12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging. 13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not. 14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers. 16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6. 8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches. 9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests. [Kc.10v1] Philippekacou.org
Thank you Mr. Francis Toribiong for initiating planting the trees will help the eco system, the climate change with extreme heat wave, the Island of Palau needs more trees! It's also generate income for your family as well as generate government income by collecting tax from the business owners! May God continue to blessed you and your family as well as all elderly women, men, young generations, and all children of Palau! God Bless All and Happy Sabbath! USA
16 And with the Angel entering the scene since Kacou 147, it is the beginning of the maturity of the Church of the nations. God makes himself visible in our midst. What we read in the Bible, our eyes see it. And our daily lives should ring: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord" like the bells attached to Aaron's feet. He is there as the Holy God and the God of judgement to execute his sentences. 17 And at an evening meeting in December 2021, in an assembly in Venezuela, the Angel had passed close to the pulpit and the following Sunday, Brother Victor Barrio, the prayer leader, was in tears as he recounted this mysterious event. He said: "It was terrible, I was in fear, I would have died if I had a hidden sin."
BONNE NOUVELLE ! Salut tout le monde. J'ai une bonne nouvelle pour vous. Dieu a envoyé un Prophète Messager sur la terre comme ceux de la Bible en qui vous devez croire pour être sauvés aujourd'hui. Il a reçu sa vision en 1993.Il condamne l'islam, les écoles pastorales, les études bibliques, les églises catholiques, protestantes, évangéliques, christianistes célestes, baptistes, rose-croix, branhamistes............ C'est lui seul que Dieu reconnait sur la terre aujourd'hui. Il dit que les dirigeants religieux sont des plagiaires, usurpateurs de titre, recitateurs de versets........ au service du diable, peu importe leurs sincérités et leurs miracles. Et en cette génération, quiconque rejette ce Prophète a signé sa propre condamnation. Ce Prophète s'appelle Kacou Philippe, il est le Salut et la lumière du monde aujourd'hui. C'est décevant de voir quelqu'un qui se dit FILS DE DIEU alors qu'il ne croit pas au Prophète que DIEU lui-même lui a envoyé comme médiateur en cette génération comme ceux de la Bible. Aujourd'hui, si ton Prophète n'est pas Kacou Philippe c'est que tu es dans les ténèbres. Goo.gl/WvqAz2 TOUTEFOIS, VOUS POUVEZ ME POSER DES QUESTIONS POUR DES RAISONS D'INCOMPRÉHENSION.
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging. 13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not. 14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers. 16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
30 Know that when you are born, all family and relatives’ blessings and curses from Adam down hang above you. But when you reach the age of consciousness, not the sorcerers but your first actions determine your choice. And the solution is to return first to God through his prophet according to 2 Chronicles 20:20. Seek Salvation first. And Salvation is only through the living prophet of your time. Not an angel, not a book called Bible or Quran. Not a prophet called Moses, Jesus of Nazareth or Mahomet. But the words of a living man amongst you. And you, whatever difficulties and sufferings that you are going through, first, know that the person to blame for all this is yourself. And in search for a solution, you shall not go to just any prophet and not just anyone should lay his hands on you. You shall never trade your Salvation for an ephemeral relief from Satan in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. In Genesis 50, Joseph asked that his bones should go up from Egypt with Prophet Moses. And you, if you are a chosen one, you must not die before you accept Kacou Philippe, the living prophet of your time.
2 Thus, from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 to the rapture, the Church of the nations is divided into seven periods or ages. That is to say, at such a time, the Church of the nations will look like such an assembly which is already existing in Asia and which is described in Revelation chapter 2. So, at the time of Paul, there were seven churches or seven assemblies which distinguished themselves, which had each some particular characteristics but as for Salvation, keep in mind that God has at all times dealt by generation and not by age.
