One must not forget Byzantine Liturgical music had but seven very precise tones which required much study and practice. One solitary voice could fill a cathedral as if it were an orchestra unto itself.
And send word to the Franks, that the Turk has taken the City, to come and empty it, to leave nothing behind. To take Aghia Sophia, with its gold screens, to take the Gospel, and the Altar. "And our Lady when she heard it, her eyes filled with tears, and Michael and Gabriel they comforted her: Weep not our Lady, and be not tearful, With the passing of years, and in time, they'll be ours again".
@Peter Paulose We send for help because we were defending Europe borders for more than a thousand years, ALONE, if you count ancient Greek world in the sum, then it's not one but two thousand years. Besides these are just lyrics of a Greek folk song of 15th century, that Constantinople will be Greek/Christian once again. At 1453 the City was already weak, some thousands defenders refused to surrender and fought a very large army till death, but still the empire had already defeated many enemies from 330 until 1453
@Peter Paulose We don't know the future, but if we are afraid of something we have the responsibility to act. But I believe with the one or the other way, at the end it will be Gods will
@@Pulsar3061 Por favor, leia também sobre o Massacre dos Latinos alguns anos antes. Não justifica, é claro, porque na Lei de Deus não se pode pagar o mal com o mal. Porém, não é como se os participantes da Quarta Cruzada fizessem aquilo a troco de nada. Felizmente, o próprio Papa daquela época condenou veementemente o que aconteceu e excomungou todos os cruzados envolvidos nesse infame episódio.
I can't stop coming back and listening to this it's powerful and comforting. Please can someone translate what is said at the start and end?. I wish the world was a better not bitter place, I fear the future but hope for peace and that good will prevails.
@@kthanellas Dear brother, thank you so much for your message. The messages from Greece touch our hearts quite different than the others. I felt the train crash right in my heart. I am so sorry that it happened. I too live in a city infamous for its former train accident back in 2018, the city of Çorlu. My prayers are with the Greek people! Best wishes to you and your loved ones
@@MrDbbaa The decision is supported by the majority of the Turks. Only the educated and many in Minor Asia and Istanbul/Constantinoupolis didn't support the announcement
So much grace so much holiness Η δόξα πάνω από όλους τους αγγέλους, πάνω από Χερουβὶμ καὶ Σεραφίμ Ο Παντοκρατωρ Ο Τριαδικός Θεός. Τόση δόξα τόση δύναμη τόση αγάπη
Το λέει,, το φωνάζει παντού η αρχαία Ελληνικη γραμματεία. Οι μυθοι μας. Καί όχι μόνο : ¨¨¨Δε χάνομαι στα Τάρταρα, μονάχα ξαποσταίνω. Στη ζωή ξαναφαίνομαι και λαούς ανασταίνω! ''' «Κ.Παλαμάς »
I am not orthodox. Is this old greek? And please could someone translate this? The speach and the voice is full of energy and the chant which is sung is so relaxing and truly magic. I could hear this all day long
Music written specifically for a religious experience, specifically to be performed in that building, dating from a time of deep cultural significance. Now forbidden by the current occupying religion. So it was left to secular science and computer technicians and audio engineers and an American musical group to bring it back to life. Amazing what they have done to recreate the experience artificially. Sad that religion forbids the real experience.
σωπασε κυρα Δεσποινα κ μη πολυ δακρυζεις παλι με χρονια με καιρους παλι δικα μας θα 'ναι ΑΜΗΝ ΓΕΝΟΙΤΟ Σημαίνει ο Θεός, σημαίνει η γη, σημαίνουν τα 'πουράνια, Σημαίνει κ' η Aγιά Σοφιά, το Mέγα Mοναστήρι. Mε τετρακόσια σήμαντρα, κ' εξηνταδυό καμπάνες Kάθε καμπάνα και Παπάς, κάθε Παπάς και Διάκος, Nα 'μπουνε 'ς το Xερουβικό και νάβγη ο Bασιλέας. Περιστερά ' κατέβηκεν από τα μεσ' ουράνια. - "Πάψετε το Xερουβικό, κι' ας χαμηλώσουν τ' Άγια! " Παπάδες πάρτε τα ιερά, και σεις κεριά σβυστήτε, " Γιατί είναι θέλημα Θεού η Πόλι να τουρκέψη. " Mον' στείλτε λόγο 'ς τη Φραγκιά ν' άρθουνε τρία καράβια, " Tόνα να πάρη το Σταυρό, και τ' άλλο το Bαγγέλιο, " Tο τρίτο το καλήτερο την Άγια Tράπεζά μας, " Mη μας την πάρουν τα σκυλλιά και μας τη μαγαρίσουν" H Δέσποινα εταράχτηκε, κ' εδάκρυσαν η 'κόνες. - "Σώπασε Kυρά Δέσποινα, και σεις 'Kόνες μην κλαίτε· " Πάλε με χρόνους με καιρούς, πάλε δικά σας είναι
@@1fotini σωπασε κυρα Δεσποινα κ μη πολυ δακρυζεις παλι με χρονια με καιρους παλι δικα μας θα 'ναι ΑΜΗΝ ΓΕΝΟΙΤΟ Η ΠΟΛΙΣ ΕΑΛΩ Σημαίνει ο Θεός, σημαίνει η γη, σημαίνουν τα 'πουράνια, Σημαίνει κ' η Aγιά Σοφιά, το Mέγα Mοναστήρι. Mε τετρακόσια σήμαντρα, κ' εξηνταδυό καμπάνες Kάθε καμπάνα και Παπάς, κάθε Παπάς και Διάκος, Nα 'μπουνε 'ς το Xερουβικό και νάβγη ο Bασιλέας. Περιστερά ' κατέβηκεν από τα μεσ' ουράνια. - "Πάψετε το Xερουβικό, κι' ας χαμηλώσουν τ' Άγια! " Παπάδες πάρτε τα ιερά, και σεις κεριά σβυστήτε, " Γιατί είναι θέλημα Θεού η Πόλι να τουρκέψη. " Mον' στείλτε λόγο 'ς τη Φραγκιά ν' άρθουνε τρία καράβια, " Tόνα να πάρη το Σταυρό, και τ' άλλο το Bαγγέλιο, " Tο τρίτο το καλήτερο την Άγια Tράπεζά μας, " Mη μας την πάρουν τα σκυλλιά και μας τη μαγαρίσουν" H Δέσποινα εταράχτηκε, κ' εδάκρυσαν η 'κόνες. - "Σώπασε Kυρά Δέσποινα, και σεις 'Kόνες μην κλαίτε· " Πάλε με χρόνους με καιρούς, πάλε δικά σας είναι".
