Hi Dr Gandolfo I’m a new stoma patient (APR surgery Feb 2024) Would you suggest I could be awake for next colonoscopy via stoma? It’s reassuring to see surgeons face and hear his explanation during the process.
@@shywolf4Mix the colonoscopy prep with water. However for hunger you can drink Gatorade or juice, as long as your drink is not red or orange colored which may look like blood during the colonoscopy. Pineapple, apple, white grape juice are examples.
PREP TIP! USE A&D OINTMENT AND SILVER DIMETHICONE SKIN WIPES AT START OF PREP Before your skin breaks down from the diarrhea. The idea is to prevent skin breakdown that can be very painful when you “poop” or pee during the prep.
@@precisionGIso it’s only 24 pills? Years ago I had a tablet prep - I got upto 56 tablets then was nearly vomiting. It was a long time ago, I think it was meant to be 65 tablets 🤢
That 3 to 4 day low fiber diet prior to the test made my last colonscopy prep the easiest one I have ever had. Much less stress for my body to deal with.
Ha! When I picked up my SuTab Script from the Doctor’s Office, the Secretary told me they wanted me to do the low fiber diet for 2 weeks instead of a week because it’s going to be my first.
Thank you very much for your videos (I also watched the video on the liquid prep). I hate drinking water, but this was no problem to do. Yes, sutab is highly recommended. I had zero problems or complaints. To anyone on the fence about getting a colonoscopy, this med is a game changer. I'll be getting mine done in a few hours after dodging it for 2years. Now, the hard part is over and if I have to ever do this again, no worries because sutab is excellent.
I just did mine for the first time this past Saturday. I did mine awake. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just lots of pressure at certain times. Got to watch the screen and see everything that was going on.
I had sedation for my first. Bad reaction during procedure.. Next time I had nothing. Bad reaction. Third time, good old gas and air (Entonox). Brilliant.
I did Sutab for my last colonoscopy a month or so ago. It was so much better than the nasty liquid. Sutab is not a joy ride, either, but it is so much better. I still had nausea but it was not as bad. I had many more trips to the bathroom and got pretty raw but I can solve that next time with lotion wipes. It was also more expensive. However, I was able to finish the prep completely which I could never do with the liquid which made for a more successful procedure. Overall, I will do the pills in the future, unless something even better comes along before then. If you have put off colonoscopies because of that nasty, salty liquid, do yourself a favor. Schedule the colonoscopy and ask for the pills as the prep.
I'm doing my colon prep tomorrow and will be going in for my Colonoscopy on the following morning. I'll be using this product and your video was extremely informative and helpful. I'm nervous but I know I can do this. Thank you for posting this video!
I did Sutab this time (2 days ago) and followed all instructions to a "T" and my doctor told me after my procedure that it didn't clean me out as well as he would have liked. Just my experience. The pill prep is much easier to tolerate than the gallon of "dirty sweat socks water" that I had to drink the first time, but it still made me throw up. I was proud of myself for completing the prep this time, as I only got half of the gallon of solution down before I started throwing up with my first colonoscopy, but then was disappointed to hear it wasn't completely effective 🙁 Still happy I had the procedure because he removed 2 polyps. Biopsy isn't back yet.
Just starting mine hope it works tried mirolax one I'm Aug * didn't clear didn't even go dr canceled when I told him. It was hell@ fingers crossed I have severe constipation so hoping it comes out !@
Just did this prep for my colonoscopy and found that it was much better to schedule the procedure as early in the morning as possible so that you’re not up all night on the toilet. I made the mistake of scheduling the procedure at 9:00am and was up literally all night. I started the 1st prep at 6 pm and the 2nd prep at 1 am. Time constraints were dictated by the prep/ Dr instructions so I ended up not getting any sleep 😢. Sadly this made for a miserable night.
I had a prep in 2007 that was multiple pills and it worked awesome. I have heard they stopped using those pills but I'm thrilled have gone back to pill form prep. I had RNY gastric bypass and attempting to drink a gallon of GoLightly was a disaster. Thanks for this video...I may go have another colonoscopy.
I never had the liquids but recently used the pills and the process was simple with no bad side effects. Within about 30 min I started going to bathroom and this lasted around 3hrs. The colonoscopy itself was easy. Once you receive the anesthesia you are quickly out like a light and when you wake up you have no idea that the procedure was done. The fasting was not a big deal because I frequently practice intermittent fasting. In general, I think fasting and prep will be the worst part of the procedure for most people.
My thoughts precisely. The actual procedure is a non-event because they put you out and you wake up fairly alert with no sensation that anything had been inserted anywhere. Taking the prep is the more difficult thing. By our age, everyone knows how to go to the toilet and you just go more often that is your normal. The not eating prior to the prep is more mental than actual. After a little bit you get over the feeling you’re going to dry up and blow away because you haven’t engorged yourself as you normally do. It’s one day. And that one day’s effort might save your life. You will survive until you can again stuff things into your mouth.
I don't know the name, but I was given pills. My husband got a gallon of the nasty stuff to drink. I'll keep the pills, but don't want to get a colonoscopy any more frequent then I'm stuck getting. 😅
How was your procedure? How did you feel after taking the first 12 pills? Do you have to take the second dose of pills 5 hours before procedure? Overall how was the anesthesia, procedure go? Thank you in advance.
@@laniesider2586 Taking the pills was completely fine. It took about 45 minutes or so for them to kick in. Taking them slowly (every 4-5 minutes) is key to not feeling nauseous I think. Yes I had to take the other 12 5 hours before the procedure. The anesthesia was fine and it was over and done in no time. I had 2 benign polyps that they removed which is normal. They recommend 3 years for my next one. I might stay awake for the next one b/c it was so easy. Good luck 👍🏻
@@CathieG wow glad everything went well for you, did you drink anything else besides water? If you take your second dose 5 hours before surgery, how many hours before surgery they recommend you to stop drinking any liquids?
