I’m Stuck in Sexual Sin - Should I Excommunicate Myself?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 501

  • @bnato8209
    @bnato8209 Год назад +414

    I can relate to this brother's struggle in spades. I desperately wanted to live out my true born again nature in Christ, but could not break free from the entanglements of sexual sin UNTIL I did this: I got on my knees and poured out my heart and cried out in a sincere prayer to my Father in Heaven confessing all my sexual sins and asked Him to give me obedience and victory in this area. And when I got up off my knees, I clearly sensed something in me changed and I have not returned to that sin since. Unlike anytime before in the past decades of my struggle, I walk in obedience and victory every day in His power, praise the Lord. Another really important change I made is to really commune with the Lord in His Word daily and pray daily individually and with my wife. I also am proactive when I am on the internet to block any potential for inticing videos or pictures. My relationship with the Lord has now reached a significantly deeper intimacy and a practical walking out of holiness and maturity. There is hope, the Lord wants all of His children to be sanctified and Holy in their conduct. He can and will do it. In His kindness and mercy He grants repentance and renews a right spirit.

    • @bhalarusa
      @bhalarusa Год назад +23

      Our experience is almost the same.
      I also liked the fact that you called Him "My Father" instead of just God. Because to a person who is indulging constantly in sexual sin, "God" could mean totally different from "Father."
      To a sexual sinner, God is vague, and could just mean a creator or higher power who hates my guts whenever I sin.
      But "Father" means totally different, He is like the dad of the prodigal son who ran as fast as he could to embrace his returning son.
      Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

    • @transformers_quotes5738
      @transformers_quotes5738 Год назад +9

      "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9 "for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" Romans 10:13

    • @Doubleohcasper
      @Doubleohcasper Год назад +1

      God Bless you and your Family.

    • @Sandridge-w3l
      @Sandridge-w3l Год назад +5

      Thanks for your testimony! I too have cried out and wept and confessed it to the point that i retch. I also feel release from it but after a time i lose the desire to fight it because with me it's continual. I wake up so often at night and i can't sleep because of it, i get so weary of the continual need. I have a good wife but still i struggle and fight. One minister told me that wasn't normal. He said it should get easier but for me it doesn't. Im so discouraged.

    • @samwolbrueck7654
      @samwolbrueck7654 Год назад +5

      @@Sandridge-w3l Brother, the enemy wants us to be discouraged. I wrestle with this sin as well. Your testimony here sounds like mine. Don’t let the words of one preacher get you down, they are men just like you and I are and have different experiences and are just as fallible as we are. Instead let us challenge one another to believe what God says to us about this. When I was saved God instantly removed a lot of my sin and I no longer had any desire for it. This proved his power to me and gave me a deep faith in Him. I still struggle with lust just like you. You’re not alone! God gives us a warning in first Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.
      God warns us because He loves us and wants us to be with Him. But He also gives us great encouragement in first Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
      And again in in so many other passages like Hebrews 2:18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
      I would encourage you to look up the following verses for yourself and I believe they will bless you.
      First Corinthians 6:18-20
      Matthew 26:41
      James 1:14-15
      God has much to say to you and I and much encouragement to give us. This is a battle that we are fighting in the war for our souls. It’s hard sometimes but we must continue to fight and NEVER give up.

  • @nonebutchrist5136
    @nonebutchrist5136 Год назад +102


    • @danielmunsaka2051
      @danielmunsaka2051 Год назад +9

      Stay strong brother the war wages on

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +9

      Don't give up. Said a prayer for you.

    • @user-ul3lj7il6h
      @user-ul3lj7il6h Год назад +6

      I'm also battling with this sin
      I will include you in my prayers as well brother

    • @nonebutchrist5136
      @nonebutchrist5136 Год назад +6


    • @nonebutchrist5136
      @nonebutchrist5136 Год назад +4


  • @maxi2406
    @maxi2406 Год назад +361

    God must have heard my cry. Thank you, Ps John, for this message, it came within hours of the cry.

    • @AnnoyingMoose
      @AnnoyingMoose Год назад +8

      Brother, I am also a slave, dog, and a pig that was saved by Jesus.

    • @maxi2406
      @maxi2406 Год назад +6

      @@AnnoyingMoose Thank you. Am under attack on many fronts.

    • @dk3062
      @dk3062 Год назад +4

      Been there. Seek help. Keep digging in.

    • @SQLxGuy
      @SQLxGuy Год назад +1

      I said the same thing

    • @transformers_quotes5738
      @transformers_quotes5738 Год назад +8

      "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9 "for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" Romans 10:13

  • @conduit68
    @conduit68 Год назад +28

    To the young man who asked for advice against his sexual sin : scripture.... memorize it. Find a verse that deals directly with the victory over sexual sin, and memorize it. Memorize a few. When Christ was fasting ing the desert, and Satan came to Him to tempt Him, He used scripture to ward off Satan. There is power in the word. TRUE POWER AT OUR DISPOSAL!

  • @steve6000
    @steve6000 Год назад +60

    Amen! A lot of us needed to hear that. Lust is very difficult to control. It's the hardest thing I feel I deal with.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Год назад

      The Jews created Jehovah God in 950 BCE. That is why there are no pilgrimage sites in Egypt. Let's chat about your trust in Hebrew myths!

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 4 месяца назад

      Amen Steve

  • @jeremymaendel5846
    @jeremymaendel5846 Год назад +25

    I am not stranger to the battle with sexual sin. Sometimes I’d have victory, sometimes I wouldn’t. Last I cried out God to be more steadfast! He has definitely helped me this week. I praise God that He gives me victory. This episode is heartbreaking. Saints never striving to mortify your flesh. Do not rely on your own strength. Get desperate and get on your knees before God for His help

    • @schan6819
      @schan6819 Год назад +1

      Jeremy, I'd like to point you to 1 John 5:4, which says, "For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." So by this biblical definition, VICTORY is our faith or, in other words, keeping faith in the trustworthiness and reliability of God to accomplish what He promises in the Bible. Victory is holding fast to God's promises in the very midst of trials and temptation, regardless of the temporal outcome (i.e. even if it kills us).