I can't seem to find a recording of the music here on Spotify or on the Lost Voices of the Hagia Sophia album. Could someone help me with a track title or url? Thanks!
Yeah I’m looking for the same track. I also couldn’t find it on the album, and it’s a real shame, because it’s one of the most majestic and humbling chants! It’s a real miss on their end in my opinion
its so hard not to weep when seeing the Hagia Sophia stripped of her Christianity, knowing the atrocities that occurred there, the desecration that so wantonly took place at the fall of the city. I recognize that for many it is just a building, but its so much more. To see an empty nave, with no iconostasis reaching to the unfathomable heights, to see no altar space or altar table rends my heart in two. Where the holy sacrifice of praise was performed, where a theophany of Christ's presence would occur weekly if not daily brings me such pained sorrow. I pray that one day the the Basilica dedicated to God's Holy and Beautiful Wisdom is reconsecrated as a temple devoted to the most Holy and Life Giving Trinity.
I have seen some things (visions) that islam will fall (now i know there's gonna be hate so that is also part of that vision).It will fall right in front of their eyes and there won't be anything that could be made.
No atrocities occurred in Hagia, please calm down. We prayed in there for 494 years when it was a mosque. It will be a mosque very soon, and we will become one again, in there with the almighty. You guys are welcome to come join me. Islam is peace.
Its so hard not to weep when seeing so much space wasted on some superstitions or as museums and not as space for homeless people or public kitchen or some useful thing.
Don't visited now, Erdogan is going to turn it into a mosque. Because he can't built a mosque equal to Hagia Sophia, equal to that Greek Orthodox church
Η Μεγαλη Ιδεα πεθανε και ενταφιαστηκε το 1922.Ποτε δε θα ξαναγινουν δικα μας.Εδω θα χασουμε και αυτα που εχουμε..9 εκ ειναι μονο ηΚωνσταντινουπολη όσο η Ελλαδα..
Ας ξανακερδίσουμε πρώτα την Πολιτική Συνείδηση και την Αυτογνωσία, Πατριδογνωσία, και μετά πάμε για την Ελλάδα.. Κωνσταντινούπολη είναι τόσο μακριά που αστο καλύτερα.
Ανθρώπινη Συνείδηση σημαίνει μετά Πολιτική Συνείδηση.. Πως αποδεικνύεται; ΕΜΠΡΑΚΤΩΣ! Εχουμε εξαντλήσει τα εργαλεία αυτογνωσίας; Έχουμε βρει τα όπλα απάντησης στον εχθρό; Καιρός να τα βρούμε.. Το δίκαιο είναι με το μέρος μας.. Λίγοι αρκούν για να αλλάξουν τον Κόσμο.... Eδώ οι Ισλανδοί ασκήσαν τα δικαιώματά τους, εμείς όμως; Εκτός απο τον Γιώργο το Σαρρή που λειτουργεί όπως πρέπει, δεν έχω δει τίποτα άλλο.. Τι περιμένουμε; Όποιος θέλει ας ρίξει μια ματιά και να βρει μόνος του...τι πρέπει να κάνει. Αλλιώς ύπνο...
ΕΛΛΗΝ επαναλαμβάνεται σαν φάρσα ή τραγωδία.πάει η Αγία Σοφία και οι χαμένες πατρίδες χάθηκαν για πάντα.ολα τα άλλα είναι άλλα λόγια να αγαπιόμαστε.ας σοβαρευτούμε για να μην χάσουμε και ότι άλλο έχουμε τώρα (Θράκη, Κύπρος)
Long Live Greece! Constantinople Will Be Greek Again Soon! Long Live The Greek Byzantine Empire And The Greek Marble Emperor! Hagia Sophia She Will Be A Orthodox Church Again Soon! Amin 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 ☦️☦️☦️☦️☦️🐺🦅
Einar Jungmann τὸ στόμα μου λαλήσει σοφίαν καὶ ἡ μελέτη τῆς καρδίας μου σύνεσιν. (My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding, psalms 49, 3)
Religion (organized ) is not for everyone - i'm not talking about faith. But not being able to listen to this acoustic miracle in a church like this, it's crime. It's like coming to the ancient theater in Epidauros and not watching, not hearing.
