Thank You Thank You Thank You , you are a Life saver You have no idea how much you have helped me , you always pull through for me. God Bless you Stephen
Very good interpretation. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; Matthew:27:51. The prince is Jesus, the people of the prince are the Jews. So, the people of the prince destroyed the city and the sanctuary. "The veil of the temple rent" implies the sanctuary was destroyed. The earthquake shakes the city. "The rocks rent" implies the city was destroyed. These happened due to crucifixion of Jesus. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. Matthew:27:25. Now we can say, the people of the prince destroyed the city and the sanctuary. ''The end thereof..." means destruction of temple itself by Titus in 70AD.
Around 47:30, Pastor Bohr is trying to make the case that the prince that shall come is referring to the Jews bringing Calamity upon themselves by rejecting the Messiah. While this is true to a certain extent, the prince that this passage is referring to is simply saying the prince of the people who 'are coming' will destroy the City and the temple. I notice that Pastor Bohr continuously interject what he considers unique and correct interpretations. I hear him say all the time, "and I say" Etc. isn't that what Jesus often said when he was on Earth? well He Jesus is the author of the scriptures and He very well could say that because He is God. It seem that Pastor Bohr is uplifting himself as God Yahweh by interpreting scripture as he pleases. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he just makes many errors. However after hearing him do this over and over, I believe he wants to be known as the big dog of Adventist preachers and the scriptural super heavyweight when it comes to interpreting and explaining them. Careful my brother, these same scriptures talk about what will happen if people attempt to change the holy word.
New School Tennis Association NSTA - Well, you are wrong on all counts. The Bible interprets itself and this is how Pastor Bohr studies the Bible. He also relies on the Holy Spirit to guide him. The prince that is to come is referring to Christ Jesus, and the Jewish rejection is what causes the destruction of their temple and Jerusalem. Their actual probation as God;s chosen nation ended in 34 AD, when Stephen was stoned. This was the end of the 490 years of the 2300 day/year prophecy of Daniel. In His mercy God granted individual Jews extra time to accept Christianity - until 70 AD. Christ’s church is now spiritual Israel. Christ only has one bride and that is Israel. Literal Israel never got it right. Their religious leaders were just like Papal Rome - all traditions of men. They never understood the spiritual aspects of their own religion. The never accepted their prophets, of whom Christ sent plenty. The bride of Christ as literal Israel ended - but Christ’s bride is still with us today and is found in the remnant of the seed of Abraham - grafted into the vine of Christ where the literal Israel branches had been removed. Christ’s bride is now spiritual Israel, and includes those that keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. They also have the testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy as described in REV 19. Israel will always have a prophet, and there will be more to come in the final days - as promised by the Word.
I hold the same view that he has misinterpreted the reference for the second prince whose people will destroy the city and the sanctuary which literally talks about the king (little Horn) from chapter 8. I however don't think he wants to be viewed highly by interpretation but rather that he has good motives for all his presentations.
I still can't get all of the teaching, but I know that Preterism and futurists is jesuit crap. My brain got fried after a stroke, so it will take a little longer.
He is wrong on the term 'christ'. Not the same as Messiah. & surely u don't really think Andrew said "which is being interpreted the Christ". That was added by the translators when they brought it into Greek, & HELLENIZED the text. 666, the number of a name, & that name is 'christ'. It is speaking of the "ANOTHER" Paul warned of in 2 Cor. 11:1-4. Go to e-sword at Rev. 13:18, click on Vincent's Word Studies & read what it says. The number 666 represents the man of sin in the "temple".
