Laughs in swim teacher. Check your class lists - done. First class rocks up, kid you’ve never seen rocks up with mum/dad/grandparent/guardian “oh yes, we booked in five minutes ago, they’re definitely in your class”. Makes a mockery of us being required to check our class lists before each shift starts.
I'm going into week 11 and already know to expect another new student...and possibly that one who's never attended yet, but could turn up at any time with no warning.
As an experienced teacher who took the alternative path and has seen too many rookies freak out: take EVERYTHING you learned in undergrad except content and throw it out the window. This is the ultimate learn-as-you-go job.
@@VM-yd6zq Not at all. My younger colleagues consistently thank me for my help. There isn't a pecking order unless Admin has fostered that kind of community. I fully hope that someday I can work for some of our Rookies when those with promise, make it to Admin themselves. I'm happy to help, just as I was helped.
@@NoliMeTangere1163 generally younger teachers politely say thank you to the bossy, obnoxious senior teacher to float under her radar. She tells everyone what to do but seldom uses any sense making. She is too busy explaining how experienced she is and how wonderfully she can teach. She uses gossip, outbursts, and tittle tattle to increase her status as “expert” in the school. You’ll know her because she is so busy bossing she hasn’t the time to learn anything new from taking a class, attending a workshop (not interrupting one with endless “my way “ comments), or actually reading a research article.
I’m a SPED degree holder and an experienced teacher, and I totally AGREE with what you said! I learned WAY MORE while teaching than my 4years of college! What an utter waste!
I love those teachers that are just waiting for retirement. My german teacher in like grade 9 came into the classroom with one black pen, one red pen in his shirt pocket, borrowed a textbook from a student and went into the lesson 🤣🤣
I think new teachers need to be more hyper-organized to survive. Experienced teachers have done all the hyper-planning in the past, so they are better about being able to open a book and wing it a bit.
Totally true. The teachers that have taught the same exact stuff in the same exact order for like 40 years will obviously need less planning than someone who has never done it. We had one history teacher that had his monologues on autopilot. If you distracted him he never knew where he had left off because he didn't even have to think while speaking😂😂 (debatable if that is the best way to teach but🤷)
@@rmoenmjea Haha, definitely a balance between perfecting what has worked in the past and being so set in your ways that there are no alterations for 40 years.
I am waiting for retirement and still work 12 hour days in my classroom and all day Saturday on my teaching preps. It is a terrible job with screaming parents, some bratty kids,incompetent administration, and loads of paperwork. I am a special education teacher. I work very hard, go above and beyond, etc. I have 30 students in my caseload at 4 different grade levels. They each have 6 subjects in general education I must support on top of their IEP goals. They are also in different general education classrooms so teachers teaching different stuff. I also have to modify gen-ed curriculum and pull/create materials to teach my IEP goals which are all different for each student. Not all teachers waiting for retirement are like your alt Deutsch teacher. Many younger teachers don't care. They won't differentiate lessons, classwork, or homework. They do the minimal. Our students deserve the very best, not a minimal, collect a paycheck, teacher. This country had better start offering fair wages to teachers because with current salaries many excellent teachers had to quit teaching because they qualified for welfare benefits so they got new non-teaching jobs. So sad!
This reminds me of my friend's first year teaching high school chemistry! I think she spent half her summer coming up with the lesson plans for the entire year. She stopped having a social life for most of the school year because she was marking or refining lesson plans, designing everything from scratch, prepping worksheets, lab experiments, classroom models and decorations, etc. It was nuts. She burnt out so hard. Then she learned to reclaim her weekends and got shortcut tips from more experienced teachers and was much healthier for it! :)
I’ve taught chemistry as well. A lot of the planning consists of finding the resources and supplies. You need to realize that the science cabinet, storeroom seldom has what you need…or the other “older” science teacher has it in her room and there isn’t enough to share. Get realistic and at least look through the curriculum and find it over the summer. Budget? It won’t be there so figure out where to find the resources for free! (Workshops often have experienced instructors who know of lending libraries and resources for teaching science classes.)
Remember, if you don't take care of yourself and your mental health you won't be able to help your students. So do decide what is reasonable for the job, set clear cut boundaries about your availability to parents and the amount of hours you will spend on your job. Otherwise it can become 24/7 and that's unsustainable. 30+ years teacher sharing for what it's worth.
Before I became a teacher, a teacher once told me, “Never take any work home.” With very, very few exceptions, I have followed and taken that advice to heart.
During my first year of teaching, I was like a first-year teacher. During my second year of teaching, I was like an experienced teacher lol. You learn fast on the job!