Τι νόημα έχει, σε ποιον ανήκει! Η Αγία Σοφία, σε κανέναν, επέτρεψε ο Μεγαλοδυναμος να ακουστούν οι αγγελίκές υμνωδειες του χερουβίκου υμνου, ήχος πλΑ! Αναδυκνειη το μεγαλείο της βυζαντινής μουσικής, που μας την πέρασε σε εμάς ο δημιουργός μέσω, των φοβερων υμνωδων κι ποιητων Του, πχ Άγιος Ιωάννης Δαμασκηνός.. Κι άπειροι άλλοι...... Αφεται, λέγει Κύριος, κι αφεθησεται ημίν, Ερραπισθη, επεριπαιχθη, εφραγγελωθη, τίνος ένεκεν; Δι'ημάς βέβαια. Φοβερον του εμπεσειν εις χείρας Θεού, ζωντος. ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ
The biggest insult, they reopened Hagia Sophia as a mosque... THEY MUST RETURN CONSTANTINOPLE TO GREECE!!! Why? Hagia Sophia is built to be a church not a mosque.
Hagia Sophia was christian, is christian und will be christian forever. God bless this cathedral untill the Greeks are back in their city. I pray for that day.
The sound is wonderful but I must point out that to call it the "Church Of The Holy Wisdom" is an incomplete translation. It is actually "H Aggia Sophia Tis Theotoke"; The Holy Wisdom Of God's Bearer" who you know as the Virgin Mary" Yeshua's Mother whose actual name was Maryam. She was the Patron Saint and Protector of this beautiful Greek Orthodox Cathedral. It's time that we give this Orthodox Christian Church its proper name. I personally would have had it sink into the earth rather than become a mosque. This is a black stain on the leaders of the people of Turkey which they can never wipe away!
greetings, this is a mosque and the shrine of the Prophet Solomon.after the greek yanko 2.he was called Selim, he restored the room.later. thanks to fatih sultan mehmet khan, it became a mosque again, that is, it returned to its original form, then became a museum, and now it has been opened as a mosque in a place of worship.hagia Sophia is the holy place of both Muslims and Christians now this place is never empty, it is not entered with shoes, it is not kissed and made out in the corners, everyone here respects the spirit of Hagia Sophia like a place of worship..Allahu salli ala sayidina muhmmet...Amen.
....sending their backs like horny cats infront of a female paganistic dairy - trying to hide Her behind karaghioz perde ....hanging their smelly shoes in every gap and destroying the imperial gate ..uncivilized Barbars !
Δεν ξέρω που ακούτε (ή διδάσκεστε) Βυζαντινή μουσική, πάντως Βυζαντινή μουσική δεν είναι οι αμανέδες πολλών "ψαλτάδων", που ξελαρυγγιάζονται σαν τους χότζες σε μιναρέ...
Percernis Ακριβώς! Η σημερινή κατάσταση με τους ψάλτες είναι απελπιστική. Πιο πολύ μοιάζουν με χότζες που ψέλνουν το κάλεσμα σε προσευχή... Άλλωστε η Βυζαντινή μουσική έχει κοινή ρίζα με το Παλαιό Δυτικό Ρωμαϊκό Μέλος, από το οποίο προήλθε και το Γρηγοριανό αργότερα.
Μετά από τα 400 χρόνια σκλαβιάς με τους Χότζες σκαρφαλωμένους στους μιναρέδες της οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας δίπλα στις εκκλησίες, η " πολιτισμική όσμωση " οδήγησε στην τσιφτετελο -νταχτιρντί ψαλτική με την οποία...." αγαλιάζουμε" σήμερα ...
Orthodox Church was destroyed by Catholic Church in Constantinople and all Constantinapole was already ruined by crusaders , just before Ottoman Sultan Fatih conquered it , and than Orthodox Church was relived by Sultan Fatih and the new name of it "İstanbul " , assigning a Patriarch and giving an Empire's power to it , Patriarch had much more power than it had Byzantine times , Patriarch had the statue of Vezir , which was the most powerful officer who attends to Divan , which rules the Ottoman Empire by heading Sultan , it was much more powerful than ever , it lasted for few decades till Ottoman got into sheria Islam , Sultan Fatih was having a fair distance to religions , he even had districted the amount of muslim population in Istanbul . You see all Orthodox Priests and Patriarchs wear head wears like Ottoman Sultans and Ottoman warriors , who called "Yeni Cheri " , wear as they are the Sulthans and warriors of Orthodoxy ... Already the Christian believes are come from Turkic Tengri religion from Central Asia , as all Turks baptized on their 40th day of life after born , it i made at home by forty stones and water and praise , than Christian Easter is celebrated by all Turks living in villages , under name of "Sarı Çiğdem aşı " , muslim Turks living in villages put a tray , full of wheat with candles and a glasses of water in it , in front of the person reading Kuran , like Orthodox Christians put it inferno of the priest in church .
All these people in the rural area of Anatolia were converted to islam around 1300 to 1400. . Do not forget that Asia Minor was the first region to become christian, even before Greece or Italy.Actually was christian for more than 1000 years. So what all those people did (or do) is keeping their lost christian tradition...Let s not forget the today alevis that although muslims , seem to have a close connection with christianity
sure , "Alevi" believe is a new name ,which is given to it by eastern Alevi Turks ,who have become Kurdish ,mixing with Kurds , the original name of the Alevi believe is "Bektaşi" ,as it is founder's name is "Hacı Bektaş Veli " and as I know he born and lived in "İznik",where there are many churches as it is a mother place to Christianity and Hacı Bektaş Veli was named as Saint Karamani . You probably know that there was a Christian Turkish tribe living in Anatolia , their tribe name was "Karamani"
Wouldn't surprise me if many of the customs in rural Turkey are based on Orthodox Christian customs. Jesus wasn't even born in 25th December, he was most likely born during spring, the reason however that Christmas is celebrated during December is because the was a pagan celebration during that time and it was incorporated in a Christian celebration.