    • @DH-vy8hw
      @DH-vy8hw Год назад

      Amen! May you continue to experiencing His victory! May your hatred of sin increase as you grow more and more in love with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! May your desire for His righteousness outshine your sins! God bless you Brother!

  • @arrikgibbs9983
    @arrikgibbs9983 Год назад +26

    I think this was a blessing I stumbled upon this video as soon I woke up today & I have been struggling with this sexual sin for years now with you’re courageous & strong powerful words Pastor I’m truly grateful & inspired to finally stop being a slave to this sin!

  • @user-rw8zj1td9v
    @user-rw8zj1td9v Год назад +19

    Been in a similar place. God gave me the strength and I am recovered from sexual addiction. Praise God. If you're reading this, it's possible by relying on God and walking through it with other believers.

  • @jb14zt
    @jb14zt Год назад +152

    praise God,this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I’ve been struggling with returning to pornography myself and i desperately want to kill this sin in my life

    • @timothyyinvi4400
      @timothyyinvi4400 Год назад +10

      If you find yourself commiting sins you don't want to,
      understand that it is a demon that is playing with your mind,
      If you think you are the one doing it you are not going to overcome it,
      You can go to deliverance ministers so that they cast the spirit out,
      Or you can go on fasting and prayers,
      and resist that devil and he will flee from you.
      You have to be strong and fight back. Peace.

      @VYMQGSOH Год назад +21

      ​@@timothyyinvi4400 its not a demon, it's the sin that's within all of us

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +4

      @@VYMQGSOH But demons are sometimes involved in the tempting process. In 1 Thess 3:5 calls Satan 'the tempter', and if Satan is this, it makes sense to think that the demons under his authority tempt us.

    • @Duby4life
      @Duby4life Год назад +3

      @@maxaplin4204 right, but we can only be tempted by the things we’re already desiring (James 1:14). So demon or not, sexual desires are present. Satan can’t make you do anything. You can defy the tempter when tempted, but you can not blame him when you give in.
      Flee sexual temptation. It’s the only sin we’re told to flee from, not resist.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +1

      @@Duby4life Yes, I would see any demonic involvement in temptation as using desires that are already there, and sexual desires are certainly going to remain. And I agree that Satan can't make us do anything.
      Actually, there are other sins we are told to flee from. 1 Cor 10:14 tells us to flee from idolatry and 1 Tim 6:11 tells us to flee from the love of money. But yes, we should take steps to avoid sexual temptation, and other temptations too, as far as is reasonably possible.

  • @kayleighellis1334
    @kayleighellis1334 Год назад +4

    Thank you this has helped me. Am not a dog or a pig. Am made in God's image. I was brought with a valuable price. The blood of Jesus. Thank you for point to God's word. AM A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @kahel.
    @kahel. Год назад +13

    Those words struck my core. Please pray for me too.

  • @Tinesha7
    @Tinesha7 Год назад +9

    Continue to fight! I’m a witness we can overcome this by the blood of Jesus!!

  • @hannahm8525
    @hannahm8525 Год назад +6

    We needed to hear a pastor talk about this subject this way. Thank you. We all needed it.

  • @ichiban2911
    @ichiban2911 Год назад +4

    This really motivated me I will no longer let the devil dupe me I am not a slave I am free in the name of Yeshua Amen

  • @theprodigalson6612
    @theprodigalson6612 Год назад +5

    I've been waiting for a word on this subject for weeks now. I can finally see after been attacked so many times and having moments of confusion. Thank you God, in Jesus name.

  • @kodiakkinbacher7173
    @kodiakkinbacher7173 Год назад +3

    Praise God for the spiritual maturity given to Sir Piper. There’s so much truth to this, and although it may be hard to hear, it needs to be heard. God has given us a new identity, to be like Him. Our sin is worthless and our old ways are as valuable as dog vomit. Do we wish to live as fools or do we choose to walk in the freedom and righteousness given to us by Jesus, for Jesus

  • @samuelmarte5384
    @samuelmarte5384 Год назад +4

    Thank you for the helpful talk. John Piper, you are a fighter.

  • @marylongolongo7165
    @marylongolongo7165 Год назад +3

    We praise GOD for this message!!! Many churches are not tackling this head on.

  • @fr33dumb0
    @fr33dumb0 Год назад +2

    Thank God for this. My sin im struggling with isn't the same but this was like it was for me. Praise God for this video. I'll be back to relisten.

  • @seanswart8102
    @seanswart8102 Год назад +2

    Wow, wow, wow - I used to be that dog, so very much that, and even worse in many ways - BUT those descriptions, that explanation, these impassioned words by Pastor John, that's light penetrating straight into the core of that old life's thought themes and illuminating it's wretched, impoverished, foolish, unnecessary story line and bending the arc back out into the dignity of receiving mercy and standing up... STAND UP, STAND UP, STAND UP - BE A MAN! - thank You Jesus! "such were some of you, but you were washed, sanctified, justified" 1 Cor 6:11

  • @bbblahoo7
    @bbblahoo7 3 месяца назад

    This was powerful! Especially in this “pride month” where I struggle with same sin.. I pray that just like Jacob wrestled with the messenger of God and prevailed so I too in Jesus name!

  • @jordanpryor4771
    @jordanpryor4771 Год назад +14

    I feel for this guy! I will be 32 next month, and I have never dated, kissed, or had sex with a woman. It hurts so bad to desire a relationship with one, but watch life pass me by, and still not one lady looks in my direction. I usually end up pleasuring myself, and looking at porn. I have been for quite some time. What else am I supposed to do as a man with feelings for women? Sometimes I just want to give up on it all.

