Swords, maces, muskets: Regulars - Staggering strike (x2), heavy attack. Instant kill Regulars, pikemen - Perfect parry, staggering strike, heavy attack. Instant kill Agiles - Staggering strike (x2), quickshot OR perfect parry, staggering strike, quickshot. Instant kill Brutes, pikemen - Stun bomb, tackle, assassinate. Instant kill. You can substitute a smoke bomb or berserk blade if you don't have stuns unlocked Heavy weapons, polearms, guillotine guns: Regulars, pikemen, brutes - Heavy attack (x2). Instant kill Agiles - Heavy attack, quickshot. Instant kill Perfect parries are the same as light weapons, but you can also substitute a heavy attack to knock them over in case you don't have staggering strike unlocked. I recommend either of the two axes with a higher speed stat for early game
Never liked the combat. When it works, it's satisfying but a bit shallow. But my biggest issue is the bugginess of it. The game sometimes has trouble going into combat mode. However, I think that's a good thing. I think bad combat emphasise stealth and running away. Both of them are more interesting and can be more unique if they went harder into them. Combat is seen everywhere in games. Good deep stealth and parkour isn't. Stealth is everywhere, but they are usually not good
The first game I played without a HUD was the original Assassin's Creed. Learning the layout of the cities, investigating Altaïr's targets, finding out the best plan of attack and escape route... It was so immersive and rewarding. Since then, I always try to play with minimal or no HUD in most of the games I play.
I did the same thing friend, I also used to a rehearsal of my escape plan before the actual assassination mission to make sure I didn't get lost and even then sometimes I had to flee to a more distant place and actually got lost getting back to the hideout.😅
Been playing Odyssey lately, and the hud provides so much useful information. It's hard to go without, but dear God is it ever ugly. I loved the animus style hud of the older games, and for AC1 specifically i believe the hud actually makes the game *more* immersive, especially with the abstergo logo at the top that ties the modern day and historical settings together and reminds you that you're in a simulation. That's my one exception.
@TheSpaniardAssassin Honestly, I'm loving it so far. Was feeling a bit burned out on my reliable favorite games and was looking for a departure from traditional AC. I think Odyssey benefits from its age and reputation, because when it's not attached to the disappointment of not meeting my personal expectations and desires for the series it's able to stand on its own as a pretty cool game. I love the setting, the combat has been fun so far, the exploration is something that I've craving, and I've been I'm trying to make the stealth and parkour work which is a nice little challenge. So far so good. Only about 15 hours in so far, so we will see how I'm feeling after 50 or so. Only have one, maybe two nights a week to play right now if I'm lucky so that will probably help me from burning out from the grind. Also, holy shit, congrats on 20k. Save some subs for the rest of us, jeez.
@@Ropotopolous you might get fatigued soon. odyssey has a lot of bloat. unless youre really into skyrim radiant quests generated and long rides before unlocking enough fast travel points to make travel less tedious. i liked how in origins traveling felt less like a slog imo
I'd say turning off HUD to increase immersion applies pretty much to every video game, not just AC. A good example is Dead Space. No HUD and the healthbar is displayed on the suit of your character. I always thought it was a genius idea. Something similar could be used in AC. Like, having your character grunt, limp and walk with reduced speed if your health is low. (Now that I think about it, Ezio does the exact thing in the beginning of AC:Brotherhood, when you arrive to Rome.) Another feature that some video games have is having your character look towards the direction you need to go, instead of having an arrow or map or compass flowing over your head at all times. There are a lot of clever ways to trade HUD for something better, creative and immersive. I wish more game companies did that, especially Ubisoft.
In many AC games you'll get Animus glitch VFX at low synchronization. In Valhalla you can unlock a skill that gives you slow motion so you have a last chance to shoot your way out
I really like that idea about limping, just imagine the risk of falling during a chase and not having any medicine on you. I would also like to mention that in The Witcher 3 you can also turn off the Hud and find your way through the world, particularly tracking missions you can see the tracks on the ground. This also applies to a mission in Ac Syndicate in which you need to track down a carriage that kidnapped Henry and you need only look at the skid marks. 😎
It's shocking how the HUD changes your experience, turning off the HUD in Blackflag was always a must. I just beat Days Gone on a mode called Survival 2, which for the most part turns off the HUD, and imo it's how the game should really be played. On the flipside if you were say, roleplaying a synth in the Fallout games, one could consider the HUD cannon to that character's actual pov
The first Assassin's Creed is the best game for a HUD-less playthrough because it was originally designed to be played that way. The HUD was only added later in development to make things easier for less experienced players. I replayed the game that way, and since then, it has become my favorite Assassin's Creed. The game uses diegetic elements, such as intersection signs or the eagles flying over the buildings, to guide the player in an organic way.
AC 1 is the peak AC when it comes to blending in-game elements to story. Every feature in the game can be explained by the Animus usage. Makes the story even more immersive.
I've already played and was shocked by how many small details are implemented in these games, so that you can identify everything around you just by eyes and ears only. Why did they do all these HUDs and markers in games where you can literally play without them?
I played Assassins Creed Odyssey on it's hardest difficulty without a HUD to challenge myself and make the game more immersive and it completely changed my entire perspective on these games and made them wayyy more fun/interesting/immersive. I plan on playing Assassins Creed Shadows the same way but also with a new challenge of not dying once. We'll see how it goes lol. Great video
I have been making Black Flag and AC 2 assassination mission and palythrough videos and to make it look more immersive I try to turn the whole HUD off. So very often I get lost in what I'm supposed to do, but now I have got used to it. It is very rewarding to do the mission right without the HUD and it also makes for a great video.
This month I've been replaying AC3 after years since I last played it and for the first time I thought about disabling the minimap and other HUD elements. It realy enhanced my immersion in the game. I always felt totally lost navigating the frontier by minimap and didn't connect with the landscape on this game. Now, by the end of my walkthrough, I could go directly to anywhere I wanted on the frontier because I had simply memorized all pathways and town/village locations, exactly like Connor would after all those years exploring it. No HUD made me enjoy the game much more. This suggestion of yours is PURE GOLD
That's true. The HUD gets in the way when exploring the map in the latest installments, which is why I keep it turned off whenever possible. However, sometimes this means you can't see how much health the enemies have left or notice that you've received something new for completing a mission. And sometimes the HUD is required for gameplay, which is a shame because it ruins the charm of getting lost on an ancient map, not knowing there's an enemy around the corner who might suddenly ambush you. This element of surprise is something you can't experience with the HUD turned on.
Bro i launch AC rogue/Bflag, turn off the huds, and then just vibe , explore and manually find every collectible and 100% the area and stuff. this is so chill and these 2 games give the perfect bite sized areas for a quick vibe session. And it feels lioe i actually get to engage and appreciate the pretty maps instead of flying through them and stuff
I usually do this when I've done a playthrough of a game. Turning the HUD off and having an entire hour or two wasted on something when an onscreen hint would've been useful all the time doesn't really do it for me. I got shit to do irl lol Edit: I especially leave the HUD on with the RPG era of AC (Origins, Odyssey, etc.) If I turned it off during those games I'd be a mummified corpse and have my descendant say "Ancient grandad from the Old Kingdom" to my grave before I finish every one of them.
