the 3rd restyle with the 2.4 engine seems to be a lot better, at least for the test ive seen. weird why mitsubishi doesnt update this to match the my19.
Looks like we have answer for this situation. First a little context. Outlander PHEV has two electric motors 60kW (80 HP) per each axle, and one ICE on front (120 HP, which supplies directly front axle only on kickdown mode -- new 2018 PHEV has ICE with 170 HP). Since car is on three rollers (getting equivalent tilt over 40% with ZERO traction) with only one wheel with traction, and knowing that only 50% of power is transmited from wheel without traction to wheel with traction, we get only 40 HP per wheel. Looks like this is not enough HP to move that heavy vehicle from rollers. :( Hovewer many users driving ICE version and PHEV says that PHEV drives much, much better in all REAL conditions than car with conventional drive.
Both PHEVs Outlanders did quite well not being off road cars cars but family SUV. They did better than any front wheel drive car anyway. I wonder why 2015 phev did muchcbetter than 2014 phev. Interesting that even without engaging 4wd - wheels on bith axles are moving on both Phevs. Definitely ESP should be off on these cars when off roading. Blue 2015 PHEV one is moving little bit forward even being on 3 rollers. Most off road cars without lock differential can't do it. I think it is awesome technology, working without drive shaft without trasnmission. Low maintance costs.
It's not true that most of road cars can't move on three rollers. They can move, they can drive away, diff locks are not needed. Sad to say, buy Outlander PHEV, especially 2014 got one of the worst results ever. Soon we will publish one more video, we tested one more from 2015.
I have seen, in an italian short test, that the only way to make the 4 wheel drive working is to put the car in "charge" mode, in other words it's needed the gasoline engine active to proceed with the car.... maybe only if one of the front wheel has traction!? In the future would you have the possibility to test the 2016 and 2019 (2.4 L) models?
Yep I can attest to this result. It's absolutely terrible. The slipping wheel does not lock.. like they forgot to program it in. On the other hand why the hell didn't they install limited slip diffs? I came from a 2011 Evo x Mr. The Evo was night and day. They shouldn't call it S-AWC.. it's a complete lie.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers i see, i know this is an old video but i believe that if the ESP was turned off for as many tests as the blue one the results may have been more favourable for the white outlander. Overall still a great comparison and overall good content.
Similar behavior as Rav 4 hybrid and same lack of mechanical connection between front and rear axles. A tak mniej merytorycznie... cieszę się, że są chętni do testowania suv-ów w hybrydach na rolkach.😉 Ach ta moda na Eco świat... Może konkurencja z Korei uratuje honor hybryd awd.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers glad you make these videos, it is definitely a great help for a lot of people! Keep up the good work greetings from the Netherlands.
We are working with MMAL (Aus) to get a resolution for this as it is most likely a Software issue....Is there anyway you can extract the SW versions for each of these vehicles as they are clearly showing different traits?
not fair, you never turned off the ESP on the white 2014 model on some of your tests ....given i have a 2013 model and take it offroad with very little issues
No! to smutne. Ale nigdy nie miałem problemu:-) (MY15) A może dlatego że to nie jest auto terenowe:-) Może ten nowszy po apgrejdzie softu? Silniki el. mają wystarczającą moc, problem w zarządzaniu tą mocą, jak by ogranicza za bardzo moc przy niskich prędkościach. Czuję to przy ruszaniu pod bardzo strome wzniesienia. Ciekawe jak MY19 by się spisał?
@@4elEVate Watchdog chyba niewiele pomoże, kierowca białego PHEV obserwował na wyświetlaczu co robi system - pokazywał, że tylne koła są napędzane, a samochód stał przednią osią na rolkach i mielił...
As far as I get information from MMC it won't be any better, because there's no such changes in new PHEV (especially in what it causes it doesnt roll out -- power of electric engines).
Yes, very strange. We are searching for explanation for this situation. First on mind is that white PHEV have some issue with ABS sensors, because this two cars are basicly the same -- nothing was changed during production -- as far as I know.
Myjkel I don't think there was something wrong with abs sensors, they were clicking. Behaviour of system is the same, it just looks like white one is giving up very quickly, while another one still fighting with good result.
