Dude I hear what you saying, but what you going to do at 60+ with your "fake muscle"? People think that artificial muscle is better than Fat? Answer is Yes, probably, when you young.. But you will find out later that Over Weight in general either that Muscle or Fat, don't make any difference.. Let me tell you what you going to be doing at 50+, you will try to get skinny and natural, because that's the only way to go is you aiming a Long run.. in 30 years you will work to cut off your BS muscle and look more normal. You want to look like Marathon runner, eventually.. That's ideal. Good luck.
Yep...being happy with one's personal progress is key....comparison is good as long as its healthy.....that mindset is a key factor. Acceptance is priority rather than comparison with others and feel they're lacking....have to work with what one has and compete with one's self and try to be positive with others...easier said than done but it's doable. Peace!!!
I find that training for performance instead of aesthetics is way more fulfilling especially when aesthetics is a product of the skill you're training to achieve. Cuz then you can do cool things and look good at the same time. As opposed to looking good and not having any impressive skills/feats.
100% agree with you. When I was involved in competitive sports it was so easy to push myself in the gym, now that I'm not involved in sports I just can't be bothered to go all out anymore
At some point I had to switch from pursuing just size and mass to pursuing shape/asthetics. When you play the size game you can get to a problematic mind frame eventually where there is never big enough and if you ever lose any size it can effect you drastically.
I literally am going through this right now. I hit the gym and went from 162 to 195 in 13 months all natty. I'm currently down to 186 and I am getting depressed. Feels like I'm anorexic in my head.
this is the true meaning of body positivity. accepting urself and striving to improve on all aspects. not those fatties who just accept their miserable state and dont act upon it.
I definitely have had some depression during my journey. I am a year and a half in, and feel like im nowhere near where i thought i would be even tho i look much better than day 1. I am very consistent and put a lot of hours in and seem to be struggling to build muscle. Thanks for this video, it def put some things in perspective, and i will not give up.
So here’s the thing about body dysmorphia it’s real…it’s like even though I was getting lots of compliments on my physique I still wanted more still wanted to be bigger. Was very insecure about my weight. I don’t weigh a lot but I carry a decent amount of lean muscle on my frame which makes me look bigger. Funny thing is people didn’t really care about weight they’re just impressed by the muscle still bothered me though looking at the scale and not seeing it go up even though my body looked good. I’m learning to be happy with what I got and that I don’t have to weigh the most or be the biggest long as I’m fit and healthy and strong that’s enough
I've definitely felt this during my college days. I went to a university where everyone is a gym bro and being fit or yoked was the norm. If you weren't sore somewhere, you weren't "cool". In college and that age, being cool and "in" was it. I didn't know at the moment but I was incredibly lost with who I was and what I wanted out of life. Mental health was not even on my radar. My friends and I would spend 3 hours at the gym daily, take a crap ton of pre-workout, protein shakes and eat a lot of calories to bulk up. The body dysmorphia was at its peak for all of us. We all wanted huge muscles and low fat. We were so invested that we were doing exercises that didn't match our body types. We forced every workout, trying to max weight dangerously. Luckily we never sustained any major injuries, definitely some minor ones. Thinking back now, I realized that college was fun but I never want to visit those years again. Even thinking about being that unstable and unhappy makes me nervous. It took a while to find out about mental health, attachment styles and someone to talk to about this. I've moved from lifting heavy weights to calisthenics and rock climbing. I work out to be healthy and I think that's made me a lot happier.
just know, that people who hate truly do less on their self then you do where as the people who compliment you do the same or more for their self as you.
I love training but ironically my biggest concern is am afraid to put on more muscle mass, especially on the lower body where I am already pretty big. I already weigh more than I want and I don't really want to get any leaner (already 12% ish). I just want to get stronger in the gym and not get heavier, in fact I am actually very happy with my physique. I'm not going for the bodybuilder look, more like a fit and athletic physique. Right now I am basically doing only strength and explosive training, minimizing volume to not put on too much muscle mass but rather focus on getting stronger.
At this point I just learned to implement productive pain into my life. Workout, work overtime, cold showers. Comfort is the enemy. Don’t care about finish line.