@@laniesider2586 They have you stop all liquids two hours b4 your appointment. They give you a huge instruction sheet to follow with all of the times for everything. I took the pills with mostly water although I sipped a little on apple juice and Gatorade to change it up a little. Do u have your appointment scheduled? It’s really not that bad. The worst part is being on the toilet after the pills. 😁 I recommend it for anyone to see what’s going on. 👍🏻
@@CathieG thank you and I agree with you to find out what’s going on in there. I’m just nervous, never been put to sleep before lol. Also nervous about the prep pills if it’s going to make me sick? Im planning on taking the pills 5 minutes apart so I won’t feel like throwing up. If I take it to fast I’m definitely see my self getting sick. I saw my gastroenterologist two days ago, she told me to let her know when I’m ready to schedule. Called the office to schedule appointment, waiting to hear back from doctors office when I’m scheduled to have it done. I’m preparing myself lol. Thank you for the information, I feel a little better after hearing from someone like you that it wasn’t bad at all. I now feel like I have the courage to go through with it. Hopefully they can get me in asap so I can get this over with. Thank you for your reply ♥️.
(Pill Prep wasn't invented yet.) THREE things: 1) Got Prep Rx from pharmacy & my beverages for ME set aside & ready. Didn't run around last minute, crazed & anxious; 2) I cleaned my bathroom & made it nice; ditto, my resting & bed areas. Had nice music. I set the prep & companion liquids on a tray for a casual, hygienic, easy to clean, lo-fi vibe; 3) I had To/From rides; & friend as check-in buddy. I told a couple friends & boss ahead because it was a family based diagnosis that prompted me to be smart and Deal with It. First time: My imagination hearing other people's angst? Different galaxy. Reality? Easy peasy. Common Sense: Eased up food solids a couple days ahead, including fruit/veg: ate lighter meals & not late; hydrated a little more. Chill liquids. Had 2 or 3 options to drink alternately (so 1 flavor isn't a Prep-flavor forever); a straw helped me. Drank prep 30-45 min, then extra liquids. To accommodate 2nd dose? Scheduled procedure late a.m./early p.m. To be on time & relaxed: I preferred taxi to MD; friend pick me up. Nurses were terrific. It wasn't exactly a Spa day, but they were so kind. I rested at MD a little after, then released. DID NOT drive myself home. Pleasantly slight buzzed, not psychedelic. (Sorry, campers.) Felt good, enough to take friend to lunch, then I went home to rest. (Not necessary, maybe not advised---it worked for me.) Friend made sure I landed safe; & I called her before bed to check-in. I was glad I took next day off after to rest, and DID. Didn't hurt, just felt a wee bit fragile; then lay low weekend. My test results in a couple days were fine. Repeated 3 yrs b/c of family history---happily cleared again. To me: If it means getting early diagnosis & crucial info by getting a Colonoscopy?? I'll volunteer for the colonoscopy. My experience was good--and, still, it's a little nerve wracking. I found my preparation & slowing down helped.
My prep tip is to eat lightly the day before prep day. Nothing too dense or fatty. Then switch to liquid only the morning of prep. My Dr gave me a OTC laxative pill and then powder and gatorade prep it did not even taste that bad. Because i ate light i did not have much to clear out and i had no cramps . i got a A++ on my colonoscopy
My instructions from my Doc were a bit different. The day before my procedure at NOON take one pill every minute while sipping water until done. Drink another 16 oz of water. At 6pm repeat with the second bottle. Fingers crossed!
👉🏾Thank you, Doc! You eased my anxiety about going through this! The instructions on the box seemed a little confusing. Probably because I didn’t really want to do it. Once again, thank you! 🙄🙄🙄
I'm getting both liquid and pills for this Thursdays scope. Having both upper and lower done together, first time. Have done the lower twice before and it's nothing. The upper is a bit more worrying simply because they're in my mouth. But not looking forward to the prep. Just want to get this done and over with...
Thanks heaps for this info. Not sure if this prep is available in my country yet but will investigate. That nasty liquid you have to drink normally is simply revolting. Its so sweet and has terrible flavours. For someone like me who doesnt each sugar, except in a coffee, they are hell!
Thanks, Dr. Gandolfo! Just had a colonoscopy yesterday with Miralax prep - extended because of 'torturous and redundant colon' - so two days of prep (three doses) before the procedure. This prep worked well (9 out of 9), only because I took Dulcolax (saw another of your videos about taking Dulcolax with Miralax, which was so helpful!), but it was extremely uncomfortable and nauseating on the third and last dose of Miralax prep (without Dulcolax) about 10 hours before the procedure, even with an anti-nausea drug, so throwing up and major, crushing headache. I don't have to have another colonoscopy for five years (thank heaven), but am already looking for a prep that is easier to endure. After watching this video, Sutab seems like a good way to go except for the size. Pills that big get stuck in my throat and that's a lot of pills. Can I crush them to get them down? Or do they make smaller pills? Also, what is the prep procedure with Sutab for someone who previously had to do an extended prep?
I am 81 yrs old, took the pills in my 60's and my early 70's,now they said I can't take the pills because of my age!! WHY??? I did so well on the pills and really cleaned out,I literally get sick taking the liquid prep,even the small bottles!!
I thought that liquid was like drinking metal! Only way i got through it was a tip i read somewhere to suck a lemon immediately after each sip. That worked but I'll never forget drinking liquid metal. Im having my second one soon and make sure i get surtab.
Thank you for this. I have two go every 3 years and the last prep they gave me made me gag, felt like i was drinking the ocean! I hope i can try pills next time
I had three colonoscopies with three different MDs and none of them would order the pills. All three said it would not clean out my bowels as well as the liquid.
My doctor uses Sutab but he starts the prep at 10 am & the second round of pills at 6 pm. It did not keep me up much after 11 pm with this prep. I know ppl who do 2 ducolax tabs & a whole bottle of Miralax dissolved in 60 oz water. My gf who is an RN used that method & worked just fine. The Sutab is too expensive- ran me $140 !! There are cheaper methods without the nasty Liquid preps
This is literally the reason why I haven’t scheduled the procedure yet and I’m well over 50. Have you heard of people that have a hard time swallowing pills in general being able to take these and the amount? Just curious and thank you to all.