Christ's baptism is on the 19th of January not the 6th. Be proportionate and just in your judgments and respect the righteous in your society, don't be deceived by those that nourish your pride, choose on the side of righteousness ! Don't fall into the idolatry of man's image worship of others or your own !
Education is a valuable resource, and you do not seem to appreciate it. Hagia Sophia will never truly become a mosque, even if it is officially converted. The significance behind its name holds the key to why this is impractical. Greetings from Greece, where preserving our heritage is a matter of great pride and respect. We hope for constructive dialogue that fosters understanding.
Man cannot undo what was made for God, built for God and worshipped, loved, and honored for a thousand years. In the end unrighteousness and taking something that doesn't belong to you is unjust ...and despised by God and man alike.
just remember brothers and sisters, the battle is maybe lost but not the war ! the good wins always and won always ! hagia sophia will be a church again and all other orthodox places and countrys will be orthodox again who are currently occupied by the devil
God willing I will live to see the day a church service is performed at the hagia sophia.
You are late - it is a mosque now....
@@13majab through God all things are possible. The Lord sees everything.
Deus vult
@@zelmoziggy well of course.
Prokeimenon of St Basil- Psalm 49:3
"My mouth shall speak words of wisdom"
Please, what are the lyrics which are first sung, before the lyrics you gave, beggining 00:56 ?
Thank you.
@@felixferra840 Α νέ α νές (A ne a nes) gives the base for wich byzantine sound we gonna sign
@@netrocrs4561 Thank you so much.
I'd like to know too... Did you found something?
One must not forget Byzantine Liturgical music had but seven very precise tones which required much study and practice. One solitary voice could fill a cathedral as if it were an orchestra unto itself.
Again with years and times again ours will be!
Once Orthodox, always Orthodox!
567 years ago and still so deeply embedded in our hearts and souls
And send word to the Franks, that the Turk has taken the City, to come and empty it, to leave nothing behind.
To take Aghia Sophia, with its gold screens, to take the Gospel, and the Altar.
"And our Lady when she heard it,
her eyes filled with tears,
and Michael and Gabriel they comforted her:
Weep not our Lady, and be not tearful,
With the passing of years, and in time, they'll be ours again".
Please also read about the 4th Crusade and what they have done to Constantinople and its inhabitants.
@@Pulsar3061 I know, it was disastrous for the Empire
@Peter Paulose We send for help because we were defending Europe borders for more than a thousand years, ALONE, if you count ancient Greek world in the sum, then it's not one but two thousand years. Besides these are just lyrics of a Greek folk song of 15th century, that Constantinople will be Greek/Christian once again. At 1453 the City was already weak, some thousands defenders refused to surrender and fought a very large army till death, but still the empire had already defeated many enemies from 330 until 1453
@Peter Paulose We don't know the future, but if we are afraid of something we have the responsibility to act. But I believe with the one or the other way, at the end it will be Gods will
@@Pulsar3061 Por favor, leia também sobre o Massacre dos Latinos alguns anos antes. Não justifica, é claro, porque na Lei de Deus não se pode pagar o mal com o mal. Porém, não é como se os participantes da Quarta Cruzada fizessem aquilo a troco de nada. Felizmente, o próprio Papa daquela época condenou veementemente o que aconteceu e excomungou todos os cruzados envolvidos nesse infame episódio.
I can't stop coming back and listening to this it's powerful and comforting. Please can someone translate what is said at the start and end?.
I wish the world was a better not bitter place, I fear the future but hope for peace and that good will prevails.
said my tongue would not say except vise words
Ι almost moving. Πάλι με Χρόνια με καιρούς πάλι δικά μας θα Ναι!
As a muslim turk, I wish nothing more than hearing a Christian chant along with my christian buddies in this amazing building
This comment hasn't aged well. Maybe sometime in the future my friend
Maybe on future! Good wills
Dear Ahmet I pray for your country during the earthquakes. Please pray for Greece during the train disaster now! May peace be with you my brother!
@@kthanellas Dear brother, thank you so much for your message. The messages from Greece touch our hearts quite different than the others.
I felt the train crash right in my heart. I am so sorry that it happened. I too live in a city infamous for its former train accident back in 2018, the city of Çorlu. My prayers are with the Greek people! Best wishes to you and your loved ones
Do muslims and Christians get along in Turkey?
Μας φωνάζει η Αγία Σοφία!!!!
Σωπασε Παναγιά μου ο Ύψιστος θα κάνει το θέλημα του!
η Γαλανόλευκη θα κυματίζει ξανά στην Πόλη!
ΕΛΛΑΣ IKMF δεν κυμάτιζε ποτέ πριν ..
Minas Pallas Γιατι δεν ειχαμε τοτε την σημαια αυτην...
@@MinasPallas Χαζός είσαι ρε ?
Το 1919 τι έγινε ?
Anyone listening after the Turkish decision to reopen Hagia Sophia as a mosque? It's just insulting at this point
Maybe the start of their end
Yeah indeed ...
@@MrDbbaa Since when president Erdogan is NOT Turkish?
@@MrDbbaa The decision is supported by the majority of the Turks. Only the educated and many in Minor Asia and Istanbul/Constantinoupolis didn't support the announcement
@@MrDbbaa This sounds right to me
Truly a work of art on so many levels - Thank you.