I am a 2nd year teacher and I am definitely like the “new” teacher but I am transitioning to the experienced really fast. FYI I still panic when I get a new student because I LABELED EVERYTHING!!! 🤣
I was in kindergarten and they moved me to first grade.. After I labeled everything and decorated my room! I became an experienced teacher real fast. Nothing is labeled and the classroom is not overly decorated and the kids are just fine lol.
The two days before school started vignette actually broke my heart. She acted so devastated that I really felt badly for her. They should start giving out RUclips awards and I would definitely recommend her. 👏🏻👏🏻
This reminds me of my profession. Brand new nurse vs. Been here too long nurse 🤣. New: oh my, you cut yourself! Let me clean that up so it doesn't get infected. Been There: here's a bandaid. Don't get blood on the carpet.
My biggest piece of advice for new teachers is: there is ALWAYS something you could be doing. Doing it all won't mean you are caught up with everything, it'll just mean you have given up more of YOUR own time. Just don't do it. Once you've done it for one Saturday, then one entire weekend, then one week of holiday, you'll feel better.
This lady is waaaayyyyyyy too funny. And what's worst all of this is true. I see it every year with the new teachers and the old teachers. I have watch this 4 times and it gets funnier every time.
So much was true except my mom is totally still not that chill even after teaching for over twenty years. But then her classroom is always over awesome. Love ya mom!!
My daughter is going to be in Kindergarten this year. I thought that after the pandemic after people not only took advantage of Teacher's in the classroom that they were now asking them to do "hybrid" learning taking advantage of any other time they would have left in the day that Teacher's would then vent. Listening to these videos has given me more insight and more respect for Teacher's for my daughter's learning. However, my teachers either got me confused with someone else all the time or just plain lied about me. I was bullied throughout Elementary to High School I quit the 11th Grade and got my GED before the rest of my class was even thinking about caps 🎓 and gowns 👩🎓 for their graduation. Getting back to what I was saying every PTE we had the teachers tried to tell my Mom (the same Mom who consoled me after crying after being bullied at school) that I was a disruptive bully to all 1,499 other kids in my school. NO BS, they tried to tell my Mom that I was bullying all the other kids, 1,499 students, in my school. The did not pay attention when I was being bullied, they only paid attention when I lashed out after I couldn't take anymore mental, emotional or physical abuse from the other students then used that outburst and reasoned that it was me that was always bullying even though 9 times outta 10 I was the one going home with bruises & marks and crying. Not only was I bullied the bullying made it almost impossible for me to follow the lessons and learn basic things. Like my grammar will never be correct. I don't know when or where to use commas or exclamation points or sometime the difference between declarative or interrogative statements. I know the words. I can understand what they mean. The application is different. I just don't know. So I am coming to a torn place. On the 1 hand I understand that Teacher's are human beings that deserve consideration for what we ask of them to do for our children. I have a hard time keeping track fully of my 1 child. Keeping track of 28 to 28+ in the classroom and 100s in the halls has to be an impossible feat. On the other hand I personally am coming from a place where I was abandoned, forsaken, and wrongly accused of doing what was being done to me by the people who should have had my back. The one adult in the room ignored me when I would tell them when I was being abused and then sent me for disciplinary action when I broke and lashed out after being abused. So I am skeptical of Teacher's their honesty, ability to delegate, and ability to comprehend the difference between the kid's who are bullying and the one's being bullied. So even though I come away from these videos wanting to feel compassion for the hard work given to Teacher's every year. I find myself coming back to that wounded girl oppressed by both students and Teacher's for 12 years and fearing that my daughter will experience the same.
Candice, You are so correct. It is impossible to really sort the bullies from the abused because so often the bullied child hits back or reacts in anger. I tell students to hold that anger in and come tell me when they are bullied so I can watch carefully for those subtle bullies. (Yes, bullies are experts at hiding their meanness and getting a victim to lash out.). Homeschooling is an option that works. Many parents homeschool because their children are experiencing what you did. Beyond this there are many programs that support homeschooled children and their mothers. Use a good curriculum, follow it everyday and faithfully record your attendance, the subject taught and a brief summary of the lesson (copy your curriculum guide). This is also what your typical teacher is doing if you read the comments. They get a curriculum and follow the plans and the order of the book. It isn’t rocket science! If you have trouble teaching something, go online to Kahn Academy and look it up! You and your child will learn and grow. But don’t try to make all the lesson plans and create a curriculum because it is doing way too much! If your child needs extra practice in a subject like multiplication, check out Teachers Pay Teachers, homeschool blogs and resources. Stick to the curriculum you choose at the beginning of the year though because it will keep you organized but don’t be afraid to use a couple hours to dive deeper. I used rainy Saturdays for trying out fun ideas because some of the wacky learning ideas are pure fun! Above all, do not redecorate your home and make it look like a school. Get a bookshelf or two because you need them but you don’t need a chalkboard! You don’t have to put up posters, but you can use the refrigerator as a bulletin board. It is fun to put up a huge sheet of poster paper and let your child draw, but you don’t have to rush out and get the ingredients to make finger paint…but if you wanna’ that is your choice and doesn’t make you any less of a teacher!