I felt my mental health declining a couple months ago. I started watching lexx little, tren twins and a few others in the Powerbuilding scene and felt inspired to look and train like them. I try to implement a more serious training routine but because i still have a 9-5 thats physically demanding its kinda hard to be consistant and like you i dont want to start something i dont see myself doing for a very long sustainable time. Because of that i felt i was wasting my life and potential. BUT i was always able to get my 2x fullbody workouts on my off days and been doing that for 4+ years. I started to just focus and just be grateful that im just healthy and feel good from day to day eventhough im not aesthatic and strong afffff ( still my goal just not rn ). Your right you should not tie your self worth on your fitness levels and physique. Your more than just your body !
What I’ve learned about bodybuilding and training is that it’s never enough. You’ll ALWAYS think you can be bigger. You’ll ALWAYS think you can be leaner, and so on. I’ve trained for years, naturally, and I’ve discovered that I’ve never been satisfied. I look back at old pictures and can’t believe how lean or muscular I was, and still failed to notice it at the time. I have an image in mind of what I’d like to achieve, something like that Prime Mike Tyson physique, but I doubt I’ll be happy with it. My family tell me I genetically have the best muscular frame in the family and we all workout. You just have to enjoy the process and opposed to always searching for a destination. Enjoy the maintenance of it, enjoy the outcome, and so on. You will likely never feel at one with what you’re aiming for.
I feel the smallest I have ever felt even though people tell me that I am the biggest I have ever been. My confidence is at my all time low. I was more confident before after only a few years of lifting than I am now after more than half a decade of working out. I am depressed af and I am just never happy with my physique. If I get very lean I look good shirtless but I look like a twig in clothes. When I am bulked I look big in clothes but I look like a whale shirtless. Never ending cycle. Social media really fcked up our view of an obtainable physique. Most people lie about their natural status and their basically live of off their image so they need to look a certain way and it's all they do. Us normal people who work 9/5 jobs, have shit ton on problems things to do, it's just very hard.
I feel this 110%. Im in the same boat, it is as if I wrote your comment about myself. Im 47, pretty strong, pretty Big yet I somehow still think I need to be shredded to the bone and I should need to be able to deadlift 700, bench 500 and squat 500 or im just a weak ass pathetic human.
I totally understand. Been working out for almost 30 years. Friends and family always comment on my physique especially if they haven't seen me in awhile. It's always how much bigger I look or how much smaller I look. Then they always ask if there's anything wrong. LoL. It's so annoying. They don't understand you can't be jacked and ripped 24/7, 365.
What you said at the end has been my experience as well. I tell myself i just want to “maingain” going forward but then im inundated with these crazy physiques on SM and i revert to this im not big enough yet mentality
I really like to be shredded, but I wanted to build more muscle on my frame. Like you said I don’t want to be weak. Fitness is about health . And I like your videos bro stay strong
If you do not weight at least 240 pounds you are playing around. Depression is hormonal issue, as you age you supposed to become a men not stay a twink boy. Deep inside you know your full potential to become a top predator in nature, killing bisons, lions, bears and wolfs. Modern society traps the animal inside of you that wants to kill or get killed in a battle. Not sit around in a gym pretending to hunt or struggle. You are not doing what you are supposed to do, this is why you can never put a shark inside a aqaurium they will die out of depression(stress hormones)
Agreed the reason needs to be correct. I don't work out for vanity, I do it to build dopamine receptors. Drugs feel really good up front but becomes hell later, working out feels like hell upfront but feels like heaven the more you do it. Trian the mind for lifestyle and consistency, vanity is fleeting.
I’ve definitely experienced this. All of my life, I was an athlete and all I cared about was being healthy. I knew being active would have me looking good as a by product but I have never been hyper focused on my looks until now. After losing a lot of body fat, I spent maybe a year just trying to build muscle and being hyper focused on my looks. Now I want to go back to focusing on being healthy and looking good as a byproduct. It’s unnatural for me to be hyper focused on my looks.
Personal advice, set a goal higher than you want to go. Even if "building muscle mass" is your initial goal, aim higher than it and you will see that you won't care that much about it compared to the higher set goal.
