THANKS FOR WATCHING!! 👍 If you enjoyed the video please consider LIKING & SUBSCRIBING - they really help me out! 👍 🇷🇴 All of my ROMANIA videos → | 📍 My videos on a TRAVEL MAP →
This is magnificent and I can’t wait to tour this building it’s unreal in size , nice video and Romania is somewhere I look forward to exploring cheers Matt
Hi Matt, this building is incredible, it's like a proper palace with every room as a work of art. I'll look it up when it was built. I don't know much about the dictator Chaushesku but I've heard his name mentioned a lot while I was growing up in the USSR. I am glad they rent the building out now to be able to maintain it. I know it was a bad cause to built it in the first place but it would be a shame for such work of art to go to disrepair. A lot of hard working people made this place happen.
That's a great point, Olga! Lots of blood, sweat and tears went into building that thing I'm sure - it's such a colossal place and everywhere you look there's more majesty. It must have been an interesting time growing up in the USSR, I suspect you were taught many things differently than we were in the west. I'm pleased they have preserved it too, they really don't build 'em like that any more! Thanks for watching.
@@MattWhitingsEurope I am not sure of we were taught things differently, underneath countries' ideologies and politics, common people are more or less the same everywhere.
Yeah I wasn't bestowing any rights or wrongs just saying different. It fascinates me how for all those years there were two different worlds almost - I love visiting the former Soviet countries and learning about them.
An interesting video ! According to the Numbeo 2023 ranking of the safest cities in the world, Bucharest occupies position 53, Brasov - 37, Paris - 258, London - 233, Berlin - 159, Rome - 217, New York - 200, Ottawa -68, Oslo - 89, Toronto - 154, Liverpool - 187, Glasgow - 169, Aberdeen - 100, etc. So Bucharest is a safe city.
the benefits of cultural unity gentlemen ;) the "rough" neighbourhood mentioned, is Ferentari ( and Rahova ) ... where I grew up unfortunately ... that's where the majority of our city's Tamil population lives, so it's a bit more ... diverse than the overall Romanian city which otherwise is quite safe .
@@MattWhitingsEurope The house where the former president-dictator of Romania lived is called „Palatul Primăverii” - „Spring's Palace”, also known simply as „Ceaușescu's House”. The name of the neighborhood where the palace is placed is also „Primăverii” - „Spring's district”.
One never spends enough time thinking about the acoustics when giving propaganda speeches; probably a good thing he did. I absolutely love marble; seeing banisters and steps and floors made out of marble is always remarkable. Filming the military building is brave, sir! Those fountains are so magical! Glad you were able to get up close and personal!
I did wonder about filming the military building but figured it was on Google Street View already, probably wouldn't have done if I were closer though! The fountains really do dominate that part of the city - there's always a show on!!
My sister's childhood friend her Dad made a lot of the chandeliers in this place. The second he could escape the country he did 😅 He now makes Chandeliers in Australia for movie sets and also Wealthy Asian families.
IN THIS BUILDING EVERYTHING IS FROM ROMANIA + MADE IN ROMANIA. We had good hard workers + good +big industry . I visited it many times. I like this building +I am proud . Every country have something special, we have the House of Parliament. Please stop saying "Dictator". Ceaușescu was not a dictator. Look in History +our days for "Dictator" means + economic+social conditions.
Thanks for the information, fascinating place! I'm thankful I managed to get on a tour, it was really interesting to walk around and learn all about it.
Hard to believe but true : this project had open budget. It means as long as it needs. For instance, hugely expensive carpets or chandeliers were replaced after just being installed because Ceausescu didn't like them when visiting periodically the undergoing construction.
As long as they’re genuine? I’d start with the official site though, that would be my preference. I was lucky not to need to book online, I just turned up and got a spot on the tour. Would recommend booking ahead of time though just in case. Hope that helps.
300 people have just been evacuated from the ground floor of the Parliament Palace after a man set fire using a gas bottle. A woman suffered a panic attack. Fortunately nobody else was hurt. The attacker has not been captured yet but his face is all over the news now. Looks like he actually managed to escape from the building.
