What Was Lost

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • "What Was Lost"
    In chambers of the heart, once full,
    Now echoes ricochet and lull
    The senses to a dull despair.
    Fragments of memories, threadbare,
    Float like spectres through the gloom,
    Haunting every empty room.
    Time's cruel hands have etched their mark,
    Leaving furrows deep and dark
    Across the landscape of his face.
    Each line a map of love's disgrace,
    Each wrinkle holds a story told
    Of passion's fire, now gray and cold.
    In the twilight of his years,
    Purpose drowns in unshed tears.
    Adrift on seas of solitude,
    He grasps for meaning, stark and nude.
    The mirror mocks with ruthless glee,
    Reflecting what he fears to see:
    A shell, a husk, a hollow man,
    Derailed from life's unfinished plan.
    In eyes once bright with youthful fire,
    Now smolders only base desire
    For what was lost, what might have been,
    For absolution from his sin.
    Oh, to turn back time's relentless wheel!
    To mend the cracks, to love, to feel
    The warmth of her embrace once more.
    But time moves ever forward, sure
    In its trajectory, leaving him
    To wade through memories, dark and dim.
    Yet in the depths of his despair,
    A flicker sparks, a thought so rare.
    Perhaps in loss, there's something gained?
    A wisdom earned, a strength ordained
    By suffering's refining fire,
    Lifting him from muddy mire.
    Final Chorus:
    Through twilight years and unshed tears,
    New purpose slowly reappears.
    From solitude's vast, barren plain,
    A phoenix rises, born from pain.
    Topic suggested by me, Lyrics by Claude (AI), Music and Singing by Suno (AI).

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