Tu m'accompagnes dans ma vie depuis près de 8 ans maintenant, et même si tu ne me connais pas, pour moi tu es très importante et je te souhaite le meilleur. Courage!
It's kind of disturbing how many dislikes this video has considering she's talking about her mental health struggles... wish u well and hope you can get through this. I can only relate, I have an unhealthy amount of anxiety merely thinking about my plans that involve going out and having to interact with people and this got worse this year, my social life is dead and im progressively trying to work through it hope it'll get somewhat better
It’s so nice to hear from you again, been thinking about you. I have a few people in my life who suffer from depression and I never could quite understand this disease, thank you for giving a very personal insight in to your life. Only wishing you the best and lots of love from germany 🇩🇪
I am so sorry you have been struggling, and I hope you will feel better soon. You are a beautiful person, inside and outside, and I hope you can come to appreciate that you are worthwhile, you are valuable and worthy of love. Sending lots of love!
Je pense que ce genre de vidéos est effectivement très importante. Je t'envoie plein de force et de courage Emy. Ayant vécu de nombreuses années de TCA, ayant aussi été diagnostiquée d'un trouble anxieux généralisé et ayant connu de nombreux épisodes dépressifs, je me retrouve énormément dans ce que tu décris. J'ai encore du mal à gérer les troubles anxieux et la dépression mais étant complètement sortie des TCA, je m'accroche à ça pour me dire qu'on peut guérir, qu'on peut s'en sortir. Ça va le faire
Thank you for sharing this video. I am going through something similar and sometimes it feels useless to try anymore. You’ve really helped me understand that we all have these moments where we must keep going and we must keep trying to feel better despite the harshness and turmoil we feel inside.
Thanks for your video. Thanks for having the courage of talking about your depression/*phobias ...WTF happened to the like/dislike count? ...Why so many dislikes?
Take care of yourself ! (Also to anyone reading this, I feel I must say from personal experience with people with anxiety issues, it's extremely dangerous to stop medication without telling your doctor about it. If you don't like the effect your medication has on you, please talk to your doctor/psychiatrist about reducing it. But stopping brutally without any kind of medical supervision can have devastating effects)
To Emy: I wish you to get well, thank you for talking about it! I miss your content. There is something about your personality that feels soothing and it's always nice to watch your videos not only for the content but also for that. To those who left dislikes: could you please explain why the f you did that? I don't get it.
Merci de nous donner de tes nouvelles, personnellement je me faisais un peu de souci. Je suis contente que tu sois plutôt sur le chemin du rétablissement. Et en ce qui me concerne, je m'en fous de ne pas avoir de format vidéo, d'avoir des vidéos où tu ne te montres pas, de ne pas avoir de publications régulières etc. Du moment que je te sens bien, ça me va. Et puis j'aime toujours tout ce que tu fais de toute façon :)
Tout mon soutien. Chacune de tes phrases me parlent, c'est très perturbant, comme si on s'écoutait parler tout en sachant que ce n'est pas notre voix. Mais avec ce sentiment persistant que c'est quand même une part de soi qui s'exprime. Merci d'avoir mis des mots sur ce qu'on est nombreux à ne pas réussir à exprimer. Je suis contente de savoir que tu te sens mieux après le traitement, que tu te bats et j'espère qu'un jour tout ça sera derrière toi même si comme tu le dis très bien ça semble finir par faire partie de nous.
Diagnostiquée avec des troubles anxieux, ces derniers se sont aggravés ces derniers mois avec la crise sanitaire. Au point de faire plusieurs crises d'angoisse seule chez moi. Je ne pouvais plus sortir sans faire de crises d'angoisse. Et pareil ma psy m'a parlé de prendre des anxiolytiques. J'étais contre mais je n'avais plus le choix. Là je vois que ça va beaucoup mieux depuis 2 mois. Et j'arrive enfin à me concentrer sur ma thérapie. J'espère ne pas les prendre trop longtemps car je ne veux pas en devenir dépendante. Mais en tout cas je le vois plus comme une béquille le temps de pouvoir me relever complètement. Bon courage à toi ! Tu n'es pas seule. 🖤
Lamento mucho que estés pasando por esa situación, agradezco mucho lo compartas con nosotros, has hecho mucha falta y espero te sientas mucho mejor lo antes posible, te deseo mucha salud, paz y felicidad y que todo sea para bien.
Thank you so much. I really like the videos you talk about mental health, be it a video or a podcast. Doesn't matter. I have been living with generalized anxiety disorder for years. Depression on and off. It is difficult. But internet helped me a lot understanding it and not feeling like I'm the only person who is going through these. Thank you for being open about mental health.
Good to see you back, or listen! Haha I've never had severe depression, but I'm very anxious and pessimist. This year things got a little darker for me and I think I had some light depression a few months ago. I've been going to therapy for 3 years now, so I was able to help myself not to fall even deeper in my bad feelings. I am now taking medicine for anxiety because it has been afecting me very badly this year. I started running too, which I love. I was walking to work this morning and realized how different I am feeling now compared to my depressive moments months ago. I am looking at things in a completely different perspective. I hope you feel better and enjoy life a little more. Being a teatcher is a very corageous thing and I admire you for that! Love from Brazil.
It’s nice to hear your voice again!! Take care of yourself and I hope you’re gonna get better very soon! I’m gonna listen to the rest of the podcast later but please don’t overwork yourself, especially in such a difficult time! + I’ve just listened to it and I want to thank you. Thanks for sharing your own experience, it’s extremely helpful for me and a lot of other people.
