Thank you GFBC. Another great , down to earth with no holds barred. People need the direct and interesting sermons. I have learned to say "ouch" in several different languages. Lol. Keep it up! Great job! ❤ the sermons.
I looked up Voddie Baucham Genesis 1 and I'm going to start there. So Awesome I love his sermons! So uplifting and brings me peace through The Word of our Lord and Savior! This is not my home! Amen 🙏 Praise God Hallelujah Come Lord Come Maranatha 🙏
This sermon is so good that I’m trying not to cry because I’m at work listening in the background. To God be all glory.🙏🏼 I’m going to have to listen to this many times in quiet time.
PRAYING FOR Dr. Voddie for his health and for his family. Lord please as you see fit in your glorification please help Dr. Voddie such a treasure to so many getting your GOSPEL TO SO MANY OF US! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY SIR.
Perhaps God gave us the universe, not to explore, but to give us a sense of just how truly vast and infinite He is in Being, in Knowing, in Power and Might, in Glory and Majesty, Love and Compassion, Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness, but also Wrath against those who scorn Him and dare to defile what He has made holy or profane the Gift he has given us.
Hallelujah!!! "Blessed are YOU, LORD our GOD, KING of the Universe, WHO brings forth bread from the earth," ~"Traditional Jewish blessing spoken over bread. (Last Supper Context)"
Voddie is amazing teacher! He has brought things to light in different ways which then allows me to understand what the Holy Spirit is truly calling me to do. Love his voice too! I even have borrowed his saying "if you ain't gonna say amen you ought to ouch"🥰
General,....Yes, VB is smart and is an excellent speaker, however he is not a Christian. He is the seller of the worlds fake (antichrist) christianity, not the Bibles actual Christianity.
@@gordonday1273 I read the Bible every single day, yes. I am presently in Proverbs, and as part of family worship we are currently doing a study of Amos.
Voddie Baucham I look forward to the day I meet you just to bless you in person and praise God for the great things He has done for you and through you to reach even someone like me. Whether it be in this life or the next I want to praise you Voddie sir, for your praise of the most high God! You are someone I listen to that truly abides in the shadow of the Most High And Powerful God that we serve! Praise and glory be to our God and Goodness and Grace be yours abundantly Mr. Voddie! God is doing mighty things through you! Bless you brother,sir!
A lot of religious people want nothing to with Jesus Christ when He was on earth. We can say what we want about Voddie, but the question we must ask ourselves, is speaking truth? I personally enjoy his teaching because he is preaching the whole oracle of God. Not the wealth and prosperity gospel that Americans like to hear. May Jesus Christ gives hm the courage to preach truth with grace, love with power of the Holy Spirit.
This God fearing child of God who was chosen to speak on the Word is one who, not only tells the truth, but he tells the WHOLE truth, the facts, the hard stuff, the stuff most speakers are afraid to talk about or agree with, but what every single person desperately needs to hear, know and understand, especially as we are now, finally, "The Last Generation" since 1948 ❤️ I urge you to study his messages while reading the Bible yourself and praying for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding, as Jesus said He would in the Book of John.
Thank you Beloved. Thank you for sharing this encouraging sermon. I only found Mr Voddie last year, but he’s quickly become my preferred Pastor. Bc he’s filled with the Holy Spirit. Walking the walk and is a constant mouthpiece for God! I appreciate you sharing this! I love you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Amen yet for those that don't believe in God...I Can understand how some get confused beings God created EVERYTHING in 7 days. Bible also says, to God, a thousand yrs is like a day.
The most amazing thing about the 1st 2 verses is they are the entire story! In the begining, God procliamed the ending. This world will pass away his eternal garden will exist beyond all! The first born son beat death on the cross!
I'm new to this channel and am blessed each time I listen to this faithful man of God. I'm currently binge listening to these videos. Great stuff. Thank you!