Lately, I have been playing Assassin's Creed games, especially the recent RPG trilogy and Mirage, and it looks just out of this world. I got a very new perspective. You actually more careful and start paying attention to the minute details and keep track of important stuff on your mind. It just elevates the whole new gaming experience. Thank you for putting up this video. I was actually waiting to hear your thoughts on this as well. Thank you for the video. I have been trying that on other games such as Call of Duty Campaigns, Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Alan Wake II, and I have appreciated games so much since then!!
Love your vids man, completely agree. In Unity, I believe you can hold down the right analogue for 1 second, and it disables all HUD elements immediately.
The only game I do this for is Unity, partly because it’s the one I’ve played the most so I know it like the back of my hand, and partly because it’s so beautiful. Side note, I really love it when games give you information in the environment that could have been in the hud but they chose not to do that. Like in ac1 you don’t have to have the SSI because you can see guards with their swords drawn.
The early games are very fun to play without HUD. It's exciting to learn the locations and AC2 for example has various visual cues that you start to notice more like on the streets white cloth where you can run up and on rooftops pigeons where you can perform the leap of faith.
Also you can already turn off the hud in unity and it looks good but if you want outlines and other annoying features gone the mod makes the game feel like your really there it’s fantastic and such a must have plus you can toggle it on and off
This is the way. Been doing a series replay for some months now and currently on Rogue and I have been playing HUD-less except for SSI and Updates cause honestly I think their removal harms more than gains especially since the games' aren't exactly technical masterpieces with regards of AI and detection. Thing is, I 100% every game. That means all activites, collectibles and 100% synch so I could give some advice for anyone interested in this playstyle (P.S Frankly this should be at minimum your 2nd playthrough): 1. The Ezio trilogy fun as they are, are sometimes a chore to play without a mini map if you want to do 100% (I basically memorize these games so it's easier for me) BUT using landmarks as your...well landmarks..helps immensly. Learn what they are and where they are and you will use the main map only to know if an activity popped up. Investing time in actually knowing the cities is incredibly rewarding if you find yourself saying 'oh a race opened at San Marco ..ok let's see there's there's the rialto bridge, let's cross it then head straight through some rooftops and aha there it is'. 2. Kenway saga is harder but more forgiving cause there're less landmarks and recognizable paths but setting a waypoint makes it appear on screen which is helpful. My advice is DON'T FAST TRAVEL. Not in AC3 and especially Black Flag and Rogue. These games are beautiful and actually running around/sailing without a hud is really relaxing. 3. And finally......WALK. Yes, walk. The amount of astounding details i discovered this series run by just walking is eye-opening. From even AC1, NPCs react to each other, the ambient sounds, the colorful animations...I discovered a new aspect I love about AC just by walking through the streets of...everywhere basically. Hope you have fun!
I love games that can tell you stuff without needing a HUD. Games like Jedi Survivor(BD-1)) and Dead Space have lights on the player's back indicating player health. I hope more games can do that so taking off a HUD won't be such a daunting task to newer players or people that are typically paranoid about needing to know stuff(me).
I'm SO glad i found someone who agrees with me on this!!! I will go a bit further: beside enjoying the enviroment & not having your hand held, if you study what the functions are and where they're assigned before starting, its like YOU trained and *you* are earning your rewards. Its okay to play level one w/huds to practice, but when you 'graduated', turn it all off & enter the Animus😊
I played AC 3 Remastered recently (for the first time on pc) and turning the hud off is a must! Excluding the remastered clay faces the game is just stunning and the animations are just so lively and a joy to watch. I kept ssi's on though, since whatever you track on the map will then be displayed and then i use a no hud mod to turn it on/off so i can really feel immersed in the wilderness. Then i played Origins and going from 3 to Origins was jarring, because i remembered enjoying origins a lot on my ps4 and this time it felt a bit off. I installed some of the mods you recommended in your Bayek vid, and it for sure made the game feel better, and i even tried to play like you recommended as well but i found the rpg elements such a distraction from the fantasy and the immersion. Like, i loved infiltrating outposts playing this way when it was for a quest, but feeling forced to do things Bayek wouldnt do, like, kill a bunch of captains in an outposts for exp or stopping my journey to hunt icons with senu for materials... that just destroyed my enjoyment in way ac3 never tried to do. I realize this is more of a complaint about the game itself and not specifically your playing method but yeah, i would stress that you should not play like this on a clean save and instead do a new game plus, if your goal is to feel immersed.
Over the years, I’ve actually gone full circle from using default HUD, to discovering that no-HUD adds a layer of challenge and immersion, to feeling it’s a gimmick that makes little difference in the long haul and turning it back on. My favorite are the games like GR Breakpoint that let you toggle it on and off with a button press (down on dpad.) Surprised more games haven’t copied this.
I totally agree. I played mirage no hud. And it was one of the best experiences I had in a game. Cause i would stop and look at the beauty put into the game. I've been doing for most games that allow this.
AC1 is to my opinion the only entry in the series so far that truly attempts to offer a comprehensive HUD-less experience. Through its scope and its mission and level design, the game manages to include enough in-game elements to guide the player. First, you have the stone panels in the Kingdom that gives directions to the three main cities. Afterwards, each city is divided in three distinct districts (Poor, Middle and Rich) recognizable by their distinctive NPCs, the quality of the buildings and landmarks. Moreover, each target is located in one of the districts. The rafiq in each city gives you clear directions to where to lead the investigations, enough to complete the three that are mandatory. And then, the investigations themselves are usually confined in a small area making quite simple to complete. Basically, you have a fully complete a gameplay loop that does not rely on a mini-map or artificial directions cues. This blew up to pieces with AC2 the moment the mission markers and objectives were set in specific coordinates on the map, with no or very little in-game directions given by the NPCs to guide players through them, making it virtually impossible to complete the game without a) keeping the mini-map up or b) always going back and forth the menu to see where you're going, which is extremely tedious. Same goes for every game until AC Unity which introduced floating point of interests and markers and very distinctive landmarks which made it possible to play without a mini-map - even though actually finding the missions still needed to look it up quite often.
Playing through Ghost of Tsushima made me realise that you really don’t need a hud, even tho I’ve always played with a hud I didn’t notice it wasn’t there for about 12 hours 😂 Also just noticed you hit 20k on this account, well done my brother 👊
Assassin's Creed (2007) is great without the HUD. It helps with that game that initially it was designed without a HUD but Ubisoft wanted one added. But things like the viewpoints you synch having the eagle flying around it, the sign posts in The Kingdom that tell you which direction you need to go to get to the city you need to get to, the Bureau having a unique top of it's building that from a distance lets you know that's where the Bureau is.