12 And if God saves a Catholic, a Protestant, an evangelical, a Branhamist or one member of those missions and ministries, God must remove hell and everyone will go to the Paradise, even Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. How can someone reject the living prophet of his time and go to the Paradise? How can someone be saved from the Flood while he has rejected Noah? When the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, how could someone reject Him and be saved? The whole earth is in the abyss because of these churches. [Kc.2v11] [Kc.31v18] [Kc.91v6]
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging. 13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not. 14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers. 16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
32 Every church claims to have the Holy Spirit and each of them has its own conception of the baptism, its own conception of the divinity of Jesus, its own conception of the predestination, its own conception of the original sin, woman’s ministry, the veil, and so on… A Methodist pastor cannot be a pastor at the assemblies of gods or with the Baptists ... What’s this contradictory holy spirit? And despite this you do not seek the truth and you speak of sanctification and Paradise! But I tell you that you will never find the Truth as long as you are looking for it in a church. You see? 33 From generation to generation, the Truth has always been with only one living prophet messenger on the earth. He is the one who has the keys of the Kingdom; he is the one who is the way, the truth and the life in his time. And when you open the Bible, you see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, and so on. They are names of prophets. The truth, it is with a living prophet messenger, and not in a church. But what are you doing therefore with the Bible which is in your hands? If not, is it really for Salvation that you go to church? And yet, if God saves a Baptist, a Pentecostal, a revival church member or assembly of gods, how can He condemn the Pharisees, Judas and Cain? Philippekacou.org
3 And now I would like to make an important clarification. I think that the time has come and this is in the line of mission of the midnight Cry. The midnight Message will put the Church in her true position of the beginning.
6 And in the sermon "The Restoration of the Bride Tree", preached on April 22, 1962 in Jeffersonville, William Branham says: "Four death messengers killed It; then four Life messengers will restore It. What was the first? Martin Luther, justification. What was the second? John Wesley -- by sanctification. What was the third? Pentecost with the restoration of the gifts, the Holy Ghost, baptism of the Holy Ghost. What was the fourth? The Word. There were four major prophets. There were four great prophets. One of them, Martin Luther. Along came Wesley, stronger: sanctification. After Wesley come a stronger than him, Pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost in another great prophet. See? But in the last days of Malachi 4, Elijah is to come with the very Word.
- - Kacou 15 : What God expects from us 1 … When we have discovered the indisputable truth promised for our time, what remains to us is to carry this truth everywhere a child of God can be, whether he is rich or poor, far or near. God who is just will not allow that we enter into the Paradise without asking us for their blood. If the human is sacred as men’s law says, the soul is even more sacred. A great obligation is imposed on us. The order of Matthew 28:19 is not to treaties or books but to some people, us. A book cannot answer a question. You see? [Kc.16v1-3] [Kc.72v18] [Kc.115v1]
4 A generation comes with its spirit, its sins and its realities. And then God sends a rassul, a maharishi or a prophet to indicate to the living of his generation, the yogas, sufisms, pillars and sacraments that will liberate them to lead them into the moksha, the eternal paradise of God.
8 The second question, similar to the preceding one, is: Brother Philippe, what is it of somebody who passes away today without having heard about the midnight Cry? The answer is that this person cannot go in the rapture! If he were a chosen one, he would hear and accept the midnight Cry before his death! In Noah’s time, not everyone saw or heard the preaching of Noah and God was not unjust when He made people who were unfairly imprisoned, the paralytics, the blind, the sick and all those who were far away and who did not have the possibility to come into the Ark perish. The fact of enjoying oneself in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, missions and ministries, is already a sign of a son of the devil! [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race. 3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them. 4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9] 5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37] 6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3] 7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
4 Une génération vient avec son esprit, ses péchés et ses réalités. Et alors, Dieu envoie un rassoul, un maharishi ou un prophète pour indiquer aux vivants de sa génération, les yogas, soufismes, piliers et sacrements qui les libéreront pour les conduire dans le moksha, le paradis éternel de Dieu.
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3] #ProphetKacouPhilippe
30 Despite their differences in doctrines, the churches unite in alliances and I said that they were beasts, dragons with multiple heads. Each head symbolizes a church and having the demon and the language which is the theology of that church. Whoever is in one of those churches has already received the mark, that is to say, the spirit, which is the demon of the beast. A mark is a spirit. When God put a mark on Cain, it was a spirit. And the mark of the beast of Revelation, it's the holy spirit of the beast. You see? The mark of the beast today is, it is the holy spirit that acts in those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. And when you are in an evangelical church, you are fathered by that spirit and it’s by it that you speak in tongues, you prophesy ... as if it was really the Holy Spirit. It controls your body, your soul, your spirit. And you are exactly like in the condition of the Pharisees before the Lord Jesus Christ or the condition of a Catholic who has candles, rosaries, statues, incense, crucifixes and holy water in his hand and who believes himself in the truth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The same mark, the same demon of disbelief that possesses the beast is the same mark that possesses its image, its daughters, that is, the Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. [Kc.2v21]
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: "I'm afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: "Go and show off your nudity on the beach!" and the wicked one will tell him: "I won’t!". You see? [Kc.141v49]
2 We are in December. It's trade season for the merchants of the temple. Those bishops and prophets of Satan will shout again in their supermarkets, harvest festivals and prayer vigils: "Come and get your blessing! Your star must shine! Come and get your wedding, your visa, ... You customers who have 1000 dollars, come! Go to the cashier! You too who have 10 dollars, come! Even you customers who have coins, come here! There are all kinds of prices! There are blessings of 100 dollars, 2 dollars, 1 dollar. Go to the cashier". 3 In the past, you were in those abominable things and you did not know it. And the midnight Cry has come to fight that to set you free. It is sad to see that merchants whom the Lord Jesus had whipped and cast out of the temple in Matthew 21 are reproducing the same scenes today. And people who call themselves Christians agree with that and give them money.