The only old earth hypothesis I've heard that makes sense references how a day to God can be a thousand years and a thousand years to God can be a day and that the entire life of a man is like a vapor of steam to God, reaffirming the fact that God exists outside of time so a day of Creation could take longer than 24 terrestrial hours. It's important to note, too, that the first six days of the Genesis account of creation are definitively closed with an evening and a morning but the seventh day when God rested from creating everything is never closed with an evening, which strongly implies we are still in that seventh day. The account of creation is still literally seven days, but days as God measures them, which we know from other scriptures are measured on a completely different scale than what we see on a calendar. But, as for the so-called "big bang", recent discoveries point to the idea that there wasn't one singular "big bang" but several, meaning even the most basic explanation that the scientific community has been spouting for hundreds of years, that all matter somehow just existed in one singularity that popped like a firecracker, is also incorrect and that matter existed in several such singularities. That still doesn't explain where the singularities came from to begin with, or even how they crunched down into such a tightly packed ball to become that initial singularity. Going by their own models and physics, a singularity that dense would have such a massively powerful gravitational field that none of the matter would be able to escape and propagate through space. We know that matter can be turned into energy with a big enough explosion - we've done that with atomic explosives - so an explosion big enough to propel a single particle of matter from the gravity well of a singularity that contains all of the matter of the entire universe would destroy the matter in question and turn it into pure energy - the matter of the singularity would destroy itself trying to escape from its own gravity well, and that's operating under the assumption that the singularity itself would even exist under that kind of crushing gravity. Science itself (or at least our current understanding of science) thoroughly disproves and debunks the big bang.
Freewill..Believe OR Do Not Believe. Depends if you like to be extremely happy, rich & comfortable OR miserable, full of pain & extremely unhappy. Both are for Eternity.! Prayers.! 🤔
Just came to terms with a realization I've been resisting for the last 5 to 10 years which is that the Bible is the account of the supernatural (God and the invisible world )interacting with the natural world(Mankind and the visible world)this was the world view in which the God breathed Written Word/Scripture was written and compiled so to be contextual means immersing myself in that world to understand the Bible .
@@Redeemer_80 I’ve always been taught not to add or take away and read as written. HE never contradicted that verse or said whose timeline. Not my call just wondering.
@@dnisey64 I don’t have a definite view on this. But it says “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” It doesn’t say a day is a thousand years or vice versa, it’s says “like”. That’s why I think it’s more suggesting the Lord isn’t bound by time.
Amen. The fact that we can even contemplate on whether or not God exists is proof that God exists. Matter and quantum particles are mere objects; what we encapsulate in the mind, language, music and other forms of information... those cannot be framed within the laws of matter or physics. John Lennox made a point, for example... if you see "roasted chicken" on a menu, what is it about ink on paper that equals chicken? There is nothing inherent about the arrangement of the molecules of the ink that should indicate a flavorful avian whose molecules are very different, yet... it does, because an intelligent Creator put intelligence into us to decipher such abstract and intangible ideas. I pray many find this message and become blessed by it, and consider that God, among His many titles/attributes, is the greatest scientific mind ever known for unfathomable intelligence was needed to create all this and for it to function.
The world has to be older than 6 thousand the old Testament look how old they lived 800 years to 900 years, and that was each generation, until the flood. I don't know, just a thought 🤔
Hello! The generations did overlap quite a bit.. the sons were born when the fathers were around their early to mid 100s. If I recall the number correctly, the flood happened in the year 1656 (from creation), if you count the years when each son was born down to Noah, and his own age of 600. It's bizarre to think Adam was very late in his life when Noah's dad Lamech was born. It was only ~4-5 centuries at most after the flood before lifespans were down to ~120. Hope that helps.
Wondering if I’m misunderstanding what he is saying. There is enough scientific and scriptural evidence to support an old earth. It would be instructive to hear a discussion with him, Hugh Ross and John Lennox
A group (or cult) called Five Percenters claim that they are "gods" because they can "create." I asked one of them about that. He made a dot on a piece of paper and stated, "See, I created that dot." Some people are so full of pride and self-adulation they cannot comprehend the difference between creating something out of nothing versus transferring matter from an ink pen to a paper. If you want to impress me make a painted portrait like a Rembrandt or Van Gogh without paint, canvas, or anything else in your hands.