The Rafiqs also tell you General areas to look for investigations. I find the best way to play is to keep the minimap on but don't do any viewpoints, that way you actually have to find those investigations, but can easily navigate back to the bureau and the targets. I think this was the intended gameplay loop
No hud in AC Unity and Syndicate is really fun but i hope future AC games will use a "Dynamic Option" like in ghost recon breakpoint so the hud is only there when its needed
It's very simple honestly If you're playing an AC game you're not used to, play with hud, after finishing the main story once, remove the hud (i highly recommend keeping the mini map for the kenway games and rogue since they use it a lot and the eagle vision in those is not the best)
games let you customized your hud are my fav one, ghost recon lets you play as hand holding as possible and can still play like a true milsim with just enough hud element to tell you what the objectives are, we need more games like this
I’m replaying the Ezio trilogy right now , it definitely is a challenge to get around without the HUD and the regular map doesn’t make it easier but for immersion purposes I’m gonna take my time with this play through
few years back a brazilian site made a post about doing a no-hud run of AC1, and I followed doing all games, just left aside Odyssey and Valhalla at the time, since i've recently finished both and wasnt in the mood. what i found was that yes it is really a better experience that makes you fell more kinda powerfull. its very rewarding. but at the same time, it makes no sense at all. I'm playing a game that has a machine for memories. a computer using a software to render memories. In a simple way, said memories ARE a game. and the person that is relieving it wont just "Yeah, let me make this harder just for fun and see how the ancestor did it". Its such a machine that has even databases in it, readable past documents, some even feature videos of Isu Era. so, in the end, both ways have to make sense. Sure the ancestor didnt have the huds and everything else, and it's cool to see it that way. but its cool too to be more lore accurate and dont forget one of the parts that makes AC literally AC. And, just a personal rant. Bayek did speak with Senu. See the memory where he asks her to strike the horse and you will begin to understand things like that. The Eagle Vision works in many dfferent ways, and understanding and doing smaller gestures and sounds is just the tip. Remember, the Eagle VISION is not just vision, is part of the Sixth Sense the Isu had, called KNOWLEDGE. A good way to better understand it is looking for Synesthesia, which will widen your knowledge(pun intended) Loved your video, great as always! Have a great new year!
I usually play with the most minimalistic HUD possible, unless I haven't played that game yet or haven't played it in a long while, I use the HUD to get comfortable with the game. But I certainly enjoy games without a HUD much more as it just feels much more immersive and strategic. I plan on doing a full playthrough of AC 3 and Syndicate without the HUD as well as Shadows without a HUD since I think Feudal Japan can look amazing especially without a HUD.
One day i decided to play do the contracts in ac mirage again, but with no hud. It was fun looking for locations based on the descriptions and genuinely finding my way through the place without eagle vision, even enkidu, and markers.
You have convinced me, I will try Unity without HUD, I would try Orgins I like it a lot but I need to dedicate a lot of time to it and that makes me hesitate.
I did this in AC3 when playing the tyranny of King Washington DLC. Took awhile to get used to the eagle flight, but holy shit did it make a hell of a difference to the cool factor of Connor
I just started black flag recently and wanted to play as immersively as possible but I noticed myself using the map as a crutch to tell which direction enemies were looking. I couldn’t find a mini map setting but now I’ll go back and try to disable the entire hud
My odyssey ng+ was hud disabled, it was very fun plus not having bounty level constantly showing meant I had to either remember or simply keep reacting when i got bombarded by 5 mercenaries. Wish That horn when a bounty hunter approaches could be turned off too because although it’s last minute, it still gives player a heads up.
As much as I love it I hate having to find like a key in a mile long camp in origins, they literally want you to go through a cave then underwater then a tomb and you MUST remember to climb that bookshelf to find the key before you leave the 1 way door when the objective doesn’t even tell you there’s a key, the objective instead says “Open the hidden first civilization door”
I think u should be able to customize it and make it dynamic as much as u want like having your arrows counter when u are in combat. Anything like that or add or remove as much as u want in different instances, and u should be able to move around that Hud elements and have it either completely off or have it customized to the way that it feels most comfortable for u.
I have never played an assassin's creed game before. I was planning on waiting for Shadows to come out, for that to be my first AC game, but this video inspired me to buy Unity. I shouldn't have waited so long.
i did play acu without hud 3 hours ago since i know all the keybinds and know how to play arno well. i did kinda do well but it's really different when you see your health bars the minimap. yeah definitely worth trying for
assassin's Creed 3 was the first ac game i ever played, i only ever heard "you kill people, ezio is awesome" and from my mind i really enjoyed assassin's Creed 3 and from this standpoint ac3 is a really good game❤
AC1 did this the best for me. Mission objectives and clues were (mostly) handed to the player in the world. I'd go to a rafiq and he'd say something to the effect of "you'll find out more about you're target at the synagogue south of here and the market east of here" so i leave the bureau find a high point, look south and check for a synagogue. Then I go there and look for anomolies. Strange conversations in the streets or using eagle vision from the rooftops(back before it was just x-ray vision). And then there's the fact that to make the assassination more precise and fluid the game leaves me to do what i will with information from investigations. Feels like im actually engaging in the minutiae of being an assassin. I only need to use the map for making comparisons with investigation map pieces and figuring out which compass point the sun is on in each city. However the timed side quests do NOT support this approach and some of the later investigations are a bit further off from where the rafiq tells you they are. P.S one of the investigations on Talal tells you hes gonna run off to somewhere and i cannot for the life of me figure out what that investigation map piece is even showing me so I'd appreciate any info on that.
The originals I could beat without the hud because they are small enough that I know where to go (aside from maybe sailing the seas in black flag might be kindve difficult.) But origins, oddysey, and Valhalla I’d be spending a long time trying to figure out where to go. I guess you could check your map constantly and see if you going in the right direction but that would get annoying
The biggest turn off for new AC with so many variety weapons at your disposal but still all the weapons feels same weight wise or sound wise. Sound design of each weapon should be unique. It should feel different but its feels very same. Heavy weapon doesn't feel heavy. In fromSoftware games, they implemented it so beautifully. Its such a big turn off for me.
I hope in ac shadows they copy ghost of tsushima where ur hud disappear after some time and make navigation where your eagles flies to the direction of ur waypoint or screech or smth
I like this idea a lot. I doubt it would work well in Black Flag or Rogue (my 2 fav ACs btw), so maybe removing the healthbar and weapon info and things like that, but not objective markers and playing these 2 without Eagle Vision would be challenging as well, if not impossible. Tailing missions and navigating with a ship would be very hard as that is a very big map to memorize, especially when you need to go from one end of the map to the other (like when you need to go to Tulum (?) IIRC in BF). Maybe allowing waypoints I set myself would help with that. But the abundance of tailing missions would make playing like this very difficult. Especially BF cuz that game has a long runtime with just the story missions alone. However I was experimenting with limiting what I can use in combat and because of the simplistic combat system it is entirely viable to play these games with just fist / hidden blade, maybe drop a smoke bomb or use the blowdarts when it is absolutely necessary. I agree that these games pretty much expect you to exploit and cheese your way through the encounters with chain kills and such. Also forgoing any health upgrades that isn't required for story progression (like in the beginning of BF) would add to the immersion. Basically after you get the Mayan Armor, you pretty much enter godmode, as dealing with melee enemies is very easy and then you don't even need to worry about getting shot. Playing Rogue like this would be fun tho, especially the gang HQ encounters as that game makes you feel vulnerable again with the stalkers or whatever they are called, and all of the other bs that the assassins can pull off against you, and ofc the ever all seeing gang leaders. I already started playing with fists only a couple months back but haven't got back to it since I am busy with tons of other stuff. I also did get Unity when it had a discount after I heard so many good things about it. Once I finish "challenge running" through Rogue, I give HUD-less Unity a shot. It will be a rough time since I never actually played Unity before. So thanks for this spark of inspiration. I really needed this, as we gamers can often optimize the fun out of games, so this is a really nice idea.