I literally am going through this right now. I hit the gym and went from 162 to 195 in 13 months all natty. I'm currently down to 186 and I am getting depressed. My mind makes me feel like I'm anorexic.
man, I was startin to think nobody ekse out there felt the way I do about “bUlKiNg”. I hate havin to FORCE myself to eat more, DAILY, solely for the sake of meetin sum type a daily caloric goal. I don’t like no longer bein able to see my abs due to, imo, unnecessary, body fat in the belly area. I don’t enjoy feelin slower, lazier, more fatigued and/or more sluggish. I don’t feel that the gains in muscle, after a bulk, are worth all the other stuff that comes w a bulk once you finish cuttin the excess body fat gained from a bulk and the last thing, for me, is that eatin at maintenance, or in a deficit is way easier and way less stressful to eat clean in and keep track of due to less food, less types of food and less macros havin to be taken into consideration and prioritized.
The MAIN thing about life is, people have to learn the ability to stop caring about what others think. MOST people are wired to say something bad about a person than good first. MOST of what people say goes in one of my ears and out of the other. I only care about what I think about myself. If someone isn't signing your checks, you don't need to worry about them. Don't know why we let people esp strangers carry out emotions. Ask yourself "HOW DOES THAT CHANGE/EFFECT MY LIFE?" Even ask them... Im not responsible for what you "THOUGHT" i was or looked like. That's how I see it when people say things.
👇🏽 Actually studies show generally genetics aside ..real size starts in the legs first as that is the biggest muscle in the body..the core is the hardest yes but legs then back give someone one their size💯
Everybody overtrains. And I mean everybody. I workout once every 10 days. And at 61 I have a physique most men half my age don't have. Because they don't understand the major importance of RECOVERY...
@@GTAGUAR Bro I said I hope it's the former but it's prolly the later. Funny enough if it is because of emotional pain it prolly is effective but I'd be hard pressed to get up and workout while in emotional pain. And working out in physical pain is rarely beneficial unless for your knees or back...maybe most joints
Nah, you'd be surprised how smaller someone looks in person compared to the gram when you have low body fat and no pump or good lighting. Like someone said, "The gram isn't real." 🤣
I've been working out consistently for about 11/12 years and only 2 of those years I worked out to look good physically The rest of those years and currently have been for mental health reasons and to just stay healthy overall
Measuring selfworth based on other people's perceptions of you is a slippery slope. Never use anything as a crutch. Work on loving and being happy with yourself first, then work on improving yourself, your health. If you need to reach a goal to love yourself, you will never love yourself because the goalpost will always changes.
I'd say when you get to that peak bulk, use it for martial arts. It'll keep pushing you especially mentally but try to control and channel that aggression.
My goal is to have a superhero body, so that means mass, ( currently) then cut down once I’m accustomed to the weight. Then combat training ( muy thai) and weight lifting
You need a good relationship with bodybuilding. You need the balance. You look awesome! I go to the gym 4x a week with a diet i need to improve on. You just gotta try your best and i think you've done very well. When you have a bad day at thw gym remember 99% of people would just give up. The skill is not giving up and not being hard on yourself. I have recently got a training partner and its helped alot. Maybe its the social media not the gym.
Comparison is the theif of joy but we can gain inspiration from looking at others . Work at improving your own journey and you'll find satisfaction as there's enough for your own plate instead of taking from others plate ( spiritual/mentally/physically) . Building others up will build yourself up . Training movements along with training muscle will give us more ability and confidence to perform hobbies , love life , family and work life . Being Greedy is the enemy of Greatfullness being thankful and enjoying what we have in the moment which results in better mental health ... pace yourselves and embrace the journey with milestones ( Goals) along the way . Bless
I use to be depressed knowing how i use to look verses now. Was cut and bigger with muscles but now i feel smaller and look smaller due to age. Then I remember how old I am and realize i look a lot better and younger than men my age. Even had someone recently asked me if i lift weights. I think i am being too hard on myself.
