@@yellowyellow7476 Even though I do think the dude above is going completely overboard, if you think that not wanting to be with a woman is being homosexual, then you're pretty much saying that men get with women for sex only...
@InfiniteMushroom Sorry for you. You must live in a strange area where all women are feminists with no exceptions. Or well, you should go out and get to know more people.
Slovakia never was country that would be great in war, but mainly, there is absolutely no reason, nor will ever be, people of Czechia and Slovakia will ever fight against each other. Not because we don't have reasons, but because we were and still are brothers. People simply wouldn't fight. No matter what.
Tohle je jen simulace války, představ si že prostě Slováci a Češi mezi sebou nemají nic společného, jazyk úplně jiný, žádný dobrý vztahy. Prostě válka nehledě na nějakých vztazích.
Tohle je opravdu hodně hypotetické video. Malé neshody můžou být mezi námi vždy, ale v případě války mezi Českem a Slovenskem se vsadím, že by hromada vojáků, pilotů a tankistů radši složila zbraně, než by do takové války šli. Tyto dvě země jsou spojeny přes rodiny a přátele a spousty dalšími věcmi. Naopak si myslím, že tyto dva státy navždy a navěky budou bojovat spolu a spolupracovat bez ohledu na nějaké členství v NATO, v EU nebo vojenské pakty. Jednoduše, sáhněte nám na naše bratry a máte za zadkem i nás.
@@AntorionAnimation07 Bratislavu máte blízko hranic takže hlavní město by bylo hned pod českou kontrolou a vláda by se zhroutila a hory by nás nezastavili ale k čemu válka to už radši investovat peníze do něčeho jinyho
Fun fact: Current Czech prime minister is actually from Slovakia, born in Bratislava 1954 and can't even speak proper Czech language... tho Czech and Slovak language is so similar that most people from other European nations won't be able to hear the difference.
And vice versa. It is disgusting to even think of it. I can´t imagine to shoot at somebody who I can completely understand. Not even your language, but your mindset as well.
Out of all the wars you have featured, this one would be the most sad. These two nations are like an old couple that got divorced with no hard feelings, and are still friendly to each other.
Naši otcovia a starí otcovia ktorí zakladali Československo by otáčali v hrobe čo sme to spôsobili - ja som slovák a hlásim sa k spoločnej histórii ČSR a vážim si ju- a ak by bola tá vojna, česi by mali navrch ale na konci by sme prehrali všetci -my sme jeden národ Our fathers and grandfathers who founded Czechoslovakia would turn in the grave of what we caused - I am Slovak and I support the common history of the Czechoslovak Republic and I respect it -and if the war were, the Czechs they would have the upper but in the end we would all lose -we are one nation
@@cwovictor3281 ani náhodou, stejně je nás většina. To je jako kdyby se spojené státy americké jmenovali spojené státy mexické protože je tam méně mexičanu.
Now this was a funny episode for me as a Czech. Of course, Czechs would never fire at Slovaks, they're brothers, but these hypothetical scenarios are always interesting.
@Tim Slovenské národní povstání bylo až po nějaké době když si Slováci uvědomili jaká chyba to byla, a v sázce byla také záchrana reputace slovenského národa, to v 1939 se ale dá brát jako zrada
one day that's optimistic. okay maybe because they need to bring enough beer and wine to the front lines, i think that would be the major important supply issue in "that war."
Unrealistic, the only place where we would fight is in the pub. But that has been already decided. Czechs win with beers Slovaks win with spirits. Plus, if it really happened: if Slovakia released all its gypsies then the Czech equipment would have disappeared, or maybe ours, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
😂 I love the Czech Republic but it has got an unfortunate history of being invaded! With that being said Bohemia and Moravia endured very well as combined and separate states.
My by jsme se nevzdali proti pár pastýřum ovcí z tater.. To oni by se vzdali máme i lepší armádu a Bratislava je hned u hranic takže by jsme je obsadili hned
Well, there is one really important thing in this war... Almost every Czech man goes down, when Slovak girls say anything. Its some weird magic, what girls have in their language.
@@ivanmico1 Ano je to hokej a v tom je to hrozný. Fanoušci hokeje jsou pomalu víc agresivní po tom co jejich tým prohraje než Hitler po tom co Německo prohrálo 1. světovou.