Thank you for sharing Emy, I can't imagine what you are going through. I hope you get better and wish you the best of recoveries. Similarly to you I have somewhat of a disconnect to how mental health is discussed online. For one, I am surprised at how so confidently some RUclipsrs talk about their mental health issues. There is definitely a degree of romanticizing, and a feeling of clout chasing for some that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I would never be able to put myself out there like that and expose such vulnerability. It would be a terrifying experience. I also feel like a lot of the people who talk about mental health in the media are all accomplished to various degrees. What I mean by that is that I believe we are receptive and empathetic to their suffering in huge part because they are accomplished. They are positively remarkable in some way. At least to me. They don't have to be a hugely successful actor, singer and other types of famous artist. You could be a lawyer, a high school teacher, a car mechanic, a poet, whatever. If you are good at something, are praised and recognized for it, and have a degree of success doing it, I consider you accomplished. You've proven to yourself that you can be something, which absolutely does not negate or diminish what you are going through. But that's just not me which is why it can be so hard for me to relate. I feel like if those people were not accomplished, if they had nothing going on for themselves, we would be far less receptive to listen to them. This is why I find it extremely difficult to be inspired by them, because they have already proven to themselves and to the world, that they can achieve a modicum of success, whatever that means for them. That's why I don't fully buy into the "power of vulnerability".
Bonjour à toi, je ne suis qu'une présence invisible et anonyme, mais malgré cela je tiens à te remercier chaudement de partager ce que tu traverses en ce moment. C'est une crise difficile que tu vis et qui vient te chercher loin j'imagine. Mais comme tu le dis, ça passe, c'est temporaire, et il est important comme tu le fais de le noter et l'exprimer. Je ne peux que te souhaiter de garder ton énergie et de l'utiliser pour prendre soin de toi surtout.
A lot of what you’ve mentioned is relatable for me, at least, used to be. I don’t know if this has any value to be shared but I suffered from social anxiety in my (mostly) early teenage years. This went along with what I believed was an actual depression. I never went to a medical appointment because it simply never occurred to me that I needed it. I was too young to understand it and was able to carry on with daily activities. By the end of high school, I started to open up to my parents after reading an online article about social anxiety. A lot of “what was wrong with me” had a name. It just seems so incredible how someone can be so oblivious of one’s self! I researched a lot and it helped me to have a better understanding of my past and my general behaviour. I’m in a much, much better place than when I was 12, 14 or even 18. Still a doubt remains: when I’m feeling sad or just a bit weary of people, I always question where those feelings are coming from...
I have social anxiety with roots in my early teenage years as well, unlike you though I never opened up to my family about it, I felt so ashamed of it I tried keeping it a secret :/ It's been about ten years I suffer from it, and it's really much better now (high functioning I d say) but I still have strong bouts of it sometimes, especially since the lockdown, if you don't mind talking about it did you go to therapy? Was it useful? I tried therapy two years ago but the therapist did not believe I really had SA so we just had one session.
Emy ! Just wanted to say that your online friends and family are here for you no matter where you are or where you’ve been! I’ve been following you since I was in high school and now I’m almost graduating college; you’ve been there for us throughout our journeys in subtle ways, I hope we can be there in the same way for you
I've followed you since I was a teen, I've felt so much inspired by you all along these years.... I literally grew up in front of your channel awww Get better soon! *hugs*
I missed your vlogs and yourself so much!! Thank you for opening like this Emy. It must’ve been hard decision to grapple with and just the subjects too. Hope we can all face the bleak future ahead of us and keep a close knit YT family. Love you 💓💓
Thank you for sharing and for being so sincere ❤ It probably takes a lot of courage but it can really helps other people. I 'm sorry to hear you're dealing with all of this, I relate a lot with your feelings and what you're going through, I kind of went through similar issues and I know how hard it can be. I'm happy to see you feel better now, take care :)
Thank you for expressing yourself with such honesty and authenticity despite of the difficulty, for addressing mental health issues the way you do. I wish you the best you could hope for, for now and in the future!
Thank you for your sharing ! It takes a lot of courage to speak about depression and mental health! I hope that you will feel better very soon and that you will also feel better psychologically! Take care !
I don't know if I have "agoraphobia", but I can't get out, it just wont happen , or it will take me 4 hours to put my shoos on. I need a strict routine in order to function , I need to have a job that forces me to do things, go out or I shrink . I don't want to have friends, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to do anything, I have a higher education degree and picked a minimum wage job that would fit my mental health and allow me to avoid people as much as possible. I don't care, it's a lifestyle of not caring about living my life. I related to you because I also used to travel but it was a struggle I did that to force myself to keep on living, it was hard but the travels act like milestones in my life, memories of being alive. I'm also being forced to live because I managed to build a family , and forced myslef to care about 2 personns that need me, not for myself, for them.They are on hollydays now so ... without the work , I'm faced with the fact that I'm always going to be this way. If work and family goes : nothing's left of me and I don't think I will travel again to pretend that I exist. Positive note : when everything is going on , on a day to day basis, work , routine, family , I manage.
This is very relatable Emy. I went through a severe depression episode myself a few years ago and agoraphobia. Just the perspective of going out could ignite a panic attack, I barely could look out of the window. Maybe you should explore cognitive-behavioral therapy. It did miracles for me. Thank you for sharing, it is brave and it is useful. Take great care of yourself.