@Esin Esin If you would read to see how much danger you are in with your "man of sin" sitting in your 'temple'. 2 Thessalonians is thought to be written around 51 to 52 A.D.. In this early part of chapter two Paul corrects some who were teaching error concerning the timing of the second coming, and provides a very shocking warning few have eyes to see or ears to hear. What about you? 2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Master Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. [So the second coming WAS NOT at hand, and DID NOT happen with the Acts 2 Comforter, as a few preterists still teach.] 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [FALLING AWAY automatically tells you it is ANOTHER FAITH ... in this case, Another Messiah, Another Gospel and Another spirit (i.e. A Bible disguised supernatural entity, not a political or military movement or leader.) ... and whatever it is ... IT’S BIG. Noticeable. Many followers, “many deceivers” with the “another spirit”, 2 John 1:7. Obviously, Titus, as many preterists claim, could not be this ‘man of sin’.] 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Yahweh, or that is worshipped; so that he as Yahweh sitteth in the temple of Yahweh, shewing himself that he is Yahweh. [He is ADVERSARIAL and OPPOSITE to the True Messiah Yahshua. This ‘temple’ is “naos”, not a building, but in the BODY as Paul and Stephen point out. The body of the very people the Bible message was directed at. And many of the deceived will see this ‘man of sin’ as if he were Yahweh himself.] 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. [So there was a particular time for this ‘man of sin’to become known on a grand scale and commonplace, but something was holding it back from that grandeur.] 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. [THIS SECRET ENTITY WAS ALREADY MANIFESTING. Titus certainly was not, being 12 to 14 years old when Paul wrote this. But something was holding it back from its status where such would bring about a MAJOR “falling away” from the TRUE FAITH Yahshua and the army of brethren actually proclaimed. A REPLACEMENT OF THE REAL ... an erroneous “INTERPRETATION” (John 1:41). The pagan Roman leadership was forbidding even this “man of sin” from being spread far and wide freely, throughout the known world and beyond. The Roman leadership would eventually be changed, dramatically, over 200 years later. Rome was even executing those found to be part of this ‘man of sin’ following. Martyrdom does not mean such is dying for the truth.] 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Master shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [The WICKED was indeed revealed to the world on a grand scale that continues to this day. The Master speaks through his REMNANT SAINTS, and they manifest the spirit of his mouth, the Holy Spirit. It is this Spirit led remnant that expose and destroy this religious entity spiritually showing it is part of a SOLAR CULT, as he comes forth laced in a form of cloaked satanic Sun worship, i.e. brightness, like an ‘angel of light’, ... like the birth of the sun being his celebrated ‘birthday’, required gathering on Rome’s SUNDAY, the very symbols in this replacement faith actually being solar symbols, like the cross. Standard cloaks of Satan for centuries prior.] 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [This bright coming is Satan’s grand deception. A job he acquired as part of Yahweh’s curse upon these people. Powerful signs and wonders would keep the people in the deception, as they point to those ‘miracles’in their own life, or those claimed by the hierarchy, which they attribute to this ‘man of sin’ they worship and have in their temple, i.e. the body / mind.] 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [It deceives them completely, but it is because they reject ‘truth’... “thy law is truth” ... What does this religion reject? Yahweh’s law.] 11 And for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: [These RELIGIOUS PEOPLE the message of the Bible is to, with this false messiah in their temple are under a curse from Yahweh. And it is “strong”, designed to have them BELIEVE THE LIE.] 