What are they trying to test, if they are trying to test the 4x4 on it, it would not be a true test as the car has two separate electric motors and not connected with a drive shaft so would not work the same way as a normal 4x4 suv
Na tym filmie jest coś nie tak, ciężko mi powiedzieć co dokładnie, ale te samochody NIE zachowują się jak ten biały. Brak znaczków PHEV (może usunięte specjalnie) i tylne lampy są od wersji spalinowej co nasuwa mi teorię, że ten biały jest powypadkowy i ma uszkodzone (albo nie do końca naprawione) napędy. Do tego po pomarańczowych znaczkach w lewym górnym rogu, na filmie nie ma ujęć z testów białego przy wyłączonym ESP. Mam ten model MY2014, w zeszłym roku byłem na zlocie Mitsubishi. Jechałem na ten zlot z sercem na ramieniu bo wybrałem (i zapłaciłem) trasę turystyczno-terenową (turystyczna była po asfalcie dla Lancerów, a tylko terenowa dla przygotowanych Pajero i L200 zamknięta w jakiejś żwirowni dla tych co chcieli na czas przejechać mocno wymagający OS, turystyczno-terenowa była najdłuższa, po szutrach i w mocno zróżnicowanym terenie) i już jej nie mogłem zmienić. Chyba z 5 razy dopytywałem się organizatorów, czy dam radę przejechać bo hybryda, bo elektryk i sami nie byli do końca przekonani. Odwagi mi dodał dopiero spotkany w Warszawie przy ładowarce, zawodowy dziennikarz, który testował ten samochód i powiedział, że nie mam się co bać trasy bo cyt. "To świetny samochód i nie ogarniam tych ludzi na YT" Sam się zdziwiłem jak ten samochód dobrze sobie radzi na tego typu drogach, do tego na oponach szosowych. Były zjazdy i podjazdy o różnym nachyleniu, przedzieraliśmy się przez brody, Na podjazdach ludzie w spalinowych z manualem palili sobie sprzęgła i robili oczy, że hybryda ich wyprzedza. Trasa była całkiem wymagająca tym bardziej, że w trakcie rajdu spotkała nas burza i mocna ulewa. Jakbym mógł to bym tu wrzucił zdjęcia mojego jak wyglądał na mecie po tej trasie. Oczywiście skrajną głupotą jest wjeżdżać takim autem w jakieś piachy albo głębokie błota i się dziwić że nie wyjechał. To miejski SUV, do tego ciężkie auto i szybko grzęźnie, ale mam też "prawdziwą terenówę" na ramie z 3,5L dieslem i bez odpowiedniego przygotowania i opon w takim terenie też grzęźnie jak się nieumiejętnie jeździ, tak więc... wnioski sami sobie wyciągnijcie. Dorzucam jeszcze film z wydarzenia, gdzie masa ludzi uległa masowej halucynacji ;)видео.html
Ooo proszę, dzień dobry. W takiej sytuacji bierz swojego PHEV i zapraszam na test, zobaczymy czy inny egzemplarz wypadnie lepiej. Przy okazji kilka filmów z podobnym zachowaniem tego napędu:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers Jeździłem swoim w terenie, nie zakopałem się, pod każdy pagórek tam gdzie chciałem to wjechałem więc dla mnie jeździł dobrze. Koniec kropka. Na potwierdzenie mam kilkudziesięciu świadków z tego zlotu. Może testy na rolkach nie są tak rzetelne jakby się wydawało? W terenie jeździ się znacznie inaczej Równie dobrze mógłbyś postawić wszystkie koła na rolkach i pokazywać ludziom ile auto pali na 100 km
@@adamt2174 W poprzednim komentarzu wrzuciłem kilka linków pokazujących zachowanie PHEV w rzeczywistych warunkach, takie samo, jak na rolkach. I póki co tylko hybrydy (i nie tylko Mitsubishi) miały takie problemy, i nie tylko w moich testach. Z czego to wynika - nie wiem. Poniżej ktoś z Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited (tak się przedstawił) pytał o wersje softu i twierdził, że nad tym pracują, może w tym rzecz. Natomiast skoro posądzasz mnie o "bullshit test", niewiedzę, jak taki test przeprowadzić czy nie wyłączenie ESP, to po prostu przyjedź i zobaczymy co zrobi Twój PHEV. Pozdrawiam. PS. Na forum Mitsubishi jest dyskusja na ten temat, są właściciele obydwu samochodów, możesz drążyć temat. Właściciel białego pisał też do MMC, odpowiedź także znajdziesz na forum.
