I’m Tamil and I love this so much. My dad and my brother are learning Sanskrit to read the vedas and one day I would love to be able to read, write, speak and understand this beautiful language 😊❤️
Prime iQ I honestly don’t know. I think it has to do with Dravidian Nationalist and Periyarists. I hate them so much. So many of them argued with me that tamil Brahmins like myself aren’t tamil and that we are Jews. I’m American, but India is better united than separated....
I am learning Sanskrit currently, and being in the USA it is very difficult to find people to practice with unless I go to our local Temple, but even then sadly it is only the priests who speak it nobody else it seems. I feel out of place as a westerner, but the language and literature of India is so rich and beautiful that it must be preserved by any means. I would love to travel here, and live for a few months to really embed myself with the language. Their command of the language is so impressive!
नमस्कारं संस्कृत भाषाया: संजालिय विकास हेतु वयम् भारतीय जनान् एकिभूय संस्कृतम् विश्वव्यापी भाषा रचयाम:।अतः भवताम् योगदानं आवश्यकम् अस्ति।संस्कृत भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति या चतुर्वेर्दै:एकादश उपनिषदै: एवम् लक्ष ग्रन्थै: पवित्रां भवति।अस्याम् भाषायाम् अष्टोत्तर शतवर्णा: भवन्ति ये सूर्यस्य किरणै: च हिन्दू देवता शंकरस्य ढक्का द्वारा उत्पन्ना: अभवन् तत्कालीन समये एताम् भाषाम् मातृभाषा अमन्यत् परम् अद्यत्वे भारत एषा भाषा जीविता अस्ति।अतः अस्या: देवभाष्या:समुचित विकास एवं पुनरुद्धार हेतु एकम् संगठनं संचालितं येन संजालस्य माध्यमेन देववाणी संस्कृतम् जन भाषा भवेत्। यतोहि एषा भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति येन नासा सहित विश्वस्य अनेक संस्थानै: सिद्ध: कृत: यत् एषा एक ब्रह्माण्डस्य सर्वोतमा भाषा अस्ति । अतः एतस्य: सुमधुरं च सुंदरम् वैज्ञानिक भाषाया: विकास हेतु स्व अमूल्य समयः आवश्यकः। यतोहि एतम् अलंकारम् लुप्तस्थ उपरान्त वयम् कांतिहीना: भविष्याम:। सुस्वागतम, संस्कृत भाषा के संजालीय विकास हेतु हम सभी भारतीयों को एक होकर संस्कृत को विश्वव्यापी भाषा बनाना है,जिसमें आपका योगदान भी आवश्यक है । संस्कृत ऐसी भाषा है जो ४ वेदों ११उपनिषद एवं लाखों ग्रन्थो द्वारा पवित्र होती है , इसमें कुुल १०८ वर्ण होते हैं जो सूर्य के किरणों द्वारा व हिंदू देवता शंकरजी के डमरु द्वारा उत्पन्न हुये हैं । तत्कालीन समय मे इसे मृत भाषा माना जाने लगा अतः इस देवताओं की वाणी के समुचित विकास एवं पुनरूद्धार हेतु एक संगठन संचालित किया गया है ताकी संजाल के माध्यम से देववाणी संस्कृत को जन-जन तक पहुचाया जा सके ,क्योंकी यह सिर्फ एक ऐसी भाषा है जिसे नासा सहित विश्व के अनेक संस्थानों ने शिद्ध किया कि यही एक ब्रम्हाण्ड की सर्वोच्च भाषा है । अतः इस सुमधुर व सुंदर वैज्ञानिक भाषा के विकास हेतु अपना अमूल्य समय जरूर दें क्योंकी इस अलंकार को खोने के उपरान्त हम सब कान्तीहीन हो जायेंगे। अतः आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि इस ग्रुप से जुड़ कर इस भाषा को विलुप्त होने से बचा ले और अपनी भूमिका निभाए। chat.whatsapp.com/KWV4ivYdH6P5bOAKzgxVxb
Government should be given more attention and more money for this wonderful village,,, nice to see this !!! Salute to all villagers for preserving our culture !!!
This place is full of positive energy and people are so friendly. I think the best way to learn Sanskrit in a more natural and easy manner would be to go and live for a few weeks over there. Far better than learning from a tutor. I think i'll go there and learn Sanskrit.
Being a samskrutha student I feel very glad to know about this village. I think samskrutha is the treasure of India. Please learn samskrutha and preach samskrutha.😊 Samskrutham patanthu. Ihthi aham savinayam sarvebhyah prathayami.
@Aggressive Badger sanskrit can"t be older than Tamil because sanskrit is Indoeuropean language. Aryan tribes became to Indian subcontinent in XIX B.C and conquered Dravidian people and tamil language belongs to Dravidian group of language
@@tam240 According to historical investigations, the oldest writings in the Tamil language date back to 300 BCE (Sangam literature) while the Sanskrit language dates to 1500 BCE (Rigveda: surveyed by Friedrich Max Müller).
@@aravindaraman8667 I'm not a tamilian. And I say tamil is older than Sanskrit. Get your facts straight instead of trying to prove your ignorant facts and looking dumb.
@@tam240 Can you please leave? Nobody is saying Tamil isn't the oldest language. We're just praising the beauty of Sanskrit. Don't turn everything into a debate. Just agree with people at times and take things easy. Gosh
Really feel sad people are forgetting this.since my child hood almost 10 years I studied sankritham. Am able to understand completely but can’t speak. Now trying to learn again
Raghavendra Tanguturi Well this video leaves my eyes moist... because the village is in our state of Karnataka... We must preserve sanskrit.. This is possible only when we all pledge to learn Sanskrit
@@vaishnavideshmukh8610 There is very good scope of sanskrit language.Maybe it will not help you economically but i am sure that mentally or we can say that spiritually it will help you. Hopefully I found few contacts of muttur village from some videos.Till now I haven't called them beacause I am waiting till the coronavirus go.I hope these contacts may help you. Sri nidhi - 09448976852 Girish sanskrit teacher - 09482928716 Meghana - 0535757274
I will learn Sanskrit ...Actually lucky i learnt it till class 8th..Now i will resume ...I just love speaking and listening this gorgeous mother of all languages language..Them i will try to use little Sanskrit in daily communication like we do Hindi in English and English in Hindi...
@hhhhh sanskrit isn't the mother tongue of anyone in this country. it's been long dead and unlike north indian languages, dravidian languages didn't originate from sanskrit. they were influenced by it but they didn't descend from it. it's the same way that English has been heavily influenced by Latin but it's still a Germanic language
@@robogamer2023 it was still able to be revived though regardless of it spawning any other languages. But it did - in a way Yiddish and ladino which are historically Jewish languages.