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. [The intent of Yahweh for the law rejecters, is to damn them. He has Satan working this solar cult deep in their mind ... and they are in fact worshiping Satan under the disguise of this ‘man of sin’.] Get the blasphemous lie out of your mind; the “man of sin” is NOT a bad guy coming in the future bent on world domination. Those that believe such are under the actual “strong delusion” this passage promises as a curse from Yahweh ... to DAMN them for their rejection of the truth, Psalm 119:142, and “pleasure in unrighteousness”, breaking His laws. As the pharisees of old, so too the church world today, making void the commandments of Yahweh by their traditions ... whose leaven is hypocrisy. Revelations 2 and 3 show clearly that BEFORE 95 A.D., less than 43 years from Paul writing 2 Thessalonians, most all churches were so far gone they were worthy of death. The synagogue of Satan, Rev.2:9, 3:9, claimed jews doing much damage to the true faith and the texts. They did it. It got worse from there, not better. They replaced the True Messiah with a false one. The “wolves” DID enter in and devour the flock, as Paul warned would happen, and many promote THEIR TEACHINGS as if it’s the truth. You didn’t really think the “narrow way” “few find” is today’s 3 billion strong largest religion in the world did you? Satan has deceived the whole world, Rev. 12:9... by 95 A.D.. The “man of sin” is not “the antimessiah”; as “antimessiah” is a “spirit”, 1 John 4:3, in “many”, 1 John 2:18, that was even present before John wrote the warning around 90 A.D.. Therefore, it is not the popes, though they certainly have the spirit of antimessiah. The “man of sin” is not the “horn” of Daniyl 7; that’s the line of Popes of the Mother Harlot Church - the final stage of the fourth Beast of Daniyl’s dream, who “change times and laws” which practically every christian on the face of the Earth today observe in the form of a pagan solar calendar and unscriptural holiday’s instead of Yahweh’s given in the Bible. Yes, so when it says “first day of the week” in the Bible, or “seventh day”, it isn’t talking about Rome’s “first day” or Rome’s “seventh day”. You’re under the “strong delusion” if you think “Saturday” is Yahweh’s Sabbath. Even modern jews tell you it isn’t, as they practice talmudic judaism, not the Bible. The “man of sin” is the false messiah, the “ANOTHER” - 2 Corinthians 11:4, that was promised, who sits in the “temple” (NAOS - G3485 not Hieron - G2411 nor Oikos - G3624) exalted AS IF he were Yahweh, when he is but a “working of Satan”. The “man of sin” is the false messiah of the Mother of Harlots church and her daughter churches, orthodox and Protestants, promote. The “man of sin” is the one for which the pope is “vicar”, the pope being the promised false apostle of the false messiah, 2 Cor. 11:13! It says they corrupted the word of Yahweh in 2 Cor. 2:17! Do you believe it? The packaged and formulated false messiah of Rome, the one the WOLVES BROUGHT IN 200+ YEARS EARLIER THAN CONSTANTINE TO REPLACE THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA is “Jesus Christ”, Iesous Christos, the promised “man of sin” sitting in the NAOS ... the BODY/MIND ... of those to whom the message was addressed, but love unrighteousness. We’re not talking about what’s going on in China, New Guinea or darkest Africa! For about 300 years in much of Europe this BEAST SYSTEM of the false messiah “man of sin” made it against the law to traffic any business unless you were a christian ... or had the mark of this ‘man of sin’ identified as a name behind the number 666. That name? “christ”. Vincent’s Word Studies, available on numerous online bible software, and on E-sword, at Rev. 13:18 says: “Six hundred threescore and six (χ. ξ. ς') Each letter represents a component of the whole number: χ = 600; ξ = 60; ς' = 6. χς' the name of Christ abridged, and ξ the emblem of the serpent, so that the sublimated sense is the Messiah of Satan.” The “man of sin” sitting in the TEMPLE exalted as if he were Yahweh is the false messiah, a “working of Satan”, ‘jesus christ’.
@@farwestgarohills3831 Erroneous. As with many languages, Hebrew and Greek included, credit as to which deity is being acknowledged is in the term. "Olympos" "Olympus" ("The abode or throne of Zeus") "Didymus" ("Double of Copy of Zeus") "Chrestos" "Christos" ("Anointed of Zeus" "Anointed of Helios") vs. "Mashiyah" ("Anointed of Yahweh"). It is the very reason the interpolated statement is rightly translated in a KJV AS A WARNING which you do not care to research, in John 1:41, "interpreted". "CHRISTOS" is a hellenized bastardized INTERPRETATION of "Mashiyah", not a translation. And, "christos" is the name of the man in question in Rev. 13:18, (see Vincent's Word Studies, for example). Stop following the "another" that came in his own name, John 5:43. Stop following the "another" Paul warned of, with your "another gospel" and "another spirit" ... the "spirit of antimessiah" 2Cor. 11:4. That Mother of Harlots or one of her daughter solar cults has you. Come out.
Thank You Thank You Thank You , you are a Life saver
You have no idea how much you have helped me , you always pull through for me.