Merci pour le partage, c'est bien de parler aussi de ce qui va mal, quand ça va mal. Dans notre société de l'apparence, on oublie de montrer quand ça va pas, du coup, quand ça ne va pas (à différents degrés) on ne se rend pas compte que c'est "normal" et que ça arrive à plein de gens. Notre société envoie l'injonction d'aller bien, ce qui peut faire culpabiliser quand ça va pas et donc aggraver le mal-être quel qu'il soit. Je me suis retrouvée dans ce que tu dis à certains moments. Je n'ai jamais été diagnostiquée dépressive, mais j'ai passé des moments très très difficiles à l'adolescence. La distanciation émotionnelle c'est aussi quelque chose que j'ai expérimenté (sans médicament) et dont je sors peu à peu. En effet, tenir un journal aide, la thérapie aussi, pour tout, et pour apprendre à mieux se connaitre. Et puis un jour ça va un peu mieux, on se rend alors compte du chemin parcouru. Prends soin de toi, repose-toi. Tout finit toujours par passer. Rien n'est éternel. Même pas la dépression.
I went through the same feelings but I didn't see a doctor or took medicine anymore. But luckily I went out , I find Your talk incredibly helpful and useful for those who still suffering from depression I hope you getting better very soon Dear me anestisia ❤️
Thank you for sharing this. I am sending you a lot of support! I think I am going through depression as well. Listen to Keep going on of NANA when you feel bad is my (probably unuseful) advice
I'm happy you are better now. When I am very depressed, I take my SLR, load a film and begin shooting. The attention needed on composing a photo helps me forgetting my anxiety.
Est ce que qqn pourrais me dire qu'elle est l'application qu'emy sponsorise ? Avec des cours sur à peu près tout. Je n'arrive pas à la retrouver ! Merci d'avance
and yeah, we have ups and downs. But for us ( general anxiety and/or depression) is different going out traveling just for fun and go out for work or because of obligation. is like more pressure on us. also, it depends if we go out alone/ with someone that we do not trust 100% or with friends, family, etc. Its impact on our anxiety levels so much...
Even if my problem is different I relate so much with what you said. The normal things are not normal and easy for everybody and sadly too much people don't realize that. To be able to go out more easily, I think it's really important to understand what makes you so anxious. Personally I'm afraid of the judgments of the others so the mask help and I'm afraid of men and sexual harassment even if I've lived nothing like that but I'm terrified about it. For this particular point, I try to not be overwhelmed with informations, news...and even if it's sad to say but I'm doing all the things in my power to put me safe (avoid some places, dress myself a certain way...). I hope it would help. Take care
You're a very intelligent, strong person and I absolutely believe you can recover from your agoraphobia and cope with your depression. What is true of phobias is that the danger is overblown or non-existent. You said it yourself - being afraid to leave the house is not logical. Exposing yourself to the fear and just allowing yourself to experience the feeling of fear in your body will show you that your fears aren't going to hurt you and that the monster has no teeth. It's hard and it takes courage but gradually exposing yourself to what scares you will train your brain to treat it like it isn't dangerous and you can be free of this suffering. I wish you the best. ❤️ Merci beaucoup pour vos vidéos.
Hey Emy, kudos for the courage of exposing yourself so honestly, definitely people with similar struggles can find this supportive in some way. Mental health is such a difficult and delicate topic to talk about. Being online on social media can alter our perceptions of life, like it's all about being happy and accomplishing big things. I don't mean we have to be miserable all the time, but the fake positivity is so damaging for our mental health that only makes worse for people with depression, anxiety, etc. Let alone exposing how we really feel then. So, again, it's a brave step you took here. As for the meds, I know you're the one who decides about, but having seen many similar cases, I can say that the cases of depression with positive response for the first meds a doctor prescribes are rare. Taking medication is more like trying and failing until you find "the one". It might look scary or like a lot of work in the beginning but when people start feeling better again, they definitely can only say "I wish I had done it sooner". Anyway I only wish you can get better from your depression and thank you for all the content you posted here on YT, it's been years since I found your channel and since then you've been one of the most inspiring people in my life/favorite person on this site. Perhaps, in the future, we're gonna be able to watch or read more literature content in English from you? Well, I'm crossing my fingers for it. Take care and hope you feel better.
C'est trop cool d'entendre à nouveau ta voix ces derniers jours !❤️ En tout cas ne te met pas de pression pour les vidéos on sera patient autant qu'il faudra ! ^^
Thank you for opening up this door to your world. It is no less yours if you share it willingly. Sharing with heart is not division, it's multiplication. Much love and strength! And when you go out, remember that the whole universe is your home, and that everyone is another like yourself. (= .~´
You are absolutely right when you say that it's one thing to know for yourself in the silence of your own mind that you have mental health issues, versus having it confirmed by a medical professional. My biggest issue and struggle with that is that I lived in a country where the people telling me I had issues were medical professionals, but not doctors. Maybe I am wrong, but the fact that they were not doctors, and that no doctor explicitly told me I have x made me have serious doubts. It's still not clear to me it medical practitioners who are not doctors can diagnose patients. Like you, I am also very averse to medication, and I didn't appreciate that my doctor couldn't give me a clear answer on whether I should take it for my anxiety. I don't want to take medication unless the doctor says I _need_ it. My impression was that my doctor would prescribe me medication if I _wanted_ it, which to me sounded like a cop out. A way to avoid taking responsibility if something bad happens.