Got an emergency colonoscopy tomorrow. 47 and history of diverticulitis. Going in already tender on my side and halfway scared. Two questions. I offset body pain and discomfort with cannabis because my stomach cant tolerate ibuprofen or naproxen. Should i inform doctor of cannabis in system and recently i found out in my job i have been bathing in hex chromate for the past 20 years without hazard notification. Does hex chromate affect the upper and lower gi tract? Thank you
My doc gave me no diet prep but I decided myself that I was gonna stay away from solid foods. I ate liquid breakfast and soup for lunch and dinner for two days before my prep day and ate nothing on prep day. The liquid was disgusting and I got it all down but everything went right thru easly.
So confused because nurse said no drinking after midnight and day of test but I need to start second dose 5 - 8 hrs before 10 am on Monday which is 2 am help!!!
I would have appreciated him telling us who should avoid the pills due to their health conditions. People with kidney issues for example, have to be careful with which prep they use.
I threw up 30 minutes after the first dose but I am going to be brave and move on with the 2nd dose but will go slower than the 2 minutes in between. If I ever do it again, I will ask for some zofran prior to taking it. Update, I got nauseated with the second dose also but no vomiting. Next time I will do the miralax with lemonade but thank God l’m clear for another 10 years Good willing.
I wish I had found this video before my last colonoscopy. I was given Sutab and I followed the directions and I was mildly nauseous on the first round but very nauseous after the second round. With the end result I was alternating between either sitting on my can and or my knees. Without a doubt the worst prep of the 4 previous colonoscopy. Pro Tip: Get a Bidet. You will thank me later.
I've been having colonoscopies every year since I was diagnosed with crohn's disease. These pills are a life saver. The only time I haven't thrown up is with these pills and I've had 15 colonoscopies getting ready for number 16 tomorrow. Thanks crohn's disease.
Why did I get the liquid…. I’m pissed it’s the night before and I threw up it sucks. Heard there was a better method but I didn’t look into it is too late on Sunday night.
I hope Sutab works much better than Dulcolax pills. My doc prescribed 4 Dulcolax pills with a MiraLAX chaser, but that cocktail didn't work at all and they had to cancel my colonoscopy. All that suffering for nothing.
I'm watching this trying to drink the liquid prep (two-bottle) crap. Even that costs me $80.00 out of pocket on social security and Medicaid. They said the pills would be around $300.00. How much did you spend on the prep?
A few years ago I couldn’t handle the mag citrate prep so my doctor called in pills. But they also tasted very strongly of the mag citrate. Do these SuTab have a strong taste? I’m getting a colonoscopy because my mom had colon cancer three years ago(though mom’s had a kidney transplant 16 years ago, and her nephrologist said with being on anti-rejection meds so long, it was only a matter of WHEN she got cancer, not if she got it, and thinks that was the cause), so my GI said I needed a colonoscopy. I can’t stomach the mag citrate prep so I’ve been putting it off.
@@PaulHainesNJ thank you, Paul. I truly appreciate your feedback! (Also, I learned today that there is a Mirilax prep. I’ve had Miralax before, it’s fairly tasteless, but man, both of these are a lot of fluid. Though I guess you need that. Lol)
I am a Type 2 diabetic (I do not take meds for it) and I have never been able to fast for more than 9 hours without getting ill. Do you have any suggestions on how to work around that?
I'm no doctor, but I was diagnosed as a type 2 three years ago with a 7.4 A1c. I immediately started the keto way of eating. Within about 6 months my A1c had dropped to 4.9. I didn't take any meds. Plus I also started time restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting. My last colonoscope was about 3 weeks ago, I fasted for almost 48 hours and no problems, I'm 73 . Plenty of video's on youtube, a really good channel is "Beat Diabetes", you might want to check it out, no need living as a type 2 .
Make sure you’re drinking what you need for your diabetes. You will need some carbs so make sure you are drinking enough carbs to keep your glucose up but not through the roof. Also, I am into fitness so normally eat 120g of protein a day. Infound a way to get my 120g a day basically with clear liquids (I’ve had 6 or 7 colonoscopies before because of crohns). 2 scoops of collagen protein (collagen protein mixes in clear, I usually use them in hot liquids like coffee or tea - don’t use milk). Then a container of bone broth. It’s pretty strong so this year I’m mixing it with either water or regular chicken broth. Then I have Gatorade protein, the glacial cherry which is not red. Oh and jello. These have minimal protein but they do. The broth and jello (I also have popsicles) will make me trick my brain into thinking I’m eating food. Here’s to hopefully my most successful prep as far as not being hungry (it’s today).
Wish I had known that I could have slowed down taking the pills! I violently threw up 🤮 several times 😮. I did like the idea of taking pills instead of drinking the liquid stuff. Just couldn’t keep from throwing up 🤮
I didn’t care for Sutab. Getting up at 4am to start the second round so I could make it there at 10am wasn’t fun. I’d rather get it all done the night before.
ok can t find this any where, I have an 11 30am colonoscopy. I have to travel on the highway 2 hours to get there. it says to drink first bottle at 5pm night before. Then it says to drink the 2nd bottle at 7 30am day of colonoscopy. I have to be on the road by 9 30am to get there on time. How long will I have to run to the bathroom before its safe to go on the highway with no accidents. Thinking about doing a double prep the day before would that be ok. 2nd question some of the u tube videos say I can eat orange jello some say no you can t, which is it
For those of you reading this now for guidance for prep timing for early morning procedures (that do not comport with the instructions SuTab gives you, I have a 7am colonoscopy and my doctor's office advised to start Prep No. 1 at 9am the day before and Prep No. 2 at 9pm that same night.
There is no talk about how much bowel movement one will have...explosive, mild?....how many hours will this diarrhea last? Can I go to bed after explosive releases and sleep comfortably, or will I be constantly be awaken by intolerable colon distress?