God Bless you Stephen
Thanks pastor.
powerful and trustworthy message. Vilas an Vidya.
Amen Pastor.
Very good interpretation.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
Matthew:27:51. The prince is Jesus, the people of the prince are the Jews. So, the people of the prince destroyed the city and the sanctuary. "The veil of the temple rent" implies the sanctuary was destroyed. The earthquake shakes the city. "The rocks rent" implies the city was destroyed. These happened due to crucifixion of Jesus. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Matthew:27:25. Now we can say, the people of the prince destroyed the city and the sanctuary. ''The end thereof..." means destruction of temple itself by Titus in 70AD.
God Bless
Around 47:30, Pastor Bohr is trying to make the case that the prince that shall come is referring to the Jews bringing Calamity upon themselves by rejecting the Messiah. While this is true to a certain extent, the prince that this passage is referring to is simply saying the prince of the people who 'are coming' will destroy the City and the temple. I notice that Pastor Bohr continuously interject what he considers unique and correct interpretations. I hear him say all the time, "and I say" Etc. isn't that what Jesus often said when he was on Earth? well He Jesus is the author of the scriptures and He very well could say that because He is God. It seem that Pastor Bohr is uplifting himself as God Yahweh by interpreting scripture as he pleases. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he just makes many errors. However after hearing him do this over and over, I believe he wants to be known as the big dog of Adventist preachers and the scriptural super heavyweight when it comes to interpreting and explaining them. Careful my brother, these same scriptures talk about what will happen if people attempt to change the holy word.
New School Tennis Association NSTA - Well, you are wrong on all counts. The Bible interprets itself and this is how Pastor Bohr studies the Bible. He also relies on the Holy Spirit to guide him. The prince that is to come is referring to Christ Jesus, and the Jewish rejection is what causes the destruction of their temple and Jerusalem. Their actual probation as God;s chosen nation ended in 34 AD, when Stephen was stoned. This was the end of the 490 years of the 2300 day/year prophecy of Daniel. In His mercy God granted individual Jews extra time to accept Christianity - until 70 AD. Christ’s church is now spiritual Israel. Christ only has one bride and that is Israel. Literal Israel never got it right. Their religious leaders were just like Papal Rome - all traditions of men. They never understood the spiritual aspects of their own religion. The never accepted their prophets, of whom Christ sent plenty. The bride of Christ as literal Israel ended - but Christ’s bride is still with us today and is found in the remnant of the seed of Abraham - grafted into the vine of Christ where the literal Israel branches had been removed. Christ’s bride is now spiritual Israel, and includes those that keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. They also have the testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy as described in REV 19. Israel will always have a prophet, and there will be more to come in the final days - as promised by the Word.
I hold the same view that he has misinterpreted the reference for the second prince whose people will destroy the city and the sanctuary which literally talks about the king (little Horn) from chapter 8. I however don't think he wants to be viewed highly by interpretation but rather that he has good motives for all his presentations.
I still can't get all of the teaching, but I know that Preterism and futurists
is jesuit crap. My brain got fried after a stroke, so it will take a little longer.
He is wrong on the term 'christ'. Not the same as Messiah. & surely u don't really think Andrew said "which is being interpreted the Christ". That was added by the translators when they brought it into Greek, & HELLENIZED the text.
666, the number of a name, & that name is 'christ'. It is speaking of the "ANOTHER" Paul warned of in 2 Cor. 11:1-4. Go to e-sword at Rev. 13:18, click on Vincent's Word Studies & read what it says. The number 666 represents the man of sin in the "temple".
@Esin Esin If you would read to see how much danger you are in with your "man of sin" sitting in your 'temple'.
2 Thessalonians is thought to be written around 51 to 52 A.D.. In this early part of chapter two Paul corrects some who were teaching error concerning the timing of the second coming, and provides a very shocking warning few have eyes to see or ears to hear. What about you?
2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Master Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. [So the second coming WAS NOT at hand, and DID NOT happen with the Acts 2 Comforter, as a few preterists still teach.]