but hang on, u put the rollers under both the rears, thats where we need to see the strength. unles your point is that the front active diff (does it have one) doesnt work? i know the non phev models have an active front diff, adn not with just EDL, but twin clutches in the diff, does the PHEV have them too? get it back with both fronts on rollers, and one rear. We really need to see how one electric motor goes pushing the car.
cosync There is no active diff at front. Non phev models have it only in 3.0 GT versions (and there is one clutch, not two). Here we can see that rear electric motor is not able to push the car when front wheels do not have grip.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers yeh i wanna see one electric motor on its own to simulate a diagonal hill climb or other off road scenario. and i think these rollers are a great way to test it beacause the tyres sit inside them a bit, which gives a bit of momentum resistance, as opposed to these other tests on youtube which are done on flat locking roller trays.
its not called a 4x4 its called an AWD, and drive goes to all wheels, it just doesnt have a center lock diff as it doesnt need one, and it doesnt have rear left and right locked diff but more then half the 4x4's in the world dont either.
This is just family minivan. All the awd version and crap like thet was invasion to how the company can get more money on the minivan thet they camouflage to be as a awd .
Паркетник... С раллийными корнями... Просто - корова на льду. 🤦🏼 прикончили машинку маркетологи/инженеры. SUV ... With rally roots ... Simply - a cow on ice. 🤦🏼 marketers / engineers finished the car
This is bullshit test. 1) Why white one doesn't look like PHEV??? It looks like petrol. The charging socket on the back is only one thing that shows this is phev. 2) Why didn't you test white without esp?? It is obvious that when you drive offroad you have to turn off esp. I should say that at first you have to learn drive and then start testing cars. For me this white Outlander is after serious crash accident and it is possible that it doesn't work properly. Why? It have changed front wheel arch and backlights. It have this elements from petrol version and propably beceause when they tried to repair it there wern't PHEV's elements on the second market. I have Outlander PHEV MY2014. Last year we were on a Mitsubishi rally. I was going to this rally with great fears beceause I chose the rally route in an intermediate terrain and I could'n change it to a tourist one anymore (tourist route was for Lancers, and difficult terrain was for Pajeros and L200). I was surprisen myself how good this car is in moderately difficult terrain. It ride much much better than petrol Outlanders But there were 3 very important rules to efficiency drive in more difficult terrain than path in the wood: 1) ESP turn OFF 2) Had to have power in batteries 3) Charge Mode turn ON
It was tested with ESP OFF, there is orange sign on the top of the screen when it is on and when it is off. I should say that at first you have watch the video carefully and then think if giving a lessons to me as a good idea. I don't know the exact history of the car, but from the owner I know that it was bought new from local dealer. PHEV signs were removed by the owner cause he didn't want that frippery. All modes were tested, including petrol engine constantly on. Blue one did a little bit better, but very similar behaviour. And there are tens of videos showing that phev awd system is far behing its petrol/diesel version.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers Watch YOUR video carefully and say me at what minute there is orange sign that ESP is turn off when you tested white car???? Ok, phev signs maybe could be removed but why backlights are from petrol model? IMHO this car is after some car accident and it is propably damage.
@@adamt2174видео.html. Didn't help at all. I don't know if the car was after accident or not, owner claims it wasn't. Doesn't matter, tens of other vidoes are showing similar behaviour of phev, including blue one here. Hybrid RAV4 was even worse.
The Plug-in AWD is useless. Thanks for your efford and the tests guys 👍🏻
Neredeyse outlander almak üzereydim. Sayenizde vaçgeçtim. Teşekkür ederim. Captiva bakmaya devam
the 3rd restyle with the 2.4 engine seems to be a lot better, at least for the test ive seen. weird why mitsubishi doesnt update this to match the my19.
Looks like we have answer for this situation. First a little context. Outlander PHEV has two electric motors 60kW (80 HP) per each axle, and one ICE on front (120 HP, which supplies directly front axle only on kickdown mode -- new 2018 PHEV has ICE with 170 HP). Since car is on three rollers (getting equivalent tilt over 40% with ZERO traction) with only one wheel with traction, and knowing that only 50% of power is transmited from wheel without traction to wheel with traction, we get only 40 HP per wheel. Looks like this is not enough HP to move that heavy vehicle from rollers. :( Hovewer many users driving ICE version and PHEV says that PHEV drives much, much better in all REAL conditions than car with conventional drive.
