Could Spain’s snap election end with the first far-right party in power for half a century?

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • In Spain, polls are about to close in the country's snap general election.
    The Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called the vote after his socialist party's poor showing in recent local elections.
    His main rival is Alberto Nunez Feijoo - leader of the conservative Popular Party.
    If he’s unable to win outright, he may look to the Vox party for support - the first time a hard right party would be in government since General Franco's regime ended nearly half a century ago.
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Комментарии • 456

  • @johnberesford9906
    @johnberesford9906 Год назад +69

    Wow, British media reporting on Spain, showing a complete lack of understanding of the country and it's politics but reporting non the less

    • @DaRkLoRd-rc5yu
      @DaRkLoRd-rc5yu Год назад

      As long as people click they've already won

    • @Simonet1309
      @Simonet1309 Год назад +3

      Yep, that’s our UK media. Embarrassing really.

    • @danielgoring1328
      @danielgoring1328 Год назад

      Just about all we get in Britain is fake news. It's rather like American news

  • @notjustforhackers4252
    @notjustforhackers4252 Год назад +11

    Hopefully. Not that the "far right" is any better or worse than the "far left" but most nations now need political realignment. The far left have destroyed pretty much everything at this point, it is the first step to getting back to sensible centrist politics.

    • @danielgoring1328
      @danielgoring1328 Год назад

      The entire western world has been devastated by the far-left / radical-left. Worse yet peole are so brianwashed by the MSM that they believe anything that isn't left-wing is racist and evil. They don't think for themselves anymore becuase their masters on Twitter tell them what to think

  • @oliveoyle2594
    @oliveoyle2594 Год назад +19

    Why do the British media call everyone far right?

    • @nicelittlerunner
      @nicelittlerunner Год назад

      Shamelessly showing videos of a Spanish government doing Nazi salutes, convinced this new party is the same thing.
      The stupidest reporters on planet earth are at channel 4.

    • @elainesabatino7467
      @elainesabatino7467 Год назад

      Because the Regime is Antiwhite.

    • @kittycatwithinternetaccess2356
      @kittycatwithinternetaccess2356 Год назад

      not just british media

  • @bettycastro835
    @bettycastro835 Год назад +18

    Maybe theyv'e had enough of Radical Far left !

    • @aleli5105
      @aleli5105 Год назад

      Enough with Socialist shite!

    • Год назад

      No! The socialist party just had its best electoral result since 2008 gaining 1 million more votes than the previous elections! The People's Party underperformed the polls and the far right party VOX lost 19 seats!!! The media was feeding into the narrative that the socialist party was doomed for months yet they have outperformed the polls not losing but gaining parliamentary seats!

  • @lannyfromcanada3485
    @lannyfromcanada3485 Год назад +62

    When did family values become "far right" ???

    • @mdipltd7404
      @mdipltd7404 Год назад +16

      When the schools started preaching leftist diatribes.

    • @End-Result
      @End-Result Год назад

      @@mdipltd7404 Who? Where? What?
      Stop making things up, snowflake

    • @mazking1366
      @mazking1366 Год назад +6

      when you guys started using it as a dog whistle

    • @StratsRUs
      @StratsRUs Год назад +1

      Triggered you ?

    • @lynnevenables7193
      @lynnevenables7193 Год назад +1

      When fartarse and Tommy ten names used them as a front!

  • @evilmrdracula
    @evilmrdracula Год назад +83

    Channel 4: Oh no, a democratic election that might elect someone we dont like

    • @elenapoe3424
      @elenapoe3424 Год назад +4

      Absolutely. Bringing up Franco's dictatorship images while talking about a certain politic party is just disgusting.

    • @mazking1366
      @mazking1366 Год назад +5

      @@elenapoe3424 not when it's accurate

    • @orangemanbad
      @orangemanbad Год назад +5

      Channel 4: we must protect democracy by not counting the votes like we did to Americans.

    • @lv3609
      @lv3609 Год назад

      The likes of Steve Bannon, Mike Pompeo were keen in propping up European far-right movements in aims to breakup EU, same for Conservatives in UK with their insults towards EU and EU politicians (UK ERG politicians were particularly vocals).
      So if Spaniards nationalists takeout Gibraltar, it would be hilarious.