    • @matt76716
      @matt76716 Год назад +21

      I understand the difficulty, I married at 50, now 60, but you should never stop doing all you can to resist, turn from sin, repent, and pray to God for grace. You will see changes in your life, over time: not perfection but sanctification and freedom over time. Giving in to sin isn't the answer. That is just a slippery slope.

    • @Randompancakes12345
      @Randompancakes12345 Год назад +4

      Look at Joseph's life, God ordained it that way for his good, the saving of many lives, and ultimately his glory. It might be painful now but living in holiness and purity despite that is worth it.
      But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.
      1 Peter 3:14, 17.
      It's difficult, especially in this day and age, but that should not stop us to live up to the calling you have received. And this might sound cliche but it's true, how is your life looking? Do you have a job? A decent hair cut and some decent clothes? I'm not saying you don't have these things I just want to be sure, in order to be a husband you need to be a man not a boy, so stop waiting for them to come to you and ask them out etc.

    • @jordanpryor4771
      @jordanpryor4771 Год назад +1

      @@matt76716 I more so meant giving up on life, not giving into sin.

    • @jordanpryor4771
      @jordanpryor4771 Год назад +6

      @@Randompancakes12345 Finding a decent woman is not easy. 80-100 years ago yeah, but we’re talking 2023, the feminist, I don’t need a man movement. I can’t even find one in the church.

    • @milo38844
      @milo38844 Год назад +10

      @@jordanpryor4771 Praying for you, brother. As difficult and painful and potentially heartbreaking it may be, you must quit living your life for you and find the path that God has planned for you and get on it. "And he said to all, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me'." Luke 9:23. Live your life His way and it will be a blessed and joy-filled life. As much as we men want and need a woman, let it be by His planthat it happens, not by us forcing the issue.

  • @thomaslai5303
    @thomaslai5303 Год назад +4

    lord, have mercy on us Christian young men, help us in our strife.

  • @steganwilliams3722
    @steganwilliams3722 Год назад +2

    GOD IS SUCH A GOOD GOD❤😢He is so faithful❤such an amazing timed message

  • @chrishelms5705
    @chrishelms5705 Год назад +3

    😮wow this was powerful

  • @samuel_rowbotham
    @samuel_rowbotham Год назад +1

    Thanks, jp. Totally needed to hear this.

  • @zameendarabhinay1506
    @zameendarabhinay1506 Год назад +3

    Very much practical, and loving.

  • @danielrblend
    @danielrblend 11 месяцев назад +1

    Amen Pastor John, well said! Powerful!

  • @cozzoli39
    @cozzoli39 Год назад +2

    Thank you. I needed to hear this

  • @inderjitdhillon8313
    @inderjitdhillon8313 Год назад +1

    Thank you Pastor John for those surgical words of healing..

  • @ThePilotGuy759
    @ThePilotGuy759 Год назад +1

    As a man who many years ago did this exact thing and strayed from the Lord for years. Please brother, don't do it. The Lord is merciful to forgive but the pain and disgrace of denying our Father lingers. The community you lose, family, and the darkness it takes your soul too. It's not worth it. Go confess to your church brothers/pastor, get accountability, and stop in your tracks. We don't know what tomorrow may bring forth. 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10 has become a life verse for me even after all these years. Our weakness is where Christ's glory can shine in us while His strength rests on us!

  • @ericy8290
    @ericy8290 Год назад +2

    This was powerful, thank you Pastor John

  • @Chenzo-sb6zu
    @Chenzo-sb6zu Год назад +1

    I've struggled with this a lot all throughout my Christian life. Recently however, one of the things that has helped a lot is the fear of The Lord. I watched a lot of videos on the Randy Kay channel where people had NDE's which have shook me. We can repent now and make a change.

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 Год назад

      Amen. For me it was also listening to Hell testimonies too

  • @daddythefather3099
    @daddythefather3099 Год назад +3

    This is intense!

  • @TalkintotheMikeShow
    @TalkintotheMikeShow Год назад +3

    I love this message wholeheartedly. Thanks for the message.

  • @senyonjopatrick5259
    @senyonjopatrick5259 Год назад

    Praise the LORD GOD THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST thank you so much Pstr Kohn this is my message through you the LORD GOD used you to speak to me and many back there.... I’m so thankful GOD bless you

  • @hg3895
    @hg3895 Год назад +1

    To those who really can't stop consider deliverence and inner healing. Sexual sin came to me through general patterns/curses that I didn't even know about. Also tell God every single temptation you have. It will be hard but he knows anyway and it weakens their power, just tell him in your head.

    @GILGAMESH-Nero Год назад +1

    I think God could have people going through certain struggles, for a greater purpose.
    2 Corinthians 12:9
    New King James Version
    And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

  • @trishasanford348
    @trishasanford348 Год назад +2

    I will pray for this brother please hear the pleas stop listening to the lies of the devil remember pilgrims progress in the dungeon of despair and how he used the key of promise. God is faithful always he will forgive my prayers will be with you daily ❤

  • @unidentified_user_123
    @unidentified_user_123 Год назад +6

    Thank you sir. I'm bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Draw near to God and he'll draw near to you.

  • @AutismDude32
    @AutismDude32 11 месяцев назад +1

    Im 32 years old with mild autism and i am a christian but i keep failing myself and sexual thoughts get in my head even though these thoughts are not my own, please help me jesus and god, please forgive me jesus and god, please keep sexual sins from getting in my head - AMEN.

