Tomasina Covell she plays an old Jew in Boston. A member of the Basterds called “The Bear Jew” knocks on her door and asks her to write the names of any loved ones she has in Europe on his baseball bat, and then tells her he’s going to beat every Nazi he finds to death with it.
When was this
From what I gather August 2009, but I can't find anything else unfortunately.
PRAISE GOD! She was NOT and atheist! Never believe Wikipedia as a factual resource. Miss you Cloris. You were quite a woman.
Can you see her part in a long version or on the DVD?
I don't think Tarantino ever released the deleted scenes with her. Tarantino doesn't seem to release deleted scenes from his films very often.
Inglourious Basterds Wiki: Thanks! Oh I wish I could've known what sort of role that she played what she did, she couldn't have stunk, not her? :)
Tomasina Covell Look up the script for inglourious basterds. The Mrs himmelstein part is there.
Tomasina Covell she plays an old Jew in Boston. A member of the Basterds called “The Bear Jew” knocks on her door and asks her to write the names of any loved ones she has in Europe on his baseball bat, and then tells her he’s going to beat every Nazi he finds to death with it.
Tarantino that inglorious bastard cut her out.