1-2 horses would easily have pulled the vehicle. I don't really buy the "not enough HP" from motors, more like faulty implementation.
Both PHEVs Outlanders did quite well not being off road cars cars but family SUV. They did better than any front wheel drive car anyway.
I wonder why 2015 phev did muchcbetter than 2014 phev. Interesting that even without engaging 4wd - wheels on bith axles are moving on both Phevs. Definitely ESP should be off on these cars when off roading. Blue 2015 PHEV one is moving little bit forward even being on 3 rollers. Most off road cars without lock differential can't do it. I think it is awesome technology, working without drive shaft without trasnmission. Low maintance costs.
It's not true that most of road cars can't move on three rollers. They can move, they can drive away, diff locks are not needed. Sad to say, buy Outlander PHEV, especially 2014 got one of the worst results ever. Soon we will publish one more video, we tested one more from 2015.
I have seen, in an italian short test, that the only way to make the 4 wheel drive working is to put the car in "charge" mode, in other words it's needed the gasoline engine active to proceed with the car.... maybe only if one of the front wheel has traction!? In the future would you have the possibility to test the 2016 and 2019 (2.4 L) models?
We tried with gasoline engine on, no difference. I would like to test cars from different years, but it is all up to volunteers...
I to marka która wygrywała najtrudniejszy rajd na świecie. Takie tradycje przestały się liczyć. Pozdrawiam 😉
Ciekawe czy nie wystarczy upgrade oprogramowania.
That’s embarrassing! I think that the worst result I’ve seen on this channel. Haha
Toyota RAV4 Hybrid was worse...видео.html
duszaniespokojna haha! They shouldn’t be allowed to call them AWD.
It's sending only like 5% of the torque to the rear wheels lol
Yep I can attest to this result. It's absolutely terrible. The slipping wheel does not lock.. like they forgot to program it in. On the other hand why the hell didn't they install limited slip diffs? I came from a 2011 Evo x Mr. The Evo was night and day. They shouldn't call it S-AWC.. it's a complete lie.
Indeed it is! this traction controle is absolutely horrible!
only thing the video did not show was if the ESP was turned off on all tests for the white outlander, that definitely helped out the blue one
It was on except 4:04
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers i see, i know this is an old video but i believe that if the ESP was turned off for as many tests as the blue one the results may have been more favourable for the white outlander. Overall still a great comparison and overall good content.
@@2910mack Soon we will test one more Outlander PHEV from 2014, we will try all options. Thanks!
Similar behavior as Rav 4 hybrid and same lack of mechanical connection between front and rear axles.
A tak mniej merytorycznie... cieszę się, że są chętni do testowania suv-ów w hybrydach na rolkach.😉 Ach ta moda na Eco świat...
Może konkurencja z Korei uratuje honor hybryd awd.
It's a shame to call this an awd car!
Martijn Hoogesteger Actually 2015 did much better than 2014 and so far nobody knows why...
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers glad you make these videos, it is definitely a great help for a lot of people! Keep up the good work greetings from the Netherlands.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers lol maybe the drive line hasn't been worn out as much lol who knows.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers So far we know that both tested cars are from second hand. ;)
Myjkel Maybe Mitsubishi Motors will send newest version for the test? ;-)
We are working with MMAL (Aus) to get a resolution for this as it is most likely a Software issue....Is there anyway you can extract the SW versions for each of these vehicles as they are clearly showing different traits?
Unfortunately I do not have access to these cars :(
not fair, you never turned off the ESP on the white 2014 model on some of your tests ....given i have a 2013 model and take it offroad with very little issues
Compare the attempts of white one with ESP ON with attempts of blue one with ESP ON.
Come on Mitsubishi PHEV, give these people AWD! Quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger - Total recall 😎
Good thing in real life there's never any rollers on the streets.
Very good. But there are ice patches etc.
No! to smutne. Ale nigdy nie miałem problemu:-) (MY15) A może dlatego że to nie jest auto terenowe:-) Może ten nowszy po apgrejdzie softu?