@@MattWhitingsEurope Yes, it happend few days ago. That man was captured 10 hours later in a hotel in Bucharest. He said he did it on purpose as an act of protest against the political class. He risks up to 7 years in jail now. The incident will most likely trigger heightened security measures in the future although the authorities said that they do not want to make it more difficult for tourists to visit the Parliament Palace.
Glad they caught the offender and that they don't want to make it too difficult to visit the Palace. The security was very strong I though, including bag checks and airport style scanners.
@@MattWhitingsEurope True, the security routine is good enough already only that the incident occurred in a souvenirs shop anyone can access before going through the security check. Initially the authorities said that some tourists suddenly started arguing and one of them overreacted by setting things on fire. In reality the offender premeditated the attack as he was carrying in his backpack what seemed to be a bottle of milk full of gas. I cannot think of anyone in their right mind going out in the Bucharest heat with a dairy product instead of water thus risking food poisoning, let alone having gas instead of milk in there "by accident" while visiting an administrative building. When the smoke and fire alarm broke out he didn't run away either. He just walked by the security guards just like any normal innocent person would do. By the time everyone started looking for him he was long gone. The interesting thing is that people watching the news called 112 trying to help the authorities to capture him faster. We've all got lucky this time as he was not a terrorist but a deranged person perhaps.
The building you visited was going to become a National Bank that would rival the IMF and the World Bank! A bank that will grant loans to poor countries in Africa and Asia !
Interesting, thanks for the information. I've seen those formerly closed secret areas in the middle of a city quite a few times around Europe - pretty much all of them in former communist states.
How stupid are you? Do you know how many generations of Romanian families were left in shambles because of the construction of this building? You want a dictator go move to North Korea and see how you like it.
there is no way you put that question, people lost their lives and worked like slaves to make this "beautiful building", I dare you to say that to someone who's father lost his life by working 24/24 on this building while his family was still starving. Now take a look at the church at the end of the video, it is a building that started in our time, a building taller then the parliament and unlike that, this one is not build by using people like slaves or taking their lives. It is also almost finished by now and should be the largest orthodox church. So the "democrats" will leave the largest orthodox church in the world behind, now what?
@@l1v1ucbu53 Saracia era prin mandat pentru ca Romania sa-si plateasca datoriile ca mai apoi sa ne aliem cu Korea de Nord si Iran ca mai apoi sa incepem noi sa imprumutam bani la altii. Fortele externe si-au dat seama de strategie si s-o intamplat ce s-o intamplat. Revolutia din 89 o fost o lovitura de stat data de Rusi. De aceea n-o existat nici o schimbare parlamentara, ci doar detronarea dictatorului plus alianta pro Vest (NATO + SUA) de frica Rusilor.
@@l1v1ucbu53 amandoi aveti dreptate ... eram Coreea de Nord si acum au venit americanii si colegi din bruxelles sa ne transforme in Pakistan/Nepal. nu stiu care e mai rau.
@@gabrielc6252 e bine acum ... azi ... mai stai cativa ani ca ei au inceput sa aduca noii votatori si angajati de doar 1 an. mai stai 5 ani sa vedem ce zici atunci
America destroyed Romania togather with other countries.Today Romania don’t have factories . Romania don’t need NATO or UE. Romania must be independent. We have to put visa for all foreghin people like us,Australia, canada…
Ți-aș sugera să ștergi comentariul că ești penibil. America ne-a ocupat cu tancurile sau URSS ?!?! America ne-a adus comunismul sau URSS ?!?! Ce vină are America sau alte țări ca poporul român a votat corupți, trădători și vânzători de țară ?!?! Păi fără UE și NATO azi eram desființați idiotule.
Bine spus. M-am săturat de cuvântul "dictator". Nu a spus alte lucruri importante pt România,legate de acest palat. Am avut ocazia să îl vizitez de câteva ori. Este frumos. Cred că sunt invidioși ca noi avem clădirea aceasta.
