
  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @Lycurgus1982
    @Lycurgus1982 4 года назад +1

    Speak the truth and be good. It really puts our views of the east in perspective. Every subsequent regime that has occupied the Persian heartland has adopted it's custom and it's administration throughout most of it's history. A testament to the Persians! I was glued to this video. Thank you

  • @shanepatrick4534
    @shanepatrick4534 3 года назад +1

    May the Lord of light and wisdom guard your soul.

  • @romans8187
    @romans8187 4 года назад +1

    So this is my testimony about getting back into the church after 10 years of being out of it. For awhile I was an atheist and then an agnostic, however, God delivered me out of a difficult and strange period of my life that left me without doubt of His existence and goodness.
    It's a bit of a long read, so bear with me.
    A couple weeks into February of 2018 I experienced some dreams of a strange nature during a time where I was isolated, depressed, and desperate. I've dealt with anxiety and depression for along time and I was at the end of my rope. I had considered seriously commiting suicide two years ago and when the depression hit this time I couldn't take it anymore. I was searching desperately for something that would allow me to leave the situation I was in.
    I was addicted to gaming and was very isolated. I also fell heavily into a series of books I was re-reading at the time that I had a great obsession with, The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
    A few months into a reread of this series I had a dreams in February 2018 one of which I think was prophetic, having to do with seeing a woman and man in the dream that I later saw the next day while walking and while watching TV. This was a man and woman that I hadn't met or seen before.There were also aspects of the dreams (which I can't easily get into because it's difficult to explain due to the content) that led me to believe that The Dark Tower series having to do with parallel universes was real.
    I became convinced that there was a world parallel to ours, like the books, that I could gain access to if I used certain objects that I had in my possession . After weird events also began occuring in my home, with my television, and with me, I told my parents about all of it.
    They were adamant that what I was experiencing was demonic deception and that I should cease reading these books and give myself over to God.
    Being stubborn and delusional I decided to continue in what I thought was a great discovery and a way out of my situation.
    Events transpired over the next few days that left me in a state of confusion and despair. My father also ended up in the hospital that week. It wasn't until I began to cry out to Jesus that things began to change. I began to hear from God during this time. I felt like I should rid myself of the books as well as the stuff I had gathered connected to them.
    I eventually ended up getting rid of all the books and objects connected to them, as well as a lot of other stuff including my games. We were doing some work in my room at the time so luckily I had something to help keep my mind off what had been happening as well as grow in the word from listening to 107.9 on my radio.
    When we finally returned to church a couple weeks later the sermon and series was about the book of Daniel, some of which has to do with prophetic dreams and visions among other things. I know now that this wasn't a coincidence.
    Once I started getting involved in the church again and reading the Bible I found out that these things really aren't as uncommon or unbelievable as they seem. My mens bible study at the time had members that had experienced supernatural and amazing things as well.
    I know this isn't going to sound credible if you aren't a Christian. Back when I didn't believe, these stories didn't seem compelling or true to me. However I can tell you that if you reach out to God wholeheartedly he will reveal himself to you.
    I'd like to ask that if you're going through something right now, some kind of challenge or difficulty that you reach out to God and ask him to help you. Sometimes it may not seem like anything is happening, but if you're willing to hold on and push through you can see him move in your situation in miraculous ways.
    Here's more about the Gospel here:
    If any of you would like to receive or feel led to receive Jesus Christ as your saviour pray this and believe it with all your heart. ❤️
    Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    Good luck and may God bless you! And remember satan is a spirit of fear.

  • @nevajuzo4051
    @nevajuzo4051 7 лет назад +11

    my name is Eva Zoroastro

  • @patel6424
    @patel6424 3 месяца назад


  • @Strange_Stories73
    @Strange_Stories73 6 лет назад +1

    Which came first, Zoroastrianism or the Sumerian beliefs in Enlil, Enki, Utu and Nana? I know that Zoroastrians allowed the worship of Shamash which is another form of worshiping Utu, but I don't know the actual timeline.

    • @LionKing-ew9rm
      @LionKing-ew9rm 6 лет назад +4

      The Strange, The Bizarre, The Unusual, I Like It
      Zoroastrianism does not allow worshipping multiple Gods and idols, but the Sumerian religion is way way older, like 2, 3 thousand years at least.

    • @Strange_Stories73
      @Strange_Stories73 6 лет назад

      I heard in this video itself that Zoroaster kept Mithra, I was going off of what it said 6:15 in the video. Now Mithra also worships Shamash which is the later name for the Sumerian God Utu. I have been doing some research into the subject because not much is mentioned about Utu Shamash, other than what is mentioned in Mithra.

    • @Hardcoreforliife
      @Hardcoreforliife 6 лет назад

      Well probably 4000-2000 BCE for the anunaki and Zoroastrianism is probably 1500 BCE but some say 1200BCE

    • @Strange_Stories73
      @Strange_Stories73 6 лет назад

      Okay, thanks for the information.

