Envy - The Bully of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 224

  • @eve-of-halloween
    @eve-of-halloween 5 лет назад +353

    Envy was my favorite character in fmab. I picked up on the broken family system seen with the entirety of the homunculi. I think all the homunculi were plagued by that. Despite being artificial when they were first created one could assume they were like a child in their early years.
    I personally believed the homunculi acted how they did due to father's upbringing and how he altered their views of their world. Envy, pride and greed show this behavior of wanting that close companionship seen in humans. Pride was shown the love and affection all the homunculi were neglected of from father, by his adoptive mother. And pride came to love her. And when he was given back to her we see under love and supportive care that hes just like any human child. Envy was jealous of that closeness as the homunculi family dynamic lacked it. And Greed stated when he died that all he wanted was the friends he had made with ed and the others, dying satisfied despite the sin he represented.
    I feel that if all the homunculi were treated how pride was as Selim I think none of them would have turned out as vile or destructive as they were.

    • @justafan.5577
      @justafan.5577 5 лет назад +7

      Eve-of-halloween draws I remember in the original Sloth told Ed that they must kill him because they have their memories taunting them of the people they once were but they can never become.

    • @eve-of-halloween
      @eve-of-halloween 5 лет назад +9

      @@justafan.5577 I prefer brotherhood over the og fma. Just cause I dint like how much they changed the story and homunculi from the source material. Of course it was due to poor timing

    • @justafan.5577
      @justafan.5577 5 лет назад +2

      Eve-of-halloween draws I am going to watch brotherhood, I just watched FMA becauss my friend didnt tell me that brotherhood was the one I should watch

    • @AspieMediaBobby
      @AspieMediaBobby 4 года назад +2

      @@eve-of-halloween Oh , you mean actually making The Homunculi fully fleshed-out characters with meaningful connections to the protagonists rather than just being Father`s bitches!

    • @Darshe0
      @Darshe0 4 года назад +4

      Anarcha Media
      The fact you think the homunculi are just Father’s bitches without being flushed out is sooo awful. Lol

  • @w0rmsinger
    @w0rmsinger 5 лет назад +296

    I have to admit, I teared up a little at the line "I think all Envy needed was a friend." I, personally, see a lot of who I used to be in Envy, I came from a broken, abusive household and a terrible, toxic relationship. I turned into a bully, someone a lot like Envy, who tried to turn people against one another, who was vindictive and self-conscious of showing how small and vulnerable I actually was. I was jealous of the friendship and love people around me seemed to have while I was stuck in the circumstances I was in. Envy is a poetic example of what a toxic household can turn a child into. Father never loved Envy, Envy had no friends to speak of, raised to believe humanity, which Envy could have befriended and walked among, was weaker and in that Father isolated Envy from the world, so they never knew love. All Envy had were their siblings, and then they lost them as well. I like to hope, at least, that the friendship/sibling relationship seen between Lust and Envy, and to an extent Gluttony, was real. I think Envy, over time, could have changed, I think all the homunculi could have, if they had been shown love and compassion from the beginning. And you're right, Envy was still, in a lot of ways, a child. Perhaps a child trying to get the approval of their Father, who was taught that showing vulnerability to others is a weakness, hid away who they truly were. You could interpret all the homunculi as artistic archetypes of children from abusive households (I could write a book on that), but I could never bring myself to hate Envy in the show, despite all the things they did. I think I see too much of my younger self, so hurt and alone and angry, in them.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад +51

      Yeah man, I totally agree. Envy is one of those characters that the more I thought about, the more tragic it became. I am glad that you have pushed through and didn't stay like Envy. Comments like these are why I make these videos.

    • @julieryckaert7311
      @julieryckaert7311 5 лет назад +21

      I feel this describes Envy perfectly. They were told humans were weak and in turn isolated from them, so the only relationships they had were with their father and siblings which looked like a professional relation rather than a loving one. They knew nothing outside of that professional relationship and the fact humans were weaker than them and in turn, they could do anything to humans, manipulating them, killing them, and it wouldn't matter. Because they didn't matter. But over time, Envy saw that humans were not weak and found their strength in each other wich Envy could not as their kind was cold, unloving and paid no attention to them. Seeing this, he became jealous of humans and their relations with each other making them want to hurt them even more to let out its anger and insecurities about their family situation and their true form. It constantly told it's self that they were better than humans to feel better about themselves and how humans were rock bottom to which they could not lose because that's what their kind always told them.

    • @rhondahoward8025
      @rhondahoward8025 4 года назад +17

      I noticed that too. The Homunculi were a family, a broken, twisted family, but a family nonetheless, and these _were_ Father's children. But just like how the Fire Lord only saw Azula and Zuko as tools/stepping stones to his own success, so did Father view his children as mere utility to accomplish his own goals.

    • @ripleyjlawman.3162
      @ripleyjlawman.3162 4 года назад +9

      Plushie Deer Productions It’s a real tragedy that no one could help Envy, no one could save them from themselves before it was far too late to turn over a new leaf and move past the abuse they’d suffered to start living for themselves, before they’d learned to be ashamed by the idea of letting people see their insecurities, of having them on full display, having everything that made them feel vulnerable exposed for all to see, before they’d learnt to see being vulnerable as a weakness and not as a strength. It’s like Greedling said, Greed isn’t necessarily bad, therefore Envy isn’t necessarily a bad thing, for aspiration is a more positive version of Envy, to aspire is to seek with ambition that which you covet, essentially it means to be eagerly desirous, for something you consider to be worth a great deal, something you don’t currently have which isn’t necessarily an object but an idea, a concept, much like Envy who secretly wished to be like humans due to their ability to move past personal differences and history and work together, to bond each other and support each other on an emotional level.
      TL;DR I agree, with a very incoherent paragraph rambling on about what was and what could have been.

