andalucians from Granada and they left to morocco in the 14th century. most of the families in chefchaouen are andalucians and still keep the keys for their left homes in andalucia until today as souvenirs.
This is so fascinating. My husband was born in France but his mother is from Spain. Her parents were both from Andalucia. Her dad from Alemeria. When I met my husband I couldn’t tell exactly what his ancestry was and I told him he looked Arab. He thought there was no way because he was Spanish and French. The more we dug in the more his arab looks started making more sense. His ancestral dna shows a good deal of birth african which is interesting since that would have come from more than 5 generations prior because the 5 generations we know are not apparently moor and yet it’s there. His ancestors are there and his handsome looks display it ❤
North Africans are not Arabs genetically. Arabic is a holy language, but also an ethnic group from the Arabian peninsula. North Africans are, in this case, arabophones, meaning Arabic speaking, but not Arabs.
Do research on Islam. I'm pretty sure you will get internal peace after embracing Islam. Those who seek guidance are helped by Allah Himself (creater of mankind and entire universe). Don't igonore this message. It's very much important.
44:35 Amazing how centuries old Islamic traditions are still alive among the Muslim decendents. May Allah Subhananhuwtala bless all of His creations with light of Islam. Ameen.
I found this documentary insightful. However, it's some dishonesty to not mention that many of the Moriscos were either forcefully converted to Christianity or killed. There's no doubt that others escaped to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire to escape persecution. Others who stayed back denounced Islam for their survival. Using euphemisms such as integration or name change wouldn't erase these facts.
@@732anoop There were terrible killings and rulers throughout Islamic Spain’s history but nothing could be compared to the brutality of the Spanish Inquisition For the most part, Muslim empires in Spain were tolerant and that’s why its societies were very successful and advanced. The least tolerant dynasty was the Almohads and even they were not that bad compared to post-Ferdinand and Isabelle Spain
@Jan Luca Basile Gambino You keep telling this lie, but repeating it doesn't mean it's true. If there was a real genocide, there would be no country Armenia now.
Thank you ...this is very eye opening & insighful for me as a Muslim who is keen to gain more understanding how Islamic history has touched various corners of the world.
Mi. Padre. Nos. Contaba. Nuestra historia soy. Andaluza. De. Sangre. De. Muchos. Siglos. A. La. Familia de. Mi. Padre. La. Conocianpor. Un. Nombre. Que. La. Familia. No. Sabía. De. Donde. Venía. He. Mirado. Hace. Poco. El. Origen. Y. Es. Musulman. Andalusi. Mi. Primer. Apellido. Es. Medina y. Mi. Familia. De. Granada,, estoy. Muy. Orgullosa de. Mis. Orígenes aunque. Siempre. Nos. Han. Menospreciado. Y. Siempre. Diciendo. Que. Los. Habían. Exterminado los. Eruditos. Andalusi y. La. Universidad de. Córdoba. Solo la. De. Salamanca. Que. Fue echa. Mucho. Después,,,han. Sido. Muchos. Siglos. Intentando. Dominarlos pero. Siempre. Sin. Saberlo. Hemos. Seguido. Costumbres. Ancestrales
Incredibly powerful documentary. She does it with such skill and sensitivity. The final part is amazing when she meets Layla, and history comes full circle..👏👏👏
Our clan relatives from my mother's side say we are descended from a certain Capitan Vicente Gallego who got stranded in the island of Guimaras, about 70 generations ago. My family is Muslim.
42 years now I first came to spanish harlem and lived among my islanders Puerto Rico Cuba is an arabic name morros the forts built by these desendants of moorish spain they carry arabic names to this day 5000 words in spanish and more of arabic origins. Amazing video
You're right, little do people know that moorish influences flourished in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Also in Merida Mexico. You'll see art and cultural resemblances between Mexico and Morrocco.
It's important to know who your roots are. Regardless of your skin color, everyone is the same, the most important thing is 'Fastabiqul Khairat'(trying to do good to everyone) value. Islam means peace... Peace be upon on you
A very nice documentary, We have a novel writer in Pakistan, Naseem hijazi, he wrote three novels on andulus rise and fall. Going through this documentary make me realise, how vivid his descriptions were. I am so happy that people are finding their roots
In Spain and Portugal, the Islamic era (711-1492 AD) is not taught in history at schools, it's just a small paragraph and it's not even considered as a history of the region ( geopolitical perception) and I think it's an episode of the Iberian peninsula history that should be taught .
@@suprauro calm down ! I know you don't like it but I think it should be taught in history classes after all it's and episode of your country's history . In our countries we do study also the Roman empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Vandals and the Ottoman... etc I think every culture passed in a country it's part of its civilisation even though you may hate it (politically biaised) .
Lol thats fake. I'm spanish and i ve studied plenty of spanish islamic period both in school and university (history degree). Even the 4th year we had a subject called "Islam and andalusian culture" which was focused only in that
Wrong ! I did learn all the Islamic Era in primary school, in Portugal. One of the first themes , actually. The different people and tribes we became from. Berber, Visigoths , Romans , Celtic, and others.
Pura mentira pro islam o la gente esta no se da cuenta que esos moriscos fueron musulmanes xq cuando nos invadieron obligaron a los paganos y a cristianos a convertirse al islam incluso xq no hablan de las mujeres esclavisadas para los harenes de los muslamens la reconquista ayudó aque volvieran a creer en la relgion en las que les fue prohibida o por el lavado de cerebro que le hiceork a los paganos x los musulmanes no entiendo de esta tipa o se olvida que esos moriscos fueron curstianos antes del islam
Muslim influences in Spain. Great red wine, cathedrals and churches, ham and pork, swimming and sunbathing in bikinis, Spanish language, Spanish alphabet, Catholicism....
@@giltedged7529 few Arabic words...? More like 4000. Even the buildings, it's more than 3 Andalusian buildings, a lot of them have been converted to churches and cathedrals. So, a lot of cathedrals were originally Andalusian mosques. There are still a lot of Andalusian ruins spread all over Spain and Portugal, especially Spain. Spain is full of them. Even cultural practices have stayed alive, especially in the south. You're ignorant of your history.
2 года назад+4
We are all human beings first. Skin color doesn't matter. Cultural diversity, cuisines, music, languages...is our common heritage.
I've done so much research on my family tree, researching the origin and the paths of various names. I am Syrian but on my mother's side it was long suspected we came from Spain from her mother's mother's side, and somewhere like Usbekistan on her fathers side. I looked into it and no, both sides must have come from spain based on the names, and are of Amazigh, and of Arabian origin. If I ever make it to spain, I want to look deeper into the records to see if I can find evidence of their surnames amongst the people who left, if such records exist. My Husband is Mexican, and I suspect his ancestry must be of Sephardic origin, another thing I would love to look into if I ever make it to Spain.
Actually there is no "arabian" blood in spain. You find 10% of moorish/amazgih blood (Morocco and West-Algeria) in spaniard people especially the region of andalusia valencia ... and when it comes to Morocco and West Algeria you rather find between 20 and 30 % iberian blood because of the arrival of many refugees post reconquista... there are even cities in nothern morocco and the atlantic side that have been created by iberian muslim refugees ... Anyway Andalussian were mostly islamised arabised iberian people just like Egyptian are arabised coptic and Just like Syrian are arabised arameans ! Arabian blood you find it in Saudi Yemen UAE QATAR Bahrein OMan.
