Paul Davies - Do Science & Religion Conflict?

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
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    How to think about God afresh? Can we consider God-God’s possible existence, God’s essence and nature-without preconceived assumptions or biases? What questions arise when our target of inquiry might be the Creator of the universe? Where do we start? What are the categories? Can we make progress?
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    Paul Davies is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist. He is currently Regents’ Professor of Physics and Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, where he also runs a cancer research project and co-directs a cosmology program.
    Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

Комментарии • 52

  • @TheEmptyBeing
    @TheEmptyBeing 3 минуты назад

    The most amazing thing that is evident in this conversation is the plasticity of the human mind in the way that it can evolve and adapt itself to any form of conceptual nonsense.

  • @CesarClouds
    @CesarClouds 2 часа назад +2

    Monotheistic religions are absulutist, not open to correction, because of "sacred" dictates. The conflict is inherent.

  • @neffetSnnamremmiZ
    @neffetSnnamremmiZ 3 часа назад +2

    No, there can't be a conflict. Conflict only appears because undifferentiatedness..

  • @shawnewaltonify
    @shawnewaltonify 2 часа назад +1

    The problem with religion is that scientists are prohibited from using any reference or conceptualization of the total dissolution of self. Every religion has their own respective concept for this study of consciousness and awareness, but when scientists and philosophers attempt to do so, any new expression and concepts developed become a topic of discussion to compare against religion that preceded science and philosophy. The reason this happens is because of the percentage of scholars who are religious - or who do not want to offend their community, family, and friends who are. Religion has this authority over science still until this day. This is an era that we are leaving behind.

    • @sanatkumarghosh5123
      @sanatkumarghosh5123 Час назад

      It is a futile exercise to know God ,since,the creator is a multi dimensional existence which is outside the grip single dimension human beings.Science is marching on and on in right direction but the Religion is a wee bit go astray.But man is not only bones and skeleton but forms and expressions. But forms and expressions are outside the grip of science. The main difference between man and the creator is that man has always keep himself first but God has successfully been obliterated his personal self or subjectiveness to be more rational and objective.whats the proof that's there's god.obviosly the phenomenoneal world is the base reproduction of creative and ideal world.

  • @ronhudson3730
    @ronhudson3730 3 часа назад +2

    God can play an intimate, daily role in a person’s life if that person desires it. Does God intervene from time to time in an overt manner, maybe yes, maybe no. Regarding whether science is a religion… for some it absolutely is. They make the same leaps of faith and assumptions that religionists do. Often for completely unfounded reasons.

    • @johannuys7914
      @johannuys7914 2 часа назад +1

      Did you hear what he said at the beginning? For scientists, all science is provisional. Your personal bias is irrelevant.

  • @_mynewcareer
    @_mynewcareer 3 часа назад +2

    They conflict but can coexist

  • @mohdnorzaihar2632
    @mohdnorzaihar2632 2 часа назад +1

    Could we learn "few things about god" if we don't "experiencing" these earthly life realms..!!?? How "love's- hate" work if we didn't experiences it..!!?? Peace be upon us all

  • @djtomoy
    @djtomoy 2 часа назад +2

    I see them as pretty much the same, after all when the war starts we all die the same

  • @bobcabot
    @bobcabot 3 часа назад +1

    ja by nature: the one is necessary and related to the survival-instinct (nature) the other is constantly interfering...

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 Час назад

    time and space can change, like from classic reality in cosmos to quantum in black holes; maybe other states of time before quantum or states of space beyond classic cosmos?

  • @wallyr.7854
    @wallyr.7854 Час назад

    Religion starts, when science is unable to explain…

  • @bernardpalir
    @bernardpalir Час назад +1

    what if time itself is god who is eternal.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 Час назад

    maybe specific science concepts can be reconciled with statements about God, especially scripture, even if maybe not God in general?

  • @kallianpublico7517
    @kallianpublico7517 32 минуты назад +1

    Is science good? Who answers this question, science or religion, or politics? What is useful today may not be so beneficial tomorrow. For all science’s reliability it cannot predict its use or misuse. Therefore, neither can it predict its impact on evolution.
    As long as humans care about themselves and others religion can temper the aims of science. If science interferes in that care, for good or ill, then we are no longer human. We are subject to another will: no longer have free will.

  • @ronhudson3730
    @ronhudson3730 3 часа назад +3

    The negative comments that many scientists make about religion are really intended to apply to the religious believer. The obvious disdain that is exhibited, is impolite at best and overtly harmful at worst. The scientists who are most interesting are those who are thought-leaders in their field but can still accommodate and incorporate religious belief and tradition into their world-view.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Час назад +1

      In other words scientists who are themselves theists. I think there are plenty of scientists, and atheists even, that are highly respectful of religious beliefs. Believe it or not I'd put myself in that category, Ive had friends and even mentors that were deeply religious in ways I found highly admirable and coherent. Where I can get sharp is when I see some theists make arguments, or claims, or throw dirt in ways that I find offensive, misinformed or just plain malicious. My beef with them isn't their theism. Evaadam for example, out there lying for his perfect loving god, presumably able to justify his offensiveness and distortions because it's all in his god's cause.