    • @stevenfrasier5718
      @stevenfrasier5718 4 года назад +1

      @@LionKing-ew9rm -- They DID worship multiple gods. Belief in 2, good god and bad god, is one too many. So, it is NOT monotheistic. Christianity believes in Satan--that's a god, so even Christians are not monotheistic. ~S

  • @Hardcoreforliife
    @Hardcoreforliife 6 лет назад +6

    The eternal fire 🔥 reminds me of the burning bush moses ran into

  • @santallum
    @santallum 6 лет назад +2

    Zoroastrianism shares the open vulture wings with the Ancient Egyptian religion
    What is the connection please ? .. surely no co-incidence ?

    • @santallum
      @santallum 6 лет назад

      Thank You !

    • @santallum
      @santallum 6 лет назад

      I am not convinced that Zoroastrianism borrowed it from Egypt ..
      Please can you provide any evidence that the symbol was used in Egypt pre-Zoroaster ? .. many thanks

    • @azaliarastin5025
      @azaliarastin5025 6 лет назад +1

      Ade Fegan
      it was not prozoroster.they came arround same time

    • @ManiacalViolet
      @ManiacalViolet 6 лет назад

      The wings may very well.be vulture wings. The "winged disk" has even been seen in recent archeological research from places like Gobleki Tepe, the oldest known temple in the history of the world, located in modern day Turkey. These temples at Gobleki Tepe are older than agriculture, and many see connections to a desert religion that viewed the vulture as holy. In Zoroastrianism, vultures are used to excarnate the human body after death in sky burials, therefore not contaminating earth, water, or fire. These are ancient archetypal symbols.

    • @Strange_Stories73
      @Strange_Stories73 6 лет назад

      This is actually somewhat of an easy question to answer. I just found it out. First, the Hyksos were thought to be the ancient Israelite but now some are beginning to think they were the Hittites. They were exiled from Egypt and the Hittites arrived in what is now the Turkish region. In Egypt their was also an Aryan sect, during the ancient Egypt era too. Like mentioned before, Gobleki Tepe could be the connection between the two. It would indicate that Egypt actually developed out of the people who originally came out of that area. It's an interesting story. I am also seeing a connection between the Vedas and Zoroastrianism because of the vulture wings. Before Hinduism they taught people in the Himalayas to put their bodies on a rock away from water so that vultures could eat all of the flesh from the bones. They didn't believe in burning the bodies either. They believed that when you burned the bodies it made the fire impure.

  • @darrisellis8810
    @darrisellis8810 5 лет назад +2

    I believe that Ahuramazda was and is Jehovah. Which would make more sense when you consider the Conversion of the Neo Babylonian king Cyrus who then allows the Jews to return to Israel to build the temple in Jerusalem. Just as Imhotep or Joesph of Egypt converted Pharaoh Akhenaten to a monotheistic worship of the one true God so Zarathustra converted the King of the Medes. Each had a purpose in their conversion to futher Gods purpose and once accomplished the monotheistic religion of each faded away into obscurity as truth is generally cast off for darkness. I believe that the wise men were Prophets who were aware of prophecies, possibly Zoroastrians, that had in their possession prophecies of the birth of the Messiah.

    • @alexsclewis
      @alexsclewis 4 года назад

      :) have you tried applying this logic to other religions? I was raised atheist but started to believe when I began studying world religions. I think most of them are generally true, if not all, perhaps excluding ones created specifically to deceive. i think they are genuine. the words of Christ help me all the time. although I don't claim to be 'saved' or 'reborn' or anything, but I can say that I believe in an omnipotent omnipresent God, such as the one described as Ahura Mazda and YHVH. I believe the concept of Zeus to be similar to this idea as well, or perhaps the titan Ouranos. I also believe the 'way' of Tao to be the same Way that Jesus says He Is. After all, the Tao is the balance of Yin and Yang, and the Son is also the balanced ideal in a trinity. Clear parallels can be made to connect all religions, from Judaism to Native American culture, Buddhism and Hinduism, even the much maligned Islam religion. Different names for the same things. This idea gets a lot of flak from all sides, but it continues to make sense to me.
      I know this is late, but I guess this is as good a corner of the internet to rant in as any.

