Edit : Discord serverımız / our discord server : discord.gg/MpYPbkYQUp Yaparken her döneminden keyif aldığım bir video oldu. Gerçekten zengin bir tarihe sahip köklü bir medeniyet Araplar. Birkez olsun bu videoyu izlerken önyargıları bırakıp arap kültürünün esintisine kendinizi bırakmanızı tavsiye ederim. Irkın insanın seçmediği birşey olduğunu ve hiçbir ırkın alçak yada üstün olmadığını, hükumetlerin suçlarının halklara atılamayacağını hatırlatmak istiyorum. Keyifli seyirler. Paylaşmayı beğenmeyi ve yorum yapmayı ihmal etmeyin :)
Tamamen dininin arap dini olmasından dolayı yaptigin bir ekstra uyarı . Eğer oyle olmasaydi milletin araplara saydirmasinin çokta umurunda olacagini sanmiyorum. Öyle olsa her ırka düşman olanlar var . Böyle taraflı oluyor. Tarafsız olsan heryere aynı uyarıyı yapardın.
@Ultimate Clokwork onlar tarihini bilenler. Din perdesini gözlerinden kaldirip gecmisine tarafsiz bakanlar. Ha disslike atacak bir video degil gayet güzel hazırlanmış. Hatta sondaki etnik köken dağılımı çok iyi.
@@kml1717 ne alakası var aynı uyarıyı ermeni tarihine de yaptım. Eski videoda millet birbirine girdiği için ve aşırı ırkçı söylemler yaptıkları için yaptım bu uyarıyı. Hatta ermeni tarihi videosunun aksine sadece türkçe yazdım çünkü bunu %99 türkler yapıyor.
@@bestmmax We don't have a problem with shia in general.. the problems start when shia start insulting Aisha the wife of prophet Muhammad and insulting their friends ( Sahaba) such as Abu Baker and Omar
@Sniper I mean it is the representative of Sunnis in the Sunni-Shia cold war in the middle east... And of course it is Islamic, it has Kaaba in it dummy
@@انسانقديمومقآتلعظيم الرسالة كانت سوف تبعث للعالم بشكل او بأخر ولو لم يكن العرب موجودين بكل بساطة سوف يحمل عاتقها امة اخرى. فالامر ليس بصعب على الله (استغفر الله على هذا الكلام) بأن يمحو العرب من وجه الارض ويستبدلهم بقوم اخر ويحملهم عاتق نشر الرسالة. مسألة بأن لولا العرب لما وجد الاسلام هي مسألة تم الترويج لها من قبل القوميين العرب وهي في الحقيقة اسخف الجمل منطقا على الاطلاق. الكلام اللي جالس تقراه هو كلام صادر عن شخص متعصب للقومية سابقاً وكان يقول نفس الكلام لكنه استخدم عقله وتعب نفسه بالبحث ووصل للحقيقة.
اشهد ان لا اله إلا الله واشهد ان محمدا عبد الله رسوله. يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك. الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام والإيمان انا بحبك يا اهل الجزيرة العربية من المالديف 🇲🇻
Peridot they still believe in this “cliché” that the arabs betrayed them when in fact 300,000 arabs fought for the ottoman empire which is 10x the amount who fought in the arab revolt.... 2/3 of ataturks army in gallipoli were arab too
@@-3696 اين المنطق الغبي.....قبل الاسلام ....اليمن تعرض للإحتلال الأحباش ثم الفرس......شمال افريقيا ومصر والشام وبلاد الرافدين تحت الاحتلال....مملكتي الغساسنة والحيرة تحت سيطرة الفرس والروم ومملكة كندة انهارت وأصبح العرب يعيشون كقبائل ضعيفة بلا قيمة ومتناحرة ثم تقول يجب ان نتخلى عن منطق (العرب لاشئ بدون الإسلام)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@seifelbagdady8494 ركزت على الفترة القصيرة قبل الاسلام وتركت معظمها! قلنا حبوا الاسلام لكن ليس لدرجة ان تنكروا تاريخكم، لو تخليتم عن عروبتكم فلن تكونوا شيئا.
@@-3696 لا تقلق على العروبة.....يظل العرب اعظم بكثير بعد الإسلام.....وعموماً اصبح العرب يتخلون عن عروبتهم بسبب تراجعهم وهوانهم وضعفهم وهذا طبيعي... تراجعنا اتى بسبب ابتعادنا عن الإسلام.....هل فهمت ما اقصد....العلاقة بين العروبة والإسلام هي علاقة طردية....ولكن القومية العربية خربت كل شئ عندما ركزنا عليها فقط....فأصبح هذا العربي يسب ذلك الكردي وذلك الامازيغي يسب ذلك العربي..واصبح حالنا لا يرثى لها
Arab kingdoms not mentioned in the video Or mistakes 1-The Kingdom of Palmyra was an Arab kingdom that occupied Egypt, the Levant, and southern Anatolia. 2-Abdul Jalal Arab lineage in Indonesia 3-Hussain Shah Dynasty in Bangladesh 4-Muzaffarid in southern Iran 5-Roman Empire led by Philip the Arab 6-Ottoman Eyalet of Algiers (was only nominally under the Ottomans) 7-The Almoravids 8-Sharif Ali dynasty in Indonesia Also, the Abbasids did not lose any lands after their revolution against the Umayyads. 9-Emirate of Farakhshanit: An Arab emirate in southern France that occupied parts of Switzerland, Italy and Germany. 10-Not showing the Aghlabid occupation of southern Italy or any part of the Mediterranean other than Sicily.
As for the Almoravids, some will say that they were Berbers. Half of the historians, even the Berbers among them, who said that the Almoravids were from the Sanhaja, said that the Sanhaja were Arabs.
@@Dersimite Salah al-Din was an Arab, from the al-Rawadi family, from the Ghamid clan of the Azd tribe, and his lineage goes back to a person who was the governor of Azerbaijan, his name was Musafir bin Katheer al-Shari. The Al-Rawadi family mixed with the Kurds later, and people thought that they were Kurdish, but the Ayyubids themselves denied the Kurdish origin and said that they were Arabs.
@@KayraAtakanQX this is what i am always doing, but most of my friends (like a looot of people) do not care 😔. But at least You have us! Your loyal viewers!
@Sniper man your country was literally the first Muslim majority country to recognize Israel. Let's just appreciate the video without bringing up politics please.
From the beginning the Turks were noted for their superior military qualities, which seem to have lain mainly in their use of mounted bowmen and the nomadic speed of their cavalry. From this time on the Caliphs relied to an increasing extent on Turkish troops and commanders, to the detriment of the older cultured peoples in Islam, the Arabs and the Persians. The progressive militarization of the regime increased their strength. By the eleventh century the Turks were entering the world of Islam, not only as individuals recruited by capture or purchase, but by the migration of whole tribes of free nomadic Turks still organized in their own traditional way. Lewis, B. (2002) Arabs in history. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.160
Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bahili had no influence on the Turks becoming Muslims. He committed massacres to convert the Turks to Islam, but this alienated the Turks from Islam. The majority of Turks converted to Islam in the 11th century.