3 Now let’s come back to verse 6. Where does the angel of verse 6 come from? This angel comes from the deposit of the Word that is in the Heaven according to Psalm 119:89 and not in the Bible. The Word of God comes from Heaven through an angel while the word of the devil comes from the abyss through pastoral school. This angel comes from the temple, from the model of the Church which is in Heaven and not in the book of Acts of the Apostles, in the Vatican or in the United States. God revealed It to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and to all the prophets. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v8] 4 Paul and the Apostles saw this model in the Heaven and laid its foundation on earth. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 and Ephesians 2:20 clearly show that. Now, where is therefore the foundation of all these churches, the missions and ministries that we see on the whole face of the earth? Know that these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, and Branhamist churches rise from the abyss and go to perdition. Death and the dwelling place of the dead accompany them. They search for supports and foundations here and there in the Bible on such and such thing but know that they rise from the abyss and go to perdition. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v5-8] 5 And today, like the other churches, Branhamists make every effort to remain in the context of William Branham, it is diabolical! They are the same Lutheran demons. In one of their assemblies, over two third, including the pastor, have changed their names like Muslims. Some say: "We believe in the seven thunders ...." Some say, "If you say, "Brother Branham says, then you are in the truth..." Some others say, "We are expecting the third pull …" And some again, "We say what the Message says... "You see? When one abandons God, that is what one becomes.
22 And another journalist, having seen and having heard all that occurred at that conference and how I answered the questions of all those people, wrote, "The masterliness of the prophet". Yes, he is the Maestro, the Maestro of the Word. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].That day, I preached after reading only one verse, Matthew 25:6, symbolically and I answered tens of questions from the press, the religious leaders, the presidents of parliaments and agorae and the public without opening Bible only once and I would rarely quote a verse of the Bible. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Why? Because the Bible says that prophets are the testimony of Jesus Christ. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
Salut juste une petite information pour vous sachiez Dieu à envoyer un prophète message vivant de ton afin que quiconque écoute ça paroles ai la vie éternel bien, que dit son message dit que nous sommes plus au temps du soir mais à minuit. Toutefois,c'est le même âge et le même Esprit d'Elie mais un nouveau message qui est une haute portée de celui du temps du soir. ZACHARIE 14.7 est donc différent de Mathieu 25.6.
10 They laugh and mock in their churches, in their offices, in their houses. They say, "How is it that on the whole face of the earth, it is in him alone, Kacou Philippe that we must believe to be saved? No! God cannot say that! The Saviour, it is Jesus Christ. It is Him who died on the cross. It is Him who has redeemed us. A sinner like you, Kacou Philippe, is it you who will save us now? What does that mean? Has God really said that on April 24, 1993?". Yes, sir, God said it. "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details, what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993. And it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach, what you did not learn, in order that whoever believes, has eternal Life." [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. God had said it to Noah. God had said it to Moses, God had said it to all the prophets in their time. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
2 Well, somebody who listened to the preaching "We have seen his star!" said, "Brother Philippe, the scribes permitted all the same the magi to know that the King of the Jews was to be born in Bethlehem!" I said: "No, The magi did not need it! That was just good for Herod and the Jews. The scribes, in spite of this verse, could not know which one of all the children who were born over those two years was the Christ! And no verse could show the house but the star did it!" [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].The Bible says, "And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, went before them until it came and stood over the place where the little child was." You see? Only the star could do that! And any person, even illiterate, could leave the East up to find the Messiah without addressing anybody or using any book! If you are a Chosen one and if you live a good life, you will see that Salvation is the easiest thing ever! You see? The most important thing was to find the star! And following the star simply! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. www.Philippekacou.org/en
26 Have you noticed that every element of the vision of April 24, 1993 has a spiritual meaning? Why have I been taken with the Angel and the Lamb? Why did I merge with Them for a moment before returning to my body lying on the sand? Why that? It was to receive the interpretation of the unknown tongue. It is a symbol of the paroxysm of the prophetic Revelation. Kacou Philippe has the words of the eternal life...
