A Blend of Classic And Modern Fantasy | The Way of Edan by Philip Chase Book Review (Spoiler-Free)

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 122

  • @MacScarfield
    @MacScarfield Год назад +3

    Halfway through “The Way of Edan” by Professor Philip Chase, great stuff so far! I know everybody mentions Tolkien, Gwynne and Le Guin as major inspirations for his writing, I would like to add Robert Jordan, as Dayraven and Imharr under the run from their hometown and on the lookout for whitecloaked priests, with a mix of Western and Eastern Mythology/Philosophy/Religion, gave serious “The Wheel of Time” vibes! Many deep Anglo-Saxon and Welsh references: Virtually all of the names from The Mark and Torrlond have an origin from “Beowulf”, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s “History of Britain” etc.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      It has been so LONG since I read Beowulf, and I don't recall so many things out of it. I think once I reread Beowulf, reading this would be a superior experience! :D

    • @MacScarfield
      @MacScarfield Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo Oswy: Oswiu king of Bernicia/Northumbria
      Dayraven: Beowulf: Frankish Standard Bearer killed by Beowulf in a “bear-hug” during Hygelac’s Frisian Raid. Taran
      Edgil: Anglo-Saxon Family Name
      Imharr: Irish male name/Ivar Boneless
      Urd: Norse Norn («past»/ «origin»)
      Guthere: Nibelunglied, king of Burgundy
      Bagsac: Bagsecg, joint commander of the Great Heathen Army with Healfdane
      Lothen: Lothar, King of Lotharingia
      Ednoth: Anglosaxon 1) Martyr, 2) Lord
      Edgitha: English Queen of Otto 1 (first Holy Roman Emperor)/daughter of King Edward
      Stigand: Bishop of Canterbury from Knut/Canute the Great to William the Conqueror
      Kiriath (Kiryat): Old Testament City, hometown of the Prophet Uriah and temporarily home of the Ark of Covenant
      Galdor: Middleearth Elves: 1) Noldorian Lord at “Fall of Gandolin”, 2) Representing Ciridan of the Grey Havens at Rivendell (seeking aid from Galdor in Ellond=Galdor at Elrond’s Council. I see what Professor Chase did there! 😉)
      Freawina: (f), Freawine, ancestor of the kings of Wessex, Governor of Schleswig
      Eanmund: Beowulf: Scylfing Prince, son of Ohthere and brother of Eadgils/Adils (Hrolf Kraki’s Saga), slayed by Wiglaf’s father, Wiglaf later used his sword when fighting the Dragon alongside Old Beowulf
      Angra: NN Angre/-a “grief”/“regret”
      Brynea: Bryn: Welsh “hill”
      Sigitha: Saxon: Scythe
      Ethelburga: Saint Æthelburh, queen of Northumbria from Kent, missionary
      Alwyn: Alvin, “Noble/Elf-friend”
      Halga: Beowulf/Hrolf Kraki’s Saga: Scylding, son of Healfdane, brother Hrothgar and father of Yrsa and, by incest with Yrsa, Hrolf Kraki
      Baldred: A Kentish King (Baldrick?)
      Ebba: Princess (and later Abbess and Saint) Æbba, daughter of Æthelfrith, King of Bernicia, and sister of Oswald & Osiwu, later Kings of Northumbria.