So much grace so much holiness
Η δόξα πάνω από όλους τους αγγέλους, πάνω από Χερουβὶμ καὶ Σεραφίμ Ο Παντοκρατωρ Ο Τριαδικός Θεός. Τόση δόξα τόση δύναμη τόση αγάπη
So real so vivid so familiar I can feel the spirit of the Roman’s as if I was there with them
Για οποιον εχει βρεθει στην Αγια Σοφια, το συναισθημα ειναι συγκλονιστικο!!! Ποσο μαλλον αυτη η προσεγγιση...
Thank you for what you have accomplished!This specific has become our every night lullaby THANK YOU Σας ευχαριστούμε από Ελλάδα Αθήνα
Η Ελλάδα δεν θα πεθάνει, επειδή το θέλουν κάποιοι..
Η Ελλάδα θα ΖΉΣΕΙ επειδή το θέλει ο Θεός!!!!
στό'πε ο ίδιος?
nai tis to eipe...exeis kanena provlima?
ivanovna..... Μαντεψε......
Το λέει,, το φωνάζει παντού η αρχαία Ελληνικη γραμματεία. Οι μυθοι μας. Καί όχι μόνο :
¨¨¨Δε χάνομαι στα Τάρταρα,
μονάχα ξαποσταίνω.
Στη ζωή ξαναφαίνομαι
και λαούς ανασταίνω! '''
«Κ.Παλαμάς »
Πόσο ηλίθια παίζει να είσαι; Έχεις σπάσει το βλακόμετρο.
Jesus...we need this on Spotify
Getting goosebumps listening to this while heading to church
Wish I could be there. I'm sure it's going to be breathtaking!
communists are not compatible with religion , you forgot this ?!
I am not orthodox. Is this old greek? And please could someone translate this? The speach and the voice is full of energy and the chant which is sung is so relaxing and truly magic. I could hear this all day long
My mouth shall speak words of wisdom
And it's Byzantine
@@ameaki57 thank you very much
@@markforman2768 you are welcome 😁
Posted on the wrong video. This is a beautiful video.
Music written specifically for a religious experience, specifically to be performed in that building, dating from a time of deep cultural significance. Now forbidden by the current occupying religion. So it was left to secular science and computer technicians and audio engineers and an American musical group to bring it back to life. Amazing what they have done to recreate the experience artificially. Sad that religion forbids the real experience.
rmcdaniel423 Thank you for that excellent and thoughtful observation. A beautiful sound which carries a layer of sadness.
Incredible upload.
Thank you.
Tesekkur ederim.
Very nice!
I love this so much
στο πρωτο χερουβικο θα ραγισουν τα βουνα
Ζει Κυριος ο Θεος!
σωπασε κυρα Δεσποινα κ μη πολυ δακρυζεις παλι με χρονια με καιρους παλι δικα μας θα 'ναι ΑΜΗΝ ΓΕΝΟΙΤΟ Σημαίνει ο Θεός, σημαίνει η γη, σημαίνουν τα 'πουράνια,
Σημαίνει κ' η Aγιά Σοφιά, το Mέγα Mοναστήρι.
Mε τετρακόσια σήμαντρα, κ' εξηνταδυό καμπάνες
Kάθε καμπάνα και Παπάς, κάθε Παπάς και Διάκος,
Nα 'μπουνε 'ς το Xερουβικό και νάβγη ο Bασιλέας.
Περιστερά ' κατέβηκεν από τα μεσ' ουράνια.
- "Πάψετε το Xερουβικό, κι' ας χαμηλώσουν τ' Άγια!
" Παπάδες πάρτε τα ιερά, και σεις κεριά σβυστήτε,
" Γιατί είναι θέλημα Θεού η Πόλι να τουρκέψη.
" Mον' στείλτε λόγο 'ς τη Φραγκιά ν' άρθουνε τρία καράβια,
" Tόνα να πάρη το Σταυρό, και τ' άλλο το Bαγγέλιο,
" Tο τρίτο το καλήτερο την Άγια Tράπεζά μας,
" Mη μας την πάρουν τα σκυλλιά και μας τη μαγαρίσουν"
H Δέσποινα εταράχτηκε, κ' εδάκρυσαν η 'κόνες.
- "Σώπασε Kυρά Δέσποινα, και σεις 'Kόνες μην κλαίτε·
" Πάλε με χρόνους με καιρούς, πάλε δικά σας είναι
@@1fotini σωπασε κυρα Δεσποινα κ μη πολυ δακρυζεις παλι με χρονια με καιρους παλι δικα μας θα 'ναι ΑΜΗΝ ΓΕΝΟΙΤΟ
Σημαίνει ο Θεός, σημαίνει η γη, σημαίνουν τα 'πουράνια,
Σημαίνει κ' η Aγιά Σοφιά, το Mέγα Mοναστήρι.
Mε τετρακόσια σήμαντρα, κ' εξηνταδυό καμπάνες
Kάθε καμπάνα και Παπάς, κάθε Παπάς και Διάκος,
Nα 'μπουνε 'ς το Xερουβικό και νάβγη ο Bασιλέας.
Περιστερά ' κατέβηκεν από τα μεσ' ουράνια.
- "Πάψετε το Xερουβικό, κι' ας χαμηλώσουν τ' Άγια!
" Παπάδες πάρτε τα ιερά, και σεις κεριά σβυστήτε,
" Γιατί είναι θέλημα Θεού η Πόλι να τουρκέψη.