18 A living prophet messenger is God in the human flesh walking on the earth. And to receive Salvation or the Holy Spirit, you must meet God in the human flesh in your time. Every prophet of the Bible was God in the human flesh. William Branham was God in the human flesh. And God leaves this flesh on the day of the death of this prophet. And all my life, the moment I have to approach my wife, I feel a strange phenomenon, a thing leaves my spirit. This phenomenon lasts one second. And before talking about it here, I asked several people to make sure that I am the only one to experience this phenomenon. And I know that this will happen to me for the last time at the moment of my death. The Lord Jesus experienced this on the cross and cried out: "Eli, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani".
20 Let no church, no man, whoever he is, seduce you! Let no theology seduce you ... The Word of God is therefore not a two-thousand-year-old social, moral, scientific or evangelical preaching but the prophetic revelation promised by God to a generation and this by a man, the living prophet messenger of this generation. And the four ministries of Ephesians 4:11 echo it without ever contradicting It. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
15 Today it is intellect and wealth that make "the man of God" and they say, "gold and silver belong to God" but we know that Elijah dressed himself in animal skins and John the Baptist, the one of whom the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said he was the greatest of all the born of women, dressed himself in animals skins. You see? So far, I have no car! I have no jacket! I have no armchair! But like Noah, Elijah and John, I also have something they don’t have: the light of the day. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
12 Today, in this 21st century, nobody can be saved unless by me, prophet Kacou Philippe who is speaking to you. And John 3:16 today is: For God so loved the world, that he gave his beloved prophet, Prophet Kacou Philippe, that whosoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal Life. The Lord Jesus Christ was a man like me speaking to you today and you cannot pretend that you would have believed in Jesus Christ when He was on earth if you don’t believe in me today. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
8 Despite persecutions and all that will come against this Message, Prophet Kacou Philippe will be preached in all the languages and, all the races of the earth will be delighted in this Message. Why? Because God knew him before the foundation of the world and sent him in this generation. And nothing will be able to hinder to his Message. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 De génération en génération la Vérité se trouve toujours avec un seul prophète messager vivant sur la terre. C'est lui qui a les clés du Royaume, c'est lui qui est le Chemin, la Vérité et la Vie en son temps. Et lorsque vous ouvrez la Bible, vous voyez Ésaïe, Jérémie, Amos, Ezéchiel, ainsi de suite. Ce sont des noms de prophètes. La vérité c'est avec un prophète messager vivant et non dans une église. Mais que faites-vous donc avec la Bible entre vos mains ? Sinon, est-ce vraiment pour le Salut que vous allez à l'église? Or si Dieu sauve un baptiste, un pentecôtiste, un réveil ou assemblée de dieux comment peut-Il condamner les pharisiens, Judas et Caïn? [Kc.5v27] [Kc.108v14] [Kc.130v23] [Kc.131v35]
3 Pastoral school is nothing but a place where people go and learn techniques of psychological manipulation. You see? They study the reactions and behaviours of people. This is all that is called mysticism. And that's what they hide from people. [Kc.2v1-3] [Kc.57v8]
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging. 13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not. 14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers. 16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
9 Well. The auricular confession, that is to say the confession of the sins to a priest or a pastor, is a human institution. The Apostles, since the time of the Lord Jesus-Christ, instituted the public confession by the power that the Lord Jesus-Christ Himself had given to them in John 20:23. The public confession was abolished by the end of the 3rd century and was replaced by the auricular confession, which was established by Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine order, but not with remission of sins. In the year 1215, the auricular confession was imposed at the Council of the Lateran and made obligatory, then, two years later at the Council of Trent, it became an absolute dogma. It was in the year 758 that the auricular confession was introduced in the West by the religious orders of the East in replacement of the public confession.
6 Vous tous qui parlez contre ce Message du temps de la fin, sachez que c’est l’Ange du 24 avril 1993 que vous combattez. Avant vous, plusieurs ont combattu ce Message mais voyez où le Message est arrivé dans le monde. Ce que vous estimez faux, cherchez à me rencontrer pour que je vous l’explique. Dès l'instant où vous n'êtes pas des prophètes, ne faites pas l'erreur de prendre vos conceptions pour l'ultime vérité de Dieu. Aucun homme ne détient l'ultime vérité de Dieu si ce n'est Dieu Seul et Dieu la révèle par ses prophètes. Et j’ai la ferme conviction que vous me combattez et me rejetez parce que vous ne m'avez pas abordé dans un bon esprit.
5 Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"]. 6 Well, if you were in a church until this Message reached you and you had spoken in tongues, prophesied… and you thought that you were in the truth in one of those churches, then know that it was not the Holy Spirit. When the doctrine of your church is false, do not wait for someone to come and tell you that the holy spirit you have is not the true Holy Spirit.