@@Egg.335 They are ethnicly arabic, you dont know what that means, and 2 the vast majority, even the berbers speak arabic. the ethnic arabs make up a majority in two. tunisa is also 99.8% arab
Sırf ''Arap'' diye bu güzelim videoya disslike atanlara Allah'tan akıl diliyorum. Biz birbirimizi Arap,Türk,Kürt diye ayırırsak ümmet kalmaz. Biz bir ümmetin askerleriyiz. Birbirimizi ayırmayalım. Müminler ancak kardeştirler - Hucurat Suresi 10. Ayet.
Al-Jahiz, the renowned ninth century Arab prose writer, wrote an essay entitled “The Virtues of the Turks.” In this essay al-Jahiz describes the various contingents that formed the Abbasid army and argues that the Turks were far superior to the other groups when it came to fighting, riding, discipline, and war.
Why were they not strong in the Islamic Khazar wars or in the Islamic conquest of Central Asia? The Turks were part of the Islamic armies, but they were not the Islamic armies.
İslam öncesi/cahiliye Arap tarihinin arka fon müziği Azer Bülbül'ün müziklerini andırıyor :) 4:34 İslam, Arapların çoktanrıcılıktan tektanrıcılığa geçmesi, milli birliklerini sağlaması(millet olması), imparatorluk kurmasıdır. Muhteşem bir video olmuş emeğine, yüreğine sağlık Kayra Atakan ❤️👍
I am an Iraqi Arab from the tribe of Bani Taghlib bin Wael, my grandfathers built the kingdom of Hatra in Iraq and also participated in the battle of Talas. My great grandfather founded the Hamdanid state and defended the Islamic world. 😍😍😍😍
@@mosamohammed1692 قلت انا حمداني والحمدانيين يرجعون لقبيله تغلب بن وائل اجدادي شاركوا ببناء مملكه الحضر في العراق وجدي الكبير حمدان بن حمدون كان هو مؤسس الدوله الحمدانيه في العراق وفخور بهذا الشيئ
Man, you are awesome!!! Your videos are epic!!! good job!!! Do you want to make a video about the Greek history one day pls?? I know, you made a video about the Greek history in the past, but I want one more with your amazing map. 🇬🇷🇹🇷🇬🇷🇹🇷💕💕
@El Psy Kongroo din ile ırkın hiç bir alakası yok.Milletin dinine karışmayın artık. İslamın Araplarlarla da ilgisi yok. Burada seninle din tartışmayacağım sadece insanların dinine saygı duymayı öğrenmelisiniz. Bu arkadaş sana hiç dedi mi bu topraklara müslüman olan Anadolu Selçuklu Ve Osmanlı ile geldik o zaman sende zorla müslüman olacaksın diye?
You put 18 states arabics this video remastered is better. Plus you show the ephemeral kingdom of Algerian Abdelkader (rahimuallah) it's a good job for you brother.
@@think9747 You look like a pro Mustafa kamal supporter, as an Arab I would tell you that since the Arab revolt and since we have adopted nationalism ,Arabs have never won a war. The only way Arabs can develop is by returning to Islam
@@العربيء In Russia, not only Russians live, but also Ukrainians Tatars Bashkirs Belarusians Avars Kazakhs Udmurts Mordovians Buryats Kumyks Karachay Balkars Azerbaijanis Ossetians Dargins Komi Chechens Tuvinians Yakuts and others
@@DoxsanDoqquz Southern Kurdistan is not Northern Iraq, it is the 9000-Year-old Home of the ignorant Azeri Kurds. Southern Kurdistan Karabakh belongs to Armenia
@@DoxsanDoqquz Lola supported the United States and European countries for your paradise because he has taken control of one inch from the land of Palestine
You know millions of Syrians and Lebanese live in Brazil and also we Arabs like you as well we like all of Latin America and We hate the US because of the destruction they caused to the Arabs and i bet Latin Americans hate them because of all the coups, dictatorships and civil wars that the US sponsored and did during the cold war they even did one in Brazil and installed a Brutal dictator that terrorized the Brazilian population.
Arablar Andalusdagi Ummaviylar va Bağdodagi Abbosiylar qulaganidan keyin ham Saltanat ham Ahloq ham ilmiy saviyaham pastlashdi. Hozirgi kunda huddi Johilyat davrini eslatadi.
@@Ayanuwkxxss arapların türklere neler yaptığından haberin varmı? Hem osmanlı hem emevi döneminde? Veya günümüzde ciddi arap sorunu var türkiye'de ayıp be kanka, arap sana göre kardeş olabilir ama kandaşlarının değil haberin olsun.
عندما استعمر العثمانين العالم العربي المغرب استمر لقرون الدولة الإسلامية في عهد الخلفاء الراشدين والتابعين كانت الأفضل ولله الحمد يجب عليكم يا مسلمين نسيان الحدود والوطنية الذي يجمعنا لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله
لم يكن استعمارا. الدول التي تم استعمارها هي دول الشام وشمال افريقيا ما عدى مصر اظن وكان استعمارها من قبل بريطانيا وفرنسا وغيرهم لكن ليس العثمانيين. دول الخليج وجنوب شبه الجزيرة ومصر (لا اعلم عن المغرب) كانوا تحت الحماية وليس الاستعمار.
🫡🫡🫡🫡 Kathirids 8:14 السلطنة الكثيرية استمر حكمها 588 سنة بضبط وكانت توصف بانها من أقوى الدول عسكريا في الجزيرة العربية ومن اشهر سلاطينها بدر بن عبدالله الكثيري الملقب ب(بوطويرق) حيث هزم البرتغاليين وامتد حكمه من حضرموت إلى جنوب عمان ظفار والربع الخالي شرقاً ومن مساهمتها نشر الإسلام إلى اسيا والهند وشرق أفريقيا ابكر فخر إني عربي ومسلم و من ال كثير 😇
@@republicanline5099 What? Arab / Islamic rule was more than a thousand years! From 632 - 1940, the Jews from Europe fled and occupied the area. Before this, the Canaanite Arabs and the Nabateans existed in the region even before the children of Israel.
@@KayraAtakanQX ah okay I don't knew this precision. I knew there are a tribe of zenaga that's berbers and immigrants SubSaharians in South along Senegal river that speak mostly wolof and peul. In Algeria you are an excellent mapper when you show at end the Arabs population and in white the berbers "islands" overall in North East where it's hard to drew the differences areas linguistics. You're the best my young bro 🤜
@Sniper The aya 16 in surah (al-naml) ( وَوَرِثَ سُلَيْمَانُ دَاوُودَ) Allah said that suliman had successor his father dawood in both the prophecy and the monarchy This is the tafser
@Sniper The aya says ( suleyman became successor of dawood) Not "him" And there is no mention of prophecy neither monarchy!! The holy verses in Quran never explained according just what you read ! Not every one can explain the Quran, my friend there are people whose jobs is explaining the Quran, and wrote dozens of books to explain it ! Suleyman was one of the 25th prophets that mentioned in Quran!
We are steadfast Arabs, we will remain steadfast no matter what the enemy tries to topple us, we will withstand the resilience of the heroes, like Saddam Hussein, may God have mercy on him. We are a history distinguished from other peoples. We have a merit in a world. We invented everything if we did not exist, no life has been modern. In the name of God اشهد انه لا اله الله اشهد انه محمد رسول الله I bear witness that there is no god but God I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God
2:24 I thought that area (where the Osorene Kingdom is) was meant to be going back and forth between Rome and Persia but it doesn't seem to be labelled as a vassal of either, what's going on here?