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [FALLING AWAY automatically tells you it is ANOTHER FAITH ... in this case, Another Messiah, Another Gospel and Another spirit (i.e. A Bible disguised supernatural entity, not a political or military movement or leader.) ... and whatever it is ... IT’S BIG. Noticeable. Many followers, “many deceivers” with the “another spirit”, 2 John 1:7. Obviously, Titus, as many preterists claim, could not be this ‘man of sin’.]
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Yahweh, or that is worshipped; so that he as Yahweh sitteth in the temple of Yahweh, shewing himself that he is Yahweh. [He is ADVERSARIAL and OPPOSITE to the True Messiah Yahshua. This ‘temple’ is “naos”, not a building, but in the BODY as Paul and Stephen point out. The body of the very people the Bible message was directed at. And many of the deceived will see this ‘man of sin’ as if he were Yahweh himself.]
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. [So there was a particular time for this ‘man of sin’to become known on a grand scale and commonplace, but something was holding it back from that grandeur.]
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. [THIS SECRET ENTITY WAS ALREADY MANIFESTING. Titus certainly was not, being 12 to 14 years old when Paul wrote this. But something was holding it back from its status where such would bring about a MAJOR “falling away” from the TRUE FAITH Yahshua and the army of brethren actually proclaimed. A REPLACEMENT OF THE REAL ... an erroneous “INTERPRETATION” (John 1:41). The pagan Roman leadership was forbidding even this “man of sin” from being spread far and wide freely, throughout the known world and beyond. The Roman leadership would eventually be changed, dramatically, over 200 years later. Rome was even executing those found to be part of this ‘man of sin’ following. Martyrdom does not mean such is dying for the truth.]
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Master shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [The WICKED was indeed revealed to the world on a grand scale that continues to this day. The Master speaks through his REMNANT SAINTS, and they manifest the spirit of his mouth, the Holy Spirit. It is this Spirit led remnant that expose and destroy this religious entity spiritually showing it is part of a SOLAR CULT, as he comes forth laced in a form of cloaked satanic Sun worship, i.e. brightness, like an ‘angel of light’, ... like the birth of the sun being his celebrated ‘birthday’, required gathering on Rome’s SUNDAY, the very symbols in this replacement faith actually being solar symbols, like the cross. Standard cloaks of Satan for centuries prior.]
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [This bright coming is Satan’s grand deception. A job he acquired as part of Yahweh’s curse upon these people. Powerful signs and wonders would keep the people in the deception, as they point to those ‘miracles’in their own life, or those claimed by the hierarchy, which they attribute to this ‘man of sin’ they worship and have in their temple, i.e. the body / mind.]
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [It deceives them completely, but it is because they reject ‘truth’... “thy law is truth” ... What does this religion reject? Yahweh’s law.]
11 And for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: [These RELIGIOUS PEOPLE the message of the Bible is to, with this false messiah in their temple are under a curse from Yahweh. And it is “strong”, designed to have them BELIEVE THE LIE.]
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. [The intent of Yahweh for the law rejecters, is to damn them. He has Satan working this solar cult deep in their mind ... and they are in fact worshiping Satan under the disguise of this ‘man of sin’.]
Get the blasphemous lie out of your mind; the “man of sin” is NOT a bad guy coming in the future bent on world domination. Those that believe such are under the actual “strong delusion” this passage promises as a curse from Yahweh ... to DAMN them for their rejection of the truth, Psalm 119:142, and “pleasure in unrighteousness”, breaking His laws. As the pharisees of old, so too the church world today, making void the commandments of Yahweh by their traditions ... whose leaven is hypocrisy. Revelations 2 and 3 show clearly that BEFORE 95 A.D., less than 43 years from Paul writing 2 Thessalonians, most all churches were so far gone they were worthy of death. The synagogue of Satan, Rev.2:9, 3:9, claimed jews doing much damage to the true faith and the texts. They did it. It got worse from there, not better. They replaced the True Messiah with a false one. The “wolves” DID enter in and devour the flock, as Paul warned would happen, and many promote THEIR TEACHINGS as if it’s the truth. You didn’t really think the “narrow way” “few find” is today’s 3 billion strong largest religion in the world did you? Satan has deceived the whole world, Rev. 12:9... by 95 A.D..