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging. 13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not. 14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers. 16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race. 3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them. 4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9] 5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37] 6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]
Nice video and I wish I can go there in Palau
Thank you Marissa!
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches.
9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests. [Kc.10v1]
Thank you Mr. Francis Toribiong for initiating planting the trees will help the eco system, the climate change with extreme heat wave, the Island of Palau needs more trees! It's also
generate income for your family as well as generate government income by collecting tax from the business owners! May God continue to blessed you and your family as well as all elderly women, men, young generations, and all children of Palau!
God Bless All and Happy Sabbath! USA
16 And with the Angel entering the scene since Kacou 147, it is the beginning of the maturity of the Church of the nations. God makes himself visible in our midst. What we read in the Bible, our eyes see it. And our daily lives should ring: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord" like the bells attached to Aaron's feet. He is there as the Holy God and the God of judgement to execute his sentences.
17 And at an evening meeting in December 2021, in an assembly in Venezuela, the Angel had passed close to the pulpit and the following Sunday, Brother Victor Barrio, the prayer leader, was in tears as he recounted this mysterious event. He said: "It was terrible, I was in fear, I would have died if I had a hidden sin."
RIP Ken🙏🏽🙏🏽
Salut tout le monde. J'ai une bonne nouvelle pour vous.
Dieu a envoyé un Prophète Messager sur la terre comme ceux de la Bible en qui vous devez croire pour être sauvés aujourd'hui. Il a reçu sa vision en 1993.Il condamne l'islam, les écoles pastorales, les études bibliques, les églises catholiques, protestantes, évangéliques, christianistes célestes, baptistes, rose-croix, branhamistes............
C'est lui seul que Dieu reconnait sur la terre aujourd'hui. Il dit que les dirigeants religieux sont des plagiaires, usurpateurs de titre, recitateurs de versets........ au service du diable, peu importe leurs sincérités et leurs miracles.
Et en cette génération, quiconque rejette ce Prophète a signé sa propre condamnation.
Ce Prophète s'appelle Kacou Philippe, il est le Salut et la lumière du monde aujourd'hui.
C'est décevant de voir quelqu'un qui se dit FILS DE DIEU alors qu'il ne croit pas au Prophète que DIEU lui-même lui a envoyé comme médiateur en cette génération comme ceux de la Bible. Aujourd'hui, si ton Prophète n'est pas Kacou Philippe c'est que tu es dans les ténèbres.
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
30 Know that when you are born, all family and relatives’ blessings and curses from Adam down hang above you. But when you reach the age of consciousness, not the sorcerers but your first actions determine your choice. And the solution is to return first to God through his prophet according to 2 Chronicles 20:20. Seek Salvation first. And Salvation is only through the living prophet of your time. Not an angel, not a book called Bible or Quran. Not a prophet called Moses, Jesus of Nazareth or Mahomet. But the words of a living man amongst you. And you, whatever difficulties and sufferings that you are going through, first, know that the person to blame for all this is yourself. And in search for a solution, you shall not go to just any prophet and not just anyone should lay his hands on you. You shall never trade your Salvation for an ephemeral relief from Satan in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. In Genesis 50, Joseph asked that his bones should go up from Egypt with Prophet Moses. And you, if you are a chosen one, you must not die before you accept Kacou Philippe, the living prophet of your time.
2 Thus, from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 to the rapture, the Church of the nations is divided into seven periods or ages. That is to say, at such a time, the Church of the nations will look like such an assembly which is already existing in Asia and which is described in Revelation chapter 2. So, at the time of Paul, there were seven churches or seven assemblies which distinguished themselves, which had each some particular characteristics but as for Salvation, keep in mind that God has at all times dealt by generation and not by age.
why is there African music playing in the background?? I can tell ya it ain't Palauan!
12 And if God saves a Catholic, a Protestant, an evangelical, a Branhamist or one member of those missions and ministries, God must remove hell and everyone will go to the Paradise, even Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. How can someone reject the living prophet of his time and go to the Paradise? How can someone be saved from the Flood while he has rejected Noah? When the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, how could someone reject Him and be saved? The whole earth is in the abyss because of these churches. [Kc.2v11] [Kc.31v18] [Kc.91v6]
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
32 Every church claims to have the Holy Spirit and each of them has its own conception of the baptism, its own conception of the divinity of Jesus, its own conception of the predestination, its own conception of the original sin, woman’s ministry, the veil, and so on… A Methodist pastor cannot be a pastor at the assemblies of gods or with the Baptists ... What’s this contradictory holy spirit? And despite this you do not seek the truth and you speak of sanctification and Paradise! But I tell you that you will never find the Truth as long as you are looking for it in a church. You see?