I am from Bihar and unfortunately I studied Sanskrit for only three years in high school (CBSE). However, because I come from an area where spoken Hindi derives a lot of vocabulary and grammar from Sanskrit, I think I am able to figure out most of what the elderly mas was saying. Below is what I could translate. Please feel free to point out any mistakes. "This is a Sanskrit village. This village’s old name is Matturu. This village was established by Vijayanagaram’s emperor. Now about me….my name is Sanketi Janaih. Sanketi is also the name of my community/caste. I am basically from Sangoti. I am 66 years old. My ancestors came to this village and settled down. At that time this place was mostly forest but they still settled down here. The Tunga river that you see there existed back then. At the bank of the Tunga river my ancestors would recite shlokas , perform evening prayers and do mantra incantation. On the other side of the bank, there is a way which is today called Shimoga-Mangalore road. One evening, the emperor of Vijaynagaram, Ramarai was taking this road on his way to Shimoga along with his entourage. His party felt thirsty and therefore the king sent his soldiers to fetch water from the Tunga river. There the soldies came across the Brahmins (priests) doing vedic incantation on both sides of the bank of the river and they were spellbound by it. The soldiers returned with the water and told the emperor about the magnificent and powerful sight and sound that they experienced. These Brahmins were not local (not from Karnataka) but they had come all the way from Kerala. The emperor came down to meet them and offered his respects to the Brahmins. The Brahmins told him that they have come from Kerala. The emperor asked them “what is your source of earning/avocation. Do you farm these lands?” To this the Brahmins replied “no we don’t own these lands but if the emperor could kindly grant us these lands then we can settle down here”. On hearing this the emperor Ramarai, asked his minister Triyambakarai to grant these lands to the Brahmins through a royal decree. And that’s how this village came to be inhabited by those Brahmins. A copy of that royal decree’s manuscript is still preserved in the Shimoga Archaeological Department." He then talks about how in 1980 it was decided that this village should adopt Sanskrit language as Lingua Franca because a highly learned and respected visitor did not like the village being so rich in vedic culture but not speaking Sanskrit in day to day life.
amazing. warm regards from germany. i am self studying sanskrit and will definetly come to visit and stay in one of this villages. lets hope india opens the borders soon.
Khubsurat 😌 ...jb m purani chijon ko dekhti hu to mujhe garv hota h bhartiy hone pr, hamara desh, hm gadi ko bhi har pahnate h .sury dev ko kl arpan karte h , nadi ko nata ki trh pujte h Kitna hi chij h🌸
@@Wish293 my mother tongue is kannada and i never learnt sanskrit.. but i could understand more than 90% of what the guy was telling.. because most of the verbs and nouns were similar to kannada.. so that is why i think he said we are proud to be kannadiga. And i think its more easy for a kannada speaking person to learn sanskrit.
@@aspiringscientist1616 he he he Tamil is also a samskrutha derivative . All languages has been to adopt samskrutha because all gods names are in samskrutha none of the Indian languages are devoid of samskrutha Tamil fanatics say it
Rishabhadeva and legend of Brahmi .The name Brahmi script is said to have come from a Jain Legend. According to Indian legend the Jain thirthankara (monk) Rishabhadeva explained and taught the script to his daughters Brahmi and Soundhary. Therefore as a mark of this, the writing script is named Brahmi letters and the numerals is named Soundhary letters. The name Brahmi is attributed to Rishabhadeva and his daughters Brahmi and Soundhary as stated in Kannada below: "ಆದಿ ತೀರ್ಥಂಕರ ವೃಷಭ ದೇವನು ತನ್ನ ಕುಮಾರಿಯಾದ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮೀ ಸೌಂದರಿಯರಿಗೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಆಂಕಾಕ್ಷರ ಗಳನ್ನು ವಿವರಿಸಿದ ಕಾರಣದಿಂದಾಗಿ ಈ ಅಕ್ಷರ ಲಿಪಿಗೆ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮೀಲಿಪಿ ಎಂದು ಅಂಕ ಲಿಪಿಗೆ ಸೌಂದರಿ ಲಿಪಿ ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಖಚಿತವಾದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಯನ್ನು ಸಿರಿ ಭೂ ವಲಯವು ಬಹಳ ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿದೆ." Its transliteration¬ is: "Adi tIrthaMkara vRuShaBa dEvanu tanna kumAriyAda brAhmI sauMdariyarige kannaDa AMkAkShara gaLannu vivarisida kAraNadiMdAgi I akShara lipige brAhmIlipi eMdu aMka lipige sauMdari lipi eMdu hesarAgide. I KacitavAda mAhiti yannu siri BU valayavu bahaLa spaShTavAgi tiLiside." ------ English translation-Adi tirthankara has explained to his daughter Brahmi about the Canaris script and named BRAHMI script. Has anybody tried to notice Kannada alphabets and relate to vedic symbols ? Can we say that brahmi script actually initially tried to visualize vedic symbols/¬kannada symbols?? ಪ - the letter 'pa' .. The leter symbolizing padmaasana , this letter can be compared to symbol where a person sitting in padmasana posture. ಶ - the letter 'sha' .. the letter symbolizing 'conch' which is very much used in vedic culture.. ಷ - the letter 'Sha' .. the letter symbolizes person with sacred thread in sitting posture.. you can imagine a 'ruShi'.. ನಿ - the letter 'ni' .. anybody notice this symbol is a kannada letter.. Looks like the kannada region was the first place where mostly occupied by vedic people.. But population density was very less compare to other regions of south india and able to retain sanskrit and its grammatical structure
Let's spread this great tradition across our Nation... An answer to climate change, greed, selfishness Conflicts,.... Live in harmony with Nature, respect rivers, do farming and care cows and keep hygiene around us
Sanskriti language is my one of the favorite languages since I came in contact with it in eight standard... My father also happened to be a sanskriti teacher in a High School.. Now retired... So learning the Sanskriti Slokas, Sanskrit poems, Sanskrit proses from my father and teachers I felt great pleasure inside my heart at that time... And I myself used to learn the Veda Slokas little little from any sources like TV., Radio and from some out books than our own curriculum. I also took admission in a SANSKRIT TOL in our locality. I passed out three classes from that TOL namely - Pravesika, Madhyama and Sastri respectively.... Of course I had a great tendency to learn this devine language... But it was not get done properly.. Actually, now a days the lack of interest in the learning-teaching process by students and teachers, the lack of Sanskriti Schools, the lack of communications in some Sanskrit teaching schools are the main reasons for going down the value of this sweet language. That's why though some students like me like to learn it further it's not really happens in true sense.. We the generation and the future generations have to learn Sanskrit more and more, and the Sanskrit Panditas/concerned persons have to teach more and more Sanskrit.... Without these efforts we might lost it at one time.. Sanskrit is the oldest language in this planet earth.... So, we should respect it, we should try to learn it well and above these all we must have to keep Sanskrit Language alive in our hearts with great pleasure and proud..... ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ 🙏🙏🙏
Amazing kids are speaking in Sanskrit language. I love to stay and learn from this beautiful people someday. Its possible in India with the government will and with people of India, can revive this language. 👍 Hebrew was a dead language in the late 19th century, today it's the official language of Israel just in ten decades.