Silniki el. mają wystarczającą moc, problem w zarządzaniu tą mocą, jak by ogranicza za bardzo moc przy niskich prędkościach. Czuję to przy ruszaniu pod bardzo strome wzniesienia. Ciekawe jak MY19 by się spisał?
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers raczej ogólnie zamula, a z % przód-tył to trzeba by na apce popatrzeć Watchdog
@@4elEVate Watchdog chyba niewiele pomoże, kierowca białego PHEV obserwował na wyświetlaczu co robi system - pokazywał, że tylne koła są napędzane, a samochód stał przednią osią na rolkach i mielił...
Nie popisze się lepiej, bo układ elektryczny jest ten sam. W '19 dali tylko większego spalinowca. :/
Test the newest version of the phev i think it wouod be much more improved ..?
As far as I get information from MMC it won't be any better, because there's no such changes in new PHEV (especially in what it causes it doesnt roll out -- power of electric engines).
we had MMAL test this on a 2019...same result!
4 twin motor lock Meaning car with 4*4 or 4*2 ?
I no want drive with 4*4 what I do ?
Thank you
LOCK means that the system should lock the axles together (in this case it should equaly power both axles). But it's not doing this...
Very strange results, especially for the 2014 model. Do anybody know what this drive train concept is based on?
Yes, very strange. We are searching for explanation for this situation. First on mind is that white PHEV have some issue with ABS sensors, because this two cars are basicly the same -- nothing was changed during production -- as far as I know.
Myjkel I don't think there was something wrong with abs sensors, they were clicking. Behaviour of system is the same, it just looks like white one is giving up very quickly, while another one still fighting with good result.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers Yes, I hear clicking but also see tha brakes doesn't work at all.
What are they trying to test, if they are trying to test the 4x4 on it, it would not be a true test as the car has two separate electric motors and not connected with a drive shaft so would not work the same way as a normal 4x4 suv
I don't see any relation between two separate electric motors and statement that the test would not be true.
Na tym filmie jest coś nie tak, ciężko mi powiedzieć co dokładnie, ale te samochody NIE zachowują się jak ten biały.
Brak znaczków PHEV (może usunięte specjalnie) i tylne lampy są od wersji spalinowej co nasuwa mi teorię, że ten biały jest powypadkowy i ma uszkodzone (albo nie do końca naprawione) napędy.
Do tego po pomarańczowych znaczkach w lewym górnym rogu, na filmie nie ma ujęć z testów białego przy wyłączonym ESP.
Mam ten model MY2014, w zeszłym roku byłem na zlocie Mitsubishi. Jechałem na ten zlot z sercem na ramieniu bo wybrałem (i zapłaciłem) trasę turystyczno-terenową (turystyczna była po asfalcie dla Lancerów, a tylko terenowa dla przygotowanych Pajero i L200 zamknięta w jakiejś żwirowni dla tych co chcieli na czas przejechać mocno wymagający OS, turystyczno-terenowa była najdłuższa, po szutrach i w mocno zróżnicowanym terenie) i już jej nie mogłem zmienić.
Chyba z 5 razy dopytywałem się organizatorów, czy dam radę przejechać bo hybryda, bo elektryk i sami nie byli do końca przekonani.
Odwagi mi dodał dopiero spotkany w Warszawie przy ładowarce, zawodowy dziennikarz, który testował ten samochód i powiedział, że nie mam się co bać trasy bo cyt. "To świetny samochód i nie ogarniam tych ludzi na YT"
Sam się zdziwiłem jak ten samochód dobrze sobie radzi na tego typu drogach, do tego na oponach szosowych.
Były zjazdy i podjazdy o różnym nachyleniu, przedzieraliśmy się przez brody, Na podjazdach ludzie w spalinowych z manualem palili sobie sprzęgła i robili oczy, że hybryda ich wyprzedza.
Trasa była całkiem wymagająca tym bardziej, że w trakcie rajdu spotkała nas burza i mocna ulewa. Jakbym mógł to bym tu wrzucił zdjęcia mojego jak wyglądał na mecie po tej trasie.