Dear Syrian lady, no need to wait to go to Spain. If you are looking for books, like the ones shown on the documentary, The church records have been digitized by the Mormon church, and they are available through them online. You would need to know from what city/area they were, and have an idea about the surname. I know that it can be very difficult. If you have your DNA test done, you can begin with genetic matches, that might have more information than you. Tracing back your husband's lineage might be easier: most books in Mexico have been digitized.
Paula Palacios es un productor de documentario muy bien. Uno tiempo yo tenía un conversación con su y ella es un señora mucho educado y amable. Yo deseo su mucho éxito en su profesión y espero viene más buenos documentarios.
I wish I can do something like this…. As my father bear the name Castro (from Philippines)…. My dad and his brothers and uncles has features of Castilian’s…tall in height (except my dad lol), very sharp nose, wide forehead…..so sad even at my work …..I do not hear so many CASTRO’s… where and what happened to the CASTRO’s family name?
PROPHET MOSES, (& PROPHET JOSEPH/YUSUF before him) PROPHET DAWOOD/DAVID and many many other prophets who came after (PROPHET MOSES) but prior 2 PROPHET JESUS/EESA: what were they? CATHOLIC???
I miss my little finca in a small farm on the Catalan hill. Miss climbing up almond & olive trees during harvest seasons, escaping to secluded tiny beaches on the Catalan coast on hot days, day-tripping to small villages and towns or to the jungle & mountains, hiking around the campo, taking a week or two off road-tripping around Spain, chopping woods for fire in preparation for winter or just meeting other expats & locals by the village over cerveza for them, cafe con leche for me. Back to the documentary, Guzman who defended Tarifa from Muslim raid, Spain's much-loved historical figure that gets celebrated annually in La Reconquista festival, was also a Muslim.
Dejate de joder estos se olvidan que los moriscos la mayoría eran iberos que fueron obligados a ser muslamnes x ser paganos o cristianos vendidos como esclavos a muslamnes me encanta xq reclaman lo musulmana pero se olvidan de la historia real de los moriscos los del norte nos liberaron de esta peste de relgion, antiguso paganos y cristianos obligados a ser muslannes sino te asesinaban o te vendían como esclavo
I found this documentary was mind blowing... I am moslem from Indonesia, and in my school history I know one name Miguel Asin Palacios (The great schoolar in Islamic History). I think a young women in this documentary film would be his descendants because have same last name PALACIOS.
Wasn't he a Roman Catholic priest? As such, the chance of his having direct descendants would be zero. His own family ancestry might, however, he Morisco.
@@charmingman144 before they were pagans who obligate to convert to islam tiene the North reconquest free this people and who lost the chrsitian tradition obligate to convertir this program is pro islam
Este canal es pro árabe o me vas a decir que esta tipa no sabe que esos moriscos fueron anteriormente cristianos y paganos que fueron obligados a convertirse al islam con la onvasion árabe, reclama lo musulmana pero se olvida que ante fueron cristianos y los del norte con la reconquista los liberaron eso no lo cuentan y expulsaron a los qie eran musulmanes xq se conciedarabn muslanes olvidando que sus ancestros fueron por lo general paganos xq eran los más asesinados por no ser cristianos muslamnes
The souls in Granada salute you! Omg I felt that I recently went to Granada and I felt an eerie feeling in Albaicín quarter. However in the cathedral I felt so much heaviness almost choking couldn’t breathe I had to get out later I read it was a cite of an old mosque. I have muslim and jewish heritage so going to Granada was fascinating.When I went to Granada I felt like I’ve been there before and a very heavy feeling like souls are watching me. It’s very strange a type of yearning melancholy as if they are saying welcome.
Started researching my genealogy and discovered that I have Umayyad roots. My Umayyad ancestor fled Syria to North Africa then to Spain. Spain was a melting pot since I also have Sephardic and European ancestry.
Islam came to spain through conquest they defeated the visigoth(Pagans) in the south and settled there, but before islam came in spain there were Christians already in the north. . ..
"Cruelty of this expulsion..." it's more cruel when their country was conquered and invaded. If you don't want cruelty of being kicked out of a place, then don't invade what is not yours in the first place. Fool.
Thank you for doing this documentary. I enjoyed watching it, eith the beautiful scenary & music. I would love to be apart of my own documentary into my own roots.
My family name is Qurayshi ..i am from Pakistan and heard of Andalusia whikst attending college in the USA.. there i was interested in sufism and heard of Shaykh Ibn Arabi .... I never drramed i would ever see this land ..and now i live here in soain...its beautiful , soulful , romantic , sad and exotic ..
Spain today invites sephardic jews from spain ancestry to give them spanish citizenship while they dont grant same to Moriscos who mostly live in Morocco today. Double standard at its best.
@@Khan_911 Well if they don't qualify they can't come pretty simple. Their ancestors were expelled because they invaded and later waged war on the region. Once the war was over they still tried to convert people and cause problems of course they were asked to leave. There are many who decided to stay and assimilate as well those people were not expelled. If their descendants have the same notions it is still not welcome in Spain.
@@MissSilencedogoodbullshit the expulsion was unfair you just being nationalistic, I hope one day Portugal recognizes the right for the moriscos to come back as they should
@@1aica NOPE if you refuse to assimilate and insist on causing problems and trying to overthrow the government of Spain or Portugal they aren't welcome pretty simple really. Honestly if you did ANYTHING like that in Islamic majority countries you would be unalived.
@@HurairaHerbals Syrians are a levantine ethnic group that speak Arabic. Arab is a cultural/linguistic identity not an ethnic one. the native iberians made up the majority of the population in Al-Andalus and spoke a dialect of Arabic called mezo-arabic.
I noticed that to. I think they think muslim means Arab. Or they just try to lie about history. Clearly uneducated. They have this weird obsession with Arabs. I was waiting for them to say the first people on the moon were Arabs
Wow!! 😢 When will society learn we ALL we're placed here for REASON! We are our brothers and sisters keepers!!! 👀Around us and see the REAL world!!!!! IT’LL NEVER FADE AWAY!!!!!
Spain was many things before the Arabs invaded: Iberian, Celt, Roman, Byzantine, Goth. Arabs were a small minority when they invaded. And they were duly expelled one battle at a time.
I am a native from Jacksonville, Florida. My ancestors are from Morocco and Spsin They were one of the first Overseas generations who came to the United Dtates. Somewhere around 1500
I also suspect that I have roots in Andalusia. My mothers family is from the the mountains of tetouan Morocco. After visiting Granada this year I am more fascinated by my origins❤
Civil wars and struggle for more powers among the Moors leading to the declining of Muslim powers in Iberian Portugal and Spain, there fore they themselves are to blame
Yes they fought a lot against each other for power youre right the same happened with visigothic kingdoms on same lands centuries before. Strugle for power its as old as mankind for sure.