Great to see that the ancient language is still spoken in this great divine village!🙏👏👍🙌🤝 I hope this village brings the knowledge of Sanskrit and its Vedic / Devine knowledge across India and bring the Sanskrit language glory back to india and world at Large! Best wishes . Pranams to the village people for keeping this wonderful Sanskrit speaking tradition still alive in this modern era and keep it like this forever! Hope you do some research in Sanskrit and make it get it’s deserving Vaibhavam again 👏🙇
I wish one day our entire nation will communicate in Sanskrit. I can read and write, but don't have fluency in understanding and consciously speaking. Someday I will visit This village and spend atleast a year here and learn Sanskrit from these great people who kept this language alive in its essence 🙏🙏
I feel proud that I got the chance to admit in saraswati shishu mandir and learn this "Sanskritam" language from Class II. I continued learning Sanskrit till Graduation. We should preserve this language. Moreover, अमृतं मधुरं सम्यक् संस्कृतं हि ततोSधिकम
It is only the ignorance of Tamil people fueled with Dravidian parties. The culture mix of Tamil and Sanskrit has always been along time. We see it in the agamas of Temple in South which is a mix of both. Dont worry, time will come back to rise the land for better and unite us.
*Yups ! I am myself from Mattur, Karnataka, South India. There are a group of Brahmin people who have occupied our village Maatur. The village name is a chaste Tamil word. Earlier in this place various local tribes of Paraiahs were living. These new comers, the so called present kannada Brahmins are living here. Their mother tongue is actually kannada but it's just that they are studying & trying to communicate in clinically/biologically dead Sanskrit and as well trying to fool the world that Sanskrit is being still spoken in India. Please don't be fooled by these fake news/videos on TV/RUclips. I can make a video on RUclips that Bengali is being spoken in California and claim that Americans speak Bengali which is utter absurdity. Sanskrit was never spoken here in the distant past. These are kannada Brahmins learning and obviously trying to communicate in Sanskrit but it's not an Indigenous language of Mattur of Karnataka.*
@Parveen Banu did i anywherr mention tamil people to learn Sanskrit? Hatred for Sanskrit was created by Beriyyar because he hated bhramins. Bhramins don't own Sanskrit. If you see that way you will not find any issues
@Parveen Banu not exactly. He hated because of a public function where bhramin students sat separately from other community students while eating food. I don't say what Periyar did is wrong or what bhramin did is right but to hate Sanskrit for the sake of defending bhramins ins stupidity.
Hi Kugesh, Namaste - I am planning to stay in the village for practicing and learning Sanskrit. But I don't know who to contact before I kick off my journey. As I think it would be better to have a talk with someone living there who can guide me about things which i need to be prepared with and also how i would be able to arrange my accommodation there and food. I would appreciate your any help in this regard..
Contact numbers for Mattur - Sri Nidhi - 09448976852, Girish Sanskrit teacher - 09482928716. Stay at shimoga. Plenty of hotels available. Shimoga - Mattur is hardly 20 mins
I am a Sankethi born to a Brahmin family.. Ashamed to admit I can't speak fluent Samskrutha, I am a devout Kannadiga , but I feel only Samskrutha can truly unite all of Akhanda Arya Bharath Land.
@@piyushsoni0307 you should be ashamed he has told it perfectly fine it is not sanskrith . You have a Hindi influence so u r saying it like that संस्कृत means smaskruta not sanskrith .u r Hindi has like that the last letter is pooranakshara not Alpa Akshara so please don’t teach us about samskrutha .
Hume apne sanskriti ko bnaye rakhne ke liye sankrit ki jarurat h . Hume garv hota h ki aaj bhi hmare desh m aise mahan log h jo hume sanskrit sikhate hai.
We need to Encourage Bharatiya's Ethos. They are Bharathavarshe, BharathaKandye, Mantra, Shloka, Sutra and Stotra, Bharatha Natyam, Kathakali, n Other Cultural Dances, Carnatic Music/ Sangeet, Sanskrit n Devanagari languages, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Herbal, PranicHealing, WaterTherapy VedicScience, VedicMaths, VedicFood, Vedic Literature, VedicAstronomy, VedicAstrology, VedicVastu, n Sanathana Dharma. Valuable things like Vedic Pranic food n other India's Most Valuable Values.
Seems it is not so difficult like Russian, Mandarin or German. Only thing needed is a sincere try. But the teachers are rare. Once you master this great language there are many books waiting for you from the vault of knowledge.
I can understand him 80% of the time. It seems like little modern Sanskrit. Its clear except the teacher others are not so fluent in Sanskrit. They must be using their local languages to communicate, only the teacher knows to speak in Sanskrit.
नमस्कारं संस्कृत भाषाया: संजालिय विकास हेतु वयम् भारतीय जनान् एकिभूय संस्कृतम् विश्वव्यापी भाषा रचयाम:।अतः भवताम् योगदानं आवश्यकम् अस्ति।संस्कृत भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति या चतुर्वेर्दै:एकादश उपनिषदै: एवम् लक्ष ग्रन्थै: पवित्रां भवति।अस्याम् भाषायाम् अष्टोत्तर शतवर्णा: भवन्ति ये सूर्यस्य किरणै: च हिन्दू देवता शंकरस्य ढक्का द्वारा उत्पन्ना: अभवन् तत्कालीन समये एताम् भाषाम् मातृभाषा अमन्यत् परम् अद्यत्वे भारत एषा भाषा जीविता अस्ति।अतः अस्या: देवभाष्या:समुचित विकास एवं पुनरुद्धार हेतु एकम् संगठनं संचालितं येन संजालस्य माध्यमेन देववाणी संस्कृतम् जन भाषा भवेत्। यतोहि एषा भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति येन नासा सहित विश्वस्य अनेक संस्थानै: सिद्ध: कृत: यत् एषा एक ब्रह्माण्डस्य सर्वोतमा भाषा अस्ति । अतः एतस्य: सुमधुरं च सुंदरम् वैज्ञानिक भाषाया: विकास हेतु स्व अमूल्य समयः आवश्यकः। यतोहि एतम् अलंकारम् लुप्तस्थ उपरान्त वयम् कांतिहीना: भविष्याम:। सुस्वागतम, संस्कृत भाषा के संजालीय विकास हेतु हम सभी भारतीयों को एक होकर संस्कृत को विश्वव्यापी भाषा बनाना है,जिसमें आपका योगदान भी आवश्यक है । संस्कृत ऐसी भाषा है जो ४ वेदों ११उपनिषद एवं लाखों ग्रन्थो द्वारा पवित्र होती है , इसमें कुुल १०८ वर्ण होते हैं जो सूर्य के किरणों द्वारा व हिंदू देवता शंकरजी के डमरु द्वारा उत्पन्न हुये हैं । तत्कालीन समय मे इसे मृत भाषा माना जाने लगा अतः इस देवताओं की वाणी के समुचित विकास एवं पुनरूद्धार हेतु एक संगठन संचालित किया गया है ताकी संजाल के माध्यम से देववाणी संस्कृत को जन-जन तक पहुचाया जा सके ,क्योंकी यह सिर्फ एक ऐसी भाषा है जिसे नासा सहित विश्व के अनेक संस्थानों ने शिद्ध किया कि यही एक ब्रम्हाण्ड की सर्वोच्च भाषा है । अतः इस सुमधुर व सुंदर वैज्ञानिक भाषा के विकास हेतु अपना अमूल्य समय जरूर दें क्योंकी इस अलंकार को खोने के उपरान्त हम सब कान्तीहीन हो जायेंगे। अतः आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि इस ग्रुप से जुड़ कर इस भाषा को विलुप्त होने से बचा ले और अपनी भूमिका निभाए। chat.whatsapp.com/KWV4ivYdH6P5bOAKzgxVxb
Contact numbers for Mattur - Sri Nidhi - 09448976852, Girish Sanskrit teacher - 09482928716
Santhosh Krishnan, What is the arrangement for lodging there?