@@nyarlathotep7204 to záleží. Niektorý fanúšikovia hokeja sú mierny iný agresivny. V iných oblastiach života je to to isté. Niekto je agresívny kvôli politike, niekto kvôli náboženstvu iný zas kvôli inému dôvodu. Ale dôležité je že česi a slováci sú bratia.
I'm from Slovakia and I think we would never fight. This hypotheticle video has It's own concept that I like because the comperson of what they have and what we have is kinda sad to see. We aren't doing as great as them. I hope that it's going to change as soon as possible so we are on there league and perhaps we could merge our countries once again for longer period of time.
Fr4nt1s3k A simulation of war. You are right, that would happen. But this is just a war simulation where both countries have an equal morale to fight. I agree with you, it’s just this is a prediction if they were to fight.
You know what would really happen? Soldiers would not give a shit about their orders, would meet up and had such a party they would be passed out for 3 days. War between CZ and SK simply aint possible :P. We like beer that much.
glad we broke up and your statement is whom you would ask more and more by time many Czechs same as me are glad of our own nation in which you do not slowing us down or waiting for another betrayal ehm ehm 1939
@@mrsslav5593 wtf man we hadnt got any choice in 1939 we would be annexed or be a state we are thankfull that you put money in slovakia but we contributed too -_-
Tak každému musí být jasné, že by válka vůbec neproběhla, technika obou armád by nedojela na pozice, protože by se v po cestě rozsypala a kdyby nějakou náhodou tam se štěstím nějaká dojela, tak by vypálila pár ran páč do toho nemáme dostatek munice, protože na ni nemáme. A naše mocné letectvo by se zmohlo tak možná na pár kroužků, musíme s nimi opatrně, máme je jen půjčené! Nemůžeme si je dovolit ztratit, taky by došli na provoz finance a slovenské migi by popadali po cestě a při vzletu, tady by nám pomohl generál zašlí čas. A vybavení vojáků škoda mluvit, Češi by vyfásli Rum, slivovičku a slováci borovičku a rozhodující bitva by proběhla pravděpodobně někde v krčmě na hranicích s pěstičkama na kterou by taky asi nedošlo, takto ozbrojený a posílený voják by se netrefil do obličeje nepřítele. Dotyčný tvůrce nemá vůbec přehled, o schopnostech našich udatných silných armádách. Toto video nemohu považovat za věrnou simulaci.....
Zdravím z USA! A máš úplnou pravdu. 16 milionu ozralych čechoslováků by se nakonec poplacalo po zádech a šli by jsme všichni zpět do našich lokálních hospod.
Haha :D That would be more espionage war and about sabotages. Even almost every Slovak can easily speak in Czech. Result of this war would depend on two the most important factors: What would be poisoned first? - beer or schnapps(palenka) :D
@@De3dlus a nemyslel si náhodou? "Against who" a né "Against whom" protože pokud si to myslel jako czsk proti někomu jinému a tím myslím bez urážky k cz nebo sk tak ok ale pokud si tím chtěl urazit cz nebo sk tak to je vskutku nečestné.😏
I'm form Slovakia and the fact is that only 4 of our Mig-29s are operational and our tank force consists of only 22 T-72s and no reserve ones, so we would certainly lose (only hoping for partisan warfare). Anyway, good video! PS: Love how correctly he pronounced "Bratislava"
I do Think the czech army isnt combat ready as well. Sure They do have better numbers and qualified but I Doubt that all of their 14 gripens are air worthy.
Why do you keep doing hypothetical matchups between allies? I’ve got a more compelling one for you: China vs Vietnam This one gives you everything: land combat (Chinese invasion), naval combat (Splatleys/Paracel islands, S. China Sea), and plenty of air combat between the massive PLAAF and the smaller but historically clever Vietnamese air force.
China would win. China would dominate the sea with superiority in numbers and technology. The land war would see Vietnam on the defensive from the start, with China slowly, but ensurally, pushing deeper and deeper into Vietnam. (Landings may be performed to divert Vietnamese forces)
Ale jakmile by jsme obsadili Bratislavu (netrvalo by dlouho) tak by jsme v podstatě zabrali vaše peníze, ministerstva a velení. Slovensko by se zhroutilo a podepsalo by převzetí území na českou republiku :)
Well, both after the separation and now, the soldiers and units from both armies know each other well, personally. And fighting in southern Moravia and Wallachia, close to Vizovice, could end up the only possible way - ending up in a wine cellar, get terribly drunk, have a terrible hangover, and in the morning going home, thinking that this whole war idea was reaaly f*cked up, hoping that noone has posted it on FB.
and don't forget the spouces who already knew it had been just an coverup for a huge payed binational drinking contest. So after you return home you will have explain your wife that it had been a "real war" and no bi national wide covered drinking contest.