Can't relate to most of this, I taught in a year round school. We didn't have our own classrooms. Supplies weren't provided, that's laughable. I usually spent the first evening trying to find enough chairs and desks, so kids wouldn't have to share seats. My classes changed constantly during the first 2 weeks. It wasn't unusal for you to end up losing an entire class and be given a whole new group of kids or even a different subject. I was just grateful to be in a new school so the facilities were decent.
A new student two days before school starts that's enough notice. Try having a different new student just show up to school each day during the first week of school! I literally had at least one new kid a day, not including my 'updated' class roster at the time, just appear at the door. Talk about confused and scrambling to get them placed, while dealing with parents and the rest of the class.
I'm always about two weeks ahead of my class. When the "beginner's" dust settled that's where I was. I don't stress any more... it's just the facts of life now.
The worst welcome I ever got for any job ever, even digging ditches, was my first year teaching. Maywood Academy in Lauds. Just stone cold viscious contempt from everybody. They didn't give me a desk or computer and I had to write Ieps as a Special Education Teacher. The self proclaimed head of the department gave me an after-hire interview where she announced that I didn't get the job. After- hire interview. Should i say it again? Sneers and snarls I put up with for months until I filed a complaint with the Union. Guess who the Union Steward was. Yeah the same witch that was tormenting me. I didn't renew my contract It totally burst my bubble about teachers and teaching. Turns out they are just as horrible people as everyone else. I don't take that crap from anybody anymore.
I'm so sorry. That is not how it is everywhere. It's a shame too, because if there's negativity and fighting, those kiddos are the ones who pay, they can tell when people don't like each other. The environment is just as important as the education being given.
This is also first time mom vs me after three kids lol. You learn to just throw it all in the stroller and roll and you end up with two jackets per person a bunch of shoes and snacks and wipes and you’re fine…it works out
In the 10th grade my French teacher gave out 100s if we just stayed quiet during class because she had "migraines". Hey Ms. Fasso how ya doing if you are still alive and those "migraines" didn't do you in.🤣🤣🤣
First year teachers are the always treated really nicely or terribly in my school, there's no inbetween lol. It's mostly because if you behave amazingly with them the teacher might get used to you and start liking yall. And if you behave terribly then.. Ya idk why kids do that but tbh. Yall never disappoint us
This would more accurately be titled, "Me, Now versus 4 Years Ago." 😆 Even now I'm at a new school tryna figure out why folks are around here stressing....
I’m an experienced teacher, but I still act like the first-year teacher because I’m passionate about what I do! I like excelling in everything I do… We should hire more teacher who actually CARE!
We care but we're burned out. I can't speak for your dynamic but most teachers are: therapists, ELL specialists, wrestlers, cops, life coaches, punching bags, teaching is something we just throw in during our spare time. Wait, nope there is no spare time, it's all spent working on extracurriculars, reports, double checking curriculum, contacting parents (some of whom are horrible people, anyone who screams at you is a terrible person), lesson planning, marking. The job is more than it used to be, and more keeps getting added in order to make people as stupid as possible by cutting the legs of education with no additional raise in pay cheque or funding. We're professionals, and we're fantastic. We're also human, and falling apart, and no one seems to care outside of our field. The part that will grind my gears is when someone (not you) makes an assumption about teachers without ever having been in the field. It's like saying you could be a doctor because you've been sick. So yea, burned out teachers are going to be weak. I care, I'm passionate, my lessons are great, and I'm fantastic at what I do. I'm an amazing teacher and if I vanished the education world would be less because of it. I'm tooting my horn hard because if I don't, no one else will, and it's so easy to lose confidence in your capabilities in our job. If I hated what I do, I'd quit. Doesn't mean I'm OK with the direction things are going.