@@chinchanchou Everybody who wanted to stay in Spain took spanish names. Some names were taken more than others. Martinez and Rodriguez are 2 such names.
@@_robustus_ no this surname are spanish not jewish or muslim only a minority who convert adopt the surname of the "padrino" de bautismo but much conserv your ethnic surnames
the land was not rightfully theirs!! the moors invaded Spain and Spain kept failing in conquering the Moors until Italy helped and then they won their land back, so how in the world can you say this land was rightfully your ancestors the moors?
I believe that remaining Moriscos who stayed or were stuck in Spain were most likely found, executed and/or enslaved by the Inquisitors - well informed and organized police who would unlikely permit the oppressed to get married and baptize their infants. I do not think that any of the Morisco could have survived in such racist and hostile conditions and ostracizing environment in the long term! Their centuries long presence could leave some linguistic and cultural impacts and traces in Spanish culture and language, but I still strongly disagree with documentary that they could have any offspring.
If your heart has feeling of Islam, The Name " Allah subhan o wa talah " has an impact on your emotions, then there is no doubt of you being muslim. Go Catch Islam as soon as possible before it is too late.
@@XxLIVRAxX But it came from what is now Palestine, Jesus was middle-eastern. Why profess an alien faith like christianity? Why don't you simply embrace Paganism.
👏👏👏"Amazing video" | 🤔 "Strange how they had documents for everything until she wanted the name of her Family story to be read in documents or at least a story about her Family. It was as if she was being vetted and they are being careful not to make up her mind for her or repeat the past by letting their history disappear from that place. Even though she is leaving, that is part of her history too - but those that are staying want the history to stay there too. I wonder how her quest would open up to her if she stayed & married which would have written her Family name into the lineage & custom of that place by coming back & marrying into an assimilated Christian/Muslim relationship. But I guess she didn't feel a strong enough connection when her Family member showed her the pictures of her dark skinned relative & the Woman she drank tea with explained the spiritual connection, "even when you are alone you are not lonely. In the end, only she can decide and maybe one day she will"🕋
@@giltedged7529 Her Family was "Showing her they survived by intermarrying & still practice their culture, but she couldn't grasp the energy of that way of life. So when she asked certain questions, the record keeper would not give her the information she wanted because that type of information was to stay in that Country. This is how they survived for so long.
5:28 I don't think the skin-tone or ethnicity has anything to do with Morisco origins as Al-Andalus was quite diverse, sort of melting pot of civilizations including people of different ethnic origins like Carthaginians, Celtic, Romans, Visigoths, Suebi, Vandals, Byzantines, Arab, Berber, and Africans. Most people indigenous people converted to Islam due to captivity during battles, intermarriages or missionary activities.
The Spaniard’s were in south and North America for what 500 years ? the Arabs were in Spain for 800 years ? Look at what the Spaniards and Portuguese did to our native people completely changed our genetics. It’s pretty logical to expect the same thing happened in Spain with the Arabs taking Spanish women as wives etc. I am of Mexican parents from the state of Jalisco and Zacatecas but I look Arab, everyone I meet doesn’t believe me that I am Mexican. Genetically it has been carried all over Latin America as well. I know plenty of people from Mexico , Puerto Rico , Dominican Republic that are on the same boat as me.
Buenas Hector. Lo cierto es que ambas conquistas no se pueden comparar. Los "arabes" que invadieron España eran muy pocos (5-15%) y ejercían el poder en poblados donde la mayoría de musulmanes fueron celtíberos e iberos convertidos a esa religión. Los matrimonios mixtos no estaban bien vistos (al contrario que en América, que se recomendaban) por cuestiones de linaje, al que se le daba mucha importancia, y de religión ya ni hablamos. Los matrimonios mixtos fueron muy escasos. La herencia musulmana en España es mucho más cultural que genética, y así lo muestran los estudios históricos y genéticos, donde muestran un genotipo muy homogéneo,y porcentaje de norafricano residual y muchas veces inexistente. Espero haberte aclarado algo. Un saludo😊
Arabs RAPED the women and forced the entire population into slavery for 800 years! They converted or got their heads lopped off not sometimes ALL the time. They forced the country of Spain to convert die, or PAY MONEY TO EXIST!! Read the history of the moors had how they conquered Spain from an actual book not google.
According to a dna test im North African and Native Peruvian on my Mothers side., North west European and Scandinavian on my Fathers side (Dutch) . With me rejecting Christianity as an illogical, blood thirsty and cruel interpretation of God as well as the falacy of the Trinity, It seems to me that i either become a pagan German, a pagan Inca, or Muslim. The more i investigate, the more Islam makes sense, and the glow i feel hearing the words of the Qur'an, make me seriously considering reverting to Islam after I learn more. Thank you All Jazeera. Peace and blessings be upon you.
@@Yoo-yooYeshua funny stuff. You should do comedy for a living. Literary split my sides with the hilarity. Yoo Yoo Yeshua. Ooooh very funny and serious. You must be such a deep and many layered person?
Jesús sea lo que sea nunca mató o mandó a violar mujeres. Creía que por una lucha pacífica típica Gandhi, Israel iba a ser un país libre de los romanos, que al final fracasó y por eso dijo "Padre porque me has abandonado", sin embargo, su imagen aún sigue vivo 2000 años después. Mahoma por otra parte, cuando predicó no todos le escucharon (como a Jesús), pero al contrario que este cada año se hacía más violento contra aquellos que no querían escucharle, así hasta que logró conquistar toda la península arábiga, lamentablemente derramando sangre
@@marioformosa4259 Prophet Abraham is the father of 3 religions: Jews, Christianity and Islam. Prophet Abraham & Prophet Ishmael built kaaba in Mecca. The jews alienate Ishmael as they believe God covenant is with Prophet Isaac alone. The Torah described him as wild man. The zionist cursed him because he’s the bloodline father of Arab people.
When I was told I had Spanish in me I was also told I have Coptic Egyptian. I learned the Copts are not Muslim, but Christian. So my ancestors were African, but not Muslim/Moor.
Ms Paola, it matters where we came from but where we are heading is most important part. GOD ALMIGHTY HAS BLESSED us with being Crown of Creation called human beings with intellect, retrospection, understanding and conscience to be able to understand why are we here on planet earth, what is our purpose of existence and how are we gonna prepare for what is bound to come, the Day of Judgment and ultimate justice. I invite you to ponder upon Islam and I believe you will be able to address the calling coming from inside compelling you to search for its roots. You will definitely find the roots and you might connect yourself as a leaf of the tree whose roots are embedded in Spanish history of Islamic origin.
@@طيرشلوى-ث8ز LOL not at all Spain is one of the MOST Catholic countries in Europe so is Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Poland and myriad of other countries in fact it is the FASTEST growing religion in the world.