    • @rhondahoward8025
      @rhondahoward8025 4 года назад +7

      James Lawman I never thought of how envy could be turned positive by making it into aspiration. That’s neat.

  • @rhondahoward8025
    @rhondahoward8025 4 года назад +203

    Honestly, all the Homunculi, for as monstrous as they were otherwise, each had an ironic and tragic death.
    Gluttony met his end by being devoured by Pride, and crying out in fear for his mother figure Lust to save him.
    Sloth died lamenting how dying was exhausting, but living was exhausting too, suggesting he spent his existence in chronic depression.
    Envy died in shame, after being exposed for the pathetic, jealous creature it was.
    The Dwarf in the Flask died a parasite, being revealed to have obtained nothing from his own two hands or will, but leeching off of everyone else. You'll notice that his gate was the only one that was entirely *BLANK.*
    In the biggest twist of all, the only Homunculus who found peace in death was Wrath.

    • @ImSpookd
      @ImSpookd 4 года назад +50

      also greed died satisfied, lust died to someone she was attracted towards and pride gave up on his own body and tried to take ed's before dying

  • @arcturadescent8732
    @arcturadescent8732 4 года назад +146

    Late reply, and someone has possibly already pointed this out, or perhaps you have already realized this for yourself, but the biggest thing about Envy's death scene that makes me personally emotional is when he starts to cry and fall down. It isn't just a normal cry, it's not a cry of frustration, it's not even a cry of defeat, it's a cry for want. He cries hauntingly like a baby would in need of their mother. He wants affection badly, and perhaps that's all he ever wanted, but he never got it, even from the other Homunculus. In relation to how you thought Envy needed a friend, I thought he wanted love in general, and that desire is why he has his name in the first place.

    • @girlmagic8370
      @girlmagic8370 4 года назад +11

      Envy is sth so disgusting yet so relatable almost everyone has been plagued by jealousy and sometimes even growing hateful feelings towards some people not wanting them to have the things you can't achieve not wanting to feel happy for them as your sadness turns into resentment.
      Envy is a tragic character being devastated by the real reason behind his defining trait and there was nothing to do about it as he represents fathers jealousy towards human bonds and feelings, their affection for each other etc.

  • @nancyjay790
    @nancyjay790 3 года назад +42

    I found this very interesting. I hadn't considered Envy's hypocrisy about "dirty tricks" when Ling fights it/them. However, I am not sure that Envy could accept any human as a friend. Ed just proved that he understood the homunculus in ways nobody else had done, and it just made Envy feel worse. Envy was always toxic to any human, only working with Ed when stuck inside Gluttony's fake Portal of Truth. People can only be helped if they accept it. Ed might have been able to, even willing to. He seemed shocked when Envy crushed its Stone instead.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +9

      Interesting. I haven't thought that much about Ed as a character but this is a really interesting take and I like it.

  • @missagronaut705
    @missagronaut705 4 года назад +101

    I’ve heard it be said that Envy is jealous of humans’ loving relationships because he is incapable of having one - that is, he is incapable of love and other human emotions. I don’t think that’s the case at all. It’s not that Envy is incapable of a loving relationship, it’s that he was never given the chance at one. That’s what makes him so tragic. His death got to me most out of all the deaths in FMAB - I could physically feel my heart ache in my chest when he broke down and started crying.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +28

      Exactly my point! People fail to see the humanity in the bully, and why they are the way they are.

    • @nochannelnochannel231
      @nochannelnochannel231 3 года назад +4

      I envy others for having nice normal lives and I enjoy seeing them have a bad day to feel better about myself. That’s my envy

    • @craftymasterproductions4218
      @craftymasterproductions4218 Год назад +1

      I start tearing up wherever I see Envy crying.

    • @baconator_x4098
      @baconator_x4098 Год назад +5

      @@JarkeyBacon I also want to point out Greed. Greed wanted friendship because he wants everything, but his desire to seek it out is fair greater than Envy's. This causes him to leave (among other things). Envy by nature is forced to stew in his own prison and thus he can't leave.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  Год назад +1

      Oh for sure! Greed was a great character to!
      (Fellow Smite fan and has Bacon in their tag?!
      Whoa! Very nice!)

  • @hydrasent563
    @hydrasent563 2 года назад +12

    On a rewatch I notice so many subtle character moments. The scene where envy's tiny form posseses Yoki and holds him hostage is played for comedy, but envy also say "What, don't any of you care about this guy?" when no one gives in. Envy thrives off of manipulating humans and sowing seeds of chaos. From what he knows, humans are super emotional predictable, but he's proven wrong. When May is heading back to Xing, the local people are supportive and offer her a place to stay and food. It shows envy in the jar, and I can only imagine he's feeling envious. Humans are so kind and willing to help each other and work together, something that he is incapable of having, despite how much he pretends that humans are inferior. And finally, when Mustang is burning the shit out of him, and he doesn't kill him, that's the last straw. Envy started a cycle of hatred by killing an Ishvalan child. Then the Ishvalans revolted, then Bradley declared war, then Scar killed Winry's parents, and Winry...didn't shoot Scar. Revenge can be overcome, and humans can work together towards a greater goal instead of feeding into hatred, which leads Envy to kill himself.