4:42 You have a major historical mistake, which is the survival of the Sassanid Empire during the reign of Omar bin Al-Khattab, During the reign of Omar, Muslims reached Al-Ray and the borders of present-day Afghanistan.
Iraklılar Arap değil biz sadece Arapça konuşuyoruz !!! 💦 Irak- Keldaniler, Asurlular Süryaniler-Süryaniler Mısır-kıpti Kuzey Afrika-hayret Sudan-nubian Lübnan-fonecian Filistin- caanites
Türkmenmisin Iraklılar suriler Arabistanlılar zaten sami halkı bir şey fark etmiyor Mısırlılar Arap yerli halk kiptilerin nüfusu 15 milyon Sadece Mısır'da Ama Kuzey Afrikalılar Berberi Mısır hariç
ben türk değilim ve türkçe konuşmuyorum, sözlük kullanıyorum ,,,, arapça konuşmaya zorlandık ve müslüman olmaya zorlandık, ben basralıyım, irak ... ya da sümer ,,,, biz genetik olarak Arap'ız!
@@yunusemreaknc6325 Araplarla gurur duymuyoruz, araplar bedeviyiz, biz medeniyetiz ... Araplar siyonistlere veya İran'a kurşun sıkma zahmetine girmediler ... her savaş Irak ve Mısır savaşır ve şişman arapları savunur, gençlerimiz ölürken ve acı çekiyorlar, gençleri zenginleşiyor ve zengin hayatlar yaşıyorlar .... işte bu .... kendi dillerini savunabilirler, kendi dilimiz ve kendi yeteneklerimiz var ve Perslerin ve çöl araplarının kuyruğu olmayı bırakacağız*
@@Someone-q6f5x Sonuçta Sami Irkındansınız önemli değil Ona bakarsan bizde Türk değiliz Ozaman Türkler çekik gözlü olur doğu Türkistanlılar, kazaklar, Kırgızlar çekik gözlü mesela bizde Türkmü olmuyoruz Ozaman
@@Someone-q6f5x Biz Iraklılar Arap, başka bir soydansınız, Arap değilsiniz We Iraqis are Arab, you are from another lineage, you are not Arab نحن العراقيون عرب ، أصل آخر ، أنتم لستم عربا. 🇮🇶🇦🇪🇸🇾🇧🇭🇸🇩🇪🇬🇸🇦🇾🇪🇱🇧🇶🇦🇰🇼🇯🇴 Araplar çok yaşa Long live the Arabs عاش العرب
It shown like this in all sources. Syria belong to byzantine empire im that era. You can research en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghassanids#/media/File%3AGhassanid_Kingdom_Map.svg www.google.com/search?q=ghassanids&safe=active&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=insv&sxsrf=ALeKk00yqiLopnL_-m0i2InkiyZlHIbJng:1598812821708&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIjrPyycPrAhWISsAKHebTBpgQ_AUoAXoECBIQAQ&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=3#imgrc=f4hEU9EBK-nAMM www.google.com/search?q=ghassanids&safe=active&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=insv&sxsrf=ALeKk00yqiLopnL_-m0i2InkiyZlHIbJng:1598812821708&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIjrPyycPrAhWISsAKHebTBpgQ_AUoAXoECBIQAQ&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=3#imgrc=vBjQN96tdxjEmM
@@KayraAtakanQX You should see the map under king Al harith V bin jabala which certainly did, wikipedia of course is not a source nor are the others trusted sources in any case the capital of the ghassasinids is in Syria's daraa and I am sure that it is in Syria I hope you didn't do this out of hate for Syria and doubt that you'll fix it also adding the Palmyrian empire would've been nice
@@KayraAtakanQX Kayra merak etme Muhtemelen Dislikeler sana değil Insanlar birbirini diğerlerinin milletine göre yiyor ama artık kabul etmelisin artık global bir kanalsîn artık sadece çekirdek kitlen videoları izlemiyor sadece Çekirdek kitle izlese Izlenmelerin üçte biri kadar like olur Yüzdelik azalmanın sebebi bu Ayrıca Taktir etmemek değilde Artık seni bilmeyen Bu videoyu izleyip direk başka video izlemeden boşverip kanalı umursamayıp gidenlerde var bunun gibiler yüzünden izlenme Artıyor Like normal kalıyor senin likelerin azalmadı genel olarak senin izlenmelerin arttı
@@mrhaci7747 hayır izlenme artmadı :) eskiden her videom en az ama en az 40k izleniyordu youtube u bilemdigin belli benim onerilmelerim ve onerilme başına tıklanmam düştü ayrıca çekirdek kitlem eskiden daha kaliteliydi birsuru arkadasim vardi. Simdi yorumlarda hicbirini göremiyorum.
@@mrhaci7747 arap tarihi olduğu için like az dislike cok. Bu arada bir sır vereyim eskiden like oranı %85 87 iken şanda 96 97 yani yanılıyorsun like oranı ile globalleşmemin bir alakası yok. Brn ölmekte olan bir kanalım. Tek kurtuluşum büyük bir kanalın reklamımı yapması
Edit :
Discord serverımız / our discord server :
Yaparken her döneminden keyif aldığım bir video oldu. Gerçekten zengin bir tarihe sahip köklü bir medeniyet Araplar. Birkez olsun bu videoyu izlerken önyargıları bırakıp arap kültürünün esintisine kendinizi bırakmanızı tavsiye ederim. Irkın insanın seçmediği birşey olduğunu ve hiçbir ırkın alçak yada üstün olmadığını, hükumetlerin suçlarının halklara atılamayacağını hatırlatmak istiyorum. Keyifli seyirler. Paylaşmayı beğenmeyi ve yorum yapmayı ihmal etmeyin :)
Game Of Thronse tarihi gelsin
Tamamen dininin arap dini olmasından dolayı yaptigin bir ekstra uyarı . Eğer oyle olmasaydi milletin araplara saydirmasinin çokta umurunda olacagini sanmiyorum. Öyle olsa her ırka düşman olanlar var . Böyle taraflı oluyor. Tarafsız olsan heryere aynı uyarıyı yapardın.
@Ultimate Clokwork onlar tarihini bilenler. Din perdesini gözlerinden kaldirip gecmisine tarafsiz bakanlar. Ha disslike atacak bir video degil gayet güzel hazırlanmış. Hatta sondaki etnik köken dağılımı çok iyi.
@@kml1717 ne alakası var aynı uyarıyı ermeni tarihine de yaptım. Eski videoda millet birbirine girdiği için ve aşırı ırkçı söylemler yaptıkları için yaptım bu uyarıyı. Hatta ermeni tarihi videosunun aksine sadece türkçe yazdım çünkü bunu %99 türkler yapıyor.
@@kml1717 din perdesi ile dislike ın ne alakası var açıklar mısın. Tanıdığım bütün dinciler araplardan nefret ediyor.