Try getting hired for your first elementary class the day before school starts. Plus the got me my class liat lile 60 minutes before the kids arrived for open house. Its already qeek 10 and i still am missing teacher and student editions of a major course book. 😂
My teacher is new to my school and so am we only played blooket. And i mean *ONLY* even our math was on blooket..and she refused to do crypto on minecraft mobs blooket - 😭🤚
My adhd daughter had a first year teacher last year 4th grade. He was um very obviously new. The school said he came highly recommended.. by who? His teachers? I know everyone has to start somewhere but he didn’t seem to understand adhd nor the 504 plan. We were patient with HIM lol vs him being patient with her adhd lol. Bless his heart. He was 21 fresh outta school and a cutie. lol like frat boy cute. SMH. Needless to say he’s been told by the school he has to take sensitivity training He just needs to hone his craft lol. Bless his heart with all the virtual learning I had a full blown meltdown in tears in the phone with this poor boy because I felt like I was failing my child because I was struggling with the virtual crap. I took full accountability and responsibility and felt like such a failure. I was a blubbering mess and this poor boy was trying his best to reassure me that I’m not a failure and that my child was doing great. Lol even though we were struggling getting her logged in in time for class and was having a hard time sitting still long enough to get through a zoom class session thingy. She was all over the place lol. And I felt like a failure cause I was struggling to get her to stay online in class and even log in sometimes. Now that being said she did all her assignments tho. That kid had no idea how to handle a full grown woman’s mommy meltdown lol. SMH. The things you amazing teachers have to deal with lol. At least I wasn’t flipping out on him haha. I can’t tell you how many times I apologized over the year lol
A new student two days before school starts? I'd call that "advanced notice!"
My favorite thing was getting a practically new roster after the first quarter.....😐
Laughs in swim teacher. Check your class lists - done. First class rocks up, kid you’ve never seen rocks up with mum/dad/grandparent/guardian “oh yes, we booked in five minutes ago, they’re definitely in your class”. Makes a mockery of us being required to check our class lists before each shift starts.
That's nothing. At my high school, I constantly get new students after 6,7 or eight WEEKS after the first day of school.
Yeah! I mean--they added the student to your roster, so that you knew he would be there? That is administrative excellence right there.
I'm going into week 11 and already know to expect another new student...and possibly that one who's never attended yet, but could turn up at any time with no warning.
As an experienced teacher who took the alternative path and has seen too many rookies freak out: take EVERYTHING you learned in undergrad except content and throw it out the window. This is the ultimate learn-as-you-go job.
Lesson 1: there is a pecking order; the more experienced the teacher the more she sniggers and pecks. Don’t expect any kindness!
@@VM-yd6zq Not at all. My younger colleagues consistently thank me for my help. There isn't a pecking order unless Admin has fostered that kind of community. I fully hope that someday I can work for some of our Rookies when those with promise, make it to Admin themselves. I'm happy to help, just as I was helped.
@@NoliMeTangere1163 generally younger teachers politely say thank you to the bossy, obnoxious senior teacher to float under her radar. She tells everyone what to do but seldom uses any sense making. She is too busy explaining how experienced she is and how wonderfully she can teach. She uses gossip, outbursts, and tittle tattle to increase her status as “expert” in the school. You’ll know her because she is so busy bossing she hasn’t the time to learn anything new from taking a class, attending a workshop (not interrupting one with endless “my way “ comments), or actually reading a research article.
I’m a SPED degree holder and an experienced teacher, and I totally AGREE with what you said! I learned WAY MORE while teaching than my 4years of college! What an utter waste!
@@VM-yd6zqThat has not been my experience.
I love those teachers that are just waiting for retirement. My german teacher in like grade 9 came into the classroom with one black pen, one red pen in his shirt pocket, borrowed a textbook from a student and went into the lesson 🤣🤣
I think new teachers need to be more hyper-organized to survive. Experienced teachers have done all the hyper-planning in the past, so they are better about being able to open a book and wing it a bit.
Totally true. The teachers that have taught the same exact stuff in the same exact order for like 40 years will obviously need less planning than someone who has never done it. We had one history teacher that had his monologues on autopilot. If you distracted him he never knew where he had left off because he didn't even have to think while speaking😂😂 (debatable if that is the best way to teach but🤷)
@@rmoenmjea Haha, definitely a balance between perfecting what has worked in the past and being so set in your ways that there are no alterations for 40 years.
That’s why they borrowed our stuff! 😉
I am waiting for retirement and still work 12 hour days in my classroom and all day Saturday on my teaching preps. It is a terrible job with screaming parents, some bratty kids,incompetent administration, and loads of paperwork. I am a special education teacher. I work very hard, go above and beyond, etc. I have 30 students in my caseload at 4 different grade levels. They each have 6 subjects in general education I must support on top of their IEP goals. They are also in different general education classrooms so teachers teaching different stuff. I also have to modify gen-ed curriculum and pull/create materials to teach my IEP goals which are all different for each student. Not all teachers waiting for retirement are like your alt Deutsch teacher. Many younger teachers don't care. They won't differentiate lessons, classwork, or homework. They do the minimal. Our students deserve the very best, not a minimal, collect a paycheck, teacher. This country had better start offering fair wages to teachers because with current salaries many excellent teachers had to quit teaching because they qualified for welfare benefits so they got new non-teaching jobs. So sad!
