Standard Paralyzing Sacrifice and Non-Standard Attack. Stein vs Birbrager

  • Опубликовано: 17 фев 2024
  • A beautiful attacking game of a great tactician Leonid Stein. On move 8 Stein offers a standard obstructive pawn sacrifice, which completely paralyzes the enemy kingside. After that he creates a romantic masterpiece by sacrificing a rook and a bishop to checkmate the enemy king.
    1. e4 c6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. dxe4 Nf6 5. Ngf3 Bg4 6. h3 Bh5 7. e5 Nd5 8. e6 f6 9. g4 Bg6 10. Nd4 Nc7 11. c3 Qd5 12. Qb3 Qxh1 13. Qxb7 Kd8 14. N2f3 Bd3 15. Bf4 Qxf1+ 16. Kd2 Qxf2+ 17. Kxd3 Nxe6 18. Nxe6+ Ke8 19. Qc8+ Kf7 20. Nfg5+ 1-0

Комментарии • 7

  • @truonggianghong6951
    @truonggianghong6951 5 месяцев назад +2

    Một ván cờ thật tuyệt vời với ý tưởng độc đáo, con chốt ở e6 thật kinh khủng 😮😮😮

  • @SoimulPatriei
    @SoimulPatriei 5 месяцев назад +1

    One of the best chess games i’ve seen. Saved to my collection.

  • @leonardobaracchi7040
    @leonardobaracchi7040 5 месяцев назад

    Leonid Zacharovic died so young but he Is so inspiratiinal to me!! He deserves the utmost respect and recognition, more than he actually has!

  • @amosdraak3536
    @amosdraak3536 5 месяцев назад

    12. Qb3 is a nice move. Even with the great space advantage (Pe6), Black’s development being severely hindered, and a great central knight that is tactically persevered given the threats along the a4-e8 diagonal, Stein acknowledged that he still could not force any true attack given the pressure on his e6 strongpoint, and calculated that his queen side endgame pressure would at least be advantageous for him. Once Black failed to acknowledge the consequences, though, the light-square attack was splendid, with nearly every square the black king moved to being solely light.
    Thanks as always.

  • @johncalvin5754
    @johncalvin5754 5 месяцев назад +1

    wow complete domination by Stein. Kinda wish the opponent offered more resisitance though that is easier to say than done

  • @vaccaphd
    @vaccaphd 5 месяцев назад

    Nowadays masters don't make these mistakes in the opening. They memorize computer lines.😊