صلو على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلّم
Iam from algeria 🇩🇿
oh hi
@@HzRes as
@@Whatever4867 omg u here
@@CR7_2006Editz yep
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
From Afghanistan
As an Arab, thank you for making this video
من المغرب تحيه لكل العرب
From Morocco 🇲🇦
You are berber not arap
arabized berber
@@kadirgules1823 morocco=arabs+berbers not only berbers
@@Mohahamd_arabian95 mostly berber %80
@@kadirgules1823 Did you take a DNA test on my behalf?
keep powerful our muslim friends
from Iran
Yeah but They don't Love shia
We don't have a problem with shia in general.. the problems start when shia start insulting Aisha the wife of prophet Muhammad and insulting their friends ( Sahaba) such as Abu Baker and Omar
@@bestmmax it is not true
@@bestmmax Saudi Arabia the capital of the Sunni world supports your majority-Shia country against Armenia
@Sniper I mean it is the representative of Sunnis in the Sunni-Shia cold war in the middle east... And of course it is Islamic, it has Kaaba in it dummy
تحياتي الى جميع اخواني العرب 🇮🇶
حياك الله
حياك الله 🇹🇳❤🇮🇶
حياك الله
@@shia_pan_iranist شيعي
7:09 yıl sayacı bi anlığına kafayı yiyor
Ne oluyor ki
Zaman yolcuyu bulunuyor galiba :D
Valla 0 1 0 diye gidiyo
يعيش العرب من المحيط للخليج
تعيش الأمة الإسلامية من المحيط إلى المحيط
العروبة كذبة أوروبية مسيحية لتمزيق الدول الإسلامية... نحن بالمغرب مسلمون و ليس عروبيون فالرسول قال " دعوها فإنها منتنة"
@@moulayismail1546 العروبة كذبة اوروبية؟من علمك هذا الكلام؟ بل المغاربة عرب ومنهم الامازيغ ، نحن عرب مسلمين
@@moulayismail1546 لولا العرب ما انتشر الاسلام ولولا العربية لما قرإ القرآن، شكر العرب واجب على العجم
الرسالة كانت سوف تبعث للعالم بشكل او بأخر ولو لم يكن العرب موجودين بكل بساطة سوف يحمل عاتقها امة اخرى.
فالامر ليس بصعب على الله (استغفر الله على هذا الكلام) بأن يمحو العرب من وجه الارض ويستبدلهم بقوم اخر ويحملهم عاتق نشر الرسالة.
مسألة بأن لولا العرب لما وجد الاسلام هي مسألة تم الترويج لها من قبل القوميين العرب وهي في الحقيقة اسخف الجمل منطقا على الاطلاق.
الكلام اللي جالس تقراه هو كلام صادر عن شخص متعصب للقومية سابقاً وكان يقول نفس الكلام لكنه استخدم عقله وتعب نفسه بالبحث ووصل للحقيقة.
اشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد أن محمد رسول الله الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
From Morocco 🇲🇦❤️
@مسلم عربي
أنا أحب اليمن كثير الله يحفظكم 🇾🇪 🙏🏻❤️
جميعا أن شاء الله
@ademin s2 well can you give evidence that Allah is not exist?
How we exist without Allah?
اشهد ان لا اله إلا الله واشهد ان محمدا عبد الله رسوله. يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك. الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام والإيمان
انا بحبك يا اهل الجزيرة العربية
من المالديف 🇲🇻
Arabs have a really interesting history
they had one until the 20th century
overabusedsalmon 123 damn
Peridot they still believe in this “cliché” that the arabs betrayed them when in fact 300,000 arabs fought for the ottoman empire which is 10x the amount who fought in the arab revolt.... 2/3 of ataturks army in gallipoli were arab too
80% of the army in the war in Gallipoli were people living in the territory of Turkey.STOP PROPAGANDA !
Amazing video... As an Arab, I am honoured just by watching this video. Your long time fan from Egypt, may all Islamic nations live in peace.
Inchallah 🤲🏼☪️
Ya Allah! Please give us the strength we need to defend enemies
what about non-islamic nations? or non-islamic arab nations?
yooo RETF on RUclips
you now CEMAL PAŞA ?
0:24 the beginning of the arabian empires
4:33 arabian islamic empire
11:18 arabian gangsta
I liked the word gangsta👍 lol
everyone is gangsta until gabreil tell muhammad that God have chosen you
@@mohammadmehdi1960 and he is really chosed him
@@mohammadmehdi1960 SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam
حُكام عرب مسلمون 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦
نحن العرب لا شيء من دون الإسلام. ..اللهم صل على عبدك محمد و آله و صحبه
Teşekkürler harika bir iş
اظن انك تابعت المقطع؟ اتمنى تتخلى عن منطقك الغبي
@@-3696 نعم المقطع اثبت ذلك
@@-3696 اين المنطق الغبي.....قبل الاسلام ....اليمن تعرض للإحتلال الأحباش ثم الفرس......شمال افريقيا ومصر والشام وبلاد الرافدين تحت الاحتلال....مملكتي الغساسنة والحيرة تحت سيطرة الفرس والروم ومملكة كندة انهارت وأصبح العرب يعيشون كقبائل ضعيفة بلا قيمة ومتناحرة ثم تقول يجب ان نتخلى عن منطق (العرب لاشئ بدون الإسلام)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ركزت على الفترة القصيرة قبل الاسلام وتركت معظمها!
قلنا حبوا الاسلام لكن ليس لدرجة ان تنكروا تاريخكم، لو تخليتم عن عروبتكم فلن تكونوا شيئا.
@@-3696 لا تقلق على العروبة.....يظل العرب اعظم بكثير بعد الإسلام.....وعموماً اصبح العرب يتخلون عن عروبتهم بسبب تراجعهم وهوانهم وضعفهم وهذا طبيعي... تراجعنا اتى بسبب ابتعادنا عن الإسلام.....هل فهمت ما اقصد....العلاقة بين العروبة والإسلام هي علاقة طردية....ولكن القومية العربية خربت كل شئ عندما ركزنا عليها فقط....فأصبح هذا العربي يسب ذلك الكردي وذلك الامازيغي يسب ذلك العربي..واصبح حالنا لا يرثى لها
Arab kingdoms not mentioned in the video Or mistakes
1-The Kingdom of Palmyra was an Arab kingdom that occupied Egypt, the Levant, and southern Anatolia.
2-Abdul Jalal Arab lineage in Indonesia
3-Hussain Shah Dynasty in Bangladesh
4-Muzaffarid in southern Iran
5-Roman Empire led by Philip the Arab
6-Ottoman Eyalet of Algiers (was only nominally under the Ottomans)
7-The Almoravids
8-Sharif Ali dynasty in Indonesia
Also, the Abbasids did not lose any lands after their revolution against the Umayyads.
9-Emirate of Farakhshanit: An Arab emirate in southern France that occupied parts of Switzerland, Italy and Germany.
10-Not showing the Aghlabid occupation of southern Italy or any part of the Mediterranean other than Sicily.
As for the Almoravids, some will say that they were Berbers. Half of the historians, even the Berbers among them, who said that the Almoravids were from the Sanhaja, said that the Sanhaja were Arabs.