  • @megumifushiguro4160
    @megumifushiguro4160 3 года назад +21

    Envy's feeling of inferiority and desire for love makes him the most relatable Homonculus in the show

  • @freya4553
    @freya4553 Год назад +10

    Something about his death really urged me to cry alongside him. In both the dub and the sub, Envy cries like a baby. I think it was a good choice to have him die as he looked so little because it showed how small he feels compared to those who are surrounded by loved ones. As he wailed, it resonated with me because whenever I cry, it's not out of anger or out of defeat, it's this unfiltered wailing like how a baby cries for a bottle. He's small, like a baby. And he cries just like one too. That crying is out of frustration because he was never given a chance. Envy is frustrated with what this world had to offer, so he treated it harshly. He frowned upon the world because it couldn't give him what others had. Love and acceptance. He despised the world and thought of himself as higher than it, but he isn't. Because Envy is envious of what regular people have. He wants that normalcy and he gets frustrated when he is denied it. So when he cries in his last few moments, it struck deep in me because of how he cried so... Pathetically. The VA's had done really well in portraying Envy, as the way they fake cried got me to cry as well!

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  Год назад +2

      This is a really lovely comment and analysis, thank you for writing!

  • @dariogaelreyes7534
    @dariogaelreyes7534 4 года назад +81

    Call me out on it if I'm wrong, but Envy killed himself by crushing his philospher stone, the only thing that Envy had, that the others didn't.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +24

      Yeah, Envy was the only one to kill himself but all the homunculi had philosopher stones effectively even if it wasn't in the shape of them. Lust had an actual stone in her chest. But others like pride are only shown to have human souls swarming inside of them

    • @O0001
      @O0001 4 года назад +4

      Did you mean the other homunculi or the crowd who watched him die?

    • @dariogaelreyes7534
      @dariogaelreyes7534 4 года назад +3

      @@O0001 crowd that watched him die

    • @ImSpookd
      @ImSpookd 4 года назад +15

      @@JarkeyBacon i think what he meant was that envy crushed the only thing he had that humans didnt.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +7

      @@ImSpookd Yeah, good point. Reading back on it, I completely missed his point!

  • @rapiazh0079
    @rapiazh0079 4 года назад +40

    I never knew i could cry over the death of someone i hated so much until i met Envy.

  • @keithkekenbosch9289
    @keithkekenbosch9289 5 лет назад +155

    Envy is my deadly sin, so i understand envy à bit and he was my favorite villian of the show

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 3 года назад +1

      Envy Is In Third Place As My Most Deadly Sin,But THIS Envy Is The Most Relatable To Me In Pretty Much All The Worst Ways.

    • @keithkekenbosch9289
      @keithkekenbosch9289 3 года назад

      @@JT5555 what are nr 2 and 1 deadly sins of you?

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 3 года назад

      @@keithkekenbosch9289 2nd Place Is Lust (>;3) And 1st Is Wrath (Because BPD Is A Bitch).

    • @keithkekenbosch9289
      @keithkekenbosch9289 3 года назад

      @@JT5555 BPD?

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 3 года назад

      @@keithkekenbosch9289 Borderline Personality Disorder.

  • @rhondahoward8025
    @rhondahoward8025 4 года назад +36

    _"Envy is a character I feel just needed a friend."_
    Eddy: I made it all up Double D! Everything about my brother, was a lie! I just made things up, so people would like me. Think I was "cool". But boy was I wrong! The scam, my brother... when am I gonna learn, Double D?
    Double D: I think you just have Eddy.
    This is why I tend to like characters that others hate because as I grow older, I can understand their behavior better.

  • @youropinionmatters40
    @youropinionmatters40 4 года назад +19

    Who could HATE envy? I cried like a fucking baby when he died in both series!

    • @alchemistofsteel8099
      @alchemistofsteel8099 2 года назад +2

      Envy is less likable in 2003.

    • @uvindukulathunga3860
      @uvindukulathunga3860 2 года назад +1

      Yeah bro Mr Palm tree , i will remember him

    • @kaos5633
      @kaos5633 Год назад +1

      I like to think Envy's 'death' in 03 was up to ambiguity, I always imagined him being on a fruitless war path where he is doomed to an eternal fate of trying to find and kill Hohenheim much to no avail

  • @JT5555
    @JT5555 3 года назад +11

    I Relate To Envy WAY More Than I Should.

  • @TaraZaraChara
    @TaraZaraChara Год назад +5

    I didn't cheer as Envy was being cooked alive, it only made me feel pain, seeing that look of terror in his eyes. I supposed he deserved it, but for me it was really difficult to hate him, as I just loved the character. In the end that's all he needed, to be shown love.

  • @VampireA1056
    @VampireA1056 2 года назад +5

    People only bully people because they "Envy" them.

  • @reiphas
    @reiphas 3 года назад +11

    I have a thing for villains like Envy and to me their fight with Mustang was heartbreaking in every way. Mustang had every god damn right to murder them and I knew and understood it, and yet I just shivered every time Envy cried in pain. And the way he died in the end finally killed me.