It’s hard for me to leave the house too. When I take my mask off my chin is shining with sweat lol I just do one thing at a time and take deep breaths. Thanks for sharing. Lots of love 💗
je ne sais pas si je suis agoraphobe mais il m'arrive d'avoir quelque chose qui me semble ressembler à des crises d'angoisses quand je suis avec des gens. pas quand je parle, plutot quand je suis silencieuse et passive, parce que mon cerveau n'est pas impliqué dans autre chose, et donc à le temps de "overthink" TOUT. le regard de la personne en face de moi, ses moindres gestes, moindres exressions... et ca me stresse tellement, j'ai envie de crier, de partir. quand je peux me retrouver seule, m'isoler, la seule chose qui me fait du bien est de m'impliquer dans autre chose, de me concentrer. et la plus simple facon de s'absorber dans quelque chose, c'est de regarder un ecran: une serie, des videos... sur le coup ca me fait du bien, mais apres je me deteste d'autant procrastiner, et ca renforce mon mal-etre, bref c'est un peu un cercle vicieux. merci pour ton podcast, il était trs interessant. la carologie a aussi fait pas mal de videos sur la depression, je suppose que tu le sais déjà mais au cas ou, je les recommande :)
Rétablis-toi bien. Tu es courageuse. Le contexte sanitaire majore tellement les problématiques de chacun... sache que tu n'es pas seule à ressentir tout cela. Parfois, traverser une dépression (même masquée) en étant accompagnée d'un psychothérapeute fait partie du processus pour se (re-)trouver. On y apprend beaucoup sur soi. Je dépose l'information pour ta communauté: beaucoup de psychologues télétravaillent en raison du Covid-19 que ça soit par téléphone ou visio, ces dispositifs permettent à beaucoup de continuer à recevoir du soutien psychologique. J'en profite pour te remercier, car je suis (dans l'ombre) tes vidéos depuis longtemps, je t'avais découverte grâce à tes vidéos en anglais et sur la littérature. Merci pour la pertinence de tes analyses sur le monde de la santé mentale. Je me sens parfois perplexe de voir comment ce sujet est traité actuellement dans les réseaux sociaux et je trouve ta perspective profonde.
Il y a une booktubeuse, Nina Quill, qui parle très bien des maladies mentales (elle souffre d'anxiété sociale et de dépression). Elle aborde le sujet en toute honnêteté et fragilité elle aussi. Enfin bref, je t'envoie toute mon affection Emy.
selon le big-5 (modèle de personnalité) un haut névrosisme prédispose à l'anxiété et la dépression donc oui on peut dire que ce sont des troubles qui seront toujours around the corner, I think I have both and struggle like you just to go grocerie shopping to the point where not eating seems a better option than going out, thanks for sharing your experience I am considering medication but still waiting for my mental state to be at its worst
did you have the constant non stop cough? please take a rest and wish you a speedy recovery. Have you considered moving closer to family (like your hometown), as a way to cope with your depression? maybe life in Paris isolated isn't the best for your at this moment. Agoraphobia: does it help you to go out if you have company with you?
I remember seeing you where going back the south again and knew that something might be up ! Oh jeez hope your doing a lot better now after catching it ! I like your journaling idea and think I will start doing this .
I know the feeling of being scared to unveil the secret of depression, but I recently heard a comparison that felt good to hear: I didn’t ask to have bad eye sight, but I do and I have to wear glasses to help me see. Similarly, I see a therapist and take medication for my brain. I didn’t ask for depression and anxiety, but I have found a way to live with it ♥️ I am here for you and support you through this journey! 💞
Même sans l'épisode médicamenteux, il est normal de changer, surtout lorsque l'on fait l'effort permanent d'avoir une vie riche en idées nouvelles qui influencent l'humeur, la vision de la vie sociale et de la vie personnelle. Il faut accepter ce changement en attendant le prochain changement... C'est le seul point sur lequel je me permets de t'encourager.
comme conseil je peux te dire que ce n’est pas une bonne idée d’arrêter son traitement d’un coup j’espère que tu as toujours un suivi bon courage pour la suite
Je sais ce que tu penses du diagnostic de zèbre ou autre, mais si jamais tu ne connais pas déjà, la chaîne d'Amadrya qui a été diagnostiquée précoce à un jeune âge mais qui parle surtout d'hypersensibilité pourra peut-être t'apporter des pistes ou du réconfort, notamment sa vidéo sur "anxiété sociale et réflexion sur la solitude". Au-delà des étiquettes, il y a des ressentis proches et cela permet parfois d'éclairer nos propres difficultés dans leurs paradoxes. Dans tous les cas, je te souhaite un bon chemin de rétablissement, car j'ai souvent traversé les mêmes épisodes.
Thank you. You talk about this difficult experience with a great authenticity. It helps a lot. Love and strength.
It takes a lot of courage to open up about mental health, thank you for sharing what you've gone through recently 💙
Tu m'accompagnes dans ma vie depuis près de 8 ans maintenant, et même si tu ne me connais pas, pour moi tu es très importante et je te souhaite le meilleur. Courage!
It's kind of disturbing how many dislikes this video has considering she's talking about her mental health struggles... wish u well and hope you can get through this. I can only relate, I have an unhealthy amount of anxiety merely thinking about my plans that involve going out and having to interact with people and this got worse this year, my social life is dead and im progressively trying to work through it hope it'll get somewhat better
It’s so nice to hear from you again, been thinking about you. I have a few people in my life who suffer from depression and I never could quite understand this disease, thank you for giving a very personal insight in to your life. Only wishing you the best and lots of love from germany 🇩🇪
It takes a special kind of courage to be so honest and open about one's mental health struggles. Lots of love 💛
I am so sorry you have been struggling, and I hope you will feel better soon. You are a beautiful person, inside and outside, and I hope you can come to appreciate that you are worthwhile, you are valuable and worthy of love. Sending lots of love!
Je pense que ce genre de vidéos est effectivement très importante. Je t'envoie plein de force et de courage Emy. Ayant vécu de nombreuses années de TCA, ayant aussi été diagnostiquée d'un trouble anxieux généralisé et ayant connu de nombreux épisodes dépressifs, je me retrouve énormément dans ce que tu décris. J'ai encore du mal à gérer les troubles anxieux et la dépression mais étant complètement sortie des TCA, je m'accroche à ça pour me dire qu'on peut guérir, qu'on peut s'en sortir. Ça va le faire
Thank you for sharing this video. I am going through something similar and sometimes it feels useless to try anymore.