    • @davidross7241
      @davidross7241 Год назад

      The BBC and Channel 4 are far left Stalinist institutions

  • @pmgomes77
    @pmgomes77 Год назад +16

    The piece is so missleading that is scary! Absolutely moving away from Channel 4! Its absolutely Disgraceful

  • @adam2956
    @adam2956 Год назад +3

    Pretty much every right wing party is called far right in Europe.

  • @Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs.
    @Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. Год назад +108

    So if I Google Vox and look up their policies, will I find a hostility to democracy, a wish to set up an autocratic police state, and a willingness to use violence? Or are they socially conservative types who don't like mass immigration much? Because I trust C4's definition of far-right as far as I can throw it.

    • @MrHidelfon
      @MrHidelfon Год назад

      They are a regular right-wing party. Nowadays anything to the right of Stalin is considered by leftwing media as far right. I find amusing that they never mention the real far-left parties

    • @peter9162
      @peter9162 Год назад

      Well, no, they aren't going to publish that on their website, are they? Because they need to win over enough popular support to gain majority, and then, when they've achieved power, they can implement all of the things you listed above. That's typically the modus operandi of the far-right.

    • @RoxanneM-
      @RoxanneM- Год назад

      Yes, they are NOT only anti immigration. They are a fascist pro-Franco party who is also misogynist (this is a characteristic of all anti-democratic (autocratic) governments) - and anti gay, and with all the other fascist characteristics. I know some people do not share or vary in immigration policies, this alone does not make you a fascist. They all seem also to be helped by groups allied to anti-west oligarch sentiments, like Russia. Same as with LePen in France, and a large group in the current GOP Republican Party in the US. You will see more of this in the news later.

    • @pluntchgunster6156
      @pluntchgunster6156 Год назад

      Populist conservatism is fascism though.

    • @lv3609
      @lv3609 Год назад

      The likes of Steve Bannon, Mike Pompeo were keen in propping up European far-right movements in aims to breakup EU, same for Conservatives in UK with their insults towards EU and EU politicians (UK ERG politicians were particularly vocals).
      So if Spaniards nationalists takeout Gibraltar, it would be hilarious.

  • @huwzebediahthomas9193
    @huwzebediahthomas9193 Год назад +28

    Are you suggesting Spain is going all 1936 again?
    Somehow, I personally don't think so! Don't stir, C4.

    • @billybob5337
      @billybob5337 Год назад

      Spain had no possible good outcome in that war. They were either going to be a under a Fascist government or a Stalinist government. Freedom was going to be crushed either way

  • @emma24ism
    @emma24ism Год назад +4

    By ‘far right’ do they just mean not WEF puppets?

  • @englished2304
    @englished2304 Год назад +21

    Im so happy to see europe' finally standing up to the fucking disgrace our leaders have allowed to happen in our continant

  • @faithingod5533
    @faithingod5533 Год назад +51

    Everything is far right to these berks at Channel 4

    • @treadstone1970
      @treadstone1970 Год назад +3

      Does that include you?

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад +3

      ​@@treadstone1970I'm extra far right

    • @faithingod5533
      @faithingod5533 Год назад +4

      @@treadstone1970 Seems like you have already made your mind up so why bother to ask bird brain? haha

    • @belkentens
      @belkentens Год назад +3

      Great use of the underused term ‘berks’

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад +2

      @@treadstone1970 I'm so far right I make the nazis look like tolerant liberals

  • @bettycastro835
    @bettycastro835 Год назад +8

    Mind your own channel far left 4 !

  • @mdipltd7404
    @mdipltd7404 Год назад +22

    Just being on the left is far-right to the extreme left and uk media.

    • @wrestlingp
      @wrestlingp Год назад +1

      You need to research politics more mate you have no idea what left or right is

    • @halberggb3124
      @halberggb3124 Год назад

      You talk like all UK media is not constantly pandering to Starmer and their lib-dem approach, while pissing on anything Corbyn or Johnson related.

    • @mdipltd7404
      @mdipltd7404 Год назад

      @@wrestlingp Well it keeps moving depending on the latest fad. What is factual is anything right of extreme left is right.

  • @j.harrison6744
    @j.harrison6744 Год назад +41

    If you move the Overton Window so far to the Left, you can make pretty much any sensible centrist idea appear to be "far-right".

    • @aleli5105
      @aleli5105 Год назад

      Exactly! that's what they are doing!

    • @byroncudworth6918
      @byroncudworth6918 Год назад

      Best comment yet.

