1. As of 3:18, are you in the Classic view or the Modern view?2. As of 3:18 at the bottom left of the screen it should say return to Classic View or Exit Classic View or something like that. Why doesn't the choice to switch views display in the bottom left of the screen?
Can you have any blog regards SharePoint workflow
1. As of 3:18, are you in the Classic view or the Modern view?2. As of 3:18 at the bottom left of the screen it should say return to Classic View or Exit Classic View or something like that. Why doesn't the choice to switch views display in the bottom left of the screen?
how do you add autosum per dropdown?
how you can make workflow with signature approval?thank you!!
Most of users are very confused with WF generated tasks, so customers prefer full custom solutions for document approving.
The sound is really bad
I agree , it's very quite