Such a good and thoughtful video a lot of work put in it I bet. I still ain’t turning my HUD off but I do appreciate the video lol can you imagine if my old azz turns anything off that could help lol 😆 it would t be pretty
I honestly think the eagle isn't that bad. I think with hud and everything the game leads you to use it only to quickly mark every guard in the area and then don't use it anymore, but without the hud i think it's a very useful and immersive to roam with the eagle, scout you're path and think about the plan without tagging enemies. In the older games you could mostly do that with good positioning and from a hight spot, but with the new RPGs you mostly can't do that because of the lack of height and high structures, so i think the eagle is good for roleplay and immersion. I love using the raven in Valhalla, because that game has the least hight structures, buildings and camps and it somehow feels better than in the other games, probably because you already have eagle vision so the raven doesn't have any op abilities that would ruin immersion without the hud
I will play with all hud on in most AC games, the rpg trilogy will automatically turn off certain elements when they’re not needed and earlier ac games don’t have too bad of hud unless I am recording something in particular that is better without hud I will say though Unity’s minimap is atrociously large and there are multiple elements that aren’t there that could be like your livres permanently on your screen and things that just don’t need to be there in single player like the icon that tells you what field your equipped armour is specialised in
Not just AC, I enjoy most games much more by turning off the HUD. The Witcher 3, HZD, Dying Light, Sekiro, God of War or RDR2 for example. I completed them without hud and they felt really immersive that way.
Playing without HUD is so much better! To me, it's just distract me, and cover up the screen (especially in Unity, covers 75% of the screen) It's better to rely on yourself, instead of asking for help, by looking at the HUD, even for just a split second. Also, I Love playing without upgrades, like for weapons and other things. Sure, it dose limit your options, but atleast you sharpen your skills to work with fewer resources What you think about it? Do you play games with stock player stats?
Oh i've been playing hudless for years, and not just AC games. Bethesda games as well, RDR2 with no mini map, etc. These are not difficult games and you can definitely learn to get around based on visual cues, sounds, conversations, the natural level design etc. I highly recommend it, makes you see games in a new light, and engage with the world, not to mention that it's immersive af
I agree with you specially about the games you mentioned Btw I also like if a game makes you feel like you're in an Animus and all, so imho HUD can be good, if you do it properly, for example in AC 1 and the Ezio's Trilogy Is perfect to simulate an Animus, after that meh And from that point going on I think it's better to play with less HUD possible, especially Black Flag, because it has this treasure hunt open world that seems proper
i got unity recently, i'll try playing it without the hud next time i play it although i'll use the eagle vision as its an assassin ability that any assassin uses imo
I would like to play without a HUD but i don't know the maps well enough to get to the next missions and its effort to turn the HUD on an off all the time, if only i had a nerdy friend to play through the AC campaign with me :( On another note, do you think an AC game with For Honor style combat would work?
Start by turning off things like health and SSI but leave on things that are crucial for navigation, like the minimap for the Ezio games or Icons in the RPG games
Aye I love playing without HUD, tried it once a while back and I still regularly play without to this day. As a side note, where do you get all those sick images on your thumbnails from? They all look great but I can never find ones like them
Played Origins, Black Flag, and Unity hud less recently. Amazing experiences. But I struggled with mirage and ac 3. Some of them just need the hud imo.
Done this in most ac I've played (especially unity and syndicate) Although i easily get lost the only thing i left on is the gps icon or minimap from 1-3(sadly the old ones dont have that floating icon from the later games)
The thing is that I’ve ALWAYS played my games with HUD on. I feel like can’t play the game properly without it. I’ll get lost easily if I certain games without it.
Well, my opinion is that a game should have a HUD about which you cannot say you just told in the video. A HUD that doesn't bother you, takes away the immersion and so on. AC1 - ACRev HUD is perfectly fine, they were integrated into the game even. From that point onwards the UI got less and less immersive and in Origins it contained 0 connection or clue that you're being in an Animus btw. But I share the point that Unity just looks better without HUD.
"No, I'm totally not using youtube as a digital medium to secretly train assassins." ~The Spaniard, probably.
Maybe the templars actually exists, and he wants to take them down
I mean, he has a point. There is no HUD or eagle visiom in real life so we gotta train ourselves Using these games🤣🤣
@@whitezombie10 Actually they do. Just look at which ethnicity owns all the banks and have hijacked every positions of power especially in US.
Combat in Unity becomes so much more fun a challenging without enemy health displayed.
i agree
Swords, maces, muskets:
Regulars - Staggering strike (x2), heavy attack. Instant kill
Regulars, pikemen - Perfect parry, staggering strike, heavy attack. Instant kill
Agiles - Staggering strike (x2), quickshot OR perfect parry, staggering strike, quickshot. Instant kill
Brutes, pikemen - Stun bomb, tackle, assassinate. Instant kill. You can substitute a smoke bomb or berserk blade if you don't have stuns unlocked
Heavy weapons, polearms, guillotine guns:
Regulars, pikemen, brutes - Heavy attack (x2). Instant kill
Agiles - Heavy attack, quickshot. Instant kill
Perfect parries are the same as light weapons, but you can also substitute a heavy attack to knock them over in case you don't have staggering strike unlocked. I recommend either of the two axes with a higher speed stat for early game
Never liked the combat. When it works, it's satisfying but a bit shallow. But my biggest issue is the bugginess of it. The game sometimes has trouble going into combat mode.
However, I think that's a good thing. I think bad combat emphasise stealth and running away. Both of them are more interesting and can be more unique if they went harder into them. Combat is seen everywhere in games. Good deep stealth and parkour isn't. Stealth is everywhere, but they are usually not good
The first game I played without a HUD was the original Assassin's Creed. Learning the layout of the cities, investigating Altaïr's targets, finding out the best plan of attack and escape route... It was so immersive and rewarding.
Since then, I always try to play with minimal or no HUD in most of the games I play.
I envy you
I did the same thing friend, I also used to a rehearsal of my escape plan before the actual assassination mission to make sure I didn't get lost and even then sometimes I had to flee to a more distant place and actually got lost getting back to the hideout.😅
Been playing Odyssey lately, and the hud provides so much useful information. It's hard to go without, but dear God is it ever ugly.
I loved the animus style hud of the older games, and for AC1 specifically i believe the hud actually makes the game *more* immersive, especially with the abstergo logo at the top that ties the modern day and historical settings together and reminds you that you're in a simulation. That's my one exception.
what are your thoughts on odyssey?
@TheSpaniardAssassin Honestly, I'm loving it so far. Was feeling a bit burned out on my reliable favorite games and was looking for a departure from traditional AC.
I think Odyssey benefits from its age and reputation, because when it's not attached to the disappointment of not meeting my personal expectations and desires for the series it's able to stand on its own as a pretty cool game.