Experienced teacher here and everything about this video is so accurate. 😂😂😂😂
Agreed. 🤪
Me too 😊
Truth. 🤣
This reminds me of my friend's first year teaching high school chemistry! I think she spent half her summer coming up with the lesson plans for the entire year. She stopped having a social life for most of the school year because she was marking or refining lesson plans, designing everything from scratch, prepping worksheets, lab experiments, classroom models and decorations, etc. It was nuts. She burnt out so hard. Then she learned to reclaim her weekends and got shortcut tips from more experienced teachers and was much healthier for it! :)
Some new teachers don't know when to call it good or what to just let go a bit.
That's me right now. 😔
I’ve taught chemistry as well. A lot of the planning consists of finding the resources and supplies. You need to realize that the science cabinet, storeroom seldom has what you need…or the other “older” science teacher has it in her room and there isn’t enough to share. Get realistic and at least look through the curriculum and find it over the summer. Budget? It won’t be there so figure out where to find the resources for free! (Workshops often have experienced instructors who know of lending libraries and resources for teaching science classes.)
New teachers - take a deep breath. Experienced teachers - rock on. All teachers - Thank You!!!
Retired teacher here. It took many years before I was no longer feeling that stress about school starting and making sure lesson plans were ready.
Y’all never disappoint. It’s like you’ve done this before or something.
I love all the 'new' teachers!💕 May God bless all of you. The teaching career is NOT an easy one.
Yep!!! You realize that boundaries are necessary in this career!
First year teacher here. From now on I’m going to the beach.
Remember, if you don't take care of yourself and your mental health you won't be able to help your students. So do decide what is reasonable for the job, set clear cut boundaries about your availability to parents and the amount of hours you will spend on your job. Otherwise it can become 24/7 and that's unsustainable. 30+ years teacher sharing for what it's worth.
Before I became a teacher, a teacher once told me, “Never take any work home.” With very, very few exceptions, I have followed and taken that advice to heart.
So true! I acted like a new teacher for 8 years, then I said, “Nope!”
During my first year of teaching, I was like a first-year teacher. During my second year of teaching, I was like an experienced teacher lol. You learn fast on the job!
I learned this in student teaching. During student teaching one day I wanted to keep driving and put down roots wherever I ran out of gas...
They actually asked me to mentor another teacher my SECOND year.
Wow! How did it go?
During my first month of working in a preschool, I immediately became an experienced teacher 😂 lol
@@hannahscott6604 Immediately would mean at that moment, not within a month.
I am a 2nd year teacher and I am definitely like the “new” teacher but I am transitioning to the experienced really fast. FYI I still panic when I get a new student because I LABELED EVERYTHING!!! 🤣
Haha 😂 Same. Or realizing you've misspelled a name on E V E R Y T H I N G and you need to redo it all.
I was in kindergarten and they moved me to first grade.. After I labeled everything and decorated my room! I became an experienced teacher real fast. Nothing is labeled and the classroom is not overly decorated and the kids are just fine lol.
The two days before school started vignette actually broke my heart. She acted so devastated that I really felt badly for her. They should start giving out RUclips awards and I would definitely recommend her. 👏🏻👏🏻
This reminds me of my profession. Brand new nurse vs. Been here too long nurse 🤣.
New: oh my, you cut yourself! Let me clean that up so it doesn't get infected.
Been There: here's a bandaid. Don't get blood on the carpet.
That how every job is. New people: OMG I love this job, I will do everything. Old people: Yeah I am not pay enough for this (for everything) lol
@@bobbysmith8095 true
I’m a first year teacher and I felt this in my soul 😂
If you didn't already, find a mentor. So important.
My biggest piece of advice for new teachers is: there is ALWAYS something you could be doing. Doing it all won't mean you are caught up with everything, it'll just mean you have given up more of YOUR own time. Just don't do it. Once you've done it for one Saturday, then one entire weekend, then one week of holiday, you'll feel better.
New teacher here my line is definitely "whatever you need I'll do it or I'm in " so sad 🤣😂
This lady is waaaayyyyyyy too funny. And what's worst all of this is true. I see it every year with the new teachers and the old teachers. I have watch this 4 times and it gets funnier every time.
retired after 30 years in NYC...professional development hahahahahaha
Not me shouting “NO!” to duties at my iPad 😂🤣
So much was true except my mom is totally still not that chill even after teaching for over twenty years. But then her classroom is always over awesome. Love ya mom!!