    • @alunjones3860
      @alunjones3860 Год назад +1

      The meanings of left and right have changed. I don't know about Spain, but the UK's Labour is in no way left-wing in the traditional sense and I have no doubt the same is true for most of Europe. Most modern left-wing parties no longer advocate taking ownership of the means of production. The USSR failing and China adopting free-market policies have removed nationalising everything from the table. What has taken over is cultural Marxism i.e. the idea of restructuring society with the goal of achieving equal outcome regardless of class, gender, ethnicity etc. by so-called positive discrimination or affirmative action.
      Open borders were never a socialist idea. Communist states such as China and the USSR, had tighter border controls than any capitalist countries. The idea of open borders comes from the EU and the capitalist idea of freedom of movement in order to improve trade. It's only the so-called far right parties which oppose it.
      Something needs to change. Open borders are creating problems in Europe and the US which should be obvious. Cheap labour from low wage economies is driving down wages, the rise in population is pushing up property prices to unaffordable levels and the fact most of the incomers have a different culture and are not integrating is causing tension with the native population. None of the mainstream parties want better border control, because it benefits the elites. People have no choice but to vote for alternatives.

    • @wrestlingp
      @wrestlingp Год назад

      Well said! Though do we expect the far right to actually understand what the Overton window is? Fat chance

    • @shanedaley6236
      @shanedaley6236 Год назад

      ​@@alunjones3860you perfectly touched on the problem Europe and the us had the idea that if we did deals with China then they would change and be like us that never happened and it never will we are the one's that changed due to some of their ideals and some other horrible left wing policy's

  • @maykolee
    @maykolee Год назад +65

    the main stream media are like the extreme left, so when they say far right it’s pretty much centrist left 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @End-Result
      @End-Result Год назад

      You can tell you've never studied politics, silly little caveman

    • @dmw4914
      @dmw4914 Год назад

      BS Fascist liar

    • @isolationnationn
      @isolationnationn Год назад +3

      They are not, you just view it as far left because you are far right. Perspective.

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 Год назад

      @@End-Result You haven't.

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 Год назад

      @@dmw4914 As someone inspired by Fascism, please be quiet. He isn't lying. Go look at every Allied country views on things. You call anyone who doesn't suck off minorities a fascist. Bro... EVERY ALLIED COUNTRY LITERALLY HAD SEGREGATION. NO ONE WOULD'VE LIKED YOU.

  • @Jerry21238
    @Jerry21238 Год назад +21

    Not Far Right but Right So Far.

  • @strangemagic5502
    @strangemagic5502 Год назад +5

    At least the BBC and ITV used the term right wing as opposed to far right in their headlines for a change

    • @Ashelirria
      @Ashelirria Год назад

      When you have a party that is actually far-right who was posturing to entering the government, then yeah it makes sense to call such a party far-right.
      It's not the fucking UK or US politics where they didn't have a history of actually having fascist parties in power and attempting to ravage the world and kill jews or other undesirable races when given the chance.
      Countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. have an actual presence of people who still yearn for the years when fascist parties ruled their countries, their supporters among the population that survived didn't really disappear into thin air.

    • @danielgoring1328
      @danielgoring1328 Год назад

      Perhaps channel 4 is even further left than the BBC... I didnt think that was ever possible😂

  • @PNF1922
    @PNF1922 Год назад +6

    🟦 Franco was not a Fascist. 🟥

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 Год назад +1

      @@Just_another_Euro_dude No he didn't. Why do you clowns make stuff up? He was a Reactionary Monarchist Conservative. He refused to join the Axis. Used both Fascists abroad and within to win the Spanish Civil War. He didn't implement Falangist policies. He collaborated with the Allies. If he was Fascist (like the actual Spanish Fascists Falangist), he would've joined the war. Stop making things up.

  • @zenster1097
    @zenster1097 Год назад +5

    Franco wasn't Fascist but Reactionary Conservative Monarchist. Showing Franco with Hitler is misleading. Franco refused to enter the war on the Axis side when Hitler begged (which is what those meetings you show were about). The only Fascists in Spain were the Falangists. Carlists and Alfonsism were much larger than Falangists.

  • @zedtrek
    @zedtrek Год назад +1

    And the answer was: NO.

  • @bigbinji6145
    @bigbinji6145 Год назад +9

    what is wrong with Channel 4 peddling hatred of anyone who isn't a migrant , transgender or a paedophile ? We all have opinions , and they have a right to theirs.