My aging aunt is always called Czechoslovakia. He is already 96 years old, I do not want to explain the differences and history ... :). That's why I greet both Czechs and Slovaks. Great, free and dynamically developing countries.
thank you Binkov. Im from Slovakia. I didnt ever dream that you will once make video about military confrontation of former Czechoslovakia countries. Czechia is ahead of us in military (yet), but we also bought newest F-16 block 70/72 from US. So it could change the development of war. But Czechia would win the war anyway. They have better military traditions than we have and better military leadership.
I am a Czech and my wife is from Slovakia, so I have this war every day. But in contrast to this video, Slovakia mostly wins.. :D
Ahaha no woman can defeat
@@yellowyellow7476 Even though I do think the dude above is going completely overboard, if you think that not wanting to be with a woman is being homosexual, then you're pretty much saying that men get with women for sex only...
@InfiniteMushroom Sorry for you. You must live in a strange area where all women are feminists with no exceptions. Or well, you should go out and get to know more people.
@InfiniteMushroom you also single AF and possibly virgin.
Slovakia is a smaller brother of Czechia that grew up and separated from Czechia. Only time we fight is in ice hockey.
Samuel Wirth *Hypothetical*
8:34 listen to what he said, are you really taking this video seriously?
Czech Republic idiot
Češi a Slováci by na seba narazili na Morave, a tam by sa spolu dobre ožrali.
A keby vyhravalo česko tak by sa zastavili na východe slovenska a tam by sa tiez ozrali:DD
@@chalengersk2154 Este lepšie... A to nepodceňujem moravské vinohrady, len som vychodniarka a mam isté životné skúsenosti :D
Anoo vínečko, pivečko 😄
I think that 2 minuts after the start of the war czech and slovaks would get drunk together and totally forget about some war
Actually true.
yeah, exactly!
True, i wish it was the same for yugoslavs
From my experience.. if Czech and Slovak army meet in field.. war will end in rivers of alcohol and singing together :D
Yeah, probably contest in singing, dancing and drinking. Slavic triathlon? xDD
Czech republic vs Slovakia, the most hypothetical war ever
Sooner America would declare war on Mars.
Slovakia never was country that would be great in war, but mainly, there is absolutely no reason, nor will ever be, people of Czechia and Slovakia will ever fight against each other. Not because we don't have reasons, but because we were and still are brothers. People simply wouldn't fight. No matter what.
Tohle je jen simulace války, představ si že prostě Slováci a Češi mezi sebou nemají nic společného, jazyk úplně jiný, žádný dobrý vztahy. Prostě válka nehledě na nějakých vztazích.
Tohle je opravdu hodně hypotetické video. Malé neshody můžou být mezi námi vždy, ale v případě války mezi Českem a Slovenskem se vsadím, že by hromada vojáků, pilotů a tankistů radši složila zbraně, než by do takové války šli. Tyto dvě země jsou spojeny přes rodiny a přátele a spousty dalšími věcmi. Naopak si myslím, že tyto dva státy navždy a navěky budou bojovat spolu a spolupracovat bez ohledu na nějaké členství v NATO, v EU nebo vojenské pakty. Jednoduše, sáhněte nám na naše bratry a máte za zadkem i nás.
To je dost hezký komentář a dost pravdivý.
Ne Ne my jo ale trup slováci ne ;)
@@dominikthewolf8384 My jsme se slovakama bratři
@@imperialstardestroyer712 jo jsme ale mrzí mě ti co na své bratry nadávají 😭🙄
Bratříčku... Mám na lícach slzy ako hrachy. Vďaka
I would never ever point a gun at my Czech brother!! At least until our F16s and Blackhawks arrive :D
@@robp3284 of course but how you knew? Are you some kind of very special agent?
@@robp3284 Don't worry I already know. You are a translator in very special forces 🤣
Mezitím by nám Čechům přišli 2 Pandury XD (pečený sněhulák reference)
We are Brothers not enemies
@Samuel Derfenyi Dokładnie tak, twórzmy pokój nie wojnę SŁOWIAŃSCY BRACIA !