    • @Admilly101
      @Admilly101 9 месяцев назад +1

      Right? It was just so unsettling

  • @XDBenjy
    @XDBenjy 5 лет назад +57

    His own ability is also a reflection of the jealousy inherit to him, being a humunculus he doesn't have a true and human form and is jealous of the forms humans are born with, being also his androgynous form a way to satisfie his own doubts and insecurities because of the humans almost perfect way of life and being at ease with his forms (also touching a little into the idea of gender jealousy) and usual standards of gender, also by being so different to the other homunculus and his almost humans forms (being that we do not see the original forms of the rest of the homunculus and an assumption that those forms are absolute) his jealousy grows even from his brothers so his life was always with suffering and self doubt, then always venting out on the world around him doing such sadistic and horrendous things to human kind being the trigger to 2 of the turning points in the anime (Ishbala and Huge's death starting the revenge plot for Roy) and also having a Father void of any way to raise a child with such and inherit way of living a life of tragedy and self hate not because of not having the time nor skills but simply not caring for those mental guidance inside the homunculus because in his mind they are perfect, they came from him an almost perfect being and also having the weight of knowing he was always a tool
    Now for feedback, try finding your own style, I haven't seen any other video from you but I know you know your editing but i feel you're trying to look like another anituber or something like that, either way this is such an underrated video because this is some quality analysis and editing and we share some views in the character, something odd being the less famous homunculus because i feel people are more inclined in wrath or greed (I feel is because they are less broken or more broken I sincerely dont know) and you also made me see some stuff in him i didnt thought about nice one m8

    • @XDBenjy
      @XDBenjy 5 лет назад

      sorry if it was badly redacted, its 2 am and I slept 4 hours yesterday

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад +5

      No worries man!. I you make a good point about the lack of a good parental figure, which in a way give another link to the main lesson from FMA:B which is human connection, something that Father didn't have much of, compare that with Von Hohenheim who made all those connections to man kind.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад +3

      Also, Thank you for the feedback on the video. This is my first analysis, and I'll post more when I find the time and I think I have some interesting ideas to share :)

    • @XDBenjy
      @XDBenjy 5 лет назад

      I'll keep an eye to the channel then, keep the good work bc your doing some nice analysis and editing

    • @nickpastorino5370
      @nickpastorino5370 5 лет назад +1

      The word you are looking for is androgynous. To appear as both male and female.

  • @jynxx37
    @jynxx37 4 года назад +36

    Unrelated, but your voice is really soothing :)

  • @sce2aux464
    @sce2aux464 3 года назад +9

    At the end - despite everything - it's hard not to feel bad for the little fool.

  • @bandarsalh1338
    @bandarsalh1338 2 года назад +4

    I actually didn't cheer for mustang but i didn't expect envy to live
    Envy interested me because they seem to take everything personally and someone needed to completely beat his way of thinking

  • @mcloud4712
    @mcloud4712 3 года назад +9

    something i didn't see mentioned so far was the thing that might have caused envy to be the way he was. in his ,,true form'' we see envy as a being made of tortured souls crying for help and/or death making their pain/anger the only thing he could feel which would cause him to develope his sadistic (bully) side to try and protect himself (covering up his weakness). wich would make the part where he doesn't understand why humans forgive even more sadder as he is litrally incapable of feeling such things with him only being able to feel the suffering of his souls with him hating/envying humans for their ability to forgive and move on from their hate and pain with him being for ever stuck in a state of constant hate in pain unable to ever move on
    (a little late to the video but i still find the idea interesting and sad at the same time)

  • @armin5767
    @armin5767 3 года назад +10

    tbh I hated Envy with all my heart cuz how they killed Hughes and shot a child to cause a genocide and I regret hating Envy, while I was in the middle of the show, I didn't get that they were actually trying to make us stop the cycle of hatred until Scar and Winry's meeting. But still, I wanted Envy to get defeated in the hands of Mustang and what happened in the show changed my mind so much, even the change in Mustang's character from Killing Lust till letting go of Envy after making Envy weak, I don't know how to explain but - I teared up and probably episode 54 will remain one of my most favorite anime episodes of all time.

  • @williamcompitello2302
    @williamcompitello2302 3 года назад +3

    For me, I'm envious of people's intelligence. I get frustrated that I can't solve problems well and how right I WANT to be, rather than knowing what I'm talking about. I have autism with other learning issues and often envy the success of others close to me. I hate feeling useless and thought of badly. Even when I want to give back to others who help me, it's real hard to do. Anime and opening up gives me tremendous inspiration.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +1

      That sounds rough :( All I can say is keep going! You seem very self aware, which is a great first step!
      When I feel down about myself, I find it helpful to think on a larger perspective. E.g. Would my life be that much better if I was more intelligent? maybe it would, but I wouldn't be necessarily more confident in myself.
      Owning the cards you have been dealt in life is how I learnt to be confident.
      Also, if you have friends or people in your own life that you can talk to about this, then they maybe able to help more.
      Good luck!

    • @TheWillikids
      @TheWillikids 3 года назад

      You aren't the only one, dude. It hurts when you couldn't have proper time making the decent right words.