Oczywiście skrajną głupotą jest wjeżdżać takim autem w jakieś piachy albo głębokie błota i się dziwić że nie wyjechał. To miejski SUV, do tego ciężkie auto i szybko grzęźnie, ale mam też "prawdziwą terenówę" na ramie z 3,5L dieslem i bez odpowiedniego przygotowania i opon w takim terenie też grzęźnie jak się nieumiejętnie jeździ, tak więc... wnioski sami sobie wyciągnijcie.
Dorzucam jeszcze film z wydarzenia, gdzie masa ludzi uległa masowej halucynacji ;)видео.html
Ooo proszę, dzień dobry. W takiej sytuacji bierz swojego PHEV i zapraszam na test, zobaczymy czy inny egzemplarz wypadnie lepiej. Przy okazji kilka filmów z podobnym zachowaniem tego napędu:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
Jeździłem swoim w terenie, nie zakopałem się, pod każdy pagórek tam gdzie chciałem to wjechałem więc dla mnie jeździł dobrze. Koniec kropka.
Na potwierdzenie mam kilkudziesięciu świadków z tego zlotu.
Może testy na rolkach nie są tak rzetelne jakby się wydawało? W terenie jeździ się znacznie inaczej
Równie dobrze mógłbyś postawić wszystkie koła na rolkach i pokazywać ludziom ile auto pali na 100 km
@@adamt2174 W poprzednim komentarzu wrzuciłem kilka linków pokazujących zachowanie PHEV w rzeczywistych warunkach, takie samo, jak na rolkach. I póki co tylko hybrydy (i nie tylko Mitsubishi) miały takie problemy, i nie tylko w moich testach. Z czego to wynika - nie wiem. Poniżej ktoś z Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited (tak się przedstawił) pytał o wersje softu i twierdził, że nad tym pracują, może w tym rzecz. Natomiast skoro posądzasz mnie o "bullshit test", niewiedzę, jak taki test przeprowadzić czy nie wyłączenie ESP, to po prostu przyjedź i zobaczymy co zrobi Twój PHEV. Pozdrawiam.
PS. Na forum Mitsubishi jest dyskusja na ten temat, są właściciele obydwu samochodów, możesz drążyć temat. Właściciel białego pisał też do MMC, odpowiedź także znajdziesz na forum.
Одно название что полный привод.
but hang on, u put the rollers under both the rears, thats where we need to see the strength. unles your point is that the front active diff (does it have one) doesnt work? i know the non phev models have an active front diff, adn not with just EDL, but twin clutches in the diff, does the PHEV have them too?
get it back with both fronts on rollers, and one rear. We really need to see how one electric motor goes pushing the car.
cosync There is no active diff at front. Non phev models have it only in 3.0 GT versions (and there is one clutch, not two). Here we can see that rear electric motor is not able to push the car when front wheels do not have grip.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers yeh i wanna see one electric motor on its own to simulate a diagonal hill climb or other off road scenario. and i think these rollers are a great way to test it beacause the tyres sit inside them a bit, which gives a bit of momentum resistance, as opposed to these other tests on youtube which are done on flat locking roller trays.
:)) 4WD lock is useless, ESP is useless (disable it). Why is this called a 4x4 anyway?
its not called a 4x4 its called an AWD, and drive goes to all wheels, it just doesnt have a center lock diff as it doesnt need one, and it doesnt have rear left and right locked diff but more then half the 4x4's in the world dont either.
Это называется полный привод для отчёта)) колеса же крутятся чё ещё надо))
It should lock all the wheels which are freely spinning!
Turn on charge mode
We tried in blue one, no difference. 2020 version doesn't have such problems any more.
This is why im not keen on the PHEV :(
Junior Ellis i would like to see the ICE version do the test before I buy.
Ciekawe jak wypadło by EVO X
kaniaes Jeśli masz Evo, to zapraszamy na test :-)
These cars can't send all the power to one wheel as a traditional ICE car.
Phev vs Phev? :)
Different production years, different results.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers then you have to intoduce differencies, man :)
@@veeme96 Hardware is the same. Software was updated a few times in the history of Outlander PHEV.
If the HW is the same, the SW should be updated. Wasnt it?
@@veeme96 If car was serviced in authorised dealer then theoretically it should.
intriguing display of no furkin traction, from a supposed to be awd vehicle, just hope i always drive in the dry......................
Recently Mitsubishi updated the awd software, now everything looks to be working fine.