@@precisionGI Doc then why does my doctor say to the the whole 12 pills in 20 minutes but your saying you can take the whole 12 pills in a hour are sure it won’t effect anyhow and just with water right I’m nervous I got appointment in 2 weeks from now
I did colonoscopy with Sutab a month ago, I followed the instructions to the letter, I followed the diet few days before to the letter, and I ran to the bathroom like crazy, at the end of the second dose, all that came out was clean liquid, I was so happy, then, after the colonoscopy I was told it was poor prep, 30 percent could not bee seen, and because I had one polyp removed, (tested as non cancer) recommended follow up 3 to 6 month with another colonoscopy, so the Sutab convenience did not work for me, now I might have to pay out of pocket and still drink the nasty liquid in only few months time....I looked the usual recommendation for failed colonoscopy is within one year... so I guess the Sutab does not work for everyone, they say 90% as good as the liquid... I dont know... if the liquid is 100% good prep if you follow all instructions, but I rather do that and not needing to pay out of pocket and go through a procedure again, that has some risks after all, it is not risk free... but I understand the doctor could not tell 100% that there are no other polyps that could not bee seen
I had a disgusting drink for mine. It was like drinking jet fuel. I could only drink half of the second dose, I was starting to vomit. I would gladly take 24 pills with water instead of that horrible drink.
The pills were great! Quick, no muss or fuss. No solid foods but chicken broth, lemon jello. My doc never talked about not eating certain foods before. Yogurt is dairy yet they say no dairy??? Wish I knew about the ointments/wipes to prevent the bum burn.
Have done both- Suprep is gross. Sutab was a breeze. This is about the only common cancer with a simple screening that can easily save your life. You can even have a cancerous polyp- not just a polyp, a cancerous one- and there's a good chance it'll be cured, done, gone, goodbye, right there on the table that day. I cannot stress enough how unbelievably foolish it is to avoid a colonoscopy because of the inconvenience and "ick" factor. Not to be raw, but I have watched two people, young people, die from colon cancer. I watched it at close range. You don't want to go through that. Not ever. Not ever. Not ever. I implore you. Not. Ever.
I know what u mean but I get it done people that are health have been found to have cancer but caught early enough to cut away so I hate it too but try the pills if u can take them hear not bad dint k ow yet good luck
My mom said never to because of the prep. She had colon cancer. Surgery was ruff to say the least. She had a foot long incision. Not a pleasant experience for her but I learned a lot during that entire experience. I’ve had two colonoscopies and coming up on my third in about two weeks. Her brother also had colon cancer so I’m not taking any chances. Please reconsider. The prep isn’t fun but surgery is much much harder. ✌🏼
I hate them. But I've done 4. Not doing it and potentially getting cancer doesn't get you out of it. It just means potentially you get to have a colonoscopy + surgery + radiation + chemo.
I am telling you (for someone who absolutely loathes the dr office and all things medical) that it is NOT a difficult test at all and then you have peace of mind knowing you don't have this cancer. It is VERY treatable if caught early so I hope you will reconsider. The prep using the pills wasn't bad at all (as long as you can swallow pills and drink water you're good) then the next day the actual procedure is so easy because you are completely asleep! My brother in law and his daughter both have stage 4 and it has been a very rough road for them both. I hope this encourages you to go for it!
Check out my gastro podcast! realgidoc.start.page/
Hi Dr Gandolfo I’m a new stoma patient (APR surgery Feb 2024)
Would you suggest I could be awake for next colonoscopy via stoma?
It’s reassuring to see surgeons face and hear his explanation during the process.
Does it have to be water or can it be another clear liquid. Water makes me nauseous.
@@shywolf4Mix the colonoscopy prep with water. However for hunger you can drink Gatorade or juice, as long as your drink is not red or orange colored which may look like blood during the colonoscopy. Pineapple, apple, white grape juice are examples.
PREP TIP! USE A&D OINTMENT AND SILVER DIMETHICONE SKIN WIPES AT START OF PREP Before your skin breaks down from the diarrhea. The idea is to prevent skin breakdown that can be very painful when you “poop” or pee during the prep.
Thank you. Great comment
good idea!
@@precisionGIso it’s only 24 pills? Years ago I had a tablet prep - I got upto 56 tablets then was nearly vomiting. It was a long time ago, I think it was meant to be 65 tablets 🤢
Wonder information ….. do you have your drink a certain amount of water during the 2 part of the prep the morning of ….
Dr. Gandolfo is the best ! He is always friendly and extremely helpful.
That 3 to 4 day low fiber diet prior to the test made my last colonscopy prep the easiest one I have ever had. Much less stress for my body to deal with.
Ha! When I picked up my SuTab Script from the Doctor’s Office, the Secretary told me they wanted me to do the low fiber diet for 2 weeks instead of a week because it’s going to be my first.
Can you share the low fiber diet?
I just did this prep a couple of weeks ago. It was so much better and easier than the prep I had for my first colonoscopy many years ago.
Thank you very much for your videos (I also watched the video on the liquid prep). I hate drinking water, but this was no problem to do. Yes, sutab is highly recommended. I had zero problems or complaints. To anyone on the fence about getting a colonoscopy, this med is a game changer. I'll be getting mine done in a few hours after dodging it for 2years. Now, the hard part is over and if I have to ever do this again, no worries because sutab is excellent.
I just did mine for the first time this past Saturday. I did mine awake. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Just lots of pressure at certain times. Got to watch the screen and see everything that was going on.
I had sedation for my first. Bad reaction during procedure.. Next time I had nothing. Bad reaction. Third time, good old gas and air (Entonox). Brilliant.
I went to the public swimming pool sure not sure what came out. I just kept moving away fro the warm spots.
😂 Another reason I avoid public pools
I did Sutab for my last colonoscopy a month or so ago. It was so much better than the nasty liquid. Sutab is not a joy ride, either, but it is so much better. I still had nausea but it was not as bad. I had many more trips to the bathroom and got pretty raw but I can solve that next time with lotion wipes. It was also more expensive. However, I was able to finish the prep completely which I could never do with the liquid which made for a more successful procedure. Overall, I will do the pills in the future, unless something even better comes along before then. If you have put off colonoscopies because of that nasty, salty liquid, do yourself a favor. Schedule the colonoscopy and ask for the pills as the prep.
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for this Friday. Thank you so much for this video. Very informative!
Glad it was helpful!
I'm doing my colon prep tomorrow and will be going in for my Colonoscopy on the following morning. I'll be using this product and your video was extremely informative and helpful. I'm nervous but I know I can do this. Thank you for posting this video!