  • @LILLYB8328
    @LILLYB8328 Год назад +3

    Far Right 🤣🤣

  • @Josh-fz9rh
    @Josh-fz9rh 10 месяцев назад +1

    Is it strange how globally countries are dealing with challenges are based around the same topics and they’re all supported by socialist 🤔. I wonder which variable is static, the socialist or the topics?

  • @derekrushton1705
    @derekrushton1705 Год назад +26

    Fantastic news. At last the tide is starting to turn. Italy now Spain. Hopefully France will be next. Superb.

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад

      The tide is not enough to deal with the problems Europe faces unfortunately

    • @mobilusinmobili8321
      @mobilusinmobili8321 Год назад

      Only if we give up.

    • @Mattyouyous
      @Mattyouyous Год назад

      The world is getting sick and tired of the lies and sick agendas these evil politicians are trying to force on us

  • @humptydumphty
    @humptydumphty Год назад +3

    If you are not pervert or child groomer you are far right according to british media.

  • @BritishEngineer
    @BritishEngineer Год назад +32

    I have been gay since my early teens, I’ve been in the furry fandom since age twelve and I’m also a femboy. I have never been so appalled at what’s happening with society today.
    A large portion of the LGBTQIA+ community is radical left biased, which is sub par to the definition concerning supporting the rights of decent people.
    The aforementioned group was once formed to support the rights of people like me, and I feel qualified to say that it has gone rogue, it heavily violates our principles for this to be forced into schools into childrens’ faces.
    There’s a definitive line between supporting LGBT+ rights, and utilising modern day social engineering and psychological operations to manipulate the plasticity of young minds into a malformation of corrupt ideologies.

    • @pluntchgunster6156
      @pluntchgunster6156 Год назад +1

      Oh you mean Catholicism which VOX openly supports? Yeah they touch kids.

    • @Extra_050
      @Extra_050 Год назад +2

      Wow, your post took a completely different turn than what I was expecting, based upon the first sentence. Glad I took the time to read the rest.

    • @catsdad2662
      @catsdad2662 Год назад +3

      Please explain this to the majority of pride supporting straight people...

    • @daanper8994
      @daanper8994 Год назад

      Go live in Iran if you're disappointed. Worm.

    • @Google_Does_Evil_Now
      @Google_Does_Evil_Now Год назад +3

      Can you explain what you mean when you say you're gay but that most of the LGBTQIA community are subpar when it comes to supporting the rights of "decent people"?
      Why have you, as a gay man, separated out gay people from decent people?
      Or are you saying that those who are ruthless are decent?
      Do you support the Tories change to housing that means houses now cost 10x average salary, when it was 3x back in the early 1980s before Thatcher's policies destroyed affordable housing and caused a 300% increase in house prices in her 11 years?
      Other countries in Europe such as France, Austria and Holland have increasing single person home ownership, while in Britain it's collapsing because of Tory policies.
      Why do you want British people to suffer wages cuts every year in real terms while prices are raised because of greed-flation?
      The level of exploitation by the rich against the British people is disgusting.

  • @elainesabatino7467
    @elainesabatino7467 Год назад +1

    No White Guilt Forever! ❤

  • @himebaughchris4026
    @himebaughchris4026 Год назад +1

    Communists "Saving Democracy".... 😂

  • @13strange67
    @13strange67 Год назад +2

    Oh no ! I've just stumbled across, yet another, Non-story ( face palm )

  • @zenster1097
    @zenster1097 Год назад +2

    You have your "other" as well. The white, male, straight, population.

  • @bertussss
    @bertussss Год назад +2

    Far-right 🤣🤣😮😮😮

  • @James_Blonde
    @James_Blonde Год назад

    Far-Right (translation) Traditional Conservative Values.

  • @BarryHawk
    @BarryHawk Год назад +1

    Far right? Ha, ha. Stop with this nonsense appellation.

  • @grumbla1
    @grumbla1 Год назад +1

    Good news every one the stupid wealth tax is gone.

  • @jimcourt9164
    @jimcourt9164 Год назад +1


    • Год назад +1

      Right! So proud Spain! The media insisted for months that the center right (PP) and far right (VOX) would win the elections while the socialist party would lose a lot of seats but WE STOPED THAT! The right parties underperformed the polls, VOX lost 19 seats! PP was 20+ seats below the poll expectations while the socialist party PSOE outperformed the polls, not losing seats but actually gaining!!! Best electoral result for the socialist party since 2008!