@@hrishabhsachan677 Stay in Shimoga. Plenty of options. Mattur is hardly 7-8 kms from Shimoga town
@@nuranisanthosh thanks.
@@nuranisanthosh can we approach for any sanskrit online teacher
@@chalakiaruna there are many. Check for samskritha bharati
संस्कृतभाषायां वदन्तः जनानां दृष्ट्वा अहम् अति प्रसन्नमस्मि। संस्कृतभाषा निखिलां विश्वे पठेत्वयम्।
This village will become the greatest centre of sanskrit and vedic culture! I will resume my sanskrit learning.
so, how is it going
B blessed
SO did you ?
Very nice place very Good God bless all brother's sisters sathyameava jayathea ruclips.net/video/8482_Sn2WXc/видео.html
This is a village of our Karnataka state ..
Please really proud about this
@fff No, they stuff it in your mouth.
Mujhe Sanskrit bahut pasand h bahut pyar bhi h Sanskrit se
@smoke weed Everyday 🙏
@Devashish Gupta karnataka village nothing but Indian village.
@@manseesharma7670 samskrtam*
I’m Tamil and I love this so much. My dad and my brother are learning Sanskrit to read the vedas and one day I would love to be able to read, write, speak and understand this beautiful language 😊❤️
I truly hope that Sanskrit becomes the national language instead of Hindi tbh
Prime iQ I honestly don’t know. I think it has to do with Dravidian Nationalist and Periyarists. I hate them so much. So many of them argued with me that tamil Brahmins like myself aren’t tamil and that we are Jews. I’m American, but India is better united than separated....
Prime iQ Those are tamil communists. The rest of us are proud Hindus ❤️
Prime iQ Kerala is on it’s way to become the next Kashmir 😭😭😭
Prime iQ Most of us don’t hate India lmfao
I am learning Sanskrit currently, and being in the USA it is very difficult to find people to practice with unless I go to our local Temple, but even then sadly it is only the priests who speak it nobody else it seems. I feel out of place as a westerner, but the language and literature of India is so rich and beautiful that it must be preserved by any means. I would love to travel here, and live for a few months to really embed myself with the language. Their command of the language is so impressive!
Are u indian
You can learn kannada which also sounds similar to sanskrit but kannada is Dravidian classic language
संस्कृत भाषाया: संजालिय विकास हेतु वयम् भारतीय जनान् एकिभूय संस्कृतम् विश्वव्यापी भाषा रचयाम:।अतः भवताम् योगदानं आवश्यकम् अस्ति।संस्कृत भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति या चतुर्वेर्दै:एकादश उपनिषदै: एवम् लक्ष ग्रन्थै: पवित्रां भवति।अस्याम् भाषायाम् अष्टोत्तर शतवर्णा: भवन्ति ये सूर्यस्य किरणै: च हिन्दू देवता शंकरस्य ढक्का द्वारा उत्पन्ना: अभवन् तत्कालीन समये एताम् भाषाम् मातृभाषा अमन्यत् परम् अद्यत्वे भारत एषा भाषा जीविता अस्ति।अतः अस्या: देवभाष्या:समुचित विकास एवं पुनरुद्धार हेतु एकम् संगठनं संचालितं येन संजालस्य माध्यमेन देववाणी संस्कृतम् जन भाषा भवेत्। यतोहि एषा भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति येन नासा सहित विश्वस्य अनेक संस्थानै: सिद्ध: कृत: यत् एषा एक ब्रह्माण्डस्य सर्वोतमा भाषा अस्ति । अतः एतस्य: सुमधुरं च सुंदरम् वैज्ञानिक भाषाया: विकास हेतु स्व अमूल्य समयः आवश्यकः।
यतोहि एतम् अलंकारम् लुप्तस्थ उपरान्त वयम् कांतिहीना: भविष्याम:।
संस्कृत भाषा के संजालीय विकास हेतु हम सभी भारतीयों को एक होकर संस्कृत को विश्वव्यापी भाषा बनाना है,जिसमें आपका योगदान भी आवश्यक है ।
संस्कृत ऐसी भाषा है जो ४ वेदों ११उपनिषद एवं लाखों ग्रन्थो द्वारा पवित्र होती है , इसमें कुुल १०८ वर्ण होते हैं जो सूर्य के किरणों द्वारा व हिंदू देवता शंकरजी के डमरु द्वारा उत्पन्न हुये हैं । तत्कालीन समय मे इसे मृत भाषा माना जाने लगा अतः इस देवताओं की वाणी के समुचित विकास एवं पुनरूद्धार हेतु एक संगठन संचालित किया गया है ताकी संजाल के माध्यम से देववाणी संस्कृत को जन-जन तक पहुचाया जा सके ,क्योंकी यह सिर्फ एक ऐसी भाषा है जिसे नासा सहित विश्व के अनेक संस्थानों ने शिद्ध किया कि यही एक ब्रम्हाण्ड की सर्वोच्च भाषा है । अतः इस सुमधुर व सुंदर वैज्ञानिक भाषा के विकास हेतु अपना अमूल्य समय जरूर दें क्योंकी इस अलंकार को खोने के उपरान्त हम सब कान्तीहीन हो जायेंगे।
अतः आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि इस ग्रुप से जुड़ कर इस भाषा को विलुप्त होने से बचा ले और अपनी भूमिका निभाए।
My mum is Sanskrit PHD and I learnt when I was a kid.. I keep finding opportunity to read in Sanskrit even being in Australia
I am learning too.. from Boston
Always amazed by karnataka and its people..... 🧡 from kerala
No doubt Karnataka is best state of India and banglore is city of intellectual in India in real sense..