@@gabrielagherbezeanu4716 ei sunt doar invidiosi ca nu avem destui pakistanezi, sri lankezi si ghanezi in tara inca. dar lucreaza cu pasiune sa rectifice asta despre tara noastra :) dupa dictatura ceausescu am sarit din lac in puț fiind preluați de western woke industrial complex. daca nu punem stop, in curand nu ne vom mai numi Romania, ne vom numi "Central Eastern European Trade Zone II" administrata de vre-unu numit gen Sadiq Mohammed
Buckingham Palace received Nicolae Ceaușescu on request of the British foreign office who, it has since been revealed, were using the visit to sell a fleet of aircraft to a Romanian airline. There's an interesting article about it here --> Many dictators who are also head of states have visited Buckingham Palace and met with Queen Elizabeth II including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe & Xi Jinping.
sincer, in secțiunea asta de comentarii este prima oarã cand vad Români care contesta utilizarea cuvântului "Dictator" pentru a-l descrie pe Ceauşescu. De unde si pânã unde asta? Frațlor, eu in clasa a 2-a am fost forțat sa umplu un caiet intreg cu material pentru campania lui electorala. Toti copiii din toate școlile au fost forțați sa faca asta in acel an. Si daca îmi aduc aminte bine, he ran alone against himself. Pe vremurile alea daca te duceai la scoala si ii ziceai invatatoarei ca taica-tu a spus ceva gresit despre partid, taica-tu disparea a doua zi ... nu inteleg de unde vine asta cu "nu a fost dictator". cand a erupt revolutia, m-am dus acasa suparat, crezand ca parintii mei vor fi super tristi, pe baza la cum vorbeau despre el in fata mea. am fost mai derutat sa-i vad fericiti, decat atunci cand am aflat ca nu exista Mos Craciun. nu stiu daca voi care ziceti ca nu era dictator a-ti avut ocazia sa traiti pe acele vremuri ...
THANKS FOR WATCHING!! 👍 If you enjoyed the video please consider LIKING & SUBSCRIBING - they really help me out! 👍
🇷🇴 All of my ROMANIA videos → | 📍 My videos on a TRAVEL MAP →
This is magnificent and I can’t wait to tour this building it’s unreal in size , nice video and Romania is somewhere I look forward to exploring cheers Matt
Yes I'd recommend getting a tour if you can - it was a lot of fun and so very interesting to take a walk around such a magnificent building.
Hi Matt, this building is incredible, it's like a proper palace with every room as a work of art. I'll look it up when it was built. I don't know much about the dictator Chaushesku but I've heard his name mentioned a lot while I was growing up in the USSR. I am glad they rent the building out now to be able to maintain it. I know it was a bad cause to built it in the first place but it would be a shame for such work of art to go to disrepair. A lot of hard working people made this place happen.
That's a great point, Olga! Lots of blood, sweat and tears went into building that thing I'm sure - it's such a colossal place and everywhere you look there's more majesty. It must have been an interesting time growing up in the USSR, I suspect you were taught many things differently than we were in the west. I'm pleased they have preserved it too, they really don't build 'em like that any more! Thanks for watching.
@@MattWhitingsEurope I am not sure of we were taught things differently, underneath countries' ideologies and politics, common people are more or less the same everywhere.
Yeah I wasn't bestowing any rights or wrongs just saying different. It fascinates me how for all those years there were two different worlds almost - I love visiting the former Soviet countries and learning about them.
@@MattWhitingsEuropeRomina nu a fost în URSS a fost influențată doar atît caută pe net dacă am fost comuniști nu înseamnă că am făcut parte de URSS
I was there 1997, it is worth of visit.
Yes indeed, I really enjoyed the tour and found it all quite fascinating. Spectacular place!
Nice movie.You need to come in Bulgaria to see Todor Jivkov residence in Shumen.
Thank you. Yes that sounds like a fascinating experience. I didn't realise Todor Jivkov's residence was in Shumen! Is it open to the public?
An interesting video ! According to the Numbeo 2023 ranking of the safest cities in the world, Bucharest occupies position 53, Brasov - 37, Paris - 258, London - 233, Berlin - 159, Rome - 217, New York - 200, Ottawa -68, Oslo - 89, Toronto - 154, Liverpool - 187, Glasgow - 169, Aberdeen - 100, etc. So Bucharest is a safe city.