I love the setting, the combat has been fun so far, the exploration is something that I've craving, and I've been I'm trying to make the stealth and parkour work which is a nice little challenge. So far so good. Only about 15 hours in so far, so we will see how I'm feeling after 50 or so. Only have one, maybe two nights a week to play right now if I'm lucky so that will probably help me from burning out from the grind.
Also, holy shit, congrats on 20k. Save some subs for the rest of us, jeez.
@@Ropotopolous you might get fatigued soon. odyssey has a lot of bloat. unless youre really into skyrim radiant quests generated and long rides before unlocking enough fast travel points to make travel less tedious. i liked how in origins traveling felt less like a slog imo
The two goats of ac youtube collab when?
playing odyssey with nothing on the screen but the game, health, and compass>
I'd say turning off HUD to increase immersion applies pretty much to every video game, not just AC. A good example is Dead Space. No HUD and the healthbar is displayed on the suit of your character. I always thought it was a genius idea. Something similar could be used in AC. Like, having your character grunt, limp and walk with reduced speed if your health is low. (Now that I think about it, Ezio does the exact thing in the beginning of AC:Brotherhood, when you arrive to Rome.) Another feature that some video games have is having your character look towards the direction you need to go, instead of having an arrow or map or compass flowing over your head at all times. There are a lot of clever ways to trade HUD for something better, creative and immersive. I wish more game companies did that, especially Ubisoft.
In many AC games you'll get Animus glitch VFX at low synchronization. In Valhalla you can unlock a skill that gives you slow motion so you have a last chance to shoot your way out
I really like that idea about limping, just imagine the risk of falling during a chase and not having any medicine on you.
I would also like to mention that in The Witcher 3 you can also turn off the Hud and find your way through the world, particularly tracking missions you can see the tracks on the ground. This also applies to a mission in Ac Syndicate in which you need to track down a carriage that kidnapped Henry and you need only look at the skid marks. 😎
Appreciate Ubi giving us customisation over the hud. Personally play with everything off except quest markers (since I am navigationally challenged)
I felt that. I even get lost on the map of a strategy game.
Jokes on you i've been already doing this for ages 😎
Depends on the game but yeah whenever I can I do
yes! it’s very fun for me, though I always enjoy turning off the mini map.
It's shocking how the HUD changes your experience, turning off the HUD in Blackflag was always a must. I just beat Days Gone on a mode called Survival 2, which for the most part turns off the HUD, and imo it's how the game should really be played. On the flipside if you were say, roleplaying a synth in the Fallout games, one could consider the HUD cannon to that character's actual pov
its such a cool thing to do
The first Assassin's Creed is the best game for a HUD-less playthrough because it was originally designed to be played that way. The HUD was only added later in development to make things easier for less experienced players. I replayed the game that way, and since then, it has become my favorite Assassin's Creed. The game uses diegetic elements, such as intersection signs or the eagles flying over the buildings, to guide the player in an organic way.
AC 1 is the peak AC when it comes to blending in-game elements to story. Every feature in the game can be explained by the Animus usage. Makes the story even more immersive.
I've already played and was shocked by how many small details are implemented in these games, so that you can identify everything around you just by eyes and ears only. Why did they do all these HUDs and markers in games where you can literally play without them?
I played Assassins Creed Odyssey on it's hardest difficulty without a HUD to challenge myself and make the game more immersive and it completely changed my entire perspective on these games and made them wayyy more fun/interesting/immersive. I plan on playing Assassins Creed Shadows the same way but also with a new challenge of not dying once. We'll see how it goes lol. Great video
I never thought of it like this before, thank you for teaching how to enjoy ac more.
I have been making Black Flag and AC 2 assassination mission and palythrough videos and to make it look more immersive I try to turn the whole HUD off. So very often I get lost in what I'm supposed to do, but now I have got used to it. It is very rewarding to do the mission right without the HUD and it also makes for a great video.
It's all about that immersive feeling.
Turning off the hud makes it looks so much better but then I'm sat there for like 20 mins trying to find out to do
lmao fair depends on the game
@@TheSpaniardAssassin On Odyssey I was stuck for like 20 mins trying to find where to go in Kefalonia
@@HiddenOnes.1 keep the icons on so you can navigate.
@@defineyour100-njstadl25 kk
This month I've been replaying AC3 after years since I last played it and for the first time I thought about disabling the minimap and other HUD elements. It realy enhanced my immersion in the game. I always felt totally lost navigating the frontier by minimap and didn't connect with the landscape on this game. Now, by the end of my walkthrough, I could go directly to anywhere I wanted on the frontier because I had simply memorized all pathways and town/village locations, exactly like Connor would after all those years exploring it. No HUD made me enjoy the game much more. This suggestion of yours is PURE GOLD
That's true. The HUD gets in the way when exploring the map in the latest installments, which is why I keep it turned off whenever possible. However, sometimes this means you can't see how much health the enemies have left or notice that you've received something new for completing a mission.
And sometimes the HUD is required for gameplay, which is a shame because it ruins the charm of getting lost on an ancient map, not knowing there's an enemy around the corner who might suddenly ambush you. This element of surprise is something you can't experience with the HUD turned on.
Bro i launch AC rogue/Bflag,
turn off the huds,
and then just vibe , explore and manually find every collectible and 100% the area and stuff.
this is so chill and these 2 games give the perfect bite sized areas for a quick vibe session. And it feels lioe i actually get to engage and appreciate the pretty maps instead of flying through them and stuff
Absolute based god gamer detected
Fully agree. I play hudless myself on most games. Just wanted to here your argument. Well done sir. Good video. Thanks for sharing :)
Finally, seeing someone talking about this aspect of the series is so refreshing!
I usually do this when I've done a playthrough of a game. Turning the HUD off and having an entire hour or two wasted on something when an onscreen hint would've been useful all the time doesn't really do it for me. I got shit to do irl lol
Edit: I especially leave the HUD on with the RPG era of AC (Origins, Odyssey, etc.) If I turned it off during those games I'd be a mummified corpse and have my descendant say "Ancient grandad from the Old Kingdom" to my grave before I finish every one of them.
Same bro. Damn, was looking for a comment like this!
Lately, I have been playing Assassin's Creed games, especially the recent RPG trilogy and Mirage, and it looks just out of this world. I got a very new perspective. You actually more careful and start paying attention to the minute details and keep track of important stuff on your mind. It just elevates the whole new gaming experience. Thank you for putting up this video. I was actually waiting to hear your thoughts on this as well. Thank you for the video. I have been trying that on other games such as Call of Duty Campaigns, Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Alan Wake II, and I have appreciated games so much since then!!
I agree, it's like a whole new game!
Love your vids man, completely agree. In Unity, I believe you can hold down the right analogue for 1 second, and it disables all HUD elements immediately.
Wow i never thought of doing this since im starting to play assassin creed 3 in 2013. This is really a mind opener. I will give it a try
Loved the content . Loved the Commentary. Your presentation is attractrive .
The only game I do this for is Unity, partly because it’s the one I’ve played the most so I know it like the back of my hand, and partly because it’s so beautiful.