  • @wobblywally-0
    @wobblywally-0 Год назад +2

    Excellent 👍 more people not learning lessons we should have learnt 80 years ago. The christian propaganda is working.

    • @jackincorporated6099
      @jackincorporated6099 Год назад

      What is “Christian propaganda”?

    • @lucasa.a4495
      @lucasa.a4495 Год назад +1

      ​@@jackincorporated6099Very strange and indoctrinated people in Spain!!!

  • @Eric-ww2qb
    @Eric-ww2qb Год назад +1

    "far-right" sounds like a good thing

  • @Garycarlyle
    @Garycarlyle Год назад

    How is it far right? And why not so much dismay for the far left then? Surely both extremes are bad.

  • @jeanclaudejunior
    @jeanclaudejunior Год назад

    But guess what. It just failed

  • @warriorprincess5149
    @warriorprincess5149 Год назад +1

    As they used to be.

  • @paulnelson7698
    @paulnelson7698 Год назад

    Are taxpayers money is funding a far right country in Ukraine.

  • @johncatto5019
    @johncatto5019 Год назад +2

    I am very curious what they mean by the FAR RIGHT. The left is losing traction in many places, nationalism is becoming more important to many people. No bias here at all.

    • @aiertxuu5310
      @aiertxuu5310 Год назад

      They are considering Far Right to the Francoist party, VOX. Same as in Italy the #proudofMussolini party FdI is considered FR; Same as LePen in France is considered the same. You know: Far Right.

  • @briaredpath9386
    @briaredpath9386 Год назад

    Waaay better than a far wrong one 🤷‍♂️

  • @trudeausbackbone1304
    @trudeausbackbone1304 Год назад +3

    Channel Four bricking it.

  • @joneskurian3923
    @joneskurian3923 Год назад

    Bbc, far right is any one who is not a commie 😂

    • @django3422
      @django3422 Год назад

      You're a bit confused about C4 and the BBC...

  • @maddogsenglishmen8020
    @maddogsenglishmen8020 Год назад +1

    Left keep creating right wing voters 😄 🤣 😂

  • @jimcourt9164
    @jimcourt9164 Год назад

    BBC reporting leftists as winners… LOL

  • @henryprzepiorka
    @henryprzepiorka Год назад +2

    far-right= normal people

  • @tonywilliams7152
    @tonywilliams7152 Год назад

    This is obvious propaganda

  • @stevensharp5135
    @stevensharp5135 Год назад +1

    Might halt the degeneracy and the circling of the drain for humanity.

  • @cetGT3
    @cetGT3 Год назад +1


  • @Will46666
    @Will46666 Год назад +1

    “Far Right” seems to suggest Fascism. But Fascism came out of Socialism.

  • @brianeduardo1234
    @brianeduardo1234 Год назад +1

    Not the civil war - v poor and simplistic analysis

  • @theenglishpatriot.3372
    @theenglishpatriot.3372 Год назад +9

    I pray the far right wins. Far Right means peoples party in todays climate. 👍🇬🇧🇷🇺

    • @End-Result
      @End-Result Год назад +1

      Hello Russian bot

    • @StratsRUs
      @StratsRUs Год назад


    • @Flumpadorus
      @Flumpadorus Год назад

      @@End-Resultthat is the side you are on, right=pro-Russia.

  • @001HK0
    @001HK0 Год назад +7

    Not surprising considering the country hasn't properly reckoned with the legacy of Franco and has kept its ties with Francoist Opus Dei.

    • @lucasa.a4495
      @lucasa.a4495 Год назад

      Very strange and indoctrinated people!

    • @alunjones3860
      @alunjones3860 Год назад

      This has got nothing to do with Franco. What the mainstream media deem to be far-right, is completely different to the parties who took over Spain, Italy and Germany in the 1930s. All they want is more border control and a return to more traditional family values. They don't want to make being non-straight illegal, stop women from working, or discriminate against ethnic minorities. They just want a return to most of the social policies of around 10 years ago, which the majority agreed with back then.

    • @ramonam9251
      @ramonam9251 Год назад

      Yay for Opus Dei. Smart people of integrity.