I have to say that I did feel safe throughout the entire trip, everyone in Romania was really friendly.
the benefits of cultural unity gentlemen ;)
the "rough" neighbourhood mentioned, is Ferentari ( and Rahova ) ... where I grew up unfortunately ... that's where the majority of our city's Tamil population lives, so it's a bit more ... diverse than the overall Romanian city which otherwise is quite safe .
Interesant video, a meritat efortul, felicitări pt acest material
Mulțumesc pentru vizionare, o zi minunată!
This Building is incredible and the storie is sad, so many poor peoples but the dictatorship spend all the money and menpower for build this.
Very true, glad I got to visit and learn about all the history. Thanks for watching! 😀
Well, this was an administrative building. Ceausescu family had a mansion on Victoria boulevard. You can tour that too. But they did not live there
Thanks for the information, I didn't realise that. Do you know what the place is called?
@@MattWhitingsEurope house of people 😂😂 please stop telling lays about Ceausescu .
@@MattWhitingsEurope The house where the former president-dictator of Romania lived is called „Palatul Primăverii” - „Spring's Palace”, also known simply as „Ceaușescu's House”. The name of the neighborhood where the palace is placed is also „Primăverii” - „Spring's district”.
One never spends enough time thinking about the acoustics when giving propaganda speeches; probably a good thing he did. I absolutely love marble; seeing banisters and steps and floors made out of marble is always remarkable. Filming the military building is brave, sir! Those fountains are so magical! Glad you were able to get up close and personal!
I did wonder about filming the military building but figured it was on Google Street View already, probably wouldn't have done if I were closer though! The fountains really do dominate that part of the city - there's always a show on!!
Thank you for your effort to make this video and to share with as....
My pleasure, thanks for watching!
My sister's childhood friend her Dad made a lot of the chandeliers in this place. The second he could escape the country he did 😅 He now makes Chandeliers in Australia for movie sets and also Wealthy Asian families.
Great story, thanks for sharing!
Romania is and should remain proud of it's extraordinary Parliament building. It is a spectacular construction. 🏛️
Completely agree. Wonderful place, I found it so interesting and the tour just flew by. 👍
Thanks for making this video
U have done a great tough job
I know the history of Romania
Really a huge building RK Dua New Delhi India ❤
Lov u all
It's my pleasure! Thanks for watching! 😀
I was there two weeks ago, but they didn’t show us the ballroom
That’s interesting. Maybe as there’s so much to show they do a slightly different tour each time?
IN THIS BUILDING EVERYTHING IS FROM ROMANIA + MADE IN ROMANIA. We had good hard workers + good +big industry . I visited it many times. I like this building +I am proud . Every country have something special, we have the House of Parliament. Please stop saying "Dictator". Ceaușescu was not a dictator. Look in History +our days for "Dictator" means + economic+social conditions.
Thanks for the information, fascinating place! I'm thankful I managed to get on a tour, it was really interesting to walk around and learn all about it.
nu prea inteleg ce vrei sa spui Gabriela :) ceausescu a fost dictator din toate punctele de vedere :) nu deruta musafirul :)
Hard to believe but true : this project had open budget. It means as long as it needs. For instance, hugely expensive carpets or chandeliers were replaced after just being installed because Ceausescu didn't like them when visiting periodically the undergoing construction.
That's incredible, how different things were back then. Amazing that we can now take a tour of the building, I wonder how much more there is to see!
@@MattWhitingsEurope A lot.
@lsd8497 Indeed.
It is a beautiful place esthetically.
For sure! It's almost impossible to comprehend just how large the place is!
If a large part of the building is empty why don’t they turn parts of the building into condos or apartments or office spaces.
Good question. Security concerns perhaps?
Do you recommend to book on third party websites? I cant buy tickets directly on the official websites.
As long as they’re genuine? I’d start with the official site though, that would be my preference. I was lucky not to need to book online, I just turned up and got a spot on the tour. Would recommend booking ahead of time though just in case. Hope that helps.
300 people have just been evacuated from the ground floor of the Parliament Palace after a man set fire using a gas bottle. A woman suffered a panic attack. Fortunately nobody else was hurt. The attacker has not been captured yet but his face is all over the news now. Looks like he actually managed to escape from the building.
