Why steven should have won in my opinion Steven is A LOT stronger than Star since he is stronger than Garnet who can casually punch mountains down with no effort while Stars strongest physical feat is lifting a truck in her strongest form. steven is massively faster two since he scales to lapis who flew from earth all the way to homeworld and back which was calculated to be 3,727,128 times faster than light meanwhile star is also faster than light but she's just not as fast as steven. steven is also way more durable than star. Stars best durability feat is surviving an explosion that leveled castle mewni while Rose's shield (which is exactly the same as Steven's shield) survived an attack from all three of the dimonds which was calculated to be SOLAR SYSTEM LEVEL. This would also make steven solar system level since he beat all three of the dimonds in his monster form while star is only PLANET LEVEL because of he Mega explosive crystal laser. and no star is NOT UNIVERSAL here's why 1: skywynne (a previous Queen) destroyed a universe and star read her chapter in the magic book of spells and should know the spell skywynne used to destroy a universe. The issue with this is skywynne never actually wrote down the spell she used to destroy a universe so star can't learn that spell therefore she cant destroy a universe 2: moon stated that stars wand could be a threat to the universe. When she said this she must have been referring to the spell skywynne used as there are no other universal spells 3: baby said that star was the strongest queen which would make her stronger than skywynne and thus universal. This is just wrong the exact quote from baby is. No my queen Star is nowhere near your skill level at her age She's far beyond it In fact I haven't seen anything like this since Queen Eclipsa. This shows that the highest star scales to is Eclipsa not skywynne. 4: toffee killed omnitraxus prime a living universe and star is stronger than toffee. Also incarcerated toffee didn't kill omnitraxus he only put him in stasis. TL;DR star is not universal and steven out stats star in everything except for variety and maybe skill if you still think star should have won that is fine just my opinion.
My congratulations! And one more thing Eclipsa's Ouruborus is out of context, because the spells said "You can destroy a dimension with that?" That means, Ouruborus can devour all one by one, is like you eat a meal, for example And when Toffee beats Omnitraxus, is comparable to Doom with the Beyonder, only with one difference, he doesn't conserved his power
1:50 Honestamente esta es mi parte favorita de la pelea de Star vs Steven en el episodio Original, en serio, quien hizo el libreto y el arte en esta escena y la animacion, es un genio.
Lo que un canal gringo con mucha gente trabajando no pudo hacer, lo hizo alguien Random del Internet... Un Final Correcto y Acordé a lo que en realidad pasaría si ellos pelean. Gran trabajo.
@@Sky42401 Y? Steven puede en el Godzilla rosado, si bien Star puede destruir planetas, Steven se tanqueo 20 Megafoes, multi sistema solar escalando eso al rayo de las diamantes, que fue re nerfeado en el análisis, incluso esos 2 Tenatones son mucho más que lo que Star podría generar
This is super accurate. He's fast enough to where time slows to a crawl and has dodged lasers without using his powers, so he should be able to easily avoid her planetary laser spell. And he likely won't giver her the chance and just end her. In fact, I doubt that that spell can actually destroy a planet. I've watched Svtfoe many times and even death battle mentioned that she only used it as a small laser pointer for cats and she's never been shown to actually be able to use that to destroy a planet nor has she ever used that against an enemy she would need to use it against. The only reason why death battle consider it planetary is because star claimed in an official book that star wrote her self that it can neutralize a planet. She was most likely not serious when she wrote that since many other things she said in the book wasn't serious. Also her being able to casually destroy a planet makes no sense because queens like eclipsa and moon who are more powerful than star aren't able to do that. Eclipsa's most powerful spell is the spell with no name and that's small mountain level. So in terms of scaling and consistency it makes no sense that the spell can actually destroy planets. I don't think death battle should have made her that powerful considering that she's never utilized the spell like that and they don't know exactly how it works. Also the fact that it's probably not actually planetary in the first place. I think it's either writers of the book intending for star to be joking when she said that or the writer's themselves just made a mistake in terms of power consistency. But in the end it doesn't really matter since Steven should be able to easily avoid the spell or just end her before she gets the chance to use it. Or he could just immobilize her like he did to jasper. Also I'm gonna make another comment on why star is NOT universal.
Por fin alguien que hizo un buen final. Steven le gana a Star, lo único, no creo que Steven sea capaz de cortar a alguien sabiendo que es un humano, se podría decir. Hubiera usado otro ataque.
That's what I want from the battle pink steven lust of winning and defeating star, and later steven brings star back to life and apologizes to star. Not a broken gem and star ignoring that she killed a person and winning (cheating) the sand castle reward.
@@TaiyoCrystal ok, la verdad me encantaría que hagas una de Rick Sanchez vs Anti papaleta en su estado más poderoso. Sería una batalla épica ya que Rick derrotó a un dios y Anti papaleta supera el poder uno.
Many star fans claim that she's universal. As a Star fan myself I'm going to take down the arguments and points that they all make. 1. She easily defeated toffe, who easily defeated omni-prime, who's universal omnipotent. First off, it's highly debatable on weather or not he's actually that powerful but it doesn't matter. Toffe never actually killed him, he just absorbed his energy after possessing ludo, weaking magic which omni-prime is powered by, using half the wand to absorb queen moon's power, and then absorbing omni-prime's soul. And on top of that, star didn't even defeat him when he was in that form. She defeated him when he grew himself his regular body, which is weak enough for Marco, a regular human, to punch a hole through him. And then star defeated him. Although that's pretty impressive considering that he has a good healing factor, that doesn't put her anywhere near universal or even mountain level. Or even small town level. 2. Skywynne was able to destroy a dimension, and Star scales to her. This is false. Skywynne was a queen long before even Eclipsa. She specialized in spells that can mess with time and one day, under a lot of stress, she accidentally destroyed the dimension. That is no doubt a universal feat, but Star was never stated or implied to be as powerful as her. Baby, a magical being that measures the power potential of queens stated that she has the potential to scale to Eclipsa. Not only is Eclipsa nowhere near as powerful as Skywynne, but by the end of the series Star isn't even on Eclipsa's level, or even her mom's. Also other fans say that she read skywynne's chapter but she didn't. She read eclipsa's chapter. And skywynne never recorded her dimension destroying spell because she was afraid that the wrong person would use it for evil. And Star doesn't even care about any other spells besides her own. When she read Eclipa's chapter, she literally didn't care to learn them and continued using her own spells. 3. Queen moon stated that the wand has the power to destroy the universe. That doesn't automatically make Star universal. The wand isn't like the infinity gauntlet where you automatically possess its full power. The wand's power varies on the power and skill set of the wielder. This is proven because star doesn't know how to control her magic when she gets the wand and even by the end of the series she doesn't even get to Eclipsa's or her mom's level or skill. All in all, star isn't universal and most Star fans would know that if they actually re watched the show and not get their info from random users on the internet and watching clips without the full context.
Lo que mas me da risa es Starr llamando mamón a Steven que realmente si se escuchaba muy mamon en la pelea que junto al resultado mas erroneo fue lo que me molesto de la pelea original
Si no me equivoco, había un hechizo en el libro de Star el cual decía que se puede revertir una destruccion del universo. Opino que Star le gana a Steven.