I'm from west Bengal darjeeling siliguri I love sanskrit languages
This is fascinating. How wonderful to see Sanskrit being used as a medium of daily communication! Jai Hind!
Im so fortunate... I learnt this beautiful language till class 10th... but thats not enough... I'll restart my learning now....😊😊
Blessed to learn and listen to the great 'DEVABHASHA SAMSKRUTHAM'. 🙏🙏
Government should be given more attention and more money for this wonderful village,,, nice to see this !!! Salute to all villagers for preserving our culture !!!
they are rich bro no need of money.
instead government should give attention to other backward villages of Karnataka .
the list is very large .
Sri Gurubyo Namaha - Mattur is truly a Divine place on earth fully of satvika janaa:
This place is full of positive energy and people are so friendly. I think the best way to learn Sanskrit in a more natural and easy manner would be to go and live for a few weeks over there. Far better than learning from a tutor.
I think i'll go there and learn Sanskrit.
@fff Your mouth is full of shit.
i went to mattur ast year and learned sanskrit. its really a wonderful experience being there.
Being a samskrutha student I feel very glad to know about this village.
I think samskrutha is the treasure of India.
Please learn samskrutha and preach samskrutha.😊
Samskrutham patanthu.
Ihthi aham savinayam sarvebhyah prathayami.
इति पश्य अहं बहवः प्रश्नं अस्मि
आस्माकं भारतस्य प्राचीन भाषा
इति ग्रामं अहं शत् शत् नमामि
Sanskrit is oldest language in the world..
Karnataka people we proud of you for save Sanskrit Language..
Love from Haryana 😍😍
No tamil is oldest language
@@armanescreation5474 sanskrit is oldest
@Aggressive Badger sanskrit can"t be older than Tamil because sanskrit is Indoeuropean language. Aryan tribes became to Indian subcontinent in XIX B.C and conquered Dravidian people and tamil language belongs to Dravidian group of language
@@emiliareimann 😂😂😂
random guy back to school dude
I am feeling proud that this village is in karnataka
I really feel so sad we have killed one of the treasured Language on this Planet . Sanskrit is so Divine !!!
@@tam240 Sanskrit is great it is mother of all languages
@@tam240 According to historical investigations, the oldest writings in the Tamil language date back to 300 BCE (Sangam literature) while the Sanskrit language dates to 1500 BCE (Rigveda: surveyed by Friedrich Max Müller).
@@aravindaraman8667 I'm not a tamilian. And I say tamil is older than Sanskrit. Get your facts straight instead of trying to prove your ignorant facts and looking dumb.
@@tam240 Can you please leave? Nobody is saying Tamil isn't the oldest language. We're just praising the beauty of Sanskrit. Don't turn everything into a debate. Just agree with people at times and take things easy. Gosh
Really feel sad people are forgetting this.since my child hood almost 10 years I studied sankritham. Am able to understand completely but can’t speak. Now trying to learn again
Still they fallowing culture and one and only sanskrit speaking village. Really this is proud movement still Brahminans agraharam alive.
Happy to see my culture being preserved!!!
Oh Kali!!
Don't have your eye on this ppl!!!
Long live you ppl!!!
Truth Triumph
same here. i am also happy to see this
I'm so happy speechless
Raghavendra Tanguturi
Well this video leaves my eyes moist... because the village is in our state of Karnataka... We must preserve sanskrit.. This is possible only when we all pledge to learn Sanskrit
Read more on my blog travelwithdreams.com/last-sanskrit-village-india/
Read more on my blog travelwithdreams.com/last-sanskrit-village-india/
Great job and I am proud to say I am a mattur girl 😊
Hello,i am from Haryana,i also want to learn Sanskrit.Could you pleasee tell me if they teach now also?
@@devrajicnuevadelhi9909 fr me also
@@vaishnavideshmukh8610 yeah,sure:)
@@devrajicnuevadelhi9909 upsc sanskrit optional lena.hai...aur sikhna bhi hai..kuch maarg
There is very good scope of sanskrit language.Maybe it will not help you economically but i am sure that mentally or we can say that spiritually it will help you.
Hopefully I found few contacts of muttur village from some videos.Till now I haven't called them beacause I am waiting till the coronavirus go.I hope these contacts may help you.
Sri nidhi - 09448976852
Girish sanskrit teacher - 09482928716
Meghana - 0535757274
I will learn Sanskrit ...Actually lucky i learnt it till class 8th..Now i will resume ...I just love speaking and listening this gorgeous mother of all languages language..Them i will try to use little Sanskrit in daily communication like we do Hindi in English and English in Hindi...
How has it gone?
Till ur 8th ? which state ?
I studied Sanskrit only in my 8 th 9 th and 10 th grade ... and i understand everything what he is saying ...how amazing
The most sacred language
किं सुन्दरं दृश्यम्😢
Excellent. Heaven on earth. Salutations to the villagers. My sashtang charan vandan
I speak Telugu and I can understand 70%-90% of what they are speaking.
अद्भुत। पूरे देश को इनसे सीख लेने की आवश्यक्ता है😃
robin grewal u hindustani people learn from dravidians. hindi and all hindustani languages almost dead became parsian arabic infunce.
We're not any 'istani' its hindusthan/bharat/aryavart...what is dravidian?
robin grewal we south people are dravidians. not hindu hindusthan hindi.
Really! Whats ur origin?
U not from indus?
How can we forget a language "Sanskrit" from which several other languages has been derived
we forgot sanskrit bcuz we derived other languages from it
@hhhhh sanskrit isn't the mother tongue of anyone in this country. it's been long dead and unlike north indian languages, dravidian languages didn't originate from sanskrit. they were influenced by it but they didn't descend from it. it's the same way that English has been heavily influenced by Latin but it's still a Germanic language
Every line sounds like a legendary quote from our scriptures.
just amazing.....so proud of them.....so proud of my culture....so proud of SANSKRIT language....
It's our language, we belong to this. Mother of our language. I wish I can learn
It's a god's language. I'm blessed.
This is amazing. If a dead language like Hebrew can be revived then so can Sanskrit.
The difference is No languages developed from Hebrew
@@robogamer2023 it was still able to be revived though regardless of it spawning any other languages. But it did - in a way Yiddish and ladino which are historically Jewish languages.
It seems like Sanskrit didn't really die. It lingers on with over 20k native speakers
Great, people preserving sanskrit and our culture
I can’t believe that I understood a lot of this. All the way to the end. 🇮🇳
I am from Bihar and unfortunately I studied Sanskrit for only three years in high school (CBSE). However, because I come from an area where spoken Hindi derives a lot of vocabulary and grammar from Sanskrit, I think I am able to figure out most of what the elderly mas was saying. Below is what I could translate. Please feel free to point out any mistakes.