33 From generation to generation, the Truth has always been with only one living prophet messenger on the earth. He is the one who has the keys of the Kingdom; he is the one who is the way, the truth and the life in his time. And when you open the Bible, you see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, and so on. They are names of prophets. The truth, it is with a living prophet messenger, and not in a church. But what are you doing therefore with the Bible which is in your hands? If not, is it really for Salvation that you go to church? And yet, if God saves a Baptist, a Pentecostal, a revival church member or assembly of gods, how can He condemn the Pharisees, Judas and Cain?
3 And now I would like to make an important clarification. I think that the time has come and this is in the line of mission of the midnight Cry. The midnight Message will put the Church in her true position of the beginning.
6 And in the sermon "The Restoration of the Bride Tree", preached on April 22, 1962 in Jeffersonville, William Branham says: "Four death messengers killed It; then four Life messengers will restore It. What was the first? Martin Luther, justification. What was the second? John Wesley -- by sanctification. What was the third? Pentecost with the restoration of the gifts, the Holy Ghost, baptism of the Holy Ghost. What was the fourth? The Word. There were four major prophets. There were four great prophets. One of them, Martin Luther. Along came Wesley, stronger: sanctification. After Wesley come a stronger than him, Pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost in another great prophet. See? But in the last days of Malachi 4, Elijah is to come with the very Word.
Only the prophet Kacou Philippe is aloud to save you because of God in this Time
- - Kacou 15 : What God expects from us
1 … When we have discovered the indisputable truth promised for our time, what remains to us is to carry this truth everywhere a child of God can be, whether he is rich or poor, far or near. God who is just will not allow that we enter into the Paradise without asking us for their blood. If the human is sacred as men’s law says, the soul is even more sacred. A great obligation is imposed on us. The order of Matthew 28:19 is not to treaties or books but to some people, us. A book cannot answer a question. You see? [Kc.16v1-3] [Kc.72v18] [Kc.115v1]
4 A generation comes with its spirit, its sins and its realities. And then God sends a rassul, a maharishi or a prophet to indicate to the living of his generation, the yogas, sufisms, pillars and sacraments that will liberate them to lead them into the moksha, the eternal paradise of God.
8 The second question, similar to the preceding one, is: Brother Philippe, what is it of somebody who passes away today without having heard about the midnight Cry? The answer is that this person cannot go in the rapture! If he were a chosen one, he would hear and accept the midnight Cry before his death! In Noah’s time, not everyone saw or heard the preaching of Noah and God was not unjust when He made people who were unfairly imprisoned, the paralytics, the blind, the sick and all those who were far away and who did not have the possibility to come into the Ark perish. The fact of enjoying oneself in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, missions and ministries, is already a sign of a son of the devil! [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them:
2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race.
3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them.
4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9]
5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37]
6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]
7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
4 Une génération vient avec son esprit, ses péchés et ses réalités. Et alors, Dieu envoie un rassoul, un maharishi ou un prophète pour indiquer aux vivants de sa génération, les yogas, soufismes, piliers et sacrements qui les libéreront pour les conduire dans le moksha, le paradis éternel de Dieu.
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]
30 Despite their differences in doctrines, the churches unite in alliances and I said that they were beasts, dragons with multiple heads. Each head symbolizes a church and having the demon and the language which is the theology of that church. Whoever is in one of those churches has already received the mark, that is to say, the spirit, which is the demon of the beast. A mark is a spirit. When God put a mark on Cain, it was a spirit. And the mark of the beast of Revelation, it's the holy spirit of the beast. You see? The mark of the beast today is, it is the holy spirit that acts in those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. And when you are in an evangelical church, you are fathered by that spirit and it’s by it that you speak in tongues, you prophesy ... as if it was really the Holy Spirit. It controls your body, your soul, your spirit. And you are exactly like in the condition of the Pharisees before the Lord Jesus Christ or the condition of a Catholic who has candles, rosaries, statues, incense, crucifixes and holy water in his hand and who believes himself in the truth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The same mark, the same demon of disbelief that possesses the beast is the same mark that possesses its image, its daughters, that is, the Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. [Kc.2v21]
25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: "I'm afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: "Go and show off your nudity on the beach!" and the wicked one will tell him: "I won’t!". You see? [Kc.141v49]
2 We are in December. It's trade season for the merchants of the temple. Those bishops and prophets of Satan will shout again in their supermarkets, harvest festivals and prayer vigils: "Come and get your blessing! Your star must shine! Come and get your wedding, your visa, ... You customers who have 1000 dollars, come! Go to the cashier! You too who have 10 dollars, come! Even you customers who have coins, come here! There are all kinds of prices! There are blessings of 100 dollars, 2 dollars, 1 dollar. Go to the cashier".