Jojo pravda
Czechoslovakia vs east germany 1989.
Best regards to our Czech and Slovakian brothers from Croatia!
To by bola vojna, 15 000 000 ožratých ľudí na hraniciach :D by sme spravili nový svetový rekord :D
Only war between Czech and Slovakia can be a beer war.
Or hockey
@@metanumia Kulajda
Czechs would win easily. Slovakian beer is shit.
@@AntorionAnimation07 Bratislavu máte blízko hranic takže hlavní město by bylo hned pod českou kontrolou a vláda by se zhroutila a hory by nás nezastavili ale k čemu válka to už radši investovat peníze do něčeho jinyho
You could do czechoslovakia vs nazi germany in 1938
Yes yes
With Luftwaffe already a beast and non existent CSK airforce absolute air dominance be achieved in a day.
@Русс градUSSR would intervene only if France did so (France guaranteed CSK too)
Fun fact: Current Czech prime minister is actually from Slovakia, born in Bratislava 1954 and can't even speak proper Czech language... tho Czech and Slovak language is so similar that most people from other European nations won't be able to hear the difference.
Fun fact: He is the biggest dumbass what i have ever seen. #thiswassomotherfuckigoffense
We had arleady occupied Czechia before you even noticed :D
Never would i, Czech, aim a rifle at Slovak.
And vice versa. It is disgusting to even think of it. I can´t imagine to shoot at somebody who I can completely understand. Not even your language, but your mindset as well.
@@Martina-Kosicanka slavs should not have more brother wars
@@foreststalkerbrothers Amen to that
Alternate timeline:
Breakup of Yugoslavia: peaceful
Breakup of Czechoslovakia: bloody war
Balkans? Peace? Impossible
Out of all the wars you have featured, this one would be the most sad. These two nations are like an old couple that got divorced with no hard feelings, and are still friendly to each other.
Naši otcovia a starí otcovia ktorí zakladali Československo by otáčali v hrobe čo sme to spôsobili - ja som slovák a hlásim sa k spoločnej histórii ČSR a vážim si ju- a ak by bola tá vojna, česi by mali navrch ale na konci by sme prehrali všetci -my sme jeden národ
Our fathers and grandfathers who founded Czechoslovakia would turn in the grave of what we caused - I am Slovak and I support the common history of the Czechoslovak Republic and I respect it
-and if the war were, the Czechs they would have the upper but in the end we would all lose -we are one nation
Jeden národ teda niesme, no sesterské národy áno
@@september-ho4gr dvojičky? :DDDD
The crazy thing is that no matter who wins, the country will still be called Czechoslovakia
Fuck never thought of that
What about Slovakoczechia?
Mag Tinfal old joke bro..🤷🏼♂️
@@cwovictor3281 ani náhodou, stejně je nás většina. To je jako kdyby se spojené státy americké jmenovali spojené státy mexické protože je tam méně mexičanu.
Now this was a funny episode for me as a Czech. Of course, Czechs would never fire at Slovaks, they're brothers, but these hypothetical scenarios are always interesting.
Same :D
Byla taky legrace jak nás bratříčci zaprodali Němcům a spojili se s nima 😀
@Tim ale ty víš hovno o historii, jestli si myslíš že zrada Slovenska byla v pořádku.
@Tim Slovenské národní povstání bylo až po nějaké době když si Slováci uvědomili jaká chyba to byla, a v sázce byla také záchrana reputace slovenského národa, to v 1939 se ale dá brát jako zrada
Česi by na nás nikdy nezaútočili ale určite by boli prví ktorí by nám pomohli keby nás niekto napadol
Bych teda neřekl
@@czramtin0398 Proč ne?
Hlavně že vy jste nám pomohli a nepřidali se k náckům při první příležitosti...
Ano. Nikdo na naše bratry nebude útočit XD
No wars, we're brothers
czech man wont attack slovakian brother , we are the same , slovaks just eats more sheep cheese and have bigger moutains :D
1 day later
Czechia: Well this isn't going nowhere, want to go for a drink?
Slovakia: Yeah
Tohle by byla realita xD
one day that's optimistic. okay maybe because they need to bring enough beer and wine to the front lines, i think that would be the major important supply issue in "that war."