You’ve really helped me understand that we all have these moments where we must keep going and we must keep trying to feel better despite the harshness and turmoil we feel inside.
Thanks for your video.
Thanks for having the courage of talking about your depression/*phobias
...WTF happened to the like/dislike count? ...Why so many dislikes?
That's what I was wondering, did she say something controversial that I missed?/
Take care of yourself !
(Also to anyone reading this, I feel I must say from personal experience with people with anxiety issues, it's extremely dangerous to stop medication without telling your doctor about it. If you don't like the effect your medication has on you, please talk to your doctor/psychiatrist about reducing it. But stopping brutally without any kind of medical supervision can have devastating effects)
To Emy: I wish you to get well, thank you for talking about it! I miss your content. There is something about your personality that feels soothing and it's always nice to watch your videos not only for the content but also for that.
To those who left dislikes: could you please explain why the f you did that? I don't get it.
Merci de nous donner de tes nouvelles, personnellement je me faisais un peu de souci. Je suis contente que tu sois plutôt sur le chemin du rétablissement. Et en ce qui me concerne, je m'en fous de ne pas avoir de format vidéo, d'avoir des vidéos où tu ne te montres pas, de ne pas avoir de publications régulières etc. Du moment que je te sens bien, ça me va. Et puis j'aime toujours tout ce que tu fais de toute façon :)
Tout mon soutien. Chacune de tes phrases me parlent, c'est très perturbant, comme si on s'écoutait parler tout en sachant que ce n'est pas notre voix. Mais avec ce sentiment persistant que c'est quand même une part de soi qui s'exprime. Merci d'avoir mis des mots sur ce qu'on est nombreux à ne pas réussir à exprimer. Je suis contente de savoir que tu te sens mieux après le traitement, que tu te bats et j'espère qu'un jour tout ça sera derrière toi même si comme tu le dis très bien ça semble finir par faire partie de nous.
Diagnostiquée avec des troubles anxieux, ces derniers se sont aggravés ces derniers mois avec la crise sanitaire. Au point de faire plusieurs crises d'angoisse seule chez moi. Je ne pouvais plus sortir sans faire de crises d'angoisse. Et pareil ma psy m'a parlé de prendre des anxiolytiques. J'étais contre mais je n'avais plus le choix. Là je vois que ça va beaucoup mieux depuis 2 mois. Et j'arrive enfin à me concentrer sur ma thérapie. J'espère ne pas les prendre trop longtemps car je ne veux pas en devenir dépendante. Mais en tout cas je le vois plus comme une béquille le temps de pouvoir me relever complètement. Bon courage à toi ! Tu n'es pas seule. 🖤
Lamento mucho que estés pasando por esa situación, agradezco mucho lo compartas con nosotros, has hecho mucha falta y espero te sientas mucho mejor lo antes posible, te deseo mucha salud, paz y felicidad y que todo sea para bien.
Thank you so much. I really like the videos you talk about mental health, be it a video or a podcast. Doesn't matter. I have been living with generalized anxiety disorder for years. Depression on and off. It is difficult. But internet helped me a lot understanding it and not feeling like I'm the only person who is going through these. Thank you for being open about mental health.
Good to see you back, or listen! Haha I've never had severe depression, but I'm very anxious and pessimist. This year things got a little darker for me and I think I had some light depression a few months ago. I've been going to therapy for 3 years now, so I was able to help myself not to fall even deeper in my bad feelings. I am now taking medicine for anxiety because it has been afecting me very badly this year. I started running too, which I love. I was walking to work this morning and realized how different I am feeling now compared to my depressive moments months ago. I am looking at things in a completely different perspective. I hope you feel better and enjoy life a little more. Being a teatcher is a very corageous thing and I admire you for that! Love from Brazil.
It’s nice to hear your voice again!! Take care of yourself and I hope you’re gonna get better very soon! I’m gonna listen to the rest of the podcast later but please don’t overwork yourself, especially in such a difficult time!
+ I’ve just listened to it and I want to thank you. Thanks for sharing your own experience, it’s extremely helpful for me and a lot of other people.
Thank you for sharing Emy, I can't imagine what you are going through. I hope you get better and wish you the best of recoveries. Similarly to you I have somewhat of a disconnect to how mental health is discussed online. For one, I am surprised at how so confidently some RUclipsrs talk about their mental health issues. There is definitely a degree of romanticizing, and a feeling of clout chasing for some that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I would never be able to put myself out there like that and expose such vulnerability. It would be a terrifying experience.
I also feel like a lot of the people who talk about mental health in the media are all accomplished to various degrees. What I mean by that is that I believe we are receptive and empathetic to their suffering in huge part because they are accomplished. They are positively remarkable in some way. At least to me. They don't have to be a hugely successful actor, singer and other types of famous artist. You could be a lawyer, a high school teacher, a car mechanic, a poet, whatever. If you are good at something, are praised and recognized for it, and have a degree of success doing it, I consider you accomplished. You've proven to yourself that you can be something, which absolutely does not negate or diminish what you are going through. But that's just not me which is why it can be so hard for me to relate.
I feel like if those people were not accomplished, if they had nothing going on for themselves, we would be far less receptive to listen to them. This is why I find it extremely difficult to be inspired by them, because they have already proven to themselves and to the world, that they can achieve a modicum of success, whatever that means for them. That's why I don't fully buy into the "power of vulnerability".