" Mον' στείλτε λόγο 'ς τη Φραγκιά ν' άρθουνε τρία καράβια,
" Tόνα να πάρη το Σταυρό, και τ' άλλο το Bαγγέλιο,
" Tο τρίτο το καλήτερο την Άγια Tράπεζά μας,
" Mη μας την πάρουν τα σκυλλιά και μας τη μαγαρίσουν"
H Δέσποινα εταράχτηκε, κ' εδάκρυσαν η 'κόνες.
- "Σώπασε Kυρά Δέσποινα, και σεις 'Kόνες μην κλαίτε·
" Πάλε με χρόνους με καιρούς, πάλε δικά σας είναι".
Good music, wet dreams.
I can't seem to find a recording of the music here on Spotify or on the Lost Voices of the Hagia Sophia album. Could someone help me with a track title or url? Thanks!
They recorded this specifically for the CCRMA project is my thought.
Yeah I’m looking for the same track. I also couldn’t find it on the album, and it’s a real shame, because it’s one of the most majestic and humbling chants! It’s a real miss on their end in my opinionвидео.htmlsi=I48voHIsHjjBZPae
its so hard not to weep when seeing the Hagia Sophia stripped of her Christianity, knowing the atrocities that occurred there, the desecration that so wantonly took place at the fall of the city. I recognize that for many it is just a building, but its so much more. To see an empty nave, with no iconostasis reaching to the unfathomable heights, to see no altar space or altar table rends my heart in two. Where the holy sacrifice of praise was performed, where a theophany of Christ's presence would occur weekly if not daily brings me such pained sorrow. I pray that one day the the Basilica dedicated to God's Holy and Beautiful Wisdom is reconsecrated as a temple devoted to the most Holy and Life Giving Trinity.
I have seen some things (visions) that islam will fall (now i know there's gonna be hate so that is also part of that vision).It will fall right in front of their eyes and there won't be anything that could be made.
No atrocities occurred in Hagia, please calm down. We prayed in there for 494 years when it was a mosque. It will be a mosque very soon, and we will become one again, in there with the almighty.
You guys are welcome to come join me.
Islam is peace.
Its so hard not to weep when seeing so much space wasted on some superstitions or as museums and not as space for homeless people or public kitchen or some useful thing.
Man, this comment thread sure is passively civil
Ben Oak Film everyone in Hagia Sophia on 29MAY1453 was either killed or sold into slavery.
This building is the closest thing to time machine really, one should not die before visiting it!...
Don't visited now, Erdogan is going to turn it into a mosque. Because he can't built a mosque equal to Hagia Sophia, equal to that Greek Orthodox church
what is that songs name ? very beautiful. i want long version
Yes, four minutes and forty-one seconds minus waves and seagulls is not much time for 'total sacred immersion'.
It's now available.. lost sound hagia sophia
God has blessed ayia Sofia in Istanbul turkey.
I love these haunting chants
They're not haunting
Ανατριχιαστικό,αλλά είμαι σίγουρος πως η πραγματική αίσθηση δεν μπορεί να προσεγγιστεί ούτε κατ'ελάχιστον...
There's no track of sound which starts at 1.02... I also checked in lost voices of Hagia Sophia album...
Anyone having idea please ?
I found this, just scroll down to find the actual part. It's the Prokeimenon.
@@annabarry2546 Thank you very much !! 🙏🙏🙏видео.html
@@nikbar2238 Thank you!
@Asmobrat Unfortunately I cannot see Anna's reply - what specific track is this one? I cannot find it either and want to listen to it on spotify.
Starting from 0:58 , does anyone know the name of the chant? Or what track it is from their lost voices of hagia sophia album?
@LetsGoSpain !!! nope the correct translation is (My mouth shall speak words of wisdom )
@@ameaki57so do you know what song is this?
Over how large of a radius would one have been able to hear this while in medieval Constantinople?
...παλι με χρονια ,με καιρους ,παλι δικα μας θα'ναι.
Η Μεγαλη Ιδεα πεθανε και ενταφιαστηκε το 1922.Ποτε δε θα ξαναγινουν δικα μας.Εδω θα χασουμε και αυτα που εχουμε..9 εκ ειναι μονο ηΚωνσταντινουπολη όσο η Ελλαδα..
Ας ξανακερδίσουμε πρώτα την Πολιτική Συνείδηση και την Αυτογνωσία, Πατριδογνωσία, και μετά πάμε για την Ελλάδα.. Κωνσταντινούπολη είναι τόσο μακριά που αστο καλύτερα.
Δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να μας εξαφανίσουν.
Η ιστορία ,, είπαμε,, επαναλαμβάνεται.
Μήπως πρέπει πρωτα να μας σκεπάσουν για να ξαναβγούμε στο φώς;;;
Ανθρώπινη Συνείδηση σημαίνει μετά Πολιτική Συνείδηση.. Πως αποδεικνύεται; ΕΜΠΡΑΚΤΩΣ! Εχουμε εξαντλήσει τα εργαλεία αυτογνωσίας; Έχουμε βρει τα όπλα απάντησης στον εχθρό; Καιρός να τα βρούμε.. Το δίκαιο είναι με το μέρος μας.. Λίγοι αρκούν για να αλλάξουν τον Κόσμο.... Eδώ οι Ισλανδοί ασκήσαν τα δικαιώματά τους, εμείς όμως;
Εκτός απο τον Γιώργο το Σαρρή που λειτουργεί όπως πρέπει, δεν έχω δει τίποτα άλλο.. Τι περιμένουμε; Όποιος θέλει ας ρίξει μια ματιά και να βρει μόνος του...τι πρέπει να κάνει. Αλλιώς ύπνο...