Good message . Nice to see more fitness guys talk about it . And of course compete with yourself ,but if you compare yourself with most of the people around ,not fitness creators on gear with pump ,lighting etc . But regular majority of people who don't train - you will be fine . Yeah as a natural we maybe stop at some point gain more muscle ,but at that point - do you really need more ?
As a natty I accepted that I won''t look as ripped and strong as the juiceheads , But it took me a lot of time to digest that. If I bulk i get strong and big , but with love handles and fat all over some funny places. If I cut to clear that fat then suddenly my muscles are 40% less strong and at least 20% smaller. Than I try to maingain while i'm lighter but nothing happens I stay the same level and can't build muscle or strenght. Then I bulk again , get stronger AF, but look like a fat slob again. I got into that cycle like at least 6 times over the years because I thought that it's possible to look like these stupit influencers if you bulk and cut but that doesn't work past some point. I built about 10-12 kilograms of lean muslce natural and more is impossible. I'm a naturally 65-ish kilogram guy that has had accept that more than 12 kilogram muslce is impossible to built with the testosterone my balls are producing. Its just not possible no matter how much bulks I do. Ive settled around 80-85 kilos. You gotta accept that at some point more is impossible and you will only injur yourself if you train harder, and just train for the difficult and health and maintain or your mental health will be destroyed.
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IG: austin_dunham
therapy is for dweebs
nice and strategically unbuttoned shirt
Fr he's so hot😍😍
Dude I hear what you saying, but what you going to do at 60+ with your "fake muscle"? People think that artificial muscle is better than Fat? Answer is Yes, probably, when you young.. But you will find out later that Over Weight in general either that Muscle or Fat, don't make any difference.. Let me tell you what you going to be doing at 50+, you will try to get skinny and natural, because that's the only way to go is you aiming a Long run.. in 30 years you will work to cut off your BS muscle and look more normal. You want to look like Marathon runner, eventually.. That's ideal. Good luck.
It all starts with how to get abs… (for most I believe)
"How to get abs in JUST 30 DAYS"
@@icey-_- I swear to God it worked for me when I was 8 years old
Austin Dunham🎉
i hate those all videos.
everybody has abs, not everybody has that low body fat % and trained abs caz is not all about body fat exactly
Comparison is the thief of joy
I compared my frog Edgara to her stuffed frog, Taugla. It brought me great joy plus.
Yep...being happy with one's personal progress is key....comparison is good as long as its healthy.....that mindset is a key factor. Acceptance is priority rather than comparison with others and feel they're lacking....have to work with what one has and compete with one's self and try to be positive with others...easier said than done but it's doable. Peace!!!
Not if you compare to WORSE 😊
Probably the best and most real video you have made.
I find that training for performance instead of aesthetics is way more fulfilling especially when aesthetics is a product of the skill you're training to achieve. Cuz then you can do cool things and look good at the same time. As opposed to looking good and not having any impressive skills/feats.
100% agree with you. When I was involved in competitive sports it was so easy to push myself in the gym, now that I'm not involved in sports I just can't be bothered to go all out anymore
Exactly. " Nice looking body, now what can you do with it?".
@@jeremyspencer5301 F any girl
Of YOUS skill. Please speak incorrectly.
We all go through it eventually! Stay strong bro!
Biggest thing that helped me, stop comparing yourself to instagram gym influencers who aren't natural
100% they have caused a world of problems.
Honestly this is a video I agree 100% with and it's nice hearing a solution as well
I've been training for athletics nearly 60 years, lifting for over 50. I still enjoy the experience. Lighten up and enjoy the ride!
Wow just what I needed being natty is so brutal. Especially at 61 years old. Thanks so much.
At some point I had to switch from pursuing just size and mass to pursuing shape/asthetics. When you play the size game you can get to a problematic mind frame eventually where there is never big enough and if you ever lose any size it can effect you drastically.
I literally am going through this right now. I hit the gym and went from 162 to 195 in 13 months all natty. I'm currently down to 186 and I am getting depressed. Feels like I'm anorexic in my head.
This video was well needed as well as relatable. You’re doing good
We hear about the casualties in the fitness industry but not much about how it is linked to their mental health. Fantastic and much needed reflection.
this is the true meaning of body positivity. accepting urself and striving to improve on all aspects. not those fatties who just accept their miserable state and dont act upon it.