    • @akinoluolusina
      @akinoluolusina 11 месяцев назад

      As a fellow Christian, I relate with the struggle. Those thoughts never seem to go away yeah? Always returning to tempt us to fall back into the sin that God has delivered us from
      I myself have struggled with the same for the longest time. Mostly due to a life of Immorality and perversion that I turned away from (fornication, masturbation and pornography)
      Here's a word for the wise: Run deeper into God
      Run deeper into God in the sense of fellowship, spending time with the father and dedicating hours on end to just being with him.
      How? By studying and meditating on his word (the bible, church meetings where the word is taught, messages from bible believing preachers)
      Prayer and supplication (asking Jesus to build himself within you)
      Spiritual Warfare (dying daily by obeying every word from the Father. Obedience is tha strategy to success with God)
      Guarding your heart (getting off social media, suggestive music and movies, friends from your old life and former sin partners, anything that the devil used to get you to sin, you cut away from it and limit it's Access )
      These are the ways the Lord helped me to reinvent myself, to begin to come back to the light of his grace. The same can happen to anyone who desires it (, to be purified in your mind)
      Jesus has made all grace available. We just have to step into it
      Would you like to talk more? I'd be happy to if you reach out

  • @jeremy3770
    @jeremy3770 3 месяца назад

    If God is with you, who can be against you? But if God isn't with you, you're just screwed, and no matter how much I want to defeat this sin, it will never happen.
    Sadly, there really is no way to know if I am a deafeated Christian, or if I am just screwed.

  • @SterlingTurner
    @SterlingTurner Год назад

    Pastor was preaching😫🙌

  • @h.a3567
    @h.a3567 Год назад +1

    Highly recommend listening to Pastor Joseph Prince's messages & books about the ' Grace of God ' as these messages are transforming lives & many people struggling with sexual sin & addictions have been set free from them by receiving the good news of God's amazing Grace! 🙌

  • @sweetiedoll607
    @sweetiedoll607 Год назад +2

    Can someone please pray for me? I've been battling anorexia nervosa on and off for 6 years. I've gone through recovery and relapse 3 times. I've relapsed again and I'm really struggling to eat enough. I'm just scared to eat, because I feel like I'll gain weight. Logically, I know I won't gain weight as long as I don't overconsume food, but anorexia tells me otherwise. I don't know why I'm so scared to gain weight (even a 1 lb gain is scary). I'm not even close to fat. Gosh, this is so frustrating. I feel like recovery's never going to stick. Anyways, prayers are appreciated :)

    • @reperealegandirii
      @reperealegandirii Год назад +1

      God wants you free, He will provide freedom! Pray and obey God! I will pray for you also!

    • @gabazatiba5951
      @gabazatiba5951 Год назад +1

      God bless you. Please check out Dr. Mark Schwartz work here on RUclips about eating disorders and trauma. Maybe locate where it comes from and ask God to see you through from there. Jesus will deliver you.

    • @dawnr.4614
      @dawnr.4614 Год назад

      Watch pastor mark hemans 🙏🏼

  • @ericnazario8486
    @ericnazario8486 Год назад +5


  • @maxi2406
    @maxi2406 Год назад

    2nd comment.
    Those of us struggling who truly hate (all) sin especially lust and earnestly pray and cry out to God to help us.
    Why does our Father not help us?

  • @ZeroDarkTwenty3
    @ZeroDarkTwenty3 Год назад

    God bless you John 🙏🏿

  • @sinkbacteria7749
    @sinkbacteria7749 Год назад

    Sexual sin is something of a way to trap us from learning truth. We are called foolish if we aren’t learning anything but God calls us foolish within lust and impulse issues. So with that in mind this pastor also agrees that reading Gods word frees us from sexual immorality. Not because it’s a demand but the truth in there is what we are missing, indeed.

  • @davidpacheco5796
    @davidpacheco5796 Год назад

    Just found this…. Right on time for me back in the fight time to be a man stand up and strike my sin!!

  • @TakeOneGoodLookAtYourself
    @TakeOneGoodLookAtYourself Год назад

    Thank you Mr. Piper.

  • @renepicaso8519
    @renepicaso8519 Год назад

    Amen 🖐️ very powerful message thank you!!!!

  • @joacgs2436
    @joacgs2436 Год назад

    Amazing and powerful answer❤

  • @isaacmiller1783
    @isaacmiller1783 Год назад +1

    Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you, “God wants you exalted… not slave like” 12:33

  • @confinisher67
    @confinisher67 Год назад +1

    I enjoy many of your videos, that being said..pretty much missed the mark on this 1. I can understand looking from the outside and not understanding the depth of what your saying, we all do it. The dog returning to its vomit,the pig in the mire, the double minded..getting a lil carried away with the 30 fool description..anyone going through this has read these scriptures. Been through job 50 times..carried baggage, you can't imagine. Do better next time. Some of these people have fought battles that would of had most soil their pants.
    Really bad approach, you definitely wasn't prayed up about this.

  • @wilkesreid
    @wilkesreid 9 месяцев назад

    If you're dealing with this battle and feel trapped, I encourage you to look for a good personal counselor, preferably a CSAT. Unfortunately Pastor Piper here is demonstrating his ignorance of the specifics of this sort of sin battle among those who genuinely desire freedom from it. The "Bible talk" he says is to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because of your disgust for the idea of being associated with the shameful imagery given of those who continue to sin. That's like seeing the "Wrong Way" sign on the other side of the road and thinking it means you should turn around. Pastor Piper is clearly and unfortunately uneducated in the specifics of the illness of sexual addiction. If you're truly addicted, there is a sickness in your mind and heart, and it requires work, transparency, confession, and patience. Definitely do what he recommends at the beginning and tell someone, but mainly find a group of other men who also desire freedom from this, and work through the program.

  • @AK-ro8ly
    @AK-ro8ly Год назад +1

    wow. some of these comments are frightening.

  • @sheriffcrandy
    @sheriffcrandy Год назад

    Thank you pastor John.