I was born in Puerto Rico. I know my ancestors are from Spain, but this documentary has proven to me that we have a rich islamic past. As those that migrated to Puerto Rico came from Andalusian communities. I am a revert myself. Did my shahada in Morocco. This before I found out my DNA results. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Felicidades, hermana ❤
Hello sister, actually many Puerto Ricans 🇵🇷 descend from Canarians 🇮🇨 who are a mix of native North Africans (imazighen/berbers) or mostly known as Guanches ⵣ (in the Canary Islands) and Iberian Spaniards🇪🇸. I, myself, am Moroccan 🇲🇦 of amazigh descent with half of my family having an amazigh culture and the rest being arabized with an Andalusian Moroccan fesi heritage and an amazigh arabized from the rif region (Mostly know as the tsoul region). The Guanches are the only aboriginal people of North Africa who were not Islamized. You can even go to the Canary Islands to learn more about its history. In these times, more and more Canarians reject their political/ethnic European identity to further reconnect with their native African side. It is a beautiful way to commemorate their elders and their lost culture/language. There’s also many cities, islands and volcanos that have tamazight (native language) original names, such as the island “Gomera” which is a well known amazigh tribe (Ghomara) that we can even find in northern Morocco. I truly hope you can learn more about your roots, it is truly a fascinating road. We surely have much more in common than what we think, hopefully we can meet in another life :) Have a blessed day❤ Que Dios/Allah te bendiga!
He found you lost and guided you” [Quran :93:]
Wow how great come back Your Ancestors Religion love From Bangladesh 🇧🇩♥️
I'm watching after learning my Father is of Sephardic origin and recently my Mother is of Morisco's Origin. I've always dealt with comments from people saying "You look middle eastern like your dad" along with ignorant ones that I don't really feel comfortable mentioning. I'm close to 19 minutes in and I decided to pause the video. I wanted to search to see if my last name came up in the baptism records and they did. Raposo did come up on page 208, Maria Raposo(Andalla), which makes sense after reading one of the surnames the Moriscos in Castile adopted was Raposo. I've dealt with a huge identity crisis all my life because I never really felt like I fit in anywhere and I never knew where I came from or what my roots were. Finding this out has brought tears to my eyes because it's validation that I was right and all the people who met me with ignorance were wrong. I never thought I would find this answer let alone find out what my last name really was but this was so gratifying to watch. Thank you endlessly for the happiness you brought me.
You've still got a problem. You need to find out about the other 95% or so of your DNA.
@@marioformosa4259 it's actually about 80% sir, and I've been doing the necessary research for the past 2 years.
I'm happy for you Mash'Allah. May Allah swt restore to you all that you and we, collectively lost.
I'm happy Andala that you found your lineage, but we truly are what we believe and act on.
@@ramshafatima7178 Freedom from Arabization and Arabic desert customs is a gain not a loss. I am sure many North African indigenous people would love to have that possibility
I'm Indonesian. Most Indonesians are Muslim. some Indonesians, including me, study Arabic. In studying Arabic grammar, we use a phenomenal guidebook called "Alfiyah ibn Al Malik". This book was written by Muhammad Jamaluddin bin Malik in the 13th century. He was a Muslim who came from Andalusia, Spain. As Muslim students, we are very familiar with Muslim scholars who come from Spain. and we are proud of them.
The only reason moriscos were killed was due to slavery
I am Somali from East Africa and we use the Alfiyah kitab which is the extensive guide in Nahw Arabic Grammar
@@WARLORDDOM because they are moslims no want converted to cristianity and want remove theirs history
To take all their Islamic property and knowledge and attribute them to Christianity They translated all Arabic books into other languages, including the world's progress in all fields
@@WARLORDDOM What do you mean, Slavery was still a thing even after kicking the Moriscos out of Iberia, and it continued until the early 1800s.
i m moroccan from the city of chefchaouen, my ancestors are andalucians from Granada and they left to morocco in the 14th century. most of the families in chefchaouen are andalucians and still keep the keys for their left homes in andalucia until today as souvenirs.
My ancestors are moriscos from Andalucia. Like many other families here in Tunisia, my family still remember from where they came.
Omg can you tell us more this is so interesting a lot of mariscos forgot about their history.
This is so fascinating. My husband was born in France but his mother is from Spain. Her parents were both from Andalucia. Her dad from Alemeria. When I met my husband I couldn’t tell exactly what his ancestry was and I told him he looked Arab. He thought there was no way because he was Spanish and French. The more we dug in the more his arab looks started making more sense. His ancestral dna shows a good deal of birth african which is interesting since that would have come from more than 5 generations prior because the 5 generations we know are not apparently moor and yet it’s there. His ancestors are there and his handsome looks display it ❤
North Africans are not Arabs genetically. Arabic is a holy language, but also an ethnic group from the Arabian peninsula. North Africans are, in this case, arabophones, meaning Arabic speaking, but not Arabs.
His Ancestors was Muslim but christian force to accept christian 😢😢
Do research on Islam. I'm pretty sure you will get internal peace after embracing Islam. Those who seek guidance are helped by Allah Himself (creater of mankind and entire universe). Don't igonore this message. It's very much important.
Iam Libyan from Libya 🇱🇾 I have roots from Andalusia from my mother side
44:35 Amazing how centuries old Islamic traditions are still alive among the Muslim decendents. May Allah Subhananhuwtala bless all of His creations with light of Islam. Ameen.
I found this documentary insightful. However, it's some dishonesty to not mention that many of the Moriscos were either forcefully converted to Christianity or killed. There's no doubt that others escaped to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire to escape persecution. Others who stayed back denounced Islam for their survival. Using euphemisms such as integration or name change wouldn't erase these facts.
What about the killing done by invading Arab forces across globe, you should say about that too.
@@732anoop you mean the crusades?
@@732anoop There were terrible killings and rulers throughout Islamic Spain’s history but nothing could be compared to the brutality of the Spanish Inquisition
For the most part, Muslim empires in Spain were tolerant and that’s why its societies were very successful and advanced. The least tolerant dynasty was the Almohads and even they were not that bad compared to post-Ferdinand and Isabelle Spain
@Certinho True, this person is not talking about the brutality experienced in Goa (India). He is completely Islamophobic dishonest person.
42:55 this father is truly blessed subhan Allah
This has to be the most ignored ethnic cleansing ever done throughout history
@Jan Luca Basile Gambino there is no such thing, the real genocide was done to the Turks.
@Jan Luca Basile Gambino there is no such thing.
@Jan Luca Basile Gambino You keep telling this lie, but repeating it doesn't mean it's true. If there was a real genocide, there would be no country Armenia now.
Probably not so pronounced as the Arabization of North Africa. Look at them now
@@theresecoco1887 why I see u everywhere
Thank you ...this is very eye opening & insighful for me as a Muslim who is keen to gain more understanding how Islamic history has touched various corners of the world.
Arabic culture has so much fashion, it’s magical. So proud of my origins!❤️
which fashion xD?
Look at ISIS
The virgin one culture vs the chad mediterranean mixed arab, roman, greek, frankish and berber chad.