Beautiful **wheeze** at every size
I definitely have had some depression during my journey. I am a year and a half in, and feel like im nowhere near where i thought i would be even tho i look much better than day 1. I am very consistent and put a lot of hours in and seem to be struggling to build muscle. Thanks for this video, it def put some things in perspective, and i will not give up.
So here’s the thing about body dysmorphia it’s real…it’s like even though I was getting lots of compliments on my physique I still wanted more still wanted to be bigger. Was very insecure about my weight. I don’t weigh a lot but I carry a decent amount of lean muscle on my frame which makes me look bigger.
Funny thing is people didn’t really care about weight they’re just impressed by the muscle still bothered me though looking at the scale and not seeing it go up even though my body looked good.
I’m learning to be happy with what I got and that I don’t have to weigh the most or be the biggest long as I’m fit and healthy and strong that’s enough
I've definitely felt this during my college days. I went to a university where everyone is a gym bro and being fit or yoked was the norm. If you weren't sore somewhere, you weren't "cool". In college and that age, being cool and "in" was it. I didn't know at the moment but I was incredibly lost with who I was and what I wanted out of life. Mental health was not even on my radar. My friends and I would spend 3 hours at the gym daily, take a crap ton of pre-workout, protein shakes and eat a lot of calories to bulk up. The body dysmorphia was at its peak for all of us. We all wanted huge muscles and low fat. We were so invested that we were doing exercises that didn't match our body types. We forced every workout, trying to max weight dangerously. Luckily we never sustained any major injuries, definitely some minor ones.
Thinking back now, I realized that college was fun but I never want to visit those years again. Even thinking about being that unstable and unhappy makes me nervous. It took a while to find out about mental health, attachment styles and someone to talk to about this. I've moved from lifting heavy weights to calisthenics and rock climbing. I work out to be healthy and I think that's made me a lot happier.
I'm glad I realized this maybe after 2 years of training, I just always think of what I looked like before that helps me
Probably the best video out their Austin!
just know, that people who hate truly do less on their self then you do where as the people who compliment you do the same or more for their self as you.
That Spinning metal thingy is soo cool!!!
Kevin Samuels tribute lol…
"Comparison is the killer of joy" But being depressed is a reach,it feel more like you was just doing infomercial for Better Health
Making it “enough” and maintaining your preferred body type is the definition of “being comfortable in your own skin”.
Respect bro, this was real.
I knew the Better Help promo was coming
I love training but ironically my biggest concern is am afraid to put on more muscle mass, especially on the lower body where I am already pretty big. I already weigh more than I want and I don't really want to get any leaner (already 12% ish). I just want to get stronger in the gym and not get heavier, in fact I am actually very happy with my physique. I'm not going for the bodybuilder look, more like a fit and athletic physique. Right now I am basically doing only strength and explosive training, minimizing volume to not put on too much muscle mass but rather focus on getting stronger.
That's a nice problem to have. For most of us we can't get the size we want.
At this point I just learned to implement productive pain into my life. Workout, work overtime, cold showers. Comfort is the enemy. Don’t care about finish line.
Isn't that Myron in 3:37 😂
I felt my mental health declining a couple months ago. I started watching lexx little, tren twins and a few others in the Powerbuilding scene and felt inspired to look and train like them. I try to implement a more serious training routine but because i still have a 9-5 thats physically demanding its kinda hard to be consistant and like you i dont want to start something i dont see myself doing for a very long sustainable time. Because of that i felt i was wasting my life and potential. BUT i was always able to get my 2x fullbody workouts on my off days and been doing that for 4+ years. I started to just focus and just be grateful that im just healthy and feel good from day to day eventhough im not aesthatic and strong afffff ( still my goal just not rn ). Your right you should not tie your self worth on your fitness levels and physique. Your more than just your body !