  • @gmac8586
    @gmac8586 Год назад

    I wish Pastor John would revisit this issue. I see a lot of confusion and anger about sexuality in general in today's world; especially since gender identity/LGBTQ politics came on the scene. There's so much anger out there. I guess outsiders believe that Christians think sex is dirty or unnatural? I feel like there are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to sex, being human and walking with Jesus and what God says. Sex is Holy, beautiful and blessed in marriage as far as I understand.

  • @justinsantos1468
    @justinsantos1468 Год назад

    This is the main reason why I have suicidal thoughts. Sexual sins. I have been having suicidal thoughts for a long while now, to the point I have made a suicide note. Suicidal ideation? I was saved back in 2006, and by 2009, I willfully left and willfully made a sinful lifestyle and struggled with many sexual sins, and I wasn't sure if I was homosexual or bisexual. I was/am sexually broken for many, many years. Also, living in a mental depressive loop daily. Depressed every day, low moods every day. Suicidal thoughts most of the time. It's now, by 2023, I decided to turn back to Christ. I am still struggling if my willfully leaving, and my lifestyle of sin made me lose my Salvation? I don't know. But I have re-accepted Christ as my Savior, reading the bible, repenting repeatedly, asking for forgiveness, and praying about it. Im having hope and faith that I didn't lose my Salvation. I do ask for prayer and more light shined on this. I neglected self Love because of it, and I know it starts from childhood. I have felt hopeless and want to return to living for Christ again. I hope I can. I'm a bit confused.

    • @YourHeartIsAGrave
      @YourHeartIsAGrave Месяц назад

      Hey Justin, I hope you have found your way back to Christ. Praying for you, man.

  • @garybaxter2382
    @garybaxter2382 Год назад

    Thank you Pastor John.

  • @davidhernandez5145
    @davidhernandez5145 7 месяцев назад

    Great content as usual. Genuine question. Inversely, by the same logic, we are slaves to God no? We can choose God or sin every day. That’s our free will now, if we choose sin, then Godly people will see us as slaves, and if we choose God, then sexually liberated people will see us as God slaves or sheep because we can’t indulge in what we really wanna do which is fun casual sex. What if you’re young and handsome, attracting girls is easy and would like to indulge now because you know in the future it’s not going to be the same. Like Saint Augustine’s prayer, “give me continence and make me chaste, but not yet.”
    I once heard someone say ,”What if the only way out of sexual sin is through it?” Kind of like “getting it out of your system “ And then adhering to sexual morality, without the desire, because hormones are calmer and you can look back and say “good times” and focus on God

  • @nobodynamedgrey8804
    @nobodynamedgrey8804 Год назад

    Thank you my brother. Your words have encouraged and revived my sin sick soul.

  • @andrewnichols800
    @andrewnichols800 Год назад +1

    Do what Paul said. Find a wife and or husband. 1 Corinthians 5

    @DCFNETWORKS Год назад

    Great message!

  • @maxaplin4204
    @maxaplin4204 Год назад

    The Christian life is a fight (1 Tim 6:12), and this young man needs to fight far harder than is doing, as John Piper made abundantly clear.

  • @davidrose3737
    @davidrose3737 Год назад

    Sometimes you have to feel the effects of that sin and plunge down to the bottom, I know it happened to me. Our attitudes should be Galatians 6:1.

  • @Swiftninjatrev
    @Swiftninjatrev Год назад

    Pastor John, thank you. Hardest words that I've heard here. Hope it knocked some sense into me. I honestly believe you HAVE TO speak harshly, (but lovingly) to someone who is in sexual sin. Sometimes crude language is needed as well. I WILL turn from this. Starting today, no going back. I blocked everything possible, but it stops at the TV, of which the only option is to hide the remotes.
    It's a sin that I need to bring into the light.
    Why do I do it? 😟 I know why. But God let me hate it with a passion. Change my desires.
    In Jesus name amen
    Pray for me please brothers and sisters.

    • @Swiftninjatrev
      @Swiftninjatrev Год назад

      Fail count: 5 😒 I WILL WIN THIS, BY THE POWER OF GOD!

    • @davidleeper2929
      @davidleeper2929 Год назад +1

      I literally failed today, man. You are not alone, praying for you. Stand strong in the power you have in the Spirit. Jesus has done so much for us. Sending this on Good Friday. Be loved.

    • @Swiftninjatrev
      @Swiftninjatrev Год назад

      @@davidleeper2929 Thank you brother! I did too... I'm making progress though, so praise God! Thank you for your prayers, I prayed for you too. Continue to flee and fight your flesh! Oh that God would help us more and sanctify our hearts!

    • @Black-ct4qb
      @Black-ct4qb Год назад

      @@Swiftninjatrev fail count 5? Im like fail count 10.000

    • @Swiftninjatrev
      @Swiftninjatrev Год назад

      @@Black-ct4qb block everything. don't think about it. thought about not blocking spotify cuz i didn't want to lose my account. just do it. what's worth more to you an app? or your soul and future? God and godlines? purity? DO IT. CUT IT OFF.
      TAKE ACTION MAN! don't stand stangnant like a statue sealed in kryptonite. Uproot yourself from your chair. block it all. delete it. get some sort of parental control on your phone managed by a parent or someone so that you can't get access to anything. DO IT!

  • @Chong760
    @Chong760 Год назад +1

    I am really tired of us Christians not addressing the heart of this particular issue.... The issue here is not self-control... The real issue here is being separate. What do I mean? 99% of men who still have blood in their veins CANNOT stop the power of lust... especially when women are dressed immodestly EVERYWHERE... Why in heaven's name would I EVER be in harms way?... You may not see or agree to this.... (And I am on my way out btw) Immorality is so egregiously rampant, so much so I am planning to homestead my family and isolate ourselves from this world. Guess why satan had introduced to the world the television, video games, secular music, and all the media you see?... I'll let you figure that out. Many folks worry about how can a person work without a computer or phone... If you think that, repent... We as Christians' were never ever strong enough to be in a sexually open society.... The church of the book of Acts had the right idea all along and no one cared to mimic what they did. Remember Satan gives you the world in a silver platter and looks good, "permissible", and "okay" but it will KILL you... It is time to wake up and smell the bacon, church.... God did not call us to live this type of lifestyle....

