Emakume Jaio Nintzen ~ NOKA

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2024
  • NOKA and Laurent Ascarain
    Ontario Basque Center, Oregon ~ October, 2012
    (A Daughter for Equality)
    Emakume jaio nintzen lehen
    Karrera bat estudiatu nahi nuen
    Estudiatu? Hobe dun ahaztu
    Senarra hartu 'ta ondo zaindu
    Denbora pasa 'ta neska bat izan da
    Ikastea din zale
    A girl tells her father that she wants to study for a profession, but her father tells her that she’s better off finding a man to take care of.
    Larogeian jaio naiz eta
    Kirolaz bizi nahi dut aita
    Lan hau dun gizonentzat alaba
    Aukera ezan neskaren lana
    Denborak aurrera ‘ta eskubideak
    Ez ditun berdin aurreratzen
    A girl tells her father that she wants to make her living playing sports, but her father tells her that that’s a man’s job-she better off doing women’s work.
    Zenbat aldiz entzun dinagu hemen
    Gure eskubideak aurrez etengabe
    Hala ere zapalduta gaitun
    Honekin bukatu behar din lehenbailehen
    Even though they keep telling us that women are making progress, we are still oppressed. With time, we’ll rid ourselves of this, too.

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