"This is a Sanskrit village. This village’s old name is Matturu. This village was established by Vijayanagaram’s emperor. Now about me….my name is Sanketi Janaih. Sanketi is also the name of my community/caste. I am basically from Sangoti. I am 66 years old. My ancestors came to this village and settled down. At that time this place was mostly forest but they still settled down here. The Tunga river that you see there existed back then. At the bank of the Tunga river my ancestors would recite shlokas , perform evening prayers and do mantra incantation. On the other side of the bank, there is a way which is today called Shimoga-Mangalore road. One evening, the emperor of Vijaynagaram, Ramarai was taking this road on his way to Shimoga along with his entourage. His party felt thirsty and therefore the king sent his soldiers to fetch water from the Tunga river. There the soldies came across the Brahmins (priests) doing vedic incantation on both sides of the bank of the river and they were spellbound by it. The soldiers returned with the water and told the emperor about the magnificent and powerful sight and sound that they experienced. These Brahmins were not local (not from Karnataka) but they had come all the way from Kerala. The emperor came down to meet them and offered his respects to the Brahmins. The Brahmins told him that they have come from Kerala. The emperor asked them “what is your source of earning/avocation. Do you farm these lands?” To this the Brahmins replied “no we don’t own these lands but if the emperor could kindly grant us these lands then we can settle down here”. On hearing this the emperor Ramarai, asked his minister Triyambakarai to grant these lands to the Brahmins through a royal decree. And that’s how this village came to be inhabited by those Brahmins. A copy of that royal decree’s manuscript is still preserved in the Shimoga Archaeological Department."
He then talks about how in 1980 it was decided that this village should adopt Sanskrit language as Lingua Franca because a highly learned and respected visitor did not like the village being so rich in vedic culture but not speaking Sanskrit in day to day life.
He also spoke he's a proud kannadiga you might have missed it .rewatch it😀
amazing. warm regards from germany. i am self studying sanskrit and will definetly come to visit and stay in one of this villages. lets hope india opens the borders soon.
Khubsurat 😌 ...jb m purani chijon ko dekhti hu to mujhe garv hota h bhartiy hone pr, hamara desh, hm gadi ko bhi har pahnate h .sury dev ko kl arpan karte h , nadi ko nata ki trh pujte h Kitna hi chij h🌸
yalla kannada shalleyalli sanskruth kalisuthidare namma kannadigaru yestu munde iruthidaru i am proud to be an kannadiga
Y are u proud ? Have u learned sanskrit ?
@@Wish293 my mother tongue is kannada and i never learnt sanskrit.. but i could understand more than 90% of what the guy was telling.. because most of the verbs and nouns were similar to kannada.. so that is why i think he said we are proud to be kannadiga. And i think its more easy for a kannada speaking person to learn sanskrit.
kannada kalisakkeya aythilla ade saytha ada innu Samskrutha kalisudra kannada embadu bari kanasu asteya 😅😅
modal kannada school li kannada va acchugattagi kalisali amel Sanskrit bagge yochana maadom
संस्कृत भाषा ही देश की संस्कृति है अगर संस्कृत ही नहीं रहेंगी तो देश की संस्कृति नहीं रहेंगी।
हरि विष्णु ॐ महादेव
संस्कृतं मम् प्रिय भाषायाम् अस्याः भाषाः मुलः भारतवर्षस्य पूर्ण रूपेनांन वस्तुतः ज्ञानं भवेत्। अस्मिन् भाषे एतत् सर्वं क्षेत्रस्य स्थाने विद्यते एवं आदरणीयम् अस्ति। वंदेमातरम्। इति।
Are you teach me Sanskrit?
How many of us has decided to learn sanskrit to support this people
Comment yes in reply to whatapp group
@fff You sound as if you have poo in your mouth
i am still learning online.
How much happy they are..
Listing sound of birds, well trees, etc
To much good
Very nice to hear a village pupil is talking with Sanskrit knowledge. Very much glad . We will have to save the precious language. DhanyavadaH.
संस्कृत हमारे देश की भाषा है और सबसे पुरानी भाषा है। हमें इसकी इज़्ज़त करनी चाहिए और इसे आगे बढ़ना चाहिए।
Need to visit this village....proud of my culture being preserved
I am A Telugu Guy I can Understand 50 Percent Of Sanskrit In Ancient Telugu There Many Words Similar To Sanskrit
It's so strange , bro. I thought your language is closer to Tamil than Sanskrit
@Keymon Ache Tumi ki Bangali?
@@aspiringscientist1616 he he he Tamil is also a samskrutha derivative . All languages has been to adopt samskrutha because all gods names are in samskrutha none of the Indian languages are devoid of samskrutha Tamil fanatics say it
@@shreyastp787 No you are wrong tamil is not derived from sanskrit... Both are from two different language family....
@@waterpool6854 woww!! Periyar told?
wow...good to see old heritage being preserved via langauge
Very nice I love Sanskrit. We should all inculcate more Sanskrit speaking.
This sounds like people spitting fire freestyle raps/ poetry acapella when they are speaking 😅. Beautiful.
I am really Proud of this village.Sanskrit is so Divine.Jai Hind.
Rishabhadeva and legend of Brahmi .The name Brahmi script is said to have come from a Jain Legend. According to Indian legend the Jain thirthankara (monk) Rishabhadeva explained and taught the script to his daughters Brahmi and Soundhary. Therefore as a mark of this, the writing script is named Brahmi letters and the numerals is named Soundhary letters.
The name Brahmi is attributed to Rishabhadeva and his daughters Brahmi and Soundhary as stated in Kannada below:
"ಆದಿ ತೀರ್ಥಂಕರ ವೃಷಭ ದೇವನು ತನ್ನ ಕುಮಾರಿಯಾದ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮೀ ಸೌಂದರಿಯರಿಗೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಆಂಕಾಕ್ಷರ ಗಳನ್ನು ವಿವರಿಸಿದ ಕಾರಣದಿಂದಾಗಿ ಈ ಅಕ್ಷರ ಲಿಪಿಗೆ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮೀಲಿಪಿ ಎಂದು ಅಂಕ ಲಿಪಿಗೆ ಸೌಂದರಿ ಲಿಪಿ ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಖಚಿತವಾದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಯನ್ನು ಸಿರಿ ಭೂ ವಲಯವು ಬಹಳ ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿದೆ."
Its transliteration¬ is:
"Adi tIrthaMkara vRuShaBa dEvanu tanna kumAriyAda brAhmI sauMdariyarige kannaDa AMkAkShara gaLannu vivarisida kAraNadiMdAgi I akShara lipige brAhmIlipi eMdu aMka lipige sauMdari lipi eMdu hesarAgide. I KacitavAda mAhiti yannu siri BU valayavu bahaLa spaShTavAgi tiLiside."
English translation-Adi tirthankara has explained to his daughter Brahmi about the Canaris script and named BRAHMI script.
Has anybody tried to notice Kannada alphabets and relate to vedic symbols ?