I did Sutab this time (2 days ago) and followed all instructions to a "T" and my doctor told me after my procedure that it didn't clean me out as well as he would have liked. Just my experience. The pill prep is much easier to tolerate than the gallon of "dirty sweat socks water" that I had to drink the first time, but it still made me throw up. I was proud of myself for completing the prep this time, as I only got half of the gallon of solution down before I started throwing up with my first colonoscopy, but then was disappointed to hear it wasn't completely effective 🙁 Still happy I had the procedure because he removed 2 polyps. Biopsy isn't back yet.
Hope everything went well!
Just starting mine hope it works tried mirolax one I'm Aug * didn't clear didn't even go dr canceled when I told him. It was hell@ fingers crossed I have severe constipation so hoping it comes out !@
Just did this prep for my colonoscopy and found that it was much better to schedule the procedure as early in the morning as possible so that you’re not up all night on the toilet. I made the mistake of scheduling the procedure at 9:00am and was up literally all night. I started the 1st prep at 6 pm and the 2nd prep at 1 am. Time constraints were dictated by the prep/ Dr instructions so I ended up not getting any sleep 😢. Sadly this made for a miserable night.
Well I'm a night person anyway. Bedtime is 3am
I had a prep in 2007 that was multiple pills and it worked awesome. I have heard they stopped using those pills but I'm thrilled have gone back to pill form prep. I had RNY gastric bypass and attempting to drink a gallon of GoLightly was a disaster. Thanks for this video...I may go have another colonoscopy.
Thank you for the information and the advice. The tabs are much better than the liquid. I have had both in the past.
I never had the liquids but recently used the pills and the process was simple with no bad side effects. Within about 30 min I started going to bathroom and this lasted around 3hrs. The colonoscopy itself was easy. Once you receive the anesthesia you are quickly out like a light and when you wake up you have no idea that the procedure was done. The fasting was not a big deal because I frequently practice intermittent fasting. In general, I think fasting and prep will be the worst part of the procedure for most people.
My thoughts precisely. The actual procedure is a non-event because they put you out and you wake up fairly alert with no sensation that anything had been inserted anywhere. Taking the prep is the more difficult thing. By our age, everyone knows how to go to the toilet and you just go more often that is your normal. The not eating prior to the prep is more mental than actual. After a little bit you get over the feeling you’re going to dry up and blow away because you haven’t engorged yourself as you normally do. It’s one day. And that one day’s effort might save your life. You will survive until you can again stuff things into your mouth.
Thanks for the great tips Doc! A far better prep with SuTab. I'll remember to pace myself better when taking the pills next time.
I didn’t know I could take the pills slower. Wish I had known that. I had violent vomiting!🤮
I don't know the name, but I was given pills. My husband got a gallon of the nasty stuff to drink. I'll keep the pills, but don't want to get a colonoscopy any more frequent then I'm stuck getting. 😅
Thanks Doc for the info! I’m getting ready to start taking my SuTabs in a couple hours and then the rest in the am. Wish me luck 🙏🏼🙏🏼
How was your procedure? How did you feel after taking the first 12 pills? Do you have to take the second dose of pills 5 hours before procedure? Overall how was the anesthesia, procedure go? Thank you in advance.
@@laniesider2586 Taking the pills was completely fine. It took about 45 minutes or so for them to kick in. Taking them slowly (every 4-5 minutes) is key to not feeling nauseous I think. Yes I had to take the other 12 5 hours before the procedure. The anesthesia was fine and it was over and done in no time. I had 2 benign polyps that they removed which is normal. They recommend 3 years for my next one. I might stay awake for the next one b/c it was so easy. Good luck 👍🏻
@@CathieG wow glad everything went well for you, did you drink anything else besides water? If you take your second dose 5 hours before surgery, how many hours before surgery they recommend you to stop drinking any liquids?
@@laniesider2586 They have you stop all liquids two hours b4 your appointment. They give you a huge instruction sheet to follow with all of the times for everything. I took the pills with mostly water although I sipped a little on apple juice and Gatorade to change it up a little. Do u have your appointment scheduled? It’s really not that bad. The worst part is being on the toilet after the pills. 😁 I recommend it for anyone to see what’s going on. 👍🏻
@@CathieG thank you and I agree with you to find out what’s going on in there. I’m just nervous, never been put to sleep before lol. Also nervous about the prep pills if it’s going to make me sick? Im planning on taking the pills 5 minutes apart so I won’t feel like throwing up. If I take it to fast I’m definitely see my self getting sick. I saw my gastroenterologist two days ago, she told me to let her know when I’m ready to schedule. Called the office to schedule appointment, waiting to hear back from doctors office when I’m scheduled to have it done. I’m preparing myself lol. Thank you for the information, I feel a little better after hearing from someone like you that it wasn’t bad at all. I now feel like I have the courage to go through with it. Hopefully they can get me in asap so I can get this over with. Thank you for your reply ♥️.
Thank you for doing this video! I’m not nearly as anxious about my next colonoscopy…
(Pill Prep wasn't invented yet.) THREE things: 1) Got Prep Rx from pharmacy & my beverages for ME set aside & ready. Didn't run around last minute, crazed & anxious; 2) I cleaned my bathroom & made it nice; ditto, my resting & bed areas. Had nice music. I set the prep & companion liquids on a tray for a casual, hygienic, easy to clean, lo-fi vibe; 3) I had To/From rides; & friend as check-in buddy. I told a couple friends & boss ahead because it was a family based diagnosis that prompted me to be smart and Deal with It.
First time: My imagination hearing other people's angst? Different galaxy. Reality? Easy peasy. Common Sense: Eased up food solids a couple days ahead, including fruit/veg: ate lighter meals & not late; hydrated a little more. Chill liquids. Had 2 or 3 options to drink alternately (so 1 flavor isn't a Prep-flavor forever); a straw helped me. Drank prep 30-45 min, then extra liquids. To accommodate 2nd dose? Scheduled procedure late a.m./early p.m. To be on time & relaxed: I preferred taxi to MD; friend pick me up. Nurses were terrific. It wasn't exactly a Spa day, but they were so kind. I rested at MD a little after, then released. DID NOT drive myself home. Pleasantly slight buzzed, not psychedelic. (Sorry, campers.) Felt good, enough to take friend to lunch, then I went home to rest. (Not necessary, maybe not advised---it worked for me.) Friend made sure I landed safe; & I called her before bed to check-in. I was glad I took next day off after to rest, and DID. Didn't hurt, just felt a wee bit fragile; then lay low weekend. My test results in a couple days were fine. Repeated 3 yrs b/c of family history---happily cleared again. To me: If it means getting early diagnosis & crucial info by getting a Colonoscopy?? I'll volunteer for the colonoscopy. My experience was good--and, still, it's a little nerve wracking. I found my preparation & slowing down helped.