Interesting, has this just happened?
@@MattWhitingsEurope Yes, it happend few days ago. That man was captured 10 hours later in a hotel in Bucharest. He said he did it on purpose as an act of protest against the political class. He risks up to 7 years in jail now. The incident will most likely trigger heightened security measures in the future although the authorities said that they do not want to make it more difficult for tourists to visit the Parliament Palace.
Glad they caught the offender and that they don't want to make it too difficult to visit the Palace. The security was very strong I though, including bag checks and airport style scanners.
@@MattWhitingsEurope True, the security routine is good enough already only that the incident occurred in a souvenirs shop anyone can access before going through the security check. Initially the authorities said that some tourists suddenly started arguing and one of them overreacted by setting things on fire. In reality the offender premeditated the attack as he was carrying in his backpack what seemed to be a bottle of milk full of gas. I cannot think of anyone in their right mind going out in the Bucharest heat with a dairy product instead of water thus risking food poisoning, let alone having gas instead of milk in there "by accident" while visiting an administrative building. When the smoke and fire alarm broke out he didn't run away either. He just walked by the security guards just like any normal innocent person would do. By the time everyone started looking for him he was long gone. The interesting thing is that people watching the news called 112 trying to help the authorities to capture him faster. We've all got lucky this time as he was not a terrorist but a deranged person perhaps.
Very interesting, thanks again for the information.
Dictator or not, it is a spectacular construction .
It certainly is 👍
The building you visited was going to become a National Bank that would rival the IMF and the World Bank! A bank that will grant loans to poor countries in Africa and Asia !
Подбодрю и напою, / я мужскою правою, /рука верная в строю, / движение блокнотов настроению
Это какое-то стихотворение?
The curch you seen is the ortodox catherdral and is indeed a new building
Thanks for the information, looks like it will be an impressive building when completed.
@@MattWhitingsEurope It is the largest Orthodox cathedral in the world.
None of them .Rather the dictatorship of the parliament. Since over 50 hectares in the middle of Bucharest is forbidden zone for the common citizen.
Interesting, thanks for the information. I've seen those formerly closed secret areas in the middle of a city quite a few times around Europe - pretty much all of them in former communist states.
Isn’t Thailand has the largest parliament building?
This palace also goes 12 stories underground, capping off with a nuclear bunker designed to fit 20,000 cars.
So if you count the basement, then no.
@@hhs_leviathan cool thx
if there was no "dictator" then this beautiful building would not exist! what did the "democrats" leave behind?
@@MattWhitingsEurope oh yes - chips and beer...
and television.
@@olpkol Now you're talking my language! 😆
How stupid are you? Do you know how many generations of Romanian families were left in shambles because of the construction of this building? You want a dictator go move to North Korea and see how you like it.
there is no way you put that question, people lost their lives and worked like slaves to make this "beautiful building", I dare you to say that to someone who's father lost his life by working 24/24 on this building while his family was still starving. Now take a look at the church at the end of the video, it is a building that started in our time, a building taller then the parliament and unlike that, this one is not build by using people like slaves or taking their lives. It is also almost finished by now and should be the largest orthodox church. So the "democrats" will leave the largest orthodox church in the world behind, now what?
Eso es la cueva de Ali Baba y los 40 ladrones
No había oído hablar de eso antes, así que lo busqué. ¡Puedo entender por qué dices eso! ¡Gracias por ver el video!
The best president Romanian had in last 100 years. This is the people place not the parlament house or his hous.
Da, cel mai bun președinte care a tranformat România în perioada lui în Coreea de Nord a Europei iar poporul a trăit într-o sărăcie lucie.
@@l1v1ucbu53 Saracia era prin mandat pentru ca Romania sa-si plateasca datoriile ca mai apoi sa ne aliem cu Korea de Nord si Iran ca mai apoi sa incepem noi sa imprumutam bani la altii. Fortele externe si-au dat seama de strategie si s-o intamplat ce s-o intamplat. Revolutia din 89 o fost o lovitura de stat data de Rusi. De aceea n-o existat nici o schimbare parlamentara, ci doar detronarea dictatorului plus alianta pro Vest (NATO + SUA) de frica Rusilor.