What I’ve learned about bodybuilding and training is that it’s never enough. You’ll ALWAYS think you can be bigger. You’ll ALWAYS think you can be leaner, and so on. I’ve trained for years, naturally, and I’ve discovered that I’ve never been satisfied. I look back at old pictures and can’t believe how lean or muscular I was, and still failed to notice it at the time. I have an image in mind of what I’d like to achieve, something like that Prime Mike Tyson physique, but I doubt I’ll be happy with it. My family tell me I genetically have the best muscular frame in the family and we all workout. You just have to enjoy the process and opposed to always searching for a destination. Enjoy the maintenance of it, enjoy the outcome, and so on. You will likely never feel at one with what you’re aiming for.
Very interesting made me reflect on myself and my training. Keep up the good work bro
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💪🏾🙏🏾 Im proud of you bro. Much appreciated for the wisdom.✌🏾
This is personal to you. I don’t think there is a mental health component to muscle mass itself. I think that you can have body dysmorphia.
I wanna train myself to stay healthy and able to play sport until Im in my 70’s. That is my reason not looks.
I feel the smallest I have ever felt even though people tell me that I am the biggest I have ever been. My confidence is at my all time low. I was more confident before after only a few years of lifting than I am now after more than half a decade of working out. I am depressed af and I am just never happy with my physique. If I get very lean I look good shirtless but I look like a twig in clothes. When I am bulked I look big in clothes but I look like a whale shirtless. Never ending cycle. Social media really fcked up our view of an obtainable physique. Most people lie about their natural status and their basically live of off their image so they need to look a certain way and it's all they do. Us normal people who work 9/5 jobs, have shit ton on problems things to do, it's just very hard.
some wise man wrote this in the comments elsewhere, "The day you started lifting is the day you become forever small"
Womp womp
Boohoo 😢
I feel this 110%. Im in the same boat, it is as if I wrote your comment about myself. Im 47, pretty strong, pretty Big yet I somehow still think I need to be shredded to the bone and I should need to be able to deadlift 700, bench 500 and squat 500 or im just a weak ass pathetic human.
Hey buddy thanks for giving us such a informative and great content, keep uploading those great videos.
Great honest video. Stay natural at all times 👊🏽💪🏽
I totally understand. Been working out for almost 30 years. Friends and family always comment on my physique especially if they haven't seen me in awhile. It's always how much bigger I look or how much smaller I look. Then they always ask if there's anything wrong. LoL. It's so annoying. They don't understand you can't be jacked and ripped 24/7, 365.
Read the thumbnail and decided to report the video.
What you said at the end has been my experience as well. I tell myself i just want to “maingain” going forward but then im inundated with these crazy physiques on SM and i revert to this im not big enough yet mentality
A lot of it comes down to social media. Seeing so many people bigger than you no matter the effort you put is just unnatural
I really like to be shredded, but I wanted to build more muscle on my frame. Like you said I don’t want to be weak. Fitness is about health . And I like your videos bro stay strong
Very wholesome video. Glad you gave us this insight.
If you do not weight at least 240 pounds you are playing around.
Depression is hormonal issue, as you age you supposed to become a men not stay a twink boy.
Deep inside you know your full potential to become a top predator in nature, killing bisons, lions, bears and wolfs.
Modern society traps the animal inside of you that wants to kill or get killed in a battle. Not sit around in a gym pretending to hunt or struggle.
You are not doing what you are supposed to do, this is why you can never put a shark inside a aqaurium they will die out of depression(stress hormones)
Thank you for this video and the honesty overall. ❤❤
Solid video, a lot of people need to hear this, myself included
Oh definitely I wished this topic was talked about more only the glamorous side is shown but there’s cons regarding mental health as well
Young brother no one else can set a value to your” self worth”. The key here is the word self.
Agreed the reason needs to be correct. I don't work out for vanity, I do it to build dopamine receptors. Drugs feel really good up front but becomes hell later, working out feels like hell upfront but feels like heaven the more you do it. Trian the mind for lifestyle and consistency, vanity is fleeting.
I’ve definitely experienced this. All of my life, I was an athlete and all I cared about was being healthy. I knew being active would have me looking good as a by product but I have never been hyper focused on my looks until now. After losing a lot of body fat, I spent maybe a year just trying to build muscle and being hyper focused on my looks. Now I want to go back to focusing on being healthy and looking good as a byproduct. It’s unnatural for me to be hyper focused on my looks.