  • @colereece3902
    @colereece3902 Год назад

    I find myself in the same situation as the writer. My thing with the verse concerning the return of the saved to unrighteousness is: 2 Peter 2:22, is that it’s within the context of false prophets. How does this then apply to the average believer? My sin is something I fight with every day. Some times are are victories. Every day has some form of victory. Every day has some form of defeat. Progress has been made. I used to watch pornography every day multiple times a day. That was my life for more than a decade. My faith brought me to 6 months clean. Then I fell back into sin, and am now rebuilding. How am I meant to handle the advise in this video? It always ends up coming down to the question “well am I even saved?”

  • @ricklamb772
    @ricklamb772 Год назад

    The solution is,NEVER RUN FROM GOD AS YOUR ANSWER.always run to Him,and in His perfect timing you shall have victory.Never leave Gods side.Let Him and His Son Jesus be your only hope.And your hope shall arrive,in His perfect timing.

  • @marvinjosephdeguzman1007
    @marvinjosephdeguzman1007 Год назад

    Pls pray for me too. I badly need this. 😭😭

  • @J0HN_3_16
    @J0HN_3_16 Год назад +1

    Excommunicate the sin, not the sinner. In other words, repent and embrace JESUS. We are more than conquerers through JESUS. Man is weak. The HOLY SPIRIT can strengthen you to resist sin. Seek HIM.

  • @damutae612
    @damutae612 Год назад +6

    Amen...Lord deliver me from a Spirit of masterbation and sexual sin .. in Jesus name.. amen

  • @robertfausett8665
    @robertfausett8665 4 месяца назад

    No I don’t want to be a fool, a dog, a pig anymore in Jesus name.

  • @noreez2003
    @noreez2003 Год назад

    Repeated sin is a spiritual bondage. This is the reason why Jesus came-_ to destroy the works of the devil. However, it’s very clear in the Bible many do not believe that devil exist, ignore him as the source of most of our
    problems. Although the Bible says that we have to crucify our flesh and make it subject to us in order not to sin, we cannot crucify the devil who occupy our soul and body but not our spirit. They are literally living inside of us and lead us to sin. This devil who are literally living in us needed to be cast out as Jesus commanded us to do. This process is called deliverance. When a person gets delivered from demons says for example demon of anger or demon of lust, then he is set free and now he can claim his inheritance which is freedom. Salvation is one thing but freeing the captives is another thing.

  • @Brandon-rf2qr
    @Brandon-rf2qr Год назад +1

    Right time, right moment. Thank you A LOT . This helpes. We are no dogs, returning to its own disgusting 🤢 vomit. We are no pigs that returns back to mud after beign washed from all the previous mud. WE ARE FREE FROM all this IN CHRIST AND HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM GOD that has been given to us, to help us. We are NOT for or from satan. We are from God for God. Jesus bought us with A VERY VERY PRICELESS PRICE FOR US! HIS LIFE!
    If we ever feel like unworthy, think of this. Why did Jesus bought us with his blood on the cross then? We are worthy because God calls us worthy. We are adopted into God's family by what Jesus did for us. Not what we did, but what He did for us out frkm His Grace and Mercy for us.
    We are warriors through the blood of Jesus. Set apart from this temporary world that WILL FADE AWAY one day. Then forever with Christ our Savior.
    Just think one day, we will see Jesus. The one who was always there, the one that always guided us. The one that worked through a lot of brilliant people to help us overcome the evilness of this planet. We are called by his Glory. Lets be fighters for God and His kindom.
    Let's get out of this sick UNTRUE LIE that we think the enemy has overcome us. WE ARE FREE IN JESUS. He did all that was necessary for us to be free.
    God wants us free. That's why He did what He did. God could've drop the whole thing about earth and moved on. NO! He loves us and sees us Worthy enough. We are free.

  • @BibleStudywithVernon
    @BibleStudywithVernon Год назад


  • @timothymcdonald7407
    @timothymcdonald7407 Год назад

    Yes you should.

  • @myronwilliams2777
    @myronwilliams2777 Год назад

    The problem is Pastor John grew up as a christian as has never experienced a sexual addition, Its way harder to resist than he makes it to be

    • @gmac8586
      @gmac8586 Год назад

      Do you think God is powerless against addictions? Don't worry. He is able. He sent his Son to set the captives free after all. Alleluia!

  • @scottChapman25
    @scottChapman25 Год назад

    Great word

  • @companyboss5447
    @companyboss5447 Год назад

    Many faithful servants of the Lord had multiple concubines/girlfriends to go into, including Priests. God gave them many beautiful women to delight in. (Abraham, King David and many more). Please check the bible and do not simply listen to what man says.

  • @Brooklynbaby47
    @Brooklynbaby47 Год назад

    I struggle with homosexuality so I excommunicated myself from my church community. Now, I feel like I’m trapped.

    • @heinmolenaar6750
      @heinmolenaar6750 11 месяцев назад

      I am homosexual too. I turned my back to the church long ago. I don't want to be a member of a church who don't want to accept me as I am.

    • @akinoluolusina
      @akinoluolusina 11 месяцев назад

      I really hate to have to break this to you, but any church that wants to accept you as you are is a false church because a true church will align with the will of God
      And it is God's will that we all turn from our sins, homosexuality included. You can change and be restored unto righteousness. You wouldn't be the first
      Jesus loves you brother

    • @akinoluolusina
      @akinoluolusina 11 месяцев назад

      How long has it been? Did you seek any help before you excommunicated yourself?
      Has anyone been there to guide you on a path to deliverance?