Please do not distract us with Ads while we are listening to the word of God. Actually if this is a church, that is posting this sermons, I’d be very surprised if they want to be paid as they Ad while sharing the word of God. Anyhoo, the world and the enemy have enough distraction as is let alone you allow it in here. Let us not forget whether is is online or not it is still the word of God.
RUclips puts ads in content, especially the more popular content. You can go to our website and listen to the sermons with no ads or you can get RUclips premium and RUclips will no longer send ada.
If Adam was not a man and Eve was not a woman then we don’t have a leg to stand on as it relates to the definition of marriage…. LMNOPQ Community please take note
They won't be hidden longterm, but as we create them they are in an unlisted status. They are being released each week. We are releasing 2-3 of the sermons from this series each week. This is the best method for putting material out on RUclips. It's jus how this particular medium works. We have done the same with the rest of the content so far. If we uploaded everything at once, very few would come in contact with the material. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the algorithm, we gradually release the content. I hope this is helpful. The next sermon in the Genesis series will be released on Monday. --Pastor Wright
TURNING FROM SIN IS NOT REQUIRED FOR ETERNAL SALVATION!!! NO RELIGION NECESSARY! Believe the Gospel of the real Jesus Christ for Eternal 🙏 We are all sinners and deserving hell, but Jesus lived a perfect live. Was crucified on the cross, He died, was buried, and arose again for the Justification of lost sinners. Whosoever will believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ that he PAID ALL SIN DEBT in FULL with his PERFECT BLOOD, will receive the FREE GIFT of the IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ, The GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT and the FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE. Salvation is easy and Jesus is the door. 🚪
God created all the worlds 🌎 the universe he's the creator of all remember he said one day is like a thousand year's and a thousand years is like one day how can you comprehend those spoken words
Luke 13:1-3 Repent or Perish There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood [p]Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, 1 John 3:4-10 Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
@@gfbc1689 ACT 16:29-31 📜 29.Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before PAUL and SILAS, 📜 30.And brought them out, and said, SIRS, what MUST I DO TO be SAVED? 📜 31.And THEY SAID, BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and THOU SHALT be SAVED, and THY HOUSE. God's spirit does not and cannot sin. When we are "born again" it is a supernatural, spiritual birth that is from God himself. John 3:6 📜 6.That which is BORN of the FLESH is FLESH; and that which is born of the SPIRIT is SPIRIT 1 Peter 1:23 📜 23. BEING BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible seed (flesh), but of INCORRUPTIBLE (new birth/spirit of God), by the WORD of GOD (the gospel of Jesus Christ), which LIVETH and ABIDETH for ever.
@@gfbc1689 1 John 3:9 📜 9. Whoever is BORN of GOD DOTH NOT commit SIN; for his (GOD) seed remaineth in him: and he(spirit of God) cannot sin, because he is BORN of God.
Justified,....You are incorrect and do not understand the Bible, nor do you belong to Jesus, you belong to the world and its fake manmade freewill christianity. Jesus came and died for only the few who are his chosen ones, his elect, not for anyone else. Jesus's chosen ones have nothing to do with anything called the church. The church is for and filled with those who do not belong to Jesus.
Sorry you have it wrong on the cosmology of this Earth- question how can something infinite also be expanding? The Bible is clearly an enclosed creation as the firmament was made on the face (flat) of the deep.
@@gfbc1689 I have listened to parts 1 and 2 of Mr Aaron Wright’s explanation to his 1689 chapter 3 explanation of God’s decree but nothing was answered to my question: “Did God decree Adam and Eve to fall?” I have raised multiple questions in those 2 videos and made a comment on his misunderstanding of Romans 9 as well. Waiting for your answer.