  • @garnett2350
    @garnett2350 3 года назад +19

    Envy is a depiction of someone who was hurt and gave this hatred towards other people, Envy's androgynous appearance and not having a definite form makes him jealous of human, he never had real friends, nor a good family to support him, I think all people can relate to him, this feeling about being left out, being an outcast just by being different, not having a emotional support can destroy someone's personality, like me personally sometimes I envy people who have a supportive family (who understands and respects my family), who are dating (having shallow relationships and all of them were secret cuz I haven't come out), or have a better life than me (like a good job), this feeling is frustrating, because I start to compare myself to others and it makes me more and more mad. Envy was the first anime character I felt in love with, although he is a monster and vile, he is such a representation, non binary characters didn't exist back then and it was my first experience watching this kind of character, also I relate to his inner sadness that he always felt, deep down he only wanted love and a friendship. Also your video is amazing

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +1

      I'm really glad you found my video enjoyable, and I'm happy the Envy has been such an important character in your life. Thanks for sharing :)

    • @tvbuu
      @tvbuu Год назад

      I feel this.

    • @simona_sigmund1001
      @simona_sigmund1001 Год назад +1

      ​@@tvbuu me too my dude 🥺

    • @simona_sigmund1001
      @simona_sigmund1001 Год назад +1

      I love the non-binary aspect to envy too and it's even better that it's not mentioned, it's just who they are, and fmab don't make a token out of them. I have a crush on Envy, even though they're evil. Theres a curiosity there when I see how broken they are which has this gravity. It kinda pulls me in and even though they're sick and twisted I can't help but feel for them. It's hard to describe but they struck a chord with me

  • @beau7140
    @beau7140 4 года назад +17

    STOP im crying in the club

  • @Yvädastra
    @Yvädastra 5 лет назад +33

    Wonderful video! Envy is one of my favorite villains ever, and you did their character justice!

  • @KyleEntertainment
    @KyleEntertainment 4 года назад +19

    Well, personally (3:05) when Envy showed up in the manga for the first time, I thought he was a sexy anime girl. So, I'll have to disagree there. Though the Dub voice I heard in the clip would have made that mistake impossible in the anime, I imagine. As for the video, I never really hated Envy, he definitely was the most evil character in the series, so I understand the point being made here. Envy crying being portrayed as pathetic in the anime is interesting, as in the manga I read that scene as a sorrowful moment for Envy, not a pathetic one. I'm interested to watch the scene in it's full context when I get around to brotherhood.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +4

      Interesting, I do think that this video is pretty personal and a little dramatic. I guess the idea is that my hated for Envy blinded me to the fact that Mustangs actions were destructive and nothing fruitful would come of it, which had this like meta-narrative point that made me realise that I was a capable of hated and wanting revenge as a religious zelot like Scar (who turns up in the scene later). Who I never thought I could be like that.
      Keep in mind this was my first anime so it may have not been as mind blowing if I watched for the first time now. So yeah, after reading stuff like Vinland Saga the whole revenge thing ain't as unique as I initially thought.
      I think the scene was both pathetic but also trying to be sorrowful, Envy is a pretty tragic character and despite being 400 years old never seemed to mature and get much out of life. It was isolated and lacked any friendship or human connection.
      Anyway, thanks for watching the video mate! (Also nice to give you a heart finally :) )

  • @micromints1735
    @micromints1735 4 года назад +13

    Another good example of a "Villain you purely hate." is Light Yagami, although in Light's case it's a slow transferral into losing all good intentions until being slightly less of a miscreant then Envy, but his death also makes him, although not sympathetic, deeply pathetic and sad.

    • @JT5555
      @JT5555 3 года назад +2

      Both Light And L Were Just Kind Of Shitty People,Honestly. Light Started Out Just Wanting To Help The World,But Thanks To L The Stress Got To Him Because Now His Own Life Was On The Line. L,However Thought He Was The Just One Because He Was On The Side Of The Law Yet Was Willing To Do Things That Even The Police He Worked With Thought Went Too Far (Namely Kidnapping And Keeping Misa Bound And Blindfolded For WEEKS. Yes,They Thought She Was Kira And Had No Idea About The Death Note But They When They Thought The Same Of Light,They Just Put Him In A Cell. That's Fucked Up) So His Morals Were FAR From Good. All And All,Death Note Is A Series About Villains That Don't Even Know They're Villains: Even Ryuk Is One For Dropping The Death Note In The First Place,Simply Out Of Boredom And Not Even Caring Who Used It Or Why.

  • @shayv9304
    @shayv9304 2 года назад +3

    So, I just finished Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and I have to admit that Envys death made me cry. This scene was absolutely cruel to watch. I know that Envy was a perfect embodiment of a villain, but I actually figuered out his vulnerability early in the series. And at some point I hoped that he would redeem himself.
    Great analysis of Envy!

  • @dead80s
    @dead80s 4 года назад +2

    This video was so lovely. Perfectly articulated, it's nice hearing such a well thought out perspective on this little shit of a homunculus.

  • @bunnycafe1427
    @bunnycafe1427 2 года назад +4

    I feel like its often forgot that envy and the other homunculus is that aren't just the name of these since - or a true embodiment of it person. They are living creatures selfishly created bare the sins of someone else , their sin isn't just a personality flaw - like greed says towards the end its like they have this painful emptiness in something torturing them that they can't fill that's rooted in their given name. I feel like Envy was also a tragic character even from the start , he was doomed to died sad , alone and unhappy because head born to always be jealous and have zero self worth and to impulsivly lash out at other to somehow fill that sadness.