Unrealistic, the only place where we would fight is in the pub.
But that has been already decided. Czechs win with beers Slovaks win with spirits.
Plus, if it really happened: if Slovakia released all its gypsies then the Czech equipment would have disappeared, or maybe ours, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They'll the czech kids to
They'll steal the czech kids to
Otevři si radši další pivečko ty rasistická sračko.
We Czechs would surrender, and then destroy Slovakian Empire from within , our favorite method of winning
Austria remembers
@Hungary #1 nem hiszem
😂 I love the Czech Republic but it has got an unfortunate history of being invaded! With that being said Bohemia and Moravia endured very well as combined and separate states.
My by jsme se nevzdali proti pár pastýřum ovcí z tater.. To oni by se vzdali máme i lepší armádu a Bratislava je hned u hranic takže by jsme je obsadili hned
@@kubajcz ačo tatry?(autá aj hory)
We are brothers that would never attack each other
Do you understand the meaning of hypothetical? 😑
Nikdy by mezi námi nebyla válka..... Sme jeden národ s dbouma jazyky.....
Myslis ? Ja si uz cistim pistol na tazsie casy
*v textu se nikdy nepíše více než tři tečky za sebou
@@OfficialDaddys2 no já na tebe komunisto slovenskej
@@kubajcz 🙄
@@kubajcz na slovensku je najvaćšia podpora demokracie potom komunizmu a až potom nazismu
Typek zabudol že hokej už skončil takže je 0% že by sa to stalo
Spíše 0.000000000001% . Nikdy nevíš jistě.
The most unrealistic situation you could possibly think of - the war between Czech Rep and Slovakia :DD
Well, there is one really important thing in this war... Almost every Czech man goes down, when Slovak girls say anything. Its some weird magic, what girls have in their language.
No we are just soooooooo drunk
Thanks for the Video as a Czech! But Slovaks and Czechs would never
go to War!
As a czech, this war would never happen irl, but a fun scenario nevertheless.
the only winner is Czechoslovakia
We have strong friendship with Slovaks. We can't start war
Is it true that the relationship is actually friendlier now than it was when you were in the same country?
@@TPTGopher our breakup was peaceful and friendly, not like Jugoslavia
Im not sure you notice, but most of the entries on his chanel are purely hypothetical
I know this is a hypothetical video , and very well made one , but i would never fight a brother czech ! Greetings from Slovakia and have a nice day
Breton Guard thats so nice of u salute from czechia Brother!
Agree, I would never never fight a brother Slovak.
Thanks guys i appriecieate it
I would never never fight a brother Slovak !
In this comment section: Angry Czech people in Czech argue with other people who don’t speak Czech
Or who don't understand what hypothetical means
Czechs and Slovaks are never going to fight against each other
Slovaks are very aggressive when they lose in hockey against us. So never say never. :D
@@davidreinhart373 ale to je iba hokej... Však uvidíte tento rok ☺
@@ivanmico1 Ano je to hokej a v tom je to hrozný. Fanoušci hokeje jsou pomalu víc agresivní po tom co jejich tým prohraje než Hitler po tom co Německo prohrálo 1. světovou.
@@nyarlathotep7204 to záleží. Niektorý fanúšikovia hokeja sú mierny iný agresivny. V iných oblastiach života je to to isté. Niekto je agresívny kvôli politike, niekto kvôli náboženstvu iný zas kvôli inému dôvodu. Ale dôležité je že česi a slováci sú bratia.
This will never happen, we are brothers
@ScaryLobster You forgot to take your pills, again
@ScaryLobster I dont listen to the media, nice try
No ! We are brothers !!
I'm from Slovakia and I think we would never fight. This hypotheticle video has It's own concept that I like because the comperson of what they have and what we have is kinda sad to see. We aren't doing as great as them. I hope that it's going to change as soon as possible so we are on there league and perhaps we could merge our countries once again for longer period of time.
True, but it’s just a simulation
@@Uranium_Enjoyer Simulation of what? People would throw away their weapons and refuse attacking.
Fr4nt1s3k A simulation of war. You are right, that would happen. But this is just a war simulation where both countries have an equal morale to fight.
I agree with you, it’s just this is a prediction if they were to fight.
Koľko Slovákov chodí do Česka a koľko Čechov na Slovensko. Myslim si, že máloktoré dve krajiny sú si tak velmi blízke.