@@gfbc1689 I have listenened to the two videos that Mr. Aaron Wright presented. My question is very simple. But that is not answered in those two videos. Again did God decree Adam and Eve to fall? Whose fault is it? Did Adam and Eve had a sinful nature before they chose to know evil and before they chose to disobey? If God decreed everything to come to pass, did He decree Adam and Eve to fall before they were created or knew sin?
I am still waiting from the Grace Family Baptist Church official (Mr. Aaron Wright, Voddie Baucham, or any calvinist theological doctors) for the answer to my simple question from an ordinary, low level, unschooled, unlearned believer, and unsemminaried believer.
Science is man thinking..and thats fine but all roads begin and ends with the unknown...cause we didn't make a thing. ..we can manipulate whats here but we dont create ..we flesh ..need to get that in perspective corrected ..we flesh..God Is God.
Voddie is good speaker, NO DOUBT. But I wonder HOW HE SUPPORTS HIS LIFE AND HIS FAMILY? Who pay him?!somebody must be transparent on this? His church is not here what. Is his source of income? AND YOU CAN NOT SAY IS “GGD” Do you want to know too?
Q. 76. Which is the ninth commandment? A. The ninth commandment is, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Q. 77. What is required in the ninth commandment? A. The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness-bearing. Q. 78. What is forbidden in the ninth commandment? A. The ninth commandment forbiddeth whatsoever is prejudicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbor’s good name.
@Grace Family Baptist Church show a verse that says God is triune, you cannot, I can show where He is one! It's not false witness when it's true. WHAT IS THE FIRST COMMANDMENT?? Voodie is a disgrace and a false teaching polytheist
@@Swiftninjatrev still no verse to support it, if all 3 persons are god, and together they are god, that’s 4 gods! I cannot throw anybody out of the kingdom, God controls that and all I control is following Him
@Swiftninjatrev I understand it exactly, I have a degree from liberty university but eventually God saved me from the false religion of trinitarianism! Jesus said the ONLY TRUE GOD IS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!
I highly recommend watching 'God of Wonders' for a Christian scientific documentary. I was in awe of God, his creation, the explanations and how it all leads to scripture. I was grinning from start to finish as i listened to scientists talk about God and matter, dna, molecules, energy, and the universe. It begins with showing you clips of nature, then a presentation, then gets into the nitty gritty.видео.html
Thank you GFBC. Another great , down to earth with no holds barred. People need the direct and interesting sermons. I have learned to say "ouch" in several different languages. Lol. Keep it up! Great job! ❤ the sermons.
Glad you enjoyed it
I looked up Voddie Baucham Genesis 1 and I'm going to start there. So Awesome I love his sermons! So uplifting and brings me peace through The Word of our Lord and Savior! This is not my home! Amen 🙏 Praise God Hallelujah
Come Lord Come Maranatha 🙏
@Mary Ann Hendrixson Same here. Looking forward to this journey! 🙏🏽 Amen.
I've learned more listening to this man of God in a couple months than I have my entire life! May God bless this man and any endeavor he embarks upon
This sermon is so good that I’m trying not to cry because I’m at work listening in the background. To God be all glory.🙏🏼 I’m going to have to listen to this many times in quiet time.
To God be the Glory
PRAYING FOR Dr. Voddie for his health and for his family. Lord please as you see fit in your glorification please help Dr. Voddie such a treasure to so many getting your GOSPEL TO SO MANY OF US! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY SIR.
Thanks for listening
I thank God he lead me to Voddies teachings which has opened my mind body and spirit and a new view on everything around me ❤️
Thanks for listening
Perhaps God gave us the universe, not to explore, but to give us a sense of just how truly vast and infinite He is in Being, in Knowing, in Power and Might, in Glory and Majesty, Love and Compassion, Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness, but also Wrath against those who scorn Him and dare to defile what He has made holy or profane the Gift he has given us.
Thank you Dr Voddie Baucham..... My husband and I are very happy we are starting the new year off going over Genesis again.... We love you!
thank you
Please pray for me, I need God's Protection, Strength, Favor- Healing Touch.