      Swithulf: Swithwulf, two 9th Century Bishops of 1) London and 2) Rochester
      Beornmod: 9th Century Bishop of Rochester
      Ermenred: Eormenred, 7th Century Kentish Nobleman and possible King
      Baldulf: Beadwulf, 8-9th Century Northumbrian Bishop of Candida Casa/Galloway
      Earconwald: (Erkenwald) 7th Century Bishop of London
      Diangal: Donegal? Dian («swift») Cecht: Irish Celtic God of Healing/ngall («foreigner»)
      Malruan: Maelruan/Mael Ruain, Irish 8th Century Abbot/Saint
      Bledla: Bleda, brother of Attila the Hun
      Aldmund: Anglo-Saxon male name, Abbot of Evesham 8-9th Century
      Ea: River, Sumerian Water/River God
      Heremod: Legendary Danish and Anglian King, father of Scyld, ancestor of the Scyldings found in “Beowulf”. Hermod: Son and Messenger of Odin, brother of Balder
      Morcar: 11th Century Earl of Northumbria, faught Harald Hardråde and deposed by William the Conqueror after Hastings 1066
      Colburga: Frankish female name
      Ithamar: Son of Aaron, brother of Moses
      Folcwalda: Folcwald, father of Finn from «Finn and Hengest»: Beowulf/Widseth. fólcvaldi goða, «he who rules the host of the Gods» : Epithet of Frøy/Freyr
      Theodamar: Theodemer, Frankish 5th Century King. Theodemir: 1) Ostrogothic 5th Century King, 2) Suebian 6th Century King, 3) Famous Visigothic 8th Century Nobleman, one of the last to be defeated by the Muslim, before being accepted by them as a vassal and naming his region as Tudmir to his honor.
      Fullan: Fulla, Eddas: Handmaiden of Frigg
      Heardred: Son of Geatish King Hygelac in Beowulf. King of the Geats after his father is killed in Frisia and later succeeded by Beowulf after his quest in Heorot
      Hildeflaed: Hildegard of Bingen?
      Eosa: Kinsman and Warchief of King Octa of Kent in Historia Brittonum
      Osburga: Queen of Wessex, wife of Æthelwulf and Mother of Alfred the Great
      Guthfrid: Gudrød/Guthfred/Guthred/Gofraid: Multiple Norwegian Petty Kings and Norse Kings of Dublin, Northumbria and the Isle of Man
      Æthelwaru: Æthelweard (Ealdorman from Wessex, relative of King Alfred the Great) and his sibling Ælfwaru.
      Acha: Acha of Deira, 6-7th Century Queen, daughter of King Ælla of Deira, wife of King Æthelfrith of Bernicia and mother of King Eanfrith of Bernica, the Kings of Northumbria (United Bernicia and Deira) Oswald and Oswiu and Abbess Æbba.
      Wulfgar: Herald of King Hrothgar in “Beowulf” and several 9th to 12th Century English and German Bishops/Abbots
      Sithfar: “Far-traveller”, God of travelers
      Other notes:
      Nightgangers: Clever Girl!
      Gruddug: Mongolian Death Worm/Dune
      THE DOOM RING! Doom- Norwegian “dom”-“judgement” (LotR/Tolkien:”dum” -“delving” in dwarvish/ “Doomsday” Book)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      @@MacScarfield this is absolutely impressive. I'm pinning your message in this video!