Kind of in both camps right now as this is my first year as a head preschool teacher after having been an assistant teacher for 3 years.
I've been teaching for 20 years and this is definitely accurate :)
The “PD day” part was the closest to my retired teacher heart!
I wish we had more time to work on classrooms for PD this year
30 year teacher, yep, sounds right! 🤣💗
Second year teacher here and this is DEFINITELY me with my experienced teacher friends/mentors 😂😂😂
I got a new student five minutes before he arrived today.
Great video, guys!!! You're doing a great job!! 😍
Experienced teacher and still get stressed about new students!
New teacher here: THIS IS ME LOL stressed and lacking sleep from said stress
It doesn’t get any better TBH.
@@MsBianca78 boo :( lol
Coming from a military family, sorry that my kids are and I was always the last minute new kid lol.
Lol. So true. But... i was never new enough to want pd instead of work in rooms time or to volunteer for extra duties.
My daughter is going to be in Kindergarten this year. I thought that after the pandemic after people not only took advantage of Teacher's in the classroom that they were now asking them to do "hybrid" learning taking advantage of any other time they would have left in the day that Teacher's would then vent.
Listening to these videos has given me more insight and more respect for Teacher's for my daughter's learning.
However, my teachers either got me confused with someone else all the time or just plain lied about me. I was bullied throughout Elementary to High School I quit the 11th Grade and got my GED before the rest of my class was even thinking about caps 🎓 and gowns 👩🎓 for their graduation. Getting back to what I was saying every PTE we had the teachers tried to tell my Mom (the same Mom who consoled me after crying after being bullied at school) that I was a disruptive bully to all 1,499 other kids in my school. NO BS, they tried to tell my Mom that I was bullying all the other kids, 1,499 students, in my school. The did not pay attention when I was being bullied, they only paid attention when I lashed out after I couldn't take anymore mental, emotional or physical abuse from the other students then used that outburst and reasoned that it was me that was always bullying even though 9 times outta 10 I was the one going home with bruises & marks and crying.
Not only was I bullied the bullying made it almost impossible for me to follow the lessons and learn basic things. Like my grammar will never be correct. I don't know when or where to use commas or exclamation points or sometime the difference between declarative or interrogative statements. I know the words. I can understand what they mean. The application is different. I just don't know.
So I am coming to a torn place. On the 1 hand I understand that Teacher's are human beings that deserve consideration for what we ask of them to do for our children. I have a hard time keeping track fully of my 1 child. Keeping track of 28 to 28+ in the classroom and 100s in the halls has to be an impossible feat. On the other hand I personally am coming from a place where I was abandoned, forsaken, and wrongly accused of doing what was being done to me by the people who should have had my back. The one adult in the room ignored me when I would tell them when I was being abused and then sent me for disciplinary action when I broke and lashed out after being abused. So I am skeptical of Teacher's their honesty, ability to delegate, and ability to comprehend the difference between the kid's who are bullying and the one's being bullied.
So even though I come away from these videos wanting to feel compassion for the hard work given to Teacher's every year. I find myself coming back to that wounded girl oppressed by both students and Teacher's for 12 years and fearing that my daughter will experience the same.
You are so correct. It is impossible to really sort the bullies from the abused because so often the bullied child hits back or reacts in anger. I tell students to hold that anger in and come tell me when they are bullied so I can watch carefully for those subtle bullies. (Yes, bullies are experts at hiding their meanness and getting a victim to lash out.).
Homeschooling is an option that works. Many parents homeschool because their children are experiencing what you did. Beyond this there are many programs that support homeschooled children and their mothers. Use a good curriculum, follow it everyday and faithfully record your attendance, the subject taught and a brief summary of the lesson (copy your curriculum guide). This is also what your typical teacher is doing if you read the comments. They get a curriculum and follow the plans and the order of the book. It isn’t rocket science! If you have trouble teaching something, go online to Kahn Academy and look it up! You and your child will learn and grow. But don’t try to make all the lesson plans and create a curriculum because it is doing way too much! If your child needs extra practice in a subject like multiplication, check out Teachers Pay Teachers, homeschool blogs and resources. Stick to the curriculum you choose at the beginning of the year though because it will keep you organized but don’t be afraid to use a couple hours to dive deeper. I used rainy Saturdays for trying out fun ideas because some of the wacky learning ideas are pure fun! Above all, do not redecorate your home and make it look like a school. Get a bookshelf or two because you need them but you don’t need a chalkboard! You don’t have to put up posters, but you can use the refrigerator as a bulletin board. It is fun to put up a huge sheet of poster paper and let your child draw, but you don’t have to rush out and get the ingredients to make finger paint…but if you wanna’ that is your choice and doesn’t make you any less of a teacher!