Great video my man! Till this day I still do your home upper chest workout.
Personal advice, set a goal higher than you want to go. Even if "building muscle mass" is your initial goal, aim higher than it and you will see that you won't care that much about it compared to the higher set goal.
i think the fit of the close you wear really matter too in making you look bigger or smaller
This man has changed so much
This video is so spot on thank you for this.
I literally am going through this right now. I hit the gym and went from 162 to 195 in 13 months all natty. I'm currently down to 186 and I am getting depressed. My mind makes me feel like I'm anorexic.
Gotta start challenging yourself. Start doing races, competing, spartan races etc.
Once you see those gains that's when it gets addicting
Training for overall athleticism- agility, explosiveness, speed etc. is a great option when you maximize you aesthetics in my opinion.
where did you get the pendulum next to your YT plaque
man, I was startin to think nobody ekse out there felt the way I do about “bUlKiNg”. I hate havin to FORCE myself to eat more, DAILY, solely for the sake of meetin sum type a daily caloric goal. I don’t like no longer bein able to see my abs due to, imo, unnecessary, body fat in the belly area. I don’t enjoy feelin slower, lazier, more fatigued and/or more sluggish. I don’t feel that the gains in muscle, after a bulk, are worth all the other stuff that comes w a bulk once you finish cuttin the excess body fat gained from a bulk and the last thing, for me, is that eatin at maintenance, or in a deficit is way easier and way less stressful to eat clean in and keep track of due to less food, less types of food and less macros havin to be taken into consideration and prioritized.
The MAIN thing about life is, people have to learn the ability to stop caring about what others think.
MOST people are wired to say something bad about a person than good first. MOST of what people say goes in one of my ears and out of the other. I only care about what I think about myself.
If someone isn't signing your checks, you don't need to worry about them. Don't know why we let people esp strangers carry out emotions. Ask yourself "HOW DOES THAT CHANGE/EFFECT MY LIFE?"
Even ask them...
Im not responsible for what you "THOUGHT" i was or looked like. That's how I see it when people say things.
👇🏽 Actually studies show generally genetics aside ..real size starts in the legs first as that is the biggest muscle in the body..the core is the hardest yes but legs then back give someone one their size💯
The harder you work the more you have to put into recovery otherwise you just burn out . Central nervous shocked etc . But gotts to do it my boy
Everybody overtrains. And I mean everybody. I workout once every 10 days. And at 61 I have a physique most men half my age don't have. Because they don't understand the major importance of RECOVERY...
I train to get rid of the pain.
😂I interpreted this in 2 ways. To get rid of physical pain or emotional pain. I hope it's the former bro.😅
@@youlookweirddude747 Which one do you think?
@@GTAGUAR Bro I said I hope it's the former but it's prolly the later. Funny enough if it is because of emotional pain it prolly is effective but I'd be hard pressed to get up and workout while in emotional pain. And working out in physical pain is rarely beneficial unless for your knees or back...maybe most joints
Austin they hating bro you look big on here bro 1:36
Nah, you'd be surprised how smaller someone looks in person compared to the gram when you have low body fat and no pump or good lighting. Like someone said, "The gram isn't real." 🤣
@@k-slay4407 bro I’ve seen this man in brickell walking around dudes huge in person and online lol .
Better Help going ham with their advertising. They’re reaching Raid Shadow Legends budget levels.
Subscribed! You’re speaking them facts I can really relate to
Great video!
Thanks for sharing these tips, Austin 😀
Great video bro
It’s true. Social media destroyed what I feel is a good physique. I’m 6ft 220lbs 15%bf and I feel fat compared to some of these influencers.
Yes bro never compare with fitness influencers on instagram they have lots of followers but they r on heavy gear
I've been working out consistently for about 11/12 years and only 2 of those years I worked out to look good physically
The rest of those years and currently have been for mental health reasons and to just stay healthy overall
Great video I am culprit to that. I look at others instead of just worrying about yourself.
Measuring selfworth based on other people's perceptions of you is a slippery slope.
Never use anything as a crutch. Work on loving and being happy with yourself first, then work on improving yourself, your health.