3 In the past, you were in those abominable things and you did not know it. And the midnight Cry has come to fight that to set you free. It is sad to see that merchants whom the Lord Jesus had whipped and cast out of the temple in Matthew 21 are reproducing the same scenes today. And people who call themselves Christians agree with that and give them money.
3 Now let’s come back to verse 6. Where does the angel of verse 6 come from? This angel comes from the deposit of the Word that is in the Heaven according to Psalm 119:89 and not in the Bible. The Word of God comes from Heaven through an angel while the word of the devil comes from the abyss through pastoral school. This angel comes from the temple, from the model of the Church which is in Heaven and not in the book of Acts of the Apostles, in the Vatican or in the United States. God revealed It to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and to all the prophets. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v8]
4 Paul and the Apostles saw this model in the Heaven and laid its foundation on earth. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 and Ephesians 2:20 clearly show that. Now, where is therefore the foundation of all these churches, the missions and ministries that we see on the whole face of the earth? Know that these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, and Branhamist churches rise from the abyss and go to perdition. Death and the dwelling place of the dead accompany them. They search for supports and foundations here and there in the Bible on such and such thing but know that they rise from the abyss and go to perdition. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v5-8]
5 And today, like the other churches, Branhamists make every effort to remain in the context of William Branham, it is diabolical! They are the same Lutheran demons. In one of their assemblies, over two third, including the pastor, have changed their names like Muslims. Some say: "We believe in the seven thunders ...." Some say, "If you say, "Brother Branham says, then you are in the truth..." Some others say, "We are expecting the third pull …" And some again, "We say what the Message says... "You see? When one abandons God, that is what one becomes.
22 And another journalist, having seen and having heard all that occurred at that conference and how I answered the questions of all those people, wrote, "The masterliness of the prophet". Yes, he is the Maestro, the Maestro of the Word. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].That day, I preached after reading only one verse, Matthew 25:6, symbolically and I answered tens of questions from the press, the religious leaders, the presidents of parliaments and agorae and the public without opening Bible only once and I would rarely quote a verse of the Bible. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Why? Because the Bible says that prophets are the testimony of Jesus Christ. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
Salut juste une petite information pour vous sachiez Dieu à envoyer un prophète message vivant de ton afin que quiconque écoute ça paroles ai la vie éternel bien, que dit son message dit que nous sommes plus au temps du soir mais à minuit. Toutefois,c'est le même âge et le même Esprit d'Elie mais un nouveau message qui est une haute portée de celui du temps du soir. ZACHARIE 14.7 est donc différent de Mathieu 25.6.
10 They laugh and mock in their churches, in their offices, in their houses. They say, "How is it that on the whole face of the earth, it is in him alone, Kacou Philippe that we must believe to be saved? No! God cannot say that! The Saviour, it is Jesus Christ. It is Him who died on the cross. It is Him who has redeemed us. A sinner like you, Kacou Philippe, is it you who will save us now? What does that mean? Has God really said that on April 24, 1993?". Yes, sir, God said it. "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details, what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993. And it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach, what you did not learn, in order that whoever believes, has eternal Life." [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. God had said it to Noah. God had said it to Moses, God had said it to all the prophets in their time.
2 Well, somebody who listened to the preaching "We have seen his star!" said, "Brother Philippe, the scribes permitted all the same the magi to know that the King of the Jews was to be born in Bethlehem!" I said: "No, The magi did not need it! That was just good for Herod and the Jews. The scribes, in spite of this verse, could not know which one of all the children who were born over those two years was the Christ! And no verse could show the house but the star did it!" [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].The Bible says, "And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, went before them until it came and stood over the place where the little child was." You see? Only the star could do that! And any person, even illiterate, could leave the East up to find the Messiah without addressing anybody or using any book! If you are a Chosen one and if you live a good life, you will see that Salvation is the easiest thing ever! You see? The most important thing was to find the star! And following the star simply! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
26 Have you noticed that every element of the vision of April 24, 1993 has a spiritual meaning? Why have I been taken with the Angel and the Lamb? Why did I merge with Them for a moment before returning to my body lying on the sand? Why that? It was to receive the interpretation of the unknown tongue. It is a symbol of the paroxysm of the prophetic Revelation.
Kacou Philippe has the words of the
eternal life...