    • @RickyVis
      @RickyVis Год назад +1

      You really have no clue what Opus Dei is do you?

    • @ramonam9251
      @ramonam9251 Год назад

      @@RickyVis woke liar

  • @marthaarnold6763
    @marthaarnold6763 Год назад +1

    Ooh no! Pedro Sanchez is the best rainbow friend. Pedro out!!

  • @rm-home1072
    @rm-home1072 Год назад +11

    Spain NEED VOX ✨️‼️

    • @lucasa.a4495
      @lucasa.a4495 Год назад

      I see you are spanish. Spain people are strange and indoctrinated people!!!

  • @BockwinkleB
    @BockwinkleB Год назад

    As slanted as your reporting is, at least you allow comments so we can see what the people have to say. Unlike PBS and Reuters.

  • @belkentens
    @belkentens Год назад +3

    Let’s hope so

  • @javierbusto1964
    @javierbusto1964 3 месяца назад

    What a ridiculous video 🙄

  • @jamalhassan109
    @jamalhassan109 Год назад

    Brittany loves far right policy

  • @damienmullan8880
    @damienmullan8880 Год назад +16

    Hopefully they win 👍👍👍

    • Год назад +3

      They did not, VOX actually lost 19 seats while the socialist worker's party gained seats and had its best electoral result since 2008.

    • @jeanclaudejunior
      @jeanclaudejunior Год назад +1

      ​ 👍

  • @alunjones3860
    @alunjones3860 Год назад +6

    The people from Vox they've shown on this video appear to be pretty reasonable. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing. There needs to be a change. All the fear-mongering is unfounded. If they do anything crazy, they'll be out.

  • @metacoppercoin5292
    @metacoppercoin5292 Год назад

    Que Si.
    Espero que no.

  • @defaultjames5205
    @defaultjames5205 Год назад +3

    Channel 4 trying to suggest vox is evil and spain is going back to Franco times 😂

  • @chickenminute8195
    @chickenminute8195 Год назад +1


  • @caustinolino3687
    @caustinolino3687 Год назад +2

    What are the far right policies and actions Vox will take if they win power? This news report was very short on specifics.

    • @rb1062
      @rb1062 Год назад

      Lefty Channel 4. Too obsessed with calling people "far right" without substance to back up their childish claims.

    • Год назад

      1. Eliminate the autonomous communities of Spain and essentially erase the cultural plurality of Spain making it a single political entity.
      2. Make visible the presence of the militar administration (and I quote their political agenda) "specially in separatist territories" (basically insight fear into civilians for subordination)
      3. Eliminate the law of "Democratic Memory" wich tries to remember and provide justice to the victims of the Spanish Civil War and Franco-ist Dictatorship
      4. Return British Gibraltar back to Spain

  • @lilybee9875
    @lilybee9875 Год назад +1

    God job Spain

  • @lesterbeedell9725
    @lesterbeedell9725 Год назад +1

    Google seems to have removed my previous comment
    Not far right but only RIGHT

  • @rexfordwatson3416
    @rexfordwatson3416 Год назад


  • @A_Takacs
    @A_Takacs Год назад +2

    Viva Cristo Rey!

  • @topskek9786
    @topskek9786 Год назад +1

    God willing.

  • @petertalbot7261
    @petertalbot7261 Год назад +1

    A sober-minded consideration of the European political landscape. Not just Finland. It seems to be trending more broadly throughout the continent.

  • @mick2d2
    @mick2d2 Год назад

    Both VOX (far right) and Sumar/Podemos (far left) have lost support, compared to previous elections (which is a good thing).
    The two more sensible options PP (Conservatives) and PSOE (Labour) have both gained support (a lot more in the case of the PP, regaining ground lost to VOX previously).
    The problem is that neither have enough seats to form a government without dropping their trousers!
    It's a real pity we lost the main central party (Cuidadanos)due to their incompetence and unrealistic ambitions!
    Had they formed a proper coalition with PSOE (before they cocked it up and lost all their support), the PSOE wouldn't have had to drop their pants to the nationalist (minority, when it comes to overall national population) parties, and we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

  • @smellthecoffee5314
    @smellthecoffee5314 Год назад

    "So what you are saying is ......."
    Channel 4's idea of reporting :
    Ask a question then change the answer into what they wished you had said.
    A totally untrustworthy organisation - laugh at them.