    • @heinmolenaar6750
      @heinmolenaar6750 11 месяцев назад

      @@akinoluolusina all religions are man made. And all religions have failed to change man. And all religions have brought great suffering to mankind. Especially islam and christianity. God has nothing to do with the insanity of religion.

    • @akinoluolusina
      @akinoluolusina 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@heinmolenaar6750 you're living in stringent denial. A God of order will definitely have rules and it's unfortunate that your system of life is in opposition to them. You're trying to debunk Christianity to validate yourself and lifestyle, not because you feel bad for humanity. If you were being honest, you'd realise how much evil is in the heart of humanity without the acknowledgement of God

  • @alexvaldez2471
    @alexvaldez2471 Год назад

    Thank you 😪

  • @jonathanmolina9588
    @jonathanmolina9588 Год назад +1

    I've been suffering from intrusive thoughts in my mind especially when it says things against God or the holy spirit and it wearies me to the point I sometimes go to pornography to cope , what must I do? I'm afraid if I go to a pastor he will tell everyone in the church and I tried asking God for help but my ignorant flesh gets worse to the point fasting is difficult with all these thoughts in my head

    • @larthejust
      @larthejust Год назад +1

      The enemy invades your mind and deceives you into believing those thoughts are your own. Remember, the Lord is with you every step of the way. Like the Pastor says in the video, cut off access. The bridges the devil uses to tempt you must be cut off. Whatever triggers you into temptation must be purged. Don't let the enemy gain any kind of foothold. Don't give him any kind of chance. Use the strength the Lord gives you. You can do this, brother.

    • @Shukke1992
      @Shukke1992 Год назад +1

      I had this problem before,these are all exactly intrusive thoughts and they are not you,so dont identify yourself with them,let them pass through and ignore them completelly,you are not those taughts and they will stop tormenting you.God bless my friend.

  • @firstmaw86dogs43
    @firstmaw86dogs43 Год назад +1

    Amen 🙏🏻

  • @frankkrischick3906
    @frankkrischick3906 Год назад +1

    is this the way on how you treat someone who is just weak in the faith ?

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +1

      In the young man's question, he said:
      'I have come to a sad point in my life where I am willing to sin without repenting.'
      That doesn't sound like someone who is just weak in the faith. It sounds like someone who isn't fighting nearly hard enough.

    • @bedik-8265
      @bedik-8265 Год назад +4

      ​@@maxaplin4204 I was once like that. Though I will be honest alarming thoughts and desires still pop up in my head here and there, but it doesn't happen anymore at the same frequency as before. I think the remedy is prayer. You pray to God and be persistent. Come to God always and beg Him to help you fight those temptations. We have to remind ourselves always that we are new creatures. We have died to our sin and have been revived through the washing of regeneration. And don't rely on your own ability to resist temptation to sin and always remind yourself that the Lord is the strength of your life.

    • @frankkrischick3906
      @frankkrischick3906 Год назад

      @@maxaplin4204 then i have a retouering Question to the Asker
      Does he truly trust his Salvation pure on Jesus his complete finished work ?

    • @frankkrischick3906
      @frankkrischick3906 Год назад

      @@maxaplin4204 maybe this sounds like that he has only little strength.
      Same is me there isn't a day going by that i don't sin , but still i believe that i have eternal life based on what Jesus did.
      Some have alcogol addictions and condemn themself because of it
      some have other sins that condemn themselves over.
      WE should always look on Christ Jesus,
      Because he is willing enough to put us back on our feet
      Or even better if we are really tired then he carries us on his shoulders
      The real fight is the good fight of faith
      But sinds repent of your sins is popular then it really sounds like that Jesus his blood wasn't good enough.
      This turning from evil comes because you're saved .i don't want to sin eigther but it still happens.may i glory in my weakness so that the Lord is strong in my weakness

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад

      @@frankkrischick3906 I think your question to the asker is a good one. Maybe he isn't trusting Jesus.

  • @imabeast7560
    @imabeast7560 Год назад

    We are made as sexual beings. You were designed to have urges and desires. God should provide more wives.

  • @timothyotoole8224
    @timothyotoole8224 Год назад

    u must repet.then, get on knees asking for forgiveness.the Lord says, "Be holy because I am holy .need to stay in church.

  • @wagner9050
    @wagner9050 Год назад

    Quit buying vaseline

  • @benkoops6815
    @benkoops6815 Год назад

    1. Read Romans 6 everyday in am and pm. Get faith in believing who you have become and begin living from that new identity.
    Not a man made posture, but who God says you really are now.
    2. When you stumble, confess to someone that day and get them to pray for you. Add Romans 7 n 8.
    3. Avoid anything, place, person that starts that motor turning n burning for sexual gratification.
    4. Present yourself to God, alive from the dead, n your members as inst. Of righteohsness...before you know it, you're walking in your sanctification...

    • @nich8430
      @nich8430 Год назад

      We are saved from the penalty of sin
      We are saved from the power of sin.
      John 8:36, Therefore if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. A free person does not have to sin, but has the freedom to choose to sin.
      Hope you find this helpful.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад

      You are right that it is important to take steps to avoid temptation.

    • @nich8430
      @nich8430 Год назад

      This is good tool.. reason, reckon, resist, replace.

  • @Vampyr_000
    @Vampyr_000 Год назад

    I have no guilt for my sexual sins

    • @akinoluolusina
      @akinoluolusina 11 месяцев назад

      Why? Do you feel there's no need to repent and become reconciled with Christ Jesus?