  • @sandradixon6205
    @sandradixon6205 Час назад

    One problem is that there are more than 10,000 religions which all disagree with each other so it’s extremely likely that they would conflict with science too. Putting religion aside, the Bible doesn’t conflict with science. While it isn’t a science textbook, when it talks about scientific matters it’s 100% accurate. For example, a theory written after the Bible was completed said that the universe emerged from a cosmic egg and that the earth was supported by various creatures. In contrast, about the year 1473 B.C. Moses wrote that the earth was suspended upon nothing, and around the year 732 B.C. the prophet Isaiah wrote that the earth is a sphere. These Bible writers contradicted ideas that were popular at the time. It was some 200 years after Isaiah that the Greek philosopher Pythagoras proposed that the earth is a sphere, and more than 3,000 years passed from Moses’ writing until scientists such as Isaac Newton realized that the earth seemed to hang upon nothing. The water cycle was accurately described in the Bible almost 2,600 years before it was “discovered” by a French naturalist. Quarantine for sick people was included in the Law God gave to Israel through Moses around 1512 B.C., but it wasn’t “discovered” and practiced by humans until 1348, about 2,860 years later. These are just a few examples that give evidence of God’s existence. In the Bible he tells us about himself and invites us to get to know him and have a personal relationship with him. (John 17:3; James 4:8) He also tells us why we’re here, what the purpose of life is, why we grow old and die, what happens to us when we die, the wonderful future he has in store for mankind and the earth, and many other things. Knowing these things gives our life real meaning and purpose. True faith is not blind, naive or gullible. It is based on facts and concrete evidence.

  • @Clancydaenlightened
    @Clancydaenlightened 59 минут назад +1

    Most scientists were religious

    • @Paine137
      @Paine137 19 минут назад

      Read Einstein’s letter from 1954. And Newton also thought alchemy was legitimate: so I guess alchemy is correct? How stupid.

  • @rizwanrafeek3811
    @rizwanrafeek3811 Час назад

    Reference to BIG-CRUNCH in the Quran.
    Quran 21:104 The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it.

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 Час назад

      According to Quran on the day of Judgment, mountains will move like clouds in the sky; as per this simulation done by an astrophysicist in the below video it actually shows mountains break apart and fly away like clouds in the event of black-hole entering into our solar system.видео.html
      In the above video at 5-27, it show mountains are flying away, holy Quran says, on the Day of Judgement, you will see mountains will move like clouds.
      Quran 27-87 And the Day that the Trumpet will be sounded - then will be smitten with terror those who are in the heavens, and those who are on earth, except such as Allah will please (to exempt): and all shall come to His (Presence) as beings conscious of their lowliness.
      Quran 27-88 *Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed* : *but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away* : (such is) the artistry of Allah, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for he is well acquainted with all that ye do.

  • @ronhudson3730
    @ronhudson3730 3 часа назад +3

    Scientists and the evolution of science continue to discover and explain how things actually evolved and why things happened the way they did. If there is a God, then this knowledge must describe how God worked and works to allow or enable the universe to exist. That is what I believe. God can be both cosmic in scale and within and outside of reality and time. God can also know me on the most intimate level and help me with my life.

  • @markworkman9991
    @markworkman9991 2 часа назад

    If God is timeless and spaceless and we are made in his image, why did he create space and time?

    • @sandradixon6205
      @sandradixon6205 Час назад

      The Bible says that God has always existed and will always exist. He had no beginning and will have no end. He is called the King of eternity. (1Timothy 1:17) Jesus said that God is a Spirit and that no man has seen God at any time. (John 4:24; 1:18) He exists outside the physical realm. At Exodus 33:20 God told Moses that no man could see him and live. This is logical because we can’t look directly at our sun on a hot summer’s day, and the sun is just a small star among the billions and billions of stars in the universe which God created. The Bible says that God knows all the stars by name. (Isaiah 40:26) All of this shows that we aren’t created physically in his image. It means that humans were created with the ability to cultivate and manifest qualities that God possesses, such as love, empathy, and justice. That explains why humans can actually imitate God’s personality.

  • @keepcalm7453
    @keepcalm7453 Час назад

    All that can be said is that let it be an open ended debate. We will learn as we go along. We are building machines that present us with a parameter out of trillions within fractions of a second when commanded to do so and denying the possibility of a 'santient intelligent being or entity' who can tinker in its own creation(s) when 'prayed' to to do so!
    Inexplicable miracles do not happen but a chain of linked causal events may take place to achieve a desired end. This includes people acting in such a way as to bring to fruition wishes or prayers while acting as if their actions are in persuance of their own free will but who actually are being controlled in how they behave or act.
    At the end of the day Science will be the only definitive guiding light but it has to grow to be able to start to answer such questions or better still to let us know whether we are asking the right questions.
    AI and Quantum Computing are expected to expand our knowledge horizons to a point where we will not look like kids in candy stores.