Maybe this hapand only whith hybrid .
maybe 2.2did is more beter than this .
I hope this hapend only with hybrid not vith diselo or petroll...
You can find tests of petrol versions on my channel. Outlander II, Outlander III, Outlander III FL, Outlander III GT S-AWC.
This is just family minivan. All the awd version and crap like thet was invasion to how the company can get more money on the minivan thet they camouflage to be as a awd .
Roman Kochkin Non-hybrid Outlanders have great awd systems.
You whant to sey that hybrid is bad and nohybrid is more beter...
To jakaś masakra... Sorry ale to jakiś szajs montują skoro nawet dwie rolki z przodu i finito...
Dariusz Nagórski Jeszcze gorzej poszło hybrydowej RAV4. Coś ta technologia dwóch silników elektrycznych jest jeszcze w powijakach...
That's mad
hehe, so 2014 is like normal fwd car ;p
Паркетник... С раллийными корнями... Просто - корова на льду. 🤦🏼 прикончили машинку маркетологи/инженеры. SUV ... With rally roots ... Simply - a cow on ice. 🤦🏼 marketers / engineers finished the car
Удивили. Однако... думал что эти машины действительно 4WD. а тут шляпа
This is bullshit test.
1) Why white one doesn't look like PHEV??? It looks like petrol. The charging socket on the back is only one thing that shows this is phev.
2) Why didn't you test white without esp??
It is obvious that when you drive offroad you have to turn off esp. I should say that at first you have to learn drive and then start testing cars.
For me this white Outlander is after serious crash accident and it is possible that it doesn't work properly.
Why? It have changed front wheel arch and backlights. It have this elements from petrol version and propably beceause when they tried to repair it there wern't PHEV's elements on the second market.
I have Outlander PHEV MY2014. Last year we were on a Mitsubishi rally. I was going to this rally with great fears beceause I chose the rally route in an intermediate terrain and I could'n change it to a tourist one anymore (tourist route was for Lancers, and difficult terrain was for Pajeros and L200).
I was surprisen myself how good this car is in moderately difficult terrain. It ride much much better than petrol
But there were 3 very important rules to efficiency drive in more difficult terrain than path in the wood:
1) ESP turn OFF
2) Had to have power in batteries
3) Charge Mode turn ON
It was tested with ESP OFF, there is orange sign on the top of the screen when it is on and when it is off. I should say that at first you have watch the video carefully and then think if giving a lessons to me as a good idea.
I don't know the exact history of the car, but from the owner I know that it was bought new from local dealer. PHEV signs were removed by the owner cause he didn't want that frippery. All modes were tested, including petrol engine constantly on. Blue one did a little bit better, but very similar behaviour. And there are tens of videos showing that phev awd system is far behing its petrol/diesel version.
@@4x4.tests.on.rollers Watch YOUR video carefully and say me at what minute there is orange sign that ESP is turn off when you tested white car????
Ok, phev signs maybe could be removed but why backlights are from petrol model? IMHO this car is after some car accident and it is propably damage.
@@adamt2174видео.html. Didn't help at all. I don't know if the car was after accident or not, owner claims it wasn't. Doesn't matter, tens of other vidoes are showing similar behaviour of phev, including blue one here. Hybrid RAV4 was even worse.
White Outlander is not PHEV :/
Both are PHEV.
As the owner of a decent diesel Outlander (2016) i can say that only PHEV can do that😂
You whant to say that with did 2.2 it is imposibile to hapend this shame...
This hapend onlly with hybrid or .
Ужасные результаты! Mitsubishi растеряли весь свой опыт в постройке полноприводных трансмиссий. А когда-то рвали всех на раллийных EVO. Позорный тест
Это гибридный, на электро моторах. Не путай с evo
@@СергейИванов-п1х И без какой либо трансмиссии 🤣🤣🤣
such disappointing results
That's bolloks a diesel got better torque than the petrol heavy battery I don't trust the above
Both are PHEV.
O dupę rozbić taki napęd.
totally failed and shamed mitsubishi
Ależ to jest badziewie masakra
The cringe is strong with this one.
И там и там гауно
Anyone has the 2014 model.. sell your car:)
I have this model. Last summer I was on a offroad tour and car was very good. I don't understand why this car is so bad on that video