  • @christopher71300
    @christopher71300 Год назад +1

    I hope so.

  • @Phyroxin
    @Phyroxin Год назад +2

    Say you're a far left news organisation without saying you're a far left news organisation

  • @KellySmunt303
    @KellySmunt303 Год назад

    What's wrong with that?

  • @oumuamua1963
    @oumuamua1963 Год назад

    We stayed centric and the left has went far
    Edit is wrote this and relised all the comments say the same thing theres your feedback now give peiple what they want

  • @Tedword585
    @Tedword585 Год назад +1


  • @KJ-js7pi
    @KJ-js7pi Год назад +1

    The UK will be the next European country to elect a left wing party it seems

    • @johnberesford9906
      @johnberesford9906 Год назад +4

      There is a left wing party in the UK?

    • @adarkimpurity
      @adarkimpurity Год назад +7

      No one likes Starmer and his policies are failing.

    • @misteripupa7963
      @misteripupa7963 Год назад

      They manage the economy very well mis cojones

    • @dec3142
      @dec3142 Год назад +1

      ​@@Jeffoneil.entreprenur😂 Many left when they voted brexit. Bit late aren't you

    • @mdipltd7404
      @mdipltd7404 Год назад

      The tories are totally the new left wing.

  • @stevedawson4928
    @stevedawson4928 Год назад

    Good result 👍

  • @parasinthephilippines
    @parasinthephilippines Год назад +121

    Like Italy , Sweden and Finland.
    Spain will be the next country to vote in a center right Nationilist country.
    Nationlism isnt Far Right.
    Its a common right.
    Oh and Germany and France to follow.
    The people are talking but you werent listening. So they have voiced through their vote.
    Its called democracy.😊

    • @Anne_Onymous
      @Anne_Onymous Год назад

      Everything is "far right" these days.
      And racist, fascist, transphobic, etc, etc, etc.
      They're all so watered down they mean nothing anymore.

    • @adarkimpurity
      @adarkimpurity Год назад

      Reporter on left-leaning politician - "Look at his striking smile!"
      Reporter on right-leaning politician "They are far-right nazis!"
      Both parties are centre-left/right, with far-left/right fringes supporting them.

    • @Morning404
      @Morning404 Год назад

      Good luck with your corporate fascists using immigrants as bait to continue to rip you off. Very smart.

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад +21

      The centre right are worse for our nations. We need a far right

    • @Marcus-ym1oj
      @Marcus-ym1oj Год назад +1


  • @rokn9591
    @rokn9591 Год назад

    Let's hope so

  • @haggisuk9952
    @haggisuk9952 Год назад +8

    Good luck to em. Far Right uk wins will hopefully follow. . Well we can dream

    • @Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs.
      @Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. Год назад

      We're on our way. The EU gone, and with that the Conservatives are exposed as in favour of mass immigration, selling our industry abroad, etc, all the things they blamed on the EU. They are unlikely to recover from the next GE defeat. A few years of equally useless Labour, and then they get crushed by whatever in the next few years develops on the Right. Whether an existing party or a new one. Just like has happened in the rest of Europe. Be interesting to see what develops.

    • @debiagungte9466
      @debiagungte9466 Год назад

      Please cry left wing will won United Kingdom , usa election ,

  • @luisinhocuenta9496
    @luisinhocuenta9496 Год назад +13

    Well Sanchez resisted a great politician, I am glad he resisted against Feijoo

  • @mrcommonsense5935
    @mrcommonsense5935 Год назад +9

    "Far right " = anyone who has common sense

    • @petergriffin3194
      @petergriffin3194 Год назад +2

      Says the American

    • @rb1062
      @rb1062 Год назад

      ​@@petergriffin3194What's being American got to do with it???

    • @TheAArmstrong
      @TheAArmstrong Год назад

      @@rb1062 that’s British left wing bigotry. Basically they’re too dumb to see the irony in their contempt for the US. Bunch of clowns 🤡

    • @mrcommonsense5935
      @mrcommonsense5935 Год назад

      @@petergriffin3194 says the Canadian

    • @petergriffin3194
      @petergriffin3194 Год назад

      @@mrcommonsense5935 🤓🤓🤓 not canadian

  • @vvwalker7261
    @vvwalker7261 Год назад +13

    By "far-right" you mean "centre-right"... Stop the hyperbole

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад

      You're not wrong. There's no such thing as far right parties in Europe. The centre right are perhaps even worse than leftists though.