Bonjour à toi, je ne suis qu'une présence invisible et anonyme, mais malgré cela je tiens à te remercier chaudement de partager ce que tu traverses en ce moment. C'est une crise difficile que tu vis et qui vient te chercher loin j'imagine. Mais comme tu le dis, ça passe, c'est temporaire, et il est important comme tu le fais de le noter et l'exprimer. Je ne peux que te souhaiter de garder ton énergie et de l'utiliser pour prendre soin de toi surtout.
A lot of what you’ve mentioned is relatable for me, at least, used to be. I don’t know if this has any value to be shared but I suffered from social anxiety in my (mostly) early teenage years. This went along with what I believed was an actual depression. I never went to a medical appointment because it simply never occurred to me that I needed it. I was too young to understand it and was able to carry on with daily activities. By the end of high school, I started to open up to my parents after reading an online article about social anxiety. A lot of “what was wrong with me” had a name. It just seems so incredible how someone can be so oblivious of one’s self! I researched a lot and it helped me to have a better understanding of my past and my general behaviour. I’m in a much, much better place than when I was 12, 14 or even 18. Still a doubt remains: when I’m feeling sad or just a bit weary of people, I always question where those feelings are coming from...
I have social anxiety with roots in my early teenage years as well, unlike you though I never opened up to my family about it, I felt so ashamed of it I tried keeping it a secret :/ It's been about ten years I suffer from it, and it's really much better now (high functioning I d say) but I still have strong bouts of it sometimes, especially since the lockdown, if you don't mind talking about it did you go to therapy? Was it useful? I tried therapy two years ago but the therapist did not believe I really had SA so we just had one session.
Emy ! Just wanted to say that your online friends and family are here for you no matter where you are or where you’ve been! I’ve been following you since I was in high school and now I’m almost graduating college; you’ve been there for us throughout our journeys in subtle ways, I hope we can be there in the same way for you
I've followed you since I was a teen, I've felt so much inspired by you all along these years.... I literally grew up in front of your channel awww Get better soon! *hugs*
Same ! 🙏🏼✨🕯
I missed your vlogs and yourself so much!! Thank you for opening like this Emy. It must’ve been hard decision to grapple with and just the subjects too. Hope we can all face the bleak future ahead of us and keep a close knit YT family. Love you 💓💓
Thank you for sharing and for being so sincere ❤ It probably takes a lot of courage but it can really helps other people. I 'm sorry to hear you're dealing with all of this, I relate a lot with your feelings and what you're going through, I kind of went through similar issues and I know how hard it can be. I'm happy to see you feel better now, take care :)
Thank you for expressing yourself with such honesty and authenticity despite of the difficulty, for addressing mental health issues the way you do. I wish you the best you could hope for, for now and in the future!
Thank you so much for this. I can relate to so much of this. You’re not alone. Thank you for sharing.
Je comprends tellement ce que tu ressens... De tout coeur avec toi, prends soin de toi 🙏❤
Thank you for your sharing ! It takes a lot of courage to speak about depression and mental health! I hope that you will feel better very soon and that you will also feel better psychologically! Take care !
I don't know if I have "agoraphobia", but I can't get out, it just wont happen , or it will take me 4 hours to put my shoos on. I need a strict routine in order to function , I need to have a job that forces me to do things, go out or I shrink . I don't want to have friends, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to do anything, I have a higher education degree and picked a minimum wage job that would fit my mental health and allow me to avoid people as much as possible. I don't care, it's a lifestyle of not caring about living my life. I related to you because I also used to travel but it was a struggle I did that to force myself to keep on living, it was hard but the travels act like milestones in my life, memories of being alive. I'm also being forced to live because I managed to build a family , and forced myslef to care about 2 personns that need me, not for myself, for them.They are on hollydays now so ... without the work , I'm faced with the fact that I'm always going to be this way. If work and family goes : nothing's left of me and I don't think I will travel again to pretend that I exist. Positive note : when everything is going on , on a day to day basis, work , routine, family , I manage.
This is very relatable Emy. I went through a severe depression episode myself a few years ago and agoraphobia. Just the perspective of going out could ignite a panic attack, I barely could look out of the window. Maybe you should explore cognitive-behavioral therapy. It did miracles for me. Thank you for sharing, it is brave and it is useful. Take great care of yourself.
Thanks for the update. Please take care, we want to have you around for a long time. Lots of love from Chile!
Wow, you put into words so well exactly how I've been feeling for the past several years. Hugs💙
We love you
I'm sorry to hear that you are sick, make sure you have lots of rest and vitamin c&d in your system and Hopefully you will feel better, lots of love x
Bon rétablissement 💜💜💜
Merci pour le partage, c'est bien de parler aussi de ce qui va mal, quand ça va mal. Dans notre société de l'apparence, on oublie de montrer quand ça va pas, du coup, quand ça ne va pas (à différents degrés) on ne se rend pas compte que c'est "normal" et que ça arrive à plein de gens. Notre société envoie l'injonction d'aller bien, ce qui peut faire culpabiliser quand ça va pas et donc aggraver le mal-être quel qu'il soit.
Je me suis retrouvée dans ce que tu dis à certains moments. Je n'ai jamais été diagnostiquée dépressive, mais j'ai passé des moments très très difficiles à l'adolescence. La distanciation émotionnelle c'est aussi quelque chose que j'ai expérimenté (sans médicament) et dont je sors peu à peu. En effet, tenir un journal aide, la thérapie aussi, pour tout, et pour apprendre à mieux se connaitre. Et puis un jour ça va un peu mieux, on se rend alors compte du chemin parcouru.
Prends soin de toi, repose-toi. Tout finit toujours par passer. Rien n'est éternel. Même pas la dépression.