But good video
ويعلن شعبنا العربي متحداً لا القدس محتلاً ولا الجولان منكسرا ولا السودان منقسما
The Flag On Your Profile Belongs To A Kurdish Dynasty 😂😂
No it is for Muslims not kurdish or Arab.
Salah aldien is a Muslim,
@@Dersimite Salah al-Din was an Arab, from the al-Rawadi family, from the Ghamid clan of the Azd tribe, and his lineage goes back to a person who was the governor of Azerbaijan, his name was Musafir bin Katheer al-Shari. The Al-Rawadi family mixed with the Kurds later, and people thought that they were Kurdish, but the Ayyubids themselves denied the Kurdish origin and said that they were Arabs.
Thank u very accurate.. Regards from Oman 🇴🇲
4:26 the moment when prophet Muhamed came, my tears started automatically ✅😭 ❤
@FolkMusic bro what
Prophet Muhammad SAW start a islam golden age❤
Why you crying
The Sales💩
Yes finally an improved version!
I really really got effort for this. Please share this video to everybody
@@KayraAtakanQX this is what i am always doing, but most of my friends (like a looot of people) do not care 😔. But at least You have us! Your loyal viewers!
Rawwadids Are Arab Or Iranian?
🇾🇪 نريد فيديو عن 🇾🇪
Thanks for the video greetings from Saudi Arabia❤️🙏🏻🇸🇦🇹🇷
@Sniper man your country was literally the first Muslim majority country to recognize Israel. Let's just appreciate the video without bringing up politics please.
@Sniper so you say that Ataturk is a traitor because he recognized Israel?
@@sepep6288 Ataturk didnt, Ataturk died in 1938 he is lier lmao
@Sniper iyikide tanımışız
@@mrhaci7747 hmmm okay
From the beginning the Turks were noted for their superior military qualities, which seem to have lain mainly in their use of mounted bowmen and the nomadic speed of their cavalry. From this time on the Caliphs relied to an increasing extent on Turkish troops and commanders, to the detriment of the older cultured peoples in Islam, the Arabs and the Persians. The progressive militarization of the regime increased their strength. By the eleventh century the Turks were entering the world of Islam, not only as individuals recruited by capture or purchase, but by the migration of whole tribes of free nomadic Turks still organized in their own traditional way.
Lewis, B. (2002) Arabs in history. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.160
This happened during the Abbasid era, but after the conquests of Qutaybah ibn Muslim al-Bahili, the Turks of Central Asia entered Islam in droves.
Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bahili had no influence on the Turks becoming Muslims. He committed massacres to convert the Turks to Islam, but this alienated the Turks from Islam. The majority of Turks converted to Islam in the 11th century.
bro you spam every single video with Turkic stuff, you’re like a fanfic writer putting your self insert in every story
@@alkar_4 qutayba sounds very based
@@desfighterHulaghu sounds very based
My favorite Arab countries are:
1- Morocco
2- Tunisia
3- Egypt
4- Iraq
5- Lebanon
6- Palestine
7- Jordan
8- Yemen
Love from Hungary 🇭🇺
The first 2 countries are not ethnically Arabs, nor do they speak strict Arabic
@@Egg.335All countries here are not Arabs, except the last two countries, the 4th is partly
@@Egg.335 They are ethnicly arabic, you dont know what that means, and 2 the vast majority, even the berbers speak arabic. the ethnic arabs make up a majority in two. tunisa is also 99.8% arab
@@Alqoaity All of the are Arab. Arab is an ethnicty. you clearly dont know what that means
@@mlgdigimon arabs do not exist in tunisia,only in the middle east
4:35 hail the Rashidun Caliphate! 🤚🏴☪️
Not hail but Marhaban ya Khalifathul Rashidun
5:05 Omg look at this beauty
The Ummayadd caliphate is thicc
@@theballroom98yearsago51 very thicc
Umayyad Caliphate. 💪
This is when the Umayyad Caliphate was at its max expansion
الدولة الأموية ، أكبر اتساع إسلامي
Sırf ''Arap'' diye bu güzelim videoya disslike atanlara Allah'tan akıl diliyorum. Biz birbirimizi Arap,Türk,Kürt diye ayırırsak ümmet kalmaz. Biz bir ümmetin askerleriyiz. Birbirimizi ayırmayalım. Müminler ancak kardeştirler - Hucurat Suresi 10. Ayet.
@-Türk - filistin arapları şerif hüseyin ve suudiler dışında hangidi ihamet etti ?
Ümmet Hz.Muaviye zamanı dağıldı.
@-Türk - tm da orta doguda da bu saydıklarım dışında yok. Mesela yemen umman katar
@@KayraAtakanQX afrikadaki araplar iyiler yüzsüz değiller ama ortadoğu arapları çok kültürsüz hala 500 lü yıllarda yaşıyormuş gibiler
@عَلِم Araplarla çok fazla ortak noktamız vardı din dışında.
تحية إلى أمتنا العربية الإسلامية الحبيبة العظيمة الغالية
you are on another level, brother. :)
Al-Jahiz, the renowned ninth century Arab prose writer, wrote an essay entitled “The Virtues of the Turks.” In this essay al-Jahiz describes the various contingents that formed the Abbasid army and argues that the Turks were far superior to the other groups when it came to fighting, riding, discipline, and war.
انت خادم للفتنه
العرب سيحكمون العالم بقدوم المهدي
Why were they not strong in the Islamic Khazar wars or in the Islamic conquest of Central Asia? The Turks were part of the Islamic armies, but they were not the Islamic armies.
@@el_677المسلمون يأيها القومي
@@abderahmandj3845_muslim شكرا كنت أظن أن السيد المهدي تركي وليس عربي شكرآ للمعلومه
Her zamanki gibi emeğin için teşekkürler!
السلام على أبناء إسماعيل
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته 💜💜😇
واحفاد قحطان
@@khalidibnal-walid5703 وعليكم السلام حبيبي❤️
@@قتادةالرمضان تحياتي 💐💐💐💐 لك من اليمن
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
İslam öncesi/cahiliye Arap tarihinin arka fon müziği Azer Bülbül'ün müziklerini andırıyor :)
4:34 İslam, Arapların çoktanrıcılıktan tektanrıcılığa geçmesi, milli birliklerini sağlaması(millet olması), imparatorluk kurmasıdır.
Muhteşem bir video olmuş emeğine, yüreğine sağlık Kayra Atakan ❤️👍
Nasıl patladım ama gümledim çok iyi yorum.
@@furkank8456 sağol, teşekkürler.
Thank you for your sharing abi greeting from kuveyt 🇰🇼🇹🇷❤️
Kuwait قصدك؟
@@بدونأسم-ص3ف9ي بالتركي kuveyt
@@name-uj5ti هلا فيك يا الهاشمي تنحطون على العين و الراس 💙
@@عبدالرحمنالهذال-م7ع أها شكرا
@@بدونأسم-ص3ف9ي العفو
4:33 أفضل دقيقة في الفيديو بأكمله وفي تاريخ العرب أيضاً ❤😊
I am an Iraqi Arab from the tribe of Bani Taghlib bin Wael, my grandfathers built the kingdom of Hatra in Iraq and also participated in the battle of Talas. My great grandfather founded the Hamdanid state and defended the Islamic world. 😍😍😍😍
ترجم وش كاتب
@@mosamohammed1692 قلت انا حمداني والحمدانيين يرجعون لقبيله تغلب بن وائل اجدادي شاركوا ببناء مملكه الحضر في العراق وجدي الكبير حمدان بن حمدون كان هو مؤسس الدوله الحمدانيه في العراق وفخور بهذا الشيئ
والنعم منك ومن اصلك
I thought Hamdanid State was very long ago.