Can't relate to most of this, I taught in a year round school. We didn't have our own classrooms. Supplies weren't provided, that's laughable. I usually spent the first evening trying to find enough chairs and desks, so kids wouldn't have to share seats. My classes changed constantly during the first 2 weeks. It wasn't unusal for you to end up losing an entire class and be given a whole new group of kids or even a different subject. I was just grateful to be in a new school so the facilities were decent.
Sounds like rotating offices or hotel workspaces I feel you
First year teacher here & this is DEFINITELY me! 😂
Blessings to all!
Long term sub.... I walked in to a NIGHTMARE with no lesson plan, nothing. It's been an adventure to say the least!
What grade level or subject? I can share some online resources if you want.
I’m veteran teacher who has definitely hit that brick wall.
So good! love every episode. 👍💜
A new student two days before school starts that's enough notice. Try having a different new student just show up to school each day during the first week of school! I literally had at least one new kid a day, not including my 'updated' class roster at the time, just appear at the door. Talk about confused and scrambling to get them placed, while dealing with parents and the rest of the class.
Year 4 but also my first year in a full time classroom. I am literally both. 🤭
I used to bring boxes of stuff home to work on over the summer. Now I just shove those boxes into my closet and figure it out when I go back.
This is so true!
This is so true. Reminded me of how I was my first year of teaching and then 23 years later. Yep! Exactly. 😂
I'm always about two weeks ahead of my class. When the "beginner's" dust settled that's where I was. I don't stress any more... it's just the facts of life now.
Astrobrights 🤣🤣. I'm 10 years in and i buy the light tan and grey paper just to mess with my kids.
Is it normal for me to be acting like an experienced teacher during my first year?
I learned this in student teaching. During student teaching one day I wanted to keep driving and put down roots wherever I ran out of gas...
The worst welcome I ever got for any job ever, even digging ditches, was my first year teaching. Maywood Academy in Lauds. Just stone cold viscious contempt from everybody. They didn't give me a desk or computer and I had to write Ieps as a Special Education Teacher. The self proclaimed head of the department gave me an after-hire interview where she announced that I didn't get the job. After- hire interview. Should i say it again? Sneers and snarls I put up with for months until I filed a complaint with the Union. Guess who the Union Steward was. Yeah the same witch that was tormenting me. I didn't renew my contract It totally burst my bubble about teachers and teaching. Turns out they are just as horrible people as everyone else. I don't take that crap from anybody anymore.
I'm so sorry. That is not how it is everywhere. It's a shame too, because if there's negativity and fighting, those kiddos are the ones who pay, they can tell when people don't like each other. The environment is just as important as the education being given.
Why do i feel like the experienced teacher when I'm still year 4 of teacher training school?
All my future students are doomed 😅😅
I got a whole new class list the first day of school.
Hey first year teachers! Are any of you crying in your car every day after school? Don't worry, you're not alone!
Lol first year teacher here! Soooo relatable 😂😂😂
For sure!
She was excited for PD.
This is also first time mom vs me after three kids lol. You learn to just throw it all in the stroller and roll and you end up with two jackets per person a bunch of shoes and snacks and wipes and you’re fine…it works out
What school do y’all work for? We’re all at the end of our ropes here, experienced and rookie alike!
The one about not labeling anything yet is so me!
In the 10th grade my French teacher gave out 100s if we just stayed quiet during class because she had "migraines". Hey Ms. Fasso how ya doing if you are still alive and those "migraines" didn't do you in.🤣🤣🤣
lolololol is that the best way to keep kids quiet xD
"I was hoping for some professional development," said no teacher ever.
Love the Def Leppard shirt!
This is my 4th year teaching. When do I get to be that relaxed at the beginning of the year?? Asking for a friend lol.
Ugg. 5th year here, kinda half and half. Is that worse? Lol
Our school year starts next week. I'm sitting in my empty classroom eating beef jerky and watching youtube videos 🤷🏾♂
Pretty teacher... love you
I am a mix of both as a 2nd year teacher teaching music 😂 I think formerly as a substitute teacher kinda prepared me a bit for it.
Funny and accurate!
First year teachers are the always treated really nicely or terribly in my school, there's no inbetween lol. It's mostly because if you behave amazingly with them the teacher might get used to you and start liking yall. And if you behave terribly then.. Ya idk why kids do that but tbh. Yall never disappoint us
Kids size people up. Its all power dynamics cause a lot of them running on 'caveman instinct'.