Tak kdiť Brno je druhé největší studenské město Slovenska :-)
Potkáme se na hranicích a dáme souboj slivovice x borovička......hodně dobrých chlapů padne a ještě hůř se bude ráno zvedat.
Czech vs Austria
why would we fight lmao
I am from Slovakia and I think Slovaks and Czechs are too conected in phylosophy, that they want attack each other.
Asi tak...
Ale furt vidím ty komentáře Že jsme kokoti :/
Skull to iste aj s nami :/ xD
You know what would really happen? Soldiers would not give a shit about their orders, would meet up and had such a party they would be passed out for 3 days. War between CZ and SK simply aint possible :P. We like beer that much.
Nikdy by sme nenapadli Čechov a oni nás.
Trudno mi sobie wyobrazić te dwa kraje na wojnie ze sobą. :D
It is hard for me to imagine these two countries at war with each other :D
true :D I'm from Slovakia, and I really can't imagine what would have to happen for us to start a war like this. btw Pozdrawiam do Polska :D
Slovak and Czech people would never fight against eachother. Why? Because we are brothers and sisters
glad we broke up and your statement is whom you would ask more and more by time many Czechs same as me are glad of our own nation in which you do not slowing us down or waiting for another betrayal ehm ehm 1939
Someone must know what hypothesis is
@@mrsslav5593 wtf man we hadnt got any choice in 1939 we would be annexed or be a state we are thankfull that you put money in slovakia but we contributed too -_-
Blbosť Slováci by išly do vojny s klobásou a nie zbraňou a Česi s pivom😏
Přesně tak
Slováci by nás mlátili klobásou 😂
Jo jo ale dal bych protože v čechach máme Babišovi drogy a ještě z Polska (nic proti Polákům) takže jo bratrské uzeniny by se hodíli
Vy byste šli do války s kyjem a kopím my s Pivem a Zelenou
A halušky miesto granátou
Czech republic and Slovakia would never fight they are brother countries I m czech and i take slovakians like brothers
Češi a Slováci to jsou bratři, já bych rači chtěl abychom se zase spojili a byli znovu jako jedna země. Československo ale bez komunistů.
Ale srát na to, s komunistama nebo bez já bych jenom chtěl abychom byli opět spolu
but czech steal Kč flag
a keby aj tak aby sme hovorili po česki lebo slovenčina je strašne ale že strašne ťažká a naši jaziko vedci sú najväčší debili na svete♥
all ten czech tanks and 4 jets are gonna battle five Slovak tanks and 2 jet fighters. epic battle.
LOL googled 120 czech tanks vs 22 slovak.
Free healtcare and education is somehow more important for us.
Tak každému musí být jasné, že by válka vůbec neproběhla, technika obou armád by nedojela na pozice, protože by se v po cestě rozsypala a kdyby nějakou náhodou tam se štěstím nějaká dojela, tak by vypálila pár ran páč do toho nemáme dostatek munice, protože na ni nemáme. A naše mocné letectvo by se zmohlo tak možná na pár kroužků, musíme s nimi opatrně, máme je jen půjčené! Nemůžeme si je dovolit ztratit, taky by došli na provoz finance a slovenské migi by popadali po cestě a při vzletu, tady by nám pomohl generál zašlí čas. A vybavení vojáků škoda mluvit, Češi by vyfásli Rum, slivovičku a slováci borovičku a rozhodující bitva by proběhla pravděpodobně někde v krčmě na hranicích s pěstičkama na kterou by taky asi nedošlo, takto ozbrojený a posílený voják by se netrefil do obličeje nepřítele. Dotyčný tvůrce nemá vůbec přehled, o schopnostech našich udatných silných armádách. Toto video nemohu považovat za věrnou simulaci.....
Zdravím z USA!
A máš úplnou pravdu.
16 milionu ozralych čechoslováků by se nakonec poplacalo po zádech a šli by jsme všichni zpět do našich lokálních hospod.