Pues si pero eso esta malinterpratado, solo narra la experiencia pero no hay forma de recrearlo, y nunca se escala a esa reina con Star en ningun momento, Star es solo nivel planeta y soy mas fan de ella
@@TaiyoCrystal si ya se, Star por scalling es mínimo nivel planeta grande, solo digo que me parecio muy interesante esa página del libro. Jejeje Star vs las fuerzas del mal bonita serie
Goku: hola soy goku así que eres rosa no es así Pink: prefiero que me llames rose Goku: no prefiero no llamarte por nombrar Pink: quiero tratarte mejor Goku: no quiero que trates conmigo prefiero solo observarte te ves diferente a las Criaturas que he visto pero pareces una saiyayin acaso tienes cola de mono Pink: no la miraras serás parecido a mi quiero que te alejes quiero que evites Mirar mi suciedad harás que te eliminen Goku: suciedad… cierto lo tienes adentro de tu ropa no como sea si eso quieren lo harían Mas emocionante Pink: serás un asqueroso te alejas de una vez Goku: no prefiero quedarme Pink impactaría el estomago de goku Pink: terminaras rápido oculta mi verdadera identidad Pero goku le devuelve el impacto desde el rostro Pink: serás un humano resistente Goku: soy un saiyayin pero eso si me dolió… Pink: quiero que te elimines Goku: cierra los ojos Pink: perla crea una realidad artificial Goku: enserio tienes ese poder Pink extiende su mano lanzando múltiples bolas de energía con bastante precisión Impactando el cuerpo del saiyayin dejándolo bastante herido Goku: esas bolas de energía aumentaron su velocidad de repente Goku impactaría al aire pues la precisión de pink esquivo todos los impactos de goku Pink impactaría varios desde el cuerpo del saiyayin dejándolo mas herido Goku confiado: pareces tener parte de la señal del ultra instinto Goku se transformaría a súper saiyayin blue Pink enojada: ¡¡LARGO DE MI PLANETA!! Pink expulsaría poder haciendo parte de la cara de goku pedazos Goku la miraría confiado pero temblando Goķu: eres parte de el acaso sera otro súper saiyayin legendario… Goku impactaría al aire pero los impactos de pink enojada al cuerpo de goku son demasiado sorpresivos y rápidos goku caería al suelo y se levanta derramando bastante sangre Pink: largo Pink enojada levanta su mano con una bola de energía Goku: no aun no aun tengo una técnica por demostrarte El pelo de goku cambiaria de forma y de colores Goku sonriendo: este se le llama el ultra instinto Pink enojada: demuestra ser un infantil Pink lanzaría la bola de energía Goku esquivándola: siempre sera algo desconocido para ti rosa Goku impactaría al cuerpo de rosa mandándose a volar Pink: perla quiero la fusión Perla toma la mano de rosa ocasionándose una fusión Persa (fusión entre perla y rosa) Persa: sera tu fin Persa crearía clones holográficos goku esquivaría a persa pero persa aprovecho esto creándose múltiples repeticiones de persa impactando al saiyayin persa lanzaría luz contra el suelo cegando a goku Persa: hacia el Los hologramas de persa irían hacia el cuerpo de goku el ultra instinto de goku lo esquiva pero persa aprovecharía la distracción lanzando un impacto al estomago de goku mandándose a volar cayendo el saiyayin destransformado Goku: esto es posible… tu ki aumenta incluso mas que broly Pink desfusionada: entiende largo de mi planeta Goku: soy parte de el rosa eso yo lo decidí Pink: decidí… serás una amenaza Goku: aunque lo supieras yo no Pink: tendrás razón… tu intención sera eliminarme Goku: fue probarte si solo quisiera lo pude haber hecho pero si solo ocultas narrando lo sucedido… otro lo haría por ti Pink: quiero oculten mi verdadera identidad serás libre Goku: decidí mi propia decisión Pink: sera mi realidad sera mi decisión Goku: no es de todos Pink: … harás eso Pink: quiero que te marches de mi realidad no te escaparas saiyayin Pink impacta a goku atravesando el pecho de goku estirando su brazo Goku: Aaggr… Pink: no alteraras la realidad son goku sera mi realidad serás una amenaza Goku: Preferí saber todos los motivos el que lo quiera evitar solamente formara parte de ella Goku se teletrasportaria a súper saiyayin blue impactando la nuca de pink Pink: harás cosquillas Goku: … Goku: kame… kame Pink agarra del cuello a goku Pink: elige modificaras la realidad Goku: siempre fue así Pink: serás eliminado vuelve a tu logria Goku: … tu solo lo haría por contar lo sucedido pero es tu decisión acabarlo Pink: tienes razón largo Goku: muchas gracias Goku se teletransporta Fin
Antes de hacer el proximo animatic, hare un par de opiniones, me encantaria realmente criticar la estupida funa a Scott Cawthon P.D: Perdon si el grito de Steven dio cringe xD Edit: Here it seems that there was one less *Star* in the *Universe*
vaya yo me pregunto como no contaron el poder de hacer el tiempo lento de hecho hay algunos duelos que necesitan ser cambiados porque uno es mas logico que el otro
@@TaiyoCrystal muchos de hecho conozco a un youtuber que hizo un calculo de steven contra star y literalmente steven la aporeo en fuerza fisica,fuerza de golpe y durabilidad y sin mentirte steven literlamente tenia el poder de destruir el sol con tantos numeros de tnt que tenia su gran poder en godzilla steven y tambien podia cargar continentes especificamente miles de continentes de de poco mas de 160000 toneladas y me sorprende que star no haya terminando grave mente muerta o incluso lastimada hasta el punto en morir de hecho creo que es mejor asi ademas no es como que nos mostraran en la serie que de verdad destruya dimensiones porque no se nos mostro y en steven universe montañas o islas incluso me atreveria decir que las diamantes podrian destruir un sol o incluso una galaxia si desarrollan un arma para ello claro
@@alexanderdavidlocarnogomez3441 sip, y lo de Star fueron mas afirmaciones que hechos y que de paso no se sostienen.. spoiler creo que hasta la creadora le parecio tonto
Yes, exactly, what I'm saying is that Death Battle gave a very cowardly argument, poorly done and reduced to insignificance, other than that, Star's way of winning was very unrealistic
@@TaiyoCrystal right they barely used Stevens speed. I like both characters and i think star is stronger with damage but they both would be able to beat eachother in many ways i would say that they're even
@@Chivo317 In fact, Steven is physically stronger and faster, the destructive level is even, Star is obviously more versatile and is much more experienced in fighting than Steven, but at least in the base state and in the pink state that Steven appeared in. the fight, at least I saw Steven with greater control, and I tell you, I like Star a little but I have to be honest, at least I saw that way of winning very unreal, before Steven used the speed reduction and later in the final attack she could have used it to dodge it, also if Garnet dodges lightning, lightning is faster than a laser, so you know
@@TaiyoCrystal pero steven pudo de diversas formas de acabar con star como inmovilizándola con los cuadros como lo hiso con jasper esquivando el rayo como tu lo pusiste en el final alternativo corrompiéndose y derrotarla o usar los cañones de luz, pero me encanto el final es mas creíble y tiene mas sentido buen trabajo :D
Desde cuando steven puede detener el tiempo?, star también puede hacer lo mismo e incluso se vio en la serie y steven no sería capas de lastimar a una persona.