If you need to reach a goal to love yourself, you will never love yourself because the goalpost will always changes.
I'd say when you get to that peak bulk, use it for martial arts. It'll keep pushing you especially mentally but try to control and channel that aggression.
Best video you’ve made
Once you reach your mid-40s, the overwhelming motivation becomes keeping yourselves youthful. Start early, believe me!
My goal is to have a superhero body, so that means mass, ( currently) then cut down once I’m accustomed to the weight. Then combat training ( muy thai) and weight lifting
Not sustainable. Go for the middleweight boxer look. And you will never go wrong.
this content is way better
Bulking just means calorie surplus... that can (and should) be like 100-200 kcal more each day. Hardly "force feeding"
I’m one of the few that didn’t worry how I looked, maybe because I started back in 2001 when I was 18
You need a good relationship with bodybuilding. You need the balance. You look awesome!
I go to the gym 4x a week with a diet i need to improve on. You just gotta try your best and i think you've done very well. When you have a bad day at thw gym remember 99% of people would just give up. The skill is not giving up and not being hard on yourself. I have recently got a training partner and its helped alot. Maybe its the social media not the gym.
Team AD! 🔥
AD Team 💪💪
At the end of the video were you said that you wasnt haooy the way you look. You look great and almost better than all other fitness influencers
Comparison is a thief of joy. Nothing more true.
After since I started working out last year to now my life as been better I feel invisible.. I also have a daily routine work out..
Comparison is the theif of joy but we can gain inspiration from looking at others . Work at improving your own journey and you'll find satisfaction as there's enough for your own plate instead of taking from others plate ( spiritual/mentally/physically) .
Building others up will build yourself up . Training movements along with training muscle will give us more ability and confidence to perform hobbies , love life , family and work life . Being Greedy is the enemy of Greatfullness being thankful and enjoying what we have in the moment which results in better mental health ... pace yourselves and embrace the journey with milestones ( Goals) along the way . Bless
Don't ride the trenbolone pony, my friends. Take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Keep striving 💯
Awesome Workout
I use to be depressed knowing how i use to look verses now. Was cut and bigger with muscles but now i feel smaller and look smaller due to age. Then I remember how old I am and realize i look a lot better and younger than men my age. Even had someone recently asked me if i lift weights. I think i am being too hard on myself.
Functional training > training for looks , at the end of the day u would look fit and good
I see you rocking the fathersons ! That's the only brand in my closet lol
Good message . Nice to see more fitness guys talk about it .
And of course compete with yourself ,but if you compare yourself with most of the people around ,not fitness creators on gear with pump ,lighting etc . But regular majority of people who don't train - you will be fine .
Yeah as a natural we maybe stop at some point gain more muscle ,but at that point - do you really need more ?
Would've been the most jacked Air Force Officer. Oh well.
Gyms are shutting down cuz they are overrun by internet/ digital narcissists. Men will just Join a community or build their own .
The shirt goes hard 🔥🔥
How would u recommend gaining muscle when skinny without tracking and getting flabby?
Fitness is not a trend or for aesthetics its about the way of life and about your health. 😊😊😊😊
As a natty I accepted that I won''t look as ripped and strong as the juiceheads , But it took me a lot of time to digest that. If I bulk i get strong and big , but with love handles and fat all over some funny places. If I cut to clear that fat then suddenly my muscles are 40% less strong and at least 20% smaller. Than I try to maingain while i'm lighter but nothing happens I stay the same level and can't build muscle or strenght. Then I bulk again , get stronger AF, but look like a fat slob again. I got into that cycle like at least 6 times over the years because I thought that it's possible to look like these stupit influencers if you bulk and cut but that doesn't work past some point. I built about 10-12 kilograms of lean muslce natural and more is impossible. I'm a naturally 65-ish kilogram guy that has had accept that more than 12 kilogram muslce is impossible to built with the testosterone my balls are producing. Its just not possible no matter how much bulks I do. Ive settled around 80-85 kilos. You gotta accept that at some point more is impossible and you will only injur yourself if you train harder, and just train for the difficult and health and maintain or your mental health will be destroyed.