Beautiful documentary
Thank you Al Jazeera for making it & educating us
I watch this with tears in my eyes 😢
Mi. Padre. Nos. Contaba. Nuestra historia soy. Andaluza. De. Sangre. De. Muchos. Siglos. A. La. Familia de. Mi. Padre. La. Conocianpor. Un. Nombre. Que. La. Familia. No. Sabía. De. Donde. Venía. He. Mirado. Hace. Poco. El. Origen. Y. Es. Musulman. Andalusi. Mi. Primer. Apellido. Es. Medina y. Mi. Familia. De. Granada,, estoy. Muy. Orgullosa de. Mis. Orígenes aunque. Siempre. Nos. Han. Menospreciado. Y. Siempre. Diciendo. Que. Los. Habían. Exterminado los. Eruditos. Andalusi y. La. Universidad de. Córdoba. Solo la. De. Salamanca. Que. Fue echa. Mucho. Después,,,han. Sido. Muchos. Siglos. Intentando. Dominarlos pero. Siempre. Sin. Saberlo. Hemos. Seguido. Costumbres. Ancestrales
Incredibly powerful documentary. She does it with such skill and sensitivity. The final part is amazing when she meets Layla, and history comes full circle..👏👏👏
Our clan relatives from my mother's side say we are descended from a certain Capitan Vicente Gallego who got stranded in the island of Guimaras, about 70 generations ago.
My family is Muslim.
42 years now I first came to spanish harlem and lived among my islanders Puerto Rico Cuba is an arabic name morros the forts built by these desendants of moorish spain they carry arabic names to this day 5000 words in spanish and more of arabic origins. Amazing video
You're right, little do people know that moorish influences flourished in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Also in Merida Mexico. You'll see art and cultural resemblances between Mexico and Morrocco.
@@alwizardus really? I only knew about the new spain Governor Pacheco who was Morisco himself, what else?
It's important to know who your roots are. Regardless of your skin color, everyone is the same, the most important thing is 'Fastabiqul Khairat'(trying to do good to everyone) value. Islam means peace... Peace be upon on you
A piece of you here and there 💣💣💣
@@mrx9920 a piece of
ur finger up yours
Peace be upon you too brother/sister
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh 🙏🏽
I am Muslim and Islam does not mean peace. However, Islam preaches peace when it is peace. I am not trying to be negative here but just be honest.
A very nice documentary,
We have a novel writer in Pakistan,
Naseem hijazi, he wrote three novels on andulus rise and fall.
Going through this documentary make me realise, how vivid his descriptions were.
I am so happy that people are finding their roots
In Spain and Portugal, the Islamic era (711-1492 AD) is not taught in history at schools, it's just a small paragraph and it's not even considered as a history of the region ( geopolitical perception) and I think it's an episode of the Iberian peninsula history that should be taught .
It's not a part of my history, only a Black time for Spain, wish doesn't exist
@@suprauro calm down ! I know you don't like it but I think it should be taught in history classes after all it's and episode of your country's history .
In our countries we do study also the Roman empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Vandals and the Ottoman... etc
I think every culture passed in a country it's part of its civilisation even though you may hate it (politically biaised) .
@@suprauro We will conquer spain again dont worry
Lol thats fake. I'm spanish and i ve studied plenty of spanish islamic period both in school and university (history degree). Even the 4th year we had a subject called "Islam and andalusian culture" which was focused only in that
Wrong ! I did learn all the Islamic Era in primary school, in Portugal. One of the first themes , actually. The different people and tribes we became from. Berber, Visigoths , Romans , Celtic, and others.
I love Andalusian history!
@@mountainman0004 thank you, sir! May God bless you!
I too. Everyone loves La Reconquista
@@mountainman0004 lies stop repeat it
@@mountainman0004 A grown men with so much hate and lies.
@@mountainman0004 Spain was Pagan before Christianity.
It is a fabulous rewind of the lost History of Islamic Spain. My heartfelt Congratulations for the team who worked for this.
A fascinating story. Spanish history will not be complete without mention of muslim influences of many centuries in spain.
Pura mentira pro islam o la gente esta no se da cuenta que esos moriscos fueron musulmanes xq cuando nos invadieron obligaron a los paganos y a cristianos a convertirse al islam incluso xq no hablan de las mujeres esclavisadas para los harenes de los muslamens la reconquista ayudó aque volvieran a creer en la relgion en las que les fue prohibida o por el lavado de cerebro que le hiceork a los paganos x los musulmanes no entiendo de esta tipa o se olvida que esos moriscos fueron curstianos antes del islam
Muslim influences in Spain. Great red wine, cathedrals and churches, ham and pork, swimming and sunbathing in bikinis, Spanish language, Spanish alphabet, Catholicism....
@@marioformosa4259 Just accept that your culture has heavily been influenced by Islam.
Yes there are a few Arabic words, a few Arabic place names and three buildings for the tourists
@@giltedged7529 few Arabic words...? More like 4000. Even the buildings, it's more than 3 Andalusian buildings, a lot of them have been converted to churches and cathedrals. So, a lot of cathedrals were originally Andalusian mosques. There are still a lot of Andalusian ruins spread all over Spain and Portugal, especially Spain. Spain is full of them. Even cultural practices have stayed alive, especially in the south. You're ignorant of your history.
We are all human beings first. Skin color doesn't matter. Cultural diversity, cuisines, music, languages...is our common heritage.
Was waiting the whole film for the views of Granada
The Alhambra and the Mosque-Cathedral are always thrown in. I used to imagine that Spain had a sort of Alhambra in every town.
A quite good documentary Al Jazeera.
I have learned many points about Spanish History.
It is alweys good to know your roots.
....even if it is just 1%
@@marioformosa4259 lol
They denounce their islam , but deep inside their heart , the faith of islam is still alive.
Amazing how the language itself has so many Arabic names. I can understand some by listening
Yeah and it's one of the reasons why it's easy for the Arabic speakers to learn Spanish at least in my case
Yeah the surname Castanein is arabic for chestnuts 🌰
@@Miro.s. Hihi really
I've done so much research on my family tree, researching the origin and the paths of various names. I am Syrian but on my mother's side it was long suspected we came from Spain from her mother's mother's side, and somewhere like Usbekistan on her fathers side. I looked into it and no, both sides must have come from spain based on the names, and are of Amazigh, and of Arabian origin. If I ever make it to spain, I want to look deeper into the records to see if I can find evidence of their surnames amongst the people who left, if such records exist. My Husband is Mexican, and I suspect his ancestry must be of Sephardic origin, another thing I would love to look into if I ever make it to Spain.
You would be more than welcome any Time in Spain, sister
Are you muslim? If you don't mind answering
Actually there is no "arabian" blood in spain. You find 10% of moorish/amazgih blood (Morocco and West-Algeria) in spaniard people especially the region of andalusia valencia ... and when it comes to Morocco and West Algeria you rather find between 20 and 30 % iberian blood because of the arrival of many refugees post reconquista... there are even cities in nothern morocco and the atlantic side that have been created by iberian muslim refugees ... Anyway Andalussian were mostly islamised arabised iberian people just like Egyptian are arabised coptic and Just like Syrian are arabised arameans ! Arabian blood you find it in Saudi Yemen UAE QATAR Bahrein OMan.
Mexicans and Arabs are very different. We not the same nor do we carry the same blood. Most likely you a Jew descendant
Dear Syrian lady, no need to wait to go to Spain. If you are looking for books, like the ones shown on the documentary, The church records have been digitized by the Mormon church, and they are available through them online.