Lol Hatra was founded in 2th century and the battle of Talas was in 751. How??
ابداع اشكرك لانك وضعت النشيد الوطني العراقي❤
4:32 Rise Of Islam
Man, you are awesome!!! Your videos are epic!!! good job!!! Do you want to make a video about the Greek history one day pls?? I know, you made a video about the Greek history in the past, but I want one more with your amazing map. 🇬🇷🇹🇷🇬🇷🇹🇷💕💕
I want to be a video about greek history. I hope i can make in future.
Yeah I want one about Greek History too its Interesting
I am happy for seeing a Greek who Not angry about Government Fights
@@KayraAtakanQX thx
@@Mr_Fouflakoz Belisaurus is Greek or Roman?
First RUclipsr to make history of Arabs, thanks ☺️
Not the first if you searched
Buradan Tüm Müslümanlara Selam Olsun
O profil adın sana layık değil onu değiştirip Abu bin hassan bin müslim yap bence
@El Psy Kongroo din ile ırkın hiç bir alakası yok.Milletin dinine karışmayın artık. İslamın Araplarlarla da ilgisi yok. Burada seninle din tartışmayacağım sadece insanların dinine saygı duymayı öğrenmelisiniz. Bu arkadaş sana hiç dedi mi bu topraklara müslüman olan Anadolu Selçuklu Ve Osmanlı ile geldik o zaman sende zorla müslüman olacaksın diye?
@@kayolm1213 din evrenseldir.
@@kayolm1213 sen de ismini değiştir o zaman seninki de hiç uygun değil
Vealeykümselam güzel kardeşim
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullah 😍😍
Ve aleykümselam ve rahmetullah :)
You put 18 states arabics this video remastered is better. Plus you show the ephemeral kingdom of Algerian Abdelkader (rahimuallah) it's a good job for you brother.
@@yacin5590 arabs and islamic countrys have to be modernize or we will destroyed by western culture
Aleyküm selam
@@think9747 You look like a pro Mustafa kamal supporter, as an Arab I would tell you that since the Arab revolt and since we have adopted nationalism ,Arabs have never won a war. The only way Arabs can develop is by returning to Islam
I like arabs🇦🇪🇧🇭🇩🇿🇪🇬🇪🇭🇮🇶🇯🇴🇰🇼🇱🇾🇲🇷🇸🇩🇶🇦🇵🇸🇸🇦🇸🇾🇹🇳🇾🇪🇴🇲 from russia🇷🇺
Also I like Russian people 🇷🇺 from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
@@العربيء Russia is a multinational country
rez kor really?
@@العربيء In Russia, not only Russians live, but also Ukrainians Tatars Bashkirs Belarusians Avars Kazakhs Udmurts Mordovians Buryats Kumyks Karachay Balkars Azerbaijanis Ossetians Dargins Komi Chechens Tuvinians Yakuts and others
rez kor I did not know, thanks
As a Moroccan Andalusi, I love all Arab states
Arabs r brothers 🇲🇦❤️🇸🇾
Guy is neither Arab or Berber, probaly of Morisco heritage
@Sayyad Albashar ليس كله فنحن عرقيات كثيرة ومتنوعة فهناك امازيغ وعرب واندلسيين واوروبيين وافارقة الخ....
@@MoroccanMapper الاندلسيين عرب ،اما الاوروبيين والافارقة مجرد اقلية ، العرب في المغرب %70
@@انسانقديمومقآتلعظيم الاندلسيين هم الاوروبيين الذين اسلموا على يد الامازيغ
يارب اعندا كما كنا و انتصرنا على القوم الكافرين from Saudi Arabia
Pray for Palestine 🇲🇾💕🇵🇸
world of king israel🇮🇱
@@Bashush1 haha karabah is Azerbaijan
nort iraq kurd regional grovment is Turkey😂
@@DoxsanDoqquz Southern Kurdistan is not Northern Iraq, it is the 9000-Year-old Home of the ignorant Azeri Kurds. Southern Kurdistan
Karabakh belongs to Armenia
Lola supported the United States and European countries for your paradise because he has taken control of one inch from the land of Palestine
اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في فلسطين وفي كل مكان
whats your nacionality?? love arabs from Brazil🇧🇷🇧🇷
He is turkish
You know millions of Syrians and Lebanese live in Brazil and also we Arabs like you as well we like all of Latin America and We hate the US because of the destruction they caused to the Arabs and i bet Latin Americans hate them because of all the coups, dictatorships and civil wars that the US sponsored and did during the cold war they even did one in Brazil and installed a Brutal dictator that terrorized the Brazilian population.
Great video, love from greece
Hi neighbor 🇹🇷💖🇬🇷
Hi neighbor. No racism 🇹🇷❤️🇬🇷
Güzel video! Umarım bir sonraki video history of the Turkic Languages olur :)
Arablar Andalusdagi Ummaviylar va Bağdodagi Abbosiylar qulaganidan keyin ham Saltanat ham Ahloq ham ilmiy saviyaham pastlashdi. Hozirgi kunda huddi Johilyat davrini eslatadi.
Shout out to the people singing for 2000 years
Im Arabic i love Turkish im from Yemen 🇾🇪
Proud to be an Arab Muslim✌
🇸🇦❤️🇰🇿 الإخوة
Türkler ve araplar kardeş 🤨 kafayımı yedin türk kardeşim?
@@mertkurt965 Ağa beni yanlış anladın))) Biz Türküz ama müslümanız! Benim diyecek istediğim o kadar!
@@Ayanuwkxxss arapların türklere neler yaptığından haberin varmı? Hem osmanlı hem emevi döneminde? Veya günümüzde ciddi arap sorunu var türkiye'de ayıp be kanka, arap sana göre kardeş olabilir ama kandaşlarının değil haberin olsun.
@@mertkurt965Barbar olma
عندما استعمر العثمانين العالم العربي
المغرب استمر لقرون
الدولة الإسلامية في عهد الخلفاء الراشدين والتابعين كانت الأفضل ولله الحمد
يجب عليكم يا مسلمين نسيان الحدود والوطنية الذي يجمعنا لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله
لم يكن استعمارا.
الدول التي تم استعمارها هي دول الشام وشمال افريقيا ما عدى مصر اظن وكان استعمارها من قبل بريطانيا وفرنسا وغيرهم لكن ليس العثمانيين.
دول الخليج وجنوب شبه الجزيرة ومصر (لا اعلم عن المغرب) كانوا تحت الحماية وليس الاستعمار.
@@-3696 المغرب كانت تحت الحماية كما يوضح الفيديو هي و تونس .
@@-3696 العثمانيين استعمروا مصر ، ودخلوها في عهد المماليك بعد حرب استمرت لسنة .
ليس استعمارا. ابحث عن تعريفه.