ΕΛΛΗΝ επαναλαμβάνεται σαν φάρσα ή τραγωδία.πάει η Αγία Σοφία και οι χαμένες πατρίδες χάθηκαν για πάντα.ολα τα άλλα είναι άλλα λόγια να αγαπιόμαστε.ας σοβαρευτούμε για να μην χάσουμε και ότι άλλο έχουμε τώρα (Θράκη, Κύπρος)
Long Live Greece!
Constantinople Will Be Greek Again Soon!
Long Live The Greek Byzantine Empire And The Greek Marble Emperor!
Hagia Sophia She Will Be A Orthodox Church Again Soon!
🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 ☦️☦️☦️☦️☦️🐺🦅
I can't find the chant you are singing in the video. It's not a part of your album, am i right?
What is the translation of the passages?
Can someone please tell me the name of the chant starting at 0:55 ?
It is the phrase "My mouth shall speak of wisdom" from [Psalm 48:4 / KJV 49:3].
It is pronounced in Greek as "to stόma mu lalisi sofian".
1:20 and 3:19 What is the song ? Thank you, very much
Einar Jungmann τὸ στόμα μου λαλήσει σοφίαν καὶ ἡ μελέτη τῆς καρδίας μου σύνεσιν. (My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding, psalms 49, 3)
algebra Thx for lyrics. So... it doesn’t has whole song?
Congratulations. could i use some of your footage?
The big church of Orthodox Christianism awaits us, even now even in 10 years even in 100 we'll come back!
You think you can just invade Turkey and they'll just surrender? That's stupid. They'll fight you and you'll probably lose.
C Pegg dont be suprised when this happens:видео.html
What is the song they are performing?видео.htmlsi=I48voHIsHjjBZPae
What song is this?
Its Byzantine Hymns...Search some on youtube,you are gonna love them..! One of my favorites is ''Agni parthene despina''
do you know the name of the one that plays at 0:56?
why can't I find this in spotify?
Unfortunately not on spotify :( you can find it here however
What is the name of this song
Byzantine Orthodox Chant: Psalm 49 (My mouth shall speak words of wisdom) in the greek languageвидео.htmlsi=I48voHIsHjjBZPae
Whats the name of this tune?
Byzantine Orthodox Chant : Psalm 49 (My mouth shall speak words of wisdom) , greek language
Will this be an album?
that 360p though ...ruins the whole experience isn't there a way to upgrade the quality of the vid?
Religion (organized ) is not for everyone - i'm not talking about faith. But not being able to listen to this acoustic miracle in a church like this, it's crime. It's like coming to the ancient theater in Epidauros and not watching, not hearing.
Voglio che dio esista
Τι νόημα έχει, σε ποιον ανήκει! Η Αγία Σοφία, σε κανέναν, επέτρεψε ο Μεγαλοδυναμος να ακουστούν οι αγγελίκές υμνωδειες του χερουβίκου υμνου, ήχος πλΑ! Αναδυκνειη το μεγαλείο της βυζαντινής μουσικής, που μας την πέρασε σε εμάς ο δημιουργός μέσω, των φοβερων υμνωδων κι ποιητων Του, πχ Άγιος Ιωάννης Δαμασκηνός.. Κι άπειροι άλλοι......
Αφεται, λέγει Κύριος, κι αφεθησεται ημίν, Ερραπισθη, επεριπαιχθη, εφραγγελωθη, τίνος ένεκεν; Δι'ημάς βέβαια.
Φοβερον του εμπεσειν εις χείρας Θεού, ζωντος. ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ
Θα ξαναγυρίσουμε να τη λειτουργήσουμε
The biggest insult, they reopened Hagia Sophia as a mosque... THEY MUST RETURN CONSTANTINOPLE TO GREECE!!! Why? Hagia Sophia is built to be a church not a mosque.
Hagia Sophia was christian, is christian und will be christian forever. God bless this cathedral untill the Greeks are back in their city. I pray for that day.
your picture is of the Ecumenical Patriarchate? Jesus Christ be praised and may God bless you.
Eastern Orthodoxy
Ευστάθιος ο καλλος πιστος βασιλεύς και αυτοκράτωρ ΡΩΜΑΙΩΝ ο ΛΥΜΠΕΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ
Byzantians were very advanced scientifically culturally why did they eclipse why
Orthodox Christianity ✝️
The sound is wonderful but I must point out that to call it the "Church Of The Holy Wisdom" is an incomplete translation. It is actually "H Aggia Sophia Tis Theotoke"; The Holy Wisdom Of God's Bearer" who you know as the Virgin Mary" Yeshua's Mother whose actual name was Maryam. She was the Patron Saint and Protector of this beautiful Greek Orthodox Cathedral. It's time that we give this Orthodox Christian Church its proper name.
I personally would have had it sink into the earth rather than become a mosque. This is a black stain on the leaders of the people of Turkey which they can never wipe away!
Lyrics please
My mouth shall speak words of wisdom
greetings, this is a mosque and the shrine of the Prophet Solomon.after the greek yanko 2.he was called Selim, he restored the room.later. thanks to fatih sultan mehmet khan, it became a mosque again, that is, it returned to its original form, then became a museum, and now it has been opened as a mosque in a place of worship.hagia Sophia is the holy place of both Muslims and Christians now this place is never empty, it is not entered with shoes, it is not kissed and made out in the corners, everyone here respects the spirit of Hagia Sophia like a place of worship..Allahu salli ala sayidina muhmmet...Amen.