Side note, I really love it when games give you information in the environment that could have been in the hud but they chose not to do that. Like in ac1 you don’t have to have the SSI because you can see guards with their swords drawn.
I just wish that I could turn off that AWFUL effect whenever you vanish in Unity.
The early games are very fun to play without HUD. It's exciting to learn the locations and AC2 for example has various visual cues that you start to notice more like on the streets white cloth where you can run up and on rooftops pigeons where you can perform the leap of faith.
It makes it so much more immersive specifically the unity mod remove hid is fantastic great vid
Also you can already turn off the hud in unity and it looks good but if you want outlines and other annoying features gone the mod makes the game feel like your really there it’s fantastic and such a must have plus you can toggle it on and off
Yeah that mod is great
This is the way. Been doing a series replay for some months now and currently on Rogue and I have been playing HUD-less except for SSI and Updates cause honestly I think their removal harms more than gains especially since the games' aren't exactly technical masterpieces with regards of AI and detection.
Thing is, I 100% every game. That means all activites, collectibles and 100% synch so I could give some advice for anyone interested in this playstyle (P.S Frankly this should be at minimum your 2nd playthrough):
1. The Ezio trilogy fun as they are, are sometimes a chore to play without a mini map if you want to do 100% (I basically memorize these games so it's easier for me) BUT using landmarks as your...well landmarks..helps immensly. Learn what they are and where they are and you will use the main map only to know if an activity popped up. Investing time in actually knowing the cities is incredibly rewarding if you find yourself saying 'oh a race opened at San Marco ..ok let's see there's there's the rialto bridge, let's cross it then head straight through some rooftops and aha there it is'.
2. Kenway saga is harder but more forgiving cause there're less landmarks and recognizable paths but setting a waypoint makes it appear on screen which is helpful. My advice is DON'T FAST TRAVEL. Not in AC3 and especially Black Flag and Rogue. These games are beautiful and actually running around/sailing without a hud is really relaxing.
3. And finally......WALK. Yes, walk. The amount of astounding details i discovered this series run by just walking is eye-opening. From even AC1, NPCs react to each other, the ambient sounds, the colorful animations...I discovered a new aspect I love about AC just by walking through the streets of...everywhere basically.
Hope you have fun!
wise man here
I love games that can tell you stuff without needing a HUD. Games like Jedi Survivor(BD-1)) and Dead Space have lights on the player's back indicating player health. I hope more games can do that so taking off a HUD won't be such a daunting task to newer players or people that are typically paranoid about needing to know stuff(me).
I'm SO glad i found someone who agrees with me on this!!!
I will go a bit further: beside enjoying the enviroment & not having your hand held, if you study what the functions are and where they're assigned before starting, its like YOU trained and *you* are earning your rewards.
Its okay to play level one w/huds to practice, but when you 'graduated', turn it all off & enter the Animus😊
I played AC 3 Remastered recently (for the first time on pc) and turning the hud off is a must!
Excluding the remastered clay faces the game is just stunning and the animations are just so lively and a joy to watch. I kept ssi's on though, since whatever you track on the map will then be displayed and then i use a no hud mod to turn it on/off so i can really feel immersed in the wilderness.
Then i played Origins and going from 3 to Origins was jarring, because i remembered enjoying origins a lot on my ps4 and this time it felt a bit off. I installed some of the mods you recommended in your Bayek vid, and it for sure made the game feel better, and i even tried to play like you recommended as well but i found the rpg elements such a distraction from the fantasy and the immersion. Like, i loved infiltrating outposts playing this way when it was for a quest, but feeling forced to do things Bayek wouldnt do, like, kill a bunch of captains in an outposts for exp or stopping my journey to hunt icons with senu for materials... that just destroyed my enjoyment in way ac3 never tried to do.
I realize this is more of a complaint about the game itself and not specifically your playing method but yeah, i would stress that you should not play like this on a clean save and instead do a new game plus, if your goal is to feel immersed.
Over the years, I’ve actually gone full circle from using default HUD, to discovering that no-HUD adds a layer of challenge and immersion, to feeling it’s a gimmick that makes little difference in the long haul and turning it back on. My favorite are the games like GR Breakpoint that let you toggle it on and off with a button press (down on dpad.) Surprised more games haven’t copied this.
Thats a good idea tbh
I totally agree. I played mirage no hud. And it was one of the best experiences I had in a game. Cause i would stop and look at the beauty put into the game. I've been doing for most games that allow this.
AC1 is to my opinion the only entry in the series so far that truly attempts to offer a comprehensive HUD-less experience. Through its scope and its mission and level design, the game manages to include enough in-game elements to guide the player.
First, you have the stone panels in the Kingdom that gives directions to the three main cities. Afterwards, each city is divided in three distinct districts (Poor, Middle and Rich) recognizable by their distinctive NPCs, the quality of the buildings and landmarks. Moreover, each target is located in one of the districts. The rafiq in each city gives you clear directions to where to lead the investigations, enough to complete the three that are mandatory. And then, the investigations themselves are usually confined in a small area making quite simple to complete. Basically, you have a fully complete a gameplay loop that does not rely on a mini-map or artificial directions cues.
This blew up to pieces with AC2 the moment the mission markers and objectives were set in specific coordinates on the map, with no or very little in-game directions given by the NPCs to guide players through them, making it virtually impossible to complete the game without a) keeping the mini-map up or b) always going back and forth the menu to see where you're going, which is extremely tedious. Same goes for every game until AC Unity which introduced floating point of interests and markers and very distinctive landmarks which made it possible to play without a mini-map - even though actually finding the missions still needed to look it up quite often.
Playing through Ghost of Tsushima made me realise that you really don’t need a hud, even tho I’ve always played with a hud I didn’t notice it wasn’t there for about 12 hours 😂
Also just noticed you hit 20k on this account, well done my brother 👊
thank you brother
once again. perfectly stated. and 1000% agree with ur methods.
Spaniard drop gets me up in the morning. Still amazing videos.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Assassin's Creed (2007) is great without the HUD. It helps with that game that initially it was designed without a HUD but Ubisoft wanted one added. But things like the viewpoints you synch having the eagle flying around it, the sign posts in The Kingdom that tell you which direction you need to go to get to the city you need to get to, the Bureau having a unique top of it's building that from a distance lets you know that's where the Bureau is.
tough to do it without mini map though, you reall need to know your way around
The Rafiqs also tell you General areas to look for investigations. I find the best way to play is to keep the minimap on but don't do any viewpoints, that way you actually have to find those investigations, but can easily navigate back to the bureau and the targets. I think this was the intended gameplay loop
No hud in AC Unity and Syndicate is really fun but i hope future AC games will use a "Dynamic Option" like in ghost recon breakpoint so the hud is only there when its needed
That would be great
It's very simple honestly
If you're playing an AC game you're not used to, play with hud, after finishing the main story once, remove the hud
(i highly recommend keeping the mini map for the kenway games and rogue since they use it a lot and the eagle vision in those is not the best)
yeah the old games need mini map
games let you customized your hud are my fav one, ghost recon lets you play as hand holding as possible and can still play like a true milsim with just enough hud element to tell you what the objectives are, we need more games like this
I'm curious if you had any particular challenges for Valhalla with no HUD like with the other two games you focused on.