The “man of sin” is not “the antimessiah”; as “antimessiah” is a “spirit”, 1 John 4:3, in “many”, 1 John 2:18, that was even present before John wrote the warning around 90 A.D.. Therefore, it is not the popes, though they certainly have the spirit of antimessiah. The “man of sin” is not the “horn” of Daniyl 7; that’s the line of Popes of the Mother Harlot Church - the final stage of the fourth Beast of Daniyl’s dream, who “change times and laws” which practically every christian on the face of the Earth today observe in the form of a pagan solar calendar and unscriptural holiday’s instead of Yahweh’s given in the Bible. Yes, so when it says “first day of the week” in the Bible, or “seventh day”, it isn’t talking about Rome’s “first day” or Rome’s “seventh day”. You’re under the “strong delusion” if you think “Saturday” is Yahweh’s Sabbath. Even modern jews tell you it isn’t, as they practice talmudic judaism, not the Bible. The “man of sin” is the false messiah, the “ANOTHER” - 2 Corinthians 11:4, that was promised, who sits in the “temple” (NAOS - G3485 not Hieron - G2411 nor Oikos - G3624) exalted AS IF he were Yahweh, when he is but a “working of Satan”. The “man of sin” is the false messiah of the Mother of Harlots church and her daughter churches, orthodox and Protestants, promote. The “man of sin” is the one for which the pope is “vicar”, the pope being the promised false apostle of the false messiah, 2 Cor. 11:13! It says they corrupted the word of Yahweh in 2 Cor. 2:17! Do you believe it? The packaged and formulated false messiah of Rome, the one the WOLVES BROUGHT IN 200+ YEARS EARLIER THAN CONSTANTINE TO REPLACE THE TRUE MESSIAH YAHSHUA is “Jesus Christ”, Iesous Christos, the promised “man of sin” sitting in the NAOS ... the BODY/MIND ... of those to whom the message was addressed, but love unrighteousness. We’re not talking about what’s going on in China, New Guinea or darkest Africa!
For about 300 years in much of Europe this BEAST SYSTEM of the false messiah “man of sin” made it against the law to traffic any business unless you were a christian ... or had the mark of this ‘man of sin’ identified as a name behind the number 666. That name? “christ”. Vincent’s Word Studies, available on numerous online bible software, and on E-sword, at Rev. 13:18 says:
“Six hundred threescore and six (χ. ξ. ς')
Each letter represents a component of the whole number: χ = 600; ξ = 60; ς' = 6.
χς' the name of Christ abridged, and ξ the emblem of the serpent, so that the sublimated sense is the Messiah of Satan.”
The “man of sin” sitting in the TEMPLE exalted as if he were Yahweh is the false messiah, a “working of Satan”, ‘jesus christ’.
@Esin Esin
"Christ" in Greek is direct translation for "Messiah" in Hebrew. He is all the way right.
@@farwestgarohills3831 Erroneous. As with many languages, Hebrew and Greek included, credit as to which deity is being acknowledged is in the term. "Olympos" "Olympus" ("The abode or throne of Zeus") "Didymus" ("Double of Copy of Zeus") "Chrestos" "Christos" ("Anointed of Zeus" "Anointed of Helios") vs. "Mashiyah" ("Anointed of Yahweh"). It is the very reason the interpolated statement is rightly translated in a KJV AS A WARNING which you do not care to research, in John 1:41, "interpreted". "CHRISTOS" is a hellenized bastardized INTERPRETATION of "Mashiyah", not a translation. And, "christos" is the name of the man in question in Rev. 13:18, (see Vincent's Word Studies, for example). Stop following the "another" that came in his own name, John 5:43. Stop following the "another" Paul warned of, with your "another gospel" and "another spirit" ... the "spirit of antimessiah" 2Cor. 11:4. That Mother of Harlots or one of her daughter solar cults has you. Come out.