@@elbouhdidizakaria5250 sömürgeleştirseydik sen arapça değil türkçe konuşurdun
Abi video her zamanki gibi mükemmel 👍
فخورة جدًا بأني عربية من المملكة العربية السعودية ❤️❤️❤️
@@Jitmz لماذا تضحك؟
@@achrafelkourchali3456 hahahahhahwhw
@@achrafelkourchali3456he maybe has mental disability😂🤷🏽♀️
سيبهم اجانب محسبين اننا اغنى من ايلون ماسك نفسه @@achrafelkourchali3456
Love turkey from 🇮🇶 Iraq
are you turkmen?.
@@ZlupjuZ nope I'm Arabic but that's a small detail you know we are brothers after all
@@AlexFord-gp7by Your surname is like Turkish.that's why I asked.thank you.
@@ZlupjuZ yeah we kinda share the same names
@@AlexFord-gp7by What is the meaning of your surname?
Abi Dil tarihi yapabilirmisin? (din tarihi gibi )
Süper olur ama onun için 1 yıl çalışması gerek
@Arda Ak Evet kaynak sıkıntı
Altay dili tarihi yapar ama
أردني🇯🇴 و أفتخر و تحياتي لكل الدول العربية ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🫡🫡🫡🫡 Kathirids
السلطنة الكثيرية استمر حكمها 588 سنة بضبط وكانت توصف بانها من أقوى الدول عسكريا في الجزيرة العربية ومن اشهر سلاطينها بدر بن عبدالله الكثيري الملقب ب(بوطويرق) حيث هزم البرتغاليين وامتد حكمه من حضرموت إلى جنوب عمان ظفار والربع الخالي شرقاً
ومن مساهمتها نشر الإسلام إلى اسيا والهند وشرق أفريقيا
ابكر فخر إني عربي ومسلم و من ال كثير 😇
ما شاء الله استمرت اكثر من الخلافة العباسية
افتخر بتاريخ بلدي عُمان🇴🇲🇴🇲🇴🇲
نحن قوماً أعزنا الله بالأسلام فأذا ابتغينا بغيره اذلنا الله Allah akpir
وين فلسطين🇵🇸؟
כנראה ש אתה לא יודע הסטוריה בכלל ,😃 דגנרט !
@@republicanline5099 Not in history😒🖕🏻🇮🇱
@@republicanline5099 🤔🤔🤔🤔
@@republicanline5099 كيف فهمت
@@republicanline5099 What? Arab / Islamic rule was more than a thousand years! From 632 - 1940, the Jews from Europe fled and occupied the area.
Before this, the Canaanite Arabs and the Nabateans existed in the region even before the children of Israel.
I’m honored to be Arab 🇲🇷
2:20 This song is fire🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
In Mauritania the dialect is called the Hassaniya from "Banu Hassan" tribes
I know but hassaniyah dont accepted as arabic exacly. Mauritania 30% arab berber. Other mauritanians are hassaniyan who have arabic influence.
@@KayraAtakanQX ah okay I don't knew this precision. I knew there are a tribe of zenaga that's berbers and immigrants SubSaharians in South along Senegal river that speak mostly wolof and peul. In Algeria you are an excellent mapper when you show at end the Arabs population and in white the berbers "islands" overall in North East where it's hard to drew the differences areas linguistics. You're the best my young bro 🤜
Mauritanian is probably the second purest Arabic dialect after Levantine
Hey brother are you Mauritanian?
@@sepep6288 xd
Türkiyenin en iyi mapperi
konu bı değil
Eline sağlık dostum kaliteli video olmuş
From morocoo 🇲🇦❤
Emeğine sağlık kardeşim güzel video olmuş
4:35 yeah boi >:3
sen varsın video da :d
@@Hun4ic evt z0
Before İslam: fighing in desert for life
After İslam: Fighting in the europe africa asia for world control
@papa joe stalin of Stalinist stanistan no, until religion makes arabs united and we will United soon and all the world will see
@papa joe stalin of Stalinist stanistan islam is the best
@papa joe stalin of Stalinist stanistan Is this an adult's response, I think you are ten years old، goodbye
@papa joe stalin of Stalinist stanistan yeah without islam we are nothing i mean all the world, what is your religion?
@papa joe stalin of Stalinist stanistan[ISLAM☪️]
About Sabaean Kingdom I think Prophet Sulaiman was Married with Queen Balqist
No he was a prophet, just the Jews consider him as a king
The aya 16 in surah (al-naml)
( وَوَرِثَ سُلَيْمَانُ دَاوُودَ)
Allah said that suliman had successor his father dawood in both the prophecy and the monarchy
This is the tafser
The aya says ( suleyman became successor of dawood)
Not "him"
And there is no mention of prophecy neither monarchy!!
The holy verses in Quran never explained according just what you read !
Not every one can explain the Quran, my friend there are people whose jobs is explaining the Quran, and wrote dozens of books to explain it !
Suleyman was one of the 25th prophets that mentioned in Quran!
Love the video from Iraq 🇮🇶 ❤️
9:54 موطني موطني 💔
ما خربنا الا القوميه العربيه
@@theballroom98yearsago51 شكلك حاقد
Great work love it ❤
4:32 Overextension %150. Bu arada Medieval 2 Total War müziği ayrı bir yakışmış.
we cant be strong (just arab)
we need all Muslims 🌙☪️☪️💟
من المغرب عاشت الأمة العربية 💚ض💚
و دامت الأمة العربية أمة محمد في دين الإسلام بعون الله و حفظه❤🌙
الله أكبر☝🏻
و الأعجم ليسوا أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ،؟ العرب وحدهم أم ماذا
4:33 🏴🏴🏴
Is it just me or are you putting out a ton of videos lately? Not complaining, though!
I put a lot of videos since april.
@@KayraAtakanQX bro why didn’t you mention tribes in Levantine and southern Anatolia,like Amilah ,lakhm and juzam
We are steadfast Arabs, we will remain steadfast no matter what the enemy tries to topple us, we will withstand the resilience of the heroes, like Saddam Hussein, may God have mercy on him. We are a history distinguished from other peoples. We have a merit in a world. We invented everything if we did not exist, no life has been modern. In the name of God
اشهد انه لا اله الله اشهد انه محمد رسول الله
I bear witness that there is no god but God I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God
Allahu Akbar
Idont know about saddam but kaddafi was a true leader
@@think9747 Yes you are right😗
@Mahmoud Hasanain صح كلامك بس ف ابتحاد قوه مافي شي ف طريقنا
@Mahmoud Hasanain انا قريب منك
انا من راهط يا خوي ❤❤
2:24 I thought that area (where the Osorene Kingdom is) was meant to be going back and forth between Rome and Persia but it doesn't seem to be labelled as a vassal of either, what's going on here?
You have a major historical mistake, which is the survival of the Sassanid Empire during the reign of Omar bin Al-Khattab,
During the reign of Omar, Muslims reached Al-Ray and the borders of present-day Afghanistan.