Primero, no lo detiene, lo ralentiza como se vio en Future segundo, Star tiene prohibido hacerlo e incluso Death Battle lo descarto, y tercero es una DB, donde ellos deben perder todos sus valores hasta pelear a muerte, incluso en ese estado, el fue capaz de matar a Jaspe temporalmente
@@jayhyperstarx6113 yes, it's the most probable fact, also i wrote this battle a year ago when SU recently was ended and compared this too and well.. Steven won
For me the best is the ending of the battle, where Steven actually tries to save her even though he almost killed her to win the battle. Thats really looks like a Steven Universe shenanigans.
Nah yo sí creo que Steven tenía las de ganar. Muchos podrán dudarlo (principalmente por como es Steven), pero en términos de podeeer... Steven está rotito jajajaja... para mí la balanza se inclina hacia Steven. A lo mejor sí pierde contra Eclipsa, pero no sé.
Tiene un poquito mas de sentido el final original ya que mientras star tiraba el rayo no creo que a Steven le hubiera dado tiempo de cortarle las manos
@@tomassaracho3638 ahí te equivocas, Steven en los capitulos finales pudo ralentizar el tiempo y en ese estado es libre de hacerlo mas a voluntad, así que no hay nada erroneo
@TaiyoCrystal lo siento es que se nota que por ejemplo Steven probablemente ese era el que no tuvo el entrenamiento ya que se ve que era un poquito impulsivo ya que el de el final de la serie nunca haría eso
Thanks! and yes, I am aware of it, and I would have loved to put voices in English but I have never tried to contact any voice actor or actress, even independent, to do me that favor, so I had to decline to my language, because I am Latino, actually Steven's voice here is me
@@TaiyoCrystal bueno quizá para la temporada 9 una pelea a muerte de lápiz y la princesa flama o si no un dbx yo espero una pelea entre megamente vs gru quien cres que pueda ganar entre ellos 2
Ademas si podria terminar asi pues el bideo original era unpoco mal diseñado debido aqu no isieron loque el ase osea poner a esteve controlar el timpo y nisiquiera lo isieron esquibar el rayo poreo es mejor este video
@Carlos Daniel Andrade Fierro ahh por desgracia pero en parte no me extraña, hicieron ganar a Green Lantern, a Nightwing y Ryu cuando sus oponentes caidos debian ganar
My comment somehow got deleted but I agree with this the battle is really good and incredibly interesting(I don’t speak that language so I can’t understand the end as well but I still agree with Steven winning and I think that the battle was higher quality than the death battle)
@@TaiyoCrystal it is fine the video’s quality is so high that that alone makes it worth it plus I completely agree with what you’ve been saying so much that I can’t even explain it
He isn't stopping time and this looks like he is he just moving so fast that his perception of time is slown down. So that blast would've still killed him regardless as light speed is so fast that everything is a stand still so steven isn't even close of being light speed in the pink form. Good Animation tho 👌
I know he can't stop the time but In fact technically if it would reduce that, since it was said in the analysis that Steven was faster, and also in case of not being able to move the shield, because the attack to destroy the planet would not work as it had resisted 2 TNT Tenatons (dwarf star level) and Steven by overcoming Garnet who dodged the lightning well in that state is like Quicksilver explosion in X men Apocalypse you will know what I mean, and also that the speed reduction would not stop him, contradicts himself a little earlier as you can see, therefore it does not make sense that he does not stop him , but still thank you
@@TaiyoCrystal thats true but thats not the rose sheild its a different sheild in pink form which jasper can easily shatter with enough force so I can see why it wouldn't hold against that planet busting attack
@@underratedunderdog2770 Reason, Steven's powers are according to his feelings that is why sometimes he has failed like with Jasper before Steven in that state took it seriously, because then she could not break it and it did not prevent his momentary death and that he overcome in the end To the diamonds who threw the lightning, it is also technically a fact with the end of Future, which even surpassed the diamonds
@@TaiyoCrystal good argument there. But you do know Steven still can't control his powers right? He is emotional damaged and that is permanent all he can do is get help for it but since this is a death battle Steven's emotions is gonna have him not think about it and just bloodthirsty
I was kinda mad at how Steven lost. I felt like they made star win because of that same spell that could destroy a universe. Like sure it’s there but did she do so? No. The wand can do so yes but whoever conjures it can do so and star wouldn’t so I felt like DB nitpicked a lot in that battle. Especially with Steven. Steven actually can control said pink state, but if it’s too much emotion then he can’t. But plain entering pink state he can still control it fine. Steven had star outclassed in everything except versatility and somewhat of skill ig.
DB was tooooo wrong and Ultraguy's blog arguing and nerfed Steven and wanking Star, don't helped that way, his just stop the innevetable but well Steven had the speed, strenght, durable, better trained and counterattacks, and Star universe level is too easy to debunk, i saw both series, more SVTFOE than SU... The winner is Steven Universe
Steven: What did I do ?! Steven: ... Hey.. Star: Uhh? W-What happened? You are no longer pi-? -She looks at her hand- .... But what ?! I'm pink?! Steven: Yes, a long history Star: Hey I'm sorry for the sand castle Steven: Don't worry, and i'm sorry for all the spear and the other things Star: Ahh well, at least I'm fine now, pink but fine Steven: By the way, I'll give you back your wand Star: Yes! The end
@@TaiyoCrystal I forgot to say that this is Why Steven shouldve won he is more stronger and powerful and thanks for this animation Steven Universe is my favorite character he deserved the win
@@GokuMarioAnimefan27 thank you and I'm more a SVTFOE fan than SU but she is not universal, she's minimum planet level but Steven is star level (and with recent calculations possibly solar system) Star only had the control, versatility and experience but Steven have the power, speed, durability, strenght and include training, thanks to the gems, as a fan, and is fair, Steven wins
Esta buena la animación pero para mi que si gana star su magia es demasiado flexible y aún que no todos domina algunos hechizos de las pasadas reinas como uno que congela el tiempo
@@TaiyoCrystal Even if you’re not taking universal Star, Steven wouldn’t stomp in any regard. Steven doesn’t scale that high at all. He can’t even defend against her planetary blast
@@short.connor2319 bro that's the worst affirmation, 2 Tenatons of TNT is Dwarf Star level and for destroy a planet is 56 zettatons to 17 Yottatons, and SU staff confirm a Lapislazuli could deform a planet and the diamonds are way powerful than that so.... boom
@@short.connor2319 even Cable vs. Booster Gold is comparable to this calculation, Cable was capable with 114 Yottatons but Booster Gold could resist 14 Tenatons of TNT, well was 12 Tenatons more than Steven but is the same level, Steven and Booster are 100,000 more powerfuls and durables than Star and Cable
@@donellnorman9158 no, nopi, I'm just honest, the courteousness doesn't take away the bravery, in fact my friend, it's up to you to believe me or not, but I'm much more of a Star fan, but I know she's not universal (I had to see the series again, piece series) and being able to destroy the planet is not enough