    • @a.t.c.3862
      @a.t.c.3862 Год назад +1

      There's nothing 'centre' about Vox.

    • @kingofracism
      @kingofracism Год назад +2

      @@a.t.c.3862 everything about them

  • @unlimited-6183
    @unlimited-6183 Год назад +2

    LGBT • The Woke Wars

  • @Ash-gv7uj
    @Ash-gv7uj Год назад +1

    "far right" LOL! everything is far right according to these muppets

  • @englishtothebone
    @englishtothebone Год назад +7

    Fucking yes cmon

  • @survivalcatchpole
    @survivalcatchpole Год назад +1

    Very biased reporting 🙄

  • @Redpilled66
    @Redpilled66 Год назад +8

    History doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. When neoliberal capitalism destroys the worker, the rise of ultra nationalism and the far right prevails. 100 years ago this happened.

    • @wrestlingp
      @wrestlingp Год назад

      Voting for the ultranationalist and populist parties was so 2016. Spain is a bit late to the game. Still, you're right, yet the establishments around Europe are using ultranationalism to keep in power.

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 Год назад

      @@wrestlingp No he isn't. Neither are you.

    • @wrestlingp
      @wrestlingp Год назад

      @@zenster1097 you've been living under a rock for the last 13 years then

  • @pavloarmand4070
    @pavloarmand4070 Год назад +19

    I do feel that the Spanish Left have gone too far. Podemos, avowedly Communist, have had far too much say in the Sanchez government. Pablo Iglesias, the former leader, stated that he wished to end religion and the Catholic church's influence as well as get rid of the Spanish monarchy. Podemos had connections with Maduro's Venezuela and also the Communists of Catalunya. Sanchez himself has some unsavoury connections including his father-in-law who owns a male brothel in Madrid. Whilst I was on a crowded commuter train in Valencia recently I saw two young women, standing by the doors, deep kissing each other in full view of other passengers. Even hetero couples wouldn't do that. It's the sort of behaviour that just hands power to extremist politicians. Very silly.

    • @alunjones3860
      @alunjones3860 Год назад +2

      It's only natural for one to feel disgust when they see people they find unattractive being intimate. I'm sure you would have had a similar reaction, had it been an old fat straight couple. There's nothing phobic about that.

    • @lauramatos1181
      @lauramatos1181 Год назад

      I completely agree with you!!

    • @hog7203
      @hog7203 Год назад +1

      Just because you don't agree or understand something doesn't make it wrong. You wouldn't want people who don't agree with your beliefs telling you how to live, or worse making what you believe in illegal. And why would you want religions to have an influence on how your government is run? I have nothing against religion, but it rarely mixes well with government. Religious groups can be as corrupt as any special interest group, businesses, politicians etc.
      The monarchy thing you mentioned, I know nothing about, we don't have that in my country.

    • @alunjones3860
      @alunjones3860 Год назад

      @@hog7203 I'm not strongly religious myself and see religion as both good and bad. Like all organisations it can be corrupt, but Christianity has given Europe many good things: a legal system which awards compensation to victims, respect for human life, a guilt, rather than shame based society i.e. one avoids doing something immoral because it's bad, rather than through fear of social stigma. Atheist societies tend to adopt other ideologies, just as irrational as religion and it doesn't end well either. We saw that in the USSR and Mao's China. Elements of the modern left have some equally crazy ideologies based around intersectionality.
      It's a bad idea to simply tear down ancient institutions for no good reason at all. Things changing, slowly along with society is one thing, but revolutions rarely go smoothly.

  • @thesadavacantist5194
    @thesadavacantist5194 Месяц назад

    Franco was the last truly great Catholic leader. Also Franco is not a fascist he was a nationalist there is a massive difference.

  • @zigzagmilk15
    @zigzagmilk15 Год назад

    Says the country with an unelected leader 🤡🤡🤡

  • @kratospaualeo5591
    @kratospaualeo5591 Год назад

    Sanchez, pretty much the worst garbage that Spain's endured these past years

  • @Mr.Edd3905
    @Mr.Edd3905 Год назад +3

    God help us

    • @SausageRoll4u
      @SausageRoll4u Год назад

      Coming from some creepy boomer, with a creepy pfp

    • @cdean2789
      @cdean2789 Год назад

      I thought we won WW2.