My prep tip is to eat lightly the day before prep day. Nothing too dense or fatty. Then switch to liquid only the morning of prep. My Dr gave me a OTC laxative pill and then powder and gatorade prep it did not even taste that bad. Because i ate light i did not have much to clear out and i had no cramps . i got a A++ on my colonoscopy
Oh oh that’s what I did for my last colonoscopy and it wasn’t so bad.
My instructions from my Doc were a bit different. The day before my procedure at NOON take one pill every minute while sipping water until done. Drink another 16 oz of water. At 6pm repeat with the second bottle. Fingers crossed!
How did that go for you my doctor recommended the same thing how did you do your prep and what do you recommend for me I’d really appreciate it
Well I took my 1st pill at 11:30 am when should my next one be? Thanks
👉🏾Thank you, Doc! You eased my anxiety about going through this! The instructions on the box seemed a little confusing. Probably because I didn’t really want to do it. Once again, thank you! 🙄🙄🙄
This is great! Why dont more Gastro docs recommend this? It wasnt mentioned to me at all.
I'm getting both liquid and pills for this Thursdays scope. Having both upper and lower done together, first time. Have done the lower twice before and it's nothing. The upper is a bit more worrying simply because they're in my mouth. But not looking forward to the prep. Just want to get this done and over with...
I’m getting the double too. I’m more worried about about what they’ll find than the procedure itself.
I’ve been waiting for this!! I’m due again next year and have always wanted a pill option!!🎉
Thanks heaps for this info. Not sure if this prep is available in my country yet but will investigate. That nasty liquid you have to drink normally is simply revolting. Its so sweet and has terrible flavours. For someone like me who doesnt each sugar, except in a coffee, they are hell!
Thanks, Dr. Gandolfo! Just had a colonoscopy yesterday with Miralax prep - extended because of 'torturous and redundant colon' - so two days of prep (three doses) before the procedure. This prep worked well (9 out of 9), only because I took Dulcolax (saw another of your videos about taking Dulcolax with Miralax, which was so helpful!), but it was extremely uncomfortable and nauseating on the third and last dose of Miralax prep (without Dulcolax) about 10 hours before the procedure, even with an anti-nausea drug, so throwing up and major, crushing headache. I don't have to have another colonoscopy for five years (thank heaven), but am already looking for a prep that is easier to endure. After watching this video, Sutab seems like a good way to go except for the size. Pills that big get stuck in my throat and that's a lot of pills. Can I crush them to get them down? Or do they make smaller pills? Also, what is the prep procedure with Sutab for someone who previously had to do an extended prep?
I don’t like swallowing big pills either. These are not that big and they’re flat so they went down easier. I just did it an hour ago.
I found your video highly informative. Thank you very much for explaining. Stuff they don't tell you at the office really makes a difference.
I am 81 yrs old, took the pills in my 60's and my early 70's,now they said I can't take the pills because of my age!! WHY??? I did so well
on the pills and really cleaned out,I literally get sick taking the liquid prep,even the small bottles!!
these pills are different from what was out year ago. as safe as the liquid alternatives
Put it in the freezer untill it gets slushy, it goes down best . Myself, previously YEARS experience with yearly colonoscopies
Ummm, you don’t put pills in thr freezer.
@@NoDontLikeItthey meant the liquid omg 😮
I thought that liquid was like drinking metal! Only way i got through it was a tip i read somewhere to suck a lemon immediately after each sip. That worked but I'll never forget drinking liquid metal. Im having my second one soon and make sure i get surtab.
Thank you for your calm demeanor! I’m a bit anxious about my procedure tomorrow but this information sure does help!
Thank you😢 so much for this video. I know Ican do Su tab. I've been putting off colonoscopy. I'll make appointment tomorrow
Great vid. Doing my test tomorrow
Sutab is the absolute best!!!!!!!
Thank you! I am 47 and going in for my first one tomorrow. Wish me luck! 😂
Thank you for this information! I am going in for my first in a month. I did the easy peasy Cologuard, but now I must do the real deal.
The prep is much better than colon cancer.
Thank you for this instructional video. Much appreciated ❤
Thank you Dr !!! It was very easy to understand. Gracias
Thank you for this. I have two go every 3 years and the last prep they gave me made me gag, felt like i was drinking the ocean! I hope i can try pills next time
Thank you 🙏
Do you know how to obtain this in europe? Doesnt matter if I have to pay for it myself :D
I had three colonoscopies with three different MDs and none of them would order the pills. All three said it would not clean out my bowels as well as the liquid.
all three are wrong! 😮
They like to see people suffer, that's all !
Thank you doctor for this helpful information. I will definitely use your advice
My doctor uses Sutab but he starts the prep at 10 am & the second round of pills at 6 pm. It did not keep me up much after 11 pm with this prep.
I know ppl who do 2 ducolax tabs & a whole bottle of Miralax dissolved in 60 oz water. My gf who is an RN used that method & worked just fine.
The Sutab is too expensive- ran me $140 !!
There are cheaper methods without the nasty Liquid preps
This is literally the reason why I haven’t scheduled the procedure yet and I’m well over 50. Have you heard of people that have a hard time swallowing pills in general being able to take these and the amount? Just curious and thank you to all.
Got an emergency colonoscopy tomorrow. 47 and history of diverticulitis. Going in already tender on my side and halfway scared. Two questions. I offset body pain and discomfort with cannabis because my stomach cant tolerate ibuprofen or naproxen. Should i inform doctor of cannabis in system and recently i found out in my job i have been bathing in hex chromate for the past 20 years without hazard notification. Does hex chromate affect the upper and lower gi tract? Thank you
Thanks Doc!!