@@tisntmerealname8824 Just in case, Skywinne and she are never compared, second, Eclipsa and her Ouruboros are taken out of context, when they said that it could destroy the dimension they meant that the spell could devour it, as if you were eating, go little by little, to the Long the nameless spell only destroyed the side of a mountain, Omnitraxus has many contradictions, apart from what Toffee did to him is comparable to what Doom did to the Beyonder, on the other hand the spell to destroy the world would not do anything to the shield Because he resisted 2 tenatons of TNT, dwarf star level and the spell to destroy the dimension is not even set in step or can be learned, so if Steven wins, he is dwarf star against planet even in Cable and Booster Gold is comparable to this fight
@@natanconceicao888... Que yo sepa con su barita star puede lanzar un hechizo capaz de destruir dimensiones,pero star no es muy lectora y la única forma de que pueda hacer ese hechizo es que sepa utilizar bien su barita cosa que no a demostrado,y los hechizos que star sabe hacer son bastante fáciles de esquivar ya que Marco Diaz un *HUMANO* con entrenamiento pudo esquivar sus ataques sin esforzarse ahora imagínate que alguien con poderes como los de steven,y el final del versus está mal,steven es asesinado por un láser cuando el ya los esquivaba desde niño
For those who say srar wins are wrong steven can beat Garnett and in garnett's universe garnets power level raeched infinity before the power scaning device exploded
Why steven should have won in my opinion
Steven is A LOT stronger than Star since he is stronger than Garnet who can casually punch mountains down with no effort while Stars strongest physical feat is lifting a truck in her strongest form. steven is massively faster two since he scales to lapis who flew from earth all the way to homeworld and back which was calculated to be 3,727,128 times faster than light meanwhile star is also faster than light but she's just not as fast as steven. steven is also way more durable than star. Stars best durability feat is surviving an explosion that leveled castle mewni while Rose's shield (which is exactly the same as Steven's shield) survived an attack from all three of the dimonds which was calculated to be SOLAR SYSTEM LEVEL. This would also make steven solar system level since he beat all three of the dimonds in his monster form while star is only PLANET LEVEL because of he Mega explosive crystal laser. and no star is NOT UNIVERSAL here's why
1: skywynne (a previous Queen) destroyed a universe and star read her chapter in the magic book of spells and should know the spell skywynne used to destroy a universe. The issue with this is skywynne never actually wrote down the spell she used to destroy a universe so star can't learn that spell therefore she cant destroy a universe
2: moon stated that stars wand could be a threat to the universe. When she said this she must have been referring to the spell skywynne used as there are no other universal spells
3: baby said that star was the strongest queen which would make her stronger than skywynne and thus universal. This is just wrong the exact quote from baby is. No my queen Star is nowhere near your skill level at her age She's far beyond it In fact I haven't seen anything like this since Queen Eclipsa. This shows that the highest star scales to is Eclipsa not skywynne.
4: toffee killed omnitraxus prime a living universe and star is stronger than toffee. Also incarcerated toffee didn't kill omnitraxus he only put him in stasis.
TL;DR star is not universal and steven out stats star in everything except for variety and maybe skill if you still think star should have won that is fine just my opinion.
My congratulations! And one more thing Eclipsa's Ouruborus is out of context, because the spells said "You can destroy a dimension with that?" That means, Ouruborus can devour all one by one, is like you eat a meal, for example
And when Toffee beats Omnitraxus, is comparable to Doom with the Beyonder, only with one difference, he doesn't conserved his power
I Agree with You Buddy.
Star is universal LOL
Also where is it stated the diamonds power is solar system level?
Este final tuvo más lógica y me gustó más qe el final original
Mis respetos para el creador de este video.
Moraleja chicos hastd amigo del que derrotaste ,3 nah es joda alta animacion del final
mis respetos eso era el verdadero final
Nunca star sola
1:50 Honestamente esta es mi parte favorita de la pelea de Star vs Steven en el episodio Original, en serio, quien hizo el libreto y el arte en esta escena y la animacion, es un genio.
Si eso hay que aplaudirlo realmente
Pobres steven sandias XD ;v
Nada mal así debió de terminar la batalla original, esto seria como el verdadero final
Creo que te quedó muy bien.
Concuerdo en que así debió ser la batalla original.
Si porque steven con su super velocidad hubiera evitado el ataque de star es mas hasta hubiera sobrevivido
Fuaaaaaaaa qué pasada! ❤️❤️❤️✨ Me encanta la fluidez de la animación! Gran trabajo! ✨✨✨
AYYY Gracias, pronto vuelvo a hacer este tipo de cosas!
Llevo esperando este momento desde que subiste los dibujos en el server
Pos ahi tienes, porque la verdad me costo animar todo eso
quedo muy bien, mis felicitaciones, prefiero por mucho este final
Muchas gracias enserio!
@@TaiyoCrystalesse final foi horrível star sola
De nada pero te agradezco mas a ti por brindar tu voz!
Green Lantern: Ah, conoces la llave?.jpg
Que humor mas negro bro xd
Steven: no
@@KaiserVile G.L: Oh,eh Bueno, la vas a Conocer *Crea unas tijeras verdes*
@@ronin1732 Steven: ahí pero que buenas tijeras
GL: Gracias las creé para matar a un niño de 10-14 aproximadamente.
Lo que un canal gringo con mucha gente trabajando no pudo hacer, lo hizo alguien Random del Internet... Un Final Correcto y Acordé a lo que en realidad pasaría si ellos pelean.
Gran trabajo.
No jodas en serio piensas que ganaría Steven ?
@@Sky42401 es que si gana
@@TaiyoCrystal No no gana star tiene muchos más hechizos que no uso incluso puede transformase en un golem de arcoíris gigante
@@Sky42401 Y? Steven puede en el Godzilla rosado, si bien Star puede destruir planetas, Steven se tanqueo 20 Megafoes, multi sistema solar escalando eso al rayo de las diamantes, que fue re nerfeado en el análisis, incluso esos 2 Tenatones son mucho más que lo que Star podría generar
This is super accurate. He's fast enough to where time slows to a crawl and has dodged lasers without using his powers, so he should be able to easily avoid her planetary laser spell. And he likely won't giver her the chance and just end her. In fact, I doubt that that spell can actually destroy a planet. I've watched Svtfoe many times and even death battle mentioned that she only used it as a small laser pointer for cats and she's never been shown to actually be able to use that to destroy a planet nor has she ever used that against an enemy she would need to use it against. The only reason why death battle consider it planetary is because star claimed in an official book that star wrote her self that it can neutralize a planet. She was most likely not serious when she wrote that since many other things she said in the book wasn't serious. Also her being able to casually destroy a planet makes no sense because queens like eclipsa and moon who are more powerful than star aren't able to do that. Eclipsa's most powerful spell is the spell with no name and that's small mountain level. So in terms of scaling and consistency it makes no sense that the spell can actually destroy planets. I don't think death battle should have made her that powerful considering that she's never utilized the spell like that and they don't know exactly how it works. Also the fact that it's probably not actually planetary in the first place. I think it's either writers of the book intending for star to be joking when she said that or the writer's themselves just made a mistake in terms of power consistency. But in the end it doesn't really matter since Steven should be able to easily avoid the spell or just end her before she gets the chance to use it. Or he could just immobilize her like he did to jasper. Also I'm gonna make another comment on why star is NOT universal.