....sending their backs like horny cats infront of a female paganistic dairy - trying to hide Her behind karaghioz perde ....hanging their smelly shoes in every gap and destroying the imperial gate ..uncivilized Barbars !
Ούτε μία στο εκατομμύριο να ακουγότανε έτσι.
Στην Αγια-Σοφιά ψέλνανε με Βυζαντινή μουσική.
Όχι έτσι με δυτικό ήχο.
Δεν ξέρω που ακούτε (ή διδάσκεστε) Βυζαντινή μουσική, πάντως Βυζαντινή μουσική δεν είναι οι αμανέδες πολλών "ψαλτάδων", που ξελαρυγγιάζονται σαν τους χότζες σε μιναρέ...
Percernis Ακριβώς! Η σημερινή κατάσταση με τους ψάλτες είναι απελπιστική. Πιο πολύ μοιάζουν με χότζες που ψέλνουν το κάλεσμα σε προσευχή...
Άλλωστε η Βυζαντινή μουσική έχει κοινή ρίζα με το Παλαιό Δυτικό Ρωμαϊκό Μέλος, από το οποίο προήλθε και το Γρηγοριανό αργότερα.
Μετά από τα 400 χρόνια σκλαβιάς με τους Χότζες σκαρφαλωμένους στους μιναρέδες της οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας δίπλα στις εκκλησίες, η " πολιτισμική όσμωση " οδήγησε στην τσιφτετελο -νταχτιρντί ψαλτική με την οποία...." αγαλιάζουμε" σήμερα ...
You must pull the plank of your eye to see Hagia Sophia before you say anything for others..
Isaak Rozenkranz its İSTANBUL :D lets try
Get your facts straight. It's Constantinople. It's not hard, try to say it.
We will be back soon!видео.html
Once upon a time a lot of greek tried take İzmir..
Orthodox Church was destroyed by Catholic Church in Constantinople and all Constantinapole was already ruined by crusaders , just before Ottoman Sultan Fatih conquered it , and than Orthodox Church was relived by Sultan Fatih and the new name of it "İstanbul " , assigning a Patriarch and giving an Empire's power to it , Patriarch had much more power than it had Byzantine times , Patriarch had the statue of Vezir , which was the most powerful officer who attends to Divan , which rules the Ottoman Empire by heading Sultan , it was much more powerful than ever , it lasted for few decades till Ottoman got into sheria Islam , Sultan Fatih was having a fair distance to religions , he even had districted the amount of muslim population in Istanbul . You see all Orthodox Priests and Patriarchs wear head wears like Ottoman Sultans and Ottoman warriors , who called "Yeni Cheri " , wear as they are the Sulthans and warriors of Orthodoxy ... Already the Christian believes are come from Turkic Tengri religion from Central Asia , as all Turks baptized on their 40th day of life after born , it i made at home by forty stones and water and praise , than Christian Easter is celebrated by all Turks living in villages , under name of "Sarı Çiğdem aşı " , muslim Turks living in villages put a tray , full of wheat with candles and a glasses of water in it , in front of the person reading Kuran , like Orthodox Christians put it inferno of the priest in church .
All these people in the rural area of Anatolia were converted to islam around 1300 to 1400. . Do not forget that Asia Minor was the first region to become christian, even before Greece or Italy.Actually was christian for more than 1000 years. So what all those people did (or do) is keeping their lost christian tradition...Let s not forget the today alevis that although muslims , seem to have a close connection with christianity
sure , "Alevi" believe is a new name ,which is given to it by eastern Alevi Turks ,who have become Kurdish ,mixing with Kurds , the original name of the Alevi believe is "Bektaşi" ,as it is founder's name is "Hacı Bektaş Veli " and as I know he born and lived in "İznik",where there are many churches as it is a mother place to Christianity and Hacı Bektaş Veli was named as Saint Karamani . You probably know that there was a Christian Turkish tribe living in Anatolia , their tribe name was "Karamani"
Wouldn't surprise me if many of the customs in rural Turkey are based on Orthodox Christian customs.
Jesus wasn't even born in 25th December, he was most likely born during spring, the reason however that Christmas is celebrated during December is because the was a pagan celebration during that time and it was incorporated in a Christian celebration.
@@lalas198 not. The sol Invictus festivity is almost for two hundred years after Christ, probably it was inspired by Christian celebration
Just ask a greek how to pronounce the words correctly.
Hagia Sofia Mosque since 1453
...Aghia Sophia .....ohhhh the irony !!!
Orthodox Cathedral since 537
It’s a church dummy
Spell the name of Hagia Sofia and you will understand!
Christ's baptism is on the 19th of January not the 6th. Be proportionate and just in your judgments and respect the righteous in your society, don't be deceived by those that nourish your pride, choose on the side of righteousness ! Don't fall into the idolatry of man's image worship of others or your own !
Education is a valuable resource, and you do not seem to appreciate it. Hagia Sophia will never truly become a mosque, even if it is officially converted. The significance behind its name holds the key to why this is impractical. Greetings from Greece, where preserving our heritage is a matter of great pride and respect. We hope for constructive dialogue that fosters understanding.
#İstanbul #turkish #Turkey
Ότι να ναι!
Man cannot undo what was made for God, built for God and worshipped, loved, and honored for a thousand years. In the end unrighteousness and taking something that doesn't belong to you is unjust ...and despised by God and man alike.
just remember brothers and sisters, the battle is maybe lost but not the war ! the good wins always and won always ! hagia sophia will be a church again and all other orthodox places and countrys will be orthodox again who are currently occupied by the devil