You would need to know from what city/area they were, and have an idea about the surname.
I know that it can be very difficult. If you have your DNA test done, you can begin with genetic matches, that might have more information than you.
Tracing back your husband's lineage might be easier: most books in Mexico have been digitized.
Unbiased and elaborative documentary..Totally new for me, although I know Spanish history. Great work by her.
I will Dua for all people around the world easily return to the right path
Paula Palacios es un productor de documentario muy bien. Uno tiempo yo tenía un conversación con su y ella es un señora mucho educado y amable.
Yo deseo su mucho éxito en su profesión y espero viene más buenos documentarios.
Alhamdulilah sister thank you, please continue to search
Love this documentary i feel so connected with this story 💔
I wish I can do something like this…. As my father bear the name Castro (from Philippines)…. My dad and his brothers and uncles has features of Castilian’s…tall in height (except my dad lol), very sharp nose, wide forehead…..so sad even at my work …..I do not hear so many CASTRO’s… where and what happened to the CASTRO’s family name?
I wish to find documentation a on the Marranos or converso
Assalamualaikum at the end made my day❤️
My ancestors were buried in the Taifa's necropolis in Moncada.
Forgot about that u are spanish and catholic ❤ God bless our Spain 🇪🇸
before him)
and many many other prophets who came after (PROPHET MOSES) but prior 2 PROPHET JESUS/EESA: what were they?
Haha spain trying to hide what they do with Muslim 😂 spanish Muslim was forcefully convert to christian when Arab los Role Spain
@@sheikhsaju-bw6nmno one's denying it
@@WARLORDDOM spanish they denie it
Fantastic documentary & Really Appreciated the efforts on bringing this insightful information's
I miss my little finca in a small farm on the Catalan hill. Miss climbing up almond & olive trees during harvest seasons, escaping to secluded tiny beaches on the Catalan coast on hot days, day-tripping to small villages and towns or to the jungle & mountains, hiking around the campo, taking a week or two off road-tripping around Spain, chopping woods for fire in preparation for winter or just meeting other expats & locals by the village over cerveza for them, cafe con leche for me.
Back to the documentary, Guzman who defended Tarifa from Muslim raid, Spain's much-loved historical figure that gets celebrated annually in La Reconquista festival, was also a Muslim.
Dejate de joder estos se olvidan que los moriscos la mayoría eran iberos que fueron obligados a ser muslamnes x ser paganos o cristianos vendidos como esclavos a muslamnes me encanta xq reclaman lo musulmana pero se olvidan de la historia real de los moriscos los del norte nos liberaron de esta peste de relgion, antiguso paganos y cristianos obligados a ser muslannes sino te asesinaban o te vendían como esclavo
Good to know. Spain is Spanish, European and Christian
@@giltedged7529 lol rubbish
so what??
I found this documentary was mind blowing... I am moslem from Indonesia, and in my school history I know one name Miguel Asin Palacios (The great schoolar in Islamic History). I think a young women in this documentary film would be his descendants because have same last name PALACIOS.
Wasn't he a Roman Catholic priest? As such, the chance of his having direct descendants would be zero. His own family ancestry might, however, he Morisco.
Every year in Spain thousands are converting/reverting back to its Islamic Origins and cant be denied ❤
will love to see more videos on moriscos....
very important documentary!!
سپین میں رہنے والوں کے لئے بہت معلوماتی پروگرام ہے۔ شکریہ الجزیرہ
She is definitely of middle eastern heritage, no doubts about it and very beautiful.
No she ain’t lol
I recommend that Paula does her DNA. DNA reveals much of our history.
almost all people of Spain have Arabic DNA..
It would most likely come out overwhelmingly Iberian
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg most were Iberian
@@ghrtfhfgdfnfg the moors
The Moriscos were mostly Muslim Spaniards lol.
Sephardic Jews and Moriscos got along and lived together back in 711AD and have similar transition of the exile and conversion to Christianity.
..Forced conversion to Christianity perhaps would be appropriate.
@@owen-zw8xo Did you understand that Moriscos were forced to convert to Christianity. Nonetheless, they were expelled.
@@owen-zw8xo I guess Christianity will cease to exist soon.....I think that will be greatly appropriate and goooooooood!!!
@@charmingman144 before they were pagans who obligate to convert to islam tiene the North reconquest free this people and who lost the chrsitian tradition obligate to convertir this program is pro islam
@@charmingman144 she don tknow the morisco oblugate to cknvert to islam befire were pagams and Christian 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Wonderful Documentary.
Rural Spain is so beautiful and seems like everyone is running away from it....
This is a islammm redicallll chennel
@@swayamsouravdash2433 I don't get your point, what does it get to do with what I said??
@@gmcwww you are correct but al Jazeera is not good
Este canal es pro árabe o me vas a decir que esta tipa no sabe que esos moriscos fueron anteriormente cristianos y paganos que fueron obligados a convertirse al islam con la onvasion árabe, reclama lo musulmana pero se olvida que ante fueron cristianos y los del norte con la reconquista los liberaron eso no lo cuentan y expulsaron a los qie eran musulmanes xq se conciedarabn muslanes olvidando que sus ancestros fueron por lo general paganos xq eran los más asesinados por no ser cristianos muslamnes
@@swayamsouravdash2433 I think it depends on what your opinion 😅 I used to see CNN, and there's a lot of western perspectife right there
The souls in Granada salute you! Omg I felt that I recently went to Granada and I felt an eerie feeling in Albaicín quarter. However in the cathedral I felt so much heaviness almost choking couldn’t breathe I had to get out later I read it was a cite of an old mosque. I have muslim and jewish heritage so going to Granada was fascinating.When I went to Granada I felt like I’ve been there before and a very heavy feeling like souls are watching me. It’s very strange a type of yearning melancholy as if they are saying welcome.
"Thank you" from Belgium
Started researching my genealogy and discovered that I have Umayyad roots. My Umayyad ancestor fled Syria to North Africa then to Spain. Spain was a melting pot since I also have Sephardic and European ancestry.
Haha spain trying to hide what they do with Muslim 😂 spanish Muslim was forcefully convert to christian when Arab los Role Spain
No doubt...Islam is so beautiful...when Allh gives u the chance
The Yazidi women don't think so
Islam came to spain through conquest they defeated the visigoth(Pagans) in the south and settled there, but before islam came in spain there were Christians already in the north. . ..
@@giltedged7529 and I think ur effeminate & a pos
@@giltedged7529 Most of western converts to Islam are women
Especially the terrorism and throwing gays out of the roofs!!
Loved the story! I am of Mexican heritage, when I research my family tree I’m always “very” interested when i see a Muslim/Arab ancestor.
"Cruelty of this expulsion..." it's more cruel when their country was conquered and invaded. If you don't want cruelty of being kicked out of a place, then don't invade what is not yours in the first place. Fool.
Thanks for posting.
Very interseting documentary, wish Al jazeera will enlighten us once more with the story of expelled moorish who fled to North Africa.