My doc gave me no diet prep but I decided myself that I was gonna stay away from solid foods.
I ate liquid breakfast and soup for lunch and dinner for two days before my prep day and ate nothing on prep day.
The liquid was disgusting and I got it all down but everything went right thru easly.
Is this suitable for people with kidney disease?
So confused because nurse said no drinking after midnight and day of test but I need to start second dose 5 - 8 hrs before 10 am on Monday which is 2 am help!!!
They told me to get dolce and Miramax and Gatorade
Best prep.
Who told you?
Common sense !
Your the best, Thank You.
How if it all do you prep different for a paralyzed or partially paralyzed patient?
Liquid diet? Beer?
Can you drink sparkling water instead? I love drinking water that is flavored
Probably yes but not colored beverage.
I was unable to take the pills due to a low sodium problem.
I would have appreciated him telling us who should avoid the pills due to their health conditions. People with kidney issues for example, have to be careful with which prep they use.
Exactly. Drinking that nasty solution can cause heart arrhythmias!
I just drunk the prep on Monday. When it was time to go to the bathroom it was too late. lol
Can lemonade be mix with the solution? Liquid kind
Thanks for your video
Yes, you can
Great post. Thank you
So what should you do if you throw up halfway through the first dose?
I've heard docs say Zofran before you start the first dose.
I threw up 30 minutes after the first dose but I am going to be brave and move on with the 2nd dose but will go slower than the 2 minutes in between. If I ever do it again, I will ask for some zofran prior to taking it. Update, I got nauseated with the second dose also but no vomiting. Next time I will do the miralax with lemonade but thank God l’m clear for another 10 years Good willing.
I had no issues. Set a timer with a bottle of Ice Mountain and all was good. Thanks for the advice...
@@lgallo6864 what is that?
I could drink the liquid every day… I love it!
Why was it that when I took my colonoscopy prep, to which I followed to the letter, on the day of my colonoscopy I was still not clear?
I wish I had found this video before my last colonoscopy. I was given Sutab and I followed the directions and I was mildly nauseous on the first round but very nauseous after the second round. With the end result I was alternating between either sitting on my can and or my knees. Without a doubt the worst prep of the 4 previous colonoscopy. Pro Tip: Get a Bidet. You will thank me later.
I've been having colonoscopies every year since I was diagnosed with crohn's disease. These pills are a life saver. The only time I haven't thrown up is with these pills and I've had 15 colonoscopies getting ready for number 16 tomorrow. Thanks crohn's disease.
You poor thing. I can't imagine having to do this yearly. Bless you, and hope the procedure went well.
I wish this was available in Canada :' ) I can't stand any of the liquid preps, even the smaller dose ones.
This Dr. is one cool cat
Why did I get the liquid…. I’m pissed it’s the night before and I threw up it sucks. Heard there was a better method but I didn’t look into it is too late on Sunday night.
Does it have to be water?
Late reply but yep
Thank you.
thanks for info how do u spell the name.of med
What do you do if someone is in a wheelchair or can't get to a toilet unaided??
Get a portable potty chair and just have them sit there for a while, they can watch tv or whatever.
Is it normal to wake up in the alley with my pants on backwards and shoes untied? It was a dentist appointment.
Thank you very much I feel much better
I used this method yesterday and hated it!!! Never again, the Suprep was much easier, worked faster and less cumbersome.
I hope Sutab works much better than Dulcolax pills. My doc prescribed 4 Dulcolax pills with a MiraLAX chaser, but that cocktail didn't work at all and they had to cancel my colonoscopy. All that suffering for nothing.
I'm watching this trying to drink the liquid prep (two-bottle) crap. Even that costs me $80.00 out of pocket on social security and Medicaid.
They said the pills would be around $300.00. How much did you spend on the prep?
Wow. $300 certainly changes things.
Big help thanks
A few years ago I couldn’t handle the mag citrate prep so my doctor called in pills. But they also tasted very strongly of the mag citrate. Do these SuTab have a strong taste? I’m getting a colonoscopy because my mom had colon cancer three years ago(though mom’s had a kidney transplant 16 years ago, and her nephrologist said with being on anti-rejection meds so long, it was only a matter of WHEN she got cancer, not if she got it, and thinks that was the cause), so my GI said I needed a colonoscopy. I can’t stomach the mag citrate prep so I’ve been putting it off.
I couldn't tell any taste of the pills at all. Having just used SuTab a few days ago, I'd really recommend it. Please don't put off your colonoscopy.
@@PaulHainesNJ thank you, Paul. I truly appreciate your feedback! (Also, I learned today that there is a Mirilax prep. I’ve had Miralax before, it’s fairly tasteless, but man, both of these are a lot of fluid. Though I guess you need that. Lol)
I am a Type 2 diabetic (I do not take meds for it) and I have never been able to fast for more than 9 hours without getting ill. Do you have any suggestions on how to work around that?
I'm no doctor, but I was diagnosed as a type 2 three years ago with a 7.4 A1c. I immediately started the keto way of eating. Within about 6 months my A1c had dropped to 4.9. I didn't take any meds. Plus I also started time restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting. My last colonoscope was about 3 weeks ago, I fasted for almost 48 hours and no problems, I'm 73 . Plenty of video's on youtube, a really good channel is "Beat Diabetes", you might want to check it out, no need living as a type 2 .
That's me also. I get really sick and weak. Did you have your procedure yet?
Same here
Make sure you’re drinking what you need for your diabetes. You will need some carbs so make sure you are drinking enough carbs to keep your glucose up but not through the roof. Also, I am into fitness so normally eat 120g of protein a day. Infound a way to get my 120g a day basically with clear liquids (I’ve had 6 or 7 colonoscopies before because of crohns). 2 scoops of collagen protein (collagen protein mixes in clear, I usually use them in hot liquids like coffee or tea - don’t use milk). Then a container of bone broth. It’s pretty strong so this year I’m mixing it with either water or regular chicken broth. Then I have Gatorade protein, the glacial cherry which is not red. Oh and jello. These have minimal protein but they do. The broth and jello (I also have popsicles) will make me trick my brain into thinking I’m eating food. Here’s to hopefully my most successful prep as far as not being hungry (it’s today).