@@l1v1ucbu53 amandoi aveti dreptate ... eram Coreea de Nord si acum au venit americanii si colegi din bruxelles sa ne transforme in Pakistan/Nepal. nu stiu care e mai rau.
@@traveler263 e mai bine acum, in anii '80 mergeam in gard
@@gabrielc6252 e bine acum ... azi ... mai stai cativa ani ca ei au inceput sa aduca noii votatori si angajati de doar 1 an. mai stai 5 ani sa vedem ce zici atunci
America destroyed Romania togather with other countries.Today Romania don’t have factories . Romania don’t need NATO or UE. Romania must be independent. We have to put visa for all foreghin people like us,Australia, canada…
Ți-aș sugera să ștergi comentariul că ești penibil. America ne-a ocupat cu tancurile sau URSS ?!?! America ne-a adus comunismul sau URSS ?!?! Ce vină are America sau alte țări ca poporul român a votat corupți, trădători și vânzători de țară ?!?! Păi fără UE și NATO azi eram desființați idiotule.
Bine spus. M-am săturat de cuvântul "dictator". Nu a spus alte lucruri importante pt România,legate de acest palat. Am avut ocazia să îl vizitez de câteva ori. Este frumos. Cred că sunt invidioși ca noi avem clădirea aceasta.
@@gabrielagherbezeanu4716 Daca ar avea roti probabil ar fura-o si pe asta !
@@gabrielagherbezeanu4716 ei sunt doar invidiosi ca nu avem destui pakistanezi, sri lankezi si ghanezi in tara inca. dar lucreaza cu pasiune sa rectifice asta despre tara noastra :) dupa dictatura ceausescu am sarit din lac in puț fiind preluați de western woke industrial complex. daca nu punem stop, in curand nu ne vom mai numi Romania, ne vom numi "Central Eastern European Trade Zone II" administrata de vre-unu numit gen Sadiq Mohammed
How many times did you use DICTATOR in this video ! Why did Queen Elizabeth receive Ceausescu with great honors in London if he was a dictator ! ? ? ?
Buckingham Palace received Nicolae Ceaușescu on request of the British foreign office who, it has since been revealed, were using the visit to sell a fleet of aircraft to a Romanian airline. There's an interesting article about it here -->
Many dictators who are also head of states have visited Buckingham Palace and met with Queen Elizabeth II including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe & Xi Jinping.
They are the leaders of another political system that you and the West hate. @@MattWhitingsEurope
Stop hated speech!
sincer, in secțiunea asta de comentarii este prima oarã cand vad Români care contesta utilizarea cuvântului "Dictator" pentru a-l descrie pe Ceauşescu. De unde si pânã unde asta? Frațlor, eu in clasa a 2-a am fost forțat sa umplu un caiet intreg cu material pentru campania lui electorala. Toti copiii din toate școlile au fost forțați sa faca asta in acel an. Si daca îmi aduc aminte bine, he ran alone against himself. Pe vremurile alea daca te duceai la scoala si ii ziceai invatatoarei ca taica-tu a spus ceva gresit despre partid, taica-tu disparea a doua zi ... nu inteleg de unde vine asta cu "nu a fost dictator". cand a erupt revolutia, m-am dus acasa suparat, crezand ca parintii mei vor fi super tristi, pe baza la cum vorbeau despre el in fata mea. am fost mai derutat sa-i vad fericiti, decat atunci cand am aflat ca nu exista Mos Craciun. nu stiu daca voi care ziceti ca nu era dictator a-ti avut ocazia sa traiti pe acele vremuri ...
He was a dictator how brainwashed are you people? Holy shit lol
Deeply hideous building.
You don't like it? I thought it was quite the landmark - intriguing outside & spectacular within.
Nicolae Ceausescu he was not a dictator , he was a good president ! You don't speak the reality
I'm pretty sure he was a dictator.
@@MattWhitingsEuropePlease listen!
He was a dictator, don t listen to those smart guys😂
@@MattWhitingsEurope oh ya he was a dictator. The original poster is probably insane, trolling you or he's very young.