    • @darrisellis8810
      @darrisellis8810 4 года назад

      @@alexsclewis Your premise is correct but foundation is not. All religions emanated from one original source in truth and purity which was from the Eternal Creator. Revealed religion came from ONE ETERNAL SOURCE. it was given by God to Adam and Eve who were the First of our race to be placed on earth. As the generations of humanity fanned out across the Globe some chose to retain the original beliefs taught to them by our first progenitors. However as time passed some chose to entirely reject the original revelations or revealed religion that explains our divine origin and the purpose for our existence. Many however chose a mire neutral approach. They modified or adapted the religious beliefs, system, ordinances or religious practices to accommodate their lifestyle. Not wanting to eradicate entirely a belief in the Supreme creator but also not wanting to be subject to all the strict religious observances laid down by revealed religion they modified them in an attempt to maintain what they considered essential to maintain validity but skirt personal accountability. In a way it was their means of doing as little as possible to still feel religiously pious but ease their conscious in having offended the Revealer of Eternal Truth. As each successive generation came and went True Religion became more of a game of Chinese whispers. The truth was contorted, twisted, distorted and altogether intentionally changed to suit every mechanation of evil desire within man. The reason that all religions bear some resemblance to one another is because they all sprang from the One True Source. Even those who are so different as to seem completely opposite still have similarities in fundamental ideology or Theology. Why do the histories of the world and the mythological tapestries of different cultures weve such a unique and universal pattern but still bear a foundational resemblance. The truth is if Religion was never revealed to man on what basis would he even conceive of a higher power? In other words if the concept of God had never been revealed by the Creator himself then man would know nothing of even the possibility. Man has the inate tendency to look within not outward and certainly not upward. Without God revealing himself to Man religion would never have even come into existence. You cannot pass on what you do not know. How will you conceive of what you have no knowledge of? If God had not truly revealed himself and bestowed this sacred knowledge upon his posterity then where would man even concieve of the existence of a higher diety? Would not Man concieve of himself as the highest level of intelligence and life? Would he not then consider himself to be God and the creator of his own circumstances? Many men have considered themselves to be the Supreme embodiment of God and have claimed to be of divine origin. However a child cannot contrive an understanding of quantum physics unless he is taught. All the arts, sciences and mathematics are such that one should teach another. All having been taught the basic fundamentals from precedent generations. Its true breakthroughs in all these fields can and have been made but not independent of countless generations whos knowledge and understanding preceeded them paving the way for their success in advancement. In this same way man has come to know he is not the Supreme Ruler but his offspring and though many will and have attempted to usurp the position and title of The One Supreme Creator of Heaven and Earth they only do so because they desire to supplant him insofar as their knowledge of him was passed down from prior generations as the venerated Authority of all life and creation. Thus they despise him and want all to see them as they view him. Thats the biggest tragedy in history is men trying to impose godlike Authority over others for material and political gain. Its made it almost impossible to trust true religion. To recap and conclude, all religions are not the same and all cannot be true but they all dpring or have roots in the original revealed religion Given to man by God. They have all morphed and been adapted to suit every level of commitment to eternal truth or to stand in complete opossition of it. So with that Foundation underneath your feet, how do you, my friend, find or discern with the variety of religions throughout the world which is the one that possesses a fulness of the original Eternal truth that God willingly gave to man? Is there one that does possess a fulness of Eternal Truth and how can you be certain once you've found it if its truly the original source? I can show you where to find it, how to know its the pure source but you must be willing to put forth the effort to know for yourself and once you know you must then decide if you are willing to sacrifice all that God requires to maintain possession of it. Otherwise whats the point in leading you to water if you refuse to drink from the waters of life. I know the way brother and can share it with you. It will require the sacrifice of everything you are and posses because only then will the religion that requires such a high measure (everything) yield the blessings of Eternity (Everything that God has will be yours) high price to pay? Yes but endless and eternal is the reward.

    • @alexsclewis
      @alexsclewis 4 года назад

      @@darrisellis8810 Darris Ellis I believe that you know a way, but I clearly interpret scripture and history differently than you do, and that's fine. I use the same things that you use to deduct that Ahuramazda and Jehovah are equivalent, reason and intuition. The spirit dwells in all and can express itself at any time. Interesting that you use the example of arts sciences and mathematics, because all of those things can be developed without any previous influence. all you need is some fingers, and the power of deduction. That 'One Eternal Source' of truth is not the scripture, it is the Spirit. Would you deny all chance of redemption in the world to those who went their whole lives without seeing a bible? Why would God work that way? There is more than one path. I am glad you found yours.

    • @darrisellis8810
      @darrisellis8810 4 года назад

      @@alexsclewis Without God there would be no fingers to write or minds to think or act. God gave Adam and Eve knowledge in the day he created them and via his spirit Man was able to read and write by the inspiration of heaven or direction of Heaven. I would not deny anyone the opportunity to be saved and neither will God. If God is a true God and can't lie then there cannot be many paths and ways. There is but one way and that is through Christ. Whether he is known to you by Jesus, Jehovah, Quetzalquatle or another name his teachings have always been the same. Its man who has contorted the doctrine, created false religion and distorted the truth. There is one God and one way to life Eternal which is through Christ the Lord. All who have lived or died will have the opportunity in the next life to hear his gospel. Wether they accept it or reject it is another topic. All will have the opportunity, wether in life or death all will hear the truth and have an opportunity to accept or reject the Only means of salvation.

    • @matthewgleason7495
      @matthewgleason7495 4 года назад +1

      It's entirely chill to have whatever religious views you want but I thought if you don't already know you might be interest to find out the the Baha'i faith teaches to that Ahuramazda and the biblical God are one in the same.

  • @КонрМкгрегр
    @КонрМкгрегр 5 лет назад

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