  • @browngreen933
    @browngreen933 3 часа назад +2

    Will someone please explain God's existence. That is, if God "exists" as many claim to be true, what is God made of? What does God's existence consist of? From what does God derive being? There must be some official answer to that question. 😮

    • @sandradixon6205
      @sandradixon6205 32 минуты назад +1

      Yes, there is an answer and you can find it in the Bible which is God’s message to humankind. Jesus said at John 4:24 that God is a Spirit. Therefore, he exists outside the physical realm. That’s why Jesus said that no human has ever seen God. (John 1:18) Our limited human minds are unable to grasp infinity but the Bible tells us that God had no beginning and will have no end. He has always existed and will always exist. That’s why he’s called the King of eternity. (1Timothy 1:17) There is overwhelming evidence both in the Bible and in creation that proves God’s existence. He is our Heavenly Father and he not only tells us about himself in the Bible, but he also explains why we’re here, the purpose of life, why we grow old and die, what happens when we die, what the future holds for mankind and the earth as well as many other things. He loves us very much and wants us to get to know him and have a close relationship with him. (John 17:3; James 4:8)

  • @NelsonCavadas-ic9qf
    @NelsonCavadas-ic9qf 2 часа назад's like a toothpick and dental floss, it improves your teeth, but don't forget to rub them with green moss, Time: it's not governed by these three oaths, only: by its " logos "...

  • @jennymiko
    @jennymiko 3 часа назад +1

    He is full of fear! 💁🏻

  • @offbeep
    @offbeep 38 минут назад

    This series presents as an objective search for truth while focusing on a narrow Christian dominated slice of religion?

  • @rizwanrafeek3811
    @rizwanrafeek3811 Час назад

    If there is Creator or God exists, that God cannot be the God of Christianity and it cannot be the God of 4200 'hism' faiths out there on Earth..

  • @Promatheos
    @Promatheos 2 часа назад

    Yes. Yes they do.

  • @sujok-acupuncture9246
    @sujok-acupuncture9246 3 часа назад +4

    Without lies religion dies.

    • @sandradixon6205
      @sandradixon6205 2 минуты назад

      Yes, it’s a sad fact that religions tell lots of lies. Those that are particularly reprehensible are the so-called “Christian” religions that have so badly misrepresented God and the Bible. The religious leaders are just like those of Jesus’ day, of whom he said: “This people honors me (God) with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines”. (Matthew 15:8, 9) Sadly, many church members just accept what they’re taught without checking to see if it’s true or not. The fact is that what the churches teach doesn’t resemble what the Bible says. Just one example is the cross. The cross is a pagan symbol. A little research confirms that, but even if we ignore the evidence and assume that Jesus was killed on a cross, should it be venerated? No, for Jesus was executed as a criminal, like the men impaled alongside him, and his manner of death misrepresented him in the worst way. First-century Christians would not have viewed the instrument of his execution as sacred. Venerating it would have meant glorifying the wrong deed committed on it, the murder of Jesus.
      If your dearest friend were executed on false charges, would you make an image of the instrument of execution (say a hangman’s noose or an electric chair or the rifle of a firing squad) and then kiss that replica, burn candles before it, or wear it around your neck as a sacred ornament? That would be unthinkable. So, too, with the adoration of the cross. The fact that the cross is of pagan origin only makes the matter worse. The veneration of the cross is not Christian. It does not show love for God or Christ but mocks what they stand for. It violates God’s commandments against idolatry. It reveres a pagan symbol masquerading as Christian. (Exodus 20:4, 5; Psalm 115:4-8; 1 Corinthians 10:14) To consider a pagan symbol as sacred violates God’s command: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? . . . ‘Quit touching the unclean thing.’”-2 Corinthians 6:14, 17.

    @NO-WAR-WINGS 3 часа назад

    Spirit and Science. In common.
    Religion Division.

  • @31428571J
    @31428571J 2 часа назад

    For interest:
    Paul Davies interviews with a moustache, historical - without, up-to-date:-)

  • @angel4everable
    @angel4everable 2 часа назад +1

    The God Paradox: If the laws of physics are what they are because God chose them, then he is a capricious God. He could have chosen another set. If these laws are the only ones compatible with the universe, then He had no choice at all, in which case he is not God. Either way, you are left with Paul Davies's God, who is unemployed.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 2 часа назад +1

      That's actually the founding insight of the theological multiverse theory. In order for god not to be capricious he must create all possible universes, but then god becomes a deterministic generative engine. Highly compatible with theological determinism of course.

    • @angel4everable
      @angel4everable Час назад +2

      @@simonhibbs887 Paul Davies once received a $1 million award from a foundation dedicated to the reconciliation of religion and science. The late Steve Weinberg said, "I was tempted to call up Davies and ask him, 'Do you know any foundations which give out $1 million awards for showing science and religion are irreconcilable?'".

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 36 минут назад

      @@angel4everable 😅

  • @Maxwell-mv9rx
    @Maxwell-mv9rx 2 часа назад +1

    Paul believes Religious a start a acte of faith. Senselees. Religious experiences show experience is Religious principle.Willian James Variety Religious experiences point out personal Religious experiences is fundamental in Religious