The big question is why many lawyers protecting the people with money in the way to protect a rich people who violate the law in many ways in Norte América ? ? ? Any body now this ? ?
The truth will out is very difficult because there are liars and , even worse , people are biased and see things in terms of some wild imagination because they don't listen. She has unrealistic expectations in terms of truth
There Is Alot Of Conflict Of Interests In Winning.
And I've Seen The Double Standard And Victims Suffer When Power Is Given To The Perpetrators Criminal Abusers.
Thank you🙏.
I will save this and watch it later.
There Is Alot Of Gaslighting And Narcissism With Abuses.
Collectively They Are Still Saying That A God Person Had To Be Killed And Die To Forgive The Sinners.
It's Hard Finding Jurisdiction
why isn't the Q&A session uploaded?
The big question is why many lawyers protecting the people with money in the way to protect a rich people who violate the law in many ways in Norte América ? ? ? Any body now this ? ?
The truth will out is very difficult because there are liars and , even worse , people are biased and see things in terms of some wild imagination because they don't listen. She has unrealistic expectations in terms of truth