  • @dsquared1173
    @dsquared1173 5 лет назад +17

    I like how the dialogue and clips go hand in hand and very smooth voice my guy. Definitely didn’t sound like your first time. I’m impressed keep it up!

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks man, watching a lot of other video essay was very helpful in making this all tidy. This also isn't my first video but it is my first Anime Video Essay so yeah, technically not my first video, but thanks nonetheless :)

  • @ladydoll2022
    @ladydoll2022 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for this wonderful !!!))) He is my favorite character

  • @valentinpavlov8082
    @valentinpavlov8082 3 года назад +2

    Envy is literaly my favourite vilain in FMAB . Not my favourite character but favourite vilain.

  • @moonlight-rising
    @moonlight-rising 3 года назад +11

    Envy's death made me cry so much... Maybe it was because I saw him having redemption, going away with Mei... like, I think he would've been able to haave true friends had he given away his toxic traits (like wanting to trick mei). He would've gotten better, I think. And I don't even know when I started to like him. Like, I really hated him for what he did to Hughes but, seeing Roy blazing his ass made me so sad for both parties: Roy who was losing himself and Envy who had given away his chance at redemption and was facing possible death.

  • @bandarsalh1338
    @bandarsalh1338 2 года назад +2

    I the thing i liked most about envy is their voice actor. She really managed to draw the childish, sadistic characters of envy

  • @zookeeps1340
    @zookeeps1340 2 года назад +5

    Tbh I think that envy the jealous worked way better in FMA 2003. There he actually embodies both of the words used to describe him he is envious of not only humans but the fact that Hoenheim chose to have a relationship with Ed and Al, and he is jealous that Hoenheim chose to end their relationship of father and son to have a new family. Actually in 2003 all of the homonculi embody what their full title is for example Lust the Lascivious is Lustful towards becoming a human and she manages to draw peoples lasciviousness out of them

    • @Teknanam
      @Teknanam 2 года назад +3

      Gotta disagree. 2003 Envy's issue is personal (being directed mainly at the Elrics and Hohenheim) whereas Brotherhood Envy is more generally directed at humanity as a whole. Which makes sense since Envy embodies Father's Envy of humanity. Meanwhile 2003 Envy just took his hate over Hohenheim and later the Elrics and spun it out a bit, but ultimately remained fixated on those 3

  • @anastaciateodoro
    @anastaciateodoro 3 года назад +3

    Your writing is so good... I think it's the exact kind of analysis fmab asks for
    great work

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +1

      Thank you for the kind words! Tbh, I come back to this video and am shock that I wrote something to this quality. I didn't really know how to make a video essay (still don't) but it turned out pretty good! Hopefully, I can make more FMA:B content in the future. When I get the time, that is...

  • @vitraartist2622
    @vitraartist2622 4 года назад +4

    When I watch this scene I cry when envy cries but not for the same reason. I pity him so much it's overwhelming there's just nothing in him but hatred and when that has been stripped away he has nothing left but humiliation and why live after that (if your envy).

  • @hank000
    @hank000 4 года назад +5

    This was actually beautiful. Thank you for voicing your thoughts so coherently and well.
    Your insight is greatly appreciated , and you seem to have a deep appreciation for well written characters.
    I've always found envy quite interesting , and this video was pretty damn amazing itself.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +1

      Ahhh, thanks man. I hope to make more videos like this. I have been meaning to, but I have gotten caught up in other things. I have so many ideas that I sometimes don't know what to work on XD

  • @spic_islander6503
    @spic_islander6503 3 года назад +4

    Just a thought after you put in envy just needed a friend to understand him. Edward seemed he could of been the friend especially understanding envy in the end? But maybe was just too late.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +2

      It was too late I reckon, and Envy would had needed a lot of work to get over their issues.

  • @clutchmartin
    @clutchmartin 4 года назад +5

    Very nice analysis and very thought provoking. This video needs more views!

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +1

      Thanks man! This video has already got so many more views then I normally do, so I am super thankful for what I have got so far. And this video is keeping on ticking up in views so that is great as well :)

  • @LordOfAllThatIsGolden
    @LordOfAllThatIsGolden 3 года назад +4

    I don’t know why but envy is one of my favorite characters in the show

    • @garnett2350
      @garnett2350 3 года назад

      Same with me, I am not so fond of Mustang tho but I understand the reasons he had to kill envy

    • @LordOfAllThatIsGolden
      @LordOfAllThatIsGolden 3 года назад +1

      Yeah. I think mustang is fine but he kinda had to kill envy. I did actually get a little sad when envy died for some reason.

    • @s_c_u_m3172
      @s_c_u_m3172 3 года назад

      same tbh

  • @Crystre
    @Crystre Год назад +1

    Envy was the whole reason I picked up the series. I knew they were going to die, but in a cruel fate when I read the manga they became the only character I truly cared about. I never hated Envy, I couldn’t despite their crimes. Maybe it was because I had no attachment to Hughes so his death had no impact on me. The series could have ended with Ed dying and I wouldn’t mind if Envy lived. Envy’s death hurt because I knew it was inevitable, I had been spoiled from the start, but I denied it until it happened.