Cómo que el final este está mejor. :D
(Gran trabajo!)
Muchas gracias bro!
Como dijo cierto pelirrojo aquella vez, AHÍ ESTABA YO!
Por fin alguien que hizo un buen final.
Steven le gana a Star, lo único, no creo que Steven sea capaz de cortar a alguien sabiendo que es un humano, se podría decir.
Hubiera usado otro ataque.
Sii pero como es DB y dejan atras toda moral, y sobre todo que es Steven cuando se vuelve loco, tal vez si, despues de todo, mato a Jaspe por un rato
Gracias por responder.@@TaiyoCrystal
que epico
gran trabajo bro
Cómo siempre B)
That's what I want from the battle pink steven lust of winning and defeating star, and later steven brings star back to life and apologizes to star. Not a broken gem and star ignoring that she killed a person and winning (cheating) the sand castle reward.
Everybody want that
Nuevo sub que bonito te quedó crack
Muchas gracias crack!
Pronto subo otra animacion
@@TaiyoCrystal ok, la verdad me encantaría que hagas una de Rick Sanchez vs Anti papaleta en su estado más poderoso. Sería una batalla épica ya que Rick derrotó a un dios y Anti papaleta supera el poder uno.
@@Aaron_X si tal vez para un futuro porque la verdad me encantaria hacer un show como DB pero mucho mas objetivo
Many star fans claim that she's universal. As a Star fan myself I'm going to take down the arguments and points that they all make.
1. She easily defeated toffe, who easily defeated omni-prime, who's universal omnipotent. First off, it's highly debatable on weather or not he's actually that powerful but it doesn't matter. Toffe never actually killed him, he just absorbed his energy after possessing ludo, weaking magic which omni-prime is powered by, using half the wand to absorb queen moon's power, and then absorbing omni-prime's soul. And on top of that, star didn't even defeat him when he was in that form. She defeated him when he grew himself his regular body, which is weak enough for Marco, a regular human, to punch a hole through him. And then star defeated him. Although that's pretty impressive considering that he has a good healing factor, that doesn't put her anywhere near universal or even mountain level. Or even small town level.
2. Skywynne was able to destroy a dimension, and Star scales to her. This is false. Skywynne was a queen long before even Eclipsa. She specialized in spells that can mess with time and one day, under a lot of stress, she accidentally destroyed the dimension. That is no doubt a universal feat, but Star was never stated or implied to be as powerful as her. Baby, a magical being that measures the power potential of queens stated that she has the potential to scale to Eclipsa. Not only is Eclipsa nowhere near as powerful as Skywynne, but by the end of the series Star isn't even on Eclipsa's level, or even her mom's. Also other fans say that she read skywynne's chapter but she didn't. She read eclipsa's chapter. And skywynne never recorded her dimension destroying spell because she was afraid that the wrong person would use it for evil. And Star doesn't even care about any other spells besides her own. When she read Eclipa's chapter, she literally didn't care to learn them and continued using her own spells.
3. Queen moon stated that the wand has the power to destroy the universe. That doesn't automatically make Star universal. The wand isn't like the infinity gauntlet where you automatically possess its full power. The wand's power varies on the power and skill set of the wielder. This is proven because star doesn't know how to control her magic when she gets the wand and even by the end of the series she doesn't even get to Eclipsa's or her mom's level or skill.
All in all, star isn't universal and most Star fans would know that if they actually re watched the show and not get their info from random users on the internet and watching clips without the full context.
Buena animación te felicito 🎉😁
Un problema pequeñisimamente minimo es que cada que hablaban el audio original se desvanecia
Yes this is how it should’ve ended, I really wish I knew what they were saying though
subtitles are already enabled bro
@@TaiyoCrystal thanks
Miguel (de spiderman) : no puedes alternar un evento canónico....
Todos y yo : quien dice >:v
(PD almenos para mi esto es un buen final osi osi uwu ❤)
Que buen fandub ameee ame neta que si
Se me olvidó que podía cambiar de forma xd
Bueno en esa pelea nerfearon a steven y le dieron un ataque que star nunca supo usar, muy balanceado
Vos mismo lo dijiste
La verdad fue un grito muy masculino cuando el esteban se transformo
Lo que mas me da risa es Starr llamando mamón a Steven que realmente si se escuchaba muy mamon en la pelea que junto al resultado mas erroneo fue lo que me molesto de la pelea original
Si no me equivoco, había un hechizo en el libro de Star el cual decía que se puede revertir una destruccion del universo. Opino que Star le gana a Steven.
Pues si pero eso esta malinterpratado, solo narra la experiencia pero no hay forma de recrearlo, y nunca se escala a esa reina con Star en ningun momento, Star es solo nivel planeta y soy mas fan de ella
@@TaiyoCrystal si ya se, Star por scalling es mínimo nivel planeta grande, solo digo que me parecio muy interesante esa página del libro. Jejeje Star vs las fuerzas del mal bonita serie
@@Aaron_X de hecho tengo una guia de la serie, me encantan ambas series, sobretodo la de Star
A mí me gusta este final alternativo
Próximamente: Deah battle entre amphibia vs la casa búho
No seria mala idea, aunque aun sigo viendome The Owl House por si planeo hacer otro enfrentamiento
@@TaiyoCrystal lo mejor será no hacer lo hasta que ambas series terminen y por fin ver ese resultado de un ganador :b
@@yaelanaya1375 Claro, seria lo mejor, eso hicimos con SU y Star vs las fuerzas del mal, solo que lo hicieron, pero si es lo mejor por supuesto
@@TaiyoCrystal oh hacer un dbx ahora que está de moda un personaje de nickelodeon vs uno de Disney
@@yaelanaya1375 si entre mis animaciones planeo hacer peleas igual pero necesito mas animadores y a la vez entrenamiento en la animacion
Steven: * se transforma en steven corrupto*🗿
Me encantó tu vídeo saludos 😍
Gracias la verdad valoro eso!
Goku: hola soy goku así que eres rosa no es así
Pink: prefiero que me llames rose
Goku: no prefiero no llamarte por nombrar
Pink: quiero tratarte mejor
Goku: no quiero que trates conmigo prefiero solo observarte te ves diferente a las Criaturas que he visto pero pareces una saiyayin acaso tienes cola de mono
Pink: no la miraras serás parecido a mi quiero que te alejes quiero que evites Mirar mi suciedad harás que te eliminen
Goku: suciedad… cierto lo tienes adentro de tu ropa no como sea si eso quieren lo harían Mas emocionante
Pink: serás un asqueroso te alejas de una vez
Goku: no prefiero quedarme
Pink impactaría el estomago de goku
Pink: terminaras rápido oculta mi verdadera identidad
Pero goku le devuelve el impacto desde el rostro
Pink: serás un humano resistente
Goku: soy un saiyayin pero eso si me dolió…
Pink: quiero que te elimines
Goku: cierra los ojos
Pink: perla crea una realidad artificial
Goku: enserio tienes ese poder
Pink extiende su mano lanzando múltiples bolas de energía con bastante precisión
Impactando el cuerpo del saiyayin dejándolo bastante herido
Goku: esas bolas de energía aumentaron su velocidad de repente
Goku impactaría al aire pues la precisión de pink esquivo todos los impactos de goku
Pink impactaría varios desde el cuerpo del saiyayin dejándolo mas herido
Goku confiado: pareces tener parte de la señal del ultra instinto
Goku se transformaría a súper saiyayin blue
Pink enojada: ¡¡LARGO DE MI PLANETA!!