    • @MacScarfield
      @MacScarfield Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo Finally finished “Way of Edan”! I put my full “historical/mythological context notes” in Johanna’s discussion video, but here are my “story notes”:
      The Prequel reminded me quite a lot of two Biblical Stories: Jesus at the Temple Market & the Martyrdom of Stephanus
      Nightgangers/Pucas: Could not help but think “Clever Girl!” (The Raptors from Jurassic Park) 😆
      Poor, poor Oswy and his dog! 🥲 (Gollum’s voice) “Tricksy Professor, making me feel the feels for the relationship between Oswy and the dog and then cut them! Nasty Professor!” 😆🥲
      Gruddug: Mongolian Death Worm/Sand-worms from “Dune”
      Dayraven: Taran ( from “The Chronicles of Prydain”/“The Black Couldron”)/Rand (“Wheel of Time”) (stabbed and revived: Frodo/Jon Snow(?))
      Asdralad: «Earthsea» by Ursula Le Guin meets the Aes Sedai from Robert Jordan
      The Way: Whitecoaks/Aes Sedai (Jordan) + The Inquisition of The Union/The Magi (Abercrombie) + Istar (Tolkien) + Wizards (“Earthsea” by Le Guin)
      THE DOOM RING! 1) Doom- Norwegian “dom”-“judgement”, The “Doomsday Book” of William the Conqueror coming from a similar origin. 2) “dum” -“delving” in dwarvish (hm…🤔)
      Dayraven seeking aid from Galdor in Ellond= Galdor, member of ElRond’s Council as representative of the Grey Havens: I see what you did there Professor 😉!
      Orvandil in King Earconwald’s hall “Sigseld” = Beowulf in King Hrothgar’s Hall “Heorot”. Professor Chase mentioning “Beowulf”: “I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!» 😂
      A failed redheaded Kingkiller? A subtle nod to Rothfuss, Hobb and Sanderson? 🤔
      The Red Death: The Historical Black Death/The Great Plague (from Tolkien’s Legendarium)/ “The Mask of the Red Death” by Edgar Allen Poe/The Red Death from the Greyhawk setting of D&D
      Dweorg Ghettos: The Witcher
      Dweorg tombs facing North: I just read the Warlord Chronicle by Bernard Cornwall, where the Saxons are similarly buried facing north, though can not find a historical reference on that fact.
      A small rant: Why did Dayraven and Imharr not get the Brynies of the Dead Soldiers they replaced? That said: They got their equipment way cheap: In a famous Frankish source, a sword costs 3 Solidi gold coins (approx 75 denarii/silver coins, approximately 75 full day wages) and in the Sagas 16 milk cows or 32 oz of silver. A Brynie: 12 solidi (approx 300 denari).
      The Mercenary Company: A clear Erikson/Esslemont influence there!
      Aglaks: Grendel (“Beowulf”)+ Troll+ Scandinavian “Nøkk”+ Dead Marshes (LOTR)
      Troll B*lls! ⚽️ 🏀 (May the Professor have got some influence from John Gwynne’s Bloodsworn Saga there?😂)
      Hasumere: «Beowulf» meets Vietnam War! (CCR’s «Run Through The Jungle» playing: «The Fens Speak Aglak!» & «I love the smell of burning Aglaks in the morning!»)
      Wilfar & Aelfscyn: Kullervo/Beowulf/Ring Cycle/Tolkien (Children of Hurin/Finn & Hengist) + the Hindu widow burning from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata/The Rus Viking Burial as told by Ibn Fadlan
      The Caergilion killed by Dayraven😭 (prehaps my favourite part of the book, so sad, so tragic!)
      Word of the Day: chiaroscuro!
      Troll: «I’m out of this War!» 😆
      Orvandil & Gnorn: Big Darn Heroes!😎🤩 (Major Legolas-Gimli vibes! And Orvandil might be my MVP of your story, as I am very intrigued to find out his backstory!)
      Imharr and Duke Anarad: 😭🤩
      Imharr, not the right time to hit on ladies! 😆 (I quite enjoyed Dayraven and Imharr’s relationship, could not help but see my pal Alex Saloen (“Aladria” on YT) a lot in Imharr. He also likes dwarfs, Tolkien and Malazan, so I think you might enjoy his “A Tide of Sacred Ice”-series!)