Can we say that brahmi script actually initially tried to visualize vedic symbols/¬kannada symbols??
ಪ - the letter 'pa' .. The leter symbolizing padmaasana , this letter can be compared to symbol where a person sitting in padmasana posture.
ಶ - the letter 'sha' .. the letter symbolizing 'conch' which is very much used in vedic culture..
ಷ - the letter 'Sha' .. the letter symbolizes person with sacred thread in sitting posture.. you can imagine a 'ruShi'..
ನಿ - the letter 'ni' .. anybody notice this symbol is a kannada letter..
Looks like the kannada region was the first place where mostly occupied by vedic people.. But population density was very less compare to other regions of south india and able to retain sanskrit and its grammatical structure
As a student of sanskrit happy i can understand most of this.
Full India is watching you I will also your village to visit and like your village tourist place for Sanskrit language
Let's spread this great tradition across our Nation... An answer to climate change, greed, selfishness
Conflicts,.... Live in harmony with Nature, respect rivers, do farming and care cows and keep hygiene around us
Koti koti pranam to all those jivas ! I am very moved. I will try to visit next time. JAY !
I want to learn sanskrit so that i can read and understand my holy scriptures like Vedas, upnishads etc..
@fff Muhammad married a 6 year old child
Sanskriti language is my one of the favorite languages since I came in contact with it in eight standard... My father also happened to be a sanskriti teacher in a High School.. Now retired... So learning the Sanskriti Slokas, Sanskrit poems, Sanskrit proses from my father and teachers I felt great pleasure inside my heart at that time... And I myself used to learn the Veda Slokas little little from any sources like TV., Radio and from some out books than our own curriculum. I also took admission in a SANSKRIT TOL in our locality. I passed out three classes from that TOL namely - Pravesika, Madhyama and Sastri respectively.... Of course I had a great tendency to learn this devine language... But it was not get done properly.. Actually, now a days the lack of interest in the learning-teaching process by students and teachers, the lack of Sanskriti Schools, the lack of communications in some Sanskrit teaching schools are the main reasons for going down the value of this sweet language. That's why though some students like me like to learn it further it's not really happens in true sense.. We the generation and the future generations have to learn Sanskrit more and more, and the Sanskrit Panditas/concerned persons have to teach more and more Sanskrit.... Without these efforts we might lost it at one time.. Sanskrit is the oldest language in this planet earth.... So, we should respect it, we should try to learn it well and above these all we must have to keep Sanskrit Language alive in our hearts with great pleasure and proud.....
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
@@jitumonisarma3575 🙏🙏🙏
These all people speak Sanskrit as a mother language day to day!
Amazing kids are speaking in Sanskrit language. I love to stay and learn from this beautiful people someday.
Its possible in India with the government will and with people of India, can revive this language. 👍
Hebrew was a dead language in the late 19th century, today it's the official language of Israel just in ten decades.
Sanskrit as national language
Of course❤
Ur right👍
wow I hope to visit this place someday.......great people
Good JOB! Please Continue.One day whole India will back.
Sanskrit is an artificial language, coined by the Britishers.
@@65sohelalam 😂 fuck off dude
Namaskarangal. I wish to visit this divine heaven and spend good number of days, months here with these living Gods
It's good their bringing back Sanskrit most of the language in the world have loanwords from Sanskrit
Great to see that the ancient language is still spoken in this great divine village!🙏👏👍🙌🤝 I hope this village brings the knowledge of Sanskrit and its Vedic / Devine knowledge across India and bring the Sanskrit language glory back to india and world at Large! Best wishes . Pranams to the village people for keeping this wonderful Sanskrit speaking tradition still alive in this modern era and keep it like this forever! Hope you do some research in Sanskrit and make it get it’s deserving Vaibhavam again 👏🙇
Great! Keep it up. Tks
I wish one day our entire nation will communicate in Sanskrit. I can read and write, but don't have fluency in understanding and consciously speaking.
Someday I will visit This village and spend atleast a year here and learn Sanskrit from these great people who kept this language alive in its essence 🙏🙏
I feel proud that I got the chance to admit in saraswati shishu mandir and learn this "Sanskritam" language from Class II. I continued learning Sanskrit till Graduation. We should preserve this language. Moreover, अमृतं मधुरं सम्यक् संस्कृतं हि ततोSधिकम
Let's make our movements to make sanskrit language as national language
Yes telugu orginated From sañskrit
@நாகராஜ ஐயர்- சேர பாண்டிய நாட்டு அந்தணன் vedas are the words of god, since there is no pre-god time therefore there is no pre vadic tradition
there is no National language to India .
my National language, god's language , divine language , everything is KANNADA only
@@unknownwarrior123 Sanskrit is second to none, regional languages are material, Sanskrit is spritual
@@anirbansain5231 who told you ? our spiritual, divine , God everything is KANNADA
great ...Periyar followers should buy burnol and apply
We are not dravidians only Tamils are
It is only the ignorance of Tamil people fueled with Dravidian parties. The culture mix of Tamil and Sanskrit has always been along time. We see it in the agamas of Temple in South which is a mix of both. Dont worry, time will come back to rise the land for better and unite us.
*Yups ! I am myself from Mattur, Karnataka, South India. There are a group of Brahmin people who have occupied our village Maatur. The village name is a chaste Tamil word. Earlier in this place various local tribes of Paraiahs were living. These new comers, the so called present kannada Brahmins are living here. Their mother tongue is actually kannada but it's just that they are studying & trying to communicate in clinically/biologically dead Sanskrit and as well trying to fool the world that Sanskrit is being still spoken in India. Please don't be fooled by these fake news/videos on TV/RUclips. I can make a video on RUclips that Bengali is being spoken in California and claim that Americans speak Bengali which is utter absurdity. Sanskrit was never spoken here in the distant past. These are kannada Brahmins learning and obviously trying to communicate in Sanskrit but it's not an Indigenous language of Mattur of Karnataka.*
@Parveen Banu did i anywherr mention tamil people to learn Sanskrit? Hatred for Sanskrit was created by Beriyyar because he hated bhramins. Bhramins don't own Sanskrit. If you see that way you will not find any issues
@Parveen Banu not exactly. He hated because of a public function where bhramin students sat separately from other community students while eating food. I don't say what Periyar did is wrong or what bhramin did is right but to hate Sanskrit for the sake of defending bhramins ins stupidity.
I promise it is my sankalp .I will learn Sanskrit.
Love this village, love to learn sanskrit 🙏
I Will resume my Sanskrit Learning too ❤️☘️
Preserve this place
@Inhsult aapke jaise log nhi rhege to....
Y kaliyug ...kaise nhoga ...aapke naam se hi dikhtahai
Inshut k liye paida hue h...dharti p.bojh...