Pink expulsaría poder haciendo parte de la cara de goku pedazos
Goku la miraría confiado pero temblando
Goķu: eres parte de el acaso sera otro súper saiyayin legendario…
Goku impactaría al aire pero los impactos de pink enojada al cuerpo de goku son demasiado sorpresivos y rápidos goku caería al suelo y se levanta derramando bastante sangre
Pink: largo
Pink enojada levanta su mano con una bola de energía
Goku: no aun no aun tengo una técnica por demostrarte
El pelo de goku cambiaria de forma y de colores
Goku sonriendo: este se le llama el ultra instinto
Pink enojada: demuestra ser un infantil
Pink lanzaría la bola de energía
Goku esquivándola: siempre sera algo desconocido para ti rosa
Goku impactaría al cuerpo de rosa mandándose a volar
Pink: perla quiero la fusión
Perla toma la mano de rosa ocasionándose una fusión
Persa (fusión entre perla y rosa)
Persa: sera tu fin
Persa crearía clones holográficos goku esquivaría a persa pero persa aprovecho esto creándose múltiples repeticiones de persa impactando al saiyayin persa lanzaría luz contra el suelo cegando a goku
Persa: hacia el
Los hologramas de persa irían hacia el cuerpo de goku el ultra instinto de goku lo esquiva pero persa aprovecharía la distracción lanzando un impacto al estomago de goku mandándose a volar cayendo el saiyayin destransformado
Goku: esto es posible… tu ki aumenta incluso mas que broly
Pink desfusionada: entiende largo de mi planeta
Goku: soy parte de el rosa eso yo lo decidí
Pink: decidí… serás una amenaza
Goku: aunque lo supieras yo no
Pink: tendrás razón… tu intención sera eliminarme
Goku: fue probarte si solo quisiera lo pude haber hecho pero si solo ocultas narrando lo sucedido… otro lo haría por ti
Pink: quiero oculten mi verdadera identidad serás libre
Goku: decidí mi propia decisión
Pink: sera mi realidad sera mi decisión
Goku: no es de todos
Pink: … harás eso
Pink: quiero que te marches de mi realidad no te escaparas saiyayin
Pink impacta a goku atravesando el pecho de goku estirando su brazo
Goku: Aaggr…
Pink: no alteraras la realidad son goku sera mi realidad serás una amenaza
Goku: Preferí saber todos los motivos el que lo quiera evitar solamente formara parte de ella
Goku se teletrasportaria a súper saiyayin blue impactando la nuca de pink
Pink: harás cosquillas
Goku: …
Goku: kame… kame
Pink agarra del cuello a goku
Pink: elige modificaras la realidad
Goku: siempre fue así
Pink: serás eliminado vuelve a tu logria
Goku: … tu solo lo haría por contar lo sucedido pero es tu decisión acabarlo
Pink: tienes razón largo
Goku: muchas gracias
Goku se teletransporta
The true ending
Antes de hacer el proximo animatic, hare un par de opiniones, me encantaria realmente criticar la estupida funa a Scott Cawthon
P.D: Perdon si el grito de Steven dio cringe xD
Edit: Here it seems that there was one less *Star* in the *Universe*
I like this
vaya yo me pregunto como no contaron el poder de hacer el tiempo lento de hecho hay algunos duelos que necesitan ser cambiados porque uno es mas logico que el otro
@@alexanderdavidlocarnogomez3441 literal hay muchos
@@TaiyoCrystal muchos de hecho conozco a un youtuber que hizo un calculo de steven contra star y literalmente steven la aporeo en fuerza fisica,fuerza de golpe y durabilidad y sin mentirte steven literlamente tenia el poder de destruir el sol con tantos numeros de tnt que tenia su gran poder en godzilla steven y tambien podia cargar continentes especificamente miles de continentes de de poco mas de 160000 toneladas y me sorprende que star no haya terminando grave mente muerta o incluso lastimada hasta el punto en morir de hecho creo que es mejor asi ademas no es como que nos mostraran en la serie que de verdad destruya dimensiones porque no se nos mostro y en steven universe montañas o islas incluso me atreveria decir que las diamantes podrian destruir un sol o incluso una galaxia si desarrollan un arma para ello claro
@@alexanderdavidlocarnogomez3441 sip, y lo de Star fueron mas afirmaciones que hechos y que de paso no se sostienen.. spoiler creo que hasta la creadora le parecio tonto
This is pretty good
Thank you so much!
@@TaiyoCrystal ^w^
Honestly the fight could go both ways i think both could definitely kill eachother
Yes, exactly, what I'm saying is that Death Battle gave a very cowardly argument, poorly done and reduced to insignificance, other than that, Star's way of winning was very unrealistic
@@TaiyoCrystal right they barely used Stevens speed. I like both characters and i think star is stronger with damage but they both would be able to beat eachother in many ways i would say that they're even
@@Chivo317 In fact, Steven is physically stronger and faster, the destructive level is even, Star is obviously more versatile and is much more experienced in fighting than Steven, but at least in the base state and in the pink state that Steven appeared in. the fight, at least I saw Steven with greater control, and I tell you, I like Star a little but I have to be honest, at least I saw that way of winning very unreal, before Steven used the speed reduction and later in the final attack she could have used it to dodge it, also if Garnet dodges lightning, lightning is faster than a laser, so you know
@@TaiyoCrystal ikr
XD esto si es arte
3:04 steven: lo esquivo leo tus derechos si cierto no tienes XD fatality
pd: es joda
JAJAJAJA noo man xD
@@TaiyoCrystal pero steven pudo de diversas formas de acabar con star como inmovilizándola con los cuadros como lo hiso con jasper esquivando el rayo como tu lo pusiste en el final alternativo corrompiéndose y derrotarla o usar los cañones de luz, pero me encanto el final es mas creíble y tiene mas sentido buen trabajo :D
@@soyfranco9665 jajaja gracias y si, estoy de acuerdo, a mi me gusta mas la serie de Star pero Steven Universe le gana realmente
@@TaiyoCrystal en lo personal prefiero steven pero star vs las fuerzas del mal es muy buena tambien :D
@@TaiyoCrystal pero encerio steven solo se transformo en su forma rosa y sin gritar ni moverse hiso un gran agujero
Desde cuando steven puede detener el tiempo?, star también puede hacer lo mismo e incluso se vio en la serie y steven no sería capas de lastimar a una persona.