I went through the same feelings but I didn't see a doctor or took medicine anymore. But luckily I went out , I find Your talk incredibly helpful and useful for those who still suffering from depression
I hope you getting better very soon
Dear me anestisia ❤️
Sending warmth ♥️
mental health topics have become a trend on the internet. I feel you.
Thank you for sharing this. I am sending you a lot of support! I think I am going through depression as well. Listen to Keep going on of NANA when you feel bad is my (probably unuseful) advice
Prends soin de toi
Thank you for this very useful content and for being so sincere
miss you! praying for your health ❤️
I'm happy you are better now. When I am very depressed, I take my SLR, load a film and begin shooting. The attention needed on composing a photo helps me forgetting my anxiety.
Thank you 🤍 Take all the time you need, slowly but surely things will be more balanced.
We miss you Emy, i hops all things gonna be well.
Bon rétablissement 🤒 Toujours aussi intéressante à écouter.
emy, you're a hero❤ the dislikes are from bitter people, ignore them.
i send you many love, thank you for making this video
Est ce que qqn pourrais me dire qu'elle est l'application qu'emy sponsorise ? Avec des cours sur à peu près tout. Je n'arrive pas à la retrouver ! Merci d'avance
and yeah, we have ups and downs. But for us ( general anxiety and/or depression) is different going out traveling just for fun and go out for work or because of obligation. is like more pressure on us. also, it depends if we go out alone/ with someone that we do not trust 100% or with friends, family, etc. Its impact on our anxiety levels so much...
Je t'envoi pleins d'amour et de courage. Merci pour ce moment d'intimité et de vulnérabilité.
Even if my problem is different I relate so much with what you said.
The normal things are not normal and easy for everybody and sadly too much people don't realize that.
To be able to go out more easily, I think it's really important to understand what makes you so anxious.
Personally I'm afraid of the judgments of the others so the mask help and I'm afraid of men and sexual harassment even if I've lived nothing like that but I'm terrified about it. For this particular point, I try to not be overwhelmed with informations, news...and even if it's sad to say but I'm doing all the things in my power to put me safe (avoid some places, dress myself a certain way...).
I hope it would help.
Take care
thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
You're a very intelligent, strong person and I absolutely believe you can recover from your agoraphobia and cope with your depression. What is true of phobias is that the danger is overblown or non-existent. You said it yourself - being afraid to leave the house is not logical. Exposing yourself to the fear and just allowing yourself to experience the feeling of fear in your body will show you that your fears aren't going to hurt you and that the monster has no teeth. It's hard and it takes courage but gradually exposing yourself to what scares you will train your brain to treat it like it isn't dangerous and you can be free of this suffering. I wish you the best. ❤️ Merci beaucoup pour vos vidéos.
Hey Emy, kudos for the courage of exposing yourself so honestly, definitely people with similar struggles can find this supportive in some way. Mental health is such a difficult and delicate topic to talk about. Being online on social media can alter our perceptions of life, like it's all about being happy and accomplishing big things. I don't mean we have to be miserable all the time, but the fake positivity is so damaging for our mental health that only makes worse for people with depression, anxiety, etc. Let alone exposing how we really feel then. So, again, it's a brave step you took here.
As for the meds, I know you're the one who decides about, but having seen many similar cases, I can say that the cases of depression with positive response for the first meds a doctor prescribes are rare.
Taking medication is more like trying and failing until you find "the one". It might look scary or like a lot of work in the beginning but when people start feeling better again, they definitely can only say "I wish I had done it sooner".
Anyway I only wish you can get better from your depression and thank you for all the content you posted here on YT, it's been years since I found your channel and since then you've been one of the most inspiring people in my life/favorite person on this site. Perhaps, in the future, we're gonna be able to watch or read more literature content in English from you? Well, I'm crossing my fingers for it. Take care and hope you feel better.
C'est trop cool d'entendre à nouveau ta voix ces derniers jours !❤️
En tout cas ne te met pas de pression pour les vidéos on sera patient autant qu'il faudra ! ^^
Thank you for opening up this door to your world. It is no less yours if you share it willingly. Sharing with heart is not division, it's multiplication. Much love and strength! And when you go out, remember that the whole universe is your home, and that everyone is another like yourself. (= .~´
why so many dislikes? people suck
I hope you feel better soon!
We are with you, you are not alone💪
You are absolutely right when you say that it's one thing to know for yourself in the silence of your own mind that you have mental health issues, versus having it confirmed by a medical professional. My biggest issue and struggle with that is that I lived in a country where the people telling me I had issues were medical professionals, but not doctors. Maybe I am wrong, but the fact that they were not doctors, and that no doctor explicitly told me I have x made me have serious doubts. It's still not clear to me it medical practitioners who are not doctors can diagnose patients.
Like you, I am also very averse to medication, and I didn't appreciate that my doctor couldn't give me a clear answer on whether I should take it for my anxiety. I don't want to take medication unless the doctor says I _need_ it. My impression was that my doctor would prescribe me medication if I _wanted_ it, which to me sounded like a cop out. A way to avoid taking responsibility if something bad happens.