Thank you for doing this documentary. I enjoyed watching it, eith the beautiful scenary & music. I would love to be apart of my own documentary into my own roots.
Beautiful documentary well done
My family name is Qurayshi ..i am from Pakistan and heard of Andalusia whikst attending college in the USA.. there i was interested in sufism and heard of Shaykh Ibn Arabi .... I never drramed i would ever see this land ..and now i live here in soain...its beautiful , soulful , romantic , sad and exotic ..
I admire people who have a longing in their soups to know who they are ..h am glad you found yourself
Spain today invites sephardic jews from spain ancestry to give them spanish citizenship while they dont grant same to Moriscos who mostly live in Morocco today. Double standard at its best.
No, I think they do. Although unless you can prove it they shouldn't allow just anyone to come.
@@MissSilencedogood not anyone, people in Morocco who come from Morisco roots cannot apply spanish citizenship today.
@@Khan_911 Well if they don't qualify they can't come pretty simple. Their ancestors were expelled because they invaded and later waged war on the region. Once the war was over they still tried to convert people and cause problems of course they were asked to leave. There are many who decided to stay and assimilate as well those people were not expelled. If their descendants have the same notions it is still not welcome in Spain.
@@MissSilencedogoodbullshit the expulsion was unfair you just being nationalistic, I hope one day Portugal recognizes the right for the moriscos to come back as they should
@@1aica NOPE if you refuse to assimilate and insist on causing problems and trying to overthrow the government of Spain or Portugal they aren't welcome pretty simple really. Honestly if you did ANYTHING like that in Islamic majority countries you would be unalived.
The moriscos were NOT arabs. Most had Iberian and Berber ancestry. STOP CALLING THEM ARABS! It's racist!
There were a lot of Arabs from Syria who went to Spain as well.
@@HurairaHerbals Syrians are a levantine ethnic group that speak Arabic. Arab is a cultural/linguistic identity not an ethnic one. the native iberians made up the majority of the population in Al-Andalus and spoke a dialect of Arabic called mezo-arabic.
You would never done any of these great thing without the arab commands
I noticed that to. I think they think muslim means Arab. Or they just try to lie about history. Clearly uneducated. They have this weird obsession with Arabs. I was waiting for them to say the first people on the moon were Arabs
@@نمنمننننمم He was not an arab lol he was an amazigh!
That was a good documentary Paula felicitation to you and Aljazeera
I will always cherish Al Andalus
Beautiful documentary I hope to see more.
✝️✝️✝️✝️ WE WIN HAHAHA
Wow!! 😢
When will society learn we ALL we're placed here for REASON!
We are our brothers and sisters keepers!!!
👀Around us and see the REAL world!!!!!
Spain was many things before the Arabs invaded: Iberian, Celt, Roman, Byzantine, Goth. Arabs were a small minority when they invaded. And they were duly expelled one battle at a time.
I am a native from Jacksonville, Florida. My ancestors are from Morocco and Spsin They were one of the first Overseas generations who came to the United Dtates. Somewhere around 1500
Arubia in Moroccan literally means "countryside".
Indeed, most of the Arabs who settled in Morocco and spain were mainly peasants from Palestine and Syria and from Egypt to a lesser extent
Thanks a lot dear for that documents
Tq aljazera....beautiful showcase...thanks
It's beautiful
I also suspect that I have roots in Andalusia. My mothers family is from the the mountains of tetouan Morocco. After visiting Granada this year I am more fascinated by my origins❤
Civil wars and struggle for more powers among the Moors leading to the declining of Muslim powers in Iberian Portugal and Spain, there fore they themselves are to blame
They are to blame for invading Spain and now for turning not pretty but still normal urban zones into Islamic slums
@@giltedged7529 & u inbreds are to blame for the genocide in sudo Americano
Yes they fought a lot against each other for power youre right the same happened with visigothic kingdoms on same lands centuries before. Strugle for power its as old as mankind for sure.
Insahallah glory will come back
Salaam will prevail, inshallah.
It's already there. Spain is a wonderful country. And it is a member of NATO
@@marioformosa4259 Not only Spain, Portugal, too. This time we will reconquer the whole Iberian peninsula insha'a Allah.
Inshallah christian will reconquer their land in North Africa. Reconquista 2.0!
@@girdharsingh4287 You know deep inside that what you said is never going to happen. Insha'a Allah
It's so interesting , many of the descendants of the Moriscos have Sephardic surnames like Martinez etc. I think the Moriscos intermarried Sephardim
Martinez is spanish surname no jewish, the jewish when convert adotp spanish surnames ignorant!! All who read in Internet are true
Martinez is Jewish? Tf it’s so common in the new world lol
@@abbad707 is spanish not jewish ignorante
Everybody who wanted to stay in Spain took spanish names. Some names were taken more than others. Martinez and Rodriguez are 2 such names.
@@_robustus_ no this surname are spanish not jewish or muslim only a minority who convert adopt the surname of the "padrino" de bautismo but much conserv your ethnic surnames
Very fascinating….thank you
search for the subconscious... begins in knowledge of roots...
And that's only a small part of their roots. Imagine trying to go back to the Iberian, Roman etc
That doesn't make any sense
the land was not rightfully theirs!! the moors invaded Spain and Spain kept failing in conquering the Moors until Italy helped and then they won their land back, so how in the world can you say this land was rightfully your ancestors the moors?
Tribes/ethnicities invaded each other all the time, genius.
@@afrozzz5634 True! from the beginning of mankind
800 years later, most of the moors then were natives spaniards not arabs or blacks
@@pannellclara What nonsense are you talking about ?
Saving it for later, very interesting
I believe that remaining Moriscos who stayed or were stuck in Spain were most likely found, executed and/or enslaved by the Inquisitors - well informed and organized police who would unlikely permit the oppressed to get married and baptize their infants. I do not think that any of the Morisco could have survived in such racist and hostile conditions and ostracizing environment in the long term! Their centuries long presence could leave some linguistic and cultural impacts and traces in Spanish culture and language, but I still strongly disagree with documentary that they could have any offspring.
If your heart has feeling of Islam, The Name " Allah subhan o wa talah " has an impact on your emotions, then there is no doubt of you being muslim. Go Catch Islam as soon as possible before it is too late.
If Spaniards hated middle East n Africa so much, then why did they accept Christianity, after all it came from same region
Christianity spread during the classic period of the Roman Empire, as a religion Catholicism serve to preserve the legacy of Roman civilization
@@XxLIVRAxX But it came from what is now Palestine, Jesus was middle-eastern.
Why profess an alien faith like christianity? Why don't you simply embrace Paganism.