Primero, no lo detiene, lo ralentiza como se vio en Future segundo, Star tiene prohibido hacerlo e incluso Death Battle lo descarto, y tercero es una DB, donde ellos deben perder todos sus valores hasta pelear a muerte, incluso en ese estado, el fue capaz de matar a Jaspe temporalmente
This is beautiful
@@TaiyoCrystal Np
It’s make sense cause Steven is a pacifist so she bring her back to life
@@jayhyperstarx6113 yes, it's the most probable fact, also i wrote this battle a year ago when SU recently was ended and compared this too and well.. Steven won
For me the best is the ending of the battle, where Steven actually tries to save her even though he almost killed her to win the battle. Thats really looks like a Steven Universe shenanigans.
Yeap, that's why I did it
Naaah para mi gana Star Por qué es genial ver que acabó con ese llorón XD
@@eswgacha_uwu seee xD
Pero lastima que los datos no la acompañen xd
Pero cual?
@@lukaberdun321 ... lo he pensado hasta hacer una de 0
Mejor dicho, verdadero final
Eso espero jaja
Hey Edgardo ¿puedes unirte a nuestro server?
El link al server:
star butterfly es minako ain luego de que pucci reiniciara el universo jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nah yo sí creo que Steven tenía las de ganar. Muchos podrán dudarlo (principalmente por como es Steven), pero en términos de podeeer... Steven está rotito jajajaja... para mí la balanza se inclina hacia Steven. A lo mejor sí pierde contra Eclipsa, pero no sé.
Todos creemos, planeo rehacer el versus pero explicado
Steven también podría ganar,buen doblaje,y final alternativo .
La verdad steven si se pondria a llorar si star muere y capaz q la revive por eso xD
Como a Jasper xD aparte eso fue un poco honor a cuando escribi esta batalla hace un año
Tiene un poquito mas de sentido el final original ya que mientras star tiraba el rayo no creo que a Steven le hubiera dado tiempo de cortarle las manos
@@tomassaracho3638 ahí te equivocas, Steven en los capitulos finales pudo ralentizar el tiempo y en ese estado es libre de hacerlo mas a voluntad, así que no hay nada erroneo
@TaiyoCrystal lo siento es que se nota que por ejemplo Steven probablemente ese era el que no tuvo el entrenamiento ya que se ve que era un poquito impulsivo ya que el de el final de la serie nunca haría eso
@@tomassaracho3638 es que Jaspe lo entreno hasta hacerlo musculoso como se vio ahí, al punto que tuvo control por un rato
@TaiyoCrystal si yo diría 50/50
9.75/10 because the sound design was kind of bad but the ending was great!
Thanks! and yes, I am aware of it, and I would have loved to put voices in English but I have never tried to contact any voice actor or actress, even independent, to do me that favor, so I had to decline to my language, because I am Latino, actually Steven's voice here is me
Pienso que deberían hacer un deah bable de lápiz lazuli vs la princesa flama
... no es mala idea pero creo que Lapis pisotea no solo por el elemento sino porque fue confirmado que una Lapislazuli es capaz de deformar un planeta
@@TaiyoCrystal bueno quizá para la temporada 9 una pelea a muerte de lápiz y la princesa flama o si no un dbx yo espero una pelea entre megamente vs gru quien cres que pueda ganar entre ellos 2
@@yaelanaya1375 en esa de megamente y gru, le veo mas chance a Megamente por la cantidad de cosas aun mas potentes que ha hecho y creado
@@TaiyoCrystal que me dices de un hipo y chimuelo vs hiro y beymax
@@yaelanaya1375 creo hipo y chimuelo
Ademas si podria terminar asi pues el bideo original era unpoco mal diseñado debido aqu no isieron loque el ase osea poner a esteve controlar el timpo y nisiquiera lo isieron esquibar el rayo poreo es mejor este video
espero ver más animaciones así
Asi sera, eso espero lograr uwu
@gola hotel definitivamente
Good ending
Awebo uwu
@Carlos Daniel Andrade Fierro espera enserio lo hicieron?!
@Carlos Daniel Andrade Fierro ahh por desgracia pero en parte no me extraña, hicieron ganar a Green Lantern, a Nightwing y Ryu cuando sus oponentes caidos debian ganar
@Carlos Daniel Andrade Fierro con Obi Wan ganando a Kakashi estoy de acuerdo pero el resto si es verdad que debieron perder
And this video is fair
Thanks taiyo Cristal
Better than the original.
@@alexsonicelcaballeromegave4524 yes it is
Bug Star vs Chad Steven
You said it, bro!
Star is not at all a bug but yeah Steven is the chad and winner
I wish it was in sprite
Death Battle could've made Steven win but this will do!
Goku le gana... No es cierto xd, buen vidio xD.
Can you do kaiju Steven vs kaiju rainbow armor star
Ohh that would be interesting!
My comment somehow got deleted but I agree with this the battle is really good and incredibly interesting(I don’t speak that language so I can’t understand the end as well but I still agree with Steven winning and I think that the battle was higher quality than the death battle)
Thanks! and sorry, for now I can't contact english voice actors and I have the subtittles
@@TaiyoCrystal it is fine the video’s quality is so high that that alone makes it worth it plus I completely agree with what you’ve been saying so much that I can’t even explain it
@@TaiyoCrystal also I’m subscribing
He isn't stopping time and this looks like he is he just moving so fast that his perception of time is slown down. So that blast would've still killed him regardless as light speed is so fast that everything is a stand still so steven isn't even close of being light speed in the pink form. Good Animation tho 👌
I know he can't stop the time but In fact technically if it would reduce that, since it was said in the analysis that Steven was faster, and also in case of not being able to move the shield, because the attack to destroy the planet would not work as it had resisted 2 TNT Tenatons (dwarf star level) and Steven by overcoming Garnet who dodged the lightning well in that state is like Quicksilver explosion in X men Apocalypse you will know what I mean, and also that the speed reduction would not stop him, contradicts himself a little earlier as you can see, therefore it does not make sense that he does not stop him , but still thank you
@@TaiyoCrystal thats true but thats not the rose sheild its a different sheild in pink form which jasper can easily shatter with enough force so I can see why it wouldn't hold against that planet busting attack
@@TaiyoCrystal and I agree with he speed tho her not being faster
@@underratedunderdog2770 Reason, Steven's powers are according to his feelings that is why sometimes he has failed like with Jasper before Steven in that state took it seriously, because then she could not break it and it did not prevent his momentary death and that he overcome in the end To the diamonds who threw the lightning, it is also technically a fact with the end of Future, which even surpassed the diamonds
@@TaiyoCrystal good argument there. But you do know Steven still can't control his powers right? He is emotional damaged and that is permanent all he can do is get help for it but since this is a death battle Steven's emotions is gonna have him not think about it and just bloodthirsty
Santos bacalaos es lord basado
Haja ja ese stiven🥺.
No sé tampoco mostrar muy bien, pero ¿por qué la estrella era rosa al final en lugar de morir?
La revivio, eso es algo que Steven le hizo a Lars en la serie
Thank to you for support me ^^
I was kinda mad at how Steven lost. I felt like they made star win because of that same spell that could destroy a universe. Like sure it’s there but did she do so? No. The wand can do so yes but whoever conjures it can do so and star wouldn’t so I felt like DB nitpicked a lot in that battle.
Especially with Steven.