It’s hard for me to leave the house too. When I take my mask off my chin is shining with sweat lol I just do one thing at a time and take deep breaths. Thanks for sharing. Lots of love 💗
je ne sais pas si je suis agoraphobe mais il m'arrive d'avoir quelque chose qui me semble ressembler à des crises d'angoisses quand je suis avec des gens. pas quand je parle, plutot quand je suis silencieuse et passive, parce que mon cerveau n'est pas impliqué dans autre chose, et donc à le temps de "overthink" TOUT. le regard de la personne en face de moi, ses moindres gestes, moindres exressions... et ca me stresse tellement, j'ai envie de crier, de partir. quand je peux me retrouver seule, m'isoler, la seule chose qui me fait du bien est de m'impliquer dans autre chose, de me concentrer. et la plus simple facon de s'absorber dans quelque chose, c'est de regarder un ecran: une serie, des videos... sur le coup ca me fait du bien, mais apres je me deteste d'autant procrastiner, et ca renforce mon mal-etre, bref c'est un peu un cercle vicieux.
merci pour ton podcast, il était trs interessant. la carologie a aussi fait pas mal de videos sur la depression, je suppose que tu le sais déjà mais au cas ou, je les recommande :)
Reposes toi au mieux, merci pour ta prise de parole ❤
Tout mon soutien Emy. Tu es une personne admirable et inspirante et on ne peut que te donner en retour des mots d'encouragement et d'amitié. 💚
Thank you for sharing, I relate a lot to what you said, I went /am going through something really similar
Take care ❤️
I listened till the end. Take care
Rétablis-toi bien. Tu es courageuse. Le contexte sanitaire majore tellement les problématiques de chacun... sache que tu n'es pas seule à ressentir tout cela. Parfois, traverser une dépression (même masquée) en étant accompagnée d'un psychothérapeute fait partie du processus pour se (re-)trouver. On y apprend beaucoup sur soi. Je dépose l'information pour ta communauté: beaucoup de psychologues télétravaillent en raison du Covid-19 que ça soit par téléphone ou visio, ces dispositifs permettent à beaucoup de continuer à recevoir du soutien psychologique.
J'en profite pour te remercier, car je suis (dans l'ombre) tes vidéos depuis longtemps, je t'avais découverte grâce à tes vidéos en anglais et sur la littérature. Merci pour la pertinence de tes analyses sur le monde de la santé mentale. Je me sens parfois perplexe de voir comment ce sujet est traité actuellement dans les réseaux sociaux et je trouve ta perspective profonde.
Missed you Emy!
Il y a une booktubeuse, Nina Quill, qui parle très bien des maladies mentales (elle souffre d'anxiété sociale et de dépression). Elle aborde le sujet en toute honnêteté et fragilité elle aussi.
Enfin bref, je t'envoie toute mon affection Emy.
selon le big-5 (modèle de personnalité) un haut névrosisme prédispose à l'anxiété et la dépression donc oui on peut dire que ce sont des troubles qui seront toujours around the corner, I think I have both and struggle like you just to go grocerie shopping to the point where not eating seems a better option than going out, thanks for sharing your experience I am considering medication but still waiting for my mental state to be at its worst
Dear Antastesia, take care to yourself! You have all the time that you need, when you come back we will be waiting for you!
did you have the constant non stop cough? please take a rest and wish you a speedy recovery.
Have you considered moving closer to family (like your hometown), as a way to cope with your depression? maybe life in Paris isolated isn't the best for your at this moment.
Agoraphobia: does it help you to go out if you have company with you?
Oh Soo sorry! Hope you get well soon.
Ur best friend and follower since 2013
The things you are talking about in your videos make me feel that the souls similar to mine exist🥲
We are here, and there is a lot of people in depression out there, just, they don't have the willpower to talk about it...
I remember seeing you where going back the south again and knew that something might be up ! Oh jeez hope your doing a lot better now after catching it ! I like your journaling idea and think I will start doing this .
I know the feeling of being scared to unveil the secret of depression, but I recently heard a comparison that felt good to hear: I didn’t ask to have bad eye sight, but I do and I have to wear glasses to help me see. Similarly, I see a therapist and take medication for my brain. I didn’t ask for depression and anxiety, but I have found a way to live with it ♥️ I am here for you and support you through this journey! 💞
Même sans l'épisode médicamenteux, il est normal de changer, surtout lorsque l'on fait l'effort permanent d'avoir une vie riche en idées nouvelles qui influencent l'humeur, la vision de la vie sociale et de la vie personnelle.
Il faut accepter ce changement en attendant le prochain changement...
C'est le seul point sur lequel je me permets de t'encourager.
This video makes me so sad. Depression is one of the worst thing ever. I pray for you 💕
Prends le temps et prends soin de toi 💚
Take good care, only you have the strenght to move forward.
Life is short, play hard Dear.
Lovely to hear ur voice
comme conseil je peux te dire que ce n’est pas une bonne idée d’arrêter son traitement d’un coup j’espère que tu as toujours un suivi
bon courage pour la suite
J'espère que vous irez mieux très vite
I was just thinking about you the other day
Ta vidéo n'a pas apparu dans mes abonnements :(
HSP? Highly Sensitive Person
HSP suffers a lot nowdays
Je sais ce que tu penses du diagnostic de zèbre ou autre, mais si jamais tu ne connais pas déjà, la chaîne d'Amadrya qui a été diagnostiquée précoce à un jeune âge mais qui parle surtout d'hypersensibilité pourra peut-être t'apporter des pistes ou du réconfort, notamment sa vidéo sur "anxiété sociale et réflexion sur la solitude". Au-delà des étiquettes, il y a des ressentis proches et cela permet parfois d'éclairer nos propres difficultés dans leurs paradoxes. Dans tous les cas, je te souhaite un bon chemin de rétablissement, car j'ai souvent traversé les mêmes épisodes.
You'll be back 🙏
I feel you, take care of you.
may you be happy tous les jours
Take care ❤️
I wish to write something here..but it will be a long comment I do apologize ill try and form a shortened version 🙏💜
Please take care of yourself. I wish you well!
Sending love
❤️ 🙏🏻