    • @Vampyr_000
      @Vampyr_000 11 месяцев назад

      @@akinoluolusina I think christ loves me no matter what. It's apart of who I am. I was abused as a kid and in this world. I can't feel anything anyways. Besides, not having guilt is good for selfish power. The humans are all a sea and like an abyss all it does it devour. It will devour you. For trying to be so nice to it.

  • @estabon2u
    @estabon2u Год назад

    Thank you Lord !!!

  • @tomrawrzzz5096
    @tomrawrzzz5096 Год назад

    What do I do? Or is it even possible?
    I've tried quitting cold turkey, I tried filling it's place with work or exercise, I tried praying, I went to confession, I got an app to help, I bought a progress tracker, I've done what people could consider crazy (besides plucking my eyes or cutting my arms, or should I do that?) I threw a perfectly working iPad in the garbage. I threw away an ipod given to me by a friend after that. I told my mom and asked for help. I told the lady on the addiction help line what I needed help with and after My mom took me to a therapist (might not even been legit) but she never took me back there and she never talked to me about it again (probably because it cost too much money I guess). Do I bring it up to my mom again? Do I just always fight but never win? Do I keep throwing out devices? Do I tell everyone and my family to stop me? Is it even possible to stop ? Am I just too far gone? Or has God just Abandoned me, or not even exist? If the only thing people can say is you'll go to hell, then if it it exists, I will go there willingly because if this is all a loving God and his grace can do then he's no graceful loving God I want to be with.

    • @ryanallison4000
      @ryanallison4000 Год назад

      @TomRawrzzz Some advice I received that may help you.
      1. As you fight, try to put more and more days between the last time you fell and the current time. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching to view each day as its own fight - “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.”
      2. Get brothers around you to whom you can confess without being condemned. Even if you have to confess every day for a while. Make sure it’s brothers you trust and you feel safe around.
      3. Dwell on the fleetingness of the pleasure this sin offers. Pastor John spoke of it, but it’s so practically true. You get a half hour at most of pleasure, and then it’s over, and then your heart is crushed. Dwell on the bargain you’re making here. It helps.
      4. Always return to Jesus, no matter what. No matter the sin, no matter the shame, it is ALWAYS right to come running back, even with heart broken. Remember 1 John: “Little children, I write these things to you so you may not sin. But if any man does sin, we have an advocate with the Father in heaven, Jesus Christ the righteous one.”
      I hope this helps. Some of the above has come from hard fought battles in my own life. The Lord Jesus keep you and protect you. Blessings,

  • @somemedic8482
    @somemedic8482 Год назад +138

    I was addicted to pornography for four years. I couldn’t spend more than two days without masturbating or watching pornography. I prayed and tried many times to quit but it seemed impossible. I listened to many psychiatrists and psychologist but still nothing. I was stuck, it got to a point that I even told God that if I’m going to go to hell then so be it. After listening to this sermon, I immediately felt some kind of relief and lost all my desire to watch porn instantaneously. I don’t know how it happened but somehow it did. I spent two months without even touching porn. Every time the devil tempted me I just told him that he has no power over me and replied him with scripture, “sin can no longer have dominion over you , for you are no longer under the law but under grace”. I pray that this testimony will encourage someone to know that it is possible to quit porn by the power of God’s grace. To him be the glory.

    • @djchill1
      @djchill1 Год назад +5

      I pray your testimony becomes mine

    • @somemedic8482
      @somemedic8482 Год назад +2

      @@djchill1 i pray so too . God bless you.

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 Год назад +2

      Glory be to God. Commendable for sharing your testimony.

    • @Roy-xt5yw
      @Roy-xt5yw Год назад +1


    • @ihiohoh2708
      @ihiohoh2708 11 месяцев назад +3

      Please pray for me. I'm struggling right now going back and forth. Every time I fail I feel as though I push God further and further away. It makes me feel like a fraud or hypocrite.

  • @ChristianCorrectionsCorporal
    @ChristianCorrectionsCorporal Год назад +68

    So glad I have attained victory over this, my former most potent sin. At 26 years old I gave up porn completely as I could feel it hardening my heart and damaging my soul. Having been saved at 13 I struggled with it for far too long, but happy to say I’ve been over a year free from its enticement. It elicits the disgust that it deserves any time the temptation is offered by the evil one. I truly didn’t know if I was ever going to see the day, but Christ’s deliverance does not disappoint those who truly repent and die to their own desires so that He can provide us new righteous ones.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Год назад

      Cults are fun! The Christian cult is the ultimate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @adeyemilasisi5897
    @adeyemilasisi5897 Год назад +36

    Stand up as a Man. Strike your Sin. You are not your own. Don't concede Defeat. Don't be deceived, don't be a lackey, don't be a fool to Devil and his wickedness. Wake up Christian Friend, you are not destined for the destructive end of sin.

  • @bonniek2460
    @bonniek2460 Год назад +31

    As a mother of a wayward son who’s struggling, I weep and beg the Lord for my son’s repentance to turn away from wickedness and return to our merciful Lord.

  • @Loveknowsyou
    @Loveknowsyou Год назад +15

    I am no longer stuck in sexual sin and it's because Jesus intervened in my situation. I was addicted to masturbation when I was little till I was 18 years old where I felt this electricity current in my body about the fear of dying come into my body. I opened a gateway for the enemy to come in and tried to kill, steal and destroy me. But I believe this fear was to make me believe that sex is now tainted and I was no longer allowed to feel pleasure but the Lord showed me otherwise. The enemy's plan backfired because not only did I stop masturbating but I turned to Jesus who tells me that sex is sacred and reserved for the one guy who God ordains for me to marry.

  • @vshrum
    @vshrum Год назад +12

    “It is not noble” (5:09) exactly! 👏🏼 Be a man and choose the difficult things; purity and holiness. Its easy (and weak) to throw up your hands and give up. Now you want permission to just give up!? Our culture is one of weakness and this is a prime example. Choose God over your sin; you won’t regret it.