  • @seanhalpin87
    @seanhalpin87 Год назад +31

    What kind of psychopath doesn't want prologues in fantasy? They are essential

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +9

      Believe me... there are quite a lot who hate prologues. 😂😂

    • @MaxFidler
      @MaxFidler Год назад +5

      @@PetrikLeo Those people are...insane. I just started Ashes of the Sun by Wexler today, and it would make no sense without the prologue. Could you imagine meeting Kelsier without that prologue in Mistborn? Or Vasher in Warbreaker?

    • @keyput415
      @keyput415 Год назад +1

      I dislike prologues. Because they are often confusing. One of the top reasons I dnf books is because it's confusing. So less confusing is better for me

    • @seanhalpin87
      @seanhalpin87 Год назад +4

      @@keyput415 I've never read a prologue and finished the book and reread it thinking this prologue shoukdnt exist. But reading is subjective, so yeah

  • @esmayrosalyne
    @esmayrosalyne Год назад +5

    Excellent review Petrik!! I just keep getting more and more excited for this release 🤩
    Really happy to hear that you enjoyed this one so much. And I appreciate you sharing your love and appreciation for the character work, I hadn't heard much about that so far, but this gives me high hopes. Also really excited about the fact that we are getting an antagonist POV, that always adds so much depth and nuance to a story.
    I can't wait to dive in myself soon! Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🥰

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much, Esmay! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I agree that antagonist POV is so helpful in a multiple POV fantasy series! :)

  • @thebrothersgwynne
    @thebrothersgwynne Год назад +11

    Completely agree! Feels nostalgic, but fresh at the same time, with compelling characters at the fore.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Glad you agree, brothers! Loved Dayraven and Imharr! :)

  • @Kindredvale
    @Kindredvale Год назад +2

    Hey there, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the video. Your enthusiasm for the book really shines through, and I appreciate how you managed to provide a spoiler-free review while still conveying the book's strengths. It's clear that you're passionate about fantasy literature, and your insights into the world-building, characters, and pacing were really helpful. Your recommendation has definitely convinced me to check out the book! Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to watching more of your reviews in the future.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you so much, Jacob! It's great to hear my review being useful. Never get old to me. I hope you'll end up enjoying The Way of Edan and my other book recommendations! :D

  • @tracejefferson3169
    @tracejefferson3169 Год назад +3

    Thanks , I've pre-ordered the book

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      You're welcome, Trace! 😊 I hope you'll enjoy it!

  • @SJ-GodofGnomes21
    @SJ-GodofGnomes21 Год назад +1

    This is the first time I have watched one of your reviews, despite you being held in high regard by your fellow book tubers. I really enjoyed it, especially your disclaimer at the beginning. I have followed Philip from the beginning and have always found him to be insightful and engaging and a perfect host for when I appeared on his channel. I have been waiting for The Way Of Edan for a long time and am about 150 pages in and am really enjoying it. Your review was very well done and I liked the way you picked out points along the way. Also may I say I agree, prologues should of course exist in Fantasy. I will definitely subscribe and check out more of your reviews.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much for the kind words! More importantly, glad to hear you're enjoying The Way of Edan! 😁

  • @andrewhanson405
    @andrewhanson405 Год назад +3

    Sounds great...looking forward to it. Thanks for another thoughtful review Petrik!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you so much, Andrew! 😁

  • @fjuran1
    @fjuran1 Год назад +1

    Excellent review, just ordered my copy. Looking forward to reading this one. Congrats to Philip. What a pleasure to get the entire trilogy, in one year.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you very much, Frank! That's true. Not often we can get an entire trilogy in one year!

  • @Heathennation1976
    @Heathennation1976 Год назад +3

    I have this book on pre-order you're the second person I seen do a review on it so far it seems like it's going to be a pretty good book I watch Phillips Channel so I'm excited to read it another great video keep up the good work

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much, Johnathan! I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

  • @jeremyfee
    @jeremyfee Год назад +5

    I am very much looking forward to reading this book. Great hearing your thoughts about it.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Thank you! I hope you'll love this one! 😊

  • @Verlopil
    @Verlopil Год назад +5

    Thank you! I was hoping for an honest review of this even though I am going to buy it regardless, and I'm glad you were the one to deliver it. This sounds like it's just my cup of tea. (I'll probably just skim the songs though. 🤣)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      I hope you'll love it! Yeah, the songs were... tricky. Personally, they hindered the pacing. I think they might work better on reread once we have the full picture of the series. :D

  • @Christian-ut2sp
    @Christian-ut2sp Год назад +4

    Philip seems like such a nice guy, I hope he blows up (in a good way 😂)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      He IS a nice guy! Apparently a great writer, too, now! 😁

  • @miriammichalak8872
    @miriammichalak8872 Год назад +1

    This sounds like it'll be just up my street!! Thanks for the review

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      You're welcome, Miriam!! 😁