One of the greatest sermons ever and one of the greatest preachers of our time
Amen. Thanks for Listening
I pray that the darker skinned people will know they are not excluded from the love of God.
Hallelujah!!! "Blessed are YOU, LORD our GOD, KING of the Universe, WHO brings forth bread from the earth," ~"Traditional Jewish blessing spoken over bread. (Last Supper Context)"
Voddie is amazing teacher! He has brought things to light in different ways which then allows me to understand what the Holy Spirit is truly calling me to do. Love his voice too! I even have borrowed his saying "if you ain't gonna say amen you ought to ouch"🥰
Thank you for watching!
I THANK GOD for Voddie! He's extremely SMART ! I pray for him, daily!
General,....Yes, VB is smart and is an excellent speaker, however he is not a Christian. He is the seller of the worlds fake (antichrist) christianity, not the Bibles actual Christianity.
Voddie brings so from the Bible it’s unbelievable. I always listen to him.
Thanks for listening
My wife bought me a copy of Voddie’s book “Family Shepherds” for Christmas, which I am really looking forward to.
Have you read the Bible? Did you get excited about it.
@@gordonday1273 I read the Bible every single day, yes.
I am presently in Proverbs, and as part of family worship we are currently doing a study of Amos.
It's a great book
Voddie Baucham I look forward to the day I meet you just to bless you in person and praise God for the great things He has done for you and through you to reach even someone like me. Whether it be in this life or the next I want to praise you Voddie sir, for your praise of the most high God! You are someone I listen to that truly abides in the shadow of the Most High And Powerful God that we serve! Praise and glory be to our God and Goodness and Grace be yours abundantly Mr. Voddie! God is doing mighty things through you! Bless you brother,sir!
A lot of religious people want nothing to with Jesus Christ when He was on earth. We can say what we want about Voddie, but the question we must ask ourselves, is speaking truth? I personally enjoy his teaching because he is preaching the whole oracle of God. Not the wealth and prosperity gospel that Americans like to hear. May Jesus Christ gives hm the courage to preach truth with grace, love with power of the Holy Spirit.
This God fearing child of God who was chosen to speak on the Word is one who, not only tells the truth, but he tells the WHOLE truth, the facts, the hard stuff, the stuff most speakers are afraid to talk about or agree with, but what every single person desperately needs to hear, know and understand, especially as we are now, finally, "The Last Generation" since 1948 ❤️
I urge you to study his messages while reading the Bible yourself and praying for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding, as Jesus said He would in the Book of John.
Praise God for His word
No matter what SCIENCE says I Believe The Word "God" let every man be a liar and God be true Amen 🙏
True science is not contrary to the Word of God
SCIENCE can't prove Creation! Only God Amen
Thank you Dr Voddie for your ministry. Refreshing to hear biblical truth unfiltered.
Thanks for listening
Just found this Godly man … wonderful teacher
Tom,....You are mistaken and have been deceived. VB is not a man of God, he is a man of the Godless world and its counterfeit christianity.
Amen. Thanks for listening
God bless you Voddie. I learn so much from your teachings.
Praise God Allmighty
U_tube had put a thumbs down before I even started watching this blessing of this sermon?!?!!! mhhh
Thank you Beloved. Thank you for sharing this encouraging sermon. I only found Mr Voddie last year, but he’s quickly become my preferred Pastor. Bc he’s filled with the Holy Spirit. Walking the walk and is a constant mouthpiece for God! I appreciate you sharing this! I love you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thanks for listening
Incredible sermon! Well backed biblically. Very useful for me as I am married to an Athiest.
Amen yet for those that don't believe in God...I Can understand how some get confused beings God created EVERYTHING in 7 days. Bible also says, to God, a thousand yrs is like a day.
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy
The most amazing thing about the 1st 2 verses is they are the entire story!
In the begining, God procliamed the ending. This world will pass away his eternal garden will exist beyond all! The first born son beat death on the cross!
Bareshit = Jesus = the end and the beginning
Bar = Holy Spirit = creator
Elohim= God= the one who is more than one!