  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад +1

    I want to think of this as my child because he is a full on person and i feel related

  • @spardadarkknight1
    @spardadarkknight1 3 года назад +2

    Fun fact in the original fma envy is the son of hohenheim

  • @raven_greed
    @raven_greed 2 года назад +2

    Hello. I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I started crying at 6-7 minutes into the video because I'm Envy-kinnie. There is no good character analysis in Russian, but yours gave me everything I was looking for. Thank you.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  2 года назад +1

      Hope your doing well! Thank you for the nice comment. Its awesome to hear that people are still enjoying this video despite its age!

    • @raven_greed
      @raven_greed 2 года назад +1

      @@JarkeyBacon Yes, I felt better in 30 minutes. Obviously this resonated deeply with me but I'm really grateful for this analysis.

  • @ahmedalwahaibi6751
    @ahmedalwahaibi6751 2 года назад +1

    One of the best villains in all of Anime

  • @sheilaconsuelodawkins2966
    @sheilaconsuelodawkins2966 4 года назад +4

    Finally someone talks about envy is great villano

  • @The_BEST_Rookie_Cop
    @The_BEST_Rookie_Cop 4 года назад +5

    [spoilers for original 2003 Fma]
    I think in 2003 envy is a shamed to be Honihem's son and that's why uses what we call normal envy and when he was revealed he said he hated being replaced and he thought so with Ed,Al,and Trisha and that's that envy about him

  • @twilights_voice3178
    @twilights_voice3178 3 года назад +2

    This was actually really good for your first time, this is exactly the type of content I look for👍🏾

  • @runesolis
    @runesolis 2 года назад +1

    I loved Envy so much...

  • @johnniepitre3028
    @johnniepitre3028 2 года назад +2

    Envy is my favorite Character in fma

  • @kalikata3054
    @kalikata3054 4 года назад +3

    That was awesome. Thank you :) U delivered very well

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  4 года назад +1

      Thank you! Glad you liked it. I'll be uploading another video tonight /(0o0 )\

  • @betsymartinez3773
    @betsymartinez3773 3 года назад +2

    Lmao Envy was my favorite character. It was just so nicely portrayed and well written.

  • @barcodebear
    @barcodebear 3 года назад +2

    This was a fantastic video, great job

  • @dying101666
    @dying101666 3 года назад +7

    I envy Envys androgyny. I'm a masculine looking male who always envied feminine guys.

  • @ohsnapisthat10cakes
    @ohsnapisthat10cakes 3 года назад +1

    This was awesome thank you very much

  • @tayojones9460
    @tayojones9460 4 года назад +3

    Great analysis.

  • @8balls122
    @8balls122 3 года назад +1

    those who can't love will always be alone

  • @spardadarkknight1
    @spardadarkknight1 3 года назад +1

    He looks like a gothic palm tree

  • @atasagun1437
    @atasagun1437 4 месяца назад

    I love envy , def one of my fav characters in fmab

  • @arminzseashellx_7747
    @arminzseashellx_7747 3 года назад +1

    You fr just made me cry

  • @jamesafridi79
    @jamesafridi79 3 года назад +1

    Envy was my favorite villan he was so Charasmatic

  • @uzitwotymez
    @uzitwotymez 5 лет назад +8

    Keep doing vids fam💯 Im a fan, just make a second channel for anime analysis and youll be on your way, also dont be afraid to put personality into your vids people will listen for the information put they'll stay because of YOU

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад +1

      Cheers Mate! Glad you like it. I do have some ideas to talk about, just need to write them down. Also Thank you for the feedback. It is super helpful for me!

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  5 лет назад

      When you say your a fan. Are you a fan of my old stuff on Smite or this analysis? Since starting a new channel is a bit daunting.

  • @himboronin2573
    @himboronin2573 3 года назад

    Wow. This analysis really hit me. Excellent work and thoughts. Ilearned a lot from this.

  • @michelles6553
    @michelles6553 Год назад +1

    My favorite character

  • @snonyabeeswax
    @snonyabeeswax 3 года назад +4

    first time around i hated envy but not i find him pretty relatable,looking at the result of a very broken family and zero true friends.

  • @varkrow
    @varkrow 3 года назад +3

    Still. I think it's the fact that I always grew up being the bullied and the one stuck with the toxic behaviour that is the reason I still hate Envy. Why does anybody need to set themselves on fire to give anybody else warmth, after all? Toxicity breeds only more toxicity, true, but doesn't that mean, like a virus, it should just be left alone to burn out? Perhaps that sounds cruel, but I figured it would be justified to let somebody who purposefully started a war by shooting a child, and ruining the lives of many strangers to just burn out and die as he did. More a pathetic existence, than anything, is my personal take on him.

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +3

      Totally fair opinion! I'd agree Envy is beyond pathetic, but that just makes me more sad. I think my favourite part about Envy is just how they are used to shine that light back on me as a viewer. Its a weird meta thing that may have only happened to me. But I think its cool, hence why this video exists.

  • @anzui
    @anzui Год назад

    This video needs more views ♥

  • @Delux23
    @Delux23 3 года назад

    Great video 2 years down and I sub for this video it was great thank you

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  3 года назад +1

      Cheers boss! I upload pretty infrequently, but I appreciate it anyway :)

  • @thenuggettrainer3754
    @thenuggettrainer3754 4 года назад +1

    i adore envy.also his smile. anyone like wrath?i do! well who else thinks that the villians are smarter than the good guys in the anime?