Steven actually can control said pink state, but if it’s too much emotion then he can’t. But plain entering pink state he can still control it fine. Steven had star outclassed in everything except versatility and somewhat of skill ig.
DB was tooooo wrong and Ultraguy's blog arguing and nerfed Steven and wanking Star, don't helped that way, his just stop the innevetable but well
Steven had the speed, strenght, durable, better trained and counterattacks, and Star universe level is too easy to debunk, i saw both series, more SVTFOE than SU...
The winner is Steven Universe
May a person translate the ending
Steven: What did I do ?!
Steven: ... Hey..
Star: Uhh? W-What happened? You are no longer pi-? -She looks at her hand- .... But what ?! I'm pink?!
Steven: Yes, a long history
Star: Hey I'm sorry for the sand castle
Steven: Don't worry, and i'm sorry for all the spear and the other things
Star: Ahh well, at least I'm fine now, pink but fine
Steven: By the way, I'll give you back your wand
Star: Yes!
The end
Yes Steven is the Real winner and you get a new subscriber
Thank you so much! I hope you can support me and enjoy my future animation projects, and if Steven wins, and I say it being more of a Star
@@TaiyoCrystal I forgot to say that this is Why Steven shouldve won he is more stronger and powerful and thanks for this animation Steven Universe is my favorite character he deserved the win
@@TaiyoCrystal I defintely will support your upcoming animations
@@GokuMarioAnimefan27 thank you and I'm more a SVTFOE fan than SU but she is not universal, she's minimum planet level but Steven is star level (and with recent calculations possibly solar system) Star only had the control, versatility and experience but Steven have the power, speed, durability, strenght and include training, thanks to the gems, as a fan, and is fair, Steven wins
@@TaiyoCrystal how did you think of this Death Battle My Dad was happy but I was not
But why is it in spanish
Because I'm Latino bro, and I couldn't contact anyone to provide their voice in English
No entendi el final , steven le dio sus poderes a star o cómo asi?
El la revivió, es algo que el puede hacer
@@TaiyoCrystal que poderoso, debio ganar la verdad.
@@TaiyoCrystal y entonces por qué star se volvio rosa?
@@dogeset5369 porque asi quedo Lars cuando fue revivido por Steven
Clap clap clap clap clap WHISTLE clap clap
@taiyo crystal your still awake
@@nagarudaniel6014 yeap
Hey, nunca mencionaste que esto fuera un fandub
Es que queria hacer la escena epilogo
Esta buena la animación pero para mi que si gana star su magia es demasiado flexible y aún que no todos domina algunos hechizos de las pasadas reinas como uno que congela el tiempo
Pero como va a ganarle a alguien que se mueve a la velocidad relativista y sumando que el video es bastante realista
Cómo Star le gana a Steven si no pudo con un solariano ni meteora xd
podrias habertelo currado mas pero esta decente para un canal pequeño continua mejorando
Ya lo se, pero además quería hacer alusión a que escribí esta pelea un año atras
@@TaiyoCrystal XD pense que eras de esos que no leia los comentarios de videos super antiguos
@@crushercrr4645 nehh siempre estoy al tanto, de hecho cada que puedo lo hago, sino no
I know ^^
Not Bad.
Thank you
@@TaiyoCrystal can you repload this but it's translated in English please
@@ZekeyX2004 with subtitles I can
@@TaiyoCrystal .........
True ending
Is the true, is the true, is the true
@@Fine793meadow well I guess you didn't understand, that reference to Garnet's song in the movie
la venganza
Ta chido pero star merece estar ded 😠😠😠😠😠
OK no re buena la animatic 😳
Creo que esa era la star de la primera temporada
Nop, hasta el final, la actitud si parecia, pero el poder solo llego a planeta
@@TaiyoCrystal si es cierto
@@scrappablo40 que es cierto?
Te gusto? :0
@@TaiyoCrystal por su pollo que siii ❤️❤️❤️
@@adrianamorilla9799 gracias 💜
Dante le gana B)
I would preferred Steven to win, but sadly Star stomps
Hahaha nop, Steven stomps, is tecnically planet vs. Dwarf Star level, Star isn't universal
@@TaiyoCrystal Even if you’re not taking universal Star, Steven wouldn’t stomp in any regard. Steven doesn’t scale that high at all. He can’t even defend against her planetary blast
@@short.connor2319 bro that's the worst affirmation, 2 Tenatons of TNT is Dwarf Star level and for destroy a planet is 56 zettatons to 17 Yottatons, and SU staff confirm a Lapislazuli could deform a planet and the diamonds are way powerful than that so.... boom
@@short.connor2319 even Cable vs. Booster Gold is comparable to this calculation, Cable was capable with 114 Yottatons but Booster Gold could resist 14 Tenatons of TNT, well was 12 Tenatons more than Steven but is the same level, Steven and Booster are 100,000 more powerfuls and durables than Star and Cable
@@short.connor2319 and i'm more a SVTFOE's fan than SU
Sorry to be that guy but, 🧂
Why the salt? Xd
No offense but I think you’re just a little salty star won
@@donellnorman9158 no, nopi, I'm just honest, the courteousness doesn't take away the bravery, in fact my friend, it's up to you to believe me or not, but I'm much more of a Star fan, but I know she's not universal (I had to see the series again, piece series) and being able to destroy the planet is not enough
Sorry if that’s rude but on another note I’ll be honest this is pretty well done.good job!
Meh let’s just agree to disagree.thanks for the chat!
This is the most butthurt thing I've ever seen lmao Steven would lose
Nop dude, Star is powerful... but she can't beat Steven
@@TaiyoCrystal Yea she could, she outstats him pretty hard.
@@tisntmerealname8824 Just in case, Skywinne and she are never compared, second, Eclipsa and her Ouruboros are taken out of context, when they said that it could destroy the dimension they meant that the spell could devour it, as if you were eating, go little by little, to the Long the nameless spell only destroyed the side of a mountain, Omnitraxus has many contradictions, apart from what Toffee did to him is comparable to what Doom did to the Beyonder, on the other hand the spell to destroy the world would not do anything to the shield Because he resisted 2 tenatons of TNT, dwarf star level and the spell to destroy the dimension is not even set in step or can be learned, so if Steven wins, he is dwarf star against planet even in Cable and Booster Gold is comparable to this fight
@@tisntmerealname8824 Sincerely, a SVTFOE's fan
Final horrível star sola
Steven is stronger than Garnett who power level is infinite
@@KhanyisaKenene-on3to Star has the power to destroy the entire universe while Steve does not have the power to destroy a planet
Que yo sepa con su barita star puede lanzar un hechizo capaz de destruir dimensiones,pero star no es muy lectora y la única forma de que pueda hacer ese hechizo es que sepa utilizar bien su barita cosa que no a demostrado,y los hechizos que star sabe hacer son bastante fáciles de esquivar ya que Marco Diaz un *HUMANO* con entrenamiento pudo esquivar sus ataques sin esforzarse ahora imagínate que alguien con poderes como los de steven,y el final del versus está mal,steven
es asesinado por un láser cuando el ya los esquivaba desde niño
For those who say srar wins are wrong steven can beat Garnett and in garnett's universe garnets power level raeched infinity before the power scaning device exploded