The flag of the Ghassanid kingdom looks similar to the flag of Austria
Bengal Sultanate also
ironically enough both were christian kingdoms
Im from morocco 🇲🇦thank you bro for this video we all Muslims
from the indian ocean to the atlantic we speak one language and it’s the language of Ishmael (pbuh)
@@jaif7327 Ishamel (pbuh) Spoke Arabic just like Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
Iraklılar Arap değil biz sadece Arapça konuşuyoruz !!! 💦
Irak- Keldaniler, Asurlular
Kuzey Afrika-hayret
Filistin- caanites
Iraklılar suriler Arabistanlılar zaten sami halkı bir şey fark etmiyor Mısırlılar Arap yerli halk kiptilerin nüfusu 15 milyon Sadece Mısır'da
Ama Kuzey Afrikalılar Berberi Mısır hariç
ben türk değilim ve türkçe konuşmuyorum, sözlük kullanıyorum ,,,, arapça konuşmaya zorlandık ve müslüman olmaya zorlandık, ben basralıyım, irak ... ya da sümer ,,,, biz genetik olarak Arap'ız!
@@yunusemreaknc6325 Araplarla gurur duymuyoruz, araplar bedeviyiz, biz medeniyetiz ... Araplar siyonistlere veya İran'a kurşun sıkma zahmetine girmediler ... her savaş Irak ve Mısır savaşır ve şişman arapları savunur, gençlerimiz ölürken ve acı çekiyorlar, gençleri zenginleşiyor ve zengin hayatlar yaşıyorlar .... işte bu .... kendi dillerini savunabilirler, kendi dilimiz ve kendi yeteneklerimiz var ve Perslerin ve çöl araplarının kuyruğu olmayı bırakacağız*
Sonuçta Sami Irkındansınız önemli değil
Ona bakarsan bizde Türk değiliz Ozaman Türkler çekik gözlü olur doğu Türkistanlılar, kazaklar, Kırgızlar çekik gözlü mesela bizde Türkmü olmuyoruz Ozaman
Biz Iraklılar Arap, başka bir soydansınız, Arap değilsiniz
We Iraqis are Arab, you are from another lineage, you are not Arab
نحن العراقيون عرب ، أصل آخر ، أنتم لستم عربا.
Araplar çok yaşa
Long live the Arabs
عاش العرب
5:10 What I know is that the Abbasids maintained their borders in Central Asia. Can you give me a source on how they lost the lands?
Ben bir seyyidim arab sayılıyorum azerbaycanlıyım. Kendi milletimle gurur duyuyorum hakikaten
Placement of ghassasinids seems incorrect it's supposed to be Syria but you made it more closer to Jordan
It shown like this in all sources. Syria belong to byzantine empire im that era. You can research
@@KayraAtakanQX You should see the map under king Al harith V bin jabala which certainly did, wikipedia of course is not a source nor are the others trusted sources in any case the capital of the ghassasinids is in Syria's daraa and I am sure that it is in Syria I hope you didn't do this out of hate for Syria and doubt that you'll fix it also adding the Palmyrian empire would've been nice
If you do not believe you can see their descendants king/prince gharios al shummar saying that they're Syrian on youtube
@@KayraAtakanQX actually the Syrian dessert and the Jordanian dessert belonged to ghassanids
Video mükemmel olmuş ellerine sağlık
Arap tarihide yeni hariraya yakışmış
Sadece tarz değil bilgi namina çok şey var videoda. Çok araştırdım ama farkeden çıkmadı :/
@Müslüman Balina teşekkürler. Emeğimin boşa gitmediğini az da olsa görmüş oldum 1 kişinin farketmesi bile güzel. Yorumlar genelde kanser :/
Off harika olmuş yeni bir Azerbaycan Tarihide bekliyoruz 🇦🇿❤🇹🇷
Who is the legitimate caliph in 950???😂😂😢
CHULID ibn Al lullid😂😝
العرب = 🇾🇪
@@Ayushgraphy hy yoy are cow pooper bindu
Bildirim gelmedi ya zor geldim bi bakıyım yeni attımı diye 40 dakika önce atmış ulan youtube
افضل فتره مرة على العرب الخلاقه الراشده والدوله الامويه والعباسيه والمملكة العربية السعودية
من العار وضع المملكة السعودية في موازاة عظمة دولة الخلافة العباسية و الاموية و الراشدة و حتى الفاطمية
من العار وضع المملكة السعودية في موازاة عظمة دولة الخلافة العباسية و الاموية و الراشدة و حتى الفاطمية
نسبة لي الأموية و أواسط ايام العباسيين لكن السعودية تحكم بعض أجزاء شبة الجزيرة فقط ليس كل او اغلب بلاد العرب
@@حيثلاانت هو صح السعودية مهو زي ذي الخلافات بس مهو لدرجة العار او ان الفاطمية تعتبر جمب الخلافات هاذي ياليت قلت العثماني على الاقل🤦♂️
السعودية عار على العرب بل والاسلام وهي تقصف اطفال اليمن وتمول داعش ورقصت مع بوش وترامب هههه
Glad to see the ongoing wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen & Libya!
Glad? Thats a bit rude 😂😂
@@dmert1747 not all the mappers are showing them so yeah this is a good thing. I know the war is a very bad thing (i am an Arab)
Gosh i thought u were happy cause of the ongoing conflicts 😂😂
I am turkish btw
@@historymappingnotme8267 the way you said this is awful 😂
@@sepep6288 i know i know
Çok güzel olmuş eline sağlık reis
Araplar diye dislike atanlar kafanıza acıyorum
Bu videoya cok dislike az like geldim insanlar beni eskisi kadar taktir etmiyor. Sık video attığım icin yaptığım şeyi kolay sanıyorlar.
@@KayraAtakanQX Kayra merak etme Muhtemelen Dislikeler sana değil Insanlar birbirini diğerlerinin milletine göre yiyor ama artık kabul etmelisin artık global bir kanalsîn artık sadece çekirdek kitlen videoları izlemiyor sadece Çekirdek kitle izlese Izlenmelerin üçte biri kadar like olur Yüzdelik azalmanın sebebi bu Ayrıca Taktir etmemek değilde Artık seni bilmeyen
Bu videoyu izleyip direk başka video izlemeden boşverip kanalı umursamayıp gidenlerde var bunun gibiler yüzünden izlenme Artıyor Like normal kalıyor senin likelerin azalmadı genel olarak senin izlenmelerin arttı
@@KayraAtakanQX Eskisi kadar like almıyor değilsin sadece eskisinden daha çok izleniyorsun buda yüzdelik açıdan azaltıyor likeleri
@@mrhaci7747 hayır izlenme artmadı :) eskiden her videom en az ama en az 40k izleniyordu youtube u bilemdigin belli benim onerilmelerim ve onerilme başına tıklanmam düştü ayrıca çekirdek kitlem eskiden daha kaliteliydi birsuru arkadasim vardi. Simdi yorumlarda hicbirini göremiyorum.
@@mrhaci7747 arap tarihi olduğu için like az dislike cok. Bu arada bir sır vereyim eskiden like oranı %85 87 iken şanda 96 97 yani yanılıyorsun like oranı ile globalleşmemin bir alakası yok. Brn ölmekte olan bir kanalım. Tek kurtuluşum büyük bir kanalın reklamımı yapması
10:00 Iraqi national anthem music 🇮🇶
Allah Akbar !! 🏴🏳️
Buram buram emek kokuyor ellerine sağlık dostum.
Rip Arabs in Andalusia 😔
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