👏👏👏"Amazing video" | 🤔 "Strange how they had documents for everything until she wanted the name of her Family story to be read in documents or at least a story about her Family. It was as if she was being vetted and they are being careful not to make up her mind for her or repeat the past by letting their history disappear from that place. Even though she is leaving, that is part of her history too - but those that are staying want the history to stay there too. I wonder how her quest would open up to her if she stayed & married which would have written her Family name into the lineage & custom of that place by coming back & marrying into an assimilated Christian/Muslim relationship. But I guess she didn't feel a strong enough connection when her Family member showed her the pictures of her dark skinned relative & the Woman she drank tea with explained the spiritual connection, "even when you are alone you are not lonely. In the end, only she can decide and maybe one day she will"🕋
Much ado about nothing apart from the Muslim propaganda expenditure by Al Jazeera.The lady is Spanish and looks Spanish
@@giltedged7529 Her Family was "Showing her they survived by intermarrying & still practice their culture, but she couldn't grasp the energy of that way of life. So when she asked certain questions, the record keeper would not give her the information she wanted because that type of information was to stay in that Country. This is how they survived for so long.
@@giltedged7529 what propaganda scumbag
How about a full stop from time to time.
5:28 I don't think the skin-tone or ethnicity has anything to do with Morisco origins as Al-Andalus was quite diverse, sort of melting pot of civilizations including people of different ethnic origins like Carthaginians, Celtic, Romans, Visigoths, Suebi, Vandals, Byzantines, Arab, Berber, and Africans. Most people indigenous people converted to Islam due to captivity during battles, intermarriages or missionary activities.
Not even missionary activities, it is not surprising that people many become Muslim when they learn about and experience Islam in their environment.
The Spaniard’s were in south and North America for what 500 years ? the Arabs were in Spain for 800 years ? Look at what the Spaniards and Portuguese did to our native people completely changed our genetics. It’s pretty logical to expect the same thing happened in Spain with the Arabs taking Spanish women as wives etc. I am of Mexican parents from the state of Jalisco and Zacatecas but I look Arab, everyone I meet doesn’t believe me that I am Mexican. Genetically it has been carried all over Latin America as well. I know plenty of people from Mexico , Puerto Rico , Dominican Republic that are on the same boat as me.
america la colonizaro antes de la expusion de los moriscos.
Buenas Hector. Lo cierto es que ambas conquistas no se pueden comparar. Los "arabes" que invadieron España eran muy pocos (5-15%) y ejercían el poder en poblados donde la mayoría de musulmanes fueron celtíberos e iberos convertidos a esa religión. Los matrimonios mixtos no estaban bien vistos (al contrario que en América, que se recomendaban) por cuestiones de linaje, al que se le daba mucha importancia, y de religión ya ni hablamos. Los matrimonios mixtos fueron muy escasos. La herencia musulmana en España es mucho más cultural que genética, y así lo muestran los estudios históricos y genéticos, donde muestran un genotipo muy homogéneo,y porcentaje de norafricano residual y muchas veces inexistente. Espero haberte aclarado algo. Un saludo😊
Arabs RAPED the women and forced the entire population into slavery for 800 years! They converted or got their heads lopped off not sometimes ALL the time. They forced the country of Spain to convert die, or PAY MONEY TO EXIST!! Read the history of the moors had how they conquered Spain from an actual book not google.
According to a dna test im North African and Native Peruvian on my Mothers side., North west European and Scandinavian on my Fathers side (Dutch) . With me rejecting Christianity as an illogical, blood thirsty and cruel interpretation of God as well as the falacy of the Trinity, It seems to me that i either become a pagan German, a pagan Inca, or Muslim. The more i investigate, the more Islam makes sense, and the glow i feel hearing the words of the Qur'an, make me seriously considering reverting to Islam after I learn more. Thank you All Jazeera. Peace and blessings be upon you.
Have u thought of looking into the Olympian Gods? If u accept Zues you will find yourself
@@Yoo-yooYeshua funny stuff. You should do comedy for a living. Literary split my sides with the hilarity. Yoo Yoo Yeshua. Ooooh very funny and serious. You must be such a deep and many layered person?
Jesús sea lo que sea nunca mató o mandó a violar mujeres. Creía que por una lucha pacífica típica Gandhi, Israel iba a ser un país libre de los romanos, que al final fracasó y por eso dijo "Padre porque me has abandonado", sin embargo, su imagen aún sigue vivo 2000 años después.
Mahoma por otra parte, cuando predicó no todos le escucharon (como a Jesús), pero al contrario que este cada año se hacía más violento contra aquellos que no querían escucharle, así hasta que logró conquistar toda la península arábiga, lamentablemente derramando sangre
@@juanjhonsoy don't speak Spanish. Sorry. Perdon ame Mi Espanol es terrible. Yo no able Espanol
@@Yoo-yooYeshuabros name is yeshua, you just cannot mock people with this name little foe, it is like being mocked by my gardener or my albañil
It would be great if these people find out not only their Morisco ancestors but the the Spanish ancestors of the Moriscos
The earliest fossil evidence of early modern humans appears in Africa around 300000 years ago so why don't u accept the fact that u came from Africa
@@zeeshanhasan2618 You mean when they walked on all fours/
@@giltedged7529 what
@@zeeshanhasan2618 ignore her she's an inbred & doing it with her uncle
Most of these Moriscos are are Iberians/Spaniards who became Muslim and started speak Arabic.
Very interesting video. I personally believe all people with Spanish blood in them have some traces of Islamic heritage in them regardless 😌
Here many Maxican or Latin American people have names for men Osman and Omar & for women Mariam and Maria
Make us confuse
Back in High School I had a Mexican classmate with the name Ismail. I always wondered how he got that name.
@@messa7909 from old testament Bible
@@eldorado4660 wrong...is from Quran.
@@kaliawi53 Wrong. Ismail is of Hebrew origin. Before Islam was created.
@@marioformosa4259 Prophet Abraham is the father of 3 religions: Jews, Christianity and Islam. Prophet Abraham & Prophet Ishmael built kaaba in Mecca. The jews alienate Ishmael as they believe God covenant is with Prophet Isaac alone. The Torah described him as wild man. The zionist cursed him because he’s the bloodline father of Arab people.
When I was told I had Spanish in me I was also told I have Coptic Egyptian. I learned the Copts are not Muslim, but Christian. So my ancestors were African, but not Muslim/Moor.
Ms Paola, it matters where we came from but where we are heading is most important part. GOD ALMIGHTY HAS BLESSED us with being Crown of Creation called human beings with intellect, retrospection, understanding and conscience to be able to understand why are we here on planet earth, what is our purpose of existence and how are we gonna prepare for what is bound to come, the Day of Judgment and ultimate justice.
I invite you to ponder upon Islam and I believe you will be able to address the calling coming from inside compelling you to search for its roots. You will definitely find the roots and you might connect yourself as a leaf of the tree whose roots are embedded in Spanish history of Islamic origin.
Brilliant! My kind of stuff. Have you seen 'The Myth of the Andalusian paradise'?
Bias book be quiet
How condescending
I'm here after watching @zirrar stories.
The Visigoths (whoever they were) always seem to get a bad rap in everything. They're kind of like the zombies in a video game.
Long live the Christianity of Spain
Another larping Gobbar Gandu.
Nowadays christianity in europe is almost nonexistent
Death to Paulinity
Real Xtianity must survive...
@@طيرشلوى-ث8ز LOL not at all Spain is one of the MOST Catholic countries in Europe so is Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Poland and myriad of other countries in fact it is the FASTEST growing religion in the world.
We appreciate!