Awesome teaching thankyou 🙏❤️👏
Praise God!
Praise God
Thanks for listening
I'm new to this channel and am blessed each time I listen to this faithful man of God. I'm currently binge listening to these videos. Great stuff. Thank you!
Thanks for listening
The only old earth hypothesis I've heard that makes sense references how a day to God can be a thousand years and a thousand years to God can be a day and that the entire life of a man is like a vapor of steam to God, reaffirming the fact that God exists outside of time so a day of Creation could take longer than 24 terrestrial hours. It's important to note, too, that the first six days of the Genesis account of creation are definitively closed with an evening and a morning but the seventh day when God rested from creating everything is never closed with an evening, which strongly implies we are still in that seventh day.
The account of creation is still literally seven days, but days as God measures them, which we know from other scriptures are measured on a completely different scale than what we see on a calendar.
But, as for the so-called "big bang", recent discoveries point to the idea that there wasn't one singular "big bang" but several, meaning even the most basic explanation that the scientific community has been spouting for hundreds of years, that all matter somehow just existed in one singularity that popped like a firecracker, is also incorrect and that matter existed in several such singularities. That still doesn't explain where the singularities came from to begin with, or even how they crunched down into such a tightly packed ball to become that initial singularity. Going by their own models and physics, a singularity that dense would have such a massively powerful gravitational field that none of the matter would be able to escape and propagate through space. We know that matter can be turned into energy with a big enough explosion - we've done that with atomic explosives - so an explosion big enough to propel a single particle of matter from the gravity well of a singularity that contains all of the matter of the entire universe would destroy the matter in question and turn it into pure energy - the matter of the singularity would destroy itself trying to escape from its own gravity well, and that's operating under the assumption that the singularity itself would even exist under that kind of crushing gravity. Science itself (or at least our current understanding of science) thoroughly disproves and debunks the big bang.
Freewill..Believe OR Do Not Believe. Depends if you like to be extremely happy, rich & comfortable OR miserable, full of pain & extremely unhappy. Both are for Eternity.! Prayers.! 🤔
Semper Reformanda
You are welcome. And thank you for your support.
Amen, it’s a matter of salvation or damnation!
Thanks for listening
I heard once that science and religion are not at odds with each other. Science is just too young to understand.
This is an exceptional sermon!
Pastor Bauchum is truly an inspiration to me!!!
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Bauchum.
Very good.
Thanks for Listening Curt
Just came to terms with a realization I've been resisting for the last 5 to 10 years which is that the Bible is the account of the supernatural (God and the invisible world )interacting with the natural world(Mankind and the visible world)this was the world view in which the God breathed Written Word/Scripture was written and compiled so to be contextual means immersing myself in that world to understand the Bible .
I was think in GOD’s days. 1 day = 1,000 yrs.
It is, read 2 Peter 3:8...
@@captiveamerica669 Thank you
I wonder it that’s too literal an interpretation. Could it be more a statement to emphasise that God is not bound by time?
@@Redeemer_80 I’ve always been taught not to add or take away and read as written. HE never contradicted that verse or said whose timeline. Not my call just wondering.
@@dnisey64 I don’t have a definite view on this. But it says “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” It doesn’t say a day is a thousand years or vice versa, it’s says “like”. That’s why I think it’s more suggesting the Lord isn’t bound by time.
Amen. The fact that we can even contemplate on whether or not God exists is proof that God exists. Matter and quantum particles are mere objects; what we encapsulate in the mind, language, music and other forms of information... those cannot be framed within the laws of matter or physics. John Lennox made a point, for example... if you see "roasted chicken" on a menu, what is it about ink on paper that equals chicken? There is nothing inherent about the arrangement of the molecules of the ink that should indicate a flavorful avian whose molecules are very different, yet... it does, because an intelligent Creator put intelligence into us to decipher such abstract and intangible ideas. I pray many find this message and become blessed by it, and consider that God, among His many titles/attributes, is the greatest scientific mind ever known for unfathomable intelligence was needed to create all this and for it to function.