Bravo! Táto verzia sa viac blíži pravde než pôvodný kontent
A brother would never fight a brother
we could always solve problems over borovicka, slivovica, pivo or vino with our slovak brothers :)
Czech and slovakia never war this is bro state
@@gothikoi9472 wtf však se mame rádi xdd
Vy by ste vihral lebo máte metro
@Marek Tužák lebo metro je život
Please do Philippines vs. Canada! The president of Philippines said he’d declare war on Canada if they don’t pick up their trash.
buttfucked by canada
-a filipino
@@dalsosegno they are too far away. An entire ocean and both dont have much of a navy
Looks like more Filipinas are headed to NA. lol
Philippines might win because Canada is full of liberals that can't even decide where bathroom to go
He was not talking about a real war.
The war between Slovak and Czech republic is as hypothetical as the war between ice bears and the pigeons.
we are brothers forever!🔐
No way we will fight each other. More likely we would through the guys with that idea out of the window. Kind a tradition here. Thanks for nice video.
Defenestration is one of my favourite words.
Haha :D That would be more espionage war and about sabotages. Even almost every Slovak can easily speak in Czech. Result of this war would depend on two the most important factors: What would be poisoned first? - beer or schnapps(palenka) :D
if czechia and slovakia had to fight, I think a lot of us would simply refuse to go into war with each other
I have an interesting suggestion for a hypothetical war. A Texan independence movement vs. the United States.
The US would completely dominate Texas.
videogamebomer, obviously. It’s still a fun hypothetical if you know the social environment in Texas.
@@staarrliner4993 definitely
@@videogamebomer i dunno, Texas is known for supplying the US Army with some of their best troops
@@reddyforlenny9389 Ask the Germans how much quality mattered against the Russians
thats impossible we love each other
@Vibe gottem
*"hypothetical"* scenario.
You don't understand those two words?
Brothers never attack themselves
Brothers always fight.
@@sigma6656 they fight always together
Recently the Philippine president threaten to declare war on Canada. Please do Philippines vs. Canada.
I'd actually love to see that as I got relatives living in both countries. Wonder how they'd react on if that video ever gets made.
Seeing as both sides don't have much of a navy it would be a boring war with small skirmishes and no victory.
Nah. Canada would just apologize and take the trash.
What the actual fuck.
Ta válka by vypadala asi jako Vánoce roku 1914
S hokejkami na ľade :DDD
Czechoslovakia against whom?
So fricking funny..............
@@James_Hare_cz a kto to przyszedł? pan maruda niszczyciel dobrej zabawy pogromca uśmiechów dzieci
@@De3dlus a nemyslel si náhodou? "Against who" a né "Against whom" protože pokud si to myslel jako czsk proti někomu jinému a tím myslím bez urážky k cz nebo sk tak ok ale pokud si tím chtěl urazit cz nebo sk tak to je vskutku nečestné.😏
I'm form Slovakia and the fact is that only 4 of our Mig-29s are operational and our tank force consists of only 22 T-72s and no reserve ones, so we would certainly lose (only hoping for partisan warfare).
Anyway, good video!
PS: Love how correctly he pronounced "Bratislava"
I do Think the czech army isnt combat ready as well. Sure They do have better numbers and qualified but I Doubt that all of their 14 gripens are air worthy.
This is actualy scifi as fuck, we would never fight against Slovakian brothers lel
nikdy neříkej nikdy :D
@@Roman-uo6gq Tak i kdyby, byla by to strašná plácaná :DD
Na naše bratry by jsme nikdy nezaůtočili🇨🇿🇸🇰
alespoň do té doby dokud nás neporazí v hokeji...pak by měli problém
Nemyslím si, že by ste nezaútočili, keby vám to dali rozkazom ;)
@@owwerlord6921 to jo😤
Tomu ver ani mi na vass
Už odjakživa sme bratia a sestry a navždy budeme nech sa deje čokoľvek 🙂🙂🇨🇿🇸🇰❣️
Why would we ever attack our brothers ?
Maybe a foreign power instated a dictatorship loyal to them, and this war is the result of a countercoup?
@Communist Party of Czech republic dobre komunisto😂😂😂
@Communist Party of Czech republic Pos*aný komunisty bych nikdy nebral jako bratry
@@vojtechzlesa6969 Souhlas. Pokud si Češi znovanastolí diktaturu proletariátu tak přesnoc budu Slovák.
@@vojtechzlesa6969 presne zničili čo mohli mrdky
Češi, Slováci a válka. 3 slova, která ve větě nedávají smysl :D
zaměň válku za opileckou rvačku v moravský hodpodě
Yes! I've been wanting this one for a while!