@@MHSMagicLuver Good luck😊
Wish I had known that I could have slowed down taking the pills! I violently threw up 🤮 several times 😮. I did like the idea of taking pills instead of drinking the liquid stuff. Just couldn’t keep from throwing up 🤮
So are you drinking 16 ounces * 12 = 192 ounces of water?
16 x 3 for the first dose and 16 x 3 for the second. 48 ounces + 48 ounces = 96
Sutab says any liquid, not just water. Gatoraide, etc. 45 may be too late for some. I lost a friend at 49, Lynch syndrome.
Can you drink a gin and tonic instead of water?
Or vodka? It’s clear 😂
Might make it go down easier 😂
"clear liquids only". 😊
I’ll be doing this today 😭😭
I didn’t care for Sutab. Getting up at 4am to start the second round so I could make it there at 10am wasn’t fun. I’d rather get it all done the night before.
ok can t find this any where, I have an 11 30am colonoscopy. I have to travel on the highway 2 hours to get there. it says to drink first bottle at 5pm night before. Then it says to drink the 2nd bottle at 7 30am day of colonoscopy. I have to be on the road by 9 30am to get there on time. How long will I have to run to the bathroom before its safe to go on the highway with no accidents. Thinking about doing a double prep the day before would that be ok. 2nd question some of the u tube videos say I can eat orange jello some say no you can t, which is it
I would err on the side of caution as you don't want to do the prep again.
If you can find pineapple Jello, it's a nice flavor to use.
For those of you reading this now for guidance for prep timing for early morning procedures (that do not comport with the instructions SuTab gives you, I have a 7am colonoscopy and my doctor's office advised to start Prep No. 1 at 9am the day before and Prep No. 2 at 9pm that same night.
@@karenvotava Ya my appoinment was for 12 noom so 5 pm and I did 5am makesure it was done before 1 hour road trip to hospital
There is no talk about how much bowel movement one will have...explosive, mild?....how many hours will this diarrhea last? Can I go to bed after explosive releases and sleep comfortably, or will I be constantly be awaken by intolerable colon distress?
Once I take my first set of pills and drink water, could I have a sip of sprite or 7up?
I am taking it today, and while easier I had severe nausea and vomiting.
you can try taking the pills over 1 hour instead of over 15 min like it says on the box. this helps to reduce the risk of vomiting.
@@precisionGI Doc then why does my doctor say to the the whole 12 pills in 20 minutes but your saying you can take the whole 12 pills in a hour are sure it won’t effect anyhow and just with water right I’m nervous I got appointment in 2 weeks from now
I did colonoscopy with Sutab a month ago, I followed the instructions to the letter, I followed the diet few days before to the letter, and I ran to the bathroom like crazy, at the end of the second dose, all that came out was clean liquid, I was so happy, then, after the colonoscopy I was told it was poor prep, 30 percent could not bee seen, and because I had one polyp removed, (tested as non cancer) recommended follow up 3 to 6 month with another colonoscopy, so the Sutab convenience did not work for me, now I might have to pay out of pocket and still drink the nasty liquid in only few months time....I looked the usual recommendation for failed colonoscopy is within one year... so I guess the Sutab does not work for everyone, they say 90% as good as the liquid... I dont know... if the liquid is 100% good prep if you follow all instructions, but I rather do that and not needing to pay out of pocket and go through a procedure again, that has some risks after all, it is not risk free... but I understand the doctor could not tell 100% that there are no other polyps that could not bee seen
Thanks doc
I had a disgusting drink for mine. It was like drinking jet fuel. I could only drink half of the second dose, I was starting to vomit. I would gladly take 24 pills with water instead of that horrible drink.
The pills were great! Quick, no muss or fuss. No solid foods but chicken broth, lemon jello. My doc never talked about not eating certain foods before. Yogurt is dairy yet they say no dairy??? Wish I knew about the ointments/wipes to prevent the bum burn.
I noticed that, too. He may have misspoken.
Have done both- Suprep is gross. Sutab was a breeze.
This is about the only common cancer with a simple screening that can easily save your life. You can even have a cancerous polyp- not just a polyp, a cancerous one- and there's a good chance it'll be cured, done, gone, goodbye, right there on the table that day.
I cannot stress enough how unbelievably foolish it is to avoid a colonoscopy because of the inconvenience and "ick" factor. Not to be raw, but I have watched two people, young people, die from colon cancer. I watched it at close range.
You don't want to go through that. Not ever. Not ever. Not ever. I implore you. Not. Ever.
I'm never doing neither one !😭😭
I know what u mean but I get it done people that are health have been found to have cancer but caught early enough to cut away so I hate it too but try the pills if u can take them hear not bad dint k ow yet good luck
My mom said never to because of the prep. She had colon cancer. Surgery was ruff to say the least. She had a foot long incision. Not a pleasant experience for her but I learned a lot during that entire experience. I’ve had two colonoscopies and coming up on my third in about two weeks. Her brother also had colon cancer so I’m not taking any chances. Please reconsider. The prep isn’t fun but surgery is much much harder. ✌🏼
I hate them. But I've done 4. Not doing it and potentially getting cancer doesn't get you out of it. It just means potentially you get to have a colonoscopy + surgery + radiation + chemo.
Believe me, it's better than going through the nightmare of colon cancer. By light years.
I am telling you (for someone who absolutely loathes the dr office and all things medical) that it is NOT a difficult test at all and then you have peace of mind knowing you don't have this cancer. It is VERY treatable if caught early so I hope you will reconsider. The prep using the pills wasn't bad at all (as long as you can swallow pills and drink water you're good) then the next day the actual procedure is so easy because you are completely asleep! My brother in law and his daughter both have stage 4 and it has been a very rough road for them both. I hope this encourages you to go for it!
My prep says 4 dulcolax pills at once......then later do a lot of miralax
Yep. That’s my fav prep.
That's a different prep. This one involves pills and water.
I did a miralax cleans. It worked somewhat, but it was just for a clean out, not a prep.