  • @clevermcgenericname891
    @clevermcgenericname891 2 года назад

    "...I thought of them while I was in the shower..."
    Bro...you good?

  • @pandafamily2274
    @pandafamily2274 2 года назад +2

    Envy is pretty much a love to hate character

  • @Admilly101
    @Admilly101 9 месяцев назад

    Well damn ya got me crying at the end there

    • @JarkeyBacon
      @JarkeyBacon  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you for watching the video :D

    • @Admilly101
      @Admilly101 9 месяцев назад

      @@JarkeyBacon "he just needed a friend" how the hell am i wanting to give this silly psychopath the biggest hug now like WHAT

  • @zeejay-junejo
    @zeejay-junejo 3 месяца назад

    Watching it the second time, its kinda hard to feel bad for envy since he cause the whooe ishfal war that fked up the life for many.

  • @brooklynborgelt5850
    @brooklynborgelt5850 3 года назад +2

    He’s my favorite because he’s hot

  • @moonie9610
    @moonie9610 2 года назад

    This is THE AIRHEAD

  • @accelwatchingfun9560
    @accelwatchingfun9560 3 года назад +1

    I always wondered how he can climb trees and so on if his original weight is that of the giant monster. How?

  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад

    The one for me too 🥺 for us all to victim on blames

  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад

    I think Alexander just didn't want to lose Nina

  • @WafflesssFalling
    @WafflesssFalling 3 года назад +2

    I personally really liked Envy, I don’t normally cry with shows, but I did when Envy died- to see them realize what it was they truly wanted the whole time. Then them killing themself was so sad. I also really love that Envy’s genderless since I’m nonbinary lol

  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад

    Now that we're both girls we're not even brothers

  • @moonie9610
    @moonie9610 2 года назад


  • @youropinionmatters40
    @youropinionmatters40 4 года назад +2

    Loveeeee envy

  • @Kivaagno
    @Kivaagno 5 месяцев назад


  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад

    >bullying my dog

  • @moonie9610
    @moonie9610 2 года назад

    She may ignore some feelings and randomly give in to sadism indeed but she's actually empty in all ways

  • @yate0128
    @yate0128 2 года назад

    To this day I still don’t really understand Envy’s actions

  • @boybakala9677
    @boybakala9677 2 года назад

    This envy is wimp compares to chad envy in 2003 FMA

  • @raintalon6138
    @raintalon6138 4 месяца назад

    Envy killed Hughes. Yet we forget Hughes isn't an innocent. He also helped perpetrate a genocide.
    Envy did ignite the Ishnvalan rebellion. Yet it became a war, a genocide by the choices of the military.
    Envy is no more evil then Mustang or Hawkeye.
    The only difference is Envy truly owned up to his actions. Envy admits his actions and their implications. For that he is more deserving of redemption then Mustang.
    Mustang only pretended to. He gave excuses and rationalization. But never truly acknowledged his guilty. He is the embodiment of hypocrisy the homunculus so hate.
    The homunculus and humans are the same. Except the homunculus offer no excuses for their actions.

  • @moonie9610
    @moonie9610 2 года назад

    (◕ᴗ◕✿) Aya ENVY has one great advantage to analysis and it's that ENVY can't think at all in any way ever

  • @jennifernicks3351
    @jennifernicks3351 6 месяцев назад

    Ok let’s get one thing straight Envy is ether he/him he/they and he is a creature of agony he brags because that’s all he has and a few other fan my have seen this I know I did if anyone saw the look in Envy’s eyes when he saw the photo of Maes Hughes’ family when he was reminded that he has nothing he considers himself a monster and no one ever loved him he has the potential to be a good being villains like Envy aren’t born they are made 😢so I would sand by him if he were real and I would help him

  • @SpartonWolf
    @SpartonWolf 3 года назад +1

    Was I not supposed to love Envy?

  • @JelaniTime
    @JelaniTime 3 года назад +1

    Love it

  • @zookeeps1340
    @zookeeps1340 3 года назад +1

    Envy, Lust , 2003 Sloth and Wrath, are literally the only likeable characters in the show along with Riza Hawkeye. Like everybody else is just a hypocrite like spoilers
    In 2003 when Edward murders Sloth he basically told Wrath "shut up, you dont actually know MY pain and like she wasnt even there blah blah" like NO YOU BRUTALLY MURDERED THIS CHILDS ONLY POSITIVE PARENTAL FIGURE INFRONT OF THEM, not to mention most of the homunculi didnt actually mind dying
    Greed and Sloth tried to put up a fight but they then realised that their time was up, with Sloth even reverting somewhat back to Trisha
    Lust was happy that she would finally be able to die, something that only humans could do
    Wrath is happy to sacrifice himself for Alphonse as Wrath has lost literally everybody he cares about in his life (Izumi and Sloth)
    Then there are Pride and Gluttony who are there

  • @jamesafridi8351
    @jamesafridi8351 2 года назад

    He is awesome I miss Envy Lust

  • @truelove9476
    @truelove9476 2 года назад

    He knows he can change that but he wants to be gay and doesn't care about anything but finally dressing like this without whistles everywhere