Germany vs V4
The entire war would turn into a drinking contest. The last one standing loses. :D
You may have forgotten why Czechoslovakia dissolved, see ruclips.net/video/hSqO16fA9yY/видео.html
Slovak people: *angry noisses*
Wher are you from hm?
@@augustus8957 A záleží na tom nějak? :D
@Slovak Countryball To, že si udělá srandu ze Slováků hned neznamená že nemá rád Slovensko.
niekto sa na tomto nasere 😂
Never war between this countries, love from Poland.
Czech and Slovaks who do not understand the word "hypothetical" in 3... 2... 1...
US vs EU(united)
Soviet Union vs China(1989)
China vs Philippines
Why do you keep doing hypothetical matchups between allies? I’ve got a more compelling one for you: China vs Vietnam
This one gives you everything: land combat (Chinese invasion), naval combat (Splatleys/Paracel islands, S. China Sea), and plenty of air combat between the massive PLAAF and the smaller but historically clever Vietnamese air force.
China would win.
China would dominate the sea with superiority in numbers and technology.
The land war would see Vietnam on the defensive from the start, with China slowly, but ensurally, pushing deeper and deeper into Vietnam.
(Landings may be performed to divert Vietnamese forces)
@@xeji4348 I want to see that. I don't think you know the nightmare of that place... *literal Vietnam flashbacks*
@@commmander64 just remember that China is also an Asian country.
Czechia and Slovakia - We never attack because we are brothers!!
Czechs and Slovaks be like: Hippity hoppity this chat is Czechoslovak property
Pivo, alebo dve?
@@MarioSlezak tři prosím
If our armies ever met we would just haw a bier,march home and kick out our "leaders"
Czechs and slovaks would not fight
This is not meant to be realistic dude
@@robloxgamerman8457 i know
I'm from czech republic and we and slovakia will never fight!!!!
I'm from Slovakia and I can confirm this 100% :)
@@kawco máš pravdu
Tatra mountains are really BIG advantage against Czechs :D
:P Krkonoše is best...😂
Omg XD
Ale jakmile by jsme obsadili Bratislavu (netrvalo by dlouho) tak by jsme v podstatě zabrali vaše peníze, ministerstva a velení. Slovensko by se zhroutilo a podepsalo by převzetí území na českou republiku :)
@@kubajcz by ste ešte zbadali keď pôjdete do Bratislavského Pentagonu :D hneď by ste sa chceli vzdať víťazstva.
@@urdnotwrex6969 a copak je ten váš bratislavský Pentagon :-D
Well, both after the separation and now, the soldiers and units from both armies know each other well, personally. And fighting in southern Moravia and Wallachia, close to Vizovice, could end up the only possible way - ending up in a wine cellar, get terribly drunk, have a terrible hangover, and in the morning going home, thinking that this whole war idea was reaaly f*cked up, hoping that noone has posted it on FB.
and don't forget the spouces who already knew it had been just an coverup for a huge payed binational drinking contest. So after you return home you will have explain your wife that it had been a "real war" and no bi national wide covered drinking contest.
We are brothers. No fight!
My aging aunt is always called Czechoslovakia. He is already 96 years old, I do not want to explain the differences and history ... :). That's why I greet both Czechs and Slovaks. Great, free and dynamically developing countries.
@@grandziasz I from slovakia
@@darkboy5362 Great:).
We was brothers
@@denisdudek933 ja viem
We would fight over who can drink more beer
This, "war," basically comes down to 12 guys in a fistfight.
thank you Binkov. Im from Slovakia. I didnt ever dream that you will once make video about military confrontation of former Czechoslovakia countries.
Czechia is ahead of us in military (yet), but we also bought newest F-16 block 70/72 from US. So it could change the development of war. But Czechia would win the war anyway. They have better military traditions than we have and better military leadership.
Who would win? Czechoslovakia or Slovakiochechia?
Now we ask the important questions
It depends on economy or ability to drank to much alcohol
i think the war between us and czech would end in 10 minutes in the bar drinking beer together.....
Nah, drinking would start 10 minutes before, and end 3 days later with noone remembering what was the reason to get such horrible hangover ...
I love Czech & Slovakia, So I believe they won't attack themselves .Respect from Thailand
War of brotherly nations. Who would win? No war. Žádná válka nebude, proč by byla válka mezi Českem a Sloveskem?
To sú naši bratia, nikdy sa to nestane