Thanks for listening
I need to find a church or pastor and people who teach like him around delta colo area i live in (austin) or orchard city please some one let me know
Are there videos of him preaching these somewhere? Full sermons?
The world has to be older than 6 thousand the old Testament look how old they lived 800 years to 900 years, and that was each generation, until the flood. I don't know, just a thought 🤔
Hello! The generations did overlap quite a bit.. the sons were born when the fathers were around their early to mid 100s. If I recall the number correctly, the flood happened in the year 1656 (from creation), if you count the years when each son was born down to Noah, and his own age of 600. It's bizarre to think Adam was very late in his life when Noah's dad Lamech was born. It was only ~4-5 centuries at most after the flood before lifespans were down to ~120. Hope that helps.
Wondering if I’m misunderstanding what he is saying. There is enough scientific and scriptural evidence to support an old earth. It would be instructive to hear a discussion with him, Hugh Ross and John Lennox
A group (or cult) called Five Percenters claim that they are "gods" because they can "create." I asked one of them about that. He made a dot on a piece of paper and stated, "See, I created that dot." Some people are so full of pride and self-adulation they cannot comprehend the difference between creating something out of nothing versus transferring matter from an ink pen to a paper. If you want to impress me make a painted portrait like a Rembrandt or Van Gogh without paint, canvas, or anything else in your hands.
Just came to terms with a realization that I
Hi, is Pastor Voddie still in Zambia?
Yes, he is in Zambia
Is this anywhere on video? The whole sermon?
Only audio
Please do not distract us with Ads while we are listening to the word of God. Actually if this is a church, that is posting this sermons, I’d be very surprised if they want to be paid as they Ad while sharing the word of God. Anyhoo, the world and the enemy have enough distraction as is let alone you allow it in here. Let us not forget whether is is online or not it is still the word of God.
RUclips puts ads in content, especially the more popular content. You can go to our website and listen to the sermons with no ads or you can get RUclips premium and RUclips will no longer send ada.
If Adam was not a man and Eve was not a woman then we don’t have a leg to stand on as it relates to the definition of marriage…. LMNOPQ Community please take note
God is Good
Why are the other 6 videos hidden?
They won't be hidden longterm, but as we create them they are in an unlisted status. They are being released each week. We are releasing 2-3 of the sermons from this series each week. This is the best method for putting material out on RUclips. It's jus how this particular medium works. We have done the same with the rest of the content so far. If we uploaded everything at once, very few would come in contact with the material. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the algorithm, we gradually release the content. I hope this is helpful. The next sermon in the Genesis series will be released on Monday.
--Pastor Wright
Believe the Gospel of the real Jesus Christ for Eternal 🙏
We are all sinners and deserving hell, but Jesus lived a perfect live. Was crucified on the cross, He died, was buried, and arose again for the Justification of lost sinners.
Whosoever will believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ that he PAID ALL SIN DEBT in FULL with his PERFECT BLOOD, will receive the FREE GIFT of the IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ, The GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT and the FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE.
Salvation is easy and Jesus is the door. 🚪
God created all the worlds 🌎 the universe he's the creator of all remember he said one day is like a thousand year's and a thousand years is like one day how can you comprehend those spoken words
Luke 13:1-3
Repent or Perish
There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood [p]Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
Acts 3:19
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,
1 John 3:4-10
Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
@@gfbc1689 ACT 16:29-31
📜 29.Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before PAUL and SILAS,
📜 30.And brought them out, and said, SIRS, what MUST I DO TO be SAVED?
God's spirit does not and cannot sin. When we are "born again" it is a supernatural, spiritual birth that is from God himself.
John 3:6
📜 6.That which is BORN of the FLESH is FLESH; and that which is born of the SPIRIT is SPIRIT
1 Peter 1:23
📜 23. BEING BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible seed (flesh), but of INCORRUPTIBLE (new birth/spirit of God), by the WORD of GOD (the gospel of Jesus Christ), which LIVETH and ABIDETH for ever.