  • @TonyTheJabroni
    @TonyTheJabroni Год назад +5

    Philip Chase has so much enthusiasm and passion for fantasy and history that I had no doubt his book would be outstanding. Seeing the positive reviews start to come out and hearing more details makes me even more excited to dive in. I also didn't realize all three books were coming out this year. On the one hand, that is incredible, but on the other, poor Allen is going to be locked away recording the audiobooks for the whole year 🤣

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      You can certainly feel Philip's passion for the genre in his books as well. I hope you'll like it, Anthony! Allen is probably locked in right now recording the audiobooks... xD

  • @claradaniels1472
    @claradaniels1472 Год назад +1

    I preordered the paperback not too long ago, and I was so excited to see you post a review for it! I'm really looking forward to reading it, especially after your review :)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Nice! The book will be released soon, I hope it will arrive at your place quickly! :D

  • @mariareadsssf
    @mariareadsssf Год назад +2

    Your reviews are a joy to listen to, even if I don't plan to read the book. I respect Mr. Chase, but I am a bit tired of Medieval European setings and Clasic Fantasy. I hope you enjoy your time in this magical universe.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you, friend! Totally fair and understandable! 😁

  • @cherylwhybrew1224
    @cherylwhybrew1224 Год назад +2

    I just ordered Philip’s book. Can’t wait to read it!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Woohoo! I hope you'll like it, Cheryl! 😊

  • @itscatoclock
    @itscatoclock Год назад +2

    Really excited to read this book and you clearly enjoyed it which makes me more excited

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Yeah! It's an enjoyable read! I hope you'll feel the same! 😊

  • @Chattermute
    @Chattermute Год назад +1

    Yayyyy was looking forward to your review. Thank you :)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      You're welcome! Thank you so much for watching, friend! 😊

  • @Freakgirl1985
    @Freakgirl1985 Год назад +1

    Ordered the paperback and should received it in 2 days. I could have had it for free via Kindle Unlimited, but wanted to support Philipp Chase.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Niceee! I saw some readers getting their copies already. I hope you'll get yours sooner. :)

    • @Freakgirl1985
      @Freakgirl1985 Год назад +1

      ​@@PetrikLeo No stress. Still busy with The Tyranny of Faith and other books 😂

  • @dinocollins720
    @dinocollins720 Год назад +1

    Another fantastic video!!! Thank you!

  • @bartsbookspace
    @bartsbookspace Год назад +1

    Great review, feels honest and balanced; not easy to accomplish when reviewing a work of someone you respect and call a friend. 🙌

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! It's a great book. I have minor issues with it but it's certainly subjective. 😁

  • @MetalGildarts
    @MetalGildarts Год назад +2

    Petrik getting me excited to read this like!....

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Haha! I hope you'll like it, Marco. Philip is great! 😁

  • @Coltaine_Crow
    @Coltaine_Crow Год назад +2

    Nice review Petrik. I plan to pick this up next week.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you, Gary! It's a good one. I hope you'll enjoy it! 😊

  • @assassin415
    @assassin415 Год назад +4

    I always stress that to my friends. They criticize how I highly rate anime and books and such and im like bro if its terrible I didnt finish it. That simple. If I got through it, odds are I enjoyed it.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Exactly! I am quite shocked by how often I have to repeat this now. I've heard a few people call me a reader who "loves everything" and I'm so confused. I have SO MANY books I want to read. If I don't find a book appealing enough to finish, why should I punish myself to finish them just for the sake of getting a review out? And when I do finish any one of these books and give negative reviews, I am called a toxic reviewer that creates negative space. xD

    • @assassin415
      @assassin415 Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo Cant please everyone xD. If they want someone to like what they like so bad then go watch a reviewer who liked it too? I will never judge anyone for what they like or dont like. Hearing both arguments for or against something is only helpful in my opinion. Otherwise it becomes an echo-chamber and blinds you to other peoples perspective.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      @Ka Bre that is actually a good idea!! I used to think wrap up is specifically for books I manage to finish, but if that's actually allowed... I'll certainly think about this! Thank you for the suggestion. 😊 I think I will start implementing it on my March or April wrap up! (If I DNF some books) 😁

  • @BrianBell7
    @BrianBell7 Год назад +1

    I really enjoyed the book too! Has Philip said who the person on the cover is? I can't figure it out. Sequera was described as raven-haired I thought? And it doesn't look like Dayraven in my mind?