Accurate!!! 😂😂😂
Love you I’m going to be a teacher I want to be just like you
Nooooo ! Don't go to the light... turn away... veer to the left! (just kidding) wishing you all the luck!
This would more accurately be titled, "Me, Now versus 4 Years Ago." 😆
Even now I'm at a new school tryna figure out why folks are around here stressing....
So true!
Love. It.
I’m an experienced teacher, but I still act like the first-year teacher because I’m passionate about what I do! I like excelling in everything I do… We should hire more teacher who actually CARE!
We care but we're burned out. I can't speak for your dynamic but most teachers are: therapists, ELL specialists, wrestlers, cops, life coaches, punching bags, teaching is something we just throw in during our spare time. Wait, nope there is no spare time, it's all spent working on extracurriculars, reports, double checking curriculum, contacting parents (some of whom are horrible people, anyone who screams at you is a terrible person), lesson planning, marking. The job is more than it used to be, and more keeps getting added in order to make people as stupid as possible by cutting the legs of education with no additional raise in pay cheque or funding.
We're professionals, and we're fantastic. We're also human, and falling apart, and no one seems to care outside of our field. The part that will grind my gears is when someone (not you) makes an assumption about teachers without ever having been in the field. It's like saying you could be a doctor because you've been sick. So yea, burned out teachers are going to be weak. I care, I'm passionate, my lessons are great, and I'm fantastic at what I do. I'm an amazing teacher and if I vanished the education world would be less because of it. I'm tooting my horn hard because if I don't, no one else will, and it's so easy to lose confidence in your capabilities in our job. If I hated what I do, I'd quit. Doesn't mean I'm OK with the direction things are going.
Try getting hired for your first elementary class the day before school starts. Plus the got me my class liat lile 60 minutes before the kids arrived for open house. Its already qeek 10 and i still am missing teacher and student editions of a major course book. 😂
As a homeschool mom, I identify with the experienced teacher!!!!
First year teacher and this is accurate 🤦♀️
Wonder how many school supplies could have been bought for what the US spent a week in Afghanistan?
I was like an experienced teacher in my first year. Start as you mean to go on sista 🙅🏻♀️
2:21 what's PD?
Professional development
@@JustGettinBy1321 thank you
Eww furry
@@zaaachhyyy well, I am stinky, UwU
@@Magnum_Wolf your what’s wrong with our generation
My teacher is new to my school and so am we only played blooket. And i mean *ONLY* even our math was on blooket..and she refused to do crypto on minecraft mobs blooket - 😭🤚
New teacher here.. I’m like an experienced teacher apparently .. I don’t give a shit about nothing I’m just rolling with the wind 🤣🤣
Both are/were me.
My adhd daughter had a first year teacher last year 4th grade. He was um very obviously new. The school said he came highly recommended.. by who? His teachers? I know everyone has to start somewhere but he didn’t seem to understand adhd nor the 504 plan. We were patient with HIM lol vs him being patient with her adhd lol. Bless his heart. He was 21 fresh outta school and a cutie. lol like frat boy cute. SMH. Needless to say he’s been told by the school he has to take sensitivity training He just needs to hone his craft lol. Bless his heart with all the virtual learning I had a full blown meltdown in tears in the phone with this poor boy because I felt like I was failing my child because I was struggling with the virtual crap. I took full accountability and responsibility and felt like such a failure. I was a blubbering mess and this poor boy was trying his best to reassure me that I’m not a failure and that my child was doing great. Lol even though we were struggling getting her logged in in time for class and was having a hard time sitting still long enough to get through a zoom class session thingy. She was all over the place lol. And I felt like a failure cause I was struggling to get her to stay online in class and even log in sometimes. Now that being said she did all her assignments tho. That kid had no idea how to handle a full grown woman’s mommy meltdown lol. SMH. The things you amazing teachers have to deal with lol. At least I wasn’t flipping out on him haha. I can’t tell you how many times I apologized over the year lol
2 Bless his hearts in one story! You poor dear.
It's me. I'm" experienced teachers". 😭🤭
why does she look like and sound like Ashley from Dance Moms?
A teacher that listens to Def Leppard isn't all bad
Remember white is a color... :)
How about the experienced teacher that reuses the faded stuff from five years ago. There should be a law!
Hey there im not a teacher
Only in year 2 and still think this is funny
Yay I’m first 😄😁😄😁😆😁
I've been like the experienced teacher since day one. I guess i was already done before i even started. Oops
I don't know why teachers buy stuff with their own money. If the kids don't have it then tuff shit.
you teach compassion
@@stophittingyourself123 then how about economics is bs that no one benefits from