@@gfbc1689 1 John 3:9
📜 9. Whoever is BORN of GOD DOTH NOT commit SIN; for his (GOD) seed remaineth in him: and he(spirit of God) cannot sin, because he is BORN of God.
Justified,....You are incorrect and do not understand the Bible, nor do you belong to Jesus, you belong to the world and its fake manmade freewill christianity. Jesus came and died for only the few who are his chosen ones, his elect, not for anyone else.
Jesus's chosen ones have nothing to do with anything called the church. The church is for and filled with those who do not belong to Jesus.
Sorry you have it wrong on the cosmology of this Earth- question how can something infinite also be expanding? The Bible is clearly an enclosed creation as the firmament was made on the face (flat) of the deep.
It's under 9 thousand yrs old
Praise God for His word
But the Big Bang theory is true. God said, and Bang it was. Lol
To Calvinists: Did God decree the fall of Adam and Eve?
We deal with that in these two lessons:видео.htmlвидео.html
@@gfbc1689 I have listened to parts 1 and 2 of Mr Aaron Wright’s explanation to his 1689 chapter 3 explanation of God’s decree but nothing was answered to my question: “Did God decree Adam and Eve to fall?” I have raised multiple questions in those 2 videos and made a comment on his misunderstanding of Romans 9 as well. Waiting for your answer.
@@gfbc1689 I have listenened to the two videos that Mr. Aaron Wright presented. My question is very simple. But that is not answered in those two videos. Again did God decree Adam and Eve to fall? Whose fault is it? Did Adam and Eve had a sinful nature before they chose to know evil and before they chose to disobey? If God decreed everything to come to pass, did He decree Adam and Eve to fall before they were created or knew sin?
PB,....Yes, of course he did.
I am still waiting from the Grace Family Baptist Church official (Mr. Aaron Wright, Voddie Baucham, or any calvinist theological doctors) for the answer to my simple question from an ordinary, low level, unschooled, unlearned believer, and unsemminaried believer.
Science is man thinking..and thats fine but all roads begin and ends with the unknown...cause we didn't make a thing. ..we can manipulate whats here but we dont create ..we flesh ..need to get that in perspective corrected ..we flesh..God Is God.
Iam his offspring
Thanks for listening
Voddie is good speaker, NO DOUBT.
But I wonder HOW HE SUPPORTS HIS LIFE AND HIS FAMILY? Who pay him?!somebody must be transparent on this? His church is not here what. Is his source of income? AND YOU CAN NOT SAY IS “GGD”
Do you want to know too?
You can support him here:
This group manages his income along with many other missionaries.
Run from all this man says!! He's a polytheistic trinitarian and not a Christian
Q. 76. Which is the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment is, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Q. 77. What is required in the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness-bearing.
Q. 78. What is forbidden in the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment forbiddeth whatsoever is prejudicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbor’s good name.
@Grace Family Baptist Church show a verse that says God is triune, you cannot, I can show where He is one! It's not false witness when it's true. WHAT IS THE FIRST COMMANDMENT?? Voodie is a disgrace and a false teaching polytheist
@@Swiftninjatrev the Bible never says any of that, say all you want but tri means 3, that’s polytheism and Voddie is a false teacher and fraud
@@Swiftninjatrev still no verse to support it, if all 3 persons are god, and together they are god, that’s 4 gods! I cannot throw anybody out of the kingdom, God controls that and all I control is following Him
@Swiftninjatrev I understand it exactly, I have a degree from liberty university but eventually God saved me from the false religion of trinitarianism! Jesus said the ONLY TRUE GOD IS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!
There is no god.
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good.”
Psalms 53:1
I highly recommend watching 'God of Wonders' for a Christian scientific documentary. I was in awe of God, his creation, the explanations and how it all leads to scripture. I was grinning from start to finish as i listened to scientists talk about God and matter, dna, molecules, energy, and the universe. It begins with showing you clips of nature, then a presentation, then gets into the nitty gritty.видео.html