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      I don't think Philip mentioned it yet! I actually think it was supposed to portray the image of the worshipped chosen one that Dayraven represents, but not Dayraven himself. If that makes sense? So it's not a character that hasn't physically appeared in the book yet. I could be wrong, though!

    • @BrianBell7
      @BrianBell7 Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo OK good. I was questioning myself if I'd entirely missed something! Love your channel and goodreads reviews Petrik!

  • @onfaerystories
    @onfaerystories Год назад +1

    Great review, Petrik! I can't wait to read this book despite feeling the same about the songs in LOTR (especially when it stupidly put them in danger). :P I'm currently rereading The Two Towers with/to my husband (he doesn't remember the movies at all lol) and he made me sing every single songs since the beginning, which would have at least been fine if they rhymed as well in the French translation, but they don't. 😭 His favourite character for now is Tom Bombadil. 😂 Oh gosh.
    I find it interesting that you connected to Dayraven and his friend because it seems readers connect to different characters (Johanna and Merphy particularly loved Sequora - don't know how it's spelled - and Allen latched onto the priests). I'm so curious to see which characters I'll love the most (because, just like you, that aspect is as important to me as immersive prose)! 🤗

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! I think you'll really enjoy this novel if you liked Lord of the Rings. It's a clear inspiration for this book. The Priests are interesting, but yeah, I personally love Dayraven and his friends more! :D

  • @arlissbunny
    @arlissbunny Год назад +2

    Yep! Preordered.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Woohoo! I hope you'll love it, Arliss! 😁

  • @kingfisher9725
    @kingfisher9725 Год назад +1

    Already got mine today 😊

  • @joeri7130
    @joeri7130 Год назад

    Thanks for another great review, it really made me even more hyped (I also love the prose).
    The paperback is coming tomorrow, just gotta get through The Blackest Heart before I start The Way of Edan.
    Can't wait to get to it so I'm probably reading it before The Lonesome Crown. (unless the ending of TBH really grips me)

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you, Joeri! I hope you'll like The Way of Edan. The Blackest Heart and The Lonesome Crown are amazing! 😁

  • @TomOrange
    @TomOrange Год назад +2

    Great review! Super ready to read this book

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you, Tom!! Not long now! :)

  • @rumpelRAINS
    @rumpelRAINS Год назад +2

    Great review!

  • @MaedBetweenthePages
    @MaedBetweenthePages Год назад

    I can’t WAIT to get to this. The religious themes sound so very up my alley 👀

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      I hope you'll love it, Taylor! 😁

  • @gregorykontaxis4885
    @gregorykontaxis4885 Год назад +2

    oh yes, I cant wait for this!

  • @pjlights164
    @pjlights164 Год назад +2

    Cannot wait for this!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Just a few days left! :)

  • @Shaad2321
    @Shaad2321 Год назад +3

    Great review Petrik! I’m so hyped to read this! It’s sounds like this book will be for me!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much, Shaad! Just a few days from now. I hope you'll like it! 😁

  • @MaxFidler
    @MaxFidler Год назад +3

    I pre-ordered the paperback on Amazon the other day. I am so excited for this - I have always enjoyed his channel and I suspect that person with his sort of knowledge would be able to write something that I would enjoy (not looking to set the bar too high!).

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Always good to keep your expectations in check! Not only towards books but everything. :D

    • @MaxFidler
      @MaxFidler Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo amen!

    • @MaxFidler
      @MaxFidler Год назад +1

      @@PetrikLeo it arrived today!