I eager to visit this village
Make sure you don't spoil them with modern technology, FB page and the latest gadgets. Have a great journey..
they already use all modern technology and there is at least 1 software engineer in every house
so dont think theyre backward
Hi Kugesh, Namaste - I am planning to stay in the village for practicing and learning Sanskrit. But I don't know who to contact before I kick off my journey. As I think it would be better to have a talk with someone living there who can guide me about things which i need to be prepared with and also how i would be able to arrange my accommodation there and food. I would appreciate your any help in this regard..
Contact numbers for Mattur - Sri Nidhi - 09448976852, Girish Sanskrit teacher - 09482928716. Stay at shimoga. Plenty of hotels available. Shimoga - Mattur is hardly 20 mins
Santhosh Krishnan,What is the arrangement for lodging there?
Nice to see people speaking Sanskrit,
I love Karntaka 🇮🇳 people love from Haryana 🇮🇳
I am a Sankethi born to a Brahmin family.. Ashamed to admit I can't speak fluent Samskrutha, I am a devout Kannadiga , but I feel only Samskrutha can truly unite all of Akhanda Arya Bharath Land.
What is sanskrit for hard work and sweat?
Shame on you atleast don't use A after sanskrith as sanskritha don't spoil the real name of that word
Nothing Good will happen in India....only shit happens....sad truth. A country destined to remain shit until the world comes to an end.
Don’t be ashamed my friend you can always learn
@@piyushsoni0307 you should be ashamed he has told it perfectly fine it is not sanskrith . You have a Hindi influence so u r saying it like that संस्कृत means smaskruta not sanskrith .u r Hindi has like that the last letter is pooranakshara not Alpa Akshara so please don’t teach us about samskrutha .
Hume apne sanskriti ko bnaye rakhne ke liye sankrit ki jarurat h . Hume garv hota h ki aaj bhi hmare desh m aise mahan log h jo hume sanskrit sikhate hai.
I want to learn Sanskrit, will they teach me?
to whom I should contact?
I'm from Belgaum
I am a Sinhalese from Sri Lanka..I can understand 95% what they speak..
We need to Encourage Bharatiya's Ethos.
They are Bharathavarshe, BharathaKandye, Mantra, Shloka, Sutra and Stotra, Bharatha Natyam, Kathakali, n Other Cultural Dances, Carnatic Music/ Sangeet, Sanskrit n Devanagari languages, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Herbal, PranicHealing, WaterTherapy VedicScience, VedicMaths, VedicFood, Vedic Literature, VedicAstronomy, VedicAstrology, VedicVastu, n Sanathana Dharma. Valuable things like Vedic Pranic food n other India's Most Valuable Values.
हमारी देवभाषा जहाँ कहीं भी बुरे शब्दो का
प्रयोग नहीं किया गया।🚩🚩🚩
We....bengalees think that.....no other provincial language but sanskrit language should be our "rashtrabhasa".....let us make that movement
Seems it is not so difficult like Russian, Mandarin or German. Only thing needed is a sincere try. But the teachers are rare. Once you master this great language there are many books waiting for you from the vault of knowledge.
sanskrit is most tough language in universe.... and most intelligent....
Such a wonderful heritage, one must visit place in this life.
I pray his wish of making his village a Sanskrit speaking comes true....
amazing video. thanks
I can understand him 80% of the time. It seems like little modern Sanskrit. Its clear except the teacher others are not so fluent in Sanskrit. They must be using their local languages to communicate, only the teacher knows to speak in Sanskrit.
Yup..They are kannada people..
Very beautiful sounding language.
I love Sanskrit 🙏🙏
I Love INDIA 🙏🙏🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
I started learning Sanskrit. I would love to visit this place next time I am in India.
I can understand some of his sentences as we've studied संस्कृत
मे संस्कृत गाँव पर गर्व करता हूँ।जब तक संस्कृत जीवित है सनातन धर्म विद्यमान रहेगा।
संस्कृत भाषाया: संजालिय विकास हेतु वयम् भारतीय जनान् एकिभूय संस्कृतम् विश्वव्यापी भाषा रचयाम:।अतः भवताम् योगदानं आवश्यकम् अस्ति।संस्कृत भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति या चतुर्वेर्दै:एकादश उपनिषदै: एवम् लक्ष ग्रन्थै: पवित्रां भवति।अस्याम् भाषायाम् अष्टोत्तर शतवर्णा: भवन्ति ये सूर्यस्य किरणै: च हिन्दू देवता शंकरस्य ढक्का द्वारा उत्पन्ना: अभवन् तत्कालीन समये एताम् भाषाम् मातृभाषा अमन्यत् परम् अद्यत्वे भारत एषा भाषा जीविता अस्ति।अतः अस्या: देवभाष्या:समुचित विकास एवं पुनरुद्धार हेतु एकम् संगठनं संचालितं येन संजालस्य माध्यमेन देववाणी संस्कृतम् जन भाषा भवेत्। यतोहि एषा भाषा एतादृशी भाषा अस्ति येन नासा सहित विश्वस्य अनेक संस्थानै: सिद्ध: कृत: यत् एषा एक ब्रह्माण्डस्य सर्वोतमा भाषा अस्ति । अतः एतस्य: सुमधुरं च सुंदरम् वैज्ञानिक भाषाया: विकास हेतु स्व अमूल्य समयः आवश्यकः।
यतोहि एतम् अलंकारम् लुप्तस्थ उपरान्त वयम् कांतिहीना: भविष्याम:।
संस्कृत भाषा के संजालीय विकास हेतु हम सभी भारतीयों को एक होकर संस्कृत को विश्वव्यापी भाषा बनाना है,जिसमें आपका योगदान भी आवश्यक है ।
संस्कृत ऐसी भाषा है जो ४ वेदों ११उपनिषद एवं लाखों ग्रन्थो द्वारा पवित्र होती है , इसमें कुुल १०८ वर्ण होते हैं जो सूर्य के किरणों द्वारा व हिंदू देवता शंकरजी के डमरु द्वारा उत्पन्न हुये हैं । तत्कालीन समय मे इसे मृत भाषा माना जाने लगा अतः इस देवताओं की वाणी के समुचित विकास एवं पुनरूद्धार हेतु एक संगठन संचालित किया गया है ताकी संजाल के माध्यम से देववाणी संस्कृत को जन-जन तक पहुचाया जा सके ,क्योंकी यह सिर्फ एक ऐसी भाषा है जिसे नासा सहित विश्व के अनेक संस्थानों ने शिद्ध किया कि यही एक ब्रम्हाण्ड की सर्वोच्च भाषा है । अतः इस सुमधुर व सुंदर वैज्ञानिक भाषा के विकास हेतु अपना अमूल्य समय जरूर दें क्योंकी इस अलंकार को खोने के उपरान्त हम सब कान्तीहीन हो जायेंगे।
अतः आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि इस ग्रुप से जुड़ कर इस भाषा को विलुप्त होने से बचा ले और अपनी भूमिका निभाए।