18 A living prophet messenger is God in the human flesh walking on the earth. And to receive Salvation or the Holy Spirit, you must meet God in the human flesh in your time. Every prophet of the Bible was God in the human flesh. William Branham was God in the human flesh. And God leaves this flesh on the day of the death of this prophet. And all my life, the moment I have to approach my wife, I feel a strange phenomenon, a thing leaves my spirit. This phenomenon lasts one second. And before talking about it here, I asked several people to make sure that I am the only one to experience this phenomenon. And I know that this will happen to me for the last time at the moment of my death. The Lord Jesus experienced this on the cross and cried out: "Eli, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani".
20 Let no church, no man, whoever he is, seduce you! Let no theology seduce you ... The Word of God is therefore not a two-thousand-year-old social, moral, scientific or evangelical preaching but the prophetic revelation promised by God to a generation and this by a man, the living prophet messenger of this generation. And the four ministries of Ephesians 4:11 echo it without ever contradicting It. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
15 Today it is intellect and wealth that make "the man of God" and they say, "gold and silver belong to God" but we know that Elijah dressed himself in animal skins and John the Baptist, the one of whom the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said he was the greatest of all the born of women, dressed himself in animals skins. You see? So far, I have no car! I have no jacket! I have no armchair! But like Noah, Elijah and John, I also have something they don’t have: the light of the day. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
12 Today, in this 21st century, nobody can be saved unless by me, prophet Kacou Philippe who is speaking to you. And John 3:16 today is: For God so loved the world, that he gave his beloved prophet, Prophet Kacou Philippe, that whosoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal Life. The Lord Jesus Christ was a man like me speaking to you today and you cannot pretend that you would have believed in Jesus Christ when He was on earth if you don’t believe in me today. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
8 Despite persecutions and all that will come against this Message, Prophet Kacou Philippe will be preached in all the languages and, all the races of the earth will be delighted in this Message. Why? Because God knew him before the foundation of the world and sent him in this generation. And nothing will be able to hinder to his Message. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 De génération en génération la Vérité se trouve toujours avec un seul prophète messager vivant sur la terre. C'est lui qui a les clés du Royaume, c'est lui qui est le Chemin, la Vérité et la Vie en son temps. Et lorsque vous ouvrez la Bible, vous voyez Ésaïe, Jérémie, Amos, Ezéchiel, ainsi de suite. Ce sont des noms de prophètes. La vérité c'est avec un prophète messager vivant et non dans une église. Mais que faites-vous donc avec la Bible entre vos mains ? Sinon, est-ce vraiment pour le Salut que vous allez à l'église? Or si Dieu sauve un baptiste, un pentecôtiste, un réveil ou assemblée de dieux comment peut-Il condamner les pharisiens, Judas et Caïn? [Kc.5v27] [Kc.108v14] [Kc.130v23] [Kc.131v35]
3 Pastoral school is nothing but a place where people go and learn techniques of psychological manipulation. You see? They study the reactions and behaviours of people. This is all that is called mysticism. And that's what they hide from people. [Kc.2v1-3] [Kc.57v8]
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
9 Well. The auricular confession, that is to say the confession of the sins to a priest or a pastor, is a human institution. The Apostles, since the time of the Lord Jesus-Christ, instituted the public confession by the power that the Lord Jesus-Christ Himself had given to them in John 20:23. The public confession was abolished by the end of the 3rd century and was replaced by the auricular confession, which was established by Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine order, but not with remission of sins. In the year 1215, the auricular confession was imposed at the Council of the Lateran and made obligatory, then, two years later at the Council of Trent, it became an absolute dogma. It was in the year 758 that the auricular confession was introduced in the West by the religious orders of the East in replacement of the public confession.
6 Vous tous qui parlez contre ce Message du temps de la fin, sachez que c’est l’Ange du 24 avril 1993 que vous combattez. Avant vous, plusieurs ont combattu ce Message mais voyez où le Message est arrivé dans le monde. Ce que vous estimez faux, cherchez à me rencontrer pour que je vous l’explique. Dès l'instant où vous n'êtes pas des prophètes, ne faites pas l'erreur de prendre vos conceptions pour l'ultime vérité de Dieu. Aucun homme ne détient l'ultime vérité de Dieu si ce n'est Dieu Seul et Dieu la révèle par ses prophètes. Et j’ai la ferme conviction que vous me combattez et me rejetez parce que vous ne m'avez pas abordé dans un bon esprit.
5 Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"].
6 Well, if you were in a church until this Message reached you and you had spoken in tongues, prophesied… and you thought that you were in the truth in one of those churches, then know that it was not the Holy Spirit. When the doctrine of your church is false, do not wait for someone to come and tell you that the holy spirit you have is not the true Holy Spirit.
Palau sinking country 🤣
12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them:
2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race.
3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them.
4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9]
5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37]
6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]