valhalla is pretty good for this actually didn't struggle too much
I’m replaying the Ezio trilogy right now , it definitely is a challenge to get around without the HUD and the regular map doesn’t make it easier but for immersion purposes I’m gonna take my time with this play through
few years back a brazilian site made a post about doing a no-hud run of AC1, and I followed doing all games, just left aside Odyssey and Valhalla at the time, since i've recently finished both and wasnt in the mood. what i found was that yes it is really a better experience that makes you fell more kinda powerfull. its very rewarding. but at the same time, it makes no sense at all. I'm playing a game that has a machine for memories. a computer using a software to render memories. In a simple way, said memories ARE a game. and the person that is relieving it wont just "Yeah, let me make this harder just for fun and see how the ancestor did it". Its such a machine that has even databases in it, readable past documents, some even feature videos of Isu Era.
so, in the end, both ways have to make sense. Sure the ancestor didnt have the huds and everything else, and it's cool to see it that way. but its cool too to be more lore accurate and dont forget one of the parts that makes AC literally AC.
And, just a personal rant. Bayek did speak with Senu. See the memory where he asks her to strike the horse and you will begin to understand things like that. The Eagle Vision works in many dfferent ways, and understanding and doing smaller gestures and sounds is just the tip. Remember, the Eagle VISION is not just vision, is part of the Sixth Sense the Isu had, called KNOWLEDGE. A good way to better understand it is looking for Synesthesia, which will widen your knowledge(pun intended)
Loved your video, great as always! Have a great new year!
I usually play with the most minimalistic HUD possible, unless I haven't played that game yet or haven't played it in a long while, I use the HUD to get comfortable with the game. But I certainly enjoy games without a HUD much more as it just feels much more immersive and strategic. I plan on doing a full playthrough of AC 3 and Syndicate without the HUD as well as Shadows without a HUD since I think Feudal Japan can look amazing especially without a HUD.
its so immersive honestly
One day i decided to play do the contracts in ac mirage again, but with no hud. It was fun looking for locations based on the descriptions and genuinely finding my way through the place without eagle vision, even enkidu, and markers.
You have convinced me, I will try Unity without HUD, I would try Orgins I like it a lot but I need to dedicate a lot of time to it and that makes me hesitate.
It's worth it, trust me
I always did and do this with the rpg creeds as their worlds are pretty and grand and very immersive
very very immersive
I did this in AC3 when playing the tyranny of King Washington DLC. Took awhile to get used to the eagle flight, but holy shit did it make a hell of a difference to the cool factor of Connor
I just started black flag recently and wanted to play as immersively as possible but I noticed myself using the map as a crutch to tell which direction enemies were looking. I couldn’t find a mini map setting but now I’ll go back and try to disable the entire hud
My odyssey ng+ was hud disabled, it was very fun plus not having bounty level constantly showing meant I had to either remember or simply keep reacting when i got bombarded by 5 mercenaries.
Wish That horn when a bounty hunter approaches could be turned off too because although it’s last minute, it still gives player a heads up.
As much as I love it I hate having to find like a key in a mile long camp in origins, they literally want you to go through a cave then underwater then a tomb and you MUST remember to climb that bookshelf to find the key before you leave the 1 way door when the objective doesn’t even tell you there’s a key, the objective instead says “Open the hidden first civilization door”
I think u should be able to customize it and make it dynamic as much as u want like having your arrows counter when u are in combat. Anything like that or add or remove as much as u want in different instances, and u should be able to move around that Hud elements and have it either completely off or have it customized to the way that it feels most comfortable for u.
To this day,I am still doing light parkour and martial arts because of Assassin's Creed.
Top man
One thing I love about Ubisoft, is that the hub is always complitely customizable. I always turn the hud completely off in every game
Playing without HUD really immerses you in the world like nothing else 👌
Completely agree
I've been doing this for years. You learn to adapt to it. 100% worth it, at the very least use the minimal HUD option.
I have never played an assassin's creed game before. I was planning on waiting for Shadows to come out, for that to be my first AC game, but this video inspired me to buy Unity. I shouldn't have waited so long.
i did play acu without hud 3 hours ago since i know all the keybinds and know how to play arno well. i did kinda do well but it's really different when you see your health bars the minimap. yeah definitely worth trying for
assassin's Creed 3 was the first ac game i ever played, i only ever heard "you kill people, ezio is awesome" and from my mind i really enjoyed assassin's Creed 3 and from this standpoint ac3 is a really good game❤
AC1 did this the best for me. Mission objectives and clues were (mostly) handed to the player in the world. I'd go to a rafiq and he'd say something to the effect of "you'll find out more about you're target at the synagogue south of here and the market east of here" so i leave the bureau find a high point, look south and check for a synagogue. Then I go there and look for anomolies. Strange conversations in the streets or using eagle vision from the rooftops(back before it was just x-ray vision). And then there's the fact that to make the assassination more precise and fluid the game leaves me to do what i will with information from investigations. Feels like im actually engaging in the minutiae of being an assassin. I only need to use the map for making comparisons with investigation map pieces and figuring out which compass point the sun is on in each city. However the timed side quests do NOT support this approach and some of the later investigations are a bit further off from where the rafiq tells you they are.
P.S one of the investigations on Talal tells you hes gonna run off to somewhere and i cannot for the life of me figure out what that investigation map piece is even showing me so I'd appreciate any info on that.
Is the informant challenge gonna be harder to do especially the one where you need to find the other guy stationed somewhere else
@@LyllianaofMirrah yeah that mission is straight up impossible without a minimap. Maybe if they gave you more time and a proper landmark to follow
I really want to see you and The Hidden One dual it out, on "How good is Valhalla?".
what does he think about it?
@@TheSpaniardAssassin He says it sucks! lol
The originals I could beat without the hud because they are small enough that I know where to go (aside from maybe sailing the seas in black flag might be kindve difficult.) But origins, oddysey, and Valhalla I’d be spending a long time trying to figure out where to go. I guess you could check your map constantly and see if you going in the right direction but that would get annoying
How would you say Odyssey's no hud playablity is compared to the rest of the RPG trilogy? since I see you haven't mentioned it.
Ghost of tsushima such a good example of this makes the game so good
yeah thats a prime example
The biggest turn off for new AC with so many variety weapons at your disposal but still all the weapons feels same weight wise or sound wise. Sound design of each weapon should be unique. It should feel different but its feels very same. Heavy weapon doesn't feel heavy. In fromSoftware games, they implemented it so beautifully. Its such a big turn off for me.
Yeah modern ac has that
I hope in ac shadows they copy ghost of tsushima where ur hud disappear after some time and make navigation where your eagles flies to the direction of ur waypoint or screech or smth
I like this idea a lot. I doubt it would work well in Black Flag or Rogue (my 2 fav ACs btw), so maybe removing the healthbar and weapon info and things like that, but not objective markers and playing these 2 without Eagle Vision would be challenging as well, if not impossible. Tailing missions and navigating with a ship would be very hard as that is a very big map to memorize, especially when you need to go from one end of the map to the other (like when you need to go to Tulum (?) IIRC in BF). Maybe allowing waypoints I set myself would help with that. But the abundance of tailing missions would make playing like this very difficult. Especially BF cuz that game has a long runtime with just the story missions alone.