  • @kiddocter13
    @kiddocter13 Год назад +4

    I pre-ordered the Kindle edition. Can't wait to read it!!!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Woohoo! I hope you'll enjoy it, Laura! :)

  • @Ribshack2012
    @Ribshack2012 Год назад +2

    I'm 40% through this and absolutely loving it, way more than I ever expected I would. On the point of the POV of the villain, I fully agree it should be more common in the genre. One of my favorite aspects of the Faithful and the Fallen (and Gwynne's writing as a whole) is how each book gives you more POVs and builds to getting the full POV of the villains. It's very well done both in Gwynne's books as well as here by Chase so far.
    At first I didn't like the multi-POV aspects of each chapter but I've grown to really like it as it keeps each scene contained without a complete break just to give the context of another character. Congratulations Dr. Chase! And thank you petrik for the review

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      Great to hear that! And yes, Gwynne is a great example of having a villain one of the POV character! 😃

  • @Mr.books17
    @Mr.books17 Год назад +1

    Patrick! Put your cute dog back on! He is the best!

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Oh yeah! It's been a while since his last appearance. 😂

  • @michellesreadingshelf
    @michellesreadingshelf Год назад +3

    Great review. I’m definitely more interested now. 😁

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Thank you, Michelle! I hope you'll love it! 😊

  • @gidonidus
    @gidonidus Год назад +1

    Does the outro music at the end of his videos remind anyone else of the simple Rick commercial? 😂

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Which song is that!? I actually just pick some free songs that can be used for free. This one sounds calming. 😂

    • @gidonidus
      @gidonidus Год назад

      @@PetrikLeo oh it's just a bit from the Rick and Morty show, you can RUclips it (simple Rick commercials), but unless you watch Rick and Morty it won't make sense. But they use a similar style of calm background music haha, every time I hear it on one of your videos it reminds of it 🤣

  • @djbogz1921
    @djbogz1921 Год назад +4

    Everything I hear about his debut just sounds so good.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      I think plenty of fantasy readers will enjoy this one. :)

    • @djbogz1921
      @djbogz1921 Год назад +2

      @Petrik Leo He's such a nice chap too. I hope he does well.

  • @Walpurgis117
    @Walpurgis117 Год назад +1

    Any idea where we can buy this book? It's not listed on BD or Blackwells, and there are no copies on Amazon...

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      It's available on Amazon for me. Mine is connected to Amazon US though!

    • @Walpurgis117
      @Walpurgis117 Год назад

      @@PetrikLeo Strange. On Amazon US it says out of stock for me.

    • @cmmosher8035
      @cmmosher8035 Год назад +1

      ​@@Walpurgis117 the book isn't due to be released until Tuesday. Maybe theres something going on with the preorder. I know it says the preorder is available on amazon canada

    • @kingfisher9725
      @kingfisher9725 Год назад +1

      I got mine via Amazon as well (Europe)!

  • @muxx2810
    @muxx2810 Год назад +1

    Is there any word on when the physical version of this book will be released?

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +2

      Same date! On the 21st of March. :)

  • @tanja9364
    @tanja9364 Год назад +2

    From the reading of the précis, the names seem a bit over-complicated.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Yup. The names will take a while to get used to. It did for me. 😅

  • @seanhalpin87
    @seanhalpin87 Год назад +2

    This is a day one read for me. Cannot wait.

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      Heck yeah! Hope you'll like it!

  • @mediabunny4016
    @mediabunny4016 Год назад +2

    Sounds interesting! I prefer female protagonists these days but will keep an eye on how this trilogy goes

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад +1

      We will probably have more of them in the 2nd book. Only one female protagonist in this book. 😁

  • @chadia25
    @chadia25 Год назад +2

  • @owencarlisle4152
    @owencarlisle4152 Год назад +1

    How many stars ?

    • @PetrikLeo
      @PetrikLeo  Год назад

      4 or 4.5 out of 5 stars. Need to make up my mind about it! :)

  • @cabrademora1
    @cabrademora1 Год назад +2