However I was experimenting with limiting what I can use in combat and because of the simplistic combat system it is entirely viable to play these games with just fist / hidden blade, maybe drop a smoke bomb or use the blowdarts when it is absolutely necessary.
I agree that these games pretty much expect you to exploit and cheese your way through the encounters with chain kills and such.
Also forgoing any health upgrades that isn't required for story progression (like in the beginning of BF) would add to the immersion. Basically after you get the Mayan Armor, you pretty much enter godmode, as dealing with melee enemies is very easy and then you don't even need to worry about getting shot.
Playing Rogue like this would be fun tho, especially the gang HQ encounters as that game makes you feel vulnerable again with the stalkers or whatever they are called, and all of the other bs that the assassins can pull off against you, and ofc the ever all seeing gang leaders. I already started playing with fists only a couple months back but haven't got back to it since I am busy with tons of other stuff.
I also did get Unity when it had a discount after I heard so many good things about it.
Once I finish "challenge running" through Rogue, I give HUD-less Unity a shot. It will be a rough time since I never actually played Unity before.
So thanks for this spark of inspiration. I really needed this, as we gamers can often optimize the fun out of games, so this is a really nice idea.
I agree those two games need mini maps
@@TheSpaniardAssassin Minimap, and the actual full screen map to plan your journey across the sea.
Such a good and thoughtful video a lot of work put in it I bet. I still ain’t turning my HUD off but I do appreciate the video lol can you imagine if my old azz turns anything off that could help lol 😆 it would t be pretty
I honestly think the eagle isn't that bad.
I think with hud and everything the game leads you to use it only to quickly mark every guard in the area and then don't use it anymore, but without the hud i think it's a very useful and immersive to roam with the eagle, scout you're path and think about the plan without tagging enemies.
In the older games you could mostly do that with good positioning and from a hight spot, but with the new RPGs you mostly can't do that because of the lack of height and high structures, so i think the eagle is good for roleplay and immersion.
I love using the raven in Valhalla, because that game has the least hight structures, buildings and camps and it somehow feels better than in the other games, probably because you already have eagle vision so the raven doesn't have any op abilities that would ruin immersion without the hud
I will play with all hud on in most AC games, the rpg trilogy will automatically turn off certain elements when they’re not needed and earlier ac games don’t have too bad of hud unless I am recording something in particular that is better without hud
I will say though Unity’s minimap is atrociously large and there are multiple elements that aren’t there that could be like your livres permanently on your screen and things that just don’t need to be there in single player like the icon that tells you what field your equipped armour is specialised in
Not just AC, I enjoy most games much more by turning off the HUD. The Witcher 3, HZD, Dying Light, Sekiro, God of War or RDR2 for example. I completed them without hud and they felt really immersive that way.
Yep turning off compas or minimap definitely makes it better
Playing without HUD is so much better!
To me, it's just distract me, and cover up the screen (especially in Unity, covers 75% of the screen)
It's better to rely on yourself, instead of asking for help, by looking at the HUD, even for just a split second.
Also, I Love playing without upgrades, like for weapons and other things.
Sure, it dose limit your options, but atleast you sharpen your skills to work with fewer resources
What you think about it? Do you play games with stock player stats?
Went back and played no HUD for unity and syndicate about 6 months ago, I can’t go back to full HUD ever again
Me neither
Oh i've been playing hudless for years, and not just AC games. Bethesda games as well, RDR2 with no mini map, etc. These are not difficult games and you can definitely learn to get around based on visual cues, sounds, conversations, the natural level design etc. I highly recommend it, makes you see games in a new light, and engage with the world, not to mention that it's immersive af
top man
I agree with you specially about the games you mentioned
Btw I also like if a game makes you feel like you're in an Animus and all, so imho HUD can be good, if you do it properly, for example in AC 1 and the Ezio's Trilogy Is perfect to simulate an Animus, after that meh
And from that point going on I think it's better to play with less HUD possible, especially Black Flag, because it has this treasure hunt open world that seems proper
1:24 is something wrong with your editing software? seems like render issue.
maybe my editors
Great video man. What's your take on AC Mirage with and without HUD
i got unity recently, i'll try playing it without the hud next time i play it although i'll use the eagle vision as its an assassin ability that any assassin uses imo
I would like to play without a HUD but i don't know the maps well enough to get to the next missions and its effort to turn the HUD on an off all the time, if only i had a nerdy friend to play through the AC campaign with me :( On another note, do you think an AC game with For Honor style combat would work?
I actually do, its my favourite combat style in games
Start by turning off things like health and SSI but leave on things that are crucial for navigation, like the minimap for the Ezio games or Icons in the RPG games
Aye I love playing without HUD, tried it once a while back and I still regularly play without to this day. As a side note, where do you get all those sick images on your thumbnails from? They all look great but I can never find ones like them
I make them with midjourney!
@ ahh that makes sense, gotta try it out for myself now
I've been introduced to idea of playing games without minimap already. Guess this is the next step
I wouldn't want to turn all HUD options off. I wouldn't mind turning the compass and stuff off, but I want to keep the health bar.
Played Origins, Black Flag, and Unity hud less recently. Amazing experiences. But I struggled with mirage and ac 3. Some of them just need the hud imo.
Done this in most ac I've played (especially unity and syndicate)
Although i easily get lost the only thing i left on is the gps icon or minimap from 1-3(sadly the old ones dont have that floating icon from the later games)
The thing is that I’ve ALWAYS played my games with HUD on.
I feel like can’t play the game properly without it.
I’ll get lost easily if I certain games without it.
I've played a few AC games with no hud and holy shit has it felt different, I never tried on Unity though or Syndicate.
Am going through all the ac games, am just about past half’s way with 2, when I get to 3 I’m try doin this
Well, my opinion is that a game should have a HUD about which you cannot say you just told in the video. A HUD that doesn't bother you, takes away the immersion and so on. AC1 - ACRev HUD is perfectly fine, they were integrated into the game even. From that point onwards the UI got less and less immersive and in Origins it contained 0 connection or clue that you're being in an Animus btw. But I share the point that Unity just looks better without HUD.
yeah i guess it depends on the game
I wish you could play AC in first person because that would be really immersive, but I understand why it isn’t really possible
I started to play with no HUD in Syndicate to make a bad game so much better. Since then it’s been exploration mode and reduced HUD.
Most games sort of need huds, in my opinion. The problem with many games, AC included is that there is way to much of it.
Where can I find the thumbnail? i love it
Wish there was a minimal hud/auto hide option
I agree with turning everything off but the SSI. I played syndicate that way and it was more fun
nah we be listenning to our mentor with this one gents
Bro I always play my games with no HUD, specially Ac Origins, I did try with WD Legion but I couldnt, I really need the map logo and cameras to hack ✌
Yeah it’s fun but it’s so hard!
What about AC Mirage? Do you think playing with no HUD at all